Simian Interface
Vested Interest's mouse-driven puzzle game starts out simple but quickly gets... weird. Your job is to align squares and figure out patterns before completing them, but the deeper into the game you go, the more you'll realise this game is far more clever than it seems at first blush... meow!
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The green/black/brown level ...
is the hardest but it does have a neat solution.
You're looking for a regular pattern, the same over X as it is over Y, which includes all three colours. There's no trick to it, just accept it's going to take five times as long as the others and keep looking.
Yes, that's the end. you are satisfactory, which is the highest praise a cat ever gives anything.
Wow. Ummmmmm.... I can't think of anything family-friendly to express the level of "what the heck did I just go through" that I'm feeling right now.
Between the synthesized background music, the colors, the moving levels of background colors, and the rotation of levels of reality itself, I thought I was stuck in the middle of a flashback to a few of the parties I attended in the 1980's.
Interesting game. Comes across almost as a simulator for some sort of drug awareness program.
Hey guys,
I found something kind of interesting:
When I played through the first computer level (after the three modules) I got to the part where you have to flip the lines and match up the square outline. I moved my mouse to somewhere in the lower right quadrant, and a square flashed and beeped at me. Now, at the upper right of the computer level, there's a flashing little square, as though I unlocked that level's square or something. Maybe I'm just missing something, but maybe all the levels have one! We should check it out.
Simian Interface Walkthrough
Secrets are a hidden puzzle found on one level within each stage.
When a secret is discovered and completed, that stage will be indicated by a small, flashing square beside the stage's icon within the stage select screen.
Once all 6 secrets are found, go to the stage select screen and click the red square that appears at the lower left corner of the screen to unlock the bonus content.
Secrets Locations & Solutions
Mod A
Level 1
Position the solid white box inside the empty white square outline to create a single, solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 2
Arrange the solid white box and the smaller empty square on top of the large empty square at the center to combine the three parts into a solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 3
Move the visible white box towards the upper right to reveal a second white box.
Position each white box over one of the white empty squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 4
Drag the cursor vertically to move the empty white squares or horizontally to move the white box.
Assemble all three on top of each other near the lower left side of the screen so that they form one solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 5
Drag the cursor horizontally to align the white box with the top of empty white rectangle.
Move the cursor downward to reveal another two white boxes and line them all up inside the rectangle to fill it.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
If you look carefully at the background, you'll notice a number of large, pale white squares.
Arrange the squares so that they are all connected in neat rows and columns, covering the entire background.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot to discover the secret:
Level 6
Line up the two white boxes with the two empty white squares.
The left box will shift from left to right when you the cursor moves horizontally.
The right box will shift up and down when the cursor moves vertically.
First make all four shapes by adjusting their height.
Next, carefully move the cursor to the right to arrange the two outlines on top of both boxes.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 7
Match up all of the white boxes inside the empty squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Mod B
Level 1
The white box in the center rotates when you move your cursor horizontally.
Line up the empty square with the bottom of the white box, then carefully move it upwards to overlap with the white box into a solid square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 2
Drag the cursor towards the lower left to reveal an empty white square.
Move the empty square to the center of the screen; all the tiny squares will arrange inside of it to create a solid square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 3
Point the cursor at the center of the screen.
From there, carefully adjust the cursor so that the white box in the center is stretched out to fill all of the square outline.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 4
Position the white box inside the square outline at the center.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Note the multiple small, pale white squares in the background of the puzzle.
Just like in the secret at Mod A (Level 5), arrange the squares so that they are all connected in neat rows and columns, covering the entire background.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot to discover the secret:
Level 5
Arrange all three white boxes into the empty white squares.
The squares need to be positioned so that they are angled in the shape of a diamond.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 6
Position the white box inside the empty square outline.
Moving the cursor horizontally will cycle through the different outlines while moving it vertically will go through the different solid shapes.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 7
Arrange all of the shapes so that they are organized into separate rows of purple and white squares.
Use the unmoving white square near the middle-left side of the screen as an orientation point for the center row of white squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Mod C
Level 1
At the start of the level you'll see a white outline and a grey box. Move the cursor to the left to reveal a grey outline and a white box.
Arrange the grey box inside the grey outline and the white box inside the white outline.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 2
Combine the red, green, and blue squares inside the white outline to combine them into one solid white square at the center of the screen.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 3
Position the two purple squares inside the purple rectangular outline and the two yellow squares inside the yellow rectangular outline.
The red and green squares create a yellow square when combined.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 4
Arrange all the overlapping colored shapes into one white square.
First adjust the cursor vertically so that the shapes are all the same height, then adjust vertically so that they are equal width.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 5
Move the cursor to change the color of (almost) all of the squares. Note that the red square near the lower right corner does not change.
Find the point on the screen that turns all of the squares red.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Note the pale white rectangular bars in the background of the puzzle.
Using the same strategy as in the other secrets, arrange the bars so that they are all connected in neat rows, covering the entire background.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot to discover the secret:
Level 6
Arrange all of the white squares into neat rows and columns.
For the empty space at the lower left, assemble the red, green, and blue square on top of each other to create a solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 7
Move the cursor towards the upper right to reveal two dark blue lines, one vertical and the other horizontal.
Position the dark blue lines on top of the bright green lines to create a pattern of turquoise squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 1
Arrange all of the pieces so that they combine with the white shape at the center of the screen to create a solid white square.
First move the cursor horizontally to connect the L-shaped pieces together into U-shaped blocks.
Next, carefully move the cursor vertically to assemble the pieces within the outline.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 2
Assemble the four smaller squares together inside the empty outline at the center of the screen to create a solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 3
Arrange the five shapes into one white square at the center of the screen.
The first t-shaped piece goes at the top of the block, the second t-shaped piece goes on the right, the l-shaped piece goes on the left, and the z-shaped piece goes on the bottom.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 4
First move the cursor horizontally to position the white bars inside the square outline.
Next, move the cursor vertically to stretch the outline to fit around the bars into a solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Note the multiple small, pale white squares in the background of the puzzle.
Just like in the secret at Mod B (Level 4), arrange the squares so that they are all connected in neat rows and columns, covering the entire background.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot to discover the secret:
Level 5
Position the colored squares around the black lines, like a Piet Mondrian piece.
Move the red square next to the large L-shaped lines on the left side of the screen.
Move the blue square to the top right angle inside the square at the bottom left corner of the screen.
The corner of the yellow square will be barely visible at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 6
Arrange all of the squares into a pattern of zig-zag lines that are organized by color.
The order of the colors can be different between games, but the solution remains the same.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 7
Organize all of the stripes into a plaid pattern.
Use the yellow lines as your guide and arrange them into rows of squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 1
Rotate the angle of the white boxes so that they all fit inside the empty square outline to create one solid square.
The squares that appear to be the smallest should be positioned so that they appear to be at the front of the square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 2
Rotate the the multicolored squares at the center of the screen so that they all overlap to create a single, solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 3
Adjust two of the white boxes so that they fit inside the two empty square outlines.
Focus on fitting the largest square inside the bottom outline.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 4
Assemble all of the dotted squares so that they overlap inside the empty square outline.
First move the cursor horizontally to make the dotted squares all lined up at the top of the outline.
Next, adjust the cursor vertically to fit them inside the square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 5
Arrange all of the square outlines into a single box by positioning them around the solid white block at the center of the screen.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 6
Create two white squares (one white square on the left and one white square on the right) by overlapping one of each pair of red, green, and blue squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 7
Organize the shapes into a checkered pattern with rows of alternating dark green and light green diamonds.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Note the multiple thin, pale white horizontal bars in the background of the puzzle.
Arrange the bars so that they are all connected in neat rows and columns, covering the entire background.
This one is a bit trickier to line up than previous secrets. The easiest way to go about it is to first get all of them in parallel columns, and then adjust the cursor vertically to close the distance between the bars.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot to discover the secret:
Level 1
Flip and rotate the cubes so that they all fit inside the square outline to form a solid square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Note the large pale squares flashing in the background of the puzzle.
Arrange the squares so that they create a checkered pattern.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot to discover the secret:
Level 2
Flip and rotate the solid white object so that it fits within the h-shaped outline.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 3
Flip and rotate the solid white squares so that they fit inside the outlines of the two rectangles.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 4
Flip and rotate the cubes to fit them within the outlines of the small empty squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 5
First move the solid white box towards the empty white square at the center of the screen.
When the image shifts to a series of green cubes, position the light green cube inside the empty light green square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 6
Flip and rotate the cubes to position the yellow cube inside the yellow square outline and the pink cube inside the pink square outline.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 7
First position the solid white block within the empty white square to combine the two shapes.
Next, move that solid white block into the empty square that appears at the lower left corner.
Then move the even larger solid white block into the empty square that appears at the center of the screen.
Level 8
Rotate the colored cubes so that they overlap into 3x3 rows of white squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 9
Position the pink bars, black lines, and white squares to create a striped plaid pattern.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 10
Assemble all of the shapes within the empty square outline and on top of the white cube at the center of the screen to create one solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Bonus Levels
Discover and solve all of the secrets to unlock these new levels.
Level 1
Move the white box into the square outline.
Do not let either of the pieces touch the red bar or you will have to restart the puzzle.
Start by moving the cursor to the right side of the red bar, which will position both shapes on the left side.
Carefully adjust the shapes vertically to align them.
Level 2
Move the white box into the square outline without letting either shape touch either of the red squares.
Position both of the shapes in the middle area between the two red squares, then adjust the cursor vertically to bring them together.
Level 3
Combine all of the three white shapes together without letting them touch the two red bars.
Move the cursor to the right, making sure to avoid the left bar, to position the three shapes on the right side of the right bar where you can safely overlap the white square.
Level 4
Move the white box into the square outline.
First move the cursor downward to position the white box in the bottom right corner of the screen and the square outline at the upper left corner.
Next, drag the cursor to the left so that both white shapes are in the middle area at the top and bottom of the screen.
Carefully bring them both together in the center. You'll have to bring them close to two of the red squares to do so, but be careful not to let them touch.
Level 5
Move the white box into the square outline.
The red square will spin in a circle around the screen when the cursor is moved.
The easiest way to avoid it is to start by positioning the cursor in the lower left corner of the screen.
From there, move the cursor in a diagonal line near the center of the screen.
When the white box has safely passed the red square's rotation, adjust the cursor vertically (be careful not to move it too much horizontally) to bring the square outline out of the red square's path.
Combine the two white shapes at the center of the screen.
Level 6
This level is like a game of Frogger, you have to navigate the white box safely to the square outline without getting hit by any of the red squares.
The two rows of slow moving squares at the bottom are easy to navigate, but the top two rows require a little bit of good timing.
Do not enter the third row of fast moving squares until there is a wide enough opening between the large rectangles in the top row for the white box to safely pass through.
Once the white box is safe, overlap it with the square outline.
Level 7
Move the white box in the square outline.
As soon as the two shapes combine, the red square will start to chase your white box.
Quickly move the box into the next square outline without letting it touch the red square.
At this point, the red square will break into several smaller red squares which will chase the white box even faster.
Move the white box into the square outline before the red squares can catch it.
About the flashing squares:
There's one in each module. To find them:
On some levels, there will be a second puzzle in the background that you solve just like any other puzzle (move your mouse to the correct location to make the background shapes form a coherent pattern). When you do it right a flashing square will appear and you'll hear a chime not unlike the "item get" sound from the original Zelda =)
When you get all 6:
that's a secret =P But it's worth the effort!
I'm glad I read the comments to find out about the bonus levels. I couldn't actually complete them, but it was fun to play that completely different mode.
I'm just wondering if it's good or bad that someone could complete the game without knowing they missed half of it. Good because those who do figure it out can feel extra cool, but bad because ... well ... people miss out.
Oh gosh, I LOVE this game. Just beat it completely in all three control schemes. The music is so deliciously retro and the puzzles are all easy to finish once you know what you're doing.
10/10 would play again. (and again, and again.... Y'know what? I may just download the game and soundtrack from their site!)
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Walkthrough Guide
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Simian Interface Walkthrough
Secrets are a hidden puzzle found on one level within each stage.
When a secret is discovered and completed, that stage will be indicated by a small, flashing square beside the stage's icon within the stage select screen.
Once all 6 secrets are found, go to the stage select screen and click the red square that appears at the lower left corner of the screen to unlock the bonus content.
Secrets Locations & Solutions
Mod A - Level 5.
Mod B - Level 4.
Mod C - Level 5.
Main - Level 4.
Dir - Level 7.
Sys - Level 1.
Mod A
Level 1
Position the solid white box inside the empty white square outline to create a single, solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 2
Arrange the solid white box and the smaller empty square on top of the large empty square at the center to combine the three parts into a solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 3
Move the visible white box towards the upper right to reveal a second white box.
Position each white box over one of the white empty squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 4
Drag the cursor vertically to move the empty white squares or horizontally to move the white box.
Assemble all three on top of each other near the lower left side of the screen so that they form one solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 5
Drag the cursor horizontally to align the white box with the top of empty white rectangle.
Move the cursor downward to reveal another two white boxes and line them all up inside the rectangle to fill it.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
If you look carefully at the background, you'll notice a number of large, pale white squares.
Arrange the squares so that they are all connected in neat rows and columns, covering the entire background.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot to discover the secret:
Level 6
Line up the two white boxes with the two empty white squares.
The left box will shift from left to right when you the cursor moves horizontally.
The right box will shift up and down when the cursor moves vertically.
First make all four shapes by adjusting their height.
Next, carefully move the cursor to the right to arrange the two outlines on top of both boxes.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 7
Match up all of the white boxes inside the empty squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Mod B
Level 1
The white box in the center rotates when you move your cursor horizontally.
Line up the empty square with the bottom of the white box, then carefully move it upwards to overlap with the white box into a solid square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 2
Drag the cursor towards the lower left to reveal an empty white square.
Move the empty square to the center of the screen; all the tiny squares will arrange inside of it to create a solid square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 3
Point the cursor at the center of the screen.
From there, carefully adjust the cursor so that the white box in the center is stretched out to fill all of the square outline.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 4
Position the white box inside the square outline at the center.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Note the multiple small, pale white squares in the background of the puzzle.
Just like in the secret at Mod A (Level 5), arrange the squares so that they are all connected in neat rows and columns, covering the entire background.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot to discover the secret:
Level 5
Arrange all three white boxes into the empty white squares.
The squares need to be positioned so that they are angled in the shape of a diamond.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 6
Position the white box inside the empty square outline.
Moving the cursor horizontally will cycle through the different outlines while moving it vertically will go through the different solid shapes.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 7
Arrange all of the shapes so that they are organized into separate rows of purple and white squares.
Use the unmoving white square near the middle-left side of the screen as an orientation point for the center row of white squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Mod C
Level 1
At the start of the level you'll see a white outline and a grey box. Move the cursor to the left to reveal a grey outline and a white box.
Arrange the grey box inside the grey outline and the white box inside the white outline.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 2
Combine the red, green, and blue squares inside the white outline to combine them into one solid white square at the center of the screen.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 3
Position the two purple squares inside the purple rectangular outline and the two yellow squares inside the yellow rectangular outline.
The red and green squares create a yellow square when combined.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 4
Arrange all the overlapping colored shapes into one white square.
First adjust the cursor vertically so that the shapes are all the same height, then adjust vertically so that they are equal width.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 5
Move the cursor to change the color of (almost) all of the squares. Note that the red square near the lower right corner does not change.
Find the point on the screen that turns all of the squares red.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Note the pale white rectangular bars in the background of the puzzle.
Using the same strategy as in the other secrets, arrange the bars so that they are all connected in neat rows, covering the entire background.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot to discover the secret:
Level 6
Arrange all of the white squares into neat rows and columns.
For the empty space at the lower left, assemble the red, green, and blue square on top of each other to create a solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 7
Move the cursor towards the upper right to reveal two dark blue lines, one vertical and the other horizontal.
Position the dark blue lines on top of the bright green lines to create a pattern of turquoise squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 1
Arrange all of the pieces so that they combine with the white shape at the center of the screen to create a solid white square.
First move the cursor horizontally to connect the L-shaped pieces together into U-shaped blocks.
Next, carefully move the cursor vertically to assemble the pieces within the outline.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 2
Assemble the four smaller squares together inside the empty outline at the center of the screen to create a solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 3
Arrange the five shapes into one white square at the center of the screen.
The first t-shaped piece goes at the top of the block, the second t-shaped piece goes on the right, the l-shaped piece goes on the left, and the z-shaped piece goes on the bottom.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 4
First move the cursor horizontally to position the white bars inside the square outline.
Next, move the cursor vertically to stretch the outline to fit around the bars into a solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Note the multiple small, pale white squares in the background of the puzzle.
Just like in the secret at Mod B (Level 4), arrange the squares so that they are all connected in neat rows and columns, covering the entire background.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot to discover the secret:
Level 5
Position the colored squares around the black lines, like a Piet Mondrian piece.
Move the red square next to the large L-shaped lines on the left side of the screen.
Move the blue square to the top right angle inside the square at the bottom left corner of the screen.
The corner of the yellow square will be barely visible at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 6
Arrange all of the squares into a pattern of zig-zag lines that are organized by color.
The order of the colors can be different between games, but the solution remains the same.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 7
Organize all of the stripes into a plaid pattern.
Use the yellow lines as your guide and arrange them into rows of squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 1
Rotate the angle of the white boxes so that they all fit inside the empty square outline to create one solid square.
The squares that appear to be the smallest should be positioned so that they appear to be at the front of the square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 2
Rotate the the multicolored squares at the center of the screen so that they all overlap to create a single, solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 3
Adjust two of the white boxes so that they fit inside the two empty square outlines.
Focus on fitting the largest square inside the bottom outline.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 4
Assemble all of the dotted squares so that they overlap inside the empty square outline.
First move the cursor horizontally to make the dotted squares all lined up at the top of the outline.
Next, adjust the cursor vertically to fit them inside the square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 5
Arrange all of the square outlines into a single box by positioning them around the solid white block at the center of the screen.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 6
Create two white squares (one white square on the left and one white square on the right) by overlapping one of each pair of red, green, and blue squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 7
Organize the shapes into a checkered pattern with rows of alternating dark green and light green diamonds.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Note the multiple thin, pale white horizontal bars in the background of the puzzle.
Arrange the bars so that they are all connected in neat rows and columns, covering the entire background.
This one is a bit trickier to line up than previous secrets. The easiest way to go about it is to first get all of them in parallel columns, and then adjust the cursor vertically to close the distance between the bars.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot to discover the secret:
Level 1
Flip and rotate the cubes so that they all fit inside the square outline to form a solid square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Note the large pale squares flashing in the background of the puzzle.
Arrange the squares so that they create a checkered pattern.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot to discover the secret:
Level 2
Flip and rotate the solid white object so that it fits within the h-shaped outline.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 3
Flip and rotate the solid white squares so that they fit inside the outlines of the two rectangles.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 4
Flip and rotate the cubes to fit them within the outlines of the small empty squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 5
First move the solid white box towards the empty white square at the center of the screen.
When the image shifts to a series of green cubes, position the light green cube inside the empty light green square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 6
Flip and rotate the cubes to position the yellow cube inside the yellow square outline and the pink cube inside the pink square outline.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 7
First position the solid white block within the empty white square to combine the two shapes.
Screenshot Part 1.
Next, move that solid white block into the empty square that appears at the lower left corner.
Screenshot Part 2.
Then move the even larger solid white block into the empty square that appears at the center of the screen.
Screenshot Part 2.
Level 8
Rotate the colored cubes so that they overlap into 3x3 rows of white squares.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 9
Position the pink bars, black lines, and white squares to create a striped plaid pattern.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Level 10
Assemble all of the shapes within the empty square outline and on top of the white cube at the center of the screen to create one solid white square.
Align the cursor with the area indicated in the following screenshot:
Bonus Levels
Discover and solve all of the secrets to unlock these new levels.
Level 1
Move the white box into the square outline.
Do not let either of the pieces touch the red bar or you will have to restart the puzzle.
Start by moving the cursor to the right side of the red bar, which will position both shapes on the left side.
Carefully adjust the shapes vertically to align them.
Level 2
Move the white box into the square outline without letting either shape touch either of the red squares.
Position both of the shapes in the middle area between the two red squares, then adjust the cursor vertically to bring them together.
Level 3
Combine all of the three white shapes together without letting them touch the two red bars.
Move the cursor to the right, making sure to avoid the left bar, to position the three shapes on the right side of the right bar where you can safely overlap the white square.
Level 4
Move the white box into the square outline.
First move the cursor downward to position the white box in the bottom right corner of the screen and the square outline at the upper left corner.
Next, drag the cursor to the left so that both white shapes are in the middle area at the top and bottom of the screen.
Carefully bring them both together in the center. You'll have to bring them close to two of the red squares to do so, but be careful not to let them touch.
Level 5
Move the white box into the square outline.
The red square will spin in a circle around the screen when the cursor is moved.
The easiest way to avoid it is to start by positioning the cursor in the lower left corner of the screen.
From there, move the cursor in a diagonal line near the center of the screen.
When the white box has safely passed the red square's rotation, adjust the cursor vertically (be careful not to move it too much horizontally) to bring the square outline out of the red square's path.
Combine the two white shapes at the center of the screen.
Level 6
This level is like a game of Frogger, you have to navigate the white box safely to the square outline without getting hit by any of the red squares.
The two rows of slow moving squares at the bottom are easy to navigate, but the top two rows require a little bit of good timing.
Do not enter the third row of fast moving squares until there is a wide enough opening between the large rectangles in the top row for the white box to safely pass through.
Once the white box is safe, overlap it with the square outline.
Level 7
Move the white box in the square outline.
Solution Part 1.
As soon as the two shapes combine, the red square will start to chase your white box.
Quickly move the box into the next square outline without letting it touch the red square.
Solution Part 2.
At this point, the red square will break into several smaller red squares which will chase the white box even faster.
Move the white box into the square outline before the red squares can catch it.
Solution Part 3.
Posted by: Trinn
March 4, 2013 1:58 PM