Submachine 6: The Edge
Fans of the Submachine series, your time has come at last. After more than a year and a half, Mateusz Skutnik is back with Submachine 6: The Edge, an all-new installment in one of the most popular series of point-and-click escape/adventure games the Web has ever seen.
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Submachine 6 walkthrough
Click the lever on the right
Exit through the door.
Once you arrive in the new area exit to your right.
Drop your items into the trash bin in the center of the wall, or the scanner in the next room wont let you pass.
Move right
Click on the scanner.
Move right
Click any four areas, it doesn't matter you will be sent to the same spot.
Go all the way left
Click up on the edge of the wall and you should go around the corner
Keep going left until you find the loose pipe cover, and enter that pipe.
Go right, up, up.
Get the key card.
Go down, left.
Spin the wheel once, to move the pipe outside the room.
Go right, right.
Push the mechanism into the wall, to open up an area a few rooms below.
Go left, left.
Spin the wheel twice.
Go right, down, right.
Enter the pipe.
Go right.
Enter the upper pipe on the left wall.
Go up, the go up again.
There are three pipes at the top of this room, You need to move the ladder to the two outer ones and press a button in the to get into the middle one.
Gown down then left.
Use this machine to move the ladder.
When the lights are both facing one direction thats where the ladder will be.
The wheels work like this:
When you turn a wheel, the one you click moves 1/4 turn, and the other moves 1/2 turn.
Once you have go into the left and right tubes in the room with three, go into the center one.
Once you are outside, go right once.
Place the key card in the hole and push the button.
Enter the elevator that came down and go to the third floor.
Go left.
Click on the monitor and turn off the security system, by clicking each ball so it moves down.
Go back to the elevator and go to the second floor.
Keep going left until you get the cube.
The monitor asks for your I.D. to open the cube, but you don't have one so leave.
Go back to the elevator and go to the first level.
Go all the way back to the room where you took the upper pipe on the left wall, only this time go up.
Go up one room and turn the wheel to open up the other tunnel.
Go down this tunnel into the bottom pipe on the right wall.
There is a plate blocking the upper tunnel
Use the levers to unhook it.
Now go back and enter the upper tunnel on the right wall, where you just removed the plate.
Go right, the room on the right looks very pristine now.
Turn the wheel on the wall just outside the room.
Enter the room on the right, doesn't look so pretty now.
Use this room to gain access to whats in the cube.
Place the cube on the pillar when the room is new.
Make the room old again and pull the object out of the cube.
Make the room new, and then pick up the object that fell out of the cube.
Now that you have the Connection Pod, go back to the area where you got the cube.
This time go to the third level.
Go left, and there is a space in the wall, Put the connector in there.
Go up and then move the ball to the other side to open Door 5 of level 1 of the facility (Middle button on the elevator)
Don't forget to take the connector back out of the wall.
Go down one floor and into the room you now have access to.
Put the connector in the wall.
Go down and open level 2's 8 door.
Go back up a floor and enter the door on level 2.
There are two spaces for the connector in this hall
If you put your connector in the first one you will see there is a message but it is blocked.
Go to the second place to enter your connector. Take note of the protocol port.
Go right and open gate 3/18, by moving the ball.
Go back to the first connector. You can see that the message is being blocked by protocol 54-2
Go right twice. Unblock the protocols that you need.
The bottom three but leave the top one.
Go back to the first screen of this terminal and you'll see the message is unblocked.
Read the message from Murtaugh. Note the things he needs you to disable.
Take your connector and go back to the second terminal.
Go up and move the e(lavator) block so it's next to where you are.
Exit the terminal and enter the elevator.
Press the middle button on the elevator
Exit the elevator and go up the ladder.
Put your connector in the wall and disarm both the turrets
you need to disarm the one to the left before the bottom one.
Exit the terminal, go down the ladder and enter the left room.
Go up the ladder and use the connector on the wall to the right.
Remember the protocol you needed to disable from earlier? Go screw that one up.
It's protocol 2-18, go up and then left.
To screw it up you need to start the reset and then cancel before it finishes.
Go back to the elevator and go to the top level.(Right button)
Exit the elevator and go up the ladder. Ignore the things on the wall, they were shooting electricity but you've disabled it.
Go up and enter your connector on the wall.
Enter the mainframe.
You can only go places where the dotted line is connected.
Go left first.
Move the mouse around to move the circles. Try to make them meet up in the center and form a line.
Your cursor should be in the middle and to the left of the grid of numbers in the background.
Go back to the main screen.
Click the circle in the middle to move the dotted line.
Move the line so that you can go right.
Go right then up, flip the ball to the other side.
Go down and then right.
Flip this ball to the other side as well.
Now go back to the main screen.
Make the dotted line go upwards, and go up two screens.
Press the button. You now have 5 choices.
You need to deal with the four lower ones before you can use the top one.
We will start with the top right corner.
This is just like last time, you need to move the mouse to where the dots meet up.
If you put your cursor over the P in protocol, at the top right corner, and just keep moving left along that axis you should hit the sweet spot.
Now the bottom left corner, you just need to turn the switch off.
For the bottom right corner, you need to move the balls so the one at the end is in the circle. This shouldn't be too hard.
Now for the top right circle. Just move to the right, and click RESET on the human recognition pattern.
Now you can go to the top circle
Go up and turn off protocol 1-0.
After the scene, you will not be able to go back into the mainframe.
Go down the ladder and pick up the connector, then go left.
Uncover the fan, and make your escape.
Enter the connector in the teleporter.
Secret rooms
There are 5 secret rooms/screens in total.
To access the first one, once you get the connector key, go back outside to the rusty teleporter on the outer cliffs and insert the key.
Look at the square panel of 25 zeroes and ones near where you use the keycard. Match it on the round panel where you got the cube, then go down the tube on the screen with the square panel. (Thanks SonicLover!)
After disabling protocol 54-4, reuse the port next to door 8 (the one you used to unlock door 5) and follow the new path. (Thanks SonicLover!)
Turn the "hourglass" over (Degraded room position), leave the tunnels, go left around the corner of the cliff. You'll be greeted by a Thoth carving. Click the panel for more info. (Thanks Shudog!)
On the room with two wheels, turn them both to point down. Then backtrack. You will find another tunnel. (Thanks Rosedragon!)
That was disappointingly straightforward. I just finished it in around 20 minutes and Submachine games usually take a lot longer.
There was essentially no 'Hmm, where do I use this item'; all of the tasks were either within one connection or one small set of nearby rooms, and the hints were obvious. I didn't need to make a map, I just used the 'follow the left maze wall' rule and did whatever I could in each room.
That was fun! Not as complicated as some in the past, and definitely even more abstract than the previous ones.
Did anyone else get a little freaked out that you were going to get sliced up or something else awful?
@aylakat : perhaps you make a wrong pattern.. the pattern is..
@dragonfang : it got a lot of mysteries.. imo, it would be subjective to say since a lot of the 'story' is on the mysterious graphic. submachine series is a worth trip, if you don't like the puzzle finding, use the walkthroughs :D .
@Rosedragon: Thanks. I was doing it right, I think it didn't work because it bugged out.
The first time I tried to do it, I had already touched the numbers on the panel (made them all 1s for no reason, really), then came back in to edit them. It didn't work. I restarted the game and put in the code and it worked just fine.
Thanks again <3 :)
@OverZealous - I got the same vibe! When you click into that first cube, and the scanner turns on, I was like, nooo! This room must not have been divisible by a prime number!
@dragonfang - the story of Submachine is that you're trying to figure out the story of submachine. It is a mysterious device(s) built by an unknown person/persons/alien race/ancient civilization/ who knows, which is both very old, very new, very commonplace, and extremely futuristic, and was/is designed to do god knows what for reasons yet to be understood. There's a lot of teleportation, a little time manipulation, and many, many, many rooms.
And you have been trapped inside this(these) device(s) for a length of time roughly equivalent to 6 episodes.
Now you're caught up! :D
I can never get enough Submachine. Although it is starting to resemble Cube more and more...
If I were forced to nitpick though, I would have say that, once you overcame the "weird" factor, this one is perhaps the easiest yet. You can basically brute force through it in 15 minutes or so (although I guess finding all the secret rooms takes a bit longer).
One thing I didn't like is that while advancing is pretty linear, the game still allows you to go back in previous areas so as you progress through the game the previous portions become an increasingly daunting red herring. Thankfully I never really got stuck, but I guess some players could easily get frustrated mid-to-late game when they are unsure what they have to do next and there is an entire bunch of screens just taunting them with possibility they perhaps missed something tiny yet crucial.
But all in all this is still one of my favorite flash point-and-click series of all times. Bundled together all the Submachine entries could truly present a stellar title, a product of much higher quality then many of the recent commercial offerings..
Fascinating. I needed help with the secret locations, and to start figuring out the "hacking" sections - I was going about them all wrong, I thought I actually had to figure out the binary, hahaha - but after that, it was pretty straightforward. Not as scenic as the usual, but I see this game as being in the Submachine 3 mould. It was more cryptic.
I've been sad enough to decode some of the binary dotted around the game:
The files, from 1-6, as well as 0 and F, decode as the titles of the previous games in the series, with 0 and F being Submachine 0 and Future Loop Foundation respectively. I think. I only did the first file and then guessed the system.
Literally "Human Recognition Pattern", I think. I only did "human re" before I got bored.
The final message:
"this is the end of the secret defense system", which is fair enough.
Only have lunch breaks to play these days. No more internet connection at home. :(
I played until I got to the part where you...
disable the turrets. It seems that I did it wrong and that you only get one chance to disable. The turret on the left, is now stable not disabled. I did not see a way to "cancel" anything at the point. Now the path no longer exists. And I have run out of time. more :(
You know it is a good game when even if you get totally stuck and can't finish it, you still have a good time playing it. :)
Commented too soon. I had to go back to the right side turret and I think I put things back the way they were and then started over and ... I really have no idea.
Now I am at the point where...
you use the mouse to make the crazy swinging arm looking things line up their elbow looking parts and hold hands or something like that. But it is making me get kind of nauseated. So I have to look away right now.
I can't say how much I love this! The details like the tiny tinkling sound cue when you
change dimensions in the plane of the game,
the scrape marks on the walls, the architecture and
characters from previous games,
the way clues are laid out in a repeatable pattern which doesn't need words.
The best part is that you know *exactly where you are* despite not having any windows. Skutnik mentioned wanting to introduce
a 3D element to the exploration, and he succeeded in the wildest way.
The edge / dimension theme was well done. This is game+narrative taken to the limit, in a creepy and invitingly logical way. I can't wait for more.
for anyone confused about the connection pod thing and unlocking Door 5: when you put the connection pod into a hole, you are moved to another screen. Click on any green line going off the screen to enter another screen where you can click balls and disable things (in the first case you disable door 5).
@Shudog: no, I mean the key card elevator, not the elevator at the beginning of the game. If you walk all the way to the right before the elevator comes down, there is a pipe that you can go into but that's blocked inside by two rows of sliding bars (like the ones in the pipe labyrinth that you had to unlock earlier).
That was awesome. Not my favorite Submachine, but still highly enjoyable. Especially
that secret room with the information on Thoth.
I do wish there'd been more actual rooms to explore, rather than so much computer stuff. It was still fun, but those endless black and green screens get a little boring.
Can't wait for #7!
@Hmpf: I don't think there's a way to get through that pipe. If there is a way, then it's not in the walkthroughs or comments. I'd love to know, though. It bugs me when I can't get places.
Actually, the second secret...
After you enter the room where the cube was, enter
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 into the display.
After that's entered, go back to the elevator. Go to the bottom level, and exit the elevator and go left (3?) times until you get to a screen with a panel that has the code you just entered on it. Go down the pipe, you'll notice the gates are down.
You find a room with a letter about Liz, the girl Murtaugh wrote a letter to in Submachine 2.
Fabulous. A bit easier than previous installments - nothing stumped me for more than a moment, but still, incredibly satisfying. I haven't been on this site in ages, and probably still wouldn't have been except I got the email newsletter saying the game had been released, and as soon as I finished, I wanted to know what JIG had to say about it. I like the added bits of story - it certainly was more uh... suspenseful. Part of what I love most about this series is that it doesn't have creepy stuff around the corner, you never meet up with anyone trying to destroy you, but it has this great vibe that makes you think something's there. Of course, maybe some day there will be something, and the series will end with a monster holding a toothpick with which it plans to slaughter you. Still, an awesome addition to the series. I hope we don't have to wait another year.5 for the next one.
I think this game was ok but I think the walkthrough needs better directions. Like halfway through it reads:
Now go back to the place where you got the cube.
How am I supposed to know that? You should try saying
Now go left,up,down,etc.
This will give people with bad memories or at least people that forget how they got from that point an easy way back. Just my opinion though.
I think it's funny how ratings vary between audiences. Right now, the Submachine games are hovering in the high 3/5's on Kongregate, all the Submachine games except FLF and this one (!!) are in the 4/5's on Newgrounds (but all except FLF are in the 9/10's in the reviews, which is always a more sensible score) and here this game immediately rocketed to #2 on the top rated list... behind Covert Front 3 of all things. I remember the creator of The Space game talking scores being the opposite between NG and Kong. There seems to be no predicting these things.
Why does Skutnik keep on making more and more Submachines? You know want I want? A Daymare Town 3. In my opinion, that is one of the top ten most respectable and artistic games of all time. I love all of his work, but the Daymare Towns especially. Why do I not hear more people talking about Daymare Town? Am I alone on this?
The telescope seems to have nothing to do with, but it shows SOMEONE has been here before, which is mention in the notes left behind by someone else.
And about Mur,
I think he need somebody to shut down the defense system and he knew that person 'cannot' get out as the whole base is operated by it.However,the player(us) somehow could get out of the base.[The sad thing is, at the beginning of the series, the player might be already under the control of Mur (while some say in Sub4).]
Roseate Spoonbill: There actually hasn't been a new Submachine for over a year and a half. If you want to blame anything for the delay, blame the 10 Gnomes series or the House Escape series, which dominated 2008's update schedule. I wouldn't do that myself, since I like both of those, though a bit less than Submachine/Daymare/Covert Front.
This game series reminds me so much of the tv series [i]LOST[/i].
I mean, the setting, the puzzles, the mechanisms, the messages... not to mention the countless impressions of time paradoxes.
And now in this new installment there are even heiroglyphics and ancient symbols.
Makes me wonder if the submachine series was inspired by that show.
Can't wait for SubMachine 7.
@Sgt. Major K
Yeah. LOST was one of the first vibes to get to my mind while playing deeper into the submachines. Glad to know I`m not the only one. :]
I love it. I really do! "Submachine" is my favourite point and click game ever made. Good work Mateusz, sir. And the was astonishing. I`m not sure why, but it was.
Great game! I've been waiting for Submachine 6 along with most of you ... I promised myself I wouldn't check any of the walkthroughs to make it last as long as possible. Unfortunately it's a little short - I finished it in a day (with a couple breaks while my mind worked on why I couldn't get past something), and found 3 of the secret rooms on my own before checking the walkthrough for the other two.
I get the impression that there may be even more secrets though - from the
telescope to the keypad with the ID code (I tried using the same one I "logged in" with at the beginning of the game") to the extra room location (when you disable 54-4 and can move the room next to you, there's a different location).
I'll keep poking around to see if I can find anything else!
What a nice gift for a dreary sunday... so I downloaded the free game. I played for a hour or so and than I quit the game, presuming the game would save my progress.... alas, that was not the case. So my question is: has anyone managed to save his/her progress? If so, how did you do it?
Please let me know!
If you got the correct code, and entered it where you get the cube, then just return to place where you got the code.
Just go down the tube.
For the second secret:
Go to where you picked up the cube and enter the pattern on the terminal on that wall.
The pattern is:
Now go outside to where you first got on the elevator, and go to the left, go back the tunnel you came out of and keep going. There should be a second tunnel you can now get in, and the secret is down there.
I must say, the Submachine games are games that I almost NEVER have to use a walkthrough for. I can always, after playing them the first time, except for a few specifics, remember EXACTLY what to do. My main problem tends to be the secret balls, so I wonder if I'll forget about these secret rooms. On another note, ... I forget. My last thing, which I've been thinking about since October, ... I remember now. Anyway, since October, I've been thinking, "Is Murtaugh OUT OF HIS MIND, or did he simply have no way to help us out?" I can't wait until we find out why this happened, or at least until Submachine 7: The Core comes out. Secondly (this was supposed to be my second thing), I remember Thursday the twenty-second, way back in October, one week before my sister's birthday, incidentally, I was looking at NotDoppler, which was kind of my routine at the time, and saw this game. I was excited beyond comprehension. My thoughts were something like, "The next ... Submachine ... game ... is out? YAHOO!" Fun game, but a bit too short. There were also a few hints to the possibility of having a third elevator location, in the area blocked off when you first call the elevator. Still, it was fun. All the collecting and teleporting (well, it's more like Submachining) in the previous games bothered me, so that is a plus. Well, I had a lot to say there.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Submachine 6 walkthrough
Click the lever on the right
Exit through the door.
Once you arrive in the new area exit to your right.
Drop your items into the trash bin in the center of the wall, or the scanner in the next room wont let you pass.
Move right
Click on the scanner.
Move right
Click any four areas, it doesn't matter you will be sent to the same spot.
Go all the way left
Click up on the edge of the wall and you should go around the corner
Keep going left until you find the loose pipe cover, and enter that pipe.
Go right, up, up.
Get the key card.
Go down, left.
Spin the wheel once, to move the pipe outside the room.
Go right, right.
Push the mechanism into the wall, to open up an area a few rooms below.
Go left, left.
Spin the wheel twice.
Go right, down, right.
Enter the pipe.
Go right.
Enter the upper pipe on the left wall.
Go up, the go up again.
There are three pipes at the top of this room, You need to move the ladder to the two outer ones and press a button in the to get into the middle one.
Gown down then left.
Use this machine to move the ladder.
When the lights are both facing one direction thats where the ladder will be.
The wheels work like this:
When you turn a wheel, the one you click moves 1/4 turn, and the other moves 1/2 turn.
Once you have go into the left and right tubes in the room with three, go into the center one.
Once you are outside, go right once.
Place the key card in the hole and push the button.
Enter the elevator that came down and go to the third floor.
Go left.
Click on the monitor and turn off the security system, by clicking each ball so it moves down.
Go back to the elevator and go to the second floor.
Keep going left until you get the cube.
The monitor asks for your I.D. to open the cube, but you don't have one so leave.
Go back to the elevator and go to the first level.
Go all the way back to the room where you took the upper pipe on the left wall, only this time go up.
Go up one room and turn the wheel to open up the other tunnel.
Go down this tunnel into the bottom pipe on the right wall.
There is a plate blocking the upper tunnel
Use the levers to unhook it.
Now go back and enter the upper tunnel on the right wall, where you just removed the plate.
Go right, the room on the right looks very pristine now.
Turn the wheel on the wall just outside the room.
Enter the room on the right, doesn't look so pretty now.
Use this room to gain access to whats in the cube.
Place the cube on the pillar when the room is new.
Make the room old again and pull the object out of the cube.
Make the room new, and then pick up the object that fell out of the cube.
Now that you have the Connection Pod, go back to the area where you got the cube.
This time go to the third level.
Go left, and there is a space in the wall, Put the connector in there.
Go up and then move the ball to the other side to open Door 5 of level 1 of the facility (Middle button on the elevator)
Don't forget to take the connector back out of the wall.
Go down one floor and into the room you now have access to.
Put the connector in the wall.
Go down and open level 2's 8 door.
Go back up a floor and enter the door on level 2.
There are two spaces for the connector in this hall
If you put your connector in the first one you will see there is a message but it is blocked.
Go to the second place to enter your connector. Take note of the protocol port.
Go right and open gate 3/18, by moving the ball.
Go back to the first connector. You can see that the message is being blocked by protocol 54-2
Go right twice. Unblock the protocols that you need.
The bottom three but leave the top one.
Go back to the first screen of this terminal and you'll see the message is unblocked.
Read the message from Murtaugh. Note the things he needs you to disable.
Take your connector and go back to the second terminal.
Go up and move the e(lavator) block so it's next to where you are.
Exit the terminal and enter the elevator.
Press the middle button on the elevator
Exit the elevator and go up the ladder.
Put your connector in the wall and disarm both the turrets
you need to disarm the one to the left before the bottom one.
Exit the terminal, go down the ladder and enter the left room.
Go up the ladder and use the connector on the wall to the right.
Remember the protocol you needed to disable from earlier? Go screw that one up.
It's protocol 2-18, go up and then left.
To screw it up you need to start the reset and then cancel before it finishes.
Go back to the elevator and go to the top level.(Right button)
Exit the elevator and go up the ladder. Ignore the things on the wall, they were shooting electricity but you've disabled it.
Go up and enter your connector on the wall.
Enter the mainframe.
You can only go places where the dotted line is connected.
Go left first.
Move the mouse around to move the circles. Try to make them meet up in the center and form a line.
Your cursor should be in the middle and to the left of the grid of numbers in the background.
Go back to the main screen.
Click the circle in the middle to move the dotted line.
Move the line so that you can go right.
Go right then up, flip the ball to the other side.
Go down and then right.
Flip this ball to the other side as well.
Now go back to the main screen.
Make the dotted line go upwards, and go up two screens.
Press the button. You now have 5 choices.
You need to deal with the four lower ones before you can use the top one.
We will start with the top right corner.
This is just like last time, you need to move the mouse to where the dots meet up.
If you put your cursor over the P in protocol, at the top right corner, and just keep moving left along that axis you should hit the sweet spot.
Now the bottom left corner, you just need to turn the switch off.
For the bottom right corner, you need to move the balls so the one at the end is in the circle. This shouldn't be too hard.
Now for the top right circle. Just move to the right, and click RESET on the human recognition pattern.
Now you can go to the top circle
Go up and turn off protocol 1-0.
After the scene, you will not be able to go back into the mainframe.
Go down the ladder and pick up the connector, then go left.
Uncover the fan, and make your escape.
Enter the connector in the teleporter.
Secret rooms
There are 5 secret rooms/screens in total.
To access the first one, once you get the connector key, go back outside to the rusty teleporter on the outer cliffs and insert the key.
Look at the square panel of 25 zeroes and ones near where you use the keycard. Match it on the round panel where you got the cube, then go down the tube on the screen with the square panel. (Thanks SonicLover!)
After disabling protocol 54-4, reuse the port next to door 8 (the one you used to unlock door 5) and follow the new path. (Thanks SonicLover!)
Turn the "hourglass" over (Degraded room position), leave the tunnels, go left around the corner of the cliff. You'll be greeted by a Thoth carving. Click the panel for more info. (Thanks Shudog!)
On the room with two wheels, turn them both to point down. Then backtrack. You will find another tunnel. (Thanks Rosedragon!)
Posted by: Kero
October 14, 2009 9:31 PM