Everything is better with friends! Especially the constant threat of explosive death! In this challenging, puzzling platformer, guide a bunch of buddies who all move simultaneously through cleverly designed death trap stages, past exploding crates, spikes, platforms, and more. Your goal? Sweet, sweet pixelly trophy glory. You'll need to be light on your feet (fingers?) and put your thinking cap on for this one.
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Trophiends walkthrough
Level 1
Try your hardest not to black out and fall into the spike pit while jumping over the gaps.
Level 2
Another simple level. If you're having problems near the end, try to stop on the last non-treadmill block and take your time jumping the gap to the trophy.
Level 3
Still a relatively simple level: just concentrate all of your concentration-power on not missing the first few jumps.
Level 4
Moving platforms!? Don't worry, we're still getting introduced to the game mechanics, so nothing too difficult yet. Follow the moving platforms to the left and press the button to deactivate the force field blocking the trophy.
Level 5
This level can be difficult if you're new to the game. It's all in the timing.
Wait for the shooting spikes on the right side of the screen to pass you and immediate jump up and walk toward them into the gap in the floor (obviously before they shoot again).
Jump up to the top, move over to the button to your left and press it to activate the moving platform near the start of the level.
Drop down back to the start and avoid the shooting spikes while riding the moving platform to the trophy.
Level 6
Powerups, oh boy! The red powerup gives you a speed boost. Grab the powerup and time your drop perfectly to avoid the shooting spikes.
Run along the treadmills to the trophy.
Level 7
Now things will start to get interesting - two characters.
Move to the left until Blue reaches the blue powerup (which freezes the character in place).
Once frozen, move Red to his trophy and then wait for Blue to thaw out.
Once thawed, simply walk left to the blue trophy.
Level 8
You have to be quick, here. Move to the left and (as Red) use the spring pad to jump up to the top of the level.
At this time, Blue will drop down to the treadmills and begin to be pushed toward the spike room. You have to use this small period of time to get Red over that first small spike pit (if you wait too long, Blue won't be able to jump without being killed and you'll have to restart).
At this point, simply walk Blue to the left onto the spring pad and jump up to his trophy.
Now as Red, jump over the second spike pit to the red trophy.
Level 9
Teamwork time! Don't grab Red's trophy just yet.
First, get Red over to the right side of the level and quickly stand on the drop platform under the blue trophy to activate it. The platform (and the trophy) will fall, allowing Blue to grab it.
Now just get Red back to the start and grab his trophy.
Level 10
Now, Red obviously is going to have to jump over the gaps and onto the TNT crates to get to the button over on the right side of the screen, but if he jumps, Blue will suffer a fatal headache.
To remedy this, first go to the left and have Blue grab the weighted powerup (doesn't allow him to jump temporarily).
You now have a small window of opportunity to have Red jump his way to the right side of the screen. Before he hits the button, however, focus on Blue and have him jump onto the deactivated moving platform over the spike pit.
At this point, it's pretty self-explanitory. Just focus on getting Red back to the start so he can jump down the the platform with the trophies (Blue will grab his trophy in the process).
Level 11
Between these two characters, Red is in pretty dire danger.
Navigate Red up to his trophy (avoiding the shooting spikes), but be sure to press that button up there in the process. This activates the moving platform to allow Blue to get himself up to the second floor.
Once you reach the red (speed) powerup, Blue still can't reach his trophy without activating the platform above him.
Quickly grab the powerup, run over the drop platform and TNT crates, step onto the button, turn around, and quickly run back before the TNT explodes or the drop platform drops.
Hop onto the platform and ride upwards to victory.
Level 12
The key here is to focus on one character at a time. This level is pretty straightforward, though it may take a few attempts to get the timing right.
Get Red over and up to the button on the left side: the blue powerup will freeze Red on the button, allowing you to now focus only on Blue for a few precious seconds and not have to worry about accidentally killing Red.
Get Blue to the same button, only now on the right side of the level.
Once he's frozen on the button, get Red down to his trophy. Then simply focus on Blue and get him down to his trophy too.
Level 13
You have a very small window of opportunity when the level first starts to not have Blue die horribly.
Focusing on Blue, avoid the incoming spikes by walking off the platform and falling onto the yellow powerup below (allowing Blue to temporarily jump much higher).
Get Blue up to the platform with the red trophy and keep moving to drop down to the electicity trap.
Before the trap kills you, jump over the spike to the left (at this point, make sure Red is not in a position where he's going to jump into the spikes above the blue trophy).
Now you can breathe for a bit before getting Blue over to his trophy. Once Red/Blue are under the spikes near the blue trophy, be sure to lightly tap the jump button as to not kill them on the spiky ceiling.
Once Blue has his trophy, focus on getting Red onto the moving platforms up the shooting spike section.
Concentrate on avoiding all of the dangers and just be sure that once you reach the end of the top platform, you hold the left key to get Red to drop onto the platform with his trophy (and not fall into the inescapable pit).
Level 14
Blue is in control of this entire level: without him, Red will die a tragic and spike-filled death.
Focus on Blue and avoid the overwhelming urge to grab the blue trophy that's brushing up against him and move onto the button to his right. Red will walk onto a now-activated moving platform which will move him over the first spike pit.
Once he's across, focus again on Blue and move him on the next button, which will deactivate the wall blocking Red from the next spike pit.
Move Blue onto the third button and have Red transported over that second spike pit.
Once he reaches the end, walk Blue over to the fourth button and deactivate the floor at the top of the level.
Now, the safe thing to do here is to have Blue press the last button and have the new moving platform activate and move back and forth one time (not worrying about getting Red onto it, just observe it move).
Once the platform returns to its start position, have Blue jump on the button he's already standing on and stop the moving platform.
Move Red to the left and drop him onto the stopped platform.
Now jump again and have Blue reactivate the platform.
From this point on, only focus on the jump button (as in, don't move at all until the platform reaches the red trophy).
Red will hit the weighted powerups along the way (so he won't jump into the spikes on the ceiling).
When you see Red is moving into impending doom, have Blue jump to stop the platform.
Once it's safe, jump again and reactivate the platform. This may take a few attempts, but you'll get the hang of it.
Once Red is at the end, walk off the platform and grab his trophy.
Finally, just have Blue walk over to his trophy and move on to the next level.
Level 15
The title of this level introduces a new game-changing game mechanic. To begin, walk to the left until Red is on the moving platform.
Once Red is over the spring pad on the left, press the down key to have Red drop down off of his platform onto the spring pad.
Dodge the incoming shooting spikes and quickly jump up to the platform at the top of the level.
Now, have Red walk onto the button to deactivate the wall near Blue.
Here comes the key to this level: have Red stand on the drop platform and let it fall.
Now focus on Blue: have him walk to the right onto his moving platform.
Drop down onto the spring pad and jump up to his trophy (try not to get killed in the process).
Now simply have Red retrace his steps back up to his trophy and end the level.
Level 16
Three characters! Now things are staring to get serious. The difficulty in this level comes at the very start: you have to make sure the correct characters go down the correct paths.
Focus on Blue: when his platform is above the other moving platform on his right, move to the right and have Blue drop down onto that platform (at this point, Red and Green may overlap onto each other on the floor, making things easier).
Now, have Blue grab that blue powerup to freeze him.
Whle he's frozen, have Red (or Green, or both) move onto the leftmost platform.
Once this platform is at the top, move Red (or Green) to the button all the way to the right and press it (Blue will grab his trophy in the process).
Now, have Red (or Green) backtrack to the start and go through the middle path this time.
Green will grab his trophy near the beginning while Red has to do some simple jumping to reach his trophy.
Level 17
This is a tough one, but its not too bad if you break it down into steps.
First, focus on ONLY Red and run straight over the treadmills and jump onto the platform in front of him (the one over those two horizontal spikes). At this point, Green will be standing on a deactivated moving platform and Blue will have fallen from a drop platform.
Now, focus ONLY on Blue: have him run to step on the button to his left, then immediately switch your focus back to Red and have him run along the treadmills again and get back on top of the platform he was on.
Now, look at Green: he's one block away from his horizontal platform (that's moving now). Simply have him walk onto it.
Now, ignore Red, he's in no danger. You have to make your move to get Green off of the moving platform, but at the same time remember to have Blue jump onto the platform to evade the spikes he would otherwise be pushed into.
Focusing only on Green at this point (the other two are in no danger), simply walk right to the next moving platform and keep walking while you're standing on it (it's a moving treadmill platform) until Green drops into the hole area near the top-right of the level.
At this point it's best to make it so Red and Blue overlap to make things easier, so do that and ride the moving platform that's above them to the button.
Press it and take the moving platform to Red's trophy, then get Blue down to his trophy.
Finally, focus on Green again and have him retrace his steps back to his trophy.
Level 18
This is one of the only levels where you have to make the trophies come to you rather than the other way around.
First, focus on Blue and have him walk to the block immediate right of the button in front of him (be sure to actually press the button and also be sure to not be standing on it when you stop moving, else you'll deactivate it again when you jump).
Now, when the electricity traps stop going off, jump. Blue will be frozen in place once he touches the blue powerup.
This is your chance to move Red over his button and fall through the gap where the electricity traps are. Have Red grab his trophy.
Now focus on Blue again and get him over the spike pit with that moving platform (Green should still be in no immediate danger as long as you don't jump).
Drop Blue down the gap with the electricity traps and have him grab his trophy, too.
Now simply get Green to the spring pad that Blue is standing on and carefully time your jump up to the area with the treadmills at the top of the level. Walk against the grain to reach his trophy.
Level 19
This level is tricky at first, you have to be very precise.
Focus on Green on his moving platform. You're going to want to jump (to get Red to hit the blue powerup above him, to freeze him in place) but at the same time make sure Green doesn't fall off of his platform.
Once you've achieved this, get Green onto the same platform as Blue (avoid that spinning red spike thing!).
While Red is still frozen, have the two of them (Blue and Green) keep walking to the right. Blue will get "stuck" on the left-moving treadmill and Green will catch up to him.
Have Blue and Green overlap to make your life easier. At this point Red will be unfrozen, so moving right is out of the question.
Now, get Blue and Green onto the moving platform.
Once the platform is over the button, press the down key to have Blue and Green fall onto it and press it. Then, jump them over the spike to the left and grab the blue and green trophies.
If Red hasn't already grabbed that red (speed increase) powerup, grab it now.
The rest of the level is straightforward, though it may be hard to get it right if you're still not comfortable with the controls. You just have to use the speed increase to jump Red over the gaps and get to his trophy on the other side of the level.
Level 20
This level introduces a new powerup, invincibilty, and boy, are you gonna need it.
To begin, focus on Blue. Walk him to the left off of his platform and get as close as you can to the green powerup, but DON'T pick it up; it's not for him. Also, be sure not to jump at this point, or you're going to jettison Green to his death.
Now, focus on Red and walk him to the right JUST until he falls into that little hole (go any further and Blue will walk into the spikes). Green will be frozen in the process.
Once Red is in place, walk Blue back to the green powerup as close as he can get, once again not picking it up.
When Green is unfrozen, walk him into the Green powerup to give him invincibilty.
Now, stand Green on the spring pad and jump up to his trophy: the spikes will no longer kill him (be sure to watch Blue, too - don't jump at a time that the shooting spike will nail Blue right in the head).
Walk Green over the button and onto his trophy.
Now, focus on Red, get him up the moving platform and to that button above him. Press it to open the door to Blue's trophy.
Switch your focus to Blue and walk him to his trophy, hitting that button next to it in the process.
Now you just have to get Red up and over to his trophy to beat the level.
Level 21
Red seems to be in quite the predicament trapped inside that box. Don't have Green press that button just yet, or that will be the end of good ol' Red.
First, jump Green onto the platform when it moves over him.
This is your chance to focus on Blue and jump him over the TNT crates over to where Green started - but don't press that button just yet!
Green will thaw out right over his trophy: press the down key to drop him down onto it.
Now it's all about timing and precision. Wait until the moving platform is just underneath Red and move Blue onto the button: if you do it correctly, Red will fall and land on the platform (the shooting spikes will definitely be a nuisance here, just try to be precise).
Once Red is on the platform, wait for the right opportunity and jump up to the platform with the trophies on it.
Red may or may not be able to grab his trophy (depending on where Blue is); regardless, focus on getting Blue onto the platform and jump him up to the same platform too.
Have Red and Blue grab their trophies to move on.
Level 22
This level isn't as hard as it seems. Your goal is to get that shooting spike to hit the TNT crates to get them out of the way.
First, focus only on Red. Simply jump him over the gaps and get him to his trophy: if you do it correctly, Blue will also evade all dangers.
Now, as Blue, hit that button next to him and get up to the moving platforms.
Take one of the horizontally moving platforms all the way to the right side of the level and use the down key to drop down onto the next button. Watch as the spike takes out the TNT crates.
Be sure not to reactivate the wall (Green will be stuck). Take Blue back up to the moving platforms (with the spring pad), and once he's over his trophy, press the down key again to drop him down onto it.
Now just focus on getting Green over to his trophy without being slapped in the head by a shooting spike.
Level 23
This level is difficult because of the fact that it takes a decent amount of luck to pull it off. Your goal is to get the moving TNT crate activated by the shooting spike right before it drops onto the TNT crate on the ground (to get rid of them both).
Get Red onto the button next to him and get that now-activated moving platform in place to catch the TNT crate when it drops.
Watch out for Blue and Green in the process: they can easily be killed by those electricty traps if you're careless.
This is where timing comes in: pay attention to when the shooting spike fires, and then press the button to get the TNT crate onto the next set of treadmills.
At this point its up to fate if the TNT crate will be activated at the right time.
If the spike hits it too early, it will detonate prematurely.
Otherwise, if you time it just right, the TNT crate won't be hit by the spike at all: equally as bad.
Eventually you'll get it right and the two TNT crates will be cleared away. Be sure to get Red down to the second button to open up the floor to have the TNT crate drop down correctly.
Now focus on getting Red up to his trophy.
Then, take turns having Blue and Green swap positions and get them to their trophies too (once again, avoiding the electicity traps!).
NOTE: A decent strategy here is to have the TNT crate fall on the moving platform, have Red reactivate the platform to get the TNT crate onto the second set of treadmills, and then have Red wait by the second button to open the floor - but DON'T OPEN IT YET.
If you time it right, you now have a chance to let the unarmed TNT crate sit on the floor if it hasn't been hit by the shooting spike. Once it is hit, step on the button to let it drop.
Level 24
Probably the toughest level yet. Don't worry; it's very satisfying once you execute everything perfectly.
Once the level starts, focus on Blue. When the platform is next to him, walk onto it and get to the very edge.
As soon as you can, WALK off of that moving platform onto the platform with the blue powerup on it.
Your goal is now to have blue grab the powerup and be frozen in place. As soon as he's frozen, get Green over the gap and grab the next blue powerup so he's also frozen.
When they're both frozen, focus on Red and run as fast as you can to the red powerup, then have Red run to his trophy.
Blue and Green may take another second to unfreeze, and when they do, you're probably going to have to immediate focus on getting Green away from the incoming red spike ball.
This is the trickiest part: if you can successfully get Green to jump over this red spike ball (as well as avoid the shooting spikes above him) you're practically there.
Move Green to the rightmost-edge of his platform once it's clear of the red spike ball.
Now focus on getting Blue onto the next moving platform to the platform with his trophy, only jumping when necessary at the very end. Have Blue grab his trophy.
Now focus on navigating Green across to his trophy.
This may be the most difficult level in the game, except possibly for the finale, but keep at it and you'll get it.
Level 25
An easy level to introduce our newest player - Yellow. Work one character at a time and get them to their corresponding trophies.
Level 26
This is a deceptively simple level, so don't let it fool you.
Focus on Yellow at first. Simply walk along the moving platform to the gap in the floor with the green trophy and let him fall into it. At this point, Red and Blue will likely be on the ground.
Walk to the left and have Red activate the button to drop the blue and yellow trophies into play.
Have Blue grab his trophy and then focus on getting Red back up to where he started to press the button to free Green.
You may also want to get Yellow down and simply have him grab his trophy to the left.
Now focus only on Red and Green. It's easiest to walk to the right and have them overlap each other, then get both of them onto the moving platform to take them up to their trophies.
Have Green grab his trophy first and then walk Red over to his. (You don't even need that invincibility powerup floating there!)
Level 27
Alright, contrary to what you're seeing, Red isn't in immediate danger as long as you don't move him. Get an idea of what the level looks like and when you're ready, take your first move.
First, drop Red down to the button below him and quickly get Blue dropped down to his trophy and immediately get Red back onto the platform.
Now, when Red is at the top of the platform's movement, walk him to the gap with the two buttons.
Free Green and then get Red back down to his trophy.
Now, focus on Green and get him up to the buttons the same way Red did.
Free Yellow this time, and now focus on getting Yellow down to his trophy.
Finally, simply get Green down (go down the right side) and get him to his trophy, too.
Level 28
This level looks familiar because it's inspired from the art from the game's title screen. There's also a very easy way to beat it.
Focus on Yellow and get him over to where Blue and Green are, then have them all overlap (be sure to hit that button in the process).
Now, have all three of them jump up and grab the green trophy.
Take Blue and Yellow and navigate them to the right side of the level to the blue trophy—now you're only controlling Yellow since Red is still trapped.
Using the spring pad, jump Yellow up to the bridge made of TNT crates and run across it.
Stand on the button under the red trophy, freeing Red.
Now, making sure you don't drop Red down into incoming spikes, have Yellow jump the gap to his trophy (also activating the button under this trophy, too).
Finally, take Red and navigate him to the newly-activated moving platform. Get on it and be sure not to be killed by the electricity trap while riding up to the red trophy. (As in one of the previous levels, the powerup provided isn't even necessary using this technique!)
Level 29
The key to this level is in the title, quick reflexes.
As soon as the level begins, all four characters are on activated drop platforms. It's crucial that as soon as they are dropped, you focus on using the spring pad under Blue to get him back up and over to that blue powerup to freeze him in place.
Now, in the process of doing this, Red should have grabbed the invincibility powerup.
Hold the right key and have all three characters move to the right. Yellow and Red should reach their trophies.
Now, focus on Green and time your jump to have him reach his trophy on the moving platform. If you do this fast enough, Blue should still be frozen at this point.
Once he thaw's out, simply run across the drop platforms, get over the spike pit, and pick up his trophy.
Level 30
The finale, and boy is it a doozy.
To begin, you want to move all of the characters so that Red is standing just to the right of that spring pad on the ground. The best way to do this is to wait until JUST AFTER the electricity trap stops going off for the FIRST time.
When it does, hold the right key and move all of the characters to the right - get Red to the right of that spring pad, Yellow across the TNT bridge, and Blue and Green safely out of the danger of the electricity traps (it's best to have Blue and Green jump only once, wait until Green falls and then have them both jump to safety, this makes sure the characters stop where they should be).
NOTE: do not grab any powerups yet.
Blue should be standing under one of the blue powerups: wait until your ready, then jump. Blue will freeze.
Now, focus on getting Green down to the ground area. In the process, Red may also be frozen if he grabs that blue powerup next to him; this doesn't matter either way.
If you move fast enough, Red should be on the ground to the right of the level, Green should have his trophy, and Yellow should be somewhere between those two or to the left of Green (Note: It is important at this point that Yellow be as FAR LEFT as he can be.)
Now, move Blue under the next blue powerup and freeze him again.
This is your chance to have Yellow haul himself to the green powerup (invincibility), run across the spikes onto the spring pad on the left, and jump up to his trophy at the top.
After this, you can breathe a little. Blue should be standing up top, unfrozen, and Red should be somewhere on the ground at the bottom.
What you're going to want to do now is get Blue all the way over to the left and drop down onto his trophy. Red, however, doesn't have a lot of play to move around.
To fix this, drop Blue into the holes with the electricty traps (obviously when they're not on).
At this time, move Red as far right as possible and jump out (to the left, as Blue). This gives Red some wiggle-room while providing Blue the opportunity to walk left.
Once Blue has his trophy, it's simple: have Red get on the spring pad near him and jump up to that red powerup (speed increase).
Quickly get back onto the spring pad and use the increased speed to get over back up to the platform where Blue was.
Carefully navigate to the drop floors above the red trophy and let Red drop down into victory.
Congratulations, you beat the game!
Bonus Level 1
Alright, this level is all about timing and just basically trusting you know where the other character is. Of course, that's the case if you don't know about the short cut.
About half a second after the level begins, walk to the right and get Blue onto his moving platform. You want to walk far enough to get Red to walk off of his stationary platform and fall down to overlap with Blue. This may be tricky at first, but it's simple.
At this point, it's as if you're controlling one character, so it shouldn't be too hard. Get Red and Blue onto the moving jump-pad and spring up to the top.
Next, walk across the moving platform, over the drop platform and second moving treadmill-platform, and onto the platform with the red trophy (platforms, platforms everywhere).
Finally, let Blue fall down to his trophy and advance to the next level.
Bonus Level 2
This is one of the tougher levels of these bonus levels.
To begin, slowly inch the four characters to the right.
Have Red just barely get on the moving treadmill-platforms and stop moving—they should carry him across (if you walk onto them at the right time, that is, when they're moving away from you).
Then, continue to inch everyone forward until Blue is also carried across.
Keep going and now let Green across.
Keep moving right: Red will fall to the platform with the button.
Get Yellow onto the moving platforms and use the down key to have him drop down off of the platform onto the temporary floor, unlike Red, Blue, and Green who were on the platform above the floor.
Now, keep going right and Red will press the button, opening the temporary floor and dropping Yellow.
Now go left and have Green follow Yellow. Red and Blue will probably fall down onto that floor of treadmills and be carried off to the right of the screen: this is good.
Now have Yellow grab the green powerup (invincibility) and stand on the drop floors: they will drop one by one.
Once he's on the spikes, make a mad dash for the yellow trophy. If Green is positioned right, he won't run off of the edge of the platform.
Now, walk Green to the left over to his trophy.
Finally, just focus on Red and Blue and spring them up to their trophies at the top to finish the level.
Bonus Level 3
TNT crates, TNT crates everywhere.
To start, walk Red to his death into the TNT crate pit to his right.
Now, to survive, wait until the TNT crate is about to explode, then jump.
Do this again until Red is standing on the drop platform. Have him drop down and grab the red speed powerup.
But wait, what about Blue? While Red is dodging the second explosion (note, the later you do this the better), hold the left button down and have Blue freeze himself by walking into the blue powerup to his left.
Now, as Red, with the speed powerup, run across the treadmills and onto the spring pad.
Time your jump to hit that button up there just when the TNT crate on the platform is being armed.
Then, once the platform reaches its destination, the TNT crate will explode and arm the rest of the crates for a chain reaction.
Then simply get Red and Blue safely to their respective trophies after all the crates explode.
Bonus Level 4
This level actually has a very simply solution that I (the wonderful creator of this game whom you've probably cursed a few times if you've reached this point) overlooked when I originally created it.
At the start, move to the right and have all three characters drop down onto eachother right before that platform begins with the electricity traps above the treadmills.
When they're all overlapped onto each other, the level is quite a piece of cake to complete.
Bonus Level 5
One character to control: how hard can it be, right?
Alright, after the level starts, get onto that moving platform next to you the first time it rises up to your platform and starts to go down. Ride it down safely.
Now, wait until the last possible second and jump onto the TNT crates (if you timed everything right up to this point, nothing should really give you too much of a problem, though you do have to be at the very edge of the moving platform in order to make it onto the TNT crates).
Take your time walking across the TNT crates; don't go run across and activate them all at the same time. This may take practice, since the blast radius of the TNT crate may kill you if you're too close.
Get to the very edge of the last crate and wait until the last possible second to make the jump to the second moving platform.
Now simply dodge any shooting spikes and ride the platform up to the trophy.
I really like this game. The fact that there is no timer greatly exemplifies that. I don't like the levels where the jumps need to be timed perfectly, but that comes with the difficulty, I suppose; without it, what kind of challenge would there be? Overall, I enjoy it. I don't think I'll ever finish it because I ragequit too easily, but I'm sure I'll have plenty of fun up until that point.
This reminded me somewhat of those levels in Braid. Overall, I really enjoyed it. My brain feels like it gained a few extra wrinkles.
The only thing I didn't really like was some of the precision jumps. This is more of a mental game than a reflex one, so figuring out a level and dying because of a fussy jump was frustrating.
Also, I'm having the same issue as metacom where I can't access any of the Bonus levels now that I beat the game.
@Stephen - Yep, Cornelius is right, during testing I flipped the boolean to either lock or unlock the Bonus levels for testing purposes, I forgot to switch it back. The swf should be updated very soon.
Good work beating all 30 levels, too!
Thanks to everyone for all of the commments, too, I'm reading them all.
I had an alternate way to beat 15. I
1) immediately went to the right, against the energy bar, so that red and blue were standing on the same spot.
2) Take both to the moving platform on the left, then drop to the spring and jump up to the top.
3) Then just run to the right, get on the moving platform with the conveyor belt, and have red get the trophy. In the process you disable the lower energy field.
4) Then have blue drop back down to the original starting point, get on the moving platform to the right, drop on to the spring and jump to get his trophy.
love the game! except i tried making my own level (and think it's a pretty good one, at that), but when i went to share it, it sadly didn't work.
since that didn't work, here's my level code. give it a try:
Hey e7odie - Sorry about that, it seems ever since the game was released, Playtomic - the service in charge of the level sharing - has been having a lot of technical problems. I spent the day changing over to a new service, so the level sharing should be up and running as soon as the SWF file on the site is updated.
Just played you level though and I have to admit, its weird being on the other side of this since I'm the one who's made all the levels up to this point. Nice work, was fun playing someone else's level.
When the SWF is updated, just go to the level editor, paste the code, and then share the level to get it seen by more people.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Trophiends walkthrough
Level 1
Try your hardest not to black out and fall into the spike pit while jumping over the gaps.
Level 2
Another simple level. If you're having problems near the end, try to stop on the last non-treadmill block and take your time jumping the gap to the trophy.
Level 3
Still a relatively simple level: just concentrate all of your concentration-power on not missing the first few jumps.
Level 4
Moving platforms!? Don't worry, we're still getting introduced to the game mechanics, so nothing too difficult yet. Follow the moving platforms to the left and press the button to deactivate the force field blocking the trophy.
Level 5
This level can be difficult if you're new to the game. It's all in the timing.
Wait for the shooting spikes on the right side of the screen to pass you and immediate jump up and walk toward them into the gap in the floor (obviously before they shoot again).
Jump up to the top, move over to the button to your left and press it to activate the moving platform near the start of the level.
Drop down back to the start and avoid the shooting spikes while riding the moving platform to the trophy.
Level 6
Powerups, oh boy! The red powerup gives you a speed boost. Grab the powerup and time your drop perfectly to avoid the shooting spikes.
Run along the treadmills to the trophy.
Level 7
Now things will start to get interesting - two characters.
Move to the left until Blue reaches the blue powerup (which freezes the character in place).
Once frozen, move Red to his trophy and then wait for Blue to thaw out.
Once thawed, simply walk left to the blue trophy.
Level 8
You have to be quick, here. Move to the left and (as Red) use the spring pad to jump up to the top of the level.
At this time, Blue will drop down to the treadmills and begin to be pushed toward the spike room. You have to use this small period of time to get Red over that first small spike pit (if you wait too long, Blue won't be able to jump without being killed and you'll have to restart).
At this point, simply walk Blue to the left onto the spring pad and jump up to his trophy.
Now as Red, jump over the second spike pit to the red trophy.
Level 9
Teamwork time! Don't grab Red's trophy just yet.
First, get Red over to the right side of the level and quickly stand on the drop platform under the blue trophy to activate it. The platform (and the trophy) will fall, allowing Blue to grab it.
Now just get Red back to the start and grab his trophy.
Level 10
Now, Red obviously is going to have to jump over the gaps and onto the TNT crates to get to the button over on the right side of the screen, but if he jumps, Blue will suffer a fatal headache.
To remedy this, first go to the left and have Blue grab the weighted powerup (doesn't allow him to jump temporarily).
You now have a small window of opportunity to have Red jump his way to the right side of the screen. Before he hits the button, however, focus on Blue and have him jump onto the deactivated moving platform over the spike pit.
At this point, it's pretty self-explanitory. Just focus on getting Red back to the start so he can jump down the the platform with the trophies (Blue will grab his trophy in the process).
Level 11
Between these two characters, Red is in pretty dire danger.
Navigate Red up to his trophy (avoiding the shooting spikes), but be sure to press that button up there in the process. This activates the moving platform to allow Blue to get himself up to the second floor.
Once you reach the red (speed) powerup, Blue still can't reach his trophy without activating the platform above him.
Quickly grab the powerup, run over the drop platform and TNT crates, step onto the button, turn around, and quickly run back before the TNT explodes or the drop platform drops.
Hop onto the platform and ride upwards to victory.
Level 12
The key here is to focus on one character at a time. This level is pretty straightforward, though it may take a few attempts to get the timing right.
Get Red over and up to the button on the left side: the blue powerup will freeze Red on the button, allowing you to now focus only on Blue for a few precious seconds and not have to worry about accidentally killing Red.
Get Blue to the same button, only now on the right side of the level.
Once he's frozen on the button, get Red down to his trophy. Then simply focus on Blue and get him down to his trophy too.
Level 13
You have a very small window of opportunity when the level first starts to not have Blue die horribly.
Focusing on Blue, avoid the incoming spikes by walking off the platform and falling onto the yellow powerup below (allowing Blue to temporarily jump much higher).
Get Blue up to the platform with the red trophy and keep moving to drop down to the electicity trap.
Before the trap kills you, jump over the spike to the left (at this point, make sure Red is not in a position where he's going to jump into the spikes above the blue trophy).
Now you can breathe for a bit before getting Blue over to his trophy. Once Red/Blue are under the spikes near the blue trophy, be sure to lightly tap the jump button as to not kill them on the spiky ceiling.
Once Blue has his trophy, focus on getting Red onto the moving platforms up the shooting spike section.
Concentrate on avoiding all of the dangers and just be sure that once you reach the end of the top platform, you hold the left key to get Red to drop onto the platform with his trophy (and not fall into the inescapable pit).
Level 14
Blue is in control of this entire level: without him, Red will die a tragic and spike-filled death.
Focus on Blue and avoid the overwhelming urge to grab the blue trophy that's brushing up against him and move onto the button to his right. Red will walk onto a now-activated moving platform which will move him over the first spike pit.
Once he's across, focus again on Blue and move him on the next button, which will deactivate the wall blocking Red from the next spike pit.
Move Blue onto the third button and have Red transported over that second spike pit.
Once he reaches the end, walk Blue over to the fourth button and deactivate the floor at the top of the level.
Now, the safe thing to do here is to have Blue press the last button and have the new moving platform activate and move back and forth one time (not worrying about getting Red onto it, just observe it move).
Once the platform returns to its start position, have Blue jump on the button he's already standing on and stop the moving platform.
Move Red to the left and drop him onto the stopped platform.
Now jump again and have Blue reactivate the platform.
From this point on, only focus on the jump button (as in, don't move at all until the platform reaches the red trophy).
Red will hit the weighted powerups along the way (so he won't jump into the spikes on the ceiling).
When you see Red is moving into impending doom, have Blue jump to stop the platform.
Once it's safe, jump again and reactivate the platform. This may take a few attempts, but you'll get the hang of it.
Once Red is at the end, walk off the platform and grab his trophy.
Finally, just have Blue walk over to his trophy and move on to the next level.
Level 15
The title of this level introduces a new game-changing game mechanic. To begin, walk to the left until Red is on the moving platform.
Once Red is over the spring pad on the left, press the down key to have Red drop down off of his platform onto the spring pad.
Dodge the incoming shooting spikes and quickly jump up to the platform at the top of the level.
Now, have Red walk onto the button to deactivate the wall near Blue.
Here comes the key to this level: have Red stand on the drop platform and let it fall.
Now focus on Blue: have him walk to the right onto his moving platform.
Drop down onto the spring pad and jump up to his trophy (try not to get killed in the process).
Now simply have Red retrace his steps back up to his trophy and end the level.
Level 16
Three characters! Now things are staring to get serious. The difficulty in this level comes at the very start: you have to make sure the correct characters go down the correct paths.
Focus on Blue: when his platform is above the other moving platform on his right, move to the right and have Blue drop down onto that platform (at this point, Red and Green may overlap onto each other on the floor, making things easier).
Now, have Blue grab that blue powerup to freeze him.
Whle he's frozen, have Red (or Green, or both) move onto the leftmost platform.
Once this platform is at the top, move Red (or Green) to the button all the way to the right and press it (Blue will grab his trophy in the process).
Now, have Red (or Green) backtrack to the start and go through the middle path this time.
Green will grab his trophy near the beginning while Red has to do some simple jumping to reach his trophy.
Level 17
This is a tough one, but its not too bad if you break it down into steps.
First, focus on ONLY Red and run straight over the treadmills and jump onto the platform in front of him (the one over those two horizontal spikes). At this point, Green will be standing on a deactivated moving platform and Blue will have fallen from a drop platform.
Now, focus ONLY on Blue: have him run to step on the button to his left, then immediately switch your focus back to Red and have him run along the treadmills again and get back on top of the platform he was on.
Now, look at Green: he's one block away from his horizontal platform (that's moving now). Simply have him walk onto it.
Now, ignore Red, he's in no danger. You have to make your move to get Green off of the moving platform, but at the same time remember to have Blue jump onto the platform to evade the spikes he would otherwise be pushed into.
Focusing only on Green at this point (the other two are in no danger), simply walk right to the next moving platform and keep walking while you're standing on it (it's a moving treadmill platform) until Green drops into the hole area near the top-right of the level.
At this point it's best to make it so Red and Blue overlap to make things easier, so do that and ride the moving platform that's above them to the button.
Press it and take the moving platform to Red's trophy, then get Blue down to his trophy.
Finally, focus on Green again and have him retrace his steps back to his trophy.
Level 18
This is one of the only levels where you have to make the trophies come to you rather than the other way around.
First, focus on Blue and have him walk to the block immediate right of the button in front of him (be sure to actually press the button and also be sure to not be standing on it when you stop moving, else you'll deactivate it again when you jump).
Now, when the electricity traps stop going off, jump. Blue will be frozen in place once he touches the blue powerup.
This is your chance to move Red over his button and fall through the gap where the electricity traps are. Have Red grab his trophy.
Now focus on Blue again and get him over the spike pit with that moving platform (Green should still be in no immediate danger as long as you don't jump).
Drop Blue down the gap with the electricity traps and have him grab his trophy, too.
Now simply get Green to the spring pad that Blue is standing on and carefully time your jump up to the area with the treadmills at the top of the level. Walk against the grain to reach his trophy.
Level 19
This level is tricky at first, you have to be very precise.
Focus on Green on his moving platform. You're going to want to jump (to get Red to hit the blue powerup above him, to freeze him in place) but at the same time make sure Green doesn't fall off of his platform.
Once you've achieved this, get Green onto the same platform as Blue (avoid that spinning red spike thing!).
While Red is still frozen, have the two of them (Blue and Green) keep walking to the right. Blue will get "stuck" on the left-moving treadmill and Green will catch up to him.
Have Blue and Green overlap to make your life easier. At this point Red will be unfrozen, so moving right is out of the question.
Now, get Blue and Green onto the moving platform.
Once the platform is over the button, press the down key to have Blue and Green fall onto it and press it. Then, jump them over the spike to the left and grab the blue and green trophies.
If Red hasn't already grabbed that red (speed increase) powerup, grab it now.
The rest of the level is straightforward, though it may be hard to get it right if you're still not comfortable with the controls. You just have to use the speed increase to jump Red over the gaps and get to his trophy on the other side of the level.
Level 20
This level introduces a new powerup, invincibilty, and boy, are you gonna need it.
To begin, focus on Blue. Walk him to the left off of his platform and get as close as you can to the green powerup, but DON'T pick it up; it's not for him. Also, be sure not to jump at this point, or you're going to jettison Green to his death.
Now, focus on Red and walk him to the right JUST until he falls into that little hole (go any further and Blue will walk into the spikes). Green will be frozen in the process.
Once Red is in place, walk Blue back to the green powerup as close as he can get, once again not picking it up.
When Green is unfrozen, walk him into the Green powerup to give him invincibilty.
Now, stand Green on the spring pad and jump up to his trophy: the spikes will no longer kill him (be sure to watch Blue, too - don't jump at a time that the shooting spike will nail Blue right in the head).
Walk Green over the button and onto his trophy.
Now, focus on Red, get him up the moving platform and to that button above him. Press it to open the door to Blue's trophy.
Switch your focus to Blue and walk him to his trophy, hitting that button next to it in the process.
Now you just have to get Red up and over to his trophy to beat the level.
Level 21
Red seems to be in quite the predicament trapped inside that box. Don't have Green press that button just yet, or that will be the end of good ol' Red.
First, jump Green onto the platform when it moves over him.
This is your chance to focus on Blue and jump him over the TNT crates over to where Green started - but don't press that button just yet!
Green will thaw out right over his trophy: press the down key to drop him down onto it.
Now it's all about timing and precision. Wait until the moving platform is just underneath Red and move Blue onto the button: if you do it correctly, Red will fall and land on the platform (the shooting spikes will definitely be a nuisance here, just try to be precise).
Once Red is on the platform, wait for the right opportunity and jump up to the platform with the trophies on it.
Red may or may not be able to grab his trophy (depending on where Blue is); regardless, focus on getting Blue onto the platform and jump him up to the same platform too.
Have Red and Blue grab their trophies to move on.
Level 22
This level isn't as hard as it seems. Your goal is to get that shooting spike to hit the TNT crates to get them out of the way.
First, focus only on Red. Simply jump him over the gaps and get him to his trophy: if you do it correctly, Blue will also evade all dangers.
Now, as Blue, hit that button next to him and get up to the moving platforms.
Take one of the horizontally moving platforms all the way to the right side of the level and use the down key to drop down onto the next button. Watch as the spike takes out the TNT crates.
Be sure not to reactivate the wall (Green will be stuck). Take Blue back up to the moving platforms (with the spring pad), and once he's over his trophy, press the down key again to drop him down onto it.
Now just focus on getting Green over to his trophy without being slapped in the head by a shooting spike.
Level 23
This level is difficult because of the fact that it takes a decent amount of luck to pull it off. Your goal is to get the moving TNT crate activated by the shooting spike right before it drops onto the TNT crate on the ground (to get rid of them both).
Get Red onto the button next to him and get that now-activated moving platform in place to catch the TNT crate when it drops.
Watch out for Blue and Green in the process: they can easily be killed by those electricty traps if you're careless.
This is where timing comes in: pay attention to when the shooting spike fires, and then press the button to get the TNT crate onto the next set of treadmills.
At this point its up to fate if the TNT crate will be activated at the right time.
If the spike hits it too early, it will detonate prematurely.
Otherwise, if you time it just right, the TNT crate won't be hit by the spike at all: equally as bad.
Eventually you'll get it right and the two TNT crates will be cleared away. Be sure to get Red down to the second button to open up the floor to have the TNT crate drop down correctly.
Now focus on getting Red up to his trophy.
Then, take turns having Blue and Green swap positions and get them to their trophies too (once again, avoiding the electicity traps!).
NOTE: A decent strategy here is to have the TNT crate fall on the moving platform, have Red reactivate the platform to get the TNT crate onto the second set of treadmills, and then have Red wait by the second button to open the floor - but DON'T OPEN IT YET.
If you time it right, you now have a chance to let the unarmed TNT crate sit on the floor if it hasn't been hit by the shooting spike. Once it is hit, step on the button to let it drop.
Level 24
Probably the toughest level yet. Don't worry; it's very satisfying once you execute everything perfectly.
Once the level starts, focus on Blue. When the platform is next to him, walk onto it and get to the very edge.
As soon as you can, WALK off of that moving platform onto the platform with the blue powerup on it.
Your goal is now to have blue grab the powerup and be frozen in place. As soon as he's frozen, get Green over the gap and grab the next blue powerup so he's also frozen.
When they're both frozen, focus on Red and run as fast as you can to the red powerup, then have Red run to his trophy.
Blue and Green may take another second to unfreeze, and when they do, you're probably going to have to immediate focus on getting Green away from the incoming red spike ball.
This is the trickiest part: if you can successfully get Green to jump over this red spike ball (as well as avoid the shooting spikes above him) you're practically there.
Move Green to the rightmost-edge of his platform once it's clear of the red spike ball.
Now focus on getting Blue onto the next moving platform to the platform with his trophy, only jumping when necessary at the very end. Have Blue grab his trophy.
Now focus on navigating Green across to his trophy.
This may be the most difficult level in the game, except possibly for the finale, but keep at it and you'll get it.
Level 25
An easy level to introduce our newest player - Yellow. Work one character at a time and get them to their corresponding trophies.
Level 26
This is a deceptively simple level, so don't let it fool you.
Focus on Yellow at first. Simply walk along the moving platform to the gap in the floor with the green trophy and let him fall into it. At this point, Red and Blue will likely be on the ground.
Walk to the left and have Red activate the button to drop the blue and yellow trophies into play.
Have Blue grab his trophy and then focus on getting Red back up to where he started to press the button to free Green.
You may also want to get Yellow down and simply have him grab his trophy to the left.
Now focus only on Red and Green. It's easiest to walk to the right and have them overlap each other, then get both of them onto the moving platform to take them up to their trophies.
Have Green grab his trophy first and then walk Red over to his. (You don't even need that invincibility powerup floating there!)
Level 27
Alright, contrary to what you're seeing, Red isn't in immediate danger as long as you don't move him. Get an idea of what the level looks like and when you're ready, take your first move.
First, drop Red down to the button below him and quickly get Blue dropped down to his trophy and immediately get Red back onto the platform.
Now, when Red is at the top of the platform's movement, walk him to the gap with the two buttons.
Free Green and then get Red back down to his trophy.
Now, focus on Green and get him up to the buttons the same way Red did.
Free Yellow this time, and now focus on getting Yellow down to his trophy.
Finally, simply get Green down (go down the right side) and get him to his trophy, too.
Level 28
This level looks familiar because it's inspired from the art from the game's title screen. There's also a very easy way to beat it.
Focus on Yellow and get him over to where Blue and Green are, then have them all overlap (be sure to hit that button in the process).
Now, have all three of them jump up and grab the green trophy.
Take Blue and Yellow and navigate them to the right side of the level to the blue trophy—now you're only controlling Yellow since Red is still trapped.
Using the spring pad, jump Yellow up to the bridge made of TNT crates and run across it.
Stand on the button under the red trophy, freeing Red.
Now, making sure you don't drop Red down into incoming spikes, have Yellow jump the gap to his trophy (also activating the button under this trophy, too).
Finally, take Red and navigate him to the newly-activated moving platform. Get on it and be sure not to be killed by the electricity trap while riding up to the red trophy. (As in one of the previous levels, the powerup provided isn't even necessary using this technique!)
Level 29
The key to this level is in the title, quick reflexes.
As soon as the level begins, all four characters are on activated drop platforms. It's crucial that as soon as they are dropped, you focus on using the spring pad under Blue to get him back up and over to that blue powerup to freeze him in place.
Now, in the process of doing this, Red should have grabbed the invincibility powerup.
Hold the right key and have all three characters move to the right. Yellow and Red should reach their trophies.
Now, focus on Green and time your jump to have him reach his trophy on the moving platform. If you do this fast enough, Blue should still be frozen at this point.
Once he thaw's out, simply run across the drop platforms, get over the spike pit, and pick up his trophy.
Level 30
The finale, and boy is it a doozy.
To begin, you want to move all of the characters so that Red is standing just to the right of that spring pad on the ground. The best way to do this is to wait until JUST AFTER the electricity trap stops going off for the FIRST time.
When it does, hold the right key and move all of the characters to the right - get Red to the right of that spring pad, Yellow across the TNT bridge, and Blue and Green safely out of the danger of the electricity traps (it's best to have Blue and Green jump only once, wait until Green falls and then have them both jump to safety, this makes sure the characters stop where they should be).
NOTE: do not grab any powerups yet.
Blue should be standing under one of the blue powerups: wait until your ready, then jump. Blue will freeze.
Now, focus on getting Green down to the ground area. In the process, Red may also be frozen if he grabs that blue powerup next to him; this doesn't matter either way.
If you move fast enough, Red should be on the ground to the right of the level, Green should have his trophy, and Yellow should be somewhere between those two or to the left of Green (Note: It is important at this point that Yellow be as FAR LEFT as he can be.)
Now, move Blue under the next blue powerup and freeze him again.
This is your chance to have Yellow haul himself to the green powerup (invincibility), run across the spikes onto the spring pad on the left, and jump up to his trophy at the top.
After this, you can breathe a little. Blue should be standing up top, unfrozen, and Red should be somewhere on the ground at the bottom.
What you're going to want to do now is get Blue all the way over to the left and drop down onto his trophy. Red, however, doesn't have a lot of play to move around.
To fix this, drop Blue into the holes with the electricty traps (obviously when they're not on).
At this time, move Red as far right as possible and jump out (to the left, as Blue). This gives Red some wiggle-room while providing Blue the opportunity to walk left.
Once Blue has his trophy, it's simple: have Red get on the spring pad near him and jump up to that red powerup (speed increase).
Quickly get back onto the spring pad and use the increased speed to get over back up to the platform where Blue was.
Carefully navigate to the drop floors above the red trophy and let Red drop down into victory.
Congratulations, you beat the game!
Bonus Level 1
Alright, this level is all about timing and just basically trusting you know where the other character is. Of course, that's the case if you don't know about the short cut.
About half a second after the level begins, walk to the right and get Blue onto his moving platform. You want to walk far enough to get Red to walk off of his stationary platform and fall down to overlap with Blue. This may be tricky at first, but it's simple.
At this point, it's as if you're controlling one character, so it shouldn't be too hard. Get Red and Blue onto the moving jump-pad and spring up to the top.
Next, walk across the moving platform, over the drop platform and second moving treadmill-platform, and onto the platform with the red trophy (platforms, platforms everywhere).
Finally, let Blue fall down to his trophy and advance to the next level.
Bonus Level 2
This is one of the tougher levels of these bonus levels.
To begin, slowly inch the four characters to the right.
Have Red just barely get on the moving treadmill-platforms and stop moving—they should carry him across (if you walk onto them at the right time, that is, when they're moving away from you).
Then, continue to inch everyone forward until Blue is also carried across.
Keep going and now let Green across.
Keep moving right: Red will fall to the platform with the button.
Get Yellow onto the moving platforms and use the down key to have him drop down off of the platform onto the temporary floor, unlike Red, Blue, and Green who were on the platform above the floor.
Now, keep going right and Red will press the button, opening the temporary floor and dropping Yellow.
Now go left and have Green follow Yellow. Red and Blue will probably fall down onto that floor of treadmills and be carried off to the right of the screen: this is good.
Now have Yellow grab the green powerup (invincibility) and stand on the drop floors: they will drop one by one.
Once he's on the spikes, make a mad dash for the yellow trophy. If Green is positioned right, he won't run off of the edge of the platform.
Now, walk Green to the left over to his trophy.
Finally, just focus on Red and Blue and spring them up to their trophies at the top to finish the level.
Bonus Level 3
TNT crates, TNT crates everywhere.
To start, walk Red to his death into the TNT crate pit to his right.
Now, to survive, wait until the TNT crate is about to explode, then jump.
Do this again until Red is standing on the drop platform. Have him drop down and grab the red speed powerup.
But wait, what about Blue? While Red is dodging the second explosion (note, the later you do this the better), hold the left button down and have Blue freeze himself by walking into the blue powerup to his left.
Now, as Red, with the speed powerup, run across the treadmills and onto the spring pad.
Time your jump to hit that button up there just when the TNT crate on the platform is being armed.
Then, once the platform reaches its destination, the TNT crate will explode and arm the rest of the crates for a chain reaction.
Then simply get Red and Blue safely to their respective trophies after all the crates explode.
Bonus Level 4
This level actually has a very simply solution that I (the wonderful creator of this game whom you've probably cursed a few times if you've reached this point) overlooked when I originally created it.
At the start, move to the right and have all three characters drop down onto eachother right before that platform begins with the electricity traps above the treadmills.
When they're all overlapped onto each other, the level is quite a piece of cake to complete.
Bonus Level 5
One character to control: how hard can it be, right?
Alright, after the level starts, get onto that moving platform next to you the first time it rises up to your platform and starts to go down. Ride it down safely.
Now, wait until the last possible second and jump onto the TNT crates (if you timed everything right up to this point, nothing should really give you too much of a problem, though you do have to be at the very edge of the moving platform in order to make it onto the TNT crates).
Take your time walking across the TNT crates; don't go run across and activate them all at the same time. This may take practice, since the blast radius of the TNT crate may kill you if you're too close.
Get to the very edge of the last crate and wait until the last possible second to make the jump to the second moving platform.
Now simply dodge any shooting spikes and ride the platform up to the trophy.
Posted by: Jay
July 10, 2012 2:46 PM