Snakes On A Cartesian Plane
If a snake eats a pellet in the forest, and no one is there to control the joystick, does it still score a point? There's no need to get philosophical with Netgrind's Snakes On A Cartesian Plane, but you do need to put your thinking cap on. Each level puts a twist on the classic snake game, like disappearing traps, weirdly warping walls, and twisted controls. How many points can you rack up?
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Snakes on a Cartesian Plane:
Variations from Level to Level
Just like usual: navigate with the arrow keys.
Only turns clockwise.
Moves one pixel sideways at regular intervals.
Sea Snake
Food slowly drops offscreen.
You only have to touch the food to swallow it.
Once you eat a piece of food, the location becomes deadly.
Every space is food!
Every fifth pellet makes the walls get smaller.
The walls don't lead where you think they do.
You can see the next 7 food pellets, but you can only eat the current one.
Solid Snake
Two food pellets appear on screen at once. When you eat one, you pop out of the other one.
3x3 squares appear on screen. The center square is deadly, the rest is food.
You are three squares wide.
Grass Snake
Every so often, your body turns into a string of deadly squares and your head starts anew.
Coral Snake
Your controls are reversed!
Rat Snake
For every food pellet you eat, two deadly squares appear.
You're invisible except for your tail and everywhere you turn.
King Snake
Your food moves fast! (Hint: Charge it head-on.)
Queen Snake
You have a time limit to eat each pellet.
Four squares that may or may not be food appear at one time.
Every other square of you is pretty much non-existent.
Death Adder
There are deadly squares arranged in a grid pattern.
Whenever you eat something, your tail becomes your head and vice versa.
Same as mamushi, but the food is the same color as the deadly squares.
Puff Adder
Your food moves - slower than in King Snake, but randomly.
Like mamushi, but you can only see the deadly squares when you're turning.
Like Mamushi, but you can't see the deadly squares at all!
Can't face left.
@Reece, The percentage shown on Ringneck is glitched indeed, but the internal control is fine. Once you die 50 times by hitting your tail you'll unlock it alright. It's a bit annoying, but keep playing and you'll get it eventually.
The games themselves are pretty good, but what really amazes me is how the dev managed to create so many of them, throwing in twist after twist even when it seems there can't be anything else to change. 5 mushrooms for the great display of game designing!
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Walkthrough Guide
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Snakes on a Cartesian Plane:
Variations from Level to Level
Just like usual: navigate with the arrow keys.
Only turns clockwise.
Moves one pixel sideways at regular intervals.
Sea Snake
Food slowly drops offscreen.
You only have to touch the food to swallow it.
Once you eat a piece of food, the location becomes deadly.
Every space is food!
Every fifth pellet makes the walls get smaller.
The walls don't lead where you think they do.
You can see the next 7 food pellets, but you can only eat the current one.
Solid Snake
Two food pellets appear on screen at once. When you eat one, you pop out of the other one.
3x3 squares appear on screen. The center square is deadly, the rest is food.
You are three squares wide.
Grass Snake
Every so often, your body turns into a string of deadly squares and your head starts anew.
Coral Snake
Your controls are reversed!
Rat Snake
For every food pellet you eat, two deadly squares appear.
You're invisible except for your tail and everywhere you turn.
King Snake
Your food moves fast! (Hint: Charge it head-on.)
Queen Snake
You have a time limit to eat each pellet.
Four squares that may or may not be food appear at one time.
Every other square of you is pretty much non-existent.
Death Adder
There are deadly squares arranged in a grid pattern.
Whenever you eat something, your tail becomes your head and vice versa.
Same as mamushi, but the food is the same color as the deadly squares.
Puff Adder
Your food moves - slower than in King Snake, but randomly.
Like mamushi, but you can only see the deadly squares when you're turning.
Like Mamushi, but you can't see the deadly squares at all!
Can't face left.
Posted by: bubblecamera
June 6, 2012 6:13 PM