An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

The Telephone

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The Telephone is a stylish and unique puzzle game in which you embark on an adventure by dialing in destinations. The destinations are 3-digit telephone numbers that you find in each 'level' and which advance you through the game. Each destination is unique in its objective, sound, and interface.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Thanks for your interest in AOOA, here is a list of the music I used or sampled in AOOA hope this answers your query!

Dial 580

(Garden of Eden)
Jackson Browne - I've Been Out Walking

Dial 164

(The hand of God)
Stiltskin - Inside

Dial 824

(stone, paper, scissors)
Harry Belafont - Mama Look At Bubu

Dial 920

( see no, speak no, hear no evil)
'Carmina Burana' - O Fortuna
Iron Maiden - The number of the beast

Dial 666

(The Clown)
Sigur Rós - Jósef Tekur Fimmuna Ì Vinnuna

Dial 217

(the piano)
Close encounters theme

Dial 314

Benny Goodman - Let's Dance

Michael Clague


that was a neat game.


Excellent game, but sort of eaaasy. Fun nonetheless and great graphics.

punky munky January 8, 2005 12:00 AM

yay! i beat it (easy though)

Dudemom_2000 February 25, 2005 7:46 PM

Great Time Waster game! I enjoyed it very much. It was easy enough but very enjoyable to play.


sort of creepy sometimes but still fun


i think im being real dumb but how do u get the number from the one with the piano thing


wow. I loved that. The atmosphere on every level was just gorgeous.

Christine April 10, 2005 5:20 PM

ThANKS! Good choice for a short little game!
I really enjoyed that brief break from my homework! But alas, time to get back to the drudge of Neuroanatomy.
Thanks again Jay!


Im really stuck on the part with the piano.. HELP.... its bugging me...


The piano is easy...just play the same notes the piano does three times and the #s come up. Happy keyboarding!

Kamehameha_cuty May 25, 2005 5:08 PM

Really great game!! Nice and simple just like I like it. I need a simple game after all those point and click games where you need to find clues and solve puzzles escape (even though those were kinda fun too). My only complaint about The Telephone is that its too short. Other than that I loved it!!


Not a game, but an experience that everyone should try. Beautiful.
I have only just found this site, and this "game", along with Treasure Box, must be one of the most enjoyable times I have had on a computer.


Well, SteveC, you're in for a treat, because there are many wonderful games here.

I'm glad you found it. =)


that was a very cute game. i loved it. so easy!


i have no idea how to do the 2nd level...i dont get the jesus hand do u do it


Shar-ever tried dragging something?


haha Jay, yet another brilliant game : D

I loved it except for the Devil thing was scary haha

Adeel Syed July 28, 2005 12:02 AM


Creative thinking.

That person's mind hasn't been ****ed up by alot of hardcore facts and school.


For some reason on the piano level, i can only see the very tops of the numbers after i've played the piano and therefore can't move onto the next level! Someone help me out here.


Actually, i zoomed in and managed to get them... only to realise it was the end. Hahah how sad :(

Minveital July 31, 2005 5:36 PM

on level two, there were only darkness, but then i move the mouse around...



I am goin ape s**t over here. How do you solve the one with the harp sounds and lights over the city. I just don't get it.


Has anyone figured out the 'Bonus Beat'?

KumikoDee August 12, 2005 4:29 PM

hahaha... i actually really enjoyed that. it was something my head didn't hurt on and really cute, all at the same time. ^_^ Kudos!!!


hello mr.jay ive wanted for the longest time to ask you what the name of the accoustic sounding song was on the first level with the crows?? what band is that or even better yet what is the name of that song...

thank you

great game by the way


Thanks for your interest in AOOA, here is a list of the music I used or sampled in AOOA hope this answers your query!

Dial 580

(Garden of Eden)
Jackson Browne - I've Been Out Walking

Dial 164

(The hand of God)
Stiltskin - Inside

Dial 824

(stone, paper, scissors)
Harry Belafont - Mama Look At Bubu

Dial 920

( see no, speak no, hear no evil)
'Carmina Burana' - O Fortuna
Iron Maiden - The number of the beast

Dial 666

(The Clown)
Sigur Rós - Jósef Tekur Fimmuna Ì Vinnuna

Dial 217

(the piano)
Close encounters theme

Dial 314

Benny Goodman - Let's Dance

Michael Clague


Hehe. That was fun, AND a good time-waster. The music was great, too. I loved O Fortuna. XD I just wish that it was longer...and harder. XD Still, very fun.


i loved this game. nice and easy although that devil man was scary -shudders-

amber rohrig December 13, 2005 12:48 PM

hey, I loved this game, I wish it was longer. if you make a new one email it to me


its a good game...buuut its a bit creepy at times....creeped me out...


I'm glad you-all thought it was easy! I am, I hate to admit, stuck on the first level. Love the music but cannot for the life of me figure out what the heck I am supposed to do. Anyone care to leave a hint? Please?


Ohhh. Okay, I'm really dumb. Now I get it. This is fun.


I feel stupid...I didn't realize you have to pick up the receiver...*sighs*...anyways, cool game!


That was really well done...maybe it couldve been longer? I found that if you dial a wrong number, a message plays to you! Its nothing just says its a wrong number but i still find it funny! A great game, well done.


Loved it. I really liked the imagination in this game and the graphics were nice too. There really need to be more games like this.

JavaJunco March 8, 2006 9:23 PM

This is exquisite! Beautifully crafted. Short, but wonderful. Being able to play the piano was an unexpected treat! Thanks!

3D Preacher April 28, 2006 7:31 AM

Wow this is a great game. Both creepy and... still. If you get what I mean.

You know what? I'm going to play it again.


wow that was easy and I didn't remember what notes played on the piano but I found out all u have to do is shake the limb!!


Oh my God! Nico's These Days is playing on the first level! The first flash game that I can leave the volume up to (on some of these parts). Very happy i found this site this week. Thanks, Jay. I thought flash games were dead.


666 would be too easy to guess lol


in the piano part, when you get the notes, the guy putted the introduction of Pagan Poetry - Bjork. did u notice?


Thanks Jay! It was great...I have found it as easy as life! ;) U know what I mean... Solution s simple if we know how to look from the right side!

richard mitchell August 28, 2006 7:58 PM

nice, i liked it, clear and interesting, cheers


was great fun - bring on some more

PapaChabre September 6, 2006 9:47 PM

That was really neat. The only tough part was the piano. Had to sound it out because I missed the key strokes at the beginning.


I love trawling the archives of this site and finding little gems like this one.
The atmosphere of this game is so wonderfully eerie. I've never seen a telephone be put into that creepy context, but it really works. I've never seen a telephone look so frightening!
I just adored the combination of inteactivity and sounds, as soon as I finished it I had to play it again right away.

Although I think each and evey level are genius, I have to say I was most frightened on the first level when I took the apple from the tree the music stopped, all the birds died and someone is screaming in my ear! Argh!


wierd little game!!!! v cute tho...i love this site by the way!!!!!!!!! x x x


This is the scariest thing i ever saw! Ahhhhhh help me mom. :0 im warning you dont do this. Satan is COMING!


This is such an amazing game ... love the ambience, the music, the art ... but I was really unhappy when I finished it so quickly, because I liked it so much. I would love *any* more games by this guy! (Perhaps a proper room escape? He'd do an amazing job if it!)


Absolutely delightful game. I echo the comments of others, wish it were longer. Lots of fun!

Technochocolate February 16, 2007 12:03 AM

How come every single really artistic point-and-click game ends so soon?


stuck on level 2, don't know what to do next after I got the beautiful night view city and God's Hand, I think..??


who knows how to fingerpick the first song "these days" by jackson brown like that? I MUST KNOW!

***N.J. E$HA*** May 20, 2007 2:33 PM

Wow!!!!! It was a nice game. The only part that freaked me out was the devils and then the dead birds!!!

Candyholic June 4, 2007 8:45 AM

Absolutely beautiful game.
Too bad it was so short.

Anonymous August 13, 2007 8:06 PM

on the second level you pull the hand down twords the city and the piano you play the same thing the piano played at the begining


I hate this. I hate it for being so short. its awesome. why arn't there more 'games' like this? ones with no objective, just pure random fun and art? the internets is a cold, cruel place full of violence, youtube-esque commentry and newgrounds .-.

slyfan548 October 16, 2007 6:31 PM


The devil one was scary...

Also, At the end, I saw "Bonus Beat," what is it?


This game was a nice break time puzzle. A little easy, but pleasant all the same. Also, I don't see how the devil was scary.

P.S.:Bonus Beat is a music segment that could be played when clicked on if you choose to, slyfan548.


Very nice! The artwork and music are terrific, and kept me drawn to see what was next. It would be nice to see it all pulled together into a story.

Thanks to Michael Clague for posting the additional info about the music.

Looking forward to more from you.


definitly kid safe.



I never really found it creepy, except for two Places you could visit. The idea of a telephone that could temporarily send you to different little Places sounds clever and whimsical, though it was given an eerie atmosphere. This has been a favourite of mine, and I go back to play through it every so often.


What a simple concept yet an awesome game.

Too short and bit easy but otherwise great.

I'm new on here and am just trolling the archives...


The clown scared me... I love the way the devil one built up. You could easily guess what that number would be, but it was worth going through all of it anyway.

Fun game, too short.


This was the first game I ever played on JayIsGames! :D


I remember this one! Lovely little game.

maati.oriani October 31, 2010 5:38 PM

Super cool game, but its short and creepy. I mean, what's the goal? What's the meaning?! lol Don't let my crazy questions bother anybody. Like I said, super cool game!


I actually really loved the devil one, for the music.

Reminds me of Death Note. XDDD

lycyfyrsam August 21, 2012 3:34 AM

stunning stunning stunning stunning--but way way way way too short.


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