An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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4.6/5 (146 votes)

Warbears is a unique and original Flash point-and-click game that is played a little differently than anything I've seen so far. The gameplay is similar to Rob Allen's Hapland games, and yet there is an additional layer of complexity to it that sets it apart. It's a cute game with a great sense of humor and a lot of fun to play. Created by Gionatan Iasio of Italy.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Warbears Walkthrough

  1. Move Lucas (bear in the blue vest and hat) onto the van. Pick up the drill.

  2. Move Lucas down from the van. Use the drill.

  3. Move Lucas up and to the right on top of the drill.

  4. Move KLA on top of Lucas; he will automatically climb in through the window.

  5. Move KLA to the left, and then use the circle icon in KLA's action bubble to close the window.

  6. Move KLA to the right, and then use the icon in KLA's action bubble that looks like a lightning bolt to have him plug into the outlet in the bathroom.

  7. Move Lucas down and to the right off of the drill. Click the drill icon in his bubble to have him throw the drill away.

  8. This step should be performed quickly. Have Lucas use a grenade, then have him immediately hop back onto the van.

  9. Use Agent Ryoh to fight the bear closest to him. Use the green arrow buttons to change holding your sword high or low, and use the red arrow buttons to strike. Pay attention to whether or not the enemy is holding his drill high or low.

  10. Move Ryoh to the right until he is standing before the white box. Now click on the circle to have him attempt to open it. He will tell you that he needs a key.

  11. Have Ryoh talk to the enemy bear. The enemy bear will give you the key, but you will then have to fight him to get it. Use the same tactics as you did before.

  12. Move Ryoh to the left so he is standing before the white box again. Click on the circle icon to open up a puzzle.

  13. The goal of this puzzle is to turn all nine squares green. Click them in the following order Click the square in the lower right hand corner. Click the square in the lower left hand corner. Click the square in the upper right hand corner. Click the square in the middle.

  14. Exit the puzzle screen when all of the squares are lit green. Click on KLA and click on his handheld computer icon. This will bring up a simon mini game, you have to win three straight rounds.

  15. You will now have access to the building's ventilation, elevators, and security camera. Click on each icon in this display once, then close the action bubble.

  16. Have Ryoh move to the left so that he is next to the Aerial. Click on Ryoh's red sword icon to topple the Aerial, which in turn will knock the ball off and knock over the bank sign all automatically.

  17. Have KLA click on the blue tear drop three times to have him use the faucet until it breaks. Then have KLA go right, open the door, go right, and close the door behind him.

  18. Move KLA to the right so that he is standing in front of the computer terminal on the left. Have him use the circle icon which will bring up another simon game. Beat it as before.

  19. This time, have KLA only click the ventilation system icon.

  20. Move KLA to the right so that he is standing next to the door. Do not open the door (you can't) but instead have him use the up/right directional arrow to go up the stairs.

  21. Have KLA click on the circle icon to open the window in front of him.

  22. Move KLA to the right and have him use the phone icon.

  23. Move agent steve up the tree (he's the new arrival in green). Click on the target icon, and then click on the center of the bullseye (it will highlight green when your shot is lined up correctly).

  24. Move KLA to the left, and down the stairs. Have him open the once looked door to the right, and move him into this new room and in front of the printer there. Click on the paper icon to retrieve a sheet of paper (with his freshly xeroxed face on it). Now move KLA back up the stairs and in front of the door next to the phone.

  25. This should be done quickly. With KLA standing right next to the door, have him select the paper icon, then immediately move him back down the stairs. Wait for the enemy bear to go flying out the window.

  26. Move Steve down the tree. He will not make it all the way down before being interrupted by the pizza delivery boy. Wait until the pizza is delivered and the boy is gone. Then, move Steve down, and use the target icon. Shoot the center of the bullseye like before, and repeat this once more until both enemy bears on the first floor are down.

  27. Have Steve move left into the building (he'll pause to munch on some pizza, leave him be; do you appreciate it when people bother you whilst you're eating?). Click on the icon of the girl's head to free the hostages on the first floor.

  28. This next step should be done quickly. Move Lucas down from the van. Have him use a grenade then immediately get back onto the van. Before the grenade goes off have Lucas use the curved arrow icon. If you do it properly, he will time his jump so that the grenade blast propels him to the roof.

  29. Now have Lucas use the smoke bomb (green icon in a rectangle shape).

  30. Move Ryoh all the way to the right and use the katana icon to knock down the bank sign. After he says he needs to find a way down there, have him move right onto the fallen bank sign. He will then stick his sword into the sign and wait.

  31. Keep aware on this step, after you are done with Steve you will automatically go into a fight using Ryoh. Move Steve back out of the building and up the tree. Use the target icon and hit the bullseye in the middle to get rid of the bear on the top floor. This will trigger Ryoh crashing into the floor below that and you will have to fight that guard immediately using the same techniques that have gotten you this far.

  32. Use Ryoh's katana icon to free the hostages there (note; if you select to go to the left, a spider will dangle down and Ryoh will be too frightened to go further)

  33. KLA's turn again. Have him go up the stairs and all the way to the right so he can open the second door (Ryoh is on the other side). With the door now open, have KLA go up the elevator, and to the left past the hostages to the computer terminal. Have him attempt to use it, but when he does, he mentions that he can't, and that there must be a switch somewhere.

  34. Move Ryoh left until he gets freaked by the spider, then have him select the down arrow to let him leave via the window.

  35. Out on the ledge, have Ryoh move left once, and then use the up arrow to have him reenter the building through the second window from the right. Now have Ryoh use the up arrow to have him ride the elevator to the floor that KLA is on.

  36. Have Ryoh use the katana icon to free the remaining two hostages.

  37. Now have Ryoh move to the right, and then use the katana icon to open up the cabinet. With the cabinet open, have Ryoh select the circle icon to flip the switch.

  38. Have KLA use the circle icon now to see what the enemy bears are doing underground, and to unlock the elevator for Lucas.

  39. Now have Lucas use the down arrow to ride the elevator down to the second floor. From there have him open the door to the bathroom you earlier flooded, and then have him jump down and to the right to enter the other side of the safe door.

  40. Have him click the circle icon, then have him click the rectangle icon to bring up a new puzzle. This puzzle has you putting three tiles of wire in three empty slots. The goal is to complete the wires such that the colors at the bottom meet the correct colors at the top. Solution will be provided in the next spoiler.

  41. The bottom tile on the right hand side will go in the left most slot. The cross tile will go in the right most slot. The remaining tile (use the orange wire as a guide) will go in the middle slot).

  42. Have Steve leave the tree and click the circle icon. He will ride the scooter into the bank. Move Lucas to the right.

    • This is for all intents and purposes the final sequence, and it may be difficult to reference this walkthrough while you attempt it, so read this first: Have Lucas click the circle icon. Have Steve click on the circle icon. There will be a miniature cut scene as we watch the enemy bears drive off in the drill and you will give pursuit in the scooter. Here you will have to use the scooter controls to maneauver you to within the proper distance of the drill to give Steve the chance to shoot. While this is happening, you will have to dodge these little yellow things that will slow your scooter down and make control over the scooter a little more difficult. In order to complete this sequence you will have to take out four enemy bears and then shoot down the ramp of the drill so you can drive into it.

    • Controlling the scooter: To speed up, simply click and hold the throttle (the actual black handle bar itself for those who have never been on a motorcycle or moped and haven't the foggiest on how they actually work). To slow down, click on the hand break (it's the thinner silver colored lever directly above the throttle). The throttle remains at a constant speed once you let go of it. You must hit the breaks or get hit by a yellow slowing down device to slow down.

    • Shooting: Shooting is just like shooting in all the previous instances throughout the game, the only difference is that the bullseye will automatically pop up when you are within range. You'll have to feel out the range yourself, but keep in mind that if you get too far or too close to the drill, the bullseye will automatically go away.

    • Strategy: The moment the yellow things hit you, your scooter will immediately slow down. With one yellow thing attached, you can still manage relatively okay, but once you get two or more, it'll be difficult to maintain control long enough to get off a good shot. Eventually the yellow things will fall off though.

    • During this sequence, you can go off of the screen to the left, and the positive thing about this is that you will not get any of the slowing down devices attached to your scooter while you do so. As a result, my suggestion is to wait off screen for the yellow things to slow down a bit (there are occasional moments where there are none on screen). When you think you can manage negotiating the slowing down devices, get into range as fast as you can without losing control over the scooter; ideally you want to be as close as you can and still have the bullseye show up in case you get hit with one of the yellow pods.

    • Once one bear is down, you can either try and hold your position until the next shows up, or go off screen to get a breather.

    • When you have taken out all of the bears (the last one wears a green beret), you will have to get off one more shot, but thankfully no more yellow pods to dodge. Once you have cleared all the enemies and gotten the ramp to drop down, you can drive your scooter straight up the ramp and into the drill itself.

  43. Have Lucas go right then click on the circle to finish the game!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Thanks to JeOoSuH for posting the original walkthrough from which this one was derived.


Ok, I have to get this off my chest... throughout writing this review I kept wanting to say "care bear" whenever I wrote Warbear.

So, which care bear are you? I'm Tenderheart bear. <3 Awww. =)


im wish bear im a dreamer


About an hour of trial and error, and I've finally finished it (with a rank of C). Now to find the 4 bonus scenes I'm missing...

Apparently I'm Friend Bear, everyone's ideal friend.


Hi, I'm Gionatan Iasio. Thanks for the review! To unlock all bonuses you have to reach at least 1800 rank points ;)


i keep getting stuck once


is revealed.



I am stuck on this really cute game, where it says the system is offline and there must be a switch somewhere, i cant find anything to do further>
Please help


What a [potentially] great game. Lovely graphics, interesting gameplay and puzzles, Lousy penalty system.
Game developers really need to work out a way of creating a challenging game without forcing a player to go through the entire game every single time, especially when the game is comprised of long sequences of non-playable cutscenes which can't be skipped, and especially with a game which takes longer than a few seconds to play through.
Restorable Saved games, checkpoints and passwords are tried and tested methods which ease this pain, and i can't help but wonder why some people still shy away from them.


Im stuck with the mine that you put in the elevator... its hard.


Help please
stuck on the section where the agent says the system is off line and there must be a swicth somehwere?
I dont know wht to do next


Woot! completed the game and got rank B, i realised that the mine in the elevator thing the grey things at the side correspond to the grey things on the other side. :D


Great game!

could use some tips?


Yay! This game is brilliant. I got an A, with 1500 points. The succesful try took me 45 minutes and I spent 55 minutes overall. Didn't get the last two bonuses though. I think that I would have gotten a pefect score, but I lost half a heart in a fight. For me, the hardest part was the begining, because there wasn't really much direction. From then on, it was fairly linear.

...I'm Grumpy Bear...


Hi Wulfo
Could you help me with the bit about the bottom window being used for something and about the system being off line?


I came up as Cheery Bear, which seems counterintuitive to me.

Still haven't finished the game yet though.


Wow, this game is hilarious, and fun!

I'm having a bit of trouble getting past the part where I kill the two bears on the first floor, and the mouse with glasses gets past the bear that fals out. Then I'm stuck and have no clue what to do, I hope a walkthrough is posted.



Get the bear with grenades onto the roof, then make sure the fan's stopped. After that it should be fairly obvious how to progress.


This game seems really cute and well put together..which is perhaps why, unlike most games of lesser quality with which I am more than willing to give up when stumped, I ask for help with this game.

I'm sure I'm being half-witted, but I have no idea how to solve the lights/button puzzle on the top floor cupboard which the ninja guy opens. What button presses do I need to turn them all green? I'm sure if I was good at maths this would be easy..somehow...


I am with you Wulfo - no idea how to get past that stage?

Any pointers?


lol pinkerton

All I do every time I get to that part is rapidly and randomly click on the pad, until they all turn green. It seems to work every time.



When you press a button it changes what button you're pressing and the buttons diagonal to it.


Sorry for the double post, but Wulfo,

How on EARTH do you get him on the roof?


Ok... so i've gotten past the first part of the game... what do i do once i can see bellow the bank? The bomb-guy goes to the second floor and i only get a "?" in his action box... cant figure out how to progress from there... it says i need to find another way in...!?!


rofl. Isn't if funny when you get an answer to a question and you post that you still dont get it, it's only then that you actually get it? Oh, the irony. Sorry!


To get on the roof

1. Use Agent Ryoh to cut the antena, which will make the sign on the left edge of the roof fall down
2. Throw a grenade with Agent Lucas
3. Climb the car
4. Jump on the grenade and voila, you are on the roof


How to solve the lights/button puzzle on the top floor

Here are the buttons:
1) Click on 9
2) Click on 7
3) Click on 3
4) Click on 5
And it's solved :)


I'm the "Tom" mentioned at the bottom of the review. I can now put "as featured on Jay is Games" in my portfolio! :)

This game took me quite a while to completely finish, mainly figuring out how to get the grenade bear inside the building.

on/off lights puzzle:

The idea is to make it all green, you should start with the 3 top left squares green.
simply hit bottom right, middle, then top right, and bottom left.


Never mind... managed to figure it out by myself... =)


Anybody knows how to get into the safe?

I rescued the hostages, got the grenade bear to the first floor, but when I open the bathroom door, all I get is an "?" option, and clicking that doesn't do anything



For me, I just stood by the taps, then kept clicking them. Make sure that the door and window are closed. However , I did it with the bespectacled one as soon as he walked through the window, so I don't know if you've become stuck...

captain_duck February 20, 2006 10:55 AM

Im stuck

I get pretty far, get agent kla inside, agent lucas on the roof. Killed all enemy bears except for the right one on the third floor. But then i get stuck, and at a certain point i get a message from the commander, that means game over :/. The message the commander gives me is something like "use the window on the last floor". But how? Agent Kla can get to the top floor but he cant do anything there. All the other agents including the one at the front door that can rescue the ground floor hostages cant do anything either. And how in hell do you get agent ryoh from the roof :/


I'm stuck at the same point. I get a message that says "use the window on the last floor." I've gotten to this point several times. Leaving windows open... some closed. Not sure what I'm missing.


I'm stuck

I got inside, got rid of all the bad guys, and the hostage are free, now I have to get to the Safe elevator but there's no way.

btw I'm Bedtime Bear


I'm stuck, so Ive come pretty far. Everybody is in, I just need to get to the basement, but I get a question mark with agen Lucas, the other bears don't seem able to do anything as well. Any help would be great.


About the "use window on last floor" prompt:

Don't snipe the guy on the top floor through the window until you have ninja bear go over, slash the sign down right on top of the open window, and then stick his sword into it. After you snipe the guy on the top floor making the open window also close, this then flips ninja bear down into the next floor down where you can combat the last terrorist.
Don't do any of this though unless you have already crashed through the bathroom floor by letting it fill up with water for a while. Otherwise, you will have to start over.
After that it is easy to beat the game.


^^^Got it. Thanks. :)


Would anyone care to help a ignorant white boy? I kill the two bears on the roof, and I got the antenna up and running again, what do I do next? I can't figure it out


Oops, nevermind. Just got it. Thanks anyway folks :-)


Haha, T-jays question still stands, as i do not understand :p Help?


omg i am sooo confuzed all i have accomplished is i killed the bad guy on the roof closest to the ninja guy. what the HECK do i do now??? oh yeah and great game jay! it's fun but the start is very stumping because they dont tell you much in the directions.


Ok im really lost!!! ive killed the two guys on the roof and solved the i kill a hostage whenever i chop down the tower, chopping the sign doesnt do anything...the lance on the bottom isnt breaking the wall, and whenever i throw a grenade they die!!!


I have been comming to this page a while now. First time poster. This game was great. It was simple to figure out and finish it up. I just wish there was some way to skip the video segs.


How i solve the puzzle with pipes pics to basement?


Hi guys,

You must turn the water on and off by clicking the drop 3 times. Then it will eventually cave in.
After that it is kind of logical.
The chase, be far enough away from the van, then you can hit it with the sniper gun.


The water puzzle:

It goes on from the right. How to explain this...
9 is connected to 7 if the row is like this:

dannthemann February 20, 2006 3:02 PM

Have some cake!
(I'm the Birthday Bear)


argh, i got all the way to the ninja guy jumping through the window but he got killed straight away by the guard. There needs to be a checkpoint or something!


how do you turn the fan off?

Dr Pangloss February 20, 2006 3:30 PM

Hee hee hee...I'm Tenderheart Bear. Well, I would be if I believed in such things. I mean, it's not like I still have my Care Bears from when I was a wee one. Really. They aren't sitting in a box in my closet. Seriously.

Oh...and good game.


how do you turn off the fan at the top of the building, so the antenna ball does not kill hostage

dannthemann February 20, 2006 4:33 PM


you need to hack the computer


Walkthrough please...anyone?


This is really frustrating. I feel like I've done everything correctly, but I keep hitting a dead end.

The geek warbear is busy with the mainframe, and the ninja warbear is in the same room. The sniper warbear is on the ground floor. None of them seem to be able to do anything. The grenadier warbear has gone down through the roof elevator to the second floor. There was only one option for that bear, which was to open the door to the bathroom. After I did that, the only option for the grenadier was a question mark. And then I was stuck. Forever... I've been doing little things differently, like opening/closing windows, doors, faucets, but I end up in the same place.

If anyone could offer some help, that would be fantastic.


nice game!! thanks for the hint about the top floor window.. finished the game.. had a lot of fun.. great job guys!


I got to the same point and if you wait around long enough they'll tell you there's no access there and indicate you should restart. I haven't had time to play it through yet to see, but I think that it might help if

way at the beginning, you use the grenades two or three times to make a larger crack in the wall?


Well i guess more games like this one will pop up soon.......

i finished the game with only one explosion grenade


@ Me & Rahul: you need to

close the window in the 1st floor, then close the door from the outside and let the water fill the room - eventually the floor will break giving the grenady guy a way downstairs.

otherwise there's only the question mark and you'll have to restart... got me quite a while to figure that out, too.

Josh Armstrong February 20, 2006 7:58 PM

Hey, all the guards are down but the ninja won't go any farther because of the spider and when I used the face copy and opened the door it killed the geek; I never could get the grenadier inside the door. What am I missing?

Flaming Lip February 20, 2006 7:58 PM

OK, I must just be a moron or something, but I can't get past the first part. I killed the two bears on the roof and did the green light puzzle, but whenever I knock over the antenna it just kills the hostage, whenever I click on the bear with glasses he says that his thing is out of batteries, and if I use the grenade everyone just dies. Some help please?



This was a great game! Thanks for sharing Jay. It took me several tries to figure it all out, but when I saw the negative results of some of my actions, I learned from the mistakes to avoid those same results, and eventually made it. Jay, be sure to let us know if/when another Warbears comes out...

Young and Zachariah...

The switch for the mainframe is behind that locked door the guard is guarding on that floor. The Ninja will come in handy there.


When you opened the bathroom door, the "half-filled" bathroom poured out onto the level you were on right? Be sure to close the bathroom window before you leave it, so it fills ALL the way up. Water is heavy and will collapse the damaged floor below.


Hi FL -
Did you notice the ball from the antenna falls inside the vent when killing the hostage? Yup, it does. Closing it first will help. And if everyone dies when using the grenade, then don't use it (yet). =p


Am I the only one who's stuck essentially right at the very beginning? I've got the two bears on the left side and have no clue what to do with them, and the bear on the roof with whom I've killed the two evil bears and got the aerial to work. The scientist's thing says the battery is dead.

Josh Armstrong February 20, 2006 8:21 PM

Got it...didn't think to have him move heh

Flaming Lip February 20, 2006 8:41 PM


See, I was thinking that, but I couldn't figure out how to close the vent. None of my guys will do anything that doesn't result in death. Can I get just one little step? Then I think I could handle it.


FL - You need to hack into the computer, but first you need to charge the battery. There's a plug in the bathroom, try to get one of the agents up in there.


i have got the grenadier on the roof and the floor below the bathroom caved in ordered the pizza and had it delivered, killed the two on the bottom and freed thosehostages but i cant get the grenadier downstairs or the ninja off the room can someone help?



Try turning the fan back on and then see what you can do from there.



Have the geek warbear Xerox his face. Go up the stairs, open the window, and then slide the Xerox under the door. Run back down the stairs ASAP. The enemy will get angry, break down the door, and go flying out the window to die from his own momentum.


I'm stuck. I am where josh is, but my granadier is on the ground and I've made the guy on the 3rd floor fall out the window. HELP!


he he he
I've break it through with rank A
I can now give the hints away for those still trying


Yeah! Rank B! Got stuck briefly with the order of things. But over all fairly smooth. Enjoyed it and stayed up way too late. Shooting the get away vehicle seemed to take forever. Be sure to collect the bonuses (flowers) and after the end go back to the chief's desk and look at the book to see the short cartoon of bonuses. Also the credits were amusing too. Thanks for the enjoyment.


Ok, to repeat my comment...
To get the bathroom totally filled up...

after you've hacked into the computer of course...
Close the window, turn on the water, turn it on again, turn it on a third time. Now you broke it... Open the door, move, close the door...

And then do everything you want to do... :)

What are the bonuses? I got two bonus levels unlocked, but was never given an option to play them.


Hey Jay Enjoyed the "Care Bear" quiz. I am too old to have experienced the CBs -- Top Cat and Mighty Mouse were my favorites. But discovered I am a Friend Bear! Isn't it great to be strong enough (or old enough) to be vulnerable.

Brian Walther February 21, 2006 5:20 AM

Neat game....took me awile to finish, and with a little help. I finished with a C grade, so would be interested to find out how to get an A.


Here's a walkthrough I just spent forever and a half doing. Hope it helps out anyone with problems!.


Here's a quick fix for that first puzzle (the one with the green and red lights)

I know Alynn just posted a walkthrough with a perfect solution to it, but this is more of a "for future reference" sort of thing. A lot of games like this use that sort of "lights on, lights off" sort of puzzle, so here's a quick little thing that you can try before you rip your hair out. It's not perfect and will not solve every single layout, but it's an easy solution to try first. Using this idea that I had learned before, I was able to breeze past this puzzle the very first time I played this game.

Look at the puzzle as columns, not a 6x6 square. There are three columns. Click only whatever light(s) is off in the first column at the start, then look at the next column. Click any light in the 2nd column that is NEXT TO AN OFF LIGHT in the first column. When the first column is all lit, look at the third column and do the same for the second column. This particular puzzle is perfect for this. Here's a photo


The first click and point game I actually bothered finishing...and enjoyed!

Well done...

ModgeBodge February 21, 2006 3:18 PM

want to know how to get bonus flowers?

break the water tap on the first floor , open window , let water fill until it flows out the window , wait a wee minute and voila! a flower pops out the ground! once steve has shot the window/door open on the first floor , go and open it. there will be a little brown pot on the floor next to the xerox machine. go to the washroom and close the window (make sure the tap is broken) and leave , closing the door behind you so the room fills up with water. wait until the room is completely full of water ( when it is full you should wait about 3-5 seconds ) then open the washroom door again and all the water wil flood through the second room and into the third , nourishing the pot to turn it into , yes , a flower , for bonus points. there might be more flowers but i've still not completed the game.

Flowers Bring Joy! what a great game. It's taken me ages and iv'e still not completed it , but i'd rather take ages than just complete it in like two goes.

evilwumpus February 21, 2006 5:00 PM

I finished it! It was pretty fun. I loved the swordfighting, and it was also fun to take on the digging thingamajig with my motorbike. It made a lot more sense than Hapland, but I have two words for the designer. SAVE POINTS! They are the heroes of any game where you can fail in lots of places.


ooops... i killed agent kla.. um i have no idea what to do after i made all the lights on the control panel green..


ok nvm.. i got agent KLA in and then I

hacked into the system and turned on the elevators

now what?


i can't figure out the last puzzle

i put in what i think is the correct combination of wires, and then the orange stuff turns on, it goes up, and says "off" and i have to restart it....any help?

AJLindburgh February 22, 2006 8:30 AM

Looks like we killed this website. Are there any mirrors?
Thank you!


The site seems to be down. I hope this is only temporary. I haven't had much free time lately, but I want to make time to play this one through. I've already begun it a couple times, only to be interrupted. I hope it comes back up soon.


Due to the popularity of Gionatan's game, his site was generating too much traffic for his hosting provider. I have redirected the image and 'click' links to point to Newgrounds instead.



It is a shame this game had to be redirected. It seems the new link goes to a flash V8 Warbears while the original version was Flash v7.

Since i do not have the ability to install anything on my work machine i am not able to install the flash v8 update, so no more warbears for me :(


Awesome! Thanks for the redirect, jay. Just went ahead and played it through. Definitely worth it!


Here is a hint about the last puzzle. It took me forever to figure it out.

Try using the wire parts more than once.


how to solve the underground puzzle? i have agent lucas at the second floor beside the toilet, when i move my mouse over him there's a '?' instead of actions.. O_o help please. >_


i need help ive killed the 2 bears on the roof and ive got the drill but how do i get in to the bathroom.


I WAS CHEER BEAR. and I haven't even started the game. haha...


Got me through an afternoon at work anyways.

I think the bad guys are supposed to be moles. Hence the drills and the poor eyesight.





That is all.


Links do not work directly.

The first link tells you to use Newgrounds, and the picture link tells you that hotlinking isn't allowed.

Well tut tut !


Yes, I am not pleased with Newgrounds new practices. The link has been 'fixed' to the best of my ability.


No more Newgrounds. Gionatan has generously given me permission to host the game, thereby improving the accessibility of the game.

Cheers Gionatan! =D


Hi guys,

i got this far.

(with grenade guy) get weapon
use on wall
get on it
(with ninga guy)
kill bolth foes
do button puzzle
slash sighn(DON'T SLASH THE TOWER!)
(with girl)
get on grenade guy
recharge thing
hack system(disable all things)
slash tower



Here is a Warbears walkthrough:

Start off by moving Agent Lucas on top of the van and clicking the drill symbol and he will pick it up. Then move him down and over to the side of the building and click the drill again and he will lodge it into the wall. Agent Lucas can now jump on top of it, and Agent KLA can jump on top of him, and climb into the open window that leads to the bathroom.
Once he gets in, close the window behind him, and plug in his hacking device to the outlet in the wall. When that is finished, move agent Lucas off the drill he was on and click it once again so it will be tossed aside. Then release a grenade and immediately move him off the ground by getting on the van again. The grenade will explode and allow Agent KLA to
later be able to leave the bathroom (he can't right now because the cameras are still on.)

Now move on to Agent Ryoh on the roof and click to fight with the enemy bear closest to him (make sure you hit him low when his drill is high and block his hits as best you can). Then move over to the white box and click the blue circle button, he will state he needs a key, and then talk to the other enemy bear and he will give you the key. Then he realizes
you'rea war bear and you will have to kill him as well. Then open the puzzle box with th red and green boxes. Click them according to this image:

And it will unlock. Exit the puzzle and Agent KLA will now be able to hack into the building's computers by playing a simple game of "Simon." When you've finished that click on all three options, and you will turn off the vent, turn the lifts on, and tur off the security cameras. Use Agent Ryoh and move to the far left that he can walk and have him chop down
the antenna, knock the silver ball off, and the ball will knock the bank sign over. Agent KLA can now leave the bathroom, but before he does, have him stand in front of the sink and click the water symbol three times. This will bust the faucet and it will start to flood the bathroom. Leave the bathroom and close the door behind you. Since the window and door
are closed the room will flood to the top and eventually fall through. Go ahead and stand Agent KLA in front of the first computer in the next room and hack into it yet again by playing another "Simon" game. This time, only click the vents to turn the fan back on. Now move Agent KLA up to the next floor and once he gets there, open the window he's standing
in front of, and make him use the phone. He will call for pizza delivery and pretty soon, another war bear will show up on a red scooter. This is agent steve. Once he gets off the scooter move him up the tree that he's next to, and have him aim at the door in the window, shoot the bullseye, and it will unlock that door. Move Agent KLA back down the stairs
and he can then enter that room and print off something off a printer. Move him back upstairs and stand in front of the door. Click on the paper, and the wind will carry it under the door and on the enemy's face. Immediately move Agent KLA out of the area by moving him back downstairs. The enemy bear will charge through the door and fall out of the window and

Now move Agent Steve out of the tree, and he wll see the delivery boy that he stole the red scooter from. The boy shows up and finished his delivery to the building. The enemy bears accept the pizza and the boy runs away, and the front door is wide open. Move Steve down the tree and aim at the bears and kill them. He can then go into the building and free
the hostages on the first floor. At this time go ahead and move Agent Lucas to ground level, and release a grenade, immediately get back on the van and click the arrow that is turning right. He will count down until the grenade explodes, jump and he will land on the roof. Now since the vent is back on, Lucas can release a smoke bomb to the room below him and
it will fill with gas. This causes the enemy bear to go to the window and open it. Use Agent Ryoh to chop down the bank sign on the far right, and then he can move over and he will lodge his sword into the sign. Once he's in place, Steve can now get back into the tree and kill the bear that's in the window. Once the bear is dead, Agent Ryoh will fall into the
room below that one and fight the enemy bear THERE and release the hostages on the third floor.

Agent KLA needs to go back once more up the stairs and walk past the first door, get to the second dor, and open it, because it is locked from the other side and Agent Ryoh will need to get through that door. Agent KLA can take the lift up to the next floor and attempt to turn on the mainframe computer, but will fail. Agent Ryoh needs to move left, and get scared
of the spider. He can now actually move OUT of the window to the front of the building, walk left and climb back in the building and go up the lift to the same floor as Agent KLA and he can walk over and bust the lock off the cabinet at the right of the room and turn the switch on (he can also go and cut off the hostages ropes and free them). Agent KLA can now turn
on the main computer and view what the bears are doing underground. NOW Agent Lucas (who is still on the roof) can use the lift to do gown to the second floor. Open the door to the bathroom that's fallen through the floor. Have him jump down and first open the big safe door by clicking the blue button. Then click the red button, and finish this frustrating puzzle
(took me forever to figure out):

Now, get steve out of the tree and get him to turn on the red scooter by clicking the white circle button/ He will ride it into the building and stop at the opened safe door. Move Agent Lucas over and click the white circle buttong and he will get on it, taking Agent steve with him. When you get underground on the scooter, you have to doge the little yellow parasites
they are throwing out the back using the acceleration and brake of the scooter. If these suckers get attached to you, they make the scooter unstable, whoch makes it difficult for Agent Steve to shoot at the bear. There are 3 or 4 bears to shoot each, each bear there are more parasites thrown. Finaly you get to the point where all you have to shoot is the trailer
and then you can drive into the enormous drill and turn it off. And voila! You're finished. Although Agent Steve, has some running to do. hehe. Hope the walkthrough helped out anyone with problems!!!>


how do you unlock the last secret thing?
my last score was 1550, and i passed it under 8 minutes with those two flower pots.
what do you have to do better?


I think i possibly have beaten this game the fastest it only took me 55mins and 28 sec


paper near door 2nd floor

VENOMFANX000 May 26, 2007 6:06 AM

i am really angry at the construction! hurry up n finish! it took ages to get to the plants comin through the floor on level 2.m!


Ok i know how to get friendship. At the last part when stopping the machine thingy, get lucas to walk to the right and then go back left, steve will talk bout somthing(i forgot what he said) then go right, then go back left again steve will talk again, do that 1-2 more times then he'll turn around wolla u got friendship+bonus. After that u go pull the leaver.
My highest score was 1850/1850 rank: STAR

Kaz1191 June 21, 2007 9:48 PM

I need help on level 2 L. I have all the blocks down, what do I do next.


what is the secret locations and codes everyone is talking about?


Thanks for all the tips on the secret location! All I need now is is the code to get in the first chest (level 1-A). If you could help me it would be great!!! I also need the codes after level 2.6 and all the rows where you put H, then 2, then O. After that I am lost. Please help!


Help me on level 2.M (to get to level 3)


hello? i'm serious here. I really don't know. what is the secret locations and codes everyone is talking about?


To get the first box in secret location

click on it


say "w"

thats all i know


how do i start the secret location?!

somebody July 5, 2007 4:16 PM

you go to bedtime city and search for a house , there's a letter p above it, the house is outside the town


how do i go to bedtime city?
is this the instructions to start the secret?

somebody July 6, 2007 1:44 PM

yes this is the instructions for starting the secret locations.
you have to join warbears
when you start a mission, you can see "missions" on the top, now click on bedtime city near that, and join the group! in the city , you will easily find the house with a p above it outside the city. :)
hope i was understandable


finally found it!


wait, no i didn't find it
there are 3 p's and they are a bar, quiz, and a park
the house outside the town is a training mission
i still can't find it!!

Anonymous July 7, 2007 6:30 AM

i had the same proble too, L2.L. But then i saw the door's relection and got through, maybe you should try that.

somebody July 7, 2007 7:52 AM

but to the left from the mission house, there is the secret location!


i noticed the house before, but i can't click it!

Anonymous July 9, 2007 10:21 PM

To access the secret location:

you have to talk to the policeman in the bar

then the old man in the park

anoumus July 11, 2007 5:36 PM

i cant get the blocks down

panda's footprint July 14, 2007 3:41 AM

Are there only

4 Public places(feather park, pub, secret location and quizaboom)?

3 Shops(the shop that sells wallpapars + carpets, furniture and houses)?

No other places alr?


What can you do in instead of chatting, playing missions, buying stuffs for your house, going to secret location and playing tic-tac-toe and quizaboom? What else can we do there? And how do we earn credits?


These are all the codes i know for the secret location:

level 1
thank you
Now to open the box you just have to say W.
prime numbers
kram noitseuq
2(open both doors)go to the left door
next room
water(a button comes out)
after you press the button return to
the room with the 2 doors.
now go to the left door.there are 3
raws in that room:
H(for the first raw)
2(for the second raw)
O(for the third raw)
To open the box just say T
22(opens the door at the floor)
level 3 is not ready yet.


whats the whole romance thing with the hostages? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! i don't get it


Can you tell me about lvl l2l? I've got all the blocks down but don't know what to do with the door please help me!! :)


how do you get into the secret location


How can I get a second box in the secret location?


what are you supposed to do on 2.k after you make the box appear?


cool im kinda dissapointed theres no lvl3
(i want to go there for another reward box then i can buy a house then i'll worry about furniture)but ya these walk throughs for the secret location are pretty good.i had a little trouble with l2.l but i figured it out.anyways thanks for the help.

also the name im using to post this is my username in the game so if you see me be sure to say hi ;) no i didnt abuse the spoilers tab i just used it to my advantage


I was stuck out side the building four like a year or soming like that and three STILL is not ready?What an outrage! But then again....

Ioji needs to work on mission three as well as floor three

war bear cheater October 18, 2007 3:49 AM


i got 2000 its a glitch, just throw the grenade and then stay down there, you will automatically win! There ya go@ !!!!!!

lucasrocks October 20, 2007 9:38 AM

I can't wait for level 3. Hopefully at the end of it you get 3,000 credits for all of your hard work. I used all of the spoilers. I cheated a lot on the secret location. LOL.


Heyy Can Anyone Give Me A Hint To What The Secret Location Code Iss Plz xXxx


when i get to level.2.F the door dose not open wat do i do plz help me


i don't know how to jump please help me


hey is level 3 out on the secret location??


easter egg:

keep clicking the lamp button on and off and it will burn out{in the main menu}


can any1 post the walkthru for mission 3?

KompuutaaQuestion November 19, 2007 7:08 AM

War bear cheater, what do you mean?


ummm how do you get out of the bathroom?


Hey how do i get the easter egg? I clicked and worn out the lamp now what?


i got past sercet location in like 10 mins piece of cake


how do you make a comic?



A B.T.C. Citizen December 18, 2007 12:53 AM

Codes For Secret Location

(now level 2 anwsers)
(go to left door)
(press the button and go to the two door room)
(go to right door, right door anwsers)


I'm stuck on L2.L, the blocks are down, but how do i get through the door?


Any ideas for getting credits?


anybody still on the secret location?

i saw in other forums that level 3 is not really in construction, it was just waiting for a code...

and did anyone notice that when u open the door to level 3, when the speaker spoke of "unavailable" there was a typo? was that meant to be a clue?

pourquoi? January 4, 2008 1:12 PM

what is the password to get in to level 3, Brangle can you tell me as if i've read correctly you have completed the secret location in 10 mins (well done!!)


i'v read in another forum that level 3 was not really under construction. it was actually waiting for a code...

a possible clue?

did anyone notice that when u open the last door leading to level 3, there was a typo when the speaker spoke of the word "unavailable"?


There was a missing 'l' in the word 'unavailable'. Codes I have tried:
typo l
missing l

Any help?


Very slick game. Me likey!!!


For all those people stuck trying to get into level 3 on the secret location here are the clues: The speaker said unavaiable instead of uavailable, the vines are the same as in level 2, and did anyone notice the question mark on the level code in one of the rooms?


other clues for level three: if you notice in room 2.l number five in the last row stalls before going down.


have any of you actually been to level 3? Oh, and, I have tried EVERYTHING, and I STILL can't get to level 3. HELP ME!!!!


Is ANYONE on? who has gotten to level 3? If you have, can u please tell me the password to get to it? I have been trying for DAYS without stop! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!


in your walkthrough, you screwed up. you have to break the antenna w/ the silver ball BEFORE agent lucas uses the grenade, or else she (agent lucas) will fall to the ground and die.



2headedturtle March 20, 2008 5:52 PM

on warbars 1 i got stuck on theelvator puzzle. there is no solution! the link to it as too dated!


Ok, will some1 just say, ''What you say to get into level 3 is .....'' PLEASE! i need level three!


Lvl 3 is READY! It has been ready for years! You just need a code to cut the leaves.


Maybe the name of the object on the outside wall of the secret location?


if anyone knows the level 3 code(s) please tell me

warbeearararar May 21, 2008 7:49 PM

wow i can't even get into the secret location anymore did they change it?

Anonymous May 28, 2008 6:31 PM

please sombody what is the code to get in lvl 3 dont give me hints give me the actual code if ive cheated this faar i can cheat some more

Warbear player June 28, 2008 5:32 PM

can someone help? im at level 2.m and i cant open the box or get to the next lvl. Any help? :(

Anonymous July 31, 2008 4:52 PM

OK what is the code to open the floor of level 3


To do the second puzzle with the lift...

Put the cross on the one on the right, and use the bottom turning one for the other two.


Im stuck on the part where the Ryoh has just made all the sqaures on the pad go green and ow do you get lucas on to the roof it is really frustrating me please answer my question it is driving me up the wall


what are the words for the secret location in bedtime city?

lucbou anderson October 28, 2008 6:02 PM

sl 3 is NOT done go to in the updates box it should say when its done!


Hey people! The Level 3 WAS under construction, but it's done now :D but I'm stuck on level 3-E, with the 3 crosses. any help? (:


Level 3 of the sl is finally done but it is very confusing I'm already stuck in it.


For those who think the typo has anything to do with the codes, it doesn't.
The codes for the lvl 3 are:

luc totroemore November 15, 2008 4:14 PM

I found those out but can't beat e.


Here's walkthrough from L3.A to L4.I

If you want to skip levels 1&2, type Decapod in level0.
If you want to skip levels 1,2&3 type Baltar

[Level 3]
L3.A = bathroom
L3.B = aquarium
L3.C = egypt
L3.D = earthquake
L3.E = PI
L3.F = [click the boxes in this order or you will move to L2.A.]
[38, 10, 47, 10, 56, 29, 29]
L3.G = [go right]
L3.H = peach
L3.I = apple
L3.J = lemon
L3.? = water
L3.M = [say idclip and walk through the wall]
L3.G = [go left]
L3.N = /clap
L3.O = Enter In
L3.P = fine
L3.Q = 241
L3.R = beethoven
L3.G = [you can skip this part if you want to, because you have all level3 award points]
[walk on piano, in this order]:
[3x G, E Flat, 3x F, D]
[if you cant pass that, go to level0 and say Baltar]

[Level 4]
L4.A = headcrabs,decapod,baltar [all that]
L4.B = [nothing]
L4.C = time flies
L4.D = :O
L4.E = 56 [if you say wrong, you'll have to start over]
L4.? = [go to left and say The Scream and go back]
L4.? = [go down and open the box]
L4.? = palindrome
L4.H = nibafocci
L4.I = [you'll have to get this one yourself]
[if you /clap, screen will turn on, and lights off. If you say Dead pixel, door will go weird.] Good Luck!

[Edit: Spoiler tags added. -Pam]


I need help with the(Warbears secret location)

Last place were it says proceed to last room,and congratulations. How do i get past there?


Wow, hey, whoever wrote this walkthrough. Next time if you use images from my photobucket account please ask. K? Thanks.


Warbears Walkthrough

  1. Move Lucas (bear in the blue vest and hat) onto the van. Pick up the drill.

  2. Move Lucas down from the van. Use the drill.

  3. Move Lucas up and to the right on top of the drill.

  4. Move KLA on top of Lucas; he will automatically climb in through the window.

  5. Move KLA to the left, and then use the circle icon in KLA's action bubble to close the window.

  6. Move KLA to the right, and then use the icon in KLA's action bubble that looks like a lightning bolt to have him plug into the outlet in the bathroom.

  7. Move Lucas down and to the right off of the drill. Click the drill icon in his bubble to have him throw the drill away.

  8. This step should be performed quickly. Have Lucas use a grenade, then have him immediately hop back onto the van.

  9. Use Agent Ryoh to fight the bear closest to him. Use the green arrow buttons to change holding your sword high or low, and use the red arrow buttons to strike. Pay attention to whether or not the enemy is holding his drill high or low.

  10. Move Ryoh to the right until he is standing before the white box. Now click on the circle to have him attempt to open it. He will tell you that he needs a key.

  11. Have Ryoh talk to the enemy bear. The enemy bear will give you the key, but you will then have to fight him to get it. Use the same tactics as you did before.

  12. Move Ryoh to the left so he is standing before the white box again. Click on the circle icon to open up a puzzle.

  13. The goal of this puzzle is to turn all nine squares green. Click them in the following order Click the square in the lower right hand corner. Click the square in the lower left hand corner. Click the square in the upper right hand corner. Click the square in the middle.

  14. Exit the puzzle screen when all of the squares are lit green. Click on KLA and click on his handheld computer icon. This will bring up a simon mini game, you have to win three straight rounds.

  15. You will now have access to the building's ventilation, elevators, and security camera. Click on each icon in this display once, then close the action bubble.

  16. Have Ryoh move to the left so that he is next to the Aerial. Click on Ryoh's red sword icon to topple the Aerial, which in turn will knock the ball off and knock over the bank sign all automatically.

  17. Have KLA click on the blue tear drop three times to have him use the faucet until it breaks. Then have KLA go right, open the door, go right, and close the door behind him.

  18. Move KLA to the right so that he is standing in front of the computer terminal on the left. Have him use the circle icon which will bring up another simon game. Beat it as before.

  19. This time, have KLA only click the ventilation system icon.

  20. Move KLA to the right so that he is standing next to the door. Do not open the door (you can't) but instead have him use the up/right directional arrow to go up the stairs.

  21. Have KLA click on the circle icon to open the window in front of him.

  22. Move KLA to the right and have him use the phone icon.

  23. Move agent steve up the tree (he's the new arrival in green). Click on the target icon, and then click on the center of the bullseye (it will highlight green when your shot is lined up correctly).

  24. Move KLA to the left, and down the stairs. Have him open the once looked door to the right, and move him into this new room and in front of the printer there. Click on the paper icon to retrieve a sheet of paper (with his freshly xeroxed face on it). Now move KLA back up the stairs and in front of the door next to the phone.

  25. This should be done quickly. With KLA standing right next to the door, have him select the paper icon, then immediately move him back down the stairs. Wait for the enemy bear to go flying out the window.

  26. Move Steve down the tree. He will not make it all the way down before being interrupted by the pizza delivery boy. Wait until the pizza is delivered and the boy is gone. Then, move Steve down, and use the target icon. Shoot the center of the bullseye like before, and repeat this once more until both enemy bears on the first floor are down.

  27. Have Steve move left into the building (he'll pause to munch on some pizza, leave him be; do you appreciate it when people bother you whilst you're eating?). Click on the icon of the girl's head to free the hostages on the first floor.

  28. This next step should be done quickly. Move Lucas down from the van. Have him use a grenade then immediately get back onto the van. Before the grenade goes off have Lucas use the curved arrow icon. If you do it properly, he will time his jump so that the grenade blast propels him to the roof.

  29. Now have Lucas use the smoke bomb (green icon in a rectangle shape).

  30. Move Ryoh all the way to the right and use the katana icon to knock down the bank sign. After he says he needs to find a way down there, have him move right onto the fallen bank sign. He will then stick his sword into the sign and wait.

  31. Keep aware on this step, after you are done with Steve you will automatically go into a fight using Ryoh. Move Steve back out of the building and up the tree. Use the target icon and hit the bullseye in the middle to get rid of the bear on the top floor. This will trigger Ryoh crashing into the floor below that and you will have to fight that guard immediately using the same techniques that have gotten you this far.

  32. Use Ryoh's katana icon to free the hostages there (note; if you select to go to the left, a spider will dangle down and Ryoh will be too frightened to go further)

  33. KLA's turn again. Have him go up the stairs and all the way to the right so he can open the second door (Ryoh is on the other side). With the door now open, have KLA go up the elevator, and to the left past the hostages to the computer terminal. Have him attempt to use it, but when he does, he mentions that he can't, and that there must be a switch somewhere.

  34. Move Ryoh left until he gets freaked by the spider, then have him select the down arrow to let him leave via the window.

  35. Out on the ledge, have Ryoh move left once, and then use the up arrow to have him reenter the building through the second window from the right. Now have Ryoh use the up arrow to have him ride the elevator to the floor that KLA is on.

  36. Have Ryoh use the katana icon to free the remaining two hostages.

  37. Now have Ryoh move to the right, and then use the katana icon to open up the cabinet. With the cabinet open, have Ryoh select the circle icon to flip the switch.

  38. Have KLA use the circle icon now to see what the enemy bears are doing underground, and to unlock the elevator for Lucas.

  39. Now have Lucas use the down arrow to ride the elevator down to the second floor. From there have him open the door to the bathroom you earlier flooded, and then have him jump down and to the right to enter the other side of the safe door.

  40. Have him click the circle icon, then have him click the rectangle icon to bring up a new puzzle. This puzzle has you putting three tiles of wire in three empty slots. The goal is to complete the wires such that the colors at the bottom meet the correct colors at the top. Solution will be provided in the next spoiler.

  41. The bottom tile on the right hand side will go in the left most slot. The cross tile will go in the right most slot. The remaining tile (use the orange wire as a guide) will go in the middle slot).

  42. Have Steve leave the tree and click the circle icon. He will ride the scooter into the bank. Move Lucas to the right.

    • This is for all intents and purposes the final sequence, and it may be difficult to reference this walkthrough while you attempt it, so read this first: Have Lucas click the circle icon. Have Steve click on the circle icon. There will be a miniature cut scene as we watch the enemy bears drive off in the drill and you will give pursuit in the scooter. Here you will have to use the scooter controls to maneauver you to within the proper distance of the drill to give Steve the chance to shoot. While this is happening, you will have to dodge these little yellow things that will slow your scooter down and make control over the scooter a little more difficult. In order to complete this sequence you will have to take out four enemy bears and then shoot down the ramp of the drill so you can drive into it.

    • Controlling the scooter: To speed up, simply click and hold the throttle (the actual black handle bar itself for those who have never been on a motorcycle or moped and haven't the foggiest on how they actually work). To slow down, click on the hand break (it's the thinner silver colored lever directly above the throttle). The throttle remains at a constant speed once you let go of it. You must hit the breaks or get hit by a yellow slowing down device to slow down.

    • Shooting: Shooting is just like shooting in all the previous instances throughout the game, the only difference is that the bullseye will automatically pop up when you are within range. You'll have to feel out the range yourself, but keep in mind that if you get too far or too close to the drill, the bullseye will automatically go away.

    • Strategy: The moment the yellow things hit you, your scooter will immediately slow down. With one yellow thing attached, you can still manage relatively okay, but once you get two or more, it'll be difficult to maintain control long enough to get off a good shot. Eventually the yellow things will fall off though.

    • During this sequence, you can go off of the screen to the left, and the positive thing about this is that you will not get any of the slowing down devices attached to your scooter while you do so. As a result, my suggestion is to wait off screen for the yellow things to slow down a bit (there are occasional moments where there are none on screen). When you think you can manage negotiating the slowing down devices, get into range as fast as you can without losing control over the scooter; ideally you want to be as close as you can and still have the bullseye show up in case you get hit with one of the yellow pods.

    • Once one bear is down, you can either try and hold your position until the next shows up, or go off screen to get a breather.

    • When you have taken out all of the bears (the last one wears a green beret), you will have to get off one more shot, but thankfully no more yellow pods to dodge. Once you have cleared all the enemies and gotten the ramp to drop down, you can drive your scooter straight up the ramp and into the drill itself.

  43. Have Lucas go right then click on the circle to finish the game!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Thanks to JeOoSuH for posting the original walkthrough from which this one was derived.

Anonymous January 11, 2009 6:36 PM

Password for 4i is:
i've solved all the riddles,let me pass!

Easy as that. I thought it was just a joke when i read it, but it's actually true.


I got through 2/3s of the game until I got fed with up it making me start over again (for making one mistake -_-). Then went to walkthrough to avoid watching those annoying scenes (might be cute and entertaining the first and second time... but not the third or forth!)

The forced restart pretty much ruined the game...


To go straight 2 level 4 type Batlar inside shack


What do you do after you watch the video of that doctor? The bartender isn't back and I don't have all the points. :(


about the care bears thing at the top, i'm cheer bear. 8D


You can acquire extra points in the mission that aren't listed in the walkthrough.

After gaining access to the copier room, fill the bathroom up with water again (assuming you haven't killed the bathroom floor yet) and then open the door. The water will flood out, and go all the way into the copier room. At first, nothing will happen, but then a flower will pop out of the flower pot near the door, and a bonus for "flowers bring joy" will be added to your score.

MichelleB May 12, 2011 7:43 PM

I can't open the door to get out of the bathroom because there's a chair propped up against the door on the other side. I try and get out but it just says that the door is blocked. Help please?!

Anonymous July 25, 2011 1:42 AM

can anyone please tell me how to move lucas on to the van
which method
drag and drop?


teehee, I'm Love-A-Lot bear. XD Warbears are super cool, cute, and funny, and Carebears are just plain adorable!


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Dark Romance: Vampire Origins Collector's Edition

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