Where's My Cat?
Help a little old lady boggie-woogie her way around town, searching for her kitty in this point-and-click adventure from OK Interactive. Use the map to explore the town, finding objects and helping out the citizens to reach the lost cat. The odd blending of the macabre into whimsy will lightly jiggle your appreciation for dark humor while providing a fun, easy way to fill a coffee break.
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Where's My Cat Walkthrough
Music Note: to turn off the music, click the wrench icon in the upper left corner then select "music off."
Begin inside Mrs. Glick's livingroom:
Look under the left couch cushion:
Click the door on the right to exit the room.
Now out in the hallway:
Knock on the door on the right:
Your neighbor tells you that he saw the cat go to the vampire's (Mr. Robinson).
At this point you're given a map to the town. Use the map by either:
If you are inside, you'll need to go through a door to the outside.
While outside, click the map icon in the bottom left corner of the game screen. (From the hallway, you only need to follow the door to the outside.)
Select the pharmacy in the upper left corner of the map to go there:
Take the OLIVES from the tree outside the pharmacy.
Then, click the door to enter the pharmacy.
Click the sleeping pills PRESCRIPTION to highlight it,
then click on the PHARMACIST to give him the prescription.
You'll get a SLEEPING PILL.
Click the door to exit back out to the street.
Using the map, go to Joe's Place:
While outside Joe's Place, notice that the utility pole has an interactive spot. This might come in handy later.
Click the door to go inside Joe's Place.
Pick up the ICE from the bucket in the lower left side of the room.
Click the pistachio poster on the wall to get:
Talk to the bartender to get:
a glass of BEER.
Go through the door back out to the street and open your map again.
Now go to The Market:
Talk to the fresh garlic seller to get:
From the counter of the meat stall, get:
Look storm drain on the bottom left edge of the sidewalk to get:
a SAW.
Click on the AXE (tied to the pole of the meat stall) to find out grandma needs "something interesting" to trade for it.
Follow the map to Mr. Robinson's Mansion:
The doorman won't let Mrs. Glick enter so she'll need to trick him first:
Highlight the BEER and then click on the ICE to chill the beer.
Then, highlight the PILL and put it in the beer to get COLD DRUGGED BEER.
Give the ice/sleeping pill/beer concoction to the doorman and he'll zonk out.
Before going through the double doors into Mr. Robinson's Mansion, vampire protection is needed:
Use the GARLIC from The Market on Mrs. Glick.
Then, click the doors to enter the mansion.
Inside the foyer is a big grouchy dog:
Maybe he's hungry?
Go through the door on the left.
At the big green chop chop machine:
Plug its cord into the socket on the left.
Turn it to "ON."
Insert the OLIVES into the chute on the right side of the machine to make:
Go through the door on the right side of the room.
Go past the dog through the double doors to exit the mansion.
Use the map to return to The Market:
Give the OLIVE OIL to the meat stall guy and he'll give you:
the AXE.
If you haven't done so already, get the SAW from out of the storm drain in the sidewalk.
Now that you have an ax and a saw, use the map to return to outside Joe's Place:
Use the SAW to cut down the utility pole.
Then, go back to Mr. Robinson's:
Go back into the chopping machine room (enter mansion then click door on the left).
Put the WOOD from the utility pole into the chopper to get:
Use the AXE to cut the lock off the door on the left.
Go through the new door.
A monkey is blocking the path to the last door:
Feed the monkey the PISTACHIOS that Joe gave you.
Click the door on the left.
There's Mr. Robinson, snoozing peacefully with the kitty. What does Mrs. Glick do to save her cat?
Give the dog the HAM BONE.
Use STAKE made from the utility pole to stab the vampire. Brrrr. That's one gruesome grammy!
Ummm, well, you did what you came here to do...
You saved Mrs. Glick's cat!
I have a suggestion for your walkthrough.
The wording on #7 suggests that you can do that step before you have to read the spoiler inside it. Since I didn't want to accidentally see the answer to more than I needed, I kept going over steps 1-6, over and over, trying to see what I'd missed. I only figured it out by watching the game's video walkthrough.
[I've rephrased it a bit to be more explicit about what is in the spoiler, but the whole walkthrough is designed so that very little is given away except what you need, where you need it, so there should never be more than what you want to see. ;) ~elle]
OK, really bad gameplay. Had no idea what the green things from the tree were -- no dialog appeared when she picked them. Guess it didn't matter as the machine wasn't an olive press. Also, why not have map constantly available once she's discovered it? Annoying to have to back out of the mansion to access other places.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Where's My Cat Walkthrough
Music Note: to turn off the music, click the wrench icon in the upper left corner then select "music off."
Begin inside Mrs. Glick's livingroom:
Look under the left couch cushion:
Click the door on the right to exit the room.
Now out in the hallway:
Knock on the door on the right:
Your neighbor tells you that he saw the cat go to the vampire's (Mr. Robinson).
At this point you're given a map to the town. Use the map by either:
If you are inside, you'll need to go through a door to the outside.
While outside, click the map icon in the bottom left corner of the game screen. (From the hallway, you only need to follow the door to the outside.)
Select the pharmacy in the upper left corner of the map to go there:
Take the OLIVES from the tree outside the pharmacy.
Then, click the door to enter the pharmacy.
Click the sleeping pills PRESCRIPTION to highlight it,
then click on the PHARMACIST to give him the prescription.
You'll get a SLEEPING PILL.
Click the door to exit back out to the street.
Using the map, go to Joe's Place:
While outside Joe's Place, notice that the utility pole has an interactive spot. This might come in handy later.
Click the door to go inside Joe's Place.
Pick up the ICE from the bucket in the lower left side of the room.
Click the pistachio poster on the wall to get:
Talk to the bartender to get:
a glass of BEER.
Go through the door back out to the street and open your map again.
Now go to The Market:
Talk to the fresh garlic seller to get:
From the counter of the meat stall, get:
Look storm drain on the bottom left edge of the sidewalk to get:
a SAW.
Click on the AXE (tied to the pole of the meat stall) to find out grandma needs "something interesting" to trade for it.
Follow the map to Mr. Robinson's Mansion:
The doorman won't let Mrs. Glick enter so she'll need to trick him first:
Highlight the BEER and then click on the ICE to chill the beer.
Then, highlight the PILL and put it in the beer to get COLD DRUGGED BEER.
Give the ice/sleeping pill/beer concoction to the doorman and he'll zonk out.
Before going through the double doors into Mr. Robinson's Mansion, vampire protection is needed:
Use the GARLIC from The Market on Mrs. Glick.
Then, click the doors to enter the mansion.
Inside the foyer is a big grouchy dog:
Maybe he's hungry?
Give the dog the HAM BONE.
Go through the door on the left.
At the big green chop chop machine:
Plug its cord into the socket on the left.
Turn it to "ON."
Insert the OLIVES into the chute on the right side of the machine to make:
Go through the door on the right side of the room.
Go past the dog through the double doors to exit the mansion.
Use the map to return to The Market:
Give the OLIVE OIL to the meat stall guy and he'll give you:
the AXE.
If you haven't done so already, get the SAW from out of the storm drain in the sidewalk.
Now that you have an ax and a saw, use the map to return to outside Joe's Place:
Use the SAW to cut down the utility pole.
Then, go back to Mr. Robinson's:
Go back into the chopping machine room (enter mansion then click door on the left).
Put the WOOD from the utility pole into the chopper to get:
Use the AXE to cut the lock off the door on the left.
Go through the new door.
A monkey is blocking the path to the last door:
Feed the monkey the PISTACHIOS that Joe gave you.
Click the door on the left.
There's Mr. Robinson, snoozing peacefully with the kitty. What does Mrs. Glick do to save her cat?
Use STAKE made from the utility pole to stab the vampire. Brrrr. That's one gruesome grammy!
Ummm, well, you did what you came here to do...
You saved Mrs. Glick's cat!
Posted by: elle
September 2, 2012 6:36 PM