What's more important... the truth or happiness? Sometimes you can't have both. In Thomas Brush's latest platformer adventure, you play a robot named Skinny, woken up from a pleasant dream by his Mama, who insists she's being terrorized by a little boy named Felix who only wants to steal from your friends and hurt the ones you love.
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JIGuest -
I'm stuck at the same point. I can get close but not close enough.
You don't need to use the lift, there is a jump pad above the blue switch which gets you there quicker. You also don't need to use the yellow switch, there is an alternative way in around to the left which bypasses the yellow barrier.
The last level (fourth, is it?) almost got me mad until I realized
it is much simpler then expected (what with being the last, maybe hardest level and all..). Just follow the linear path; first, up and a bit to the left from Felix - there's a yellow switch. Either push it, and quickly jump-grab "mama's hook zone" which is still a bit to the left of the yellow switch, or climb the scaffolding directly under the hook zone, switch the yellow light and jump to the left. Then just carefully to the left watching out for the spiders..
Great graphic, atmosphere, music, sounds, style...
Basically, if you use the platform on the level above the white wall switch(second level), you'll make it in time to hit the yellow and the red switches so you can catch Felix.
The trick is to take advantage of the fact that you have that extended arm.
Here's what you need to do:
-get on the level with the white wall switch.
-don't press it until you're at the edge where you step onto the lift and jump on the level above.
-quickly hit the top platform and fly across the sky.
-hit the yellow switch.
-to save time, once you drop down, you don't have to move, just drop and click the red one.
-race across to get the last battery and catch felix.
This gives you enough time, but a very dense window of time to get there. Very tedious.
Good luck!
Once you talk to felix, you dont have to worry about the switches anymore. You can just take the battery and give all 6 to the last guy. when you go back to talk to him, it'll be cake.
Key in the 3rd level:
I found the key in the 3rd level in the treetops near the locked door. I didn't actually see it but found it when I shot my hook a couple times in the area. I believe it is above and slightly to the right of the man in the chair. I jumped and shot hook from the ledge where the locked door is to get it.
Location of the Keys
Level 1: Hanging on a branch to the right side of the house.
Level 2: Near the exit.
Level 3: Above character's brother Blake. (He's the person at the top right of the level. I just clicked somewhere in the area above him.)
Location of the Locked Doors
Level 1: Go past the person roughly under Shirley's location.
Level 2: Go past Shirley.
Level 3: Go past Blake.
A note on the ending...
There wasn't really much of an ending. The ending is the same after finding one or all of the hidden items, but finding the hidden items helps you understand Level 0.
I liked this game except I tried hard to finish the second level. I figured out the laser thing but for some reason I can't get the last 5 orbs.
I could find three and the ones under the platform I can't get.
Oh well, will try again when someone posts a walkthrough online to see where I'm screwing up.
for everyone who can't get the last battery behind the blue barrier in the lower right of the third, forest, level, try hitting the blue gem in the treehouse while standing on the suspended trolley thing, jump onto the upper treehouse platform and then jump up against the vertical jump plate. you should be able to get to the yellow barrier, hit the yellow gem, and drop to the ground before the blue barrier comes back on.
For anyone having problems in the third level...
When the moving platform gets "stuck" and it seems like you can't go to the hightest part on the right, it's actually not "stuck"; if you move it to the right and also jump to the right when it stops again, you can reach the last guy strapped to the chair
excuse me if im being a numbskull, but is this really what happens or is it just your own little explanation?
To Everyone Else:
what on EARTH is up with the ending? Felix tells you to "step into the System," so honest to god im half wondering if Felix, Shirley, and Mama are working together to trick Skinny into getting into the system.
sorry if im reading into it too much, but because Skinny steps into the chair alone and what Felix says it certainly is plausible. like what if Mama couldnt strap Skinny into a chair cause hes a robot, and theyre only built for humans, so she built a SUPERCHAIR~? i dont know XD. if anyone can shed some light on this that would be lovely :D
The items:
bird cage: refer to how the grown ups are being trapped in The system WITHOUT FREEDOM, like a bird trapped in a cage
Hook: Try link it to fishing/phising. According to what sherly said, the radiation is non existent and Mama use it to LURE the other humans to be strapped into the chairs. This is reinforced by the fact on how Mama planned to convert all humans into things like Skinny (i.e. Robot) and use them as slaves
Tomb: Possibly hinting the backstory of Mama? (Pete is her only son)
Level 0
This is likely to be one of the simulated reality of The System where Skinny is trapped in. The 'son' is very likely Felix or Mama, as there is system error just after the 'son' finished talking.
Felix's interpretation:
Felix did something (probably stealing batteries) which causes Skinny to be disconnected from The System.
(As the motives of Mama is suspicious (briefly mentioned how she is planning to make everyone like Skinny), followed by how Blake told Skinny that felix knows where the main body of Mama is, supported by the reactions of the grown ups when temporary disconnected and Sherly's comment on the radiation. this is the more likely interpretation)
Mama's interpretation:
Mama noticed that Felix had stolen the batteries required to keep grown ups connected to The System, thus she disconnect Skinny (sort of security bot?) to reality so he can track him and the batteries down
The System
This is probably based on Matrix. The workings of The System seemed to work like The Matrix's simulated reality. Mama is probably a machine which oversees the operation of The System. Her plan, as what sherly had put in, is to control humans by locking their senses into a VR environment. The reason for this is unknown.
The ending
If Felix's interpretation is correct, Skinny is going to get into The System's mainframe (Mama) to crash it from within, thereby freeing all humans from Mama's slavery, this also suggest there might be a sequal to this, which will show how Skinny destroy The System
As for relation to Coma. In coma the protangonist is in a coma. A 'Mama' is telling the protangonist to play bounceball. As another player had pointed out, the balls of bounceball keep regenerates, this result a neverending game. Mama is like a tumour and her plan is to stop the protangonist from being awoke, so she can control him using the coma
Similarly, the Mama here is trying to enslave poeple, this time not just one but many, and she use a simulated reality instead of a disease
If you want an "art game" like this, molleindustria has a few, namely "Every day the same thing" and "Skyscraper."
As for the hidden items...
They help explain the aftermath of Thomas Brush's other flash game, "Coma." The last hidden item "Skinny" is Pete's tomb (the player character from "Coma'), suggesting he never woke up.
My interpretation:
The first level is Skinny in the System. The comments of the people and Mamas's behavior lead me to believe Skinny was once a human being. Mama turned him into a rbot so he could help her.
Pete was Mama's child. He went into a coma at some point. Then he woke up, and died. Mama doesnt want anyone dying ever again, so she developed the System.
Holy cow... I just thought of something...
What if Pete (the main character from Coma) is Skinny? The coma Pete was in could have been his version of The System, and when he woke up, he was a Robot. The hidden items were an example of his mind remembering his time spent in The System. Just a thought...
Somehow missed this subtle sequel to Coma. I like this one even better. Love the theories on how they relate together.
My take:
Everything is as Shirley and the adults who were aware enough to ask to be let *out* of the chairs say it is. Mama tricked them with lies about radiation and "cancers." I like the idea above that this is referring to Mama Gomboysa from Coma, who wanted Pete to stay asleep.
My interpretational twist is that either Mama tricked both Shirley and Felix, or at least one of them is in cahoots with her. For Felix's case at the least, I find it mighty suspicious that he leads Skinny back into a chair at the end despite *knowing* what all the adults went through and even MORE suspicious he's supposedly "clumsy" but doesn't try to go back for all those "batteries" he supposedly dropped.
I think Level 0 was the "dream" of Skinny's original human form, and that Skinny was Pete's father. Maybe Pete's dad was so scary in Coma because he was an early ally of Mama Gomboysa. I think the grave said something about Pete's body resting below/inside the church. And the last stage is in a church? If Mama is able to somehow convert humans into robots like Skinny (as confirmed by the prologue and things several of the more alert chair-people say), maybe Mama found a way to use poor dead Pete's body.
Only things I can't figure out are why Skinny's human-body brother recognizes him in his robot form, and what's up with the battery/spider eggs.
Absolutely agree a sequel would be awesome...
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Walkthrough Guide
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Location of the Keys
Level 1: Hanging on a branch to the right side of the house.
Level 2: Near the exit.
Level 3: Above character's brother Blake. (He's the person at the top right of the level. I just clicked somewhere in the area above him.)
Location of the Locked Doors
Level 1: Go past the person roughly under Shirley's location.
Level 2: Go past Shirley.
Level 3: Go past Blake.
A note on the ending...
There wasn't really much of an ending. The ending is the same after finding one or all of the hidden items, but finding the hidden items helps you understand Level 0.
Posted by: Finn
June 23, 2011 1:25 AM