The Pretender: Part 3
In the latest installment of Launching Pad's magical puzzle platformer series, you, a desperate stage magician, are still trying to track down all the souls of your audience and escape from the alternate world you accidentally teleported everyone to. (It's a long story.) Can you master the new elemental powers at your command to find your way home through new tricky environments, or will the crotchety old sorcerer chasing you and your assistant, Eliza, prove more powerful than you expected?
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First of all, excellent excellent puzzling as usual. I just love the graphics coupled with the musical notes, and as always that voice-acting! Wheee!
But some disappointments:
The inconsistent art style was just a downer to me. I love the cut-out look, and to see a sudden shift to lining for landscape blocks detracted more than I expected.
If you're new to the series, there don't seem to be instructions for
using water to grow vines that you can climb, and using water to seed rain clouds. The sailboats might also throw off some new players. Odd, given the excellent tutorial hints that make the series so awesome.
Most aggravating is that I am almost to the end, and this is the 3rd time an important element was camouflaged by the background graphics. I couldn't see them for several minutes, and I knew what to look for. Some background elements also looked like they could be manipulated, but were not part of the landscape.
Last but not least, I tip my hat to the Victorian influence, but the whole thing where a woman "belonging" to a man is romantic is getting overly done, like a burnt turkey. This is clearly my opinion only - it would be nice to leave such sentiments in the Victorian period, and find some other heartfelt turn-of-phrase, eh?
I too am excited to see another installment of this game, I've been a fan since the beginning. I'm sad to say, however, that with only two levels left this might be the easiest of the series yet, boo. Maybe the next two levels will surprise me though....
Like the previous commenter, the only difficulty I've experienced so far with any of the puzzles, is seeing that I CAN put a bridge there, or that there IS a seed sitting over there. Otherwise, pretty basic.
Aaand...Finished! I think that's the first game in this series where I've been able to work out the puzzles on my own! Overall, a worthy addition to an excellent series, even if it's not as tough as the last installment.
Ending's a bit of a downer, but I'd like to think it leaves an opening for another game. Perhaps one following the magician's wife.
The Pretender 3 walkthrough
Earth: Font is brown with stones.
Passive powers
Can pass through fire
Sinks in water
Pushes boulders
Active Powers
Smashes through rocks and rocky floors
Air: Font is a white whirlwind.
Passive powers
Floats atop water
Can ride air columns and currents
Can walk across air columns
Active Powers
Blow seeds and tumbleweeds
Move sailboats
Water: Font is blue waves.
Passive powers
Can swim through water
Active Powers
Douse flames
Water seeds to grow trees
Water clouds to fill basins with water
Fire: Font is flaming yellow and red.
Passive powers
Can pass through fire
Becomes human when in contact with water
Active Powers
Set bracken and tumbleweeds on fire
Human: Font is black.
Passive powers
Sinks in water
Active Powers
Summons bridges where shadowy bridges are
Walk right over the Earth font and smash the floor. Grab the ghost.
Walk left over the ledge, smashing through the rocks.
Grab the Air font, head to the column of air and to the door.
Create the bridge and walk over the Earth font and the ledge.
Walk through the fire and into the water. Grab the Water font.
Swim toward the ghost and go up the ladder.
Go up the ladder and around to the door, dousing the flames along the way.
Climb the ladder and grab the ghost.
Go into the water and grab the water font, then swim to the door.
Go back to the ladder via the water. Climb the ladder and go over the ledge to the ghost, dousing the flames.
Go left over the Human font, then over the Water font. Swim to the exit.
Swim down to the last ghost, going over the Air font. Float to the surface and head to the exit over the island.
Jump down to the lower level toward the Air font. Ride the rightmost column of air up.
Grab the Earth font and head down the rock stairs, smashing them as you go.
Smash the rock to the left and grab the ghost.
Grab the Air font and ride the columns of Air to the door.
Head right, grab the ghost, and return to the exit.
Climb down the ladder and grab the Air font. Climb up again and float across the water.
Grab the Water font on the other side and swim down to the ghost. Head to the exit.
For the other ghosts, just dowse the flames to get to them, and return them to the door.
Climb down the ladder and take the Air font. Climb up and ride the column of air to the top of the screen.
Head over the ledge to grab the Water font, getting the ghost along the way. Head to the exit, dowsing the flames in your way.
Climb the ladder again and move to the right over the ledge. Dowse the flames and head left, over the Air font and into the air column. Grab the nearby ghost and head to the exit.
Head right, into the air column again and toward the lowest ghost. Go down and left, back into the air column and towards the exit.
Climb the ladder and the air column to the Human font. Summon the bridge, grab the last ghost, and head to the exit.
Go down the steps and up the ladder to grab the Air font.
Continue right and climb the air column near the exit.
Climb down the ladder and grab the Earth font. Climb back up and smash the rock.
Head left over the ledge to the Air font again. Retrace your steps to climb the air column again.
Go left to ride the air vent across the chasm. Grab the Earth font.
Smash through the rock floor and grab the ghost. Push the boulder to the right into the gap with the small air column, smashing the rocky floors along the way.
Deposit the ghost in the exit. Climb the short ladder and walk through the flames, grab the ghost, and lead her towards the door.
Climb the taller ladder to the Air font. Ride the column of air and climb down the ladder to the last ghost. Head to the exit.
Head left onto the Earth font and the ledge. Go back to the right side of the rocky floor before smashing it. Grab the Human font before falling through the gap onto the hovering ghost.
Summon the bridge and head to the water font. Head to the exit, dowsing flames along the way.
Climb down and swim to the Air font. Move left, up the ladder, and up the column of air to grab the Earth font again.
Walk left, climb down and head to the water. Smash the rock and grab the underwater ghost. Walk to the Air font and go back to the exit.
Go down and move to the right side of the screen, riding the column of air to the top. Grab the ghost and head to the exit.
Ride the air column and move right, over the ledge and to the Human font near the Water font. Summon the bridge.
Go back to the Air font under water, head right to the big air column, then left to grab the last ghost. Head to the exit.
Head right onto the Fire font. Alight the bracken.
Go over the ledge, then head left towards the ghost and up the ladder.
Push the tumbleweed over the ledge. Climb down the ladder and continue pushing it so that it's under the bracken near the Air font. Set the tumbleweed aflame. Go over the Air font, up the column of air and to the exit.
Climb up the ladder to the Fire font. Climb down, walk over the ledge to the left and walk to the right, through the flames and to the ghost.
Go to the right, over the ledge, avoiding the Water font for now. Move left and burn the bracken.
Head right to the Water font. Go down the ladder and dowse the flames to clear a path. Grab the Air font and ride the air columns to get to the exit.
Take the Fire font again and head down to the lowest level to get the ghost and Air font. Ride the air column again and head to the exit.
Go left across the air columns, grab the last ghost, ride the column of air again, and head to the exit.
Climb the ladder and head left through the Fire font, flame, and ghost, all the way to the Water font on the far side of the screen.
Head to the water and swim down to the Earth font, avoiding the Air fonts nearby.
Climb the ladders to the exit, smashing the rocks in your way.
Head to the Water font again, grabbing the ghost nearby. Head down the ladder and water the seed to left. Head to the exit.
Go left and dowse the flame. Swim to the Earth font, climb the ladders to the exit, move left over the ledge, and climb the ladder. Smash the rock and grab the ghost.
Jump in the water to the Air font and escort the ghost to the exit.
Climb up to the Fire font, then head to the tree. Climb it, alight the bracken, and grab the last ghost. Head toward the exit, again diving to the Air font first.
Climb up to the Earth font. Climb down to the rocky floor and smash it, without falling down. Climb up to the tumbleweed and push it to the right over the ledge.
Climb up to top level and down the ledge to the second tumbleweed. Push it over the right side. Fall off the left side and head right to continue pushing the tumbleweed so it fills the gap in the bracken.
Head left to the Fire font. Climb down the ladder to grab the ghost and set the bracken and tumbleweeds on fire.
Head to the exit via the topmost platform to deposit the ghost. Escorting the other ghosts should be straightforward.
Head down the ladder and left to the ghost on the bracken. Go up the ladder, push the boulder over the edge and smash the rocky floor. Push the other boulder over the edge to the right.
Climb down the ladder to the Fire font and alight the bracken. Climb down to the exit, then grab the ghost to the left and escort her to the exit as well.
Climb all the way up to the Earth font. Head left over the ledges and smash the last rocky floor, staying on the left side of the gap.
Climb the ladder to the Air font. Ride the currents and drop the ghost off at the exit. Repeat for the last ghost.
Fall down the ledge and move right to the Earth font. Smash the rock to the left, climb the ladder, and push the boulder to the right. Climb down the ladder and continue pushing it to the right, into the gap.
Climb the ladder and walk off the ledge to the left. Push the tumbleweed right, until it is underneath the bracken.
Climb both ladders and push the other tumbleweed into the column of air. Climb down to the Air font, ride the air column, and continue pushing the tumbleweed right, over the Fire font and into the bracken. Alight the tumbleweed and bracken.
Walk over the Fire font, walk left over the ledge to the lower tumbleweed, and set it and the bracken on fire.
After the boulder falls, grab the ghost to the right and escort her to the exit. Go left to the Air font, right to the column of air, and ride it to the next ghost. Head to the exit.
For the last ghost, head to the Air font on the upper level, go over the right edge, and ride the column of air on the right. Head to the exit.
Grab the Air font and blow the seed over the gap. Head right over the Water font and up the ladder. Water the seed. Climb the tree and fall off the ledge.
Blow the tumbleweed across the gap. Head left, crossing over the Fire font. Push the tumbleweed under the bracken and alight it.
Grab the Water font, water the seed, climb the tree, and go to the exit.
Go to the Water font. Climb down the tall, middle ladder and water the seed.
Grab the Air font, climb up, and blow the seed to the right. Grab the Water font, water the seed, and climb the tree to get to the ghost on the right.
Get to the Fire font. Climb up two ladders to get to the last seed, protected by bracken. Set the bracken on fire. Go down, grab the Air font, go back up, and blow the seed to the right.
Go down, grab the Fire font, and set the patch of bracken to the right on fire. Head left, climbing the tree to avoid the Air font, and set the last patch of bracken aflame.
The current blows the seed across the gap. Grab the Air font to follow it to the Water font, dropping the ghost off along the way.
Water the seed and climb the tree. Head right to the Human font and summon the bridge to the left. Cross it and head left to the last ghost, climbing the tree to avoid the Air font.
Grab the ghost, cross the Air font, and ride the current to the exit.
Ruined City
Dive into the water, onto the Water font. Grab the ghost on the right shore.
Climb up the ladders to get to the Fire font. Dive back in the water to become Human again. Climb up the ladders again and summon the topmost bridge. Cross it and deposit the ghost at the exit.
Dive into the water on the Water font and climb the ladders, then move right across the bridge and to the exit. Douse the flames, grab the nearby ghost, and lead her to the exit.
Jump in the water, climb up the ladders to the Fire font, and go left over the ledge. Burn the bracken, grab the ghost, and climb up all the ladders, summoning the middle bridge along the way. Continue to the exit.
Dive in and climb back to the middle bridge. Grab the ghost to the left across the bridge, then continue to climb and move to the exit.
Climb the ladder and grab the Water font. Feed the cloud to your right to fill the basin.
Go over the left edge, move right, and climb all the ladders to get to the Human font. Continue left over the edge and down the ladder. Summon the bridge to the right and cross it to the exit, grabbing the ghost on the way.
Climb up the ladders again and head left to the Earth font. Stand on the right side of the rocky floor and smash it. Climb the ladder and push the boulder over the gap to the left.
Climb down, cross the bridge, climb down again, smash the rock, grab the ghost and escort him to the exit.
Dive in the water, cross the Air font, and grab the first underwater ghost. Return to the exit.
Float across the water, grab the ghost on the left side of the screen, and escort her to the exit.
Climb the ladders to get to the Human font. Go back to the water to get the last ghost. Head to the exit.
Grab the Air font, then walk right over the ledge onto the sailboat. Blow it to the right, then walk to the other boat and do the same.
Climb the ladders and air columns to top. Grab the ghost, climb down the first ladder and walk left over the ledge onto the boat. Blow it across to get to the exit.
Blow the boat back across and climb to the top again. Walk off the ledge to the left to grab the ghost below, then return to the boat below and head to the exit as before.
Again sail across the chasm and get to the upper-right corner. This time grab the Human font and summon the bridge. Keep walking left, falling on the ghost in the middle, then the boat docked to the left of the exit. Deposit the ghost.
Grab the Air font and sail the ship leftwards. Cross the Human font to grab the ghost. Climb the ladders to get to the Air font in the top left, then go back to the boat and sail to the exit.
Again, sail across the chasm, grab the Human font, and climb the ladders. Summon the bridge and cross it to get the last ghost. Take the Air font, go back to the boat and sail across the chasm to the exit one last time.
Dive in on the left side of the island to the Earth font. Push the boulder left and smash the rock floor to the right. Continue right, smash the rock, climb the ladders, and push the second boulder in the gap to the right. Don't go over the right edge!
Head left and grab the Water font. Swim right, avoiding the Air font, and grab the underwater ghost on the right. Swim again to avoid the Air font, heading towards the exit.
Dive in again and swim to the Human font on the left side. Go over the left edge, then move right, summoning the bridge over the gap. Climb the ladders, summon the bridge, and grab the ghost. Dive in, grab the Water font, and go to the exit.
Move left, swim to the Air font near the last underwater ghost. Grab it and the ghost, then float to the top, being careful not to get stuck under the middle island, or to grab the Earth font. Go to the exit.
Float to the left, grab the last ghost, and escort him to the exit.
Climb the ladder to the Fire font. Climb the other ladder, fall off the right side of the ledge, then the left side of the next ledge. Continue left across the bracken bridge to grab the ghost.
Cross the bracken bridge again, then set the bracken on fire. Grab the Air font to ride the Air column, then continue left to the exit.
Grab the Water font, then water the clould to fill the basin. Swim down to the ghost and escort him to the exit.
Grab the Fire font, then dive in the water to become human. Climb the short ladder, walk off the ledge, summon the bridge, and grab the ghost. Walk off the right ledge to grab the Air font, then return to the exit.
Grab the Water font and dive in the water again. Swim to the Air font and head to the shorter air column. Ride it to get to the last ghost, then escort her to the exit.
Climb the ladder down and head to the Earth font. Smash the nearby rocky floot. Climb the ladder and grab the ghost. Climb down, go over the ledge, and head left to the exit.
Climb the nearby ladder and push the other boulder over the edge. Climb down the ladder and continue pushing the boulder all the way to the right.
Climb the ladder to get to the Air font. Climb down, then up to the column of Air and ride it to the top (the rocky floor will block your way). Walk left, climb the leftmost ladder, go left over the edge, grab the ghost, and continue down to the exit.
Once more, grab the Air font, head to the column of air and ride it to the top. Pass over the Earth font, climb the rightmost ladder, and smash the other rocky floor. Climb down, then up the leftmost ladder and push to boulder to the right and over the edge.
Head left to the Air font and wait for the current to push you left, grabbing the ghost and directing you to the exit.
Climb the ladder to get to the Earth font. Continue to climb to the very top, then go off the ledges to the left to get the ghost. Smash the rocky floor and head to the exit.
Climb the ladder to the top to grab the Fire font. Climb down to the second level (just above the exit) and ignite the bracken.
Climb up to the Air font, continue to the top, then move left over the air column to get to the Water font. Step off to the right and move to the boulder near the pool of water on the right. Climb up and swim down to get the ghost, then head to the exit.
Grab the Earth font again, then climb up to the boulder on the left. Push it down the gap, then follow it. Smash the rock to get to the ghost on the left, then head to the exit.
Climb up to the Air font. Climb down to the second level, then ride the columns of air to get to the last ghost. Head to the exit.
Keep moving right to grab the ghost and take her to the exit, grabbing the Air font in the water on the way.
From the exit, move left over the edge and onto the boat. Sail left and grab the ghost. Sail right and climb the ladder to the exit.
Climb down and grab the Earth font. Move left over the edge, then climb the ladder to the very top. Move left and push the boulder on top of the other boulder.
Head right, climb down, grab the Air font, then return to the top level. Blow the seed to the left, toward the pile of boulders.
Climb down to the boat. Sail it and the next boat to the left, toward the air column. Ride it to the Fire font, then ignite the bracken on the left.
Wait for the boulders to fall, then walk of the ledge to the right. Grab the ghost, then head right. Ignite the bracken, cross the Human font, climb the ladder, summon the bridge, and go to the exit.
Ascend the tall ladder to the next bridge and summon it. Continue left and jump in the water to grab the Water font. Swim up while avoiding the Air font, then continue left over the edge. Water the seed, climb the tree, grab the ghost, and escort him to the exit.
Summon the bridge and head to the Fire font. Go off the ledge, head right, ignite the bracken, and grab the ghost.
Head left over the edge and ignite the next patch of bracken. Head right to the Earth font, then cross the rocky floor to the left side before smashing it.
Cross the Air font and ride the column of air on the left to the Human font. Move right off the ledge, then summon the bridge.
Grab the Air font, cross the bridge, move off the ledge, then move right to get the Fire font. Continue right, ignite the bracken, and head to the exit.
Ignite the narrow strip of bracken on the left, then move left off the edge. Ignite the bit of bracken on the right to get the Air font. Ride the tall air column on the left to get the Human font.
Fall on the right side, summon the bridge, and grab the ghost. Grab the Air font and ride the air column again. This time head right over the Fire font and over the edge. Move left towards the exit, igniting the small bit of bracken in your way.
Again, go over the ledge, grab the Air font, and ride the air column to the top. Move left to get the ghost on the other side of the bridge. Move right to climb the air column and retrace your steps to get to the exit.
One last time, get the Air font and take the air column up. Move right over the edge. Position yourself above and to the left of the last ghost, then ignite the bracken. Walk to the right, grab the ghost, ignite the last patch of brack, head to the Air font, and ride the shorter air column to the exit.
Walk off the left side of the platform, then push the tumbleweed to the right. Follow it down, then head left to the tall ladder, climb it to the top, and move right until you grab the ghost.
Climb the ladder to the top again, then summon the bridge, cross it, and fall of the ledge atop the tumbleweed again.
Climb the ladder to the small platform in the middle, near the exit. Move off the left side to get to the exit.
Push the tumbleweed into the air column so it floats away. Wait for it to land on the other tumbleweed, then summon the bridge, grab the ghost, and head to the exit.
Fall off the right side, climb the ladder to the small middle platform, and summon the bridge. Climb the short ladder, then push the last tumbleweed to the right until it is on top of all the others. Follow it down, then grab the ghost.
Climb the ladder, summon the bridge, move left, climb down a level, and head to the exit.
Climb the ladder to grab the Air font, then cross the air current and climb the taller ladder to the Earth font. Climb the ladders to the top, climb down to the boulder, and push it to the right into the gap. Keep moving right and grab the ghost.
Head left off the ledge, go to the Air font, cross the current, and climb to the Fire font. Push the tumbleweed right into the bracken, then ignite it. Go off the ledge, climb down the ladder, and ignite the patch of bracken the boulder is now resting on.
Take the Air font, then head to the Earth font. Climb to the very top, then down the short ladder. Move off the left side of the small platform, then the right side of the next platform, then climb down the ladder. Push the boulder all the way to the right.
Get the Air font again and climb to the Fire font. Keep moving right until you get to the ladder next to where you pushed the boulder. Climb it and ignite the bracken.
Go to the Air font, then go back to the tall air column you just released. Ride it to the exit.
Head right and fall to the small platform with the ghost. Grab the ghost and ride the air column to the exit. Do the same for the last ghost near the boulder.
Grab the Fire font and ignite the patch of bracken on the left. Climb the ladder and ignite the patch of bracken on the right (that's bridging the gap over the air current).
Climb the shorter ladder and grab the Air font and the ghost. Blow the tumbleweed to the right across the gap.
Take the Earth font, then head to the right side of the rocky floor before smashing it. Take the Fire font before falling through the gap. Move all the way to the right, then all the way up the ladder and ignite the bracken there (near the Water font).
Climb down the ladder to the next level and push the tumbleweed left into the gap. Climb up at take the Water font, climb all the way down, and move left while extinguishing all the fires.
Climb the tall rightmost ladder again to the Air font. Climb down and move to the leftmost column of air to ride it up. Take the Fire font and ignite the bracken on the right, along with the floating tumbleweed.
Take the Earth font, fall through the gap, and smash the rock. Go to the tall ladder, climb up to the middle level, cross the Air font, and fall through the gap to the exit.
Head to the leftmost column of air. Take either the Earth or Fire font so you can fall down the gap. Take the last ghost and retrace your steps to the exit.
Under Rubble (tutorial)
Smouldering (tutorial)
Fire water
Air walker
Fiery bog (tutorial)
Through flame
The dodge
Breezy (tutorial)
Mary Mary
Wind tunnel
The trick here is that the bracken is in patches that won't all ignite at once. It takes some fiery experimentation to determine where those patches are.
Easier than its predecessors but still a very good game. The only thing that was a bit disappointing was
the missing comments on level 4. The coughing was really boring after all the comments along the lines of 'Young man, bring me a drink'. Which, btw, is a sentence I'd love to use more often - or at all... ;-)
The ending is not exactly definite so maybe there will be more installments. I'd like that!
Wow, people thought this was easier than the earlier installments? I found the Theatre levels the hardest that any of the 3 in the series had to offer. They were a fantastic tour de force of your five forms with their assorted abilities.
Great puzzle series, and I even found myself getting into the storyline, particularly towards the end. I thought I had the setup figured out from episode 1, but the twist in the first cutscene of episode 3 caught me by surprise. Fun stuff.
Hmm... The Enchantress, part 1. First cutscene: Eliza's trying a spell to let her go permanently to Lawrence's world. She opens a window, and it's him on a busy street. Then Grandpa shows up and her concentration slips (open to suggestions). The spell goes wrong and... here we go again. Different in that Eliza's the MC (elemental transformers were said to be common so those are still here), and she's trying to track L. and find the spell.
Well, the topic is already old, but I'll write it: definitely another trilogy could/should be made, this time with Eliza as the protagonist. First - it would give "more of the same", another opportuunity to play something very similar to "The Pretender" even if the trilogy is over. And second - we really need more games with female protagonists. We really need to learn that women have adventures too, that women can make independent decisions too, can have interesting personalities of their own, can dream of magic and other dimensions just like some men do. Still women are too often treated as eye candy in games and still typical "games for girls" take part in brainwashing these girls into thinking that popculture, fashion and Mr. Right are all it takes for them to be happy. Girls desperately need other role models. A mage may not be a plausible role model in today's magicless world - this is just not something people do in their everyday lives, and while you can move into other dimensions at least in your mind, it means entering an illicit path - yet it's still a role model way better than all those (nomen omen) supermodels that populate games for girls.
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Walkthrough Guide
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The Pretender 3 walkthrough
Earth: Font is brown with stones.
Passive powers
Can pass through fire
Sinks in water
Pushes boulders
Active Powers
Smashes through rocks and rocky floors
Air: Font is a white whirlwind.
Passive powers
Floats atop water
Can ride air columns and currents
Can walk across air columns
Active Powers
Blow seeds and tumbleweeds
Move sailboats
Water: Font is blue waves.
Passive powers
Can swim through water
Active Powers
Douse flames
Water seeds to grow trees
Water clouds to fill basins with water
Fire: Font is flaming yellow and red.
Passive powers
Can pass through fire
Becomes human when in contact with water
Active Powers
Set bracken and tumbleweeds on fire
Human: Font is black.
Passive powers
Sinks in water
Active Powers
Summons bridges where shadowy bridges are
Under Rubble (tutorial)
Walk right over the Earth font and smash the floor. Grab the ghost.
Walk left over the ledge, smashing through the rocks.
Grab the Air font, head to the column of air and to the door.
Smouldering (tutorial)
Create the bridge and walk over the Earth font and the ledge.
Walk through the fire and into the water. Grab the Water font.
Swim toward the ghost and go up the ladder.
Go up the ladder and around to the door, dousing the flames along the way.
Fire water
Climb the ladder and grab the ghost.
Go into the water and grab the water font, then swim to the door.
Go back to the ladder via the water. Climb the ladder and go over the ledge to the ghost, dousing the flames.
Go left over the Human font, then over the Water font. Swim to the exit.
Swim down to the last ghost, going over the Air font. Float to the surface and head to the exit over the island.
Air walker
Jump down to the lower level toward the Air font. Ride the rightmost column of air up.
Grab the Earth font and head down the rock stairs, smashing them as you go.
Smash the rock to the left and grab the ghost.
Grab the Air font and ride the columns of Air to the door.
Head right, grab the ghost, and return to the exit.
Climb down the ladder and grab the Air font. Climb up again and float across the water.
Grab the Water font on the other side and swim down to the ghost. Head to the exit.
For the other ghosts, just dowse the flames to get to them, and return them to the door.
Climb down the ladder and take the Air font. Climb up and ride the column of air to the top of the screen.
Head over the ledge to grab the Water font, getting the ghost along the way. Head to the exit, dowsing the flames in your way.
Climb the ladder again and move to the right over the ledge. Dowse the flames and head left, over the Air font and into the air column. Grab the nearby ghost and head to the exit.
Head right, into the air column again and toward the lowest ghost. Go down and left, back into the air column and towards the exit.
Climb the ladder and the air column to the Human font. Summon the bridge, grab the last ghost, and head to the exit.
Go down the steps and up the ladder to grab the Air font.
Continue right and climb the air column near the exit.
Climb down the ladder and grab the Earth font. Climb back up and smash the rock.
Head left over the ledge to the Air font again. Retrace your steps to climb the air column again.
Go left to ride the air vent across the chasm. Grab the Earth font.
Smash through the rock floor and grab the ghost. Push the boulder to the right into the gap with the small air column, smashing the rocky floors along the way.
Deposit the ghost in the exit. Climb the short ladder and walk through the flames, grab the ghost, and lead her towards the door.
Climb the taller ladder to the Air font. Ride the column of air and climb down the ladder to the last ghost. Head to the exit.
Head left onto the Earth font and the ledge. Go back to the right side of the rocky floor before smashing it. Grab the Human font before falling through the gap onto the hovering ghost.
Summon the bridge and head to the water font. Head to the exit, dowsing flames along the way.
Climb down and swim to the Air font. Move left, up the ladder, and up the column of air to grab the Earth font again.
Walk left, climb down and head to the water. Smash the rock and grab the underwater ghost. Walk to the Air font and go back to the exit.
Go down and move to the right side of the screen, riding the column of air to the top. Grab the ghost and head to the exit.
Ride the air column and move right, over the ledge and to the Human font near the Water font. Summon the bridge.
Go back to the Air font under water, head right to the big air column, then left to grab the last ghost. Head to the exit.
Fiery bog (tutorial)
Head right onto the Fire font. Alight the bracken.
Go over the ledge, then head left towards the ghost and up the ladder.
Push the tumbleweed over the ledge. Climb down the ladder and continue pushing it so that it's under the bracken near the Air font. Set the tumbleweed aflame. Go over the Air font, up the column of air and to the exit.
Through flame
Climb up the ladder to the Fire font. Climb down, walk over the ledge to the left and walk to the right, through the flames and to the ghost.
Go to the right, over the ledge, avoiding the Water font for now. Move left and burn the bracken.
Head right to the Water font. Go down the ladder and dowse the flames to clear a path. Grab the Air font and ride the air columns to get to the exit.
Take the Fire font again and head down to the lowest level to get the ghost and Air font. Ride the air column again and head to the exit.
Go left across the air columns, grab the last ghost, ride the column of air again, and head to the exit.
The dodge
Climb the ladder and head left through the Fire font, flame, and ghost, all the way to the Water font on the far side of the screen.
Head to the water and swim down to the Earth font, avoiding the Air fonts nearby.
Climb the ladders to the exit, smashing the rocks in your way.
Head to the Water font again, grabbing the ghost nearby. Head down the ladder and water the seed to left. Head to the exit.
Go left and dowse the flame. Swim to the Earth font, climb the ladders to the exit, move left over the ledge, and climb the ladder. Smash the rock and grab the ghost.
Jump in the water to the Air font and escort the ghost to the exit.
Climb up to the Fire font, then head to the tree. Climb it, alight the bracken, and grab the last ghost. Head toward the exit, again diving to the Air font first.
Climb up to the Earth font. Climb down to the rocky floor and smash it, without falling down. Climb up to the tumbleweed and push it to the right over the ledge.
Climb up to top level and down the ledge to the second tumbleweed. Push it over the right side. Fall off the left side and head right to continue pushing the tumbleweed so it fills the gap in the bracken.
Head left to the Fire font. Climb down the ladder to grab the ghost and set the bracken and tumbleweeds on fire.
Head to the exit via the topmost platform to deposit the ghost. Escorting the other ghosts should be straightforward.
Head down the ladder and left to the ghost on the bracken. Go up the ladder, push the boulder over the edge and smash the rocky floor. Push the other boulder over the edge to the right.
Climb down the ladder to the Fire font and alight the bracken. Climb down to the exit, then grab the ghost to the left and escort her to the exit as well.
Climb all the way up to the Earth font. Head left over the ledges and smash the last rocky floor, staying on the left side of the gap.
Climb the ladder to the Air font. Ride the currents and drop the ghost off at the exit. Repeat for the last ghost.
Fall down the ledge and move right to the Earth font. Smash the rock to the left, climb the ladder, and push the boulder to the right. Climb down the ladder and continue pushing it to the right, into the gap.
Climb the ladder and walk off the ledge to the left. Push the tumbleweed right, until it is underneath the bracken.
Climb both ladders and push the other tumbleweed into the column of air. Climb down to the Air font, ride the air column, and continue pushing the tumbleweed right, over the Fire font and into the bracken. Alight the tumbleweed and bracken.
Walk over the Fire font, walk left over the ledge to the lower tumbleweed, and set it and the bracken on fire.
After the boulder falls, grab the ghost to the right and escort her to the exit. Go left to the Air font, right to the column of air, and ride it to the next ghost. Head to the exit.
For the last ghost, head to the Air font on the upper level, go over the right edge, and ride the column of air on the right. Head to the exit.
Breezy (tutorial)
Grab the Air font and blow the seed over the gap. Head right over the Water font and up the ladder. Water the seed. Climb the tree and fall off the ledge.
Blow the tumbleweed across the gap. Head left, crossing over the Fire font. Push the tumbleweed under the bracken and alight it.
Grab the Water font, water the seed, climb the tree, and go to the exit.
Mary Mary
Go to the Water font. Climb down the tall, middle ladder and water the seed.
Grab the Air font, climb up, and blow the seed to the right. Grab the Water font, water the seed, and climb the tree to get to the ghost on the right.
Get to the Fire font. Climb up two ladders to get to the last seed, protected by bracken. Set the bracken on fire. Go down, grab the Air font, go back up, and blow the seed to the right.
Go down, grab the Fire font, and set the patch of bracken to the right on fire. Head left, climbing the tree to avoid the Air font, and set the last patch of bracken aflame.
The current blows the seed across the gap. Grab the Air font to follow it to the Water font, dropping the ghost off along the way.
Water the seed and climb the tree. Head right to the Human font and summon the bridge to the left. Cross it and head left to the last ghost, climbing the tree to avoid the Air font.
Grab the ghost, cross the Air font, and ride the current to the exit.
Ruined City
Dive into the water, onto the Water font. Grab the ghost on the right shore.
Climb up the ladders to get to the Fire font. Dive back in the water to become Human again. Climb up the ladders again and summon the topmost bridge. Cross it and deposit the ghost at the exit.
Dive into the water on the Water font and climb the ladders, then move right across the bridge and to the exit. Douse the flames, grab the nearby ghost, and lead her to the exit.
Jump in the water, climb up the ladders to the Fire font, and go left over the ledge. Burn the bracken, grab the ghost, and climb up all the ladders, summoning the middle bridge along the way. Continue to the exit.
Dive in and climb back to the middle bridge. Grab the ghost to the left across the bridge, then continue to climb and move to the exit.
Climb the ladder and grab the Water font. Feed the cloud to your right to fill the basin.
Go over the left edge, move right, and climb all the ladders to get to the Human font. Continue left over the edge and down the ladder. Summon the bridge to the right and cross it to the exit, grabbing the ghost on the way.
Climb up the ladders again and head left to the Earth font. Stand on the right side of the rocky floor and smash it. Climb the ladder and push the boulder over the gap to the left.
Climb down, cross the bridge, climb down again, smash the rock, grab the ghost and escort him to the exit.
Dive in the water, cross the Air font, and grab the first underwater ghost. Return to the exit.
Float across the water, grab the ghost on the left side of the screen, and escort her to the exit.
Climb the ladders to get to the Human font. Go back to the water to get the last ghost. Head to the exit.
Grab the Air font, then walk right over the ledge onto the sailboat. Blow it to the right, then walk to the other boat and do the same.
Climb the ladders and air columns to top. Grab the ghost, climb down the first ladder and walk left over the ledge onto the boat. Blow it across to get to the exit.
Blow the boat back across and climb to the top again. Walk off the ledge to the left to grab the ghost below, then return to the boat below and head to the exit as before.
Again sail across the chasm and get to the upper-right corner. This time grab the Human font and summon the bridge. Keep walking left, falling on the ghost in the middle, then the boat docked to the left of the exit. Deposit the ghost.
Grab the Air font and sail the ship leftwards. Cross the Human font to grab the ghost. Climb the ladders to get to the Air font in the top left, then go back to the boat and sail to the exit.
Again, sail across the chasm, grab the Human font, and climb the ladders. Summon the bridge and cross it to get the last ghost. Take the Air font, go back to the boat and sail across the chasm to the exit one last time.
Dive in on the left side of the island to the Earth font. Push the boulder left and smash the rock floor to the right. Continue right, smash the rock, climb the ladders, and push the second boulder in the gap to the right. Don't go over the right edge!
Head left and grab the Water font. Swim right, avoiding the Air font, and grab the underwater ghost on the right. Swim again to avoid the Air font, heading towards the exit.
Dive in again and swim to the Human font on the left side. Go over the left edge, then move right, summoning the bridge over the gap. Climb the ladders, summon the bridge, and grab the ghost. Dive in, grab the Water font, and go to the exit.
Move left, swim to the Air font near the last underwater ghost. Grab it and the ghost, then float to the top, being careful not to get stuck under the middle island, or to grab the Earth font. Go to the exit.
Float to the left, grab the last ghost, and escort him to the exit.
Climb the ladder to the Fire font. Climb the other ladder, fall off the right side of the ledge, then the left side of the next ledge. Continue left across the bracken bridge to grab the ghost.
Cross the bracken bridge again, then set the bracken on fire. Grab the Air font to ride the Air column, then continue left to the exit.
Grab the Water font, then water the clould to fill the basin. Swim down to the ghost and escort him to the exit.
Grab the Fire font, then dive in the water to become human. Climb the short ladder, walk off the ledge, summon the bridge, and grab the ghost. Walk off the right ledge to grab the Air font, then return to the exit.
Grab the Water font and dive in the water again. Swim to the Air font and head to the shorter air column. Ride it to get to the last ghost, then escort her to the exit.
Wind tunnel
Climb the ladder down and head to the Earth font. Smash the nearby rocky floot. Climb the ladder and grab the ghost. Climb down, go over the ledge, and head left to the exit.
Climb the nearby ladder and push the other boulder over the edge. Climb down the ladder and continue pushing the boulder all the way to the right.
Climb the ladder to get to the Air font. Climb down, then up to the column of Air and ride it to the top (the rocky floor will block your way). Walk left, climb the leftmost ladder, go left over the edge, grab the ghost, and continue down to the exit.
Once more, grab the Air font, head to the column of air and ride it to the top. Pass over the Earth font, climb the rightmost ladder, and smash the other rocky floor. Climb down, then up the leftmost ladder and push to boulder to the right and over the edge.
Head left to the Air font and wait for the current to push you left, grabbing the ghost and directing you to the exit.
Climb the ladder to get to the Earth font. Continue to climb to the very top, then go off the ledges to the left to get the ghost. Smash the rocky floor and head to the exit.
Climb the ladder to the top to grab the Fire font. Climb down to the second level (just above the exit) and ignite the bracken.
Climb up to the Air font, continue to the top, then move left over the air column to get to the Water font. Step off to the right and move to the boulder near the pool of water on the right. Climb up and swim down to get the ghost, then head to the exit.
Grab the Earth font again, then climb up to the boulder on the left. Push it down the gap, then follow it. Smash the rock to get to the ghost on the left, then head to the exit.
Climb up to the Air font. Climb down to the second level, then ride the columns of air to get to the last ghost. Head to the exit.
Keep moving right to grab the ghost and take her to the exit, grabbing the Air font in the water on the way.
From the exit, move left over the edge and onto the boat. Sail left and grab the ghost. Sail right and climb the ladder to the exit.
Climb down and grab the Earth font. Move left over the edge, then climb the ladder to the very top. Move left and push the boulder on top of the other boulder.
Head right, climb down, grab the Air font, then return to the top level. Blow the seed to the left, toward the pile of boulders.
Climb down to the boat. Sail it and the next boat to the left, toward the air column. Ride it to the Fire font, then ignite the bracken on the left.
Wait for the boulders to fall, then walk of the ledge to the right. Grab the ghost, then head right. Ignite the bracken, cross the Human font, climb the ladder, summon the bridge, and go to the exit.
Ascend the tall ladder to the next bridge and summon it. Continue left and jump in the water to grab the Water font. Swim up while avoiding the Air font, then continue left over the edge. Water the seed, climb the tree, grab the ghost, and escort him to the exit.
The trick here is that the bracken is in patches that won't all ignite at once. It takes some fiery experimentation to determine where those patches are.
Summon the bridge and head to the Fire font. Go off the ledge, head right, ignite the bracken, and grab the ghost.
Head left over the edge and ignite the next patch of bracken. Head right to the Earth font, then cross the rocky floor to the left side before smashing it.
Cross the Air font and ride the column of air on the left to the Human font. Move right off the ledge, then summon the bridge.
Grab the Air font, cross the bridge, move off the ledge, then move right to get the Fire font. Continue right, ignite the bracken, and head to the exit.
Ignite the narrow strip of bracken on the left, then move left off the edge. Ignite the bit of bracken on the right to get the Air font. Ride the tall air column on the left to get the Human font.
Fall on the right side, summon the bridge, and grab the ghost. Grab the Air font and ride the air column again. This time head right over the Fire font and over the edge. Move left towards the exit, igniting the small bit of bracken in your way.
Again, go over the ledge, grab the Air font, and ride the air column to the top. Move left to get the ghost on the other side of the bridge. Move right to climb the air column and retrace your steps to get to the exit.
One last time, get the Air font and take the air column up. Move right over the edge. Position yourself above and to the left of the last ghost, then ignite the bracken. Walk to the right, grab the ghost, ignite the last patch of brack, head to the Air font, and ride the shorter air column to the exit.
Walk off the left side of the platform, then push the tumbleweed to the right. Follow it down, then head left to the tall ladder, climb it to the top, and move right until you grab the ghost.
Climb the ladder to the top again, then summon the bridge, cross it, and fall of the ledge atop the tumbleweed again.
Climb the ladder to the small platform in the middle, near the exit. Move off the left side to get to the exit.
Push the tumbleweed into the air column so it floats away. Wait for it to land on the other tumbleweed, then summon the bridge, grab the ghost, and head to the exit.
Fall off the right side, climb the ladder to the small middle platform, and summon the bridge. Climb the short ladder, then push the last tumbleweed to the right until it is on top of all the others. Follow it down, then grab the ghost.
Climb the ladder, summon the bridge, move left, climb down a level, and head to the exit.
Climb the ladder to grab the Air font, then cross the air current and climb the taller ladder to the Earth font. Climb the ladders to the top, climb down to the boulder, and push it to the right into the gap. Keep moving right and grab the ghost.
Head left off the ledge, go to the Air font, cross the current, and climb to the Fire font. Push the tumbleweed right into the bracken, then ignite it. Go off the ledge, climb down the ladder, and ignite the patch of bracken the boulder is now resting on.
Take the Air font, then head to the Earth font. Climb to the very top, then down the short ladder. Move off the left side of the small platform, then the right side of the next platform, then climb down the ladder. Push the boulder all the way to the right.
Get the Air font again and climb to the Fire font. Keep moving right until you get to the ladder next to where you pushed the boulder. Climb it and ignite the bracken.
Go to the Air font, then go back to the tall air column you just released. Ride it to the exit.
Head right and fall to the small platform with the ghost. Grab the ghost and ride the air column to the exit. Do the same for the last ghost near the boulder.
Grab the Fire font and ignite the patch of bracken on the left. Climb the ladder and ignite the patch of bracken on the right (that's bridging the gap over the air current).
Climb the shorter ladder and grab the Air font and the ghost. Blow the tumbleweed to the right across the gap.
Take the Earth font, then head to the right side of the rocky floor before smashing it. Take the Fire font before falling through the gap. Move all the way to the right, then all the way up the ladder and ignite the bracken there (near the Water font).
Climb down the ladder to the next level and push the tumbleweed left into the gap. Climb up at take the Water font, climb all the way down, and move left while extinguishing all the fires.
Climb the tall rightmost ladder again to the Air font. Climb down and move to the leftmost column of air to ride it up. Take the Fire font and ignite the bracken on the right, along with the floating tumbleweed.
Take the Earth font, fall through the gap, and smash the rock. Go to the tall ladder, climb up to the middle level, cross the Air font, and fall through the gap to the exit.
Head to the leftmost column of air. Take either the Earth or Fire font so you can fall down the gap. Take the last ghost and retrace your steps to the exit.
Posted by: Mike
November 9, 2011 7:15 PM