Toys is a compact, high-quality escape game that, if not exactly groundbreaking, is certainly enjoyable. A prominent feature of one of the game's puzzles is the usage of stereograms, a form of optical illusion in which a three-dimensional image is hidden within a two-dimensional picture. All in all, a high-quality production.
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The stereograms were a bit difficult to distinguish with my monitor, but once I saw one the other was easy. The "orange" stereogram is
a picture of Italy,
while the green one is
a picture of a paw print
With the three books having wolf in common (shadow on the blue, three little pigs for the green and red riding hood) it leads me to believe that Italian wolves have something to do with the passcode, but I'm having trouble figuring that one out.
I've got
an acorn, a screwdriver(used), a possible piece to a slingshot, piece of paper from lamp. I saw italy and the paw print also. books look like 3 little pigs, a glass slipper (cinderella?), and the clock with the shadow. I thought it was the shadow from the rocking horse.
any ideas?
You're wrong about the books, Dougan. That's not little red riding hood, it's Cinderella on the red book. I don't know what the little lamb in the clock is supposed to be for, but if you think numbers, you can figure out the first two and then use trial and error for the blue number.
12 midnight should be 12 am, but the code is pm for some reason. Thankfully, it wouldn't let me change the p, so I didn't have to bang my head wondering what was wrong with the stupid thing.
Code for cupboard is
3 for 3 little pigs, 12PM for Cinderalla and i cant remeber the last - chose randomly but i am sure it is relevant somehow :) so: 312PMX where x is some number
The trick to the cabinet lock
What are the books?
The books are fairly tales, Cinderella, 3 little pigs and the wolf one which title skips my mind at the moment. What do they have in common with numbers?
List the number of animals or time from the books
3 little pigs, Cinderella at 12PM (even though it's midnight so it's AM), and 7
blue book has a clock at 4:10 and a shadow, green book shows a pig doing masonry work, and the red book has an upside down glass slipper i think and some weird gold leaf thing on top.
I have finally Identified the third book the wolf thing helped it's
The wolf and the seven little goats even though it looks like a sheep to me but I got the code right so I guess thats it
My next step was the alpha-numeric keypad on the white cabinet.
Notice the colors above the keypad. Anything familiar about them?
They correspond to the nursery books.
The code that worked for me was 312PM7. 3 comes from the bricklaying pig being the third of the three pigs. 12PM should actually be 12AM, based on the story of Cinderalla, but the P doesn't change. I'm not sure what the connection between 7 and the sheep-clock is. I brute forced it.
thanks for the cabinet help! i feel dumb, should have gotten that...
stuck the plug in the rocking horse eye and the little thing shot out, but i lost it! where did it go? probably right in front of my face...
Yeah, it's right there, somewhere between the blue book and the horse. I didn't have to do any pixel hunting to find it, but maybe I got lucky.
I feel pretty much the same, although I've been glad for the help with the stereograms. I usually can't see them on paper -- it's hopeless on my laptop.
I just got the third stereogram. Even with knowing what others are seeing in them, I can't figure out what to do with them.
Okay I'm stuck now - I've run out of items to use and things to open / click on. I'll let you guys know where I'm at, then I'll come back from work and have another look.
I have seemingly collected all the items and I've worked out the three stereograms. Italy, a paw print and 8 x 4. I just don't know what to do with it.
I am suspicious by the curtain near the couch, the weird shading on the door and the plants.
Get acorn from couch.
Get screwdriver from shade.
Elastic from drawer.
Unscrew lamp, for a hint.
Look at all three books, note the stories and colors.
Open color coded lock on cabanet.
I have no clue, but by brute force:
It's from a Grimm fairy tale I'd never heard of before, The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids (as in goats). The blue book shows the seventh kid, who escapes death by hiding in the clock.
Get handle.
Get other part of sling shot.
Asemble sling shot, and acorn.
use clue with book case to get coin.
use coin on gumball machine to get peg.
Crank in music box for the key
The key gets you the last stereogram
Explanation for the blue book added. -FunnyMan
zoom in on cushions, lift one and take acorn, go right
open bottom drawer, take content, go right
zoom in on vase, take screwdriver out of curtain, go back to couch
zoom in on bottom of the lamp, use screwdriver on screw, take note
have a look at green, red and blue books (cupboard, couch, floor)
they are all from fairy tales -
pigs in story
time cinderella left the ball
kids in story
=312pm7=code for glass door
take handle and open middle drawer with it, take item
now you have all items for a slingshot, put them together and load it with the acorn
shoot at the balloon, pick up note from under couch
press doors of cupboard in the order shown on the note
open left door, take coin
feed coin into bubble gum dispenser, take item
look at note from lamp
use item as eye for the rocking horse, rock the horse, a handle flies out
pick it up and put it in the box on the window sill, turn it
open box and take key
use key for last drawer, open it and take green piece
now you can have a look a the green piece and the two pictures on the walls, if you're any good at magic eye pictures you should be able to see the clues for the door, if you're complete rubbish with this kind of pictures (like me) simply use the code provided by nick (thanks):
Italian flag
you can select it after you've put the green piece at the bottom left of the door
and OUT
I finally solved it with lots of help from the comments above :)
On the use of stereograms: even when you can see them, occasionally the image you perceive is not the one intended by the creator, but a distorted image. (It could just be me, but I suspect the reason is that the brain has to guess at the most likely image, and sometimes gets it wrong.) It happened to me on the third stereogram, even though the comments told me what to expect.
24653187 - the music is the English folk-song "Greensleeves".
Incidentally, whoever made this game goofed up a single important detail.
12 P.M. means 12 noon, not 12 midnight.
1. Yeah, the server is overloaded. That just means that JiG has so many followers!
2. Unfortunately, I also cannot see stereograms. I am legally blind, and cannot see things in three dimensions. So, while I do think it is cool to incorporate into a game, I do want to thank those who have given me the stereo answers. Unfortunately, sometimes, a game designer must weight between what they perceive is good for the game and it being universally accessible.
Well (at least for me) it makes more sense 12 PM beeing midnight than it beeing noon. PM is a shortcut for post meridiam (from latin meaning after noon) so logigicaly 12 AM and 0 PM is noon and 12 PM and 0 AM is midnight. I am not going to discuss common usage as where I live we 24 hour system and not AM/PM.
For the logic behind the last digit of the cabinet code:
The clock says 5:10, which on an analog clock is one hand on the 5 and the other on the 2; 5 + 2 = 7
Re: am/pm:
It absolutely makes sense that 12 midnight should be 12pm because it comes after 11pm, and that the non-numerically-confused alternative would be 0am. However, since "am" refers to a time being in the morning, and "pm" refers to one in the afternoon, midnight is 12am (think of 12:30 at night - evidently the morning) and noon is 12pm. It's an absolute mess, though.
I've never been able to see stereograms, despite having mastered focussing/un-focussing at will. The linked article suggests that a small percent of the population just can't use stereovision; perhaps I'm one of them. Thanks for the stereo-tips, JiG comments folk.
That was actually reasonably doable. I only needed two hints, one for the books and one for the stereograms. It seems I'm not alone in lacking the ability to see these things. My eye problems mean that I don't have true depth perception, so I can't see the 3D image. I don't think it makes it a bad game, but it is a little frustrating for me.
Ow. I have an easier time using stereograms on paper than on a computer, so trying them here hurt my eyes a bit. It sounded like a good idea, except for making the game impossible for some people. Their implementation was kind of random, unless the puzzle solution actually did match up with the theme and I didn't know.
Is there folk song or children's story in Italy about thirty-two dogs? Or thirty-two Italian dogs? I'd like to hear it, especially if it involves roaming the countryside or rescuing the moon. It's all good bedtime fare.
I think a bug is preventing me from completing this, is this happening to anyone else?
I've just put the coin in the gumball machine, and a cylinder has dropped down. However, the cylinder won't go into my inventory after i click and view it, it remains in the gumball machine. Tried reloading the game, but still no luck....
About the blue book:
"...But who should come in but the wolf! They were terrified and wanted to hide themselves. One sprang under the table, the second into the bed, the third into the stove, the fourth into the kitchen, the fifth into the cupboard, the sixth under the washing-bowl, and the seventh into the clock-case. But the wolf found them all, and used no great ceremony; one after the other he swallowed them down his throat. The youngest, who was in the clock-case, was the only one he did not find. ..."
Makes sense to me ... thanks mommy for sending me to sleep those days :)
Technically, the game has it backwards.
a.m. = ante meridiem = Latin for 'before noon'
p.m. = post meridiem = Latin for 'after noon'
So if a new day starts at midnight, and a.m. and p.m. are before and after midday/noon....
Makes perfect sense to me ;-)
And in regards to the blue book, I've never heard of that tale either.
There were three billy goats gruff, and the story had nothing to do with a clock, a wolf, or, for that matter, sheep.
That being said, I'd never heard of The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids until now.
question about the bubble gum machine:
After i put the coin in,i get this cork like thing. it makes a noise as if i have picked it up,but when i exit,it's back to sitting by the door. is there a glitch?
keep clicking on the cork after you pick it up. It will turn over several times then it will go to your inventory
It took me forever to figure that out.
Stereograms? Bad idea. Really.
I physically can't do them on paper let alone on a monitor.
They really limit this game's audience in my opinion.
Add to this the already mentioned
'peg from the gumball machine glitch' where it doesn't always go to the inventory no matter how many times you click on it, and the fact that midnight is 12 AM not 12 PM
then you got yourself a fairly poor escape game.
Eh. Just okay. I didn't get the blue book reference either but you just try each number until it works.
I have no problem with sterograms at all. Always been able to see them. BUT, whenever I view them on a computer screen, they are reversed. In other words, a bowl becomes a dome & vice versa. Does anyone else experience that?
For those who (like me) have trouble with stereograms, this link gives you an option of playing the game with visible pictures instead:
Click "picture" or "stereogram" depending on what you want.
Good for the designers for responding to criticism!
I'm not doing very well with the overall game yet but I did find a pretty good way to see the stereograms. You know how you can see the reflection of objects in your monitor - maybe a lamp, the tv behind you, or even your own reflection? Well, I've found that if I focus on the reflections rather than the stereogram I go into "stereo" rather quickly. Then I just find the right "stare" to see the object in the stereograms.
Strictly speaking, as "am" means "before noon" and "pm" means "after noon", both "12am" and "12pm" mean midnight. See
Is there any way to fix the bug that prevents you from putting the
peg from the gumball machine
in inventory?
Also, regarding AM/PM---think about it this way, folks: If it's noon, what time will it be in one minute? 12:01 PM. If it's midnight, in one minute it will be 12:01 AM. So, midnight is AM and noon is PM.
Oh, you have -got- to be kidding me. Is that what a stereogram is? Oh, jeez! I remember the local newspaper used to put a stereogram on the top of the Sunday comics and my sisters and I would spend -hours- playing with them before they got discontinued. Oh gosh, I am definitely going to try this out! Man, good childhood memories.
I just wanted to comment that the blue book is from "The Wolves and the Seven goats".
So the green book is: 7
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Explanation for the blue book added. -FunnyMan
Posted by: Serre
May 13, 2009 3:03 AM