The Adventures of Red
When a little yellow creature mysteriously named Red spies a sign advertising a free muffin, nothing's going to stop him. Of course, this muffin turns out not to be so much a "free as in no strings attached" muffin. It's more of a "free as in you must first complete a gauntlet of puzzles while pointing and clicking your way around a mysterious castle" kind of muffin. Made by Rob and John Donkin, The Adventures of Red serves up some classic challenges and a few twists of its own.
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Got all but one gem...
For the One ring, obvious reference to the "Lord of the Rings", just remember what happen to the ring at the beginning with Frodo, the ring and making some characters appear when
the ring get in the fire.
At least it's something I think I remember from the movie...
Also maybe one puzzle I haven't found a solution.
Not sure that's a puzzle in fact.
In the left tower (top room), there is a pannel with 4 "words", but I haven't found what they mean or if they have a use. Maybe a problem because I'm not a native English speaker, I tried to rearrange the letters like in the previous puzzle but I didn't find anything.
Can't finish because:
There are no matches whatsoever in my "wall of shields" room. And the walkthrough is useless here, since it apparently is supposed to change every game -- there's no shield that matches the one pair he picks in the walkthrough.
After spending almost 40 minutes meticulously documenting each one, on paper, so that I could KNOW there were no duplicates, I'm angry enough to forget this game forever. Bad puzzle, dude.
The sliding cross puzzle near the end of the game is glitchy. Looks like I'll have to start over from the beginning if I want to finish the game. :~(
Solved with The Power Of The Post! If anyone else has the same problem I had, do this:
At first, I thought I had to click the corresponding boxes from 1 to 6. My number was 615423 so I was clicking the second box, then the fifth, then the sixth, etc. What you are supposed to do is click the Xth box in order that they are listed: Click the sixth box, then the first, then the fifth, etc. Let me just add that the ambiguity of this puzzle caused a lot of headaches for me. But then, it is a puzzle after all!
I wonder if you're doing what I did?
You can misinterpret the code... ex) 315246 and 6 buttons, you can either:
a) Take that as the "numbers" on the buttons and push the buttons from 1 to 6, ie the second button (the place where the one is!), the third button (the place where the two is), etc, or
b) Take that as which buttons to press in sequence, ie the third button (since the first number is 3), the first (since the second number is 1), etc.
If I recall correctly, it was b) here.
Geez, I know I am triple-posting here but I keep seeing new posts after typing up and posting something. Sorry!
I was even going so far as to find patterns like the last sentence in the riddle, something like "and in the castle guard them" and notice that "and" could be "&" which would give me 6 words, each 1 to 6 letters in length, then trying to press those in order. Heh.
Do you mean the 9 black squares or the 36 black squares? For the 9, turn them white in any order. For the 36 you have to turn the ones white that have codes writen (E3, F3 etc) around the room - there should be four to turn white. x axis is letters, y axis is numbers.
There's a youtube walkthrough if you click walkthrough while in the game - bottom left of the screen.
If the knights are:
ABC xyz
AB Cxyz
ABxC yz
ABxCy z
ABx yCz
A xByCz
xA ByCz
xAyB Cz
xAyBz C
xAy zBC
x yAzBC
xy AzBC
xyzA BC
xyz ABC
Read the wall for the weight conversions and use the sand and the bucket - think Indiana Jones ;)
The Adventures of Red Walthrough
Click on the blue key lying on the table.
Click on the blue padlock.
Mona Lisa
Click on the top hat on the table.
Click on the tiles of the Mona Lisa painting to rotate them and complete the painting.
Click on the red key that appears.
Click on the red padlock.
4 Shields
Click on the light blue object just behind the potted plant to collect a gem.
Note the pattern of colours on the shields.
Complete the blank shield by continuing the pattern.
Top left - Dark blue [two clicks]
Top right - Dark green [four clicks]
Bottom left - Dark green [four clicks]
Bottom right - Dark blue [two clicks]
Collect the green key when it appears.
Click on the chest to collect the map of the castle.
Click on the green padlock.
Matching pairs
Note the circular patterns on the scroll.
This is a matching pairs game.
The combination changes each time you play.
Match each pair to reveal the blue key.
Click on the blue key then click on the blue padlock at the top of the screen.
Two Shields
Note the clue written across the top banner - 5 is a magic number.
Click to the lower left of the banner to collect a blue gem.
The goal is to spot five differences between the two shields.
Click on the blue key and then click on the blue padlock.
Four Jars
Click on the uppermost second window from the left to collect a blue gem.
Click on the mallet just right of the door.
Click on each of the jars to smash them and collect a green key and a blue key.
You can also collect a cowboy hat here.
Go right and then down to where the matching puzzle was and click on the blue padlock to the left.
Crest of the Phoenix
Click on the head of the phoenix on the crest to collect a gem.
To the right on the floor is a stone.
Click and drag it to reveal a yellow key.
Click on the key and click on the yellow padlock.
Note the latin graffiti which suggests something Roman.
Note the MIX also written on the wall.
What is MIX in Roman numerals?
Click on the blue key.
Click on the green padlock at the top of the screen.
Click on the dials so that they read 1009.
Four Gems
Note the clue written on the scroll on the wall.
The order to click on the gems:
1 = Ruby [red: click on the 2nd gem]
2 = Emerald [green: click on the 3rd gem]
3 = Diamond [blue: click on the 1st gem]
4 = Amber [yellow: click on the 4th gem]
Click on the yellow key.
Click to go back down, then right twice, then up and then click on the yellow padlock to the right.
Five Bells
Click on the middle bell to collect a blue gem.
Click the rightmost bell to reveal a white key.
Click and drag the white key to the chest to get a map update.
Note the musical score on the scroll on the wall above the bells.
Play the bells to learn the pitches they sound from lowest to highest, and use the score to figure out what bells to play.
Click on the green key.
Click on the trapdoor.
The combination is 3, 1, 2, 5, 4, 3.
3 Poles
Click to the left near the table leg to collect a small blue gem.
Move the pieces from the left to the right, and only small pieces can be on top of larger pieces.
Pole 1 to 2
Pole 1 to 3
Pole 2 to 3
Pole 1 to 2
Pole 3 to 1
Pole 3 to 2
Pole 1 to 2
Pole 1 to 3
Pole 2 to 3
Pole 2 to 1
Pole 3 to 1
Pole 2 to 3
Pole 1 to 2
Pole 1 to 3
Pole 2 to 3
Collect the yellow key when it appears.
Click on the yellow padlock.
Number the poles 1 to 3 from left to right. For each step, click on the top disk of the first pole, then click the second pole.
Red Bucket
Click on the blue gem peeking out from behind the sand.
The aim here is to fill the bucket with sand so that it weighs the same as the skull.
Note the clue on the wall.
The skull = 6 rounded piles.
The bucket = 2 rounded piles.
3 scoops of sand = 2 rounded piles.
So if the bucket already weighs 2 rounded piles, we only need four more rounded piles.
Take the yellow key, then click on the yellow padlock.
Drag 6 scoops of sand to the bucket, and then drag the bucket, by its handle, to the skull. Then place the skull in the skull shaped hole to reveal the yellow key.
A Wall of Keys
Hover the mouse over each chest to get a key code for each which shows up on the right side banner.
Match each code by hovering over the keys, and the banner on the left will show a negative image.
When you've located the matching key, drag it to the chests, and when they open you can move on to the next
You can pick up a Viking's helmet here.
Collect 2 red keys here.
Click on the red padlock.
Four Gems - part 2
Collect the small blue gem from the far right amber gem.
Now for a game of Simon Says.
Click on the button above the door to the left to display the combination of gems that you need to recreate.
Follow the pattern successfully 3 times to reveal the green key.
Collect the green key and go left twice and then back up back to the 3 poles room, and click on the green padlock.
Sliding Skull
Note the order of colours clue on the right hand side.
The goal is to get the skull to the centre of the tile puzzle by getting it to follow a path.
The skull will need to follow the path according to the colour code, which in this case is red, blue, yellow, green.
Click on each coloured tile to rotate it so that the skull can follow the path.
Collect the blue key.
Click on the red padlock at the top of the screen.
Wizard Skull
Click to the left of the left-side candle, and your map will be updated to show which keys can be found in which room.
Click on the wizard hat to wear it.
Click to the top of the right-side torch to collect the small blue gem.
Go back down the ladder and to the right, and click on the blue padlock.
Two Sundials
Click towards the top of the right-side sundial to collect a blue gem.
Note the arrows running along the wooden beams from left to right and up between the sun dials.
Click on the circles within each dial so that the lines are connected to the wooden arrows.
The chests will open, revealing a yellow key and a blue key, so click on them to collect.
Click on the yellow padlock above.
3 Windows, 2 Shields
Collect the small blue gem from the upper left of the screen.
Drag the white key from the upper left to the chest to wear the knight's helmet.
Click on the green padlock at top.
Nine Torches
Top right.
Very Centre.
Bottom left.
Top right.
Top left.
Take the blue key and the blue gem hidden behind the candle.
Click on the blue padlock to the left.
Light all the torches.
Click on them in the following order:
Black Squares
Move the rock that's near the left door.
Look closely to see clues around the screen.
Use the clues and click on the corresponding squares.
Click on the yellow padlock to the left.
Click on the yellow key.
Find the Right Way
This is like a word search puzzle.
The banner at the top is the clue to the words you need to find.
You need to find a path that has the words 'the right way' all connected.
Hint - start at the bottom left, second square from the bottom which is a 't'.
From the 't' find the connecting letters.
The words run across the bottom half of the grid.
Once completed, take the green key.
Move the stone under the puzzle to collect a blue gem.
Click on the green padlock.
The Ring of Fire
Click on the ring that's on the center table and drag it to the torch on the right.
The ring will the glow with a number combination.
This may change each time you play, but in this instance it's:
Note the 6 red buttons above the table.
Click on them according to the number code revealed by the ring.
Take the red key.
Collect the blue gem from the upper left shield.
Click on the red padlock to the left.
Objects d'Art
Note the words on the wall.
They're scrambled words relating to some of the objects onscreen.
Click on the objects according to the order of the words.
Take the green key.
Click on the green padlock.
Abstract Art
Another Mona Lisa style puzzle.
Click on each tile to rotate it and piece the puzzle back together.
Collect the yellow key.
Collect a blue gem that's well hidden in the top of the upper left window.
Go back right and click on the blue padlock.
We are the Knights who say Ni!
Oh yay, it's a game where you have to get the knight's from one side to the other while getting the knights from the opposite side across as well.
Click on the individual knights to move them, and then when complete, collect the blue key.
Front Ni knight
Front Ekki knight
Middle Ekki knight
Front Ni knight
Middle Ni knight
Rear Ni knight
Front Ekki knight
Middle Ekki knight
Rear Ekki knight
Front Ni knight
Middle Ni knight
Rear Ni knight
Middle Ekki knight
Rear Ekki knight
Rear Ni knight
Click on the blue padlock to the left.
The knights who say Ni face right and start on the left side of the scroll. The knights who say Ekki Ekki etc face left and start on the right side of the scroll. Click the knights in the following order.
Wall of Shields
Simply find the two matching shields to reveal the green key.
An incorrect guess will shuffle the shields.
This changes each time you play.
When successful, collect the green key.
Click on the upper yellow padlock.
Foras Sesto Pondero Ver
Collect the blue gem hidden to behind the upper left of the sign with Latin words on it.
Collect the hat, and then go back down and to the right, and then click on the green padlock.
Black and White
All squares need to be turned white by moving the skull on to them.
When completed, take the red key and click on the red padlock to the right.
Click on the squares
Find the Key
Note the clues on the banners at the top.
Note that there is a three letter code needed.
Note that the middle banner states 'find the key'.
Also note that the number of letters in the legible words is different to the number of letters in the codes.
The words in the list on the right are out of order.
Look for the four letter word and match it to the four letter code.
The solution is the word 'key' in code.
Click the first button x10.
Click the second button x4.
Click the third button x24.
Collect the blue key and click on the blue padlock to the right.
You can also collect a Santa hat from this scene.
Click on the chest to collect a blue gem.
Note the clue on the left.
The goal is to get the four squares of each colour to match the pattern of the clue.
Clicking on the squares will rotate them in groups of four.
Match the pattern to proceed.
Collect the red key.
Click on the red padlock to the right.
A Colourful Cross
Again there's a clue to the right as to the outcome of this puzzle.
Click on the ends of the cross to move them and to swap the coloured tiles around so as to match the illustration at right.
As best as I can manage here's a list of the directions:
Down x 4
Up x 6
Down x 5
Up x 4
Down x 3
Up x 2
Left x 3
Right x 6
Left x 4
Right x 4
Left x 3
Right x 2
Red's Chocolate Muffin should now descend from the ceiling.
Thanks to chiktionary for the walkthrough!
I will refer to rooms with coordinates. So from left to right is A to F, from bottom to top is 1 to 6. You will understand this as soon as you find the map.
Solutions of the puzzles. If you think you messed a puzzle up you can go to the menu and then continue playing. All puzzles will then be reset.
WELCOME room (A1)
There is no puzzle here. Take the key and open the door.
Second room (B1)
Click on the tiles to turn them and get the painting of Mona Lisa.
Third room (C1)
Open the chest and take the map.
You have to make a certain colour pattern on the rightmost shield.
You may start by looking at the same part on the three shields on the left.
The colour pattern must be the way that there is no colour twice on the same parts of the shields.
The pattern is: top left and bottom right => blue (click twice); top right and bottom left => green (click four times)
Your aim is to get the skull into the shape in the center.
But you need the right weight to keep the shape open.
Look at the equations on the left. You will need the bucket and the sand to get the right weight.
Drag 6 portions of sand into the bucket. Then drag the bucket to the spot where the skull is and drag the skull into the shape in the center.
You have to find the key for each chest. Hover over a chest to see on the right scroll which key you need. Then hover over the keys to find the right one. It changes everytime so find them yourself.
Push the button, keep the sequence in mind and click on the gems in the right order. The sequence is randomly generated. Repeat until all three torches are lit up.
The writing on the wall gives a hint.
The letters MIX are roman numerals.
The correct number is 1009
Drag the stone and find a key.
Find the pairs. I think it's different every time so I can't help you out here. Note: Pairs have the same orientation so it should not be too hard.
These are the towers of Hanoi. You must put the tower onto the stake on the right. (It won't work on the center stake.)
The rules are as follows: You may only take on piece at a time. You may only put a smaller piece onto a bigger piece not vice versa.
Solution: I will refer to the stakes as A, B, C (left to right) and the pieces as 1 to 4 (small to big).
1B 2C 1C 3B 1A 2B 1B 4C 1C 2A 1A 3C 1B 2C 1C
The skull has to get to the center.
Look at the scroll. Maybe the color sequence is a hint how to get there.
The skull must pass the arrows in the order red-blue-yellow-green-red- and so on.
I will not write that all, so figure it out yourself. It's not that hard.
You have to turn the circles in order to form a line. The starting positions change everytime.
Help for the right wheel: Start with the outmost circle and go step by step to the inner circles, only concentrating on the circle you click on. When the most inner circle is in the right position, start from the outmost again and correct them.
You have to find the order in which to click the gems. Look at the scroll.
The hints for Emerald, Diamond, and Amber are obvious so Ruby can be determined via exclusion principle.
The correct order is Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Amber
See the hammer next to the door?
Get the hammer and smash the vases.
Find a green key, a hat and a blue key.
Find the differences.
Left crown on the left
Right crown at the top
The knight's head
The horse's tail
The blanket that the knight is sitting on
Every bell makes a different tone. Look at the scroll for the correct order.
If you have no sound or no good musical hearing, look at the tv for the wavelength. A shorter wavelength means a higher tone.
The correct order is (with 1 to 5 from left to right): 3 1 2 5 4 3
No puzzle in here. But a hat and a map behind the left candleholder.
No puzzle in here. Drag the key to the chest.
Another rotate the tiles of the picture. It's not that hard.
What may these words on the wall mean? Maybe they have something to do with the items you can click.
The words are anagrams.
They are in the right order.
The correct words are sword, diamond, shield, candle.
The scroll is a reference to Lord of the Rings.
Drag the ring into the fire and notice the numbers.
Push the buttons in the order the ring is telling you.
The scroll says you have to "find the right way".
Which letters may lead along the right way?
"the right way"
Drag the stone aside to reveal "E3" written on the wall. Is that a hint?
There are more of these hints in this room.
"B2" above the left door, "A5" at the right window, "F3" at the right door.
Maybe they are coordinates for the grid.
The use of coordinates for the grid is the same as for the rooms in this Walkthrough. Click on the according tiles.
You have to light up all torches. Every torch lights up or dowses the adjacent torches on the left, right, top and bottom.
Click the torches at the corners and the center.
You have to find the two shields that are exactly(!) the same. It obviously changes every time, so just look really precisely.
A reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Funny, isn't it?
The knights have to get to the other side. There is only one way. (Well, actually two but they are symmetrical.) Be careful to never get two knights facing the same direction directly behind each other.
This is the correct sequence. I will refer to the knight on the very left as 1 then 2 and so on, no matter which direction they look.
3 4 5 4 2 1 2 4 6 6 4 2 2 4 4
The skull can be moved around and changes the tiles between black and white. Try to make all tiles white.
In order to not leave a black tile all alone in a white surrounding try to move the skull back and forth.
Here's one possible solution: left, up, down, down, right, up, down, right, up, up, down
You have to find the key.
Find the "key".
Try clicking on the tiles near the ground. Looks like foreign glyphs.
Maybe the scrolls can help you translate.
Look at the first line in each scroll. "yore" has 4 letters but the according word in the right scroll seems to have more characters.
Maybe it's five like in "shield"?
Possibly two of the lines are interchanged.
The first and third line are interchanged.
Alright, here's the solution:
k => similar to y (sth. like a crotch)
e => similar to H
y => looks like a lightning symbol
The tiles can be rotated in groups of four. But what is that scroll on the left about?
Maybe you have to form the pattern on the left.
Here's a solution: Click the top left 1x, bottom left 1x, middle left 2x. Now top right 3x, bottom right 3x, middle right 2x.
You have to form the pattern on the scroll with your tiles.
Here is the easiest way (imho):First interchange the yellow and green ones then the red and blue ones. So 3 down, 1 to the right, 6 up, 1 left, 5 down, 1 right, 4 up, 1 left, 3 down, 1 right, 2 up, 1 left, 4 down, 1 right. Now do the same with red and blue and get the empty space to the center and Voilá.
No puzzle in here that relates to the game.
What? You wanna know what the writing on the board is about? Try to read it out aloud.
Try to say it without making a pause between the words.
The writer just set the space characters in the wrong places.
Still don't get it? Try to ponder over it a bit more.
Tadaaaaaaa!!! You won! Blueberry?! Really?! I hate Blueberry. Poor little red. :(
Locations of the gems.
Note: There is maximal one gem in a room.
Left window, at the top.
Behind the potted plant
Behind the pile of sand
At the bottom of the big yellow gem.
On the emblem on the head of the bird
Behind the rearward table-leg on the left.
Behind the right wheel, right to the top.
In the window top row, second to the left. Bottom right corner.
At the very left of the scroll
At the top of the center bell
At the top of the right flame.
Behind the footbridge to the right of the top of the ladder.
In the right window, at the top.
In the center of the shield on the left.
Drag the stone aside.
Behind the candle on the right.
At the top left of the scroll.
Open the chest.
At the top left of the board.
Behind the potted plant on the left. The bottom left branch.
Blueberry muffin. I guess you have to get all the diamonds and hats.
I wish there had been a map bonus that would let you jump directly to a room. I didn't find it fun to have to navigate around. (Minus 1/4 star)
Even with a magnifier, I could barely see some of the hints on the wall. Maybe instead of just hiding then by using black on dark brown, they could be revealed by mousing over. (Minus 3/4 star)
But still, a super fun game. I got most of the puzzles without a hint from the walkthrough. But I still have dents in my forehead from facepalms for a couple of them that I shouldn't have needed hints for.
I'm stuck on the last puzzle. :( Here's what it looks like now:
What would I have to do to fix it? Thanks!
Am I missing something here? I'm stuck on the one before 'colourful cross' according to the walkthrough. I just can't figure out what's wrong with the solution I got...
Help please!
I'm stuck on the last level! I am soooo very close. I am only one square away from delightful muffiny victory! Can anyone help me out, or do I have to start over?
Has anyone actually gotten a CHOCOLATE muffin? It seems as though
And my attention span ran out so I don't want to play through again. Also, I don't have total faith that there even is a chocolate one>
great puzzles though! I got frustrated and used the walkthrough on the last one. (my very short attn span, hello)
The idea that you'll get a chocolate muffin rather than a blueberry one if you complete the game with all the diamonds and hats first try is obviously false, as the last diamond in the last room can only be obtained after having already been presented with the muffin! Even the official walkthrough shows this.
Still, this is an excellent game, I must say.
Elpunt Thing, I thought that was what you had to do too at first, but then I figured out that your suppose to
get all of the reds in the top left corner, all of the greens in the top right corner, all of the yellows in the bottom right corner, and all of the blues in the bottom left corner.
Hope this helps!
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Walkthrough Guide
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The Adventures of Red Walthrough
Click on the blue key lying on the table.
Click on the blue padlock.
Mona Lisa
Click on the top hat on the table.
Click on the tiles of the Mona Lisa painting to rotate them and complete the painting.
Click on the red key that appears.
Click on the red padlock.
4 Shields
Click on the light blue object just behind the potted plant to collect a gem.
Note the pattern of colours on the shields.
Complete the blank shield by continuing the pattern.
Top left - Dark blue [two clicks]
Top right - Dark green [four clicks]
Bottom left - Dark green [four clicks]
Bottom right - Dark blue [two clicks]
Collect the green key when it appears.
Click on the chest to collect the map of the castle.
Click on the green padlock.
Matching pairs
Note the circular patterns on the scroll.
This is a matching pairs game.
The combination changes each time you play.
Match each pair to reveal the blue key.
Click on the blue key then click on the blue padlock at the top of the screen.
Two Shields
Note the clue written across the top banner - 5 is a magic number.
Click to the lower left of the banner to collect a blue gem.
The goal is to spot five differences between the two shields.
Click on the blue key and then click on the blue padlock.
Four Jars
Click on the uppermost second window from the left to collect a blue gem.
Click on the mallet just right of the door.
Click on each of the jars to smash them and collect a green key and a blue key.
You can also collect a cowboy hat here.
Go right and then down to where the matching puzzle was and click on the blue padlock to the left.
Crest of the Phoenix
Click on the head of the phoenix on the crest to collect a gem.
To the right on the floor is a stone.
Click and drag it to reveal a yellow key.
Click on the key and click on the yellow padlock.
Note the latin graffiti which suggests something Roman.
Note the MIX also written on the wall.
What is MIX in Roman numerals?
Click on the dials so that they read 1009.
Click on the blue key.
Click on the green padlock at the top of the screen.
Four Gems
Note the clue written on the scroll on the wall.
The order to click on the gems:
1 = Ruby [red: click on the 2nd gem]
2 = Emerald [green: click on the 3rd gem]
3 = Diamond [blue: click on the 1st gem]
4 = Amber [yellow: click on the 4th gem]
Click on the yellow key.
Click to go back down, then right twice, then up and then click on the yellow padlock to the right.
Five Bells
Click on the middle bell to collect a blue gem.
Click the rightmost bell to reveal a white key.
Click and drag the white key to the chest to get a map update.
Note the musical score on the scroll on the wall above the bells.
Play the bells to learn the pitches they sound from lowest to highest, and use the score to figure out what bells to play.
The combination is 3, 1, 2, 5, 4, 3.
Click on the green key.
Click on the trapdoor.
3 Poles
Click to the left near the table leg to collect a small blue gem.
Move the pieces from the left to the right, and only small pieces can be on top of larger pieces.
Number the poles 1 to 3 from left to right. For each step, click on the top disk of the first pole, then click the second pole.
Pole 1 to 2
Pole 1 to 3
Pole 2 to 3
Pole 1 to 2
Pole 3 to 1
Pole 3 to 2
Pole 1 to 2
Pole 1 to 3
Pole 2 to 3
Pole 2 to 1
Pole 3 to 1
Pole 2 to 3
Pole 1 to 2
Pole 1 to 3
Pole 2 to 3
Collect the yellow key when it appears.
Click on the yellow padlock.
Red Bucket
Click on the blue gem peeking out from behind the sand.
The aim here is to fill the bucket with sand so that it weighs the same as the skull.
Note the clue on the wall.
The skull = 6 rounded piles.
The bucket = 2 rounded piles.
3 scoops of sand = 2 rounded piles.
So if the bucket already weighs 2 rounded piles, we only need four more rounded piles.
Drag 6 scoops of sand to the bucket, and then drag the bucket, by its handle, to the skull. Then place the skull in the skull shaped hole to reveal the yellow key.
Take the yellow key, then click on the yellow padlock.
A Wall of Keys
Hover the mouse over each chest to get a key code for each which shows up on the right side banner.
Match each code by hovering over the keys, and the banner on the left will show a negative image.
When you've located the matching key, drag it to the chests, and when they open you can move on to the next
You can pick up a Viking's helmet here.
Collect 2 red keys here.
Click on the red padlock.
Four Gems - part 2
Collect the small blue gem from the far right amber gem.
Now for a game of Simon Says.
Click on the button above the door to the left to display the combination of gems that you need to recreate.
Follow the pattern successfully 3 times to reveal the green key.
Collect the green key and go left twice and then back up back to the 3 poles room, and click on the green padlock.
Sliding Skull
Note the order of colours clue on the right hand side.
The goal is to get the skull to the centre of the tile puzzle by getting it to follow a path.
The skull will need to follow the path according to the colour code, which in this case is red, blue, yellow, green.
Click on each coloured tile to rotate it so that the skull can follow the path.
Collect the blue key.
Click on the red padlock at the top of the screen.
Wizard Skull
Click to the left of the left-side candle, and your map will be updated to show which keys can be found in which room.
Click on the wizard hat to wear it.
Click to the top of the right-side torch to collect the small blue gem.
Go back down the ladder and to the right, and click on the blue padlock.
Two Sundials
Click towards the top of the right-side sundial to collect a blue gem.
Note the arrows running along the wooden beams from left to right and up between the sun dials.
Click on the circles within each dial so that the lines are connected to the wooden arrows.
The chests will open, revealing a yellow key and a blue key, so click on them to collect.
Click on the yellow padlock above.
3 Windows, 2 Shields
Collect the small blue gem from the upper left of the screen.
Drag the white key from the upper left to the chest to wear the knight's helmet.
Click on the green padlock at top.
Nine Torches
Light all the torches.
Click on them in the following order:
Top right.
Very Centre.
Bottom left.
Top right.
Top left.
Take the blue key and the blue gem hidden behind the candle.
Click on the blue padlock to the left.
Black Squares
Move the rock that's near the left door.
Look closely to see clues around the screen.
Use the clues and click on the corresponding squares.
Click on the yellow key.
Click on the yellow padlock to the left.
Find the Right Way
This is like a word search puzzle.
The banner at the top is the clue to the words you need to find.
You need to find a path that has the words 'the right way' all connected.
Hint - start at the bottom left, second square from the bottom which is a 't'.
From the 't' find the connecting letters.
The words run across the bottom half of the grid.
Once completed, take the green key.
Move the stone under the puzzle to collect a blue gem.
Click on the green padlock.
The Ring of Fire
Click on the ring that's on the center table and drag it to the torch on the right.
The ring will the glow with a number combination.
This may change each time you play, but in this instance it's:
Note the 6 red buttons above the table.
Click on them according to the number code revealed by the ring.
Take the red key.
Collect the blue gem from the upper left shield.
Click on the red padlock to the left.
Objects d'Art
Note the words on the wall.
They're scrambled words relating to some of the objects onscreen.
Click on the objects according to the order of the words.
Take the green key.
Click on the green padlock.
Abstract Art
Another Mona Lisa style puzzle.
Click on each tile to rotate it and piece the puzzle back together.
Collect the yellow key.
Collect a blue gem that's well hidden in the top of the upper left window.
Go back right and click on the blue padlock.
We are the Knights who say Ni!
Oh yay, it's a game where you have to get the knight's from one side to the other while getting the knights from the opposite side across as well.
Click on the individual knights to move them, and then when complete, collect the blue key.
The knights who say Ni face right and start on the left side of the scroll. The knights who say Ekki Ekki etc face left and start on the right side of the scroll. Click the knights in the following order.
Front Ni knight
Front Ekki knight
Middle Ekki knight
Front Ni knight
Middle Ni knight
Rear Ni knight
Front Ekki knight
Middle Ekki knight
Rear Ekki knight
Front Ni knight
Middle Ni knight
Rear Ni knight
Middle Ekki knight
Rear Ekki knight
Rear Ni knight
Click on the blue padlock to the left.
Wall of Shields
Simply find the two matching shields to reveal the green key.
An incorrect guess will shuffle the shields.
This changes each time you play.
When successful, collect the green key.
Click on the upper yellow padlock.
Foras Sesto Pondero Ver
Collect the blue gem hidden to behind the upper left of the sign with Latin words on it.
Collect the hat, and then go back down and to the right, and then click on the green padlock.
Black and White
All squares need to be turned white by moving the skull on to them.
Click on the squares
When completed, take the red key and click on the red padlock to the right.
Find the Key
Note the clues on the banners at the top.
Note that there is a three letter code needed.
Note that the middle banner states 'find the key'.
Also note that the number of letters in the legible words is different to the number of letters in the codes.
The words in the list on the right are out of order.
Look for the four letter word and match it to the four letter code.
The solution is the word 'key' in code.
Click the first button x10.
Click the second button x4.
Click the third button x24.
Collect the blue key and click on the blue padlock to the right.
You can also collect a Santa hat from this scene.
Click on the chest to collect a blue gem.
Note the clue on the left.
The goal is to get the four squares of each colour to match the pattern of the clue.
Clicking on the squares will rotate them in groups of four.
Match the pattern to proceed.
Collect the red key.
Click on the red padlock to the right.
A Colourful Cross
Again there's a clue to the right as to the outcome of this puzzle.
Click on the ends of the cross to move them and to swap the coloured tiles around so as to match the illustration at right.
As best as I can manage here's a list of the directions:
Down x 4
Up x 6
Down x 5
Up x 4
Down x 3
Up x 2
Left x 3
Right x 6
Left x 4
Right x 4
Left x 3
Right x 2
Red's Chocolate Muffin should now descend from the ceiling.
Thanks to chiktionary for the walkthrough!
Posted by: Mike
May 27, 2011 11:42 AM