An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Submachine 4: The Lab

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4.7/5 (563 votes)

The wait is over. The next installment in the Submachine series is finally here. Submachine 4: The Lab again submerges you inside a vessel that you must escape from. The author promises that this fourth chapter takes us to the heart of the submachine, the place where all the questions will finally be answered. So grab your mouse and your favorite comfy chair, and prepare to embark on a journey you won't soon forget.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Yay, I found them all!

Submachine 4: The Lab Secrets Checklist

Laboratory (001)

  • On the seat of the fancy chair in the attic.

  • In the bottom-right corner of the screen on the stairwell between the attic and the lab.

  • Behind the trashcan on the first floor of the lab.

  • On the same floor as the trashcan, in the room to the right of the stairs, attached a charged coil to the machine and turn the bottom screw.

  • Behind the fallen chair in the room with stairs leading up on the bottom floor of the lab.

  • Behind some pipes on the left in the bathroom.

  • Behind the yellow pipe in the room with the gas burner (where you made AcidiOxide).

  • (Cube 1) - Raise the cube in the room to the left of the portal machine.

Ancient Section (104)

  • In the dog's eye on the bottom floor.

  • In some rubble on the left in the room to the left of the room with four switches.

  • (Cube 2) - Raise the cube in the room to the right of the room with four switches.

Looping Traps (690)

  • On the floor in the bottom room (0,-1).

Basement Section (529)

  • In the unused outlet in the coil charging room.

  • Under the thick right wire in the laser generating room.

Lighthouse Digouts (462)

  • On the ground a bit to the right of the pipe in the room right of the portal machine.

  • In the panel underneath the four cubes when all four cubes are raised (cubes can be raised in Laboratory, Ancient Section, The Ship, and Second Tomb Trap).

Tomb Trap (770)
The Ship (800)

  • On the ground behind the pipe in the portal room.

  • Found in the same compartment as the wires you had to cut (very obvious).

  • On the ground behind the lamppost in the top room where you put the turbine.

  • (Cube 3) - Raise the cube in the same room with the compartment where you had to cut wires.

Brick Room (551) - found by reading notes

  • On the floor in the bottom right corner in the room with the portal machine.

Second Tomb Trap (043) - found by looking at the wall in Tomb Trap

  • In the corner in the leftmost room.

  • (Cube 4) - Raise the cube in the leftmost room.

The Lucky Room (728) - found by reading the last note

  • In the "speaker" in the top left corner of the room with the portal machine.

The End (596) - found by completing the statue

  • In the corner of the portal room.

After collecting all 21 secrets, place them in the machine in the room to the right of the portal room in The Lucky Room.

Submachine 4: The Lab Complete Walkthrough

You start off on the rooftops of a house.
You can follow the on-screen instructions for the first part.
I will restate what they ask you to do...


  • The Rooftop

    1. Go Right and on the window ledge, pick up the Hammer.

    2. Go Left twice.

    3. Go Down the ladder.

    4. Go Right and use the Hammer on the door lock and click the door open.

    5. Go inside.

  • The Attic

    1. Go Down and click on the white jacket

    2. Take the Naphthalene (white balls).

    3. Click out of the coat

    4. Go Right and take the green Rubbertube from the ceiling in-between the rafters.

    5. Go Right and take the Chimneybrush from beside the grey box.

    6. Take Secret 1 from the chair cushion.

    7. Go Left twice

    8. Go up the ladder and out onto the roof.

    9. Go Left and use the Chimneybrush on the chimney.

    10. Go right, into the window and down the ladder.

    11. Go Right and take the Doorkey.

    12. Go Left twice and take the Key off the coat hook.

    13. Go Left and take the Gashandle from under the table.

    14. Use the Doorkey on door and click it open.

    15. Enter

  • Stairwell 1

    1. Take Secret 2 from the floor.

    2. Go downstairs.

  • The 2nd Floor

    1. Go Left and take Secret 3 from behind the trashcan.

    2. Click on the computer screen.

    3. Click the green button. Keep clicking until conversation has ended then click out of screen.

    4. Take Note 1.

    5. Go Right three times and take the Lighter off the window sill.

    6. Go Left twice

    7. Go down.

  • Stairwell 2

    1. Take the Beaker.

    2. Go Down

  • The 1st Floor

    1. Take Note 4 and Note 5 off the table.

    2. Take Secret 4 from the floor with the chair.

    3. Go Left, open door and enter

    4. Take the Soap off the sink.

    5. Take Secret 5 from behind pipes.

    6. Put the Beaker on the floor grate.

    7. Use the Hammer on the metal cap above the Beaker.

    8. Go Right three times and take the CD off of the table.

    9. Go up the ladder and take the Irontrioxide (purple vial) from the tester stand.

    10. Go Right and take the Screwdriver

    11. Take Secret 6 from beside the yellow pipe.

    12. Go back to the Rooftop

  • The Rooftop

    1. Go Left

    2. Go up the ladder

    3. Go Left and use Screwdriver on wheel.

    4. Take the Wheel.

    5. Go back to the 1st Floor.

  • The 1st Floor

    1. Go Left twice and use the Wheel on the pipe leading up and down where an opening is.

    2. Turn the wheel.

    3. Take the Fullbeaker.

    4. Go Right three times.

    5. Go Up.

    6. Go Right and use the Gashandle on the top opening of the yellow pipe.
      Use the Rubberhose on the bottom opening of the yellow pipe.

    7. Turn gas handle.

    8. Turn grey knob on the burner.

    9. Put Fullbeaker on the burner.

    10. Use Lighter on the burner.

    11. Put in beaker in this order: Soap, Irontrioxide, then Naphthalene.

    12. Take the Acidioxide.

    13. Take the Tester.

    14. Go Left

    15. Go Down

    16. Go Left three times

    17. Put the Tester on the floor grate.

    18. Turn the wheel

    19. Take the Water

    20. Go Right four times and use the Key on the door.

    21. Open door and enter.

    22. Ring Bell 1.

    23. Use the Acidioxide on the metal panel on the wall.

    24. Go Right.

    25. Take Note 2.

    26. Enter in Code 104.

    27. Push the grey button.


  1. Go Right.

  2. Go Down

  3. Move levers 1 and 4 down.

  4. Go Right and take the Knife.

  5. Take the Blocade.

  6. Ring Bell 2.

  7. Go Left

  8. Move levers 1 and 4 up, and 2 and 3 down.

  9. Go Left and take Secret 7 from rubble on ground.

  10. Take the Stonekey.

  11. Go Right

  12. Move lever 2 up and levers 1 and 4 down.

  13. Go Up and take the TileD.

  14. Use the Blocade in circular hole on pillar and Stonekey on square hole.

  15. Go Down

  16. Move levers 2 down and 3 up.

  17. Go Up

  18. Go Right and take the TileB.

  19. Go Left

  20. Go Down

  21. Move lever 3 down

  22. Go Up twice and use the Hammer on the broken panel on the pillar.

  23. Take Secret 8 from hole.

  24. Go Up and take the TileC.

  25. Go Up and use the Knife on the string.

  26. Go Down four times and take the TileA.

  27. Go Down and take Secret 9 from statues eye.

  28. Place TileA, TileB, TileC and TileD in their directional proportionate slots on the wall.

  29. Press uncovered button.

  30. Go Up twice.

  31. Go Left

  32. Go Up and take the Coil.

  33. Go Left and take Note 3.

  34. Go Right

  35. Go Down

  36. Enter in Code 690.

  37. Push the grey button.


  1. Go Right

  2. Go Down and take Note 12.

  3. Go Left and take Secret 10 from floor by right door.

  4. Go Left

  5. Go Up

  6. Make Left lever display -1 and Right lever display -1

  7. Push the grey button

  8. Go Down and push the red button

  9. Go back to levers.

  10. Make Left lever display 0 and Right lever display 1

  11. Push the grey button

  12. Go Up

  13. Go Right and push the red button

  14. Go back to levers

  15. Make Left lever display 1 and Right lever display 1

  16. Push the grey button

  17. Go Up

  18. Go Right twice and push the red button

  19. Go back to levers

  20. Make Left lever display 1 and Right lever display 0

  21. Push the grey button

  22. Go Right twice and push the red button

  23. Go back to levers

  24. Go Up and click the glass cover

  25. Take the Orb.

  26. Go Down

  27. Go Right

  28. Enter in Code 529.

  29. Push the grey button


  1. Go Right twice and use the Coil in the top of the recharger

  2. Turn handle on the recharger

  3. Take the Chargedcoil.

  4. Take Secret 11 from the empty outlet on the wall.

  5. Go Left

  6. Go Down and take Secret 12 from between the cords on the ground.

  7. Go Left

  8. Take Note 6 from the floor.

  9. Use the Chargedcoil in the empty slot.

  10. Pull down the lever

  11. Take the Coil.

  12. Go Right

  13. Go Up

  14. Go Right and charge up the Coil again.

  15. Take the Chargedcoil.

  16. Go Left

  17. Go Down

  18. Go Right and use Chargedcoil in the empty slot

  19. Pull down the lever.

  20. Take Coil.

  21. Go left and turn handle on contraption.

  22. Go Up twice and place the CD within the claw.

  23. Go Right and take Note 7 from the floor.

  24. Look at note 7. NEW LOCATION CODE 551!

  25. Use the Orb on top of the pillar.

  26. Take the Chestkey.

  27. Go Left

  28. Go Down

  29. Go Right and recharge the Coil.

  30. Take the Chargedcoil.

  31. Go Left twice.

  32. Enter in Code 001.

  33. Push the grey button.


  • The 1st Floor

    1. Go to the 2nd Floor

  • The 2nd Floor

    1. Go Right and use the Chargedcoil on the side opening of the mechanism.

    2. Turn the bottom bolt.

    3. Take Secret 13 from the plate.

    4. Take the Chargedcoil.

    5. Go to the 1st Floor.

  • The 1st Floor

    1. Go Right four times

    2. Enter in Code 551

    3. Push the grey button


  1. Take Secret 14 from the ground.

  2. Go Left and take Note 11 off the ground.

  3. Push top button on controls stopping the water.

  4. Go Right

  5. Enter in Code 462

  6. Push the grey button


  1. Go Right and take Secret 15 from the ground.

  2. Go Right and use Hammer four times on the lock.

  3. Open the door and take the Turbine.

  4. Go Left twice and take Note 8

  5. Go Right

  6. Enter in Code 770

  7. Push the grey button


  1. Take Note 13 from the ground

  2. Look at symbol on the right, middle of the wall

  3. Circle = 0 sides, Square = 4 sides, Triangle = 3 sides


  5. Enter in Code 043

  6. Push the grey button


  1. Go Left and use the Water on the glowing object.

  2. Take the Sceptre

  3. Go Left and ring Bell 3.

  4. Take Note 9

  5. Take Secret 16 from the ground.

  6. Go Right twice

  7. Enter in Code 800

  8. Push the grey button

THE SHIP (800)

  1. Use the Lighter on the lamp 3/4 up and over slightly to the left

  2. Take Secret 17 from behind the lamp base.

  3. Go Right and ring Bell 4.

  4. Use the Screwdriver on all four screws on the wall panel.

  5. Take Secret 18 from within the compartment.

  6. Use the Knife on the wires.

  7. Go Left twice and take Note 10 from the ground.

  8. Go Up the ladder.

  9. Use the Lighter on the lamp at about the same place as before.

  10. Go Right

  11. Go Up the ladder

  12. Use the Lighter on the lamp that is about the same place, but much closer to the left hand side.

  13. Take Secret 19 from behind the lamp base.

  14. Place the Turbine within the compartment and close the door.

  15. Go Down and push the grey button

  16. Go Right and take Note 14.

  17. Look at note 14.


  19. Use the Chestkey on the chest and open it.

  20. Take the Arm.

  21. Go Left twice

  22. Go Down the ladder

  23. Go Right

  24. Enter in Code 462

  25. Push the grey button.


  1. Go Left and take Secret 20 out of the box.

  2. Go Right

  3. Enter in Code 104

  4. Push the grey button


  1. Go Up the ladder

  2. Put the Chargedcoil in the holder

  3. Go Left and pull the lever on the large lamp.

  4. Click the eyepiece of the telescope.

  5. IIII - IIIII - II = 4 - 5 - 2


  7. Click out of the telescope

  8. Go Right

  9. Go Down the ladder

  10. Enter in Code 452

  11. Push the grey button

STATUE (452)

  1. Go Left and place the Arm on the statue

  2. Place the Sceptor in its hand



  1. Read note

  2. Go Right and take Secret 21 from the corner of the room.

  3. Look at upper corner of room.


  5. Enter in Code 728

  6. Push the grey button


  1. Take Secret 22 from the left corner speaker.

  2. Go Right and place the Secrets inside the opening.

  3. Go Right and view the camera.

  4. **These are extras that you can view, have no relevance to beating the game.

  5. Go Right and view the camera.

  6. Go Right and view the camera.

  7. Go Right and view the camera.

  8. Go Left six times

  9. Enter in Code 596

  10. Push the grey button.


  1. Go Left twice

  2. Click wall lever



ProfessorZ42 April 20, 2007 6:20 PM

You are my savior! Thank you so much, I have been dying for this game ever since I finished the last one.


Woah... I'm about to play the game, but... neat banner...

Tchakkazulu April 20, 2007 6:43 PM

Secrets: 1/21... Sounds like I'll be busy for a while. Yay!


Please do not copy and paste a walkthrough here obtained from someplace else. If you wish to have your walkthrough considered as the official walkthrough here and earn one credit towards a t-shirt, your walkthrough must be original and in your own words. No plagiarism please. (If you don't know what that means, I suggest you look it up.)


20/21 secrets



You found 20/21? I can only find 19...where the heck are the rest?



Best Friday ever!

I'm going to play ASAP!


Yay, I found them all!

Submachine 4: The Lab Secrets Checklist

Laboratory (001)

  • On the seat of the fancy chair in the attic.

  • In the bottom-right corner of the screen on the stairwell between the attic and the lab.

  • Behind the trashcan on the first floor of the lab.

  • On the same floor as the trashcan, in the room to the right of the stairs, attached a charged coil to the machine and turn the bottom screw.

  • Behind the fallen chair in the room with stairs leading up on the bottom floor of the lab.

  • Behind some pipes on the left in the bathroom.

  • Behind the yellow pipe in the room with the gas burner (where you made AcidiOxide).

  • (Cube 1) - Raise the cube in the room to the left of the portal machine.

Ancient Section (104)

  • In the dog's eye on the bottom floor.

  • In some rubble on the left in the room to the left of the room with four switches.

  • (Cube 2) - Raise the cube in the room to the right of the room with four switches.

Looping Traps (690)

  • On the floor in the bottom room (0,-1).

Basement Section (529)

  • In the unused outlet in the coil charging room.

  • Under the thick right wire in the laser generating room.

Lighthouse Digouts (462)

  • On the ground a bit to the right of the pipe in the room right of the portal machine.

  • In the panel underneath the four cubes when all four cubes are raised (cubes can be raised in Laboratory, Ancient Section, The Ship, and Second Tomb Trap).

Tomb Trap (770)
The Ship (800)

  • On the ground behind the pipe in the portal room.

  • Found in the same compartment as the wires you had to cut (very obvious).

  • On the ground behind the lamppost in the top room where you put the turbine.

  • (Cube 3) - Raise the cube in the same room with the compartment where you had to cut wires.

Brick Room (551) - found by reading notes

  • On the floor in the bottom right corner in the room with the portal machine.

Second Tomb Trap (043) - found by looking at the wall in Tomb Trap

  • In the corner in the leftmost room.

  • (Cube 4) - Raise the cube in the leftmost room.

The Lucky Room (728) - found by reading the last note

  • In the "speaker" in the top left corner of the room with the portal machine.

The End (596) - found by completing the statue

  • In the corner of the portal room.

After collecting all 21 secrets, place them in the machine in the room to the right of the portal room in The Lucky Room.


I don't think that's right, since I found all 21 before I finished the game. It looks like you missed the secret you can find

by using the hammer on the square stone area in Ancient Section directly above the four switches


Does that mean there's actually 22/21?

ArtyFishal April 20, 2007 7:54 PM

Jay, I'd like to thank you for keeping such an excellent site, I've enjoyed it for almost a year now, and it has revitalized both my interest and my hope-in games. Thank you.

I've played through the previous Submachines, and probably due to that, the journey through and ultimately, the completion of this game took on an emotional significance I usually do not experience in browser based games.

I'd like to state my reactions:

It was great to see how Mateusz managed to create a compelling and mysterious storyline/atmosphere weaving together the disparate gameworlds of the previous three. I've really enjoyed these games, and hope he continues his game making. I'd like to add that I love bonus material, and though I've played 99-rooms, I think the population of point-and-click fans(myself included) would eagerly embrace another such game( especially if it was filled with the same inventive puzzles Mateusz always create). Great fun.

Thank you. Keep up the great work!

Oh, and on a completely bragging note: Just beat it with all secrets, no walkthrough, no help.


OMG YAY! Another Submachine!!!


I have gotten quite far but can't find the last note


Not sure this is quite out of beta...

I think if you put the plug and stone key in before opening the door and getting the tile that it makes the tile disappear. I'm not certain, but I went to the walkthrough on my first attempt, and wasn't able to get all the tiles no matter what I did.


I'm stuck...Even with the walkthrough. Can anyone help?

I'm on the bottom floor of the lab, go up the ladder after getting the cd-rom, pick up the irontrioxide and then the walkthrough says to go right...I can't...


Never mind, just got through...


This feels a little harder than its predecessors...

LordMagin April 20, 2007 8:18 PM

i've collected all the secrets but i was waiting for any funny game in the bonus..

Anonymous April 20, 2007 8:27 PM

I looked at the walkthrough, and I'm having trouble finding something. Can anyone help?

It says the rubber tube, gas handle, the key, and naphthalene is in suit coat pocket...but only the naphthastuff was there. The gas handle and the key were in another spot. Where is the rubber tube?

Is the walkthrough incorrect?

Thanks in advance! Great game!

lizardling April 20, 2007 8:38 PM

Out, with 22/21. Good game. This is the first one I haven't had to go looking for hints. I feel all kinds of smart right now. :D


Though I remain terribly confused, I think this is his best one yet! Call me Gregory if you want, but I like going to the room with the really happy music, so I can listen to it as I do other worthless thingies.


Actually, I wouldn't worry about finding the 21 secrets since...

there's at least 22 ;-) including one at the "think you've looked..." coordinates

laptopdude April 20, 2007 9:15 PM

Great game!!! I REALLY liked the ending. :)

Spartan Fury April 20, 2007 9:18 PM

It looks like there's one more mystery, unless I missed something. The 2nd gate in the lab room seems un-movable, and the open doors beyond unreachable. Am I missing something?


To Anonymous

look up

in the room with the gramophone


Dr_Pangloss April 20, 2007 9:36 PM

Thanks xadoc! I was having the hardest time! (I was so frustrated I forgot to fill out my info. ;) ) Thanks again!

Anonymous April 20, 2007 9:36 PM

SUPER FUN!!! Thanks for the secrets help, Trame.

BTW, what did getting all the secrets do in the other submachine that had secrets? I think I ended with one missing :(


Um, I'm stuck in the ancient room, too...I can't seem to find Tile B. I've opened all the doors, found the passkeys, got the knife, etc. but I don't know where that last tile is. Help, anyone?


Stuck in the looping trap. Even with Walkthrough. Saw one switch and it changed to green. Can't make any other disk things turn into switches.

Also, does anyone know if you quit mid game if it is saved or you have to start over?


Nevermind. Lol figured it out right as I posted.


What happens if you get all 21 secrets?
Some sort of prize?


Oops, found that tile. Didn't realize I could go to the right up there...
LOVE these Submachine games, and my boys get a kick out of helping me find things. Found 22 secrets!

***N.J. E$HA*** April 20, 2007 11:30 PM

When you get to the brick room with the water pipe, how do you turn the water pipe off? I read the walkthrough but I still couldn't turn it off.


Yay! I got all the secrets!

All but four? of them are accessible w/o having to open anything

One is available after you raise all the cubes w/the bell

One you have to use the hammer on

One you have to unscrew a plate for

The one that took the longest made me go back and look at a machine that has no other game function...

Use the coil!


I found another glitch in the game. On the roof when you're first there, if you get the hammer, go down the ladder, then to the screen with the padlocked door on it and click the hammaer before the talk bubble pops up, the hammer will not be usable and it will stay as your cursor. It wan't bad since it was early in the game, but it's still a glitch..

***N.J. E$HA*** April 20, 2007 11:47 PM

Is there a way to save this game because I seem to be having a lot of trouble with the water pipe.

***N.J. E$HA*** April 20, 2007 11:49 PM

Does anyone know how to

break the water pipe?

If you do please answer I really want to get out of here!!!


NJ, you just spoiled the fact that I had to

break the water pipe

To answer your question:

use the hammer.


Despite one or two trials of random clicking-everything-on-everything-else, I finally managed to make my way through the last installment of this extraordinary voyage. Next, I'll play them all through, one after the other, and experience the entire Submachine.

I thoroughly enjoyed this refreshing alternative to waking up in a nondescript room with no plot point other than "I must get out". Then again, Submachine is more along the lines of "unravel the mystery" than "escape the room".

Cale Gibbard April 21, 2007 2:42 AM

Did anyone else do a whois on

OrgName: DoD Network Information Center

itsjustme April 21, 2007 8:00 AM

Is it just me or is this walkthrough not that helpful?
"On the same floor as the trashcan, in the room to the right of the stairs, attached a charged coil to the machine and turn the bottom screw." What charged coil? I can't find one. I appriciate the fact that it leaves room for us to figure stuff out - but isn't the point of a walkthrough to figure stuff out for us?


itsjustme: that walkthrough isn't for getting through the game, it's for finding all the little blue "Secrets." If you want a game walkthrough, open the game itself again in another window and click "Walkthrough" from the main menu. This will open a page with a link to a full game walkthrough.


I'm stuck! Thought I could get through it with no help as I did last time, but I'm too weak...

I have got:

hammer, napthalene, rubber tube, lighter, soap, gas handle, beaker, notes (with co-ordinates from helpful computer pal), CD, irontrioxide and 5/21 secrets

Maybe a few hints about what to do with the objects would be appreciated? Just for those of us who are too weak to go on...

So so great to have the next Submachine game out - couldn't believe my luck when I saw it here!


Aha...everything changes when you realise

that you can walk right when you're up the ladder with the test tubes!!!

And that walkthrough on the game's site could be useful for those of us who are feeling a few sandwiches short of a picnic... Thank you Neddo!


I saw Sub4 first (FIRST!) at Lazy yesterday so I dove in. I knew it wouldn't be long before Jay caught on.
I finished it in about 4 to 5 hours, only 1 leetle hint, 22/21, and loved the music and the special ending, very personal. I like the cat. :o)

The coolest thing is that I'm able to download all 5 Sub games to my PC! Not many free flash games offer that opportunity.

Who else besides me keeps saying Submarine instead of Submachine?


After playing for some time I found myself stuck. I opened the walkthrough and read the following lines:

The Basement (Revisited)
1. Go to the room with a pedestal and the laser beam that has been bent. Place the orb on the pedestal. After it breaks, collect the chest key. Go back to portal. Type 5 - 5 - 1.

After trying to do that nothing happened. Any idea of where the problem might be?


ack... i can't seem to be able to fill up the beaker, so i can't take it back either.. even when i follow step by step the walkthrough.. anything i missed?!?


Well i think i have managed to find 23 secrets!

I had missed the one you had to use the hammer with!however had 22 3 minutes ago before i saw that comment on here! weird...

Why would he put more than he says? its just weird! oh well

Have to say, my favourate game yet, it puts in all the bits of the other ones which i loved. Cool music mized with lots of thinking. Although i feel this is easier than sub_2, is this just me? i thought sub_2 was quite difficult to do in the wrong order! (i know that sounds crazy but in sub_4 you are able to go to any room and then revisit it once you know what was there)

I will eagerly await sub_5!!


Where is the

gas handle?

The walkthrough isn't hugely clear about where to get it and I presume it's important for mixing the chemicals.

kirsty1688 April 21, 2007 11:30 AM


the beam should be bend to the right by the cd which you collect in the lab area off a table. do you have the cd? do you have the orb?


do you have the valve from outside? you need this to be able to fill it up.

kirsty1688 April 21, 2007 11:33 AM


Try looking by the computer....(its yellow)


The walkthrough says to use


in the portal. Where in the game does that come from?


i'm doing fairly well here, but how do you change the direction of the telescope? I can just get the corner of a building! HELP!

kirsty1688 April 21, 2007 11:49 AM

Check your diary....

look for white pieces of paper!they are important


ok.. i got it all, i have now 22/21 secrets, thanks to you guys, but i don't know what to do with them.. it says you can do something special, but i really have no clue where to put them.. :P

kirsty1688 April 21, 2007 12:10 PM

Look at the last piece of your diary... there is a machine, im sure if you have got this far you can work it out! lol and its quite nice what he added!


Thanks Kirsty...what a cool way to involve you in the game and add a more personal touch to it. I love SubMachine games...can't wait for another! They are so fun!


aaaahhh.. finally.. :D

thanks kristy!! now i can go on with my life.. lol

once again, a beautiful piece of art.. thanks! and waiting for the next one to stop sleeping again.. :)


Man, I love Submachine!! I have to admit I was really hoping for a better plot resolution than

simply another "it was all just a dream/video game/job application"

but, these are still really cool :)

I sure hope there is a Sub_5!!


I love these. The game is great fun so ar, and no one can do audio ambience like this guy.

diego floor April 21, 2007 3:47 PM

i was asking myself the same thing spartan was. the gate near the first machine we find, it's always closed?

kirsty1688 April 21, 2007 3:50 PM

Walkthrough for anyone REALLY stuck. This is so simple, only look if you stuck! Complete!

On the roof

Follow the instructions


• Get the Naphthalene from inside the coat pocket
• Go right and collect rubber tube (top right of chimney)
• Go right and collect chimney brush and secret (1) on chair
• Go back onto the roof and put chimney brush down the chimney
• Go inside and collect key which has come out of the chimney
• Collect gold key from hooks above the draws
• Go right and collect Gas handle from under the table
• Open door and go down one. Collect secret (2) in right corner on floor.

The Lab

• Go right 2 and collect lighter of windowsill
• Go left to computer. Click on screen and click on green button. Read what Mur has to say. He will print you a piece of diary for you once you have finished talking to him.
• Collect secret (3) by bin.
• Go down collect beaker and carry on down.
• Collect 2 pieces of diary off table you see and secret (4) under table on the fallen over chair.
• Go right collect CD. Go all the way to the left to the bathroom. Collect soap and secret (5) under the piping on left.
• Go right 3 and up the ladders. Collect second test tube with pink stuff (iron trioxide). Go right (try clicking the floor!) and collect screwdriver. Collect secret (6) behind pipe in right corner.
• Now go back outside onto the roof. Go to the left and unscrew the screw holding the valve. Take the valve and come back to the bathroom.
• Place the valve on the circle on the pipe on the left. Use the hammer to break off the cap on the pip running along the top of the screen. Place the beaker on the grill. Turn the valve and this will fill the beaker up for you.
• Pick the beaker back up and take it to where you got the screwdriver from, up the ladder. Connect the rubber tube to the yellow pipe, and the gas handle to the other hole.
• Click the gas handle which will make it turn, and the handle on the Bunsen burner (it is what I called it in school, sorry if that is incorrect). Use the lighter to light the burner.
• Place the beaker on top and place in the soap, iron trioxide and naphthalene (in that order, it wont let you put them in any other way), and take it back off, should look white. Pick up the empty test tube too.
• Go back down and to the room on the right, use the key to open it. Use the acidioxide on the metal box connected to wires on the wall. It would break and the metal wall at the side will go up. Just before you leave the lab, fill the test tube up like you did with the beaker in the bathroom, and click the bell.
• Pick up your 4th piece of diary. Now if you look at the first piece of diary you will see coordinates. I found going in order worked quite well! So lets go to (1,0,4) by putting it in the transporter!

Ancient Section

• Go right and down. You will see a strange stone with leavers. This controls boxes opening to collect things like the one you saw before you came down. For example ‘/' +‘\' = X which gives you a blockade. Do this 3 more times (to collect tiles B and D, and a stone key) THEN put them all down.
• To the right of the leavers, collect secret (7) in the rocks on the left. To the left of the leavers collect the knife and click the bell.
• Go up to where you can see a square and circular hole and put the blockade and stone key in here. This will bring down some stairs. Go up 1 and break the square under the horse looking thing with your hammer for secret (8).
• Go up and if all the leavers are down you should see tile C. Go up the stone pillar, cut the rope with the knife. Go back down to the leavers and collect tile A.
• Go down to the dog, collect secret (9) in the dogs eye and put the tiles in the wall. Click the button in the middle. This will bring down a set of stairs on the screen where you started with the transmitter.
• Go up these steps to collect the coil out of the machine with the red dot. Go right to collect a piece of diary. You cant do anything else up there yet.
• Lets go to the looping traps, (6,9,0)

Looping Traps

• This is very similar to an idea on one of the levels in sub_3 the loop. You have to put the coordinates of the strange circle things on poles in, press the bottom button, go find them and press the red button! Do this 4 times for all pole things.
• Go to the big square thing left and up of the transporter, click the screen once all lights are white and collect the orb. Collect diary (right and down of transporter) and secret (10) (left of diary, in the corner on the floor).
• Lets go to (5,2,9)

Basement Section

• Go right 2, place coil in "charger" and charge it by clicking the dial thing. Collect secret (11) form the wall in the unused socket.
• Collect coil and go left, down, right. Place the coil in this machine and flick the switch. Recharge the coil in the same way and the go left instead and do the same with that machine. Collect diary and coil.
• Go to the machine in the middle of these two rooms and both lights should be green. Flick the dial thing and a beam should come out of it. Collect secret (12) from under neither the pipe just to the right of the machine.
• Go up 2 and place the CD in the arm. This should bend the beam.
• Go into the room to the right, place the orb on top of the podium. It should break giving you a chestkey. Also take diary from here.
• Make sure the coil is recharged before leaving here.
• On the piece of diary you got from the top room, it give you the coordinates, (5,5,1) the brick room, so go here.

Brick Room

• Collect secret (13) on the right.
• Go to the left, and collect diary and turn off the bubbles by pressing the top button.
• Lets go to (4,6,2) and the lighthouse digouts.


• Go left and collect diary, go right and collect secret (14) under the first pipe piece on the floor.
• The fan to the right should have stopped, use the hammer (4 times) to break it and open the front to receive the fan.
• Lets go to (7,7,0) the tomb.

The Tomb

• Collect piece of diary.
• On the right wall are 3 shapes. The amount of sides correspond to the location although circle (or zero) is 0. Go to (0,4,3).

Tomb 2
• Go to the left, pick up diary piece and secret (15) on the left wall on the floor.
• Click bell.
• Pour water out of test tube onto the light dome thing, and collect sceptre when it comes out.
• Now were going to the ship, (8,0,0)

The Ship

• In the dark you can see a lamp, light it with your lighter. Go right, open the compartment with your screwdriver and cut the wires with your knife and take secret (16).
• Click bell and collect secret (17) from the bottom of the pipe with the lamp on next to the transporter.
• Go left and collect diary. There should be ladders now, go up and light the lamp like previously.
• Go up again, and collect secret (18) from bottom left side of the pipe.
• Place the fan piece in here and close the screen.
• Go down and press the button. The wall should go up.
• Use the chest key to open the box and take out an arm.


• Go back to the Lab (0,0,1).
• Go up to the level with the computer on. Go to the strange machine which we haven't used yet. Place the coil in here and press the bottom screw.
• Collect secret (19)
• Collect coil back.
• Go to (4,6,2)
• Go right and collect (20)


• First, go to the lucky room mentioned in the last piece of diary (7,2,8)
• On the left speaker collect secret (21).
• Then go back to the ancient section (1,0,4)
• Go up and place charged coil into the holder you got it from.
• Go left and turn on the light.
• Look into the telescope. You should see new coordinates (4,5,2)
• Go here and place the sceptre and arm onto the statue.
• Now you have finished!
• If you go to the right you will see secret (22).

If you go back to the lucky room (7,2,8) and place all the secrets into the machine it will open the wall next to you!!

What i want to know is

what is with the door when you first find the teleporter? as far as i know you can not get to it!


I LOVE the game, but at the end,

in the original lab, there's a grate that is still down, with an open door behind it.

Is this just a carrot on a stick to keep us waiting, or is it supposed to do something?


ohhhh no i was playing the game and i acidently close the window and i was like NOOOOOOOOOOO


Oh noes!!!!

Heh, that stinks. I know the feeling.
Yes Kirsty, Sub2 was much harder. That kinda annoys me when it's so hard you have to start getting hints around 30% through, and then just solid walkthrough from 50% - 60% onward.

Sub4 was perfect for me. The best part of it was the familiar yet different machines & motifs. It was cool to think "Oh, I'm back HERE....but...". Neat trick. It's used in drama & comedy writing a lot. To see it used in visual/gaming form is a treat.


Did anyone read Spartan Fury's comment? we have some unanswered questions: Theres that second gate, the 22/21 or 23/21 secrets,and I dont know if anyone payed any attention to it, but theres a closed window on the roof. The notes also mention an upper deck of the ship.


I Cant get the gas handle


Submachine 4: The Lab Complete Walkthrough

You start off on the rooftops of a house.
You can follow the on-screen instructions for the first part.
I will restate what they ask you to do...


  • The Rooftop

    1. Go Right and on the window ledge, pick up the Hammer.

    2. Go Left twice.

    3. Go Down the ladder.

    4. Go Right and use the Hammer on the door lock and click the door open.

    5. Go inside.

  • The Attic

    1. Go Down and click on the white jacket

    2. Take the Naphthalene (white balls).

    3. Click out of the coat

    4. Go Right and take the green Rubbertube from the ceiling in-between the rafters.

    5. Go Right and take the Chimneybrush from beside the grey box.

    6. Take Secret 1 from the chair cushion.

    7. Go Left twice

    8. Go up the ladder and out onto the roof.

    9. Go Left and use the Chimneybrush on the chimney.

    10. Go right, into the window and down the ladder.

    11. Go Right and take the Doorkey.

    12. Go Left twice and take the Key off the coat hook.

    13. Go Left and take the Gashandle from under the table.

    14. Use the Doorkey on door and click it open.

    15. Enter

  • Stairwell 1

    1. Take Secret 2 from the floor.

    2. Go downstairs.

  • The 2nd Floor

    1. Go Left and take Secret 3 from behind the trashcan.

    2. Click on the computer screen.

    3. Click the green button. Keep clicking until conversation has ended then click out of screen.

    4. Take Note 1.

    5. Go Right three times and take the Lighter off the window sill.

    6. Go Left twice

    7. Go down.

  • Stairwell 2

    1. Take the Beaker.

    2. Go Down

  • The 1st Floor

    1. Take Note 4 and Note 5 off the table.

    2. Take Secret 4 from the floor with the chair.

    3. Go Left, open door and enter

    4. Take the Soap off the sink.

    5. Take Secret 5 from behind pipes.

    6. Put the Beaker on the floor grate.

    7. Use the Hammer on the metal cap above the Beaker.

    8. Go Right three times and take the CD off of the table.

    9. Go up the ladder and take the Irontrioxide (purple vial) from the tester stand.

    10. Go Right and take the Screwdriver

    11. Take Secret 6 from beside the yellow pipe.

    12. Go back to the Rooftop

  • The Rooftop

    1. Go Left

    2. Go up the ladder

    3. Go Left and use Screwdriver on wheel.

    4. Take the Wheel.

    5. Go back to the 1st Floor.

  • The 1st Floor

    1. Go Left twice and use the Wheel on the pipe leading up and down where an opening is.

    2. Turn the wheel.

    3. Take the Fullbeaker.

    4. Go Right three times.

    5. Go Up.

    6. Go Right and use the Gashandle on the top opening of the yellow pipe.
      Use the Rubberhose on the bottom opening of the yellow pipe.

    7. Turn gas handle.

    8. Turn grey knob on the burner.

    9. Put Fullbeaker on the burner.

    10. Use Lighter on the burner.

    11. Put in beaker in this order: Soap, Irontrioxide, then Naphthalene.

    12. Take the Acidioxide.

    13. Take the Tester.

    14. Go Left

    15. Go Down

    16. Go Left three times

    17. Put the Tester on the floor grate.

    18. Turn the wheel

    19. Take the Water

    20. Go Right four times and use the Key on the door.

    21. Open door and enter.

    22. Ring Bell 1.

    23. Use the Acidioxide on the metal panel on the wall.

    24. Go Right.

    25. Take Note 2.

    26. Enter in Code 104.

    27. Push the grey button.


  1. Go Right.

  2. Go Down

  3. Move levers 1 and 4 down.

  4. Go Right and take the Knife.

  5. Take the Blocade.

  6. Ring Bell 2.

  7. Go Left

  8. Move levers 1 and 4 up, and 2 and 3 down.

  9. Go Left and take Secret 7 from rubble on ground.

  10. Take the Stonekey.

  11. Go Right

  12. Move lever 2 up and levers 1 and 4 down.

  13. Go Up and take the TileD.

  14. Use the Blocade in circular hole on pillar and Stonekey on square hole.

  15. Go Down

  16. Move levers 2 down and 3 up.

  17. Go Up

  18. Go Right and take the TileB.

  19. Go Left

  20. Go Down

  21. Move lever 3 down

  22. Go Up twice and use the Hammer on the broken panel on the pillar.

  23. Take Secret 8 from hole.

  24. Go Up and take the TileC.

  25. Go Up and use the Knife on the string.

  26. Go Down four times and take the TileA.

  27. Go Down and take Secret 9 from statues eye.

  28. Place TileA, TileB, TileC and TileD in their directional proportionate slots on the wall.

  29. Press uncovered button.

  30. Go Up twice.

  31. Go Left

  32. Go Up and take the Coil.

  33. Go Left and take Note 3.

  34. Go Right

  35. Go Down

  36. Enter in Code 690.

  37. Push the grey button.


  1. Go Right

  2. Go Down and take Note 12.

  3. Go Left and take Secret 10 from floor by right door.

  4. Go Left

  5. Go Up

  6. Make Left lever display -1 and Right lever display -1

  7. Push the grey button

  8. Go Down and push the red button

  9. Go back to levers.

  10. Make Left lever display 0 and Right lever display 1

  11. Push the grey button

  12. Go Up

  13. Go Right and push the red button

  14. Go back to levers

  15. Make Left lever display 1 and Right lever display 1

  16. Push the grey button

  17. Go Up

  18. Go Right twice and push the red button

  19. Go back to levers

  20. Make Left lever display 1 and Right lever display 0

  21. Push the grey button

  22. Go Right twice and push the red button

  23. Go back to levers

  24. Go Up and click the glass cover

  25. Take the Orb.

  26. Go Down

  27. Go Right

  28. Enter in Code 529.

  29. Push the grey button


  1. Go Right twice and use the Coil in the top of the recharger

  2. Turn handle on the recharger

  3. Take the Chargedcoil.

  4. Take Secret 11 from the empty outlet on the wall.

  5. Go Left

  6. Go Down and take Secret 12 from between the cords on the ground.

  7. Go Left

  8. Take Note 6 from the floor.

  9. Use the Chargedcoil in the empty slot.

  10. Pull down the lever

  11. Take the Coil.

  12. Go Right

  13. Go Up

  14. Go Right and charge up the Coil again.

  15. Take the Chargedcoil.

  16. Go Left

  17. Go Down

  18. Go Right and use Chargedcoil in the empty slot

  19. Pull down the lever.

  20. Take Coil.

  21. Go left and turn handle on contraption.

  22. Go Up twice and place the CD within the claw.

  23. Go Right and take Note 7 from the floor.

  24. Look at note 7. NEW LOCATION CODE 551!

  25. Use the Orb on top of the pillar.

  26. Take the Chestkey.

  27. Go Left

  28. Go Down

  29. Go Right and recharge the Coil.

  30. Take the Chargedcoil.

  31. Go Left twice.

  32. Enter in Code 001.

  33. Push the grey button.


  • The 1st Floor

    1. Go to the 2nd Floor

  • The 2nd Floor

    1. Go Right and use the Chargedcoil on the side opening of the mechanism.

    2. Turn the bottom bolt.

    3. Take Secret 13 from the plate.

    4. Take the Chargedcoil.

    5. Go to the 1st Floor.

  • The 1st Floor

    1. Go Right four times

    2. Enter in Code 551

    3. Push the grey button


  1. Take Secret 14 from the ground.

  2. Go Left and take Note 11 off the ground.

  3. Push top button on controls stopping the water.

  4. Go Right

  5. Enter in Code 462

  6. Push the grey button


  1. Go Right and take Secret 15 from the ground.

  2. Go Right and use Hammer four times on the lock.

  3. Open the door and take the Turbine.

  4. Go Left twice and take Note 8

  5. Go Right

  6. Enter in Code 770

  7. Push the grey button


  1. Take Note 13 from the ground

  2. Look at symbol on the right, middle of the wall

  3. Circle = 0 sides, Square = 4 sides, Triangle = 3 sides


  5. Enter in Code 043

  6. Push the grey button


  1. Go Left and use the Water on the glowing object.

  2. Take the Sceptre

  3. Go Left and ring Bell 3.

  4. Take Note 9

  5. Take Secret 16 from the ground.

  6. Go Right twice

  7. Enter in Code 800

  8. Push the grey button

THE SHIP (800)

  1. Use the Lighter on the lamp 3/4 up and over slightly to the left

  2. Take Secret 17 from behind the lamp base.

  3. Go Right and ring Bell 4.

  4. Use the Screwdriver on all four screws on the wall panel.

  5. Take Secret 18 from within the compartment.

  6. Use the Knife on the wires.

  7. Go Left twice and take Note 10 from the ground.

  8. Go Up the ladder.

  9. Use the Lighter on the lamp at about the same place as before.

  10. Go Right

  11. Go Up the ladder

  12. Use the Lighter on the lamp that is about the same place, but much closer to the left hand side.

  13. Take Secret 19 from behind the lamp base.

  14. Place the Turbine within the compartment and close the door.

  15. Go Down and push the grey button

  16. Go Right and take Note 14.

  17. Look at note 14.


  19. Use the Chestkey on the chest and open it.

  20. Take the Arm.

  21. Go Left twice

  22. Go Down the ladder

  23. Go Right

  24. Enter in Code 462

  25. Push the grey button.


  1. Go Left and take Secret 20 out of the box.

  2. Go Right

  3. Enter in Code 104

  4. Push the grey button


  1. Go Up the ladder

  2. Put the Chargedcoil in the holder

  3. Go Left and pull the lever on the large lamp.

  4. Click the eyepiece of the telescope.

  5. IIII - IIIII - II = 4 - 5 - 2


  7. Click out of the telescope

  8. Go Right

  9. Go Down the ladder

  10. Enter in Code 452

  11. Push the grey button

STATUE (452)

  1. Go Left and place the Arm on the statue

  2. Place the Sceptor in its hand



  1. Read note

  2. Go Right and take Secret 21 from the corner of the room.

  3. Look at upper corner of room.


  5. Enter in Code 728

  6. Push the grey button


  1. Take Secret 22 from the left corner speaker.

  2. Go Right and place the Secrets inside the opening.

  3. Go Right and view the camera.

  4. **These are extras that you can view, have no relevance to beating the game.

  5. Go Right and view the camera.

  6. Go Right and view the camera.

  7. Go Right and view the camera.

  8. Go Left six times

  9. Enter in Code 596

  10. Push the grey button.


  1. Go Left twice

  2. Click wall lever


***N.J. E$HA*** April 21, 2007 9:26 PM

Thanks Jon, I tryed to do that but it didn't work.


Awesome game.
I completed it and cussed myself off when i didn't get 21/21 secret items xD.

***N.J. E$HA*** April 22, 2007 12:11 AM

Does anyone know what the bonus is? I wish I collected all 21 secrets!!!!! I am so mad at myself right now!!!!! Maybe I'll start over, if anyone does know I would like to know.

ProfessorZ42 April 22, 2007 1:47 AM

This really didn't give us any more answers to what's going on than any of the others. I still don't understand what the "Submachine" really is.


To ***N.J. E$HA***

it's juz some insight into the creator's life :p



did you see the ending? 'cuz by the looks of it, the next one will involve working at the Lab. that door must have something to do with our new job ;)


aaarrggghhh, I just need one more secret! and I just realised,

Its the one wheich I need the chargedcoild for :'( I've already finished the game, so I can't go back and get it, can I?

oh wait, I went and revisited

the ancient section and: YAY! I can go back and retrive my charged coil! happy days, now to find the last secret and get that bonus!


My sister and I beat it last night, interesting how she's a not a gamer but shows up when a new Submachine or Gateway comes out.

Anyways, I loved it. It had some puzzles or clues (Like the Circle Square Triangle) that when you figure it out, you're just like "A-ha!"

I also enjoyed seeing what inspires him. If you didn't get all 21 secrets the first time around, I'd reccomend replaying.


Oh, and I think the door is just kind of to goat you into thinking that's where it ends, and the window on the roof is...maybe where you came from? Oh, and to complete the game you go to the upper deck.

See you for Sub5: The root!


I can see secret 23 but have no way to get it.

Look through the telescope on the right side in the Ancient Section (104), there it is, on the red brick wall. I suspect there is something to do with the floating stones on the very left side in Lighthouse Digouts (462).

lopsidation April 22, 2007 12:04 PM

I wonder if there are any other portal places that you can only find by guessing numbers? I'll check.

She-Nomad April 22, 2007 12:53 PM

23 secrets? As far as I remember I only found 22 secrets ^^

bwansy, I'm thinking about those floating stones too. Also,

there is another grating after you unlock the first grating at the Lab to get to the teleporter thingie, and there's a door behind it. How do I unlock it? Where does that door lead to?

Great game ^^ Thanks, Mateusz and Jay!

***N.J. E$HA*** April 22, 2007 1:07 PM

Thank you reapaninja


Beat with 22/21! :D
I did need to use a walkthrough to find the 22nd secret and when I got stuck in the first tomb, though.
Mateusz Skutnik, I love your games!!! :D

***N.J. E$HA*** April 22, 2007 2:01 PM

This was a great game. I started all over collecting all 21 secrets, but there are still some things that haven't been answered yet. I guess that means there will be another submachine!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!


Uh, I thought Mur said he'd reveal all the answers in this one...?

j/k, I did learn a lot. Except about the mystery of the cat, the fate of Murtaugh himself, and why the heck I didn't find anyone in the submachine network. But I did get a few questions answered.

I look forward to Submachine 5. Is it really going to be called "The Root," or did you just make that up?


I'm really too stupid.

How do you get the cords from the notes?

And please I just did not understand the hints "if you made this far, you can figure out yourself".

***N.J. E$HA*** April 22, 2007 9:11 PM

To fuzzygrid,

When you enter the lab you will see this computer type thing, its green. Click on the green button on it then M will print the codes for you.


are these submachines getting easier, or am i just getting better at them?


Where did you find all the codes? (except the 551 that was given in the notes) I found my way throughout thanks to the walkthrough, I couldn't find any hint to the codes in each location


I solved the game (with an extra secret to boot), but still haven't figured out if there is something about:

1. Weird ladderish holes in the wall in the ancient sector which seemingly go into the floor

2. Yet some more weird holes in the room left of the four cubes - the one with the encircled triangle symbol

3. The second looking glass which just shows top of a red brick wall

4. Those strange three white-dotted windows on the ship which show absolutely nothing

And finally,

5. The exit door behind bars to the right of the very first teleporter.

Did anybody find anything related to those things? Or are they all just red herrings?


Play 1,2,3, and zero first. Then play this one. It's by far the best one yet, and perhaps the perfect finish. What a great sense of completion. A journey that has actually come to an end. I think the "feeling lucky" room has something to do with it.


I also got the 22nd secret :)

If you put the final secret into the secret machine you end up with a "0/-1 secrets" object :D a bug i guess... unless you can use it to do something very douglas adams ;) (Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy - having no tea and tea at the same time!)


Is anyone else getting bugs when playing this game? I've tried at least four times now, on two different computers, and I've had to stop each time because I get an object "stuck" on my cursor: it's selcted but I can't use it, put it down or move at all. This has happened at least twice at the bunsen burner.

jason novaco April 23, 2007 4:56 PM

bravo! this is the best online game i have ever played. i thought submachine 3 kicked butt but this blows all games away.


found a mistake in the walkthrough

THE SHIP (880) the room number is 800 not 880. that made me mess up like hell... lol...


Thanks, Jack. Fixed. =)


Alright, another Submachine!

Great game. I think 3 is still my favorite. This series is excellent.


Wow this was a great game, but I was wondering about all the little things that never finished, like what baba said. I guess it will come up one day.

Btw I had a problem with the 22nd secret. I had put up to 8 in and I forgot to get it, but when I went to it wasn't where the walkthrough had said... maybe its just me. :P


I've gotten items stuck on my cursor and had to restart the game twice, but otherwise it's a good addition!


There's a little bug near the beginning of the game:

If you use the screwdriver to loosen the wheel on the roof and leave the screen without taking the wheel (I didn't realize I could take it; I thought it was a switch for something in the house), when you come back to that screen the wheel reverts to its original position and the screwdriver no longer works on it.

MikeOfTheFallenWisdom April 24, 2007 4:45 AM

This was a great game, and after i beat the game, (as i always do) i looked at the walkthrough to see how much time i would've saved, and it turns out....A LOT! i ended up with -2/21 :P i won't post any spoilers as to how that happened though.


I did not make up the root. If you go to his message board, and read the Sub4 thread you'll see someone point out there used to be a thread about it.

Anonymous May 18, 2010 3:15 PM

where is the blocade??

mallcost June 11, 2010 3:50 PM

The hardest part of the game for me was figuring out what a "gashandle" was.

As soon as i found out what it was, i felt like the worlds largest moron

Xevious45 July 6, 2010 8:38 PM

I really liked this one. It was especially cool that the secrets had a point in this game. Going to play sub 5 now.


I don't know what this guy learned, but a circle has ONE side, not ZERO


I picked up all four tiles but can only see three in my inventory. Is there a way to look at my whole inventory? Or did I just forget to pick one up? So confused!


@ RiGuy:

how many corners does a circle have?


Its totally crazy, most of the so called code has nowhere that appears, so how did these guys who gave walkthrough know of it???


For the blocade - 1 and 4 down, 2 and 3 up.


Where do I get the water from to pour onto the glowing orb thingy?

Anonymous December 7, 2010 4:48 PM

can u please tell me why i cant break the glass to get the orb? i have replayed the game up to this point twice now following all the hints exactly and i still cant get that glass to open.what have i done wrong?

Anonymous January 3, 2011 12:44 AM

I don't know if I have a glitch or what...I am in the ship room and the knife won't do anything to the wires!!!! So anyone?

Anonymous January 3, 2011 1:03 AM

I am having the same problem as vogonviking

I accidentally pressed the handle down before using the knife on the wires and now I can't use the ladder..

this is really frustrating and I will hate it if this means a game over :P


Anonymous January 12, 2011 8:44 AM

i only found 20/21 of secrets, the 20th was in the portal 728.

Anonymous January 17, 2011 4:12 PM

Surprise at the end?

I have 22/21 secrets and put them all into the machine (leaving me with 0/-22) in the "feeling lucky" room (728) but nothing happens. I've gone all the way through the game twice and had this problem both times. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!


I put the gas handle on the pipe and now i cant put the valve on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 PLZ HELP!!



Attach the rubbertube to the gaspipe and you can use the burner.


The Submachine 2-The Lab Easy Walkthrough
Note:You can't get secrets!
The Lab


Get hammer on the right.

Break lock below on window

Take chimneybrush on far right of the attic.There is a rubber tube hanging above near the chimney.

Left,take naphthalene from labcoat.

Up and left to the chimney.Use chimneybrush there.

Take key from the ashes from the chimney below in the attic.

Left,take key from hanger,open door on left by the silver key,also take the handle under the table.

Through the door,2 floors down.There is a place,just go far right and take the lighter on the windowsill.

Down the stairs,take beaker,once more down the stairs to the first floor.

Notes aren't needed,you can't use the secrets too

Left to the door,open it,go inside,take soap on the sink,break the cap of the pipe above.

Twice to right,no need for the CD.Up,take 2nd test tube(Irontrioxide),right and take screwdirver on table.

Go to the beginning scene,go left and disscrew the valve by screwdriver.Take the valve.

Go to the first floor,go far left(bathroom),put on the valve to the slot on the vertical pipe.Put the beaker on grating and turn on the valve.

Take beaker,go to the place that you acquired the irontrioxide and the screwdriver.Put on the gashandle and rubber tube on the yellow pipe.Turn on the tap on the bunsen burner.Use the lighter on the gas outlet.You now have some fire!

Put in order:Full Beaker,Soap,Irontrioxide(Naphthalene),Napthalene(Irontrioxide)-as I know the Naphthalene and Irontrioxide can switch places.

Now you have Acidioxide in the beaker!Take the beaker,go downstairs,far right,unlock the door with yellow key,open it,go inside,use acidioxide on the strange keypad,ringing the bell is no use in this walkthrough because secrets are not used,the grating will open.Go right and type this code on the teleporter:596

Congratulations! You have teleported yourself to the end of the game.You can read the note from Murtaugh and go to the other parts of the game or directly finish the game by the door on the left.

If you want to go to the other parts,first use the code in the lab by typing the code 001 on the teleporter,and taking the note near it.

That's all folks! If you are going to look at the other parts,use the other walkthrough posted by Scott and the secret walkthrough by Trame

sub machine fan July 4, 2011 8:23 AM

HEEEEY !!!!!!!!!!! I finshed it all and the camera pics were very nice !!! And p.s. YOU HELPED ME ALOT !!!!!!


Hi, I finished the game a while ago but I still can't figure out what exactly IS the upperdeck of the ship .....

I know the goal was to reach that upperdeck but I'm not sure I did or not ....

I know, sounds like Alzheimer but can anyone of you tell me what the upperdeck is looking like or what one has to do once you reach the upperdeck, so I can recognize it when I see it ?

Thx a lot ya subs !


Did you know there are actually 22 secrets in the game. I just played without any help, and there is an extra. Did anybody else find that?

justanotheremail32123 February 25, 2013 6:50 PM




I only just realised that you can click the sections (numbers 1-14) in "notes" as/after you find them. "1. coordinates of known" gives you some of the codes to transport places.

Rever Man (-; August 10, 2015 12:30 PM

This is my favorite series of all-time. Good job Mateusz!


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