Wasted Youth Part One
Well it finally happened. After years of cheating, fighting and swirlying, you've been expelled, and your parents aren't happy. The only thing standing between you and juvenile detention is St. Frost's School for Slackers, Troublemakers and Idiots. The students are a mixed bag of violent sadists and amiable dunces, the teachers aren't much better, and the last new student had a nervous breakdown after two months. But hey, you ruled one school before didn't you? How different can this one be? It's all about doing the right things for the right people... So is the premise of Wasted Youth, the new open world adventure-RPG from GPStudios.
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I'm about an hour in and haven't even started the first mission yet - there's just so much freedom to explore the school.
* It's a bit laggy but playable.
* The humour is amusing.
I'm just a little surprised at the point I've just reached:
I have the Letter to Michael, and I've just talked to Michael because he's sitting at a computer in the IT room upstairs. So why can't I complete my side mission by giving him the letter? If the rest of the game is restrictive like this I won't be too impressed.
Just to let people know, the game is actually still under bug testing on twotowers, so there may be a few issues here and there.
The walkthrough is being put together right now, and should be done in the next day or so. Once it's done the walkthrough link in the game should actually link to it.
Please let us know about any problems here or please use the bug report button ingame.
Good game, one for me important suggestion.
If you make a game, that is by majority played on keyboad, please make it playable on the keyboard all together, and not having to go to a mouse every now and then, e.g. options screen or inventory screen.
I see 3 ways good games can go:
Completly playable on keyboard only (mouse optional)
Completly playable on mouse only (keyboard optional)
And those that constantly require dual hands, one on keyboard, one on mouse (like walking and shooting)
But do not have to let me switch every now and then only, because you didnt do the interface consequently.
BTW, I didnt find where to save other than autosave.
I'll have to come back to this game later, but some further thoughts.
Good things:
* For essentially an indie RPG (without the stat management and combat) the game is quite impressive. Lots to see and do.
* A lot of effort has been put into the graphics and the tileset.
Not so good things:
* I would have prevented the player from exploring the whole school until after completing the first Mission, so that new areas would be unlocked in stages.
* How to save the game should be explained at some point along the way, not left for the compulsive savers among us to stumble across. To save, you have to sit down at a computer, log in, and double click the Save icon on the computer. Also, while I understand the design choice to limit saving, I would prefer it to be easier and quicker to access. (And it seems like the in-game computers have an artificial 'loading' delay built in just to annoy me.)
* "New item/award/card" notifications ought to clear with one look at the appropriate screen, instead of the player having to click each item separately.
* I am not sure whether the game is supposed to give me achievements for visiting the sponsor page and looking at the credits. If it is, I don't think it's working.
Has anyone figured out the wine cellar puzzle? I've been working at it for ages and can't get beyond a certain row.
A note for the game designers: There really should be a way to get out of this mission and come back to it, or at least to save in the middle of a mission. I can't figure out this puzzle, but I'm trapped in the wine cellar until I do.
The cellar maze:
I drew a map in Paint, but I don't know how I can post it.
I'm having a serious problem finding characters. Anyone know where I can find Irene in the evening? Are the characters in the same locations each day?
The RC car mini game is the worst. I avoid arcade games because I have terrible hand/eye coordination. It's irritating that I *have* to play an arcade game in the first place.
It's *INFURIATING* that it now won't let me go back to the rest of the game until I get first place. I've failed 20 times now and have missed the first place mark by only a second.
I had spent HOURS playing your game, so I endured the arcade game for almost an hour before closing the browser window. My wife says it was the angriest she had ever seen me while playing a game. If you make it mandatory to take first place in an arcade game before you can return to the game, expect me to encourage others to avoid your games.
~They say I'm wild and I'm reckless
I should be acting my age
I'm an impressionable child in a tumultuous world
And they say I'm at a difficult stage
~But it seems to me to the contrary
Of all the [crud] they're gonna put on the page
That a wasted youth is better by far
Than a wise and productive old age
A wasted youth is better by far
Than a wise and productive old age!~
(with apologies to Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman)
I'm signing in after prolonged lurking just to respond to the infuriated comment above: this is just a game. If you don't like it, don't get your anger all over the page.
I, also, am not really fond of arcade stuff in games. After a few tries just now, I did finally win it by four seconds or something. And, I probably also wouldn't have made it mandatory for the player to get through the car-track puzzle before the next thing. But, it looks like the game-makers are taking our suggestions.
For me, the car puzzle didn't destroy gameplay. It made my heart beat a little faster than I would've liked to because, at first, I kept going upside-down and backwards into the wall, but once you improve you improve.
I do like crude obnoxious snarky humor and was fond of this. Am always fond of free games that are involving and puzzle-y. So, thanks, good job.
Just to exemplify on my complaint about the mouse/keyboard interface issue. To go to the map, I need to hit the 'P' key, then use the mouse to go there.
Thats burdensome, either make the 'M' key work to get to the map right away.
And/Or make it able to enter the pause menu with the mouse, without having to use the keyboard.
(Or Why not run there where you clicked, and have an interact button? Then I could play it with mouse only)
@GP Studios
-Ah, Nevermind. It turned out that my horrible sense of direction had just kicked in again; I thought I was supposed to go to the (locked) upstairs area, when in fact my bed was available downstairs the whole time. ^^'
The minimap and icons are a great touch, btw (Even if it did take me embarrassingly long to figure out that the long, pill-shaped thing meant "locker")
Also got the goth's puzzle figured out, too! :) For the record, though, it is a bit annoying to be prevented from leaving before a puzzle is solved; though I'd saved before starting it, so all I had to do was reload and avoid Dave until I was feeling more up to it.
Now if I could just find the keys to all those locked doors...I've been all over this school a gazillion times. Are they even findable, or only given as quest prizes?
I'm stuck on the car game too. The fastest lap I've been able to manage is 24 seconds, which wouldn't be fast enough even if I could do it more than once. I'm averaging around 30 seconds per lap. Even if I practiced this game for hours there's no way I could get good enough at it to beat Nate's current score of 1:11.
GP Studios, I would say that bumping Nate's score up to 1:30 or even 1:45 would be reasonable. It would also be great if you made it possible to escape from a minigame and come back to it later.
[quote]Bug Report: On 2nd day, noon, 2nd Music class- Game freezes when leaving class, Mr. Andrew's response, "FORGET IT! YOUR ALL A BUNCH OF FAILURES!" is stuck on screen.
Bug Report: The Bug report button isn't working.[/quote]
had exact same bug :( really mad, all I had left to do was listen to 2 more lessons and water plant 3 more times to complete all cards/sidemissions so annoying, I hadn't saved for awhile and last autosave was done an hour ago when I completed all main missions, too peeved to redo all the lessons/find remaining cards again -sad end I enjoyed it mostly, though agree the car thing is tricky reminded me of micro machines, I think it was called -which I hated BUT I did finish it after about 15-20 tries, so don't give up everyone practice does make big improvements fairly quick - my first time was about 2mins slower than Nate!
Any tips for the puzzle for "Parting Words of a Goth" (mission 7)? What I think I've figured out so far:
The tiles with the vertical lines move with the up/down arrows, and the tiles with horizontal lines move with the left/right arrows. Knowing that, it doesn't seem possible to turn the whole thing green. Is there a specific pattern/shape I'm looking for?
The walkthrough just says "Solve the puzzle." Thanks, walkthrough :P
I absolutely LOVED this game and was so excited until I found myself stuck in the micro machines side mission. Also, I dunno if it's just me but I can't seem to access and view my inventory/achievements etc. Would have been nice to see how I was progressing.
But otherwise, I REALLY enjoyed this game and cannot wait for the sequel!
The walkthrough videos for the KeyPad puzzle in Parting Words of a Goth, the laser maze in Bringing Home the Booze, and the spot the difference mini game in Identification will be posted soon.
I've logged all your bugs and we'll get them fixed in the next update.
We'll look at making the racing mini game time easier.
JustAGirl it depends which locked doors you are referring to.
Thanks for all your comments!
-GP Studios
Gimme a few minutes and I'll upload a new version with a new RC Race system.
Firstly, I'll increase the time you have to beat to about 80 seconds. Also, if you fail 5 times you're automatically quit out of the racing interface and Nate will make fun of you.
Sorry for all the frustration this mission has caused, I've never found it difficult myself :P
In the next update we're going to increase Nate's time up to 1 minute 20 seconds.
But we're also going to make it so if you fail a certain number of times then you complete the mission anyway and get alternate dialogue from Nate. (because you weren't able to beat him)
So you'll miss out on jeering at Nate and rejoicing in your racing prowess but it won't hinder you from continuing on with the game.
Please keep informing us of any bugs/problems you encounter.
-GP Studios
I guess I'll add my advice too.
If you've ever played GTA, and judging by your game I bet you have, they use the map and minimap for quest objectives, just as you do. However, it would be really helpful to have map icons for all of the objectives. In particular, trying to find people to hand in a quest (I spent forever looking for Irene to give her the damn bear) or trying to find particular objectives (the posters, for example) would be alot less tedious if they were marked on the map/minimap. I don't think it takes anything away from the game to not have to enter each and every room searching for a poster or, worse, 1 person. Especially when the people change locations depending on the time of day.
I got the RC car on the first try despite running headfirst into a wall on the first turn and getting stuck, but I could see people getting aggravated.
I couldn't complete side quest objectives (like talking to Nikki after handing over her letter) while other quests were active (I was looking for the purse). I don't know the extent of this, or how often it happens, but this is when it happened to me.
And those are my complaints. Great game though! I really enjoy it so far. I love these mission games. Give me things to do!
Since the developers are listening, I'd also like to add that this game is a serious resource hog (and immediately apparent reason). The walking/running speed is rather slow in most rooms because of this (but in some places, it is fast so I'm assuming that this is the original intended speed.)
Some suggestions to alleviate this problem (other than profiling the code itself, which is still the best way of course) would be to add options to:
-Disable the mini-map (or more generally, disable everything that uses alpha blending/transparencies and just make them appear/disappear all of a sudden rather than using transitions).
-Disable the custom mouse cursors.
-Disable filters (e.g., blur, glow)
-Add a real pause button (where everything freeze so that (almost) no CPU cycles are consumed).
Another way to help this is to
put the double speed achievement reward much earlier (maybe around 20 trophies)
I can also confirm the other JIGuest's chess chair bug.
(On the other hand, I did not have trouble with the RC mission at all.)
Completed the game with all achievements. So needless to say, I really enjoyed the game. However, I did find two issues:
1) the "painting puzzle" in the Headmaster's Office does not seem to exist outside of the painting. I read in the unlocked email #4 about where to find the pieces, but have not been able to find a single piece. I don't know if this is intentional, perhaps this aspect of the game got dropped?
2) After you give the Headmaster's will to the janitor, he tells you to return it to the safe. But the Headmaster is in his office so you have to return in the evening or at midnight in order to get into the room. Even if you do this you don't end up returning the will, your character says something about not needing to look in the safe. The mission is still completed, but I thought this was an odd thing for the janitor to say if you didn't have to do it.
Enjoying the game and all of the detail that has gone into backstory and character development.
One bug: Second music lesson, and the game gets caught during the "8 minute song", and bug button cannot be used. I left it alone for over 8 minutes just in case, but no dice! I guess that class will be unfinished.
One suggestion: Gameplay as a a girl. I don't think it would change the story too much either...she could still hang with Dave, suggest girls, etc.
For people having trouble with the car game, here's how I did mine. Though this rely quite heavily on your computer's run time...
1) If your computer already lags on the lowest quality setting, keep it that way. If not, turn up the quality until you get a substantial lag that you will be able to react to (For me, I turn it up to the highest).
2) I used the WASD key for the forward acceleration, and just kept my finger on the W key the whole time. For turning, I used the left and right arrow keys to steer. It prevents me from tangling my fingers when ever I try to turn. Also, in order to either beat Nate or have the under 1 min trophy, you must keep the W key pressed through out.
3) Practice a lot. It took me 10~15 tries to beat Nate's time. I went back to get the under 1 min trophy after all my quests were done, and took about 10 tries as well. A lot of those tries were not actually the full 3 lap run. To beat Nate's time, you can crash about 1 to 3 times, as long as you are able to immediately correct it. To get under a minute, you can only crash once, and must correct it quickly as well. So if you ever get delayed, just restart.
I would have preferred if Nate's time was significantly lower for the sake of being able to get through the quest quickly. Or, make it a mouse game where you just put the cursor where you want the car to go.
I believe the race game is the more easy the faster your CPU is, I set quality on low and it was easier for me. Dunno if this just gives more reactiviness, or its one of the realtime/frameratetime issue some flash games suffer from.
Make keyboard shortcuts for map, inventory.
Just do the save game feature into the options, IMHO you do not gain much by putting it into the computers, other than giving them some sense. Its not like the game otherwise would suffer from save madness. It also makes it much more casual, if you are allowed to save when you just have to stop playing out of reallife issues, instead of running to the next computer.
If we're giving feedback. I don't understand why the locked "knocking" room in the dormitory gives you a side quest, since the game wont let you pick the lock until there is exactly the same main mission.
From story telling, beside it being a tad juvenile, it got a few flaws IMHO. There is no reason for the protagonist to sneek into the girls room, other than being a complete idiot. If you want to keep the story line, make at least nathe blackmail you seriouosly. Like having you catched in the school at night, and threating to tattle you.
I find also seriously being caged into playing an idiot, when there are pubils vanishing, and you are allowed to worry about is the party, until there is a sudden random turnaround after it. Not quite the top of a storyline.
As mentioned before good storytelling make multiple arcs for multiple parts, you just stop at the height of one.
Great to hear you guys are making changes to the racing game! My times are horribly bad, close to 3mins so increasing Nate's time by 80secs won't do much but the failing a certain number of times will really help.
Great if that could be made optional though!:)
Do let us know when the RC car game is updated or else its pointless for me to try
MDM - The painting puzzle is actually in Part 2, so you can't actually find any pieces for it in this game. We might change it so examining the picture doesn't suggest that possibly you could go and find them.
I'll look into the Janitor mission, I don't remember him saying that, but if he does it will be changed.
victort - that sounds a bit odd victor, could you fill out a bug report so we can contact you directly, we'll need more info on this one.
Music lesson loop will be fixed this morning.
We're trying to get the walkthrough showing correctly, but there seems to be a problem on twotowers end. Hopefully should be fixed today along with the inclusion of videos.
Although I haven't directly replied to everyone I've read all your comments and suggestions, thanks for your feedback.
I really like this game as I find it hilarious and crude in all the best ways. I've only gotten to day 2, because it keeps crashing my computer. I gave up after 3 restarts.
Is there anything I can do, aside from getting a more powerful computer? It's really not that bad a machine.
[Try updating your Flash Player, and close all other applications and browser windows and tabs. -Jay]
Anyone who's checking in here regularly, a report on how the game is running would be useful to us.
Can you run the game in high quality?
Does moving down to medium/low reduce your lag significantly?
Do you get consistent lag?
Does the game crash?
Or if it runs fine say that too.
-GP Studios
Lowering quality does reduce lag. This was true in the older version as well. There seems to be a slight improvement in this version but it is a bit hard to compare with the previous version. There is still lag on all quality settings (and still no "real" pause button so that resources may be redirected).
Fortunately, the game has never crashed for me (old and current (v1.13) version).
Also, I'm not sure if this is a bug but
the script given as a reward at the end is the "development" script and is not the script used in the (current) final version of the game.
I would of loved to of played this game!! But the lagging makes it totally unplayable. Have tried everything suggested above and still - Urgh!! Though I do notice this happens a lot with the games on Two Towers so don't think they are doing the game problems any favors for what it is worth......? I do hope the lagging gets fixed somehow...
Wasted Youth Part 1 walkthrough
Holding in [shift] lets you run.
Talk to characters and interact with unusual objects (that which you don't see more than once).
The First Meal (in Cafeteria)
Eugene wants a second helping of pudding.
Leave the chair by pushing into any direction.
Head up to the Cafeteria dinner lady and ask for more pudding.
Go back to the table.
Sickly Entrails (top floor of main building, to the far left)
Talk to the janitor.
Head left into Biology.
Activate the tray of frogs to start a mini game.
Choose a frog and draw a line between the two points.
The key is most likely in the top-left frog.
Return the key to the janitor.
The First Night
Find Dave in the Recreation Room.
Head upstairs at the dorm. The Rec room is towards the left bottom corner.
After talking to Dave, use the computer in the room.
Head out of the Rec room.
Head downstairs and to the right of the dorm.
Enter the top door just past the hall entrance to reach your bed.
Bad Reputation (Ground floor of Library)
Talk to Ulrika. She needs a photo back.
Head to the lockers, at the far right of the main building's ground floor.
Talk to the three guys with the magazine.
Talk to Nate twice.
Once he leaves, look inside his locker.
Return the photo to Ulrika.
The Goth-Father (On the playground, top left corner)
Talk to Xerxes. He'll meet you later that night.
He needs school records. You will have to break in.
Head to the playground and find the open window. Enter through it.
Head upstairs and to the Staff Room, located at the far right.
Find the three filing cabinets in the staff room. Use each.
After finding the login details, use the computer.
Once logged in, click on the school records icons.
Take a look at Xerxes' record.
Head back to the dorm and talk to Xerxes.
Defacing The King And Queen (In the assembly hall)
Talk to the head boy and head girl in the assembly hall.
You have to recover ten posters.
Ground Foor:
In the assembly hall.
In the hallway outside the assembly hall.
In the cafeteria.
In the hallway outside the library.
In the Geography classroom.
First Floor:
In the hallway outside thw Chemistry classroom.
In the biology classroom.
In the IT classroom.
In the Sick Bay.
Outside the toilets on the far right.
Return the posters to the couple in the assembly role.
Parting Words Of A Goth (In the Playground)
Talk to Dave.
At the dorm, click on the strange panel.
To unlock the panel, get rid of all the dotted green areas. Shift the blocks until they are all covered.
Get the piece of paper.
Lost And Found (Main Entrance)
Talk to the girls. You need to find the missing wallet.
Talk to random kids inside the school until someone gives you a name.
Find Kevin behind the shed on the sports field.
Talk to Kevin.
Terrorist Alert: Imminent (Outside the dorm)
Talk to Guy. He'll lead you to the door.
You need to find a paperclip.
Head to the main building.
Go to the Geography class to find the paperclips.
Return to Guy and talk to him.
When you return later that night, interact with the door.
Unlock the door.
To beat the puzzle, hit [space] just as the gaps intersect.
Suspicious Activity (Outside the janitor's office)
Talk to Mr. Ross.
Get the key and enter the headmaster's office.
Interact with the safe.
To crack the safe, push in the direction indicated until the direction changes, then turn it in the new direction. Repeat this until the door opens.
Find the paper and give it to the janitor.
Take the paper and head to the English classroom.
Click on the stack of papers on the desk.
Compare the papers to find the right one. Click on the things that don't match:
Janet: The Capital J.
Fred: The writing or picture.
Harold: The 'teh'.
Queenie: The spaces between the words.
Kevin: 'Dumps' or the picture.
Chris: The 'u.
Dave: The beginning of the sentence.
Brian: The lower cases.
William: The text.
Pippa: The long stems on g, j or y.
Irene: The smudges.
Vicky: The gap between 'the' and 'dog'.
Zena: The 'z'.
Return to Patrick and talk to him.
WRC For Children (the sports field)
Talk to the group.
Race the remote control car and beat Nate's record (01:20.420).
Bringing Home The Booze (first floor toilets)
Talk to Lilly.
Once you are in the cellar, solve the grid puzzle. Switch to Lilly to change the laser colors.
Flip the switch next to the door.
Talk to Lilly.
Freedom! (the small room outside the Storage room)
Talk to Dave.
You need the key. Talk to random teachers downstairs.
Talk to the janitor at the bike shed.
Head to the main entrance and find the key in the fountain.
Use the key to unlock the small room's door.
Photogenic (far right of first floor in the main building)
Talk to Nate.
Meet him outside the dorm.
Go to the storage room in the main building and fetch the rope.
Return to the dorm and talk to Nate.
Take photos of six girls. Go for the pretty ones.
The Party (outside your bedroom)
Talk to Faye.
Go to bed.
Wake up and head to the assembly hall.
Chat to Zena on the dance floor.
Complete the dance challenge. Press the directional key when it hits the relevant symbol hits the highlighted area.
Talk to Nate.
Talk to Lilly.
It's a drinking contest. Alternate the directional keys as quickly as you can.
Talk to Nate on the dance floor.
Time for a fight! Hit the directional key as soon as it appears.
After talking to Dave, you will be at the shed.
You need a lighter. Head to the main entrance, where the smokers are.
Ask them for a lighter.
Head back to the shed and use the lighter.
Get the spade inside the shed.
Side Missions
Behind The Door #1
Activate the mission by completing the Terrorist Alert mission.
Note the numbers on the table.
Use the numbers on the locker. The / is a missing number. cycle through it until the locker unlocks.
The code is 1742.
Eugene is Greedy (outside the cafeteria)
Talk to Eugene.
Head to the cafeteria kitchen.
Pick up the lettuce, burger baps, tomatoes and burger meat.
Return to Eugene.
R()d3 W0rd5
Get the calculator in the Maths classroom.
Talk to Fred.
Type 55378008 in and rotate the display.
A Letter From The Godfather
Find the letter in a dustbin in front of the school (top left).
Give Michael the letter. He's by the bike shed.
Swap Shop
Talk to Monica, standing in the furthest right hall of the main building's first floor. Get the jellybean.
Give the jellybean to Roger, outside the main building. You'll get a comb.
Give Heather the comb, in the playground. She'll give you cigarettes.
Give the cigarettes to the smokers, behind the bike shed.
Talk to Mr. Dull in the History classroom.
Keep talking to him until you get a card.
Smelly Frog Business
Go to the Biology classroom and talk to the teacher.
Pick up and discard all the dead frogs.
Card Locations
Fluffy: Finish The First Meal mission.
Princess Angelina: On the couch in the staff room.
Twiglet: In the pile of leaves behind the shed on the Sports Field.
Sasquatch: On the bench at the sports field.
Little Miss Piggy: In the ball catch of the pool table in the Rec room.
Ozzy: On the desk in the private study.
Smokey: Inside the locker in the mystery room of the dorm.
Spanky: On the headmaster's desk.
Zippy: On the window ledge of the top-left boys bedroom.
Fuzzbucket: in the Math classroom's trash can.
Crumpet: In the cafeteria toaster.
Biscuit: On the shelf in the Library first floor. Use the stepladder.
Rusty: In the washing machine in the Laundry room, next to the girls bedrooms.
Honeysuckle: Under the tile in the far right hall of the main building's first floor.
Ugly: Under the fire extinguisher in the girls dorm hallway.
Wednesday: On the calendar in the Sick Bay.
Wuggy: Inside the mouse hole in the Music classroom.
Brownie: Complete the Eugene Is Greedy side mission.
Oink: Crack the safe in the bedroom across from yours.
Pancake: By the bike shed.
Pacino: Complete the A Letter From The Godfather side mission.
Baby Jesus: In the storage room, on top of a shelf. Use the stepladder to reach it.
Spunkbubble: In the safe in the girls' dorm.
Smeg: On a chest in the girls dorm.
Shithead: In the sink of the upstairs toilet in the main building.
Herbie: Water the plant in your room with the watering can.
Ambrosia: Turn on the tap in the playground. Find the card in the fountain.
Jellybean: Finish the Swap Shop side mission.
Bacon Bit: Complete the R()d3 W0rd5 side mission.
Zsa Zsa: Complete the Boring side missions.
Tidy Bowl: Complete the Smelly Frog Business mission.
Main Building Key: On the table in the staff room.
Watering Can: Outside the shed on the sports field.
Hammer: Behind the bike shed.
Crowbar: In the storage room.
I finished the game today (version 1.13).
I enjoyed it a lot and found it very addictive.
What could be improved:
Perhaps you could access different rooms by just clicking on the map instead of having to run along the corridors. It gets tiring when, for instance, you go to a lesson and then tha character has to run all over the school to ger back to the locker room.
Anyway, still a great game. I'm looking forward to part 2!
So I eventually went back to play this. It was a blast! I did use the walkthrough a bit to reduce the time I needed to spend finding the next thing to do. Congrats on making a large immersive game with a decent storyline to boot.
I second the opinions that double speed should be available earlier. I'd strongly recommend making it the default travelling speed. The worst travelling-related thing is having to return to the locker room repeatedly to take all the lessons. Quick-travel to the locker room, or maybe some easier way to select lessons, would be better IMO.
I just stumbled onto this game today so I can't really comment much on actual gameplay as such (yet!), but after only 5 minutes of wandering and poking around I'm TOTALLY impressed with your vast wealth of humorous book excerpts and musical knowledge. I never expected to see the cover of Captain Beefheart's Trout Mask Replica tucked away in a video game.
Kudos for all of that, and I'm very much looking forward to finding everything else you might have stashed in there.
During my second playthrough, I noticed something that seems really important:
When you talk to Dave (the guy in the white shirt you meet at the beginning) you ask why nobody else seems to notice him. In fact, nobody else in the game talks to Dave but you.
If you look in the computers Dave isn't in the student database!! My theory is that you're the killer, and Dave is a figment of your imagination
The walkthrough is missing "Teddy Loss":
... a side mission picked up from Irene on the second floor of the dorm, to break into Lilly's locker and get her teddy bear back. Haven't finished the mission yet myself because I'm trying to remember where the paperclips were. (Need paperclips to pick the lock.)
"Smell the Roses"
This achievement can be gotten by going to the "Sports Field" area. Look for a tree in the top area between the buildings. The tree should have a lone patch of flowers growing at its base. If you press Space in front of this specific flower patch, a dialog will appear that lets you select "Smell the flowers" which leads to you getting the achievement.
To make the papers appear on the desk, you first have to
Talk to Patrick in the bathroom on the first floor of the main building. This will trigger the mission. If Patrick is not there or a mission doesn't begin when you talk to him, you may need to the the "Bringing Home the Booze" mission first. I'm not sure if it's required though.
I Hope I helped!
I thought I'd leave some comments after peaking at what others were saying.
I enjoyed this game quite a lot, though the humor was not to my taste. I think its saving grace is that the actual plot is interesting and the gameplay (for me) ran rather smoothly.
I did not find the game laggy and my computer is a few years old, so I'm not sure if that's just been fixed or my computer has somehow increased its awesomeness through aging.
My only real complaints/suggestions are these (mostly minor):
- It would be nice to have some sort of "find" button for characters as I ended up here because I could not figure out where the hell Michael was (I had no problem finding anyone else though)
- The shift button did not speed up walking, the character just regularly walked quickly and the shift button slowed him down (not sure if this is a recent addition or a glitch)
- I found that the character went particularly slow on stairs and it was annoying, but obviously didn't deter me from playing
- In line with the other two comments, an even faster speed would be appreciated OR something where you can go quickly from one place to the other. I'm not sure how to explain this well, but here goes - you know how if you go to an entrance/exit (like the one to the dorms or the school) the game allows you to just skip there - it would be nice if there was more of that because it makes things take longer when you have to walk, especially when you screw up or if you go in the wrong direction. Granted, this is unnecessary if students could be searched for on the map or something because players wouldn't have to run all over looking for them
- I wish there was some better direction in interacting with objects. I found myself just going all over the place and trying to pick things up because the game has so much detail. Don't get me wrong, the detail is amazing, but it would be nice to set some limitations so one doesn't spend too much time looking around, but this is probably more of a personal preference. I liked looking for the cards, but it was sort of distracting/annoying to have to check and recheck everywhere constantly for ordinary items that might be useful later on
- I liked the mini games, though I agree the wine cellar needs to have a restart button. I also think you should be allowed to try the DDR like game again at the party. I played it and did mediocre on it the first time simply because I really wasn't expecting the arrows to come out so fast and then I became flustered by missing so many and I really would have liked another shot at it. Also, for some reason when I was racing Nate it made me do four laps instead of three so I failed to beat him, I'm assuming this was just a glitch. As a side not, while I am pretty good at these "arcade style games" I feel for those who are not and I understand how that really can ruin the game for someone (though I understand this issue has been fixed). I think it might be nice to maybe have a give up button perhaps? Also, the fight scene with Nate, I found myself trying to look up at the screen to see what was happening and it was a bit annoying that the buttons were small and all the way at the bottom of the screen (I sort of expected them to be colored and slightly translucent (so you could see the screen behind them) and large across the middle of the screen)
- I agree with the earlier comments about having to click at times and having to use the space button/keypad/keys. I don't know if it was just me, but halfway through the game it suddenly allowed me to use the spacebar for everything, though originally it would not and I had to specifically click on that green arrow every time someone spoke to me
- A save confirmation would be nice (perhaps just a simple popup saying "Game Saved")
One more thing... is that what I think it is in the trophy case? Also, WTF is up with the American kid. The terrorist thing was pretty funny, but the rest... Anyways, overall a great game worth playing and I eagerly await Part 2!
Long-winded me again...
I wanted to add that I just discovered the faster speed in the menu and it was quite helpful, I only wish I had known about/realized it before I had completed all of the missions and the side missions.
Also, I had a hard time telling some characters apart because they all sort of look the same/similar and I too thought Xerxes was a girl until I looked him up on the computer. I kind of wish they had eyes too since when I first looked at the game it seemed like a lame, creepy, scary, zombie thing and it just turned me off of play at first (I'm glad I was bored and decided to give it a go anyways).
And...... any chance you need testers for part 2 because I would be more than happy to help?!
I loved the arcade game bit with the car. i think that a reasonable time was set as completing the course in a minute is possible. I also loved the mystery of the games and the puzzle. there is so much exploring to be done it is just great. I have to say well done thins is a really good game which isn't to hard or to easy to complete.
i made an account just to comment here :D
i absolutely love this game :)
finished it in a couple of days.
the eyes were creepy at first but then i got used to it. xD
like everyone else i love the freedom of this game :D
it wasn't too difficult which is great cuz then i didnt really get frustrated xD
i cant wait for part 2! and play the rest of the games on this awesome site :P
I found this a game a few months ago but I ran into a problem. After about an hour of playing my computer would just turn off by itself without any warning. So i would turn it back on but I couldn't get to my desktop. After waiting 10-30 minutes I tried again and could get on to my desktop as normal. I have not played this game since that happened. I have virus protection on my computer and there it said there was nothing wrong so please tell me why this happened because this really is a pretty good game.
Once you finish the game with 100 percent completion you can see what happened to Xerxes and Annabelle!!
after you fail to help Xerxes get the staff records he wanted, he runs off, right? The bonus clip after getting all the achievements shows him do some spell and Energor tells him to kill Anabelle. That is what he was doing during the party...
I just want to say that I absolutely adored this game and wasted two whole evenings completing it. Can't wait for part two.
Also, the Beefheart and subtle Lou Reed references made me very happy (metal machine music, the gift, even to the point of having him stare at Warhol art in the library. Awesome.)
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Walkthrough Guide
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Wasted Youth Part 1 walkthrough
Holding in [shift] lets you run.
Talk to characters and interact with unusual objects (that which you don't see more than once).
The First Meal (in Cafeteria)
Eugene wants a second helping of pudding.
Leave the chair by pushing into any direction.
Head up to the Cafeteria dinner lady and ask for more pudding.
Go back to the table.
Sickly Entrails (top floor of main building, to the far left)
Talk to the janitor.
Head left into Biology.
Activate the tray of frogs to start a mini game.
Choose a frog and draw a line between the two points.
The key is most likely in the top-left frog.
Return the key to the janitor.
The First Night
Find Dave in the Recreation Room.
Head upstairs at the dorm. The Rec room is towards the left bottom corner.
After talking to Dave, use the computer in the room.
Head out of the Rec room.
Head downstairs and to the right of the dorm.
Enter the top door just past the hall entrance to reach your bed.
Bad Reputation (Ground floor of Library)
Talk to Ulrika. She needs a photo back.
Head to the lockers, at the far right of the main building's ground floor.
Talk to the three guys with the magazine.
Talk to Nate twice.
Once he leaves, look inside his locker.
Return the photo to Ulrika.
The Goth-Father (On the playground, top left corner)
Talk to Xerxes. He'll meet you later that night.
He needs school records. You will have to break in.
Head to the playground and find the open window. Enter through it.
Head upstairs and to the Staff Room, located at the far right.
Find the three filing cabinets in the staff room. Use each.
After finding the login details, use the computer.
Once logged in, click on the school records icons.
Take a look at Xerxes' record.
Head back to the dorm and talk to Xerxes.
Defacing The King And Queen (In the assembly hall)
Talk to the head boy and head girl in the assembly hall.
You have to recover ten posters.
Ground Foor:
In the assembly hall.
In the hallway outside the assembly hall.
In the cafeteria.
In the hallway outside the library.
In the Geography classroom.
First Floor:
In the hallway outside thw Chemistry classroom.
In the biology classroom.
In the IT classroom.
In the Sick Bay.
Outside the toilets on the far right.
Return the posters to the couple in the assembly role.
Parting Words Of A Goth (In the Playground)
Talk to Dave.
At the dorm, click on the strange panel.
To unlock the panel, get rid of all the dotted green areas. Shift the blocks until they are all covered.
Get the piece of paper.
Lost And Found (Main Entrance)
Talk to the girls. You need to find the missing wallet.
Talk to random kids inside the school until someone gives you a name.
Find Kevin behind the shed on the sports field.
Talk to Kevin.
Terrorist Alert: Imminent (Outside the dorm)
Talk to Guy. He'll lead you to the door.
You need to find a paperclip.
Head to the main building.
Go to the Geography class to find the paperclips.
Return to Guy and talk to him.
When you return later that night, interact with the door.
Unlock the door.
To beat the puzzle, hit [space] just as the gaps intersect.
Suspicious Activity (Outside the janitor's office)
Talk to Mr. Ross.
Get the key and enter the headmaster's office.
Interact with the safe.
To crack the safe, push in the direction indicated until the direction changes, then turn it in the new direction. Repeat this until the door opens.
Find the paper and give it to the janitor.
Take the paper and head to the English classroom.
Click on the stack of papers on the desk.
Compare the papers to find the right one. Click on the things that don't match:
Janet: The Capital J.
Fred: The writing or picture.
Harold: The 'teh'.
Queenie: The spaces between the words.
Kevin: 'Dumps' or the picture.
Chris: The 'u.
Dave: The beginning of the sentence.
Brian: The lower cases.
William: The text.
Pippa: The long stems on g, j or y.
Irene: The smudges.
Vicky: The gap between 'the' and 'dog'.
Zena: The 'z'.
Return to Patrick and talk to him.
WRC For Children (the sports field)
Talk to the group.
Race the remote control car and beat Nate's record (01:20.420).
Bringing Home The Booze (first floor toilets)
Talk to Lilly.
Once you are in the cellar, solve the grid puzzle. Switch to Lilly to change the laser colors.
Flip the switch next to the door.
Talk to Lilly.
Freedom! (the small room outside the Storage room)
Talk to Dave.
You need the key. Talk to random teachers downstairs.
Talk to the janitor at the bike shed.
Head to the main entrance and find the key in the fountain.
Use the key to unlock the small room's door.
Photogenic (far right of first floor in the main building)
Talk to Nate.
Meet him outside the dorm.
Go to the storage room in the main building and fetch the rope.
Return to the dorm and talk to Nate.
Take photos of six girls. Go for the pretty ones.
The Party (outside your bedroom)
Talk to Faye.
Go to bed.
Wake up and head to the assembly hall.
Chat to Zena on the dance floor.
Complete the dance challenge. Press the directional key when it hits the relevant symbol hits the highlighted area.
Talk to Nate.
Talk to Lilly.
It's a drinking contest. Alternate the directional keys as quickly as you can.
Talk to Nate on the dance floor.
Time for a fight! Hit the directional key as soon as it appears.
After talking to Dave, you will be at the shed.
You need a lighter. Head to the main entrance, where the smokers are.
Ask them for a lighter.
Head back to the shed and use the lighter.
Get the spade inside the shed.
Side Missions
Behind The Door #1
Activate the mission by completing the Terrorist Alert mission.
Note the numbers on the table.
Use the numbers on the locker. The / is a missing number. cycle through it until the locker unlocks.
The code is 1742.
Eugene is Greedy (outside the cafeteria)
Talk to Eugene.
Head to the cafeteria kitchen.
Pick up the lettuce, burger baps, tomatoes and burger meat.
Return to Eugene.
R()d3 W0rd5
Get the calculator in the Maths classroom.
Talk to Fred.
Type 55378008 in and rotate the display.
A Letter From The Godfather
Find the letter in a dustbin in front of the school (top left).
Give Michael the letter. He's by the bike shed.
Swap Shop
Talk to Monica, standing in the furthest right hall of the main building's first floor. Get the jellybean.
Give the jellybean to Roger, outside the main building. You'll get a comb.
Give Heather the comb, in the playground. She'll give you cigarettes.
Give the cigarettes to the smokers, behind the bike shed.
Talk to Mr. Dull in the History classroom.
Keep talking to him until you get a card.
Smelly Frog Business
Go to the Biology classroom and talk to the teacher.
Pick up and discard all the dead frogs.
Card Locations
Fluffy: Finish The First Meal mission.
Princess Angelina: On the couch in the staff room.
Twiglet: In the pile of leaves behind the shed on the Sports Field.
Sasquatch: On the bench at the sports field.
Little Miss Piggy: In the ball catch of the pool table in the Rec room.
Ozzy: On the desk in the private study.
Smokey: Inside the locker in the mystery room of the dorm.
Spanky: On the headmaster's desk.
Zippy: On the window ledge of the top-left boys bedroom.
Fuzzbucket: in the Math classroom's trash can.
Crumpet: In the cafeteria toaster.
Biscuit: On the shelf in the Library first floor. Use the stepladder.
Rusty: In the washing machine in the Laundry room, next to the girls bedrooms.
Honeysuckle: Under the tile in the far right hall of the main building's first floor.
Ugly: Under the fire extinguisher in the girls dorm hallway.
Wednesday: On the calendar in the Sick Bay.
Wuggy: Inside the mouse hole in the Music classroom.
Brownie: Complete the Eugene Is Greedy side mission.
Oink: Crack the safe in the bedroom across from yours.
Pancake: By the bike shed.
Pacino: Complete the A Letter From The Godfather side mission.
Baby Jesus: In the storage room, on top of a shelf. Use the stepladder to reach it.
Spunkbubble: In the safe in the girls' dorm.
Smeg: On a chest in the girls dorm.
Shithead: In the sink of the upstairs toilet in the main building.
Herbie: Water the plant in your room with the watering can.
Ambrosia: Turn on the tap in the playground. Find the card in the fountain.
Jellybean: Finish the Swap Shop side mission.
Bacon Bit: Complete the R()d3 W0rd5 side mission.
Zsa Zsa: Complete the Boring side missions.
Tidy Bowl: Complete the Smelly Frog Business mission.
Main Building Key: On the table in the staff room.
Watering Can: Outside the shed on the sports field.
Hammer: Behind the bike shed.
Crowbar: In the storage room.
Posted by: James Francis
June 2, 2011 9:36 AM