An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Super Karoshi

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4.7/5 (207 votes)

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a... OW! Ew... is that a spleen? The fifth chapter of the puzzle-platforming Karoshi series is here, and it's one of the best of the bunch. This edition comes with a flying, indestructible, Super Saiyan alter-ego, a dubious power when the goal of the game is to kill yourself.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Hm... this may prove useful.


Level 1: Use arrow keys please

Just use the arrow keys to move, up to jump, and if you followed the movie, you would know to jump onto the spikes, not to the exit.

Level 2: Diving board

Jump up to the diving board, and dive into the sea of nails. 10-10-10!

Level 3: Get stuck (press R)

When all the buttons are pressed, any platform with an X on it will disappear. So what you want to do is press all the buttons, making sure that you press the one on top of the spikes LAST

Level 4: We're in the future (and we've got teleporters)

The teleporter works as you think it should - the one with the green line on top will teleport your character to the one with the green line on bottom. Whatever direction you were going in when you enter the teleporter will stay the same. So enter the teleporter going right, so that you can land on the moving platform, then jump into the spikes.

Level 5: Timing (is important)

This is your first spring board. You can not jump into the nails on the left - but the nails will shoot out after a while. Just wait a bit, and it will shoot out. Once it passes the center of the T is more or less when you need to get on the board.

Level 6: The End (1)

First fake ending. Run to right and you will find some spikes to welcome you.

Level 7: Something is wrong with this stage

WARNING: You will NOT be able to go left on this stage. You have to go right, jump over the button (and land between the button and the platform of X's), jump onto the platform, jump onto the spring, and get your way to the teleporter. Once there, just walk to the spikes on the top.

Level 8: 4 is enough I tell you

WARNING: You can ONLY jump four (4) times in this stage. First jump should be the second gap, second jump should land you to where the plant is, third jump to the tallest pillar. Walk down to where the upside-down T platform, then take your last jump into the spikes.

Level 9: Fake spikes room with exit and teleporters on top of one another.

Just walk to the exit first. The room will change and now say "Secret Stage". Now you can aim for the spikes, but be careful: touching two (2) of the three buttons will kill the platforms.

Level 10: Computer game rated 11/10

Go to the right most part of the stage and just jump. You will do a super jump and kill yourself.

Level 11: LOL

Jump into the area between the O and the second L. Stick to the side of the O and jump, holding down left while you do that. You will find a secret entrance, and you can kill yourself.

Level 12: Room with a low ceiling

WARNING: Your jump height will decrease with jumps. Try to get on top of the fourth pillar bit (in your fourth jump) instead of jumping over it, then jump onto the pillar besides the spikes.

Level 13: Room with the wall of spikes on the right

Just hold down right. I know, you will slow down - but don't worry, you will get there.

Level 14: Karoshi 3-D

Just.... wait. Yeah. Easy, right?

Level 15: The end (2)

Another fake ending. Just keep jumping, and you will find that your jump height will increase each jump. Spikes are at the top.

Level 16: Blue toxic waste

Just jump into the blue barrel.... Make sure your aim is true because the springs break after being used.

Level 17: You are Super Karoshi

Oh dear, I guess the toxic waste did this. You can now fly (by jumping multiple times) but you can not die until you turn back into normal Karoshi by eating a green crystal, like the one you see behind those blocks of X's. Just press each button, get used to flying, grab the crystal, and die. (You would do well to remember the K crystal and the green one)

Level 18: Your mission...

First mission with multiple Karoshis. You have to kill the one wandering left/right as well as yourself (of course, you can only control yourself). So get the K crystal (making sure you don't kill yourself), press the button (without touching the green crystal), then kill yourself.

Level 19: Huh.

It is impossible to go forwards, but this screen wraps around. Go left, and you will find yourself on the other side, ready to die.

Level 20: The Blue crystals

First intro to blue crystals. You have to be Super Karoshi to distroy these (as noted). Make sure that the wandering Karoshi is walking RIGHT before you distroy both crystals, otherwise he will not die. Once successful, just kill yourself.

Level 21: Karoshi starts in a room with a K crystal.

Grab the K crystal, get into the teleporter, distroy the crystal, kill yourself. Don't worry, there's no limits here.

Level 22: Wandering Karoshi at the top, pit of spikes on the right.

WARNING: Time sensitive. Quickly grab the K crystal, then quickly distroy the blue block before the wandering Karoshi reaches it (Using the teleporter helps). Then kill yourself.

Level 23: The yellow K.

Just walk under one of the feet of the K then press the letter "K" on the keyboard. First of the ones where you have to press a key on the keyboard.

Level 24: Wandering Karoshi on top of X's.

WARNING: Very sensitive to precision timing. You need to press the switch when the wandering Karoshi is going RIGHT at the middle of the blocks of X's. You do not need the K crystal for this. Then kill yourself.

Level 25: Orange blob with a number at top.

Just walk to the blob to get the blob to stand up, walk away to get the blob to sit down. Do this until the number reaches 7, and the blob should start walking to you. Touch his feet and you'll die.

Level 26: Youtube version.

Just jump right when you enter the teleporter, and you'll die. Easier with the second teleporter.

Level 27: Blue blocks in an upside-down T pattern near the spikes, 2 wandering Karoshis.

WARNING: Very time delicate. Get the K crystal, distroy the blue block at the bottom (BEFORE the wandering Karoshi on the left gets to it, but AFTER the wandering Karoshi on the right hits it and goes to the teleporter), go through the teleporter, then destroy the blue blocks that form the upside-down T pattern at the top (before either wandering Karoshi gets to them). Now kill yourself.

Level 28: Credits

Just wait. The spikes are just at the bottom of the list, you can't miss it.

Level 29: The end (3)

Another fake ending. You get used to them. Walk right, and you'll find the spikes.

Level 30: Bridge of X's, 2 wandering Karoshis, one stuck behind blue block.

WARNING: Time delicate. Press the two buttons, get your way to the K crystal (jumping over the teleporter, of course), get into the teleporter, then distroy the blue block (you don't have to worry too much about the timing here). Hit the last switch when both Karoshis should fall to their deaths, then kill yourself.

Level 31: Karoshi Shift

Just press "Shift" on your keyboard, and you'll die eventually.

Level 32: American flag

Collect all the hamburgers to kill yourself.

Level 33: Two wandering Karoshis trapped between blue blocks at the center.

For one wandering Karoshi, distroy both blue blocks. Now take a look and see which button needs to be pressed once the Karoshi you freed gets teleported. If you need the RIGHT button, distroy the LEFT block of the Karoshi that's still trapped, and vice versa. Once they teleport and hit both buttons, kill yourself.

Level 34: The platform that goes up and down.

WARNING: Time sensitive. Get the K crystal, and time yourself in breaking the blue block so that the platform will be underneath the wandering Karoshi's as they get on it (as a general rule, best bet is to break the blue block as the floating platform is just starting to go down). Once they get to the other side safely, kill yourself.

Level 35: Is your head hurting from all these puzzles?

The name is a hint - you have to get on the first spring and stay there - your head will distroy the floor after a while, and you can kill yourself.

Level 36: What are you doing inside my stage?

Another hint - think outside of the box. So just jump while holding left - you will jump out of the box and die.

Level 37: The one with 7 green crystals, five of them in an arc.

WARNING: Time sensitive. Get the K crystal, and then fly to the teleporter - remembering that you have to fly once teleported otherwise you will lose your powers. Now distroy both blue crystals quickly as the wandering Karoshi is going right. Now kill yourself.

Level 38: The one with three wandering Karoshis in one spot blocked by a blue crystal, and an elevator with spikes.

Delicately make your way to the elevator, get on it (but watch for the spikes), jump to the K crystal, break the blue block, and kill yourself. I make it sound easy, but it is delicate work - don't go too fast.

Level 39: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Just stand under the biggest apple (that's the 3rd entire apple from the left) and wait...

Level 40: First bomb.

First bomb. This one is easy - get the K crystal, jump over the bomb and get the blue crystal, then kill yourself.

Level 41: Second bomb, spikes right above you, 2 wandering Karoshis.

WARNING: VERY time delicate. what you want to do is get to the teleporter, get the K crystal, break the right blue block first, then time it so that when you distroy the left blue block, both wandering Karoshis will land on the platform below them at more or less the same time (Tip - its easier if the Karoshi on the right is going Left when you distroy his block, so that you can get to the left block and time it well). This will allow them to touch the bomb at the same time. Once you get that done, kill yourself.

Level 42: Third bomb, 2 wandering Karoshis, 3 springs.

Get the K crystal, distroy both blue blocks while both wandering Karoshis are going left, get the green crystal, then time yourself so that all 3 of you get killed in one blast.

Level 43: Fourth bomb, 1 wandering Karoshi

Get the K crystal, distroy the blue block, and get to the bomb. Touch the bomb when the wandering Karoshi falls to where the bomb is, then kill yourself.

Level 44: Visit to win.

As the hint says, just click on the button on the bottom right to die. Don't worry if you have a pop-up blocker, you'll still die.

Level 45: 3 wandering Karoshis on blue blocks.

Easy but delicate platforming. Get your way to the K crystal, destroy all blue blocks, kill yourself. Just be careful, and don't rush.

Level 46: Button with a question mark on it.

Press the button, and... well... watch out for the ... Whoops. Too late.

Level 47: Button on the ceiling.

Get the K crystal, then fly up to press the button. A massive plant will fly in - touch the flame. I guess even Super Karoshi can die sometimes.

Level 48: Massive block of heavy iron with a flame.

Stand under the block, then point your mouse over the flame. Your mouse will now be on fire. Mouse over the rope to burn it and the block will kill you.

Level 49: Endless

Just hold down the Right key, and you will keep falling right - and to your death.

Level 50: teh end

Another fake ending. Click the 'd' in "teh end" and Karoshi will appear. Just make your way right, and keep going through the boundary - you'll die soon enough.

Level 51: The stage where everything is green.

WARNING: very annoying stage. Press the button next to the exit, get your way onto the spring (theres a place to jump from right beside where you started), get to the teleporter, and die.

Level 52: The stage that is split in two.

WARNING: You can not jump on the right side. Make your way up, and jump onto the upside-down T platform thats moving left/right. Make sure you get on right side of the T, otherwise you'll have to wait to get back onto the left side to do so. Just kill yourself once on the right side.

Level 53: The stage with a background of Karoshis.

This is just more annoying than difficult. Walk around - you will find that some of the Karoshis will be upside down when you are close to them. Note their positions - thats where solid ground is. Just figure where you can jump onto (near the right side of the screen), make your way left and to the spikes.

Level 54: The stage with the giant gallotine.

WARNING: Time sensitive. Press the button, get into the teleporter going left, you will land on the spring, get onto the platform on top, then jump right to the gallotine and stay under the blade before it falls, killing you.

Level 55: What is this? (Space)

This one is easy - press the space bar and a rocket will fly in. Jump into it to die.

Level 56: Hats + Lock

This one is also easy - after all, caps is another word for hats. Walk right so that the lock is above you, then press Caps Lock on your keyboard to die.

Level 57: Hmmm...

Trick to this one is that there's a "glitch". Restart the level to reveal a spring you can use to get yourself up there and kill yourself.

Level 58: The level with the giant... pickle?

... By the time you read this, you're probably already dead, seeing how you're falling right into those spikes down there. Mind you that it is possible to actually live - holding right and pressing up right when this stage starts might actually get you there. But why bother?

Level 59: There's something inside this white box.

I think we've all done something like this before - use your mouse to highlight the text in the white box. It will say "Press Esc". Do so, and the ceiling of spikes will come down. Keep doing it, and you'll die sooner or later.

Level 60: The end (6)

Go right - and keep going right. You'll die soon enough.

Level 61: Jesse's desk.

Well - this one is a doozy. You have to go and finish the first game. Lucky thing that it doesn't completely rely on cookies, but on something else. Therefore, if you've played it before, good. Otherwise, you're gonna have to run through 50 even more difficult finger twitching levels to get to the true end. Good luck!

Note - I am well aware that there is a video walkthrough made by the author... if you are lost, you could watch them instead of reading this long written explaination.


Joachim May 16, 2009 12:06 AM

A new Venbrux game? WOO! Off to play!


Lots of silly fun :) Made it to

Jesse's Desk.

Is it the last level?!? Will we ever know??

Joachim May 16, 2009 12:38 AM

I admit to actually being stuck on the

hats(?) + lock

one, though I'm sure it'll hit me in the face the moment I post this.


If it hasn't hit you yet, Haydn...

What's another word for hats?


@ Haydn

Another hint:

It's a key that's on the keyboard

I'm stuck on the

one that has the sticky note that says "To Do: finish Karoshi!" Is that one actually serious?


GRAAGH! I'm stuck on the freaking

"In space, gravity doesn't work" level. I know it's probably right under my nose..


Whoops, ignore my last request - apparently I lost count.

24653187 May 16, 2009 1:00 AM

yay! Another series of karoshi!


i'm stuck at

jesse's desk too, that post-it must be legit, for now anyway.

Anonymous May 16, 2009 1:02 AM

This game is awesome! I'm stuck though :

jesse's desk level



Last stage

both spikes and caps lock kills here too

Alexander May 16, 2009 1:09 AM

I thought the solution to Jesse's was to

Finish the Original Karoshi Game

but doing that didn't work for me. If it's a cookies issue..? Maybe someone else will have better luck.

ottoman May 16, 2009 1:31 AM


The clue is in the little question there: "What is this?"


space - press it!


To those wondering if they've found the true final stage:

If you go back to the menu, the previously "locked" rectangle in the lower right-hand corner is now unlocked to a special treat. If the treat isn't an indication that we've finished the game, I don't think anything else would convince me. :-)

24653187 May 16, 2009 1:43 AM

I think Jesse's desk is the stage that shows you it's the end.

Look at the stage selecting unlocked in the main menu.


there should be 60 levels, so the desk isn't the end


Jesse's Desk:

I think the joke is that you're supposed to kill yourself. Or kill Jesse, I guess. Because it doesn't go anywhere after the character dies like in the other levels where you're supposed to kill the other workers.


I can't figure out the "Hmmm..." level. >_>


Jesse's desk

is the end, i think

as it says : finish karoshi!

Anonymous May 16, 2009 5:11 AM

Ryusui, including the desk there are 61 levels.

On the other hand, on level 9:

The one which, on the level select, has a picture of an exit door. Move over the exit door, and it changes to a sign reading "secret stage." What's up with that?

Anonymous May 16, 2009 5:28 AM

If you don't go to the "secret exit" the spikes are fake. Also, it only takes 2 buttons to remove the blocks after you go to the secret exit.

jasonz777z May 16, 2009 5:58 AM

Wnen you complete the game you get to go in.

coolbrain May 16, 2009 6:00 AM

what I have to do in the level "visit to win"???
I jump around and nothing happen.


help me i'm stuck in the level when it say

visit to win


coolbrain / exo109

Visit what? What else does it say? Where could you go to say hello to the author? Use the mouse.

Panther May 16, 2009 7:39 AM

click the homepage below the game box
still got problems with the hats+lock level :S


I'mstuck in the level in space with the comment "What is this?"

If someone can spoil me just a bit …

LordHeinz May 16, 2009 8:48 AM

I'm stuck on the level with a large "K".

fuzzyface May 16, 2009 8:56 AM

press space

Anonymous May 16, 2009 9:12 AM


Space means two things:What the stage is about, and what's on one of the computer parts.If you can't figure it out,well...

Press the space bar!


I'm stuck on the level with the dotted line down the middle.

Thgyatromedea May 16, 2009 10:05 AM

So, umm... What about the level after the padlocked baseball hats?


on the visit to win level you have to click on the link

and on what is this level press space and a shuttle will go across the screen then jump into it

i need help one hats + lock level, any help??

Markonite2 May 16, 2009 10:16 AM

I can't figure out the "hmmm..." level. Any hints?

Markonite2 May 16, 2009 10:23 AM

No way, I bet if you get to a certain score in "endless Karoshi mode" you can progress maybe?

FhnuZoag May 16, 2009 10:48 AM

How do you beat the 'solution is outside the box' level?

alijaya May 16, 2009 10:50 AM

i made it to jesse's desk...
and i went to main menu...
click special
menu again
and click play...
and then it's freeze...
i think there isn't any level anymore :?

crossfire345 May 16, 2009 11:40 AM

Jesse's desk answer!!!!

The joke is he never finished the last he reminded himself to finish..that's what the post it note above the computer was reminding him.
After you kill karoshi once press menu then you unlock the special mission

Patreon Crew SonicLover May 16, 2009 11:47 AM

Here are tips for a few levels people seem to get stuck on:

Hats and padlock:

To the left you've got a bunch of CAPS. To the right, a big LOCK. Put them together and you get...?


This one's easier than you think. What can you do with your keyboard that's related to the letter K?


No way to get up there? Maybe it's a glitch; try resetting the level.

Dotted line down the middle:

On the right side, you can't jump. Get on top of the moving platform, the right "shelf", and see if it helps.


Here's a little riddle for you: where do astronauts go to get drunk?

"Outside the box":

There's an invisible hole in the left wall.

Jesse's desk:

There's nothing to do after your final suicide. Just quit back to the menu.


Haha. There's a shift level. There needs to be more levels like that. Oh wait, there is!


I'm stuck on the LOL level. The jump ability isn't high enough to land on that last, large L. >.


Never mind. I figured it out. To beat "LOL":

There's a hidden entrance to the spikes in the "O". Jump down to the right of the O, then jump left. You'll land on a shelf that just looks part of the yellow O, if that makes any sense.

Bethany May 16, 2009 12:54 PM

What do you do on
"4 is enough
i tell you"
Don't mess up my spacing.

Kevonni May 16, 2009 1:14 PM

How do I beat the "Karoshi: the best game ever in the existence of mankind" level?


Game glitched, which kinda sucks. I'm stuck on the level where you have to free two co-workers so they fall down and the three of you have to simultaneously touch an explosive box. They keep on turning right before they reach it and the explosion doesnt go far enough. I was stuck there myself, but i can jump out of it :/

Anonymous May 16, 2009 1:39 PM

Another View of Jesse's Desk is that he never finished the game, becuase he overworked himself, and commited suicide(not really) - Thus, Karoshi!

ganondorf champion not logged May 16, 2009 2:00 PM

how you get past the second the end level?

Anonymous May 16, 2009 2:26 PM

On level 40 the other little man that isn't me won't walk up the hill on it's own. Is there something I should do? On the youtube walkthroughs I see the little man walking up the hill, but no matter how many times I remove the blue block for him, he won't walk up the hill! I even remove the block before he gets to it!

Anonymous May 16, 2009 3:19 PM

I don't understand the level after the LOL level.

Bethany May 16, 2009 3:31 PM

OK; on that one you only get 4 jumps, that works.
Now, what to do on the next one?

Bethany May 16, 2009 3:47 PM

I'm on "huh." What the heck do I do?


Okay, figured out the "Hmmm..." level.

Just restart the stage. A spring will appear and let you proceed.

As for "4 is enough":

You have four jumps. Count 'em: four. With a little platforming skill, you can make it to the spikes with just that many.

fuzzyface May 16, 2009 3:58 PM

JIGuest, Karoshi doesn't mean suicide, but death from overwork.

So the last level, the author died from overwork due to working on this game.

joeynow May 16, 2009 5:53 PM

Oh, now I get the Super theme. You'd think having powers would cure any feelings of worthlessness you might have.

But superhero characters always are so busy, having to cope with the stress of a day job, their personal life, AND their "secret" job. Y'know, the job that's often without pay?

The Japanese aren't dying from boredom or depression, but stress. Super Karoshi might be immune to heart attack, but to be sure, he's feeling the strain.

ruffienne May 16, 2009 6:01 PM

Bethany, for "huh":

I right-clicked, zoomed in on the game screen, and then went back and forth... It seemed to open a doorway to the other side fo the screen. I hope it works for you!


I can't figure the level where it says 'there's something inside this white box'

ruffienne May 16, 2009 7:24 PM

Oh no, Bethany, I made a mistake--

you don't need to zoom in; just walk through the wall!

Okay, now I can't get the one that says "is your head hurting from all these puzzles?" there are two springs, one that seems useless, and one that isn't high enough to propel me up to the platform to the spikes. Help please!

ruffienne May 16, 2009 7:26 PM

Just kidding! Power of posting.

In case any one else is having trouble with "is your head hurting from all these puzzles?" :

That spring in the middle of the hallway isn't so useless after all! What happens to the ceiling?

optiguy May 16, 2009 7:28 PM

For the final level (Jesse's desk)

You must go to the menu and click the "Here" button at the bottom of the screen. It will take you to Karoshi: Suicide Salaryman. You have to beat this game, (Hence the "Finish Karoshi") then go back and complete the level. Once you do, it will take you to the REAL ending screen. Then, there should be a few flashing squares under the "Special" button.


Hm... this may prove useful.


Level 1: Use arrow keys please

Just use the arrow keys to move, up to jump, and if you followed the movie, you would know to jump onto the spikes, not to the exit.

Level 2: Diving board

Jump up to the diving board, and dive into the sea of nails. 10-10-10!

Level 3: Get stuck (press R)

When all the buttons are pressed, any platform with an X on it will disappear. So what you want to do is press all the buttons, making sure that you press the one on top of the spikes LAST

Level 4: We're in the future (and we've got teleporters)

The teleporter works as you think it should - the one with the green line on top will teleport your character to the one with the green line on bottom. Whatever direction you were going in when you enter the teleporter will stay the same. So enter the teleporter going right, so that you can land on the moving platform, then jump into the spikes.

Level 5: Timing (is important)

This is your first spring board. You can not jump into the nails on the left - but the nails will shoot out after a while. Just wait a bit, and it will shoot out. Once it passes the center of the T is more or less when you need to get on the board.

Level 6: The End (1)

First fake ending. Run to right and you will find some spikes to welcome you.

Level 7: Something is wrong with this stage

WARNING: You will NOT be able to go left on this stage. You have to go right, jump over the button (and land between the button and the platform of X's), jump onto the platform, jump onto the spring, and get your way to the teleporter. Once there, just walk to the spikes on the top.

Level 8: 4 is enough I tell you

WARNING: You can ONLY jump four (4) times in this stage. First jump should be the second gap, second jump should land you to where the plant is, third jump to the tallest pillar. Walk down to where the upside-down T platform, then take your last jump into the spikes.

Level 9: Fake spikes room with exit and teleporters on top of one another.

Just walk to the exit first. The room will change and now say "Secret Stage". Now you can aim for the spikes, but be careful: touching two (2) of the three buttons will kill the platforms.

Level 10: Computer game rated 11/10

Go to the right most part of the stage and just jump. You will do a super jump and kill yourself.

Level 11: LOL

Jump into the area between the O and the second L. Stick to the side of the O and jump, holding down left while you do that. You will find a secret entrance, and you can kill yourself.

Level 12: Room with a low ceiling

WARNING: Your jump height will decrease with jumps. Try to get on top of the fourth pillar bit (in your fourth jump) instead of jumping over it, then jump onto the pillar besides the spikes.

Level 13: Room with the wall of spikes on the right

Just hold down right. I know, you will slow down - but don't worry, you will get there.

Level 14: Karoshi 3-D

Just.... wait. Yeah. Easy, right?

Level 15: The end (2)

Another fake ending. Just keep jumping, and you will find that your jump height will increase each jump. Spikes are at the top.

Level 16: Blue toxic waste

Just jump into the blue barrel.... Make sure your aim is true because the springs break after being used.

Level 17: You are Super Karoshi

Oh dear, I guess the toxic waste did this. You can now fly (by jumping multiple times) but you can not die until you turn back into normal Karoshi by eating a green crystal, like the one you see behind those blocks of X's. Just press each button, get used to flying, grab the crystal, and die. (You would do well to remember the K crystal and the green one)

Level 18: Your mission...

First mission with multiple Karoshis. You have to kill the one wandering left/right as well as yourself (of course, you can only control yourself). So get the K crystal (making sure you don't kill yourself), press the button (without touching the green crystal), then kill yourself.

Level 19: Huh.

It is impossible to go forwards, but this screen wraps around. Go left, and you will find yourself on the other side, ready to die.

Level 20: The Blue crystals

First intro to blue crystals. You have to be Super Karoshi to distroy these (as noted). Make sure that the wandering Karoshi is walking RIGHT before you distroy both crystals, otherwise he will not die. Once successful, just kill yourself.

Level 21: Karoshi starts in a room with a K crystal.

Grab the K crystal, get into the teleporter, distroy the crystal, kill yourself. Don't worry, there's no limits here.

Level 22: Wandering Karoshi at the top, pit of spikes on the right.

WARNING: Time sensitive. Quickly grab the K crystal, then quickly distroy the blue block before the wandering Karoshi reaches it (Using the teleporter helps). Then kill yourself.

Level 23: The yellow K.

Just walk under one of the feet of the K then press the letter "K" on the keyboard. First of the ones where you have to press a key on the keyboard.

Level 24: Wandering Karoshi on top of X's.

WARNING: Very sensitive to precision timing. You need to press the switch when the wandering Karoshi is going RIGHT at the middle of the blocks of X's. You do not need the K crystal for this. Then kill yourself.

Level 25: Orange blob with a number at top.

Just walk to the blob to get the blob to stand up, walk away to get the blob to sit down. Do this until the number reaches 7, and the blob should start walking to you. Touch his feet and you'll die.

Level 26: Youtube version.

Just jump right when you enter the teleporter, and you'll die. Easier with the second teleporter.

Level 27: Blue blocks in an upside-down T pattern near the spikes, 2 wandering Karoshis.

WARNING: Very time delicate. Get the K crystal, distroy the blue block at the bottom (BEFORE the wandering Karoshi on the left gets to it, but AFTER the wandering Karoshi on the right hits it and goes to the teleporter), go through the teleporter, then destroy the blue blocks that form the upside-down T pattern at the top (before either wandering Karoshi gets to them). Now kill yourself.

Level 28: Credits

Just wait. The spikes are just at the bottom of the list, you can't miss it.

Level 29: The end (3)

Another fake ending. You get used to them. Walk right, and you'll find the spikes.

Level 30: Bridge of X's, 2 wandering Karoshis, one stuck behind blue block.

WARNING: Time delicate. Press the two buttons, get your way to the K crystal (jumping over the teleporter, of course), get into the teleporter, then distroy the blue block (you don't have to worry too much about the timing here). Hit the last switch when both Karoshis should fall to their deaths, then kill yourself.

Level 31: Karoshi Shift

Just press "Shift" on your keyboard, and you'll die eventually.

Level 32: American flag

Collect all the hamburgers to kill yourself.

Level 33: Two wandering Karoshis trapped between blue blocks at the center.

For one wandering Karoshi, distroy both blue blocks. Now take a look and see which button needs to be pressed once the Karoshi you freed gets teleported. If you need the RIGHT button, distroy the LEFT block of the Karoshi that's still trapped, and vice versa. Once they teleport and hit both buttons, kill yourself.

Level 34: The platform that goes up and down.

WARNING: Time sensitive. Get the K crystal, and time yourself in breaking the blue block so that the platform will be underneath the wandering Karoshi's as they get on it (as a general rule, best bet is to break the blue block as the floating platform is just starting to go down). Once they get to the other side safely, kill yourself.

Level 35: Is your head hurting from all these puzzles?

The name is a hint - you have to get on the first spring and stay there - your head will distroy the floor after a while, and you can kill yourself.

Level 36: What are you doing inside my stage?

Another hint - think outside of the box. So just jump while holding left - you will jump out of the box and die.

Level 37: The one with 7 green crystals, five of them in an arc.

WARNING: Time sensitive. Get the K crystal, and then fly to the teleporter - remembering that you have to fly once teleported otherwise you will lose your powers. Now distroy both blue crystals quickly as the wandering Karoshi is going right. Now kill yourself.

Level 38: The one with three wandering Karoshis in one spot blocked by a blue crystal, and an elevator with spikes.

Delicately make your way to the elevator, get on it (but watch for the spikes), jump to the K crystal, break the blue block, and kill yourself. I make it sound easy, but it is delicate work - don't go too fast.

Level 39: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Just stand under the biggest apple (that's the 3rd entire apple from the left) and wait...

Level 40: First bomb.

First bomb. This one is easy - get the K crystal, jump over the bomb and get the blue crystal, then kill yourself.

Level 41: Second bomb, spikes right above you, 2 wandering Karoshis.

WARNING: VERY time delicate. what you want to do is get to the teleporter, get the K crystal, break the right blue block first, then time it so that when you distroy the left blue block, both wandering Karoshis will land on the platform below them at more or less the same time (Tip - its easier if the Karoshi on the right is going Left when you distroy his block, so that you can get to the left block and time it well). This will allow them to touch the bomb at the same time. Once you get that done, kill yourself.

Level 42: Third bomb, 2 wandering Karoshis, 3 springs.

Get the K crystal, distroy both blue blocks while both wandering Karoshis are going left, get the green crystal, then time yourself so that all 3 of you get killed in one blast.

Level 43: Fourth bomb, 1 wandering Karoshi

Get the K crystal, distroy the blue block, and get to the bomb. Touch the bomb when the wandering Karoshi falls to where the bomb is, then kill yourself.

Level 44: Visit to win.

As the hint says, just click on the button on the bottom right to die. Don't worry if you have a pop-up blocker, you'll still die.

Level 45: 3 wandering Karoshis on blue blocks.

Easy but delicate platforming. Get your way to the K crystal, destroy all blue blocks, kill yourself. Just be careful, and don't rush.

Level 46: Button with a question mark on it.

Press the button, and... well... watch out for the ... Whoops. Too late.

Level 47: Button on the ceiling.

Get the K crystal, then fly up to press the button. A massive plant will fly in - touch the flame. I guess even Super Karoshi can die sometimes.

Level 48: Massive block of heavy iron with a flame.

Stand under the block, then point your mouse over the flame. Your mouse will now be on fire. Mouse over the rope to burn it and the block will kill you.

Level 49: Endless

Just hold down the Right key, and you will keep falling right - and to your death.

Level 50: teh end

Another fake ending. Click the 'd' in "teh end" and Karoshi will appear. Just make your way right, and keep going through the boundary - you'll die soon enough.

Level 51: The stage where everything is green.

WARNING: very annoying stage. Press the button next to the exit, get your way onto the spring (theres a place to jump from right beside where you started), get to the teleporter, and die.

Level 52: The stage that is split in two.

WARNING: You can not jump on the right side. Make your way up, and jump onto the upside-down T platform thats moving left/right. Make sure you get on right side of the T, otherwise you'll have to wait to get back onto the left side to do so. Just kill yourself once on the right side.

Level 53: The stage with a background of Karoshis.

This is just more annoying than difficult. Walk around - you will find that some of the Karoshis will be upside down when you are close to them. Note their positions - thats where solid ground is. Just figure where you can jump onto (near the right side of the screen), make your way left and to the spikes.

Level 54: The stage with the giant gallotine.

WARNING: Time sensitive. Press the button, get into the teleporter going left, you will land on the spring, get onto the platform on top, then jump right to the gallotine and stay under the blade before it falls, killing you.

Level 55: What is this? (Space)

This one is easy - press the space bar and a rocket will fly in. Jump into it to die.

Level 56: Hats + Lock

This one is also easy - after all, caps is another word for hats. Walk right so that the lock is above you, then press Caps Lock on your keyboard to die.

Level 57: Hmmm...

Trick to this one is that there's a "glitch". Restart the level to reveal a spring you can use to get yourself up there and kill yourself.

Level 58: The level with the giant... pickle?

... By the time you read this, you're probably already dead, seeing how you're falling right into those spikes down there. Mind you that it is possible to actually live - holding right and pressing up right when this stage starts might actually get you there. But why bother?

Level 59: There's something inside this white box.

I think we've all done something like this before - use your mouse to highlight the text in the white box. It will say "Press Esc". Do so, and the ceiling of spikes will come down. Keep doing it, and you'll die sooner or later.

Level 60: The end (6)

Go right - and keep going right. You'll die soon enough.

Level 61: Jesse's desk.

Well - this one is a doozy. You have to go and finish the first game. Lucky thing that it doesn't completely rely on cookies, but on something else. Therefore, if you've played it before, good. Otherwise, you're gonna have to run through 50 even more difficult finger twitching levels to get to the true end. Good luck!

Note - I am well aware that there is a video walkthrough made by the author... if you are lost, you could watch them instead of reading this long written explaination.


I'm kind of frightened because I got each one immediately. Is it really a good thing that I know how Karoshi works?


I'm going to spoil the final ending for anyone who doesn't want to beat the original karoshi again to beat the last level of this one. It's a really great ending though so please feel free to do all the work to experience it for yourself (luckily, I had beaten it already):

You are taken to a white screen that says "The End" in grey letters.

GreenGhost21 May 17, 2009 12:02 AM

Umm that was the original ending
I can't seem to get to the second ending. :-/


To JIGuest, who asked: "On level 40 the other little man that isn't me won't walk up the hill on it's own. Is there something I should do?"

I was having the same problem on level 42: the guys would get partway up the hill and turn around. Finally I increased the display size on my browser (control-+ on Firefox) to see if they were hitting some sort of rogue pixel, and sure enough they walked up the hill without a problem. So give that a shot.

Anonymous May 17, 2009 1:18 PM

^^^Thanks but I don't have fire fox. I'm just on a regular plain ol' desk computer & I don't know how to increased the display size on my browser on it =0(

[Edit: Please post your comment only once. It has to go to comment moderation if you don't have a Casual Gameplay account and can take some time to show up on the site. Thanks! -Pam]


How do i do the lvl where it says "Is your head hurting yet from all these puzzles?


Hi, I played the first batch of levels until it says: THE END"
i swear, it's the end of the game"
Back on the main Menu, the locked part is still locked...
I've reloaded and deleted all armor games cookies. But I am still locked out and can't play or restart the game whatsoever.
Arrr, this sounds like a fun game, but it's not working on Safari NOR Firefox either.
Anyone else (on a Mac perhaps) having this issue?

Anonymous May 17, 2009 4:30 PM

To: Henry
Never mind. I figured out how to zoom in and passed level 40. Thanks.


to finish jesus's desk press caps lock then it goes to the real end of the game then it puts you back at the menu,


Sheesh, I am an idiot.
At least I eventually got through the levels with only a couple little hints...
Good game. The blood bar challenge is a pretty good extension after completion.


I can never get enough Karoshi.

Although I guess I'm now quite tuned to the weirdness of it because I breezed through it in 15 minutes or so. I'm still digging for secrets, though. One that I've found is:

One of the "exits" is in fact a trigger for the secret level.


On jesse's desk, kill yourself and when it says "the end" in the corner, press the period


For the "is your head hurting yet from these puzzles" level I

jumped on the first spring and the ceiling would not break even after the first five minutes on the spring

it might just be a glitch but I don't know. Please Help Me!!


To get further than Jess's Desk:

After you jump on the spikes, the page goes white and it says "THE END" in the bottom right corner. Click on the period after the word "END" to get to a blue headed thing (you only have a couple seconds). I don't know how to beat this stage, but it might be told with the Japanese.

If anyobody gets further than this, please tell.


Regarding Jesse's Desk level

From reading comments here and on other forums it sounds like this level is impassable if you haven't completed the original game. Once you've done that come back to Jesse's Desk to find some spikes, letting you die one last time.

I can't make anything happen on the blue monster screen reached by clicking the period.

Great game, more please!


Guys the last level is

Jesse's desk, but you have to beat karoshi suicide salaryman 1 first. 50 more hair pulling levels await you!


I'm on the level that says, "Visit To Win"
What do I do?


Blue monster level help--

Go the right of the screen (there's an invisible platform) Then jump onto the mouth. That's as far as I've gotten.

Anonymous May 30, 2009 11:12 PM

click on period after the end and it takes you to another level.

Patrick May 31, 2009 7:16 PM

Something about the final final level...

I used the hidden platform on the right, jumped on the mouth of the monster and jumped down again...some moments later the monster was shaking for a split second, I think this might have to do something with the solution

Zethire June 1, 2009 5:47 AM

On the final level all you have to do is

kill yourself then wait for a few seconds for it to end

Patrick June 1, 2009 5:49 AM

Another thing I found out...

The last two Japanese "letters" mean "nai". Nai is used as a negation in Japanese. Therefore, I ASSUME the Japanese message means something like "This level cannot be finished". However, this is only a guess, since I cannot read the first two words

Anonymous June 1, 2009 2:46 PM

The final level is the Jesse level, but when it flash different colors and says "the end." Click the period on THE END.


I think on the secret level the Japanese is no not feed or something like that.

kurathedog June 2, 2009 7:16 PM

for the final final level

there is a hidden platform on the very right that lets you jump on top of the mouth. can't find any others thought. anyone know what it means?

victor walker June 2, 2009 9:11 PM

For all you people stuck on the hats lock!

They don't HAVE to referred to as hats

They can e refeered to as baseball ____


completely giving it away! Rdy? 3...
2... 1...

Caps+lock = caps lock

Anonymous June 5, 2009 3:52 PM

The desk level isn't final, hehehehe.
I'll give you all guys a hint.
the end is a lie, the dot will show you the way

Lorenzo June 7, 2009 10:56 AM

The meaning of the combined kanji is "signification", and the "NAI" is the negation, so I'll let you find out where it leads. . . >.

Anonymous June 7, 2009 12:06 PM

maybe theres another invisable plat form or invisable spikes

Anonymous June 7, 2009 12:12 PM



on the caps and the lock just press capslock on your keyboard the lock will fall

Anonymous June 10, 2009 11:32 PM

Okay, I say the weird fried-egg faced monster change for just a fraction of a second. Someone who can slow it down or has better reflexes than I do should pause it at that moment.


click the period after "the end." after you beat jesse's desk.


I got through the whole game but I`m stuck on the level after jesses desk. To get to it you have to press the period after "TheEnd." after "Jesses Desk"


caps and lock just press capslock

adam Gunderloy June 14, 2009 9:43 AM

so the japanese either means YOU are not significant OR THIS LEVEL is not significant.

adam Gunderloy June 15, 2009 9:47 AM

or THIS JAPANESE is not significant

starwarsfan June 15, 2009 6:42 PM

i cant beat the level were you press the button for a guy to fall. you cant make him get on the spikes


I have information on the level with the blue monster.

It turns upside-down when it flashes


theres a secret level..

its after jesse desk.. when they say 'the end' press the period at the end...the level is impossible to beat

Someone June 17, 2009 6:18 PM

Bugger, I have a driver installed that maps caps-lock to shift. No level 57+ for me :-(

Dr. Steel June 26, 2009 12:48 PM

I found a level past the wierd face level.

What you need to do is press TAB until you get a single pixel highlighted somewhere in the middle of the background. Click this pixel, and you will be transported to a level with a big blue... something in the background with eyes. You will also be wearing a pink suit.

I have yet to determine a way past this, if there is indeed even another level after this one.

Has anyone else found this or other secrets?

adam Gunderloy June 29, 2009 4:05 PM

Hmmm...... I'm sure it willl pop up in another couple dozen posts. In the meantime, start pressing every key on the keyboard.

Anonymous July 5, 2009 9:52 AM

how do i do level k?


I think that when the blue face monster thing turns upside down that there are invisible spikes on its brown hair, so when it goes upside down for that split second jump on it's hair. That's all I think of it.

riiiiisHa July 12, 2009 2:54 PM

I am stuck on the pink suit level. It's really hard and the bug eyed monster creeps me out.

3l3tric July 14, 2009 7:14 PM

Anyone notice the...

Blue Japaneese text next to and behind the blue monster in the second bonus level?

minicheatbook July 18, 2009 3:11 AM
this is a link to the soundtrack to this awesome game if anyone wants it...


I got to the secret final final level, and the something happened that's kinda weird.

I got on the blue guys mouth. I was standing on it when he shook and suddenly I was in this weird pink level with this wierd blue flame with eyes sticking out all over the place. Anyone else go to here? What do you do here?


and in the period click another black pixel to turn pink!!!


jesse's desk has blood on it showing that he died working on the game not finishing the last level


anyone figured out the pink level yet i heard theres 2 ways to get to it there ways to kill yourself in the first secret level or just click the little pixel/tab till you get there hit enter whatever way you do it im just trying to figure out how to get passed the pink level has anyone played all the downloadable games too cause apparently how you figure out to get to the first secret level is from the first original downloadable version of karoshi dont know if this is true its at the end of this walktrough but they made it sound like the first flash version but idk which it is i just ended up reading click on the period on a post got there figured out the tab ting now im stuck again


To those stuck on Jesse's Desk:
You kill yourself. Then, when it says "The End." click the period after End. Secret Level #1. Press "Tab." A tiny dot appears in the middle of the screen. Click that to get Secret Level #2, which is unbeatable to the best of my knowledge.


the japanese in the first special level says literally "meaning no" or loosely "meaningless"...

The level is beatable however by pressing tab and click the dot that appears.

The Japanese just refers to the fact that the head and the invisible platform and the shaking have "no meaning" or no relevance in regard to beating the level.

I can't beat the blue flame 6 eyed monster. Is it really the end?


I'm stuck on the the level with a row of springs.


im stuck on level 60
i get to the 4th part- the one that says "this time for sure its really THE END of the game for sure" and i fall through the floor and disappear and i cant die
what do it do?


just to make it more confusing, if you die on jesse table, click menu before that white page whit colours and than the end appears, so click menu before karoshi is completley splashed out and disapears. it get's you to some kind of bonus game, which is a time limited game, only point here is to finish as much levels you can before times run out.

sorry if this confusing for you xD
my english isn't that good.


also, behind that blue 6 eyed monsters, there's some japanese or chinese text behind it, you can barley see it but if you look close or change the brightness of your computer you can see it,

so anyone knows what it says?


The way to beat the first secret level after you press the period is

press tab and then press enter

I do need help with the level that follows though.

Betheneol June 22, 2010 5:32 PM

Level after Jesse's desk:

after Jesse's desk you can click on the period after "the end" for a new level.

DarkJumbu June 29, 2010 7:57 AM

there is something wrong in the walkthrough, it is:

the level hats an locks it is not hats, but caps

Anonymous July 9, 2010 12:28 PM

When I press tap on the secret level, I don't see any dot...?


I'm having too much trouble with the guillotine level. I know how to finish it but it's too difficult to get to the part with the guillotine actually on it, especially in time to get killed.

Anonymous July 11, 2010 1:47 AM

Alright so I've reached the level after Jesse's Desk. I can make it on to the mouth and I see him shake but nothing happens to me. I've tried pressing tab but it does nothing but highlight the buttons at the bottom of the game screen. Help?


on the second secret level (pink), if you zoom in a bit on the black background then click show all, your man disappears. i read this somewhere else and now am trying to figure out what to do now that the little man is no longer visible!


I am stuck on level 42. The lower wandering Karoshi refuses to go up the ramp!
And I KNOW I've gotten to Jesse's level before!


Ah, power of posting.
There is some sort of glitch on level 42. Lower Karoshi (I'll call him 2) will only go up the ramp on his second walk. Break his crystal first. When he nears the left wall, break 1's crystal and turn yourself back to normal.
THEN you can blow all three of yourselves up.


From what I've heard,

The Japanese text in the blue flame pink level thing means "Karoshi" and "Death by Overwork." Maybe it means that you'll get so frustrated by that level that you will "die by overworking".


The creator of this game is probably laughing at us all:

I bet there is no way to beat the 6 eyed blue flame at all. He just wants us to suffer.


I'm stuck on

the second bonus level that's pink and has the eyes


No matter how many times I jump into the ceiling on the "Is your head hurting yet?" level, the ceiling wont break. What is up with that?


how to do "VISIT TO WIN" level?

Ice-Berg April 5, 2011 2:49 AM

In Jesse desk:

You just have to suicide and then you just have to click the "period" in the "The End" Then To Beat that Level You Have To Hold "Tab" Then "Enter".

(I don't Know What To Do After That Level.)

neXianXavia July 22, 2011 5:17 AM

The two secret levels I have found so far.
[spoiler]At the end of 'Jesse's desk', the screen will flash different colours, go dark, then fade to white, and then the text 'The End.' will appear in the bottom right corner. Click on the full stop on the end (see what I did thar?), and BAM! Secret level.

But that's not all. If you look closely enough in the yellow background, you will notice a small, faded dot directly under the second japanese character. Then you get a second secret level, with the eyes and whatnot, which I have not yet figured out. If you figure it out, post here.[/spoiler]

Have fun! Sincerely, neXi.

PieTerraPie December 4, 2011 9:14 PM

I'm stuck on the head level, I've been hitting the wall with my head for like 10 mins

benleesamford January 13, 2013 4:49 PM

There is actually ANOTHER secret level after the one with that head-thing.

Under the Japanese writing is a hardly noticeable dot. Click it and it will lead you to the second secret stage. (Don't even ask me about the second secret level, I have no idea what to do).


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