It's finally spring and time for some sunshine! For anyone still stuck indoors watching the rain, Rincom9 has you covered with Spring Marbles a light, cheerful puzzle game that will brighten even the most overcast day.
Hi wildflower12. Can we get some more information? The game looks fine to me on Windows Chrome. What browser are you using? What other games are you experiencing this on? (Remember that details help us track down user issues.)
I have no problems with this game fitting in its screen. Maybe you accidentally zoomed in on it?
This is definitely a browser "zoom" issue. Your browser has been zoomed in and that adversely affects the display of some Flash games. You can reset most browsers by pressing [ctrl]-0 (zero) or by selecting "Reset" from the browser's "View" menu. Check our Support page FAQ for answers to this and other commonly asked questions.
This among several other games, doesn't fit in the screen. The edges are completely cut off. Can we have either a bigger screen or an alt link?
Hi wildflower12. Can we get some more information? The game looks fine to me on Windows Chrome. What browser are you using? What other games are you experiencing this on? (Remember that details help us track down user issues.)
I have no problems with this game fitting in its screen. Maybe you accidentally zoomed in on it?
This is definitely a browser "zoom" issue. Your browser has been zoomed in and that adversely affects the display of some Flash games. You can reset most browsers by pressing [ctrl]-0 (zero) or by selecting "Reset" from the browser's "View" menu. Check our Support page FAQ for answers to this and other commonly asked questions.
It was a decent puzzler. Somewhat easy, I only had trouble on 2 or 3 levels.
The general strategy is to