Submachine Zero: Ancient Adventure
Submachine Zero: Ancient Adventure is a spectacularly detailed Flash point-and-click puzzle game from one of the leading designers of the genre, Mateusz Skutnik. This competition entry also placed within a tight group of puzzles that resembled a photo-finish at the horse races. In other words, it was difficult to pass this entry by as a prize winner.
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so... the jewel of wisdom just reminded me of the thing above the people's heads in The Sims.
and for those stuck by the spikes, try using something to block them...
Scott - to get through the spikes:
you'll need the stone tablet you find on the ground in one of the rooms on the left. Place it toward the lower set of spikes to clear a way through for you.
This is an answer to the game for Mexican readers...
Wow! Valla ke los estadouidenses son tontos!
En la habitacion de la tercera joya hay una piedra. Esa piedra se pone en los picos de la reja derecha, despues se ponen las joyas en la estatua y se obtiene el cristal y asi se termina el juego.
Atte. Un Mexicano más listo ke ustedes.
Translated it goes something like this...
Wow! Near the third jewel there is a stone. The stone is to be put at the tips of the right grate. Then put the jewels in the statue you find there and the crystal is obtained, and that is the end of the game.
to get passed the last spikes
get the stone. then go to the spikes click on the stone then click on the spikes. Once in side the room take the jewels and match them up with the picture on the statue on the big rocks under it then you have beaten the game affter you get the green jewel
here it is
..your have to collect 2 toungue
and then a lighter
place each tongue on each dragon and then it will open the door
then use your lighter to light each candle on each room
there's a brick lever you have to pull down so that one of the spikes on the left room will be block
notice the brick with symbol that rotates everytime you click it
one of the symbol must face up then you go to the room with brick symbol on it
whichever symbol is facing that will be the room that will open up
each room will have jewel
then one of the rooms will have a brick
you use the brick to trap the spikes on one of the room on the right
then you will have to place the jewel to where the symbol is and there... you will find the jewel..
that easy... i like it!
the game is easy but i see alot of peapole are stuck at the same part.
when you find the 3 gems look for a stone and go too the traps there you have to put the tablet at the bottem spike and then you put the 3 gems in place and go down an finished
Looks like this game happens before Submachine 2.
The reason is...
at the end you get the wisdom gem in this game at the end, when you start submachine 2 you have the wisdom gem. Thing is that submachine zero has the gem green, in submachine 2 it's grey?
So, it's kinda weird but true.
Maybe it's a sequel from Mur, like we were playing as Mur in submachine zero.
That or submachine makers wanted to make a 10 minute game for those who cannot do 30 minutes.
It was way to short i never had to use hints lie in the other ones and i finished in like 6 minutes but it was a good game.
to get past the spiked door on the right go down to the room with the entrance to the jewel rooms go to the left room and pick up the tile by the door and use it to block the bottom 2 spikes
complete spoiler
go to the left and and right and pick up the lighter tongue 1 and 2 and put them in the dragon things mouths
go down and left and youll see a door with spikes go down and click on the thing sticking out of the wall. go back up and you can go through the door spin the stone once. go back down and go through the door way across from the thing sticking out from the wall then go down and go in the open door and get the jewl. go to the spinning stone room and click it again go back to the room with the jewls and a different door is open get the jewl spin the stone again go back and get the last jewl. open the left door in jewl room and grab the stone slab by the door go back to the second room inside and go right put the stone slab by the spikes and go through put the 3 jewls the right place and the stone will lift revealing the last door go down and pick up the crystal
Too easy, Too short :(
and i couldn't find a single option anywhere to lower the graphics quality, which meant the game lagged up like heck.
And the people who are wondering why the gem is green, remember that this has nothing to do with 1 or 2. this is the gem of ancient (I think... too lazy to go back through and check :P) wisdom, so its got nothing to do with the regular wisdom gem.
nice grpahics and all, but i'd like this to be much longer, bit harder and it couldn't hurt to have a quality control :)
I don't think people realize this game was created for our first game design competition, which called for "simple puzzle games".
This particular game was longer than most games submitted to the competition. So when you put it into perspective, the game fit quite nicely amongst the others.
It wasn't meant to be a continuation or a sequel to the series, hence the "Zero" denotation.
here's an interesting hypothesis
just an idea....the gem at the end of submachine zero is unused...whereas the gem in submachine 2 has been used by mur...remember one of the notes...perhaps the gem has lost some power and as a result changed color... mur did supposedly use it to power stuff right?
This game was so easy!I beat it all in 2 minutes.And for some people who are stuck getting into the room with the statue protected by those swords on the right;
a stone is in the room with the jewel on the left.Put it on the swords and crouch under them.
ok so im writing because
this game was very easy to do i thought they could come up with something a little more challenging than that i mean come on its so easy!!
To B Man(and everyone else):
If you want a challenging game of Submachine, type this into the search box:
Submachine Remix
it was so hard, I beat it thanks to someone who posted a walkthrough.
To those having trouble putting away the lighter:
Are you clicking the BLACK area to the right of the shadowy area around the ladder? I know I tried to put it back in the inventory by clicking the dark grey area next to the ladder, because on that particular screen anything beyond that looks like it's outside the game window. Just click a little further to the right.
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Posted by: hotstuff | October 19, 2006 1:16 PM