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What You See

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3.3/5 (154 votes)

In What You See, a new point-and-click puzzle game, sometimes what you see isn't what you get. Just follow the instructions for each level, trying to figure out what they mean and then performing the action(s) required. It's a bit like a classic riddle game, but with a large dose of pointing and clicking added to make it accessible to a more casual audience.

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Walkthrough Guide

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1. Click on the 'm' and 'e' in the second word.

2. Click on the last letter.

3. Click on all 't's.

4. Click on all red letters.

5. Click on all large letters.

6. Right click on the rightmost mouse and select 'Just Click Here'.

7. Remove all letters except the first of each word. Note that these letters spell the colour that the text is written in.

8. Remove 'gst' from 'Ghost' and 't' & 'i' from 'Taxi'.

9. Remove all letters except the first. (H).

10. In order: d,e,i,n,o,r. Ignore red letters.

11. Press the 'esc' key on your keyboard. Why? Because the only letters you can remove spell 'pressesc'.

12. Remove all red, orange and purple letters.

13. Remove the word 'red' from: RED, aRE Done, RED & cleaRED.

14. Remove 'ave' from alive, 'os' from ghosts, 'abve' from above and 'ear!' from near!. (Lights on.)

15. This is a fake level - same as 14, but with the letters 'neo' in grey. (Only acsessable from the level select screen.)

16. Click on the letters 'neo'.

17. Remove the first 'y', 'u', and 's'.

18. Remove the third and fourth 'a's in the first row, and the third in the second row.

19. Remove the tree, the sun, and the smoke.

20. Remove the letters in A-Z order. Use the letters in 'in order!' too.

21. Remove the letters so that 'notear' is left.

22. Ignore all this jumbled text, go back to the main menu and remove 'rate on' from the rating box, then click on one of the stars.

23. Easy, just remove all 't's.

There you go! :)


How do you do the "Flags" level?


What letters do each word start with?


Interesting game, but the puzzles seem too obscure for my tastes. I had to stop when I got the

Press - end puzzle, since my keyboard doesn't have that key, and I couldn't find an adequate replacement for it


ghost taxi....which 5 out


For the Ghost Taxi level

Delete the right side except for:

caitlin1989 November 19, 2009 5:41 PM

Stuck on level 22...any hints?


Yeah I know... But I need the collective brain on the next one 'cause I am stuck. But I will heed your advice for my next hint


I had the same problem as some other people.

There isn't an "end" button on my keyboard so I had to stop

But other than that I enjoyed the game. I just wish I could continue.

caitlin1989 November 19, 2009 5:48 PM

Tor and OfficiallyHaphazard

if you have a ten key pad then the end button should be at the top of it above the forward slash, if you only have the numbers running across the top of the keyboard, then you may not have it.


I can't seem to understand the /iod puzzle.

The hint leads me nowhere.

/iod can't really be pronounced too many ways, "slash-eye-odd", "divide-iod" nothing really seems to jump out as logical.


I call shenanigans on level 9.

I did a search for "/iod" and did not find what they said it means.

They said it means periodic table
Does anyone know anything about this?


Ugh. I dunno; if after the fact you think "oh, I shoulda got that" it's a good riddle, but right now I'm not sure I will once I work out level 5.


On /iod:

read as in: 12 eggs/carton


Oh, dear. I'm also one of those people without

an end key.

That is disappointing.


I'm one of those people without

a right mouse button

So I guess I get to quit before the levels that frustrate everyone else.


When you beat each level, make sure you wait for all of the text to appear before you click "Next Level". Otherwise, the game will not recognize that you've beaten those levels and it will be impossible to get past

level 22, because you need to go back to the main menu to beat it.

Also, I'm stuck on the Achievements.

I don't understand the "The Red~Letter: Not the Written One; Ten Min" Achievement.


Ouch 15 is currently kicking my butt.

The Great Dane November 19, 2009 7:35 PM

To anonymous: I believe your achievement comes from the level where you're supposed to remove the red letters - not the word "red". So you got the achievement for misunderstanding the order. :D

I have the same problem with the end-key. It doesn't seem to be on laptops - at least not my macbook. That seems to be a larger problem than the wasd-keys because at least they exist. But game developers should please consider those issues before releasing. :)

Otherwise a fun game, though difficult for me because English isn't my first language.


I'm with ShodoKat, level 15 makes no sense at all!


vosqos, you need to use the periodic table of elements. look at the second element.


Wow. I went to the walkthrough for a few of those levels, and man, this game would have been better if it had made sense. Some of the steps were sensible, but in some cases you just had to get reeeeally lucky, I guess.

For instance, I don't think Level 21 was particularly well-clued. Level 22 didn't really make any sense...

it was wholly unclear what needed anagramming, and I have no clue at all what the whole "no, don't note 18" stuff is all about

...and level 23 was outright broken, insofar as

I saw immediately that the stars corresponded to letters, but there's no star--at least for me--on Level 18, and for that matter there wasn't one on Level 23 until I'd solved Level 23.

Very disappointing game.


i'm not getting the 'red letter' achievement either. what's with 10 min?


Sorry, but "/iod" doesn't really signify anything significant to anyone, as far as I can tell. That was a weak riddle clue.


Great game. The

End key one was badly designed, sorry for you guys who can't do that level.

I seem to be unable to get the Red-Letter achievement. Anyone helping can have my digital cookies and cake! :P


how do you get the red letter achievment?

nerdypants November 19, 2009 8:28 PM

About level 15:

Holy crap what was that about? I just beat it (had to use the solutions) and I'm still confused. Obviously I can't explain it, but for anyone who wants a straight-up answer and NOT a hint:

Take out "neo".

nerdypants November 19, 2009 8:41 PM

Agh, giving up. The clues are too vague, and they don't make sense even with the solutions.


About level 15...

If you count levels on the menu, this is actually level 16. Level 14 and 15 (on the menu) are both the lights out level, with one small difference

n, e, and o are dimmer in the instruction

which is the answer to level "15"


@ Matt W

If you have a Mac, you can press control and click at the same time. This does the same thing as right clicking. If you don't have a mac, sorry for the bit of useless information.


on level 11, even if you have

an end key

I don't understand how you're supposed to know to do that -- the letters may be buried in the clue, but how on earth are you supposed to find that instruction?

This game looked like it would be fun, but I found it a real waste of time.



1. Click on the 'm' and 'e' in the second word.

2. Click on the last letter.

3. Click on all 't's.

4. Click on all red letters.

5. Click on all large letters.

6. Right click on the rightmost mouse and select 'Just Click Here'.

7. Remove all letters except the first of each word. Note that these letters spell the colour that the text is written in.

8. Remove 'gst' from 'Ghost' and 't' & 'i' from 'Taxi'.

9. Remove all letters except the first. (H).

10. In order: d,e,i,n,o,r. Ignore red letters.

11. Press the 'esc' key on your keyboard. Why? Because the only letters you can remove spell 'pressesc'.

12. Remove all red, orange and purple letters.

13. Remove the word 'red' from: RED, aRE Done, RED & cleaRED.

14. Remove 'ave' from alive, 'os' from ghosts, 'abve' from above and 'ear!' from near!. (Lights on.)

15. This is a fake level - same as 14, but with the letters 'neo' in grey. (Only acsessable from the level select screen.)

16. Click on the letters 'neo'.

17. Remove the first 'y', 'u', and 's'.

18. Remove the third and fourth 'a's in the first row, and the third in the second row.

19. Remove the tree, the sun, and the smoke.

20. Remove the letters in A-Z order. Use the letters in 'in order!' too.

21. Remove the letters so that 'notear' is left.

22. Ignore all this jumbled text, go back to the main menu and remove 'rate on' from the rating box, then click on one of the stars.

23. Easy, just remove all 't's.

There you go! :)


my (incorrect) solution to "ghost Taxi" was

O TAX, (zero tax, how unlikely)


on how 11 works:

Some of the letters can be clicked away, and some can't

and of course, it's the ones you delete that spell something useful


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot... is this person aware that not all computers have the same keyboard layouts?


Yay! My walkthrough's up! Thanks Jay! 8)


For those of you with laptops, to pass Level 11

Fn+LArrow is End. Fn+Up and Down arrows are PgUp/PgDown, respectively.

That's for Mac laptops, anyway.


Wow, I usually enjoy these types of games, but I just found this one frustrating.

For instance, the one where you have to look at the levels from the level select menu? The levels aren't numbered there, so I had no clue there was an extra one, since I always go straight to the next level instead of back to the menu.

Overall, it made itself less fun than it had to, at the expense of... trying to be clever? Obscure? I'm not sure. But it won't be a game I'd recommend to anyone.


There seemed to be only two kinds of levels: obvious to the point of boring, and so obscure that even after using the walkthrough, and reading comments, they don't make a lick of sense.


Based on some of the sentence structure/ word choices in the instructions it seems as though English is not the first language of the game designer.
"Please rate on my game"
"What you see is what you let to be seen"


When I click on the link for the game, a loading screen comes up for the game... But it basically is completely stopped at the point just before the end. Why won't it load? :(


I gave this a shot, but I guess it's not my type of game. I didn't really find it that much fun--most of the puzzles were too obscure, and there's not much point in just flipping through the solutions.


Found it hosted on a different site... 15 still doesn't make sense to me, even knowing the answer. And I accidentally clicked on the "hint" box on the last one, so I can't get the achievement :/


And yeah, not too fun for me... Puzzles were too hard/obscure. Couldn't solve half of 'em without a walkthrough.


Can't play the game. Whenever I click the link my browser gets redirected to the Italian version of the site (I'm in Italy ATM) and I can't see nothing but the homepage.
Shame because it seems interesting.


And then there's that "Red Letter" achievement, such as it is. A horribly obscure clue, combined with a task that you just can't stumble across accidentally. Apparently, no one here has figured out the gimmick for it.

It's also considered bad design to offer a reward for NOT doing something (in this case, looking at hints), and then include a puzzle that you can't solve on your own without looking at ALL of them.

So, basically, the only way to get through is by reading the hints. The only way to get the award is to NOT read the hints. Am I the only one who thinks there's something wrong with this logic?


D: using a laptop, and Fn+Larrow doesn't work, I'm not on a Mac. D:
It seems such a shame. I would have been one of the few who enjoy this game, as I love ridiculously obscure puzzles. I say again, D':


I agree with many others here. This game swung from being too easy to being so obscure that I just didn't care in the end. After reading the hints and walkthroughs for some of the puzzles I still don't understand why that was the answer. Like 23, for example. Why is that the answer based on that hint?

I have a feeling that a lot of this was due to the creator not speaking English as a first language. His choice of words and sentence structure just made things harder to understand.

Sheer_Cold November 20, 2009 3:45 PM

For the "red letter: achievement...

On level 4, "the red remover", I'm not totally sure about this but I think you have to remove the word "red" and then wait 10 minutes. Yeah, that's easy to figure out. X_X


Where the devil are the hints I hear so much about? All I see is a link to solutions.



It's the right arrow, not the left one. It confused me, too.


So just to check, on level 11:

You cannot go further if, like me, you have no "end" key?

I was totally into this game, and if that's how I'm going down, I don't think this game should even be featured on the site.



about the red letter achevement:

i had actually gotten that achevement on level 7. I got it after I had left my computer for a few minutes, but I don't know how that had earned it... You might have to wait ten minutes on a level without a hint on it.(possibly)

You cannot have my's mine. November 22, 2009 12:03 PM

what with level 12? i dont understand the hint or walkthrough, i have tried

destroying the word red, destroying red letters, and destroying both

and they refuse to work.


BOOOO ! ! !

Great game idea. Terrible execution.

Too many of the solutions were arbitrary to the point of obscurity. Dumb Dumb Dumb.

[Edit: I have to agree, and I apologize. I may have been a little too hasty when posting this one, but it has given us a cool idea for this week's upcoming You Are Games feature. Be sure to check the site on Thursday! :) -Jay]


well then...

end key and right mouse are missing here i was able to work around right mouse but end cant be helped


Level 12:

Yuk. In RGB color space, yellow is made up of red and green. I saw the color component solution immediately, but apparently you shouldn't remove the yellow letters. This would make more sense in RYB color space; guess which one the display technologies here don't use?


did anyone figure out the red-letter achievement? i'm still stuck =(


any clues for the red-letter achievement? that's (and the last one) are the only ones i'm missing =(


Good idea poor execution. If the levels were all a bit more like the Urban Legend = Ghost Taxi level then this might have been a good game. It seems to have the classic 'no logic' problem that haunts a lot of escape games. I had no choice other than to use the hints for most of the levels and turn to the comments and the walkthrough for some others. Another stab at this from the developers would be much appreciated by myself if they can improve on the riddles.


Hey Jay, anyway to edit my walkthrough?
I'd hate to be yelled at for making a false one... :(


That's about the end being replaced with escape, by the way.

[Edit: Done! :) -Jay]


This made me laugh--it makes two assumptions that eventually caused me to quit:

1) everyone playing this game uses a PC
2) everyone playing this game uses a mouse (as opposed to a trackpad)

I've been on a Mac laptop for so long, I no longer imagine the need for such a thing as "right click". Oh well...suppose it was cute anyway.


Won't load at all, on firefox or IE

Just the webpage with a black rectangle where the game should be

[Edit: The server where we host content is down right now for a scheduled hardware maintenance, it should be back up momentarily. Sorry for the inconvenience. -Jay]


Cheers for that, Jay ;)

Anonymous December 2, 2009 7:55 PM

i finally figured out the red-letter achievement, assuming anyone is still playing:

on level 7, remove the first letter of each word, spelling "red green white". wait 10 min. with the "level completed!" screen up


i've tried every thing i can think of! how do you do the 'sliding doors' level? (its level 21)

Phoenix-girl January 7, 2010 1:18 AM

Could I please request that if someone submits a walkthrough, that they please include HOW they got the solution. Just saying, for example, "Level [number] - just remove such & such letters," will make me feel even more stupid (as well as frustrated) if I still don't understand it.


This game is decent. However, I really wish, like many others, that there was more logic involved & a heck of a lot less "Oh, I know all this useless knowledge(either that or looked it up), so I should put it in a game for the general public who wouldn't understand." Example: /ion. Very bright thinking there. Sorry to all those who don't like how critical I was over not liking this game much. :P


I must say.. this game irritated me greatly. I am stuck on level 17 and I read the comment on here about it. I still don't get it. I don't know what to get rid of.

bearharry July 22, 2011 2:31 AM

i want some explain for level 21,22and 23 why they have these answer??
also is there any level 24??


I don't usually comment on here but this has to be one of the worst games I've played, even using hints and the walkthrough half of the clues make no sense at all, and the ones that do are tediously easy
I generally love these riddle games but i'd advise giving this one a miss


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