Connor Ullmann fires up the Wayback Machine for those gorgeous little retro action adventure inspired by classic 2D games like Zelda. As a little boy who was apparently born from a breath of wind, your quest for self-discovery and the wishes of your maker will take you across a huge world teeming with enemies, secrets, treasure, puzzles, and more. A beautiful little gem with classic gameplay and a satisfying adventure that is well worth checking out even if you weren't born when games like this were in their heyday.
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This is terrific, it feels a lot like the original Zelda. But I'm afraid I'm already stuck.
Anybody know what to do in the forest temple? I've made it to the point where I've run into three green key doors, and I can see the green key, but have no idea how to get to it. There doesn't seem to be anywhere else to go.
Hi Nightwisher!
In the forested area with the sword monster, where there are steps blocked off to the far right behind stone columns and such, there is a patch of dirt to the lower left that will collapse if you walk over it or get close enough to it. This might ONLY happen if you've already found the light/lamp item... I had it on me at the time. You can fall through there and find a switch that will help you get the key. I hope that helps!
Am I the only one getting stuck after that point, where:
Once you get the green key you move "south" and hit a switch that drops a stone behind you. Except if you die you respawn north of the stone and can't move it or reach the switch, and going up and down the stairs to the area again does not reset it?
I'm almost at the end of the game and I've hit a brick wall.
I have all but one
of the gold pieces I need to avoid killing the Watcher
I've revisited all of the dungeons except for
the castle Lacste, because it is now blocked off and I can't get in it.
Is it supposed to be blocked off now, or did I miss one of the pieces I need during my first time through it and now I can't reaccess it because of a bug?
Thoughts on the game + ending *SUPER HUGE SPOILER*
While I thought this was a good game, with the use of some other elements, I think it could reach perfection. The theme of the game is morality and I realized this after the first boss dungeon. I was excited to reply the game to get both endings but realized that the choice of "good" ending and "bad" ending were separated by a literal split path before the end.
If you truly want a perfect game, you need to marriage your theme with your gameplay.
This game gave me the impression that if you were able to do things out of the proper order, the better ending could be obtained.
For example: I though that the shield could be obtained without killing the "shield spire" if I had obtained the conch. (swimming)
At first impression, I would be able to progress through the game without killing the guardians, getting certain power ups which would make the make more difficult; That is what the point should be in my opinion. Creating a "win-win" scenario is vastly more difficult than a "win-lose" and as such feels more rewarding when someone get to the end and it's not a choice between door #1 or #2. I tried to go to the north at the beginning and met the Easter egg "Sardol." Which I thought was brilliant, but sadly, any further development with him of a secret ending never came to fruition.
While it was entertaining, I don't think the collecting of the amulet treasures hit home with the theme because it's not hard to collect treasure when overly powered, but it is when you choose not to have sword in hand
Don't get me wrong, I really like this game, but a theme like morality needs to heavily "seeded" throughout a game to have a massive and memorable impact.
Hothotpot, I'm probably not the best person to be giving advice, since I'm still missing one, but if you search each dungeon thoroughly you should find two out of the three you're missing at least. For example:
there's an easy to forget piece in the shieldspire dungeon. Also remember to go back to the the shadow dungeon once you've got the lava swim ability.
:( I am completely stuck
at the giant purple sword monster (as shown in the second screenshot). I passed a set of stairs (I didn't go into it) so I don't know what was in that room. I just headed straight through the yellow key hole to the stairs and eventually to this Purple Sword monster room.
So far, I only unlocked the sword. I have no idea how to beat the sword monster, and I don't get the sign clue (waiting)... I can't go back because the yellow key hole blocks the way back...
Does anyone have any idea what to do...?
Linderella, I was stuck there for a while as well. It was highly annoying. You need to
walk right up to the statue, but do not attack. Wait for a while and he will eventually lower his sword and shield. When he does, hit him fast, get out of the way, and then repeat. Make sure you are right up and touching him, or it doesn't seem to trigger.
Here's my interpretation of the ending:
Instead of being a game about choosing good or evil all the way through (which has been done before, a lot), the moral is slightly more hopeful. The idea is that if you've done wrong without knowing, once someone shows you the right path you have a choice between wrong and right. Continue along your path or try to change as hard as that may be.
In this sense, I think that the moral is actually strong in how it applies to our lives. Yeah, a lot of times we know what's good or bad. But there are also a lot of times when we don't know and are forced to act or make a decision. The moral here applies to those situations. Know that you have done wrong and turn from it in the future.
Well, that's enough philosophy.
The game-play was excellent. Some good challenges, but the timing wasn't too complex. Lots of classic elements to keep older gamers happy and younger gamers puzzled.
The only beef I have is the map complexity. My brain didn't jive with the layout. It would've been helpful to have a map pickup/item for navigation. But that could just be me. Although I have to say
They did a good job of showing where the doors were in later stages when water and lava swimming entered the picture.
I am stuck can anyone help?
After I got the sword and shield that purlpe thing with hole comes down and I don't know what to do. I think I have explored everywhere: I found the witch who missed his wand. And I found Saldor on the icy carven but he sends me back to kill his minions.
I have no idea what to do now.
Very polished and enjoyable; however, I got fatigued after obtaining the dark suit. I simply didn't want to constantly backtrack to remember what remaining locked doors I could now access. The game would benefit greatly from a popup map button (could be very simple or stylized, with a flowing dot representing player). I fear a great deal of the excellence is being missed by people who get too frustrated.
Gah, I'm stuck. I'm in the... Woshad? Stab in the dark.
I'm in the left room, staring at what I think is the yellow key, and can't figure out how to get the purple block onto the switch. I have the first four keys, the four weapons, and can swim up waterfalls. Can I get this now, or is there something else I can do right now? I've found two more places to eventually go, but they both require lava swimming.
New version online! that addresses these issues:
If you open a chest and die before "getting" the piece inside, you will now respawn with the piece.
If you re-enter the lava dungeon after beating it, you can get back out.
If you defeat the Light and return, they won't respawn.
If these don't seem to happen for you, please try emptying your cache and reloading!
Ben is working on a walkthrough to help you find all the missing pieces, and it should be up soon!
You need to use
Your spear to push the block onto the trip switch. The spear will push two blocks away from where you are standing. So you need to push it then move yourself then push again a few times, shuffling around and getting it in the correct place
And for my question is there a way to see if I have all the chests, I think I do but I am not sure - the video on the last one was very fuzzy.
yaddab - I'd already gotten the first bit, I was blanking on the last bit. Thanks, though!
Finished, hooray! Agreed on the 10/5. Major spoilers:
I'm pretty sure there was no way to avoid killing the Owl, but I'd be interested to know myself. I know that when I tried going up there mid-battle, it was blocked, so it's at least inevitable once you hit that point, but I am curious if anything could have turned out differently. I assume not, especially in light of the pacifist ending and the whole 'one step towards morality', but I'm not actually sure.
Also, Adnam, or whatever his name was? Destroyer of worlds guy. Honestly, I found him to be one of the more intriguing characters, even though he turned out to be essentially useless/irrelevant. Did I miss something tying him in to things, or is he just there? (Or is he tied into something out of the game?) I kept going back to his little micro-cave, certain that something would come up with him.
Thanks firesidoni
and my own SPOILER comments .. please do not read if you have not finished, there is no clues in here
Yes, Adnam gave me the creeps to be honest, but there was much in the game that did. I had a feeling all the way through that something was not right. Like the guy before the tentacle guy that said "okay you are going to make me fight you".
So when I got to the tentacle guy I must have sat there for half an hour trying not to kill him and progress ... and then when I did .. ohh my oh my I met his friend the other side.
The whole thing had a Romeo and Juliet "don't drink the poison, everything will be okay" feel about it, there was nothing one could do to change the outcome that I could see.
That said, it was like watching a good movie, where you know, just know, that walking up the stairs is not a good idea ... "just walk out the front door"..
This game was special
Seedling Walkthrough
Full Walkthrough
Starting out
Start by going to the lower right, into the dungeon next to the well.
Head south into the room with all the water and carefully make your way to the right. If you fall in the water, you'll start the area again from the top.
Stand on the switch in the next room until the monster is dead. Push the block out of the way and go downstairs.
Stand on the button until all the monsters are dead, which will unlock the gold door at the bottom of the room. Head south to the next area.
Make your way past the monsters and the water. You can't touch the round yellow things either. While you can take a couple of hits from enemies, be careful they don't push you into the pool. Go upstairs when you get through the room.
Head right and go downstairs to a big room with a block and a couple of big pools of water.
Push the block onto the button to kill the first monster, then out of the way so the spikes stop falling and you can go past. Push the second block into the water, then stand on the button again to kill the other monster.
Head south, then left and north in the next room.
Sword Room
Collect the Sword. You can attack with X from now on.
Go upstairs and North for a treasure chest with a gold item inside. Keep going north.
You can break through mud blocks with the sword. Smash through the one in your path and keep going north until you're back at the well.
Head to where you started, left of the well, and smash the boulder in front of the house. Go inside and talk to the guy there.
South of the house are some stairs to a dungeon. Go there next!
The room they lead to has two sets of stairs, left and right. You can't get through the lock on the room on the right (that's the way out) so take the stairs on the left.
Kill or avoid all the enemies and take the stairs down again.
You can't get the treasure in this room yet, so we'll be back for it later. Push the movable block across, above the first boulder, then break the boulder and move the block up, next to the button. Smash the boulder above it, run round, and push the boulder onto the button to open the gold door. Take the stairs to the next room.
Kill the enemies if you like, but more importantly, smash the wooden thing on the top left to stop the rain of spikes. Then break the boulder and take the first set of stairs.
Kill the enemies and collect the treasure. Go back upstairs.
Go right, avoiding enemies and the hole in the ground. Falling in will drop you to another room with a few enemies to fight.
Use the block to push the button and open the gold door. Go upstairs.
Kill the two enemies in here to be allowed to progress to the ShieldSpire.
Boss: Shieldspire
Stand in front of him but don't attack. After a couple of seconds, he'll move his shield to the side, and you can safely hit him. Repeat a few times to kill him and get a red key. You can now open red doors.
Unlock the red door and head up the stairs.
Pick up the shield. It will keep you safe when running (enemies ahead of you will be pushed out of the way). You can also use it to open the shield door on the top right and push the button behind it. Exit on the left after doing so.
When you go back up to ground level, a meteor will hit the dungeon you were in originally. Seems a bit suspicious, but you can't get back inside for now, so that's that. There is a treasure chest in the house to the left, though. Collect a gold piece there.
Go right, and check in with the guy in the inn if you want to hear a bit about the bosses ahead. Follow the path across to the right to find some red locks—which you can unlock with the red key.
Go South and talk to the guy, then jump in the dungeon.
Go South to start with.
The monsters will charge you if you're horizontal to them, so stand above them and dispose of them.
Head left for a treasure chest that you can't collect yet. The monsters will attack vertically this time; keep going left past them.
Killing the monsters in the next area will remove a block, allowing you to go right.
Be careful in the cave—a monster will stab up from the dirt to attack you. You can kill them by standing just outside its range and attacking.
Smash the wooden box on the top right to drop a boulder on the lower button.
Head north to collect the treasure chest—you've gone round in a loop now.
Follow the path around to the left again, but this time go south until you reach the water. A monster will attack when you stand on the path right—so kill it, then go right to the little cave in the trees.
With the boulder on the switch, the block is removed and you can go up to the raised part of the cave. There's another adventurer here, like you, but he's hostile, so dispose of him, then head to the top right.
There is a light here, just up from where you come on screen. Pick it up, and it will light your path wherever it is dark.
Smash the block to the south (on the left) and jump in the hole below it.
Follow the path to the top right and go up the stairs.
You can now collect the green key.
Go back down the stairs and unlock the green door partway along the path. Follow the new path and go up the stairs back to where you picked the light up. There's another green door to unlock here, and one you go up the stairs inside, the boss will attack.
Boss: The Times
The boss grabs a new weapon each time you deal a certain amount of damage to him. Your health regenerates at this point, so you can generally just spam the attack button without needing to dodge his own attacks.
After beating the boss, you receive Fire. Equip it as instructed—you have your sword on X and fire on C.
You can use fire to burn the big tree at the top of the screen. Exit north.
With the boss dispatched, open the other green door and head north until you reach the room with the beam of light in it you originally jumped into.
Head left and up the stairs, where there's a tree you can burn out of the way. Go out through the gap, unlock the green door, and you're back in the main overground area.
Go right and unlock the shield door if you'd like to chat with some people in another inn.
Head back to the hole you jumped in before. You'll need to go up and across and round to get there: it's in the lower right hand corner. Just to the right of it is a burnable tree. Remove it, then head south through the new tunnel.
Follow the steps left to a treasure chest. Still further left is another area, but it's still sealed for now, so go back out and head north instead.
Leave the screen to the very top right, and there's another burnable tree in your path. Burn it and go right.
Go right and up, and there's a monument telling you you're arrived at Lacste.
Go north again and press the three buttons in order (one as you walk into the room, one at the top, then one on the right) to unseal the treasure chest to the north.
Continue north. Press the button on your left as you go, to unblock the path ahead.
Smash the wooden thing—which blocks your return—,then keep going north.
You can push the red glowing blocks with fire. Put the first one on the open left hand button to unlock the top button.
Use the upper block on the lower of the middle two buttons to unblock another button, as well as the moveable block on the left.
Move the first block to the innermost of the buttons on the right.
Move the block from the left to the innermost button of the left.
You should now be able to stand in the middle tile and hit all three blocks at once with the fire, to push them all one space away. Do that, and the locked doors above you open.
Collect the piece of the pillar (looks like a blanket), then head north and follow the long tunnel up to a large room with lots of small tunnels. There's another piece if you follow the tunnel left.
Go right as far as you can for a treasure chest, plus a burnable tree with a button behind it. Stand on the button, then follow the gold line.
MiniBoss: Monster in the Path
There's a big monster in front of you here, shooting all the possible paths. Use the pushable block to keep yourself safe as you approach it.
Kill the monster, then push its ribcage out of the way and move the block onto the switch. The ribcage needs to be taken through the tunnel opened on the right, to the switch at the end of it. You want to put the ribcage on the left switch, touch the right switch once, then get off it and go get the purple key.
This opens the way for you to get the key you likely saw as you moved the ribs around. This opens the door above where the monster was, to allow you to go north. Head right rather than going to the very top, however.
In this room is a big box that chases you if you're in the light it emits. Get it to chase you round the edge of the room and over the gap at the bottom.
This unlocks the pushable box, which you can move to the button.
The button unlocks the door, allowing you to collect the pillar piece.
Go back to the left, then north.
There are two of the light cubes in this room, and you need to lure them to the upper or lower tunnels so you can get the blanket piece behind them. Just get them to follow you round, then sneak past them.
Once you have the pillar piece, go all the way back and head left, then north.
There's a volcano in this room, throwing large rocks at you. Avoid it as best you can, press the two buttons, and grab the pillar piece from behind the volcano. Keep using dash to get around the room and you should have no problem.
Boss: Totem
Take the completed blanket pieces back to the start of the mazey room, and go down the stairs. At the top of this room is the wand and the boss.
This boss is quite frustrating to fight, because of the constant camera shifts and his earthquake ability, which leaves you facing the other direction.
Equip the wand and shoot when you get the opportunity. Stay out of the beams of light, and avoid the shots he fires on the left and right immediately after the beam, then hide in the bottom right corner and shoot at him as he gets closer. Repeat a few times to defeat him.
Shoot the door behind him with the wand to open it. The teleporter puts you back at the start of the Lacste.
Sardol Statue
Head left to the Sardol statue. Read the description and talk to the guy. You might start to question if you're on the right track: Go south anyway, and the guy standing there will tell you about the King of Fire. You can go south again to get back to the main area.
Take the wand to the witch, and she will give you a better sword which does more damage.
Continue back to the large inn and use the wand on the back door to open it to give yourself a handy shortcut theough the area.
A little way left of the witch's house is a cave in the trees. Go inside for a treasure chest.
Go back to the statue (or skip the detour entirely if you'd prefer) and go one screen right, then north to Trohn, the ice world.
Cross the ice carefully, heading north and slightly left, to get into the main part of Trohn. There's a blizzard and a lot of ice here.
Keep going North until you find the cave in the ice.
Ice Cave
Dodge the swinging hammer and go up to the tunnel.
Inside is the conch, which allows you to swim. This would have been useful to have at the start!
Swim to the south, but avoid the whirlpools.
Climb out and go upstairs when you reach land.
Kill the monsters to open the door and go south.
Now that you can swim, you can explore outside better.
Swim south out of the blizzard (the exit is below the hammer), then go west into the small cave for a blue key.
Go east in the water to the blue door and unlock. Go north through it to the Tentacle Beast.
Boss: Tentacle Beast
A nice simple boss—just cut off its legs as they appear
Once every leg has been chopped up, the boss is defeated.
Climb in the beast's mouth to meet a guy who isn't too impressed with what you've done.
Use the teleporter, then go up and right for a chest.
Go north, on the left side of the screen, until you reach the Ice Cave. There's a chest inside you can swim to now.
Leave Tahlon and head back to the main map. On the left hand side, below the path back to the well and the Oracle, is another path left. Take that.
Follow it left, across the water, and up to Woshad.
Go right and kill the enemies to unlock the gold door.
Avoid the hammer and keep going right. There are two buttons you can press here—go further right for one, and then come back up and inside from that screen to find the second.
Go north to find a guy moving house. He will give you the ghost spear. You can use this to hit through walls and to break some of the new obstacles.
Go back to the east, and head south: Now you can destroy the block in the way.
If the lights are off, hit them with the spear to switch them on again. Follow the path back to the entrance of Woshad.
Go West this time—you can now switch on the light (aim the spear at the center of the black circles) and move the block onto the button. You'll need to use the spear on it from across the gaps to move it correctly. Collect the gold key once you're past it.
Head all the way back to the right, past the hammers.
If you take the right hand path to the bottom exit on the right, there's block to move and a cave in a tree to investigate. Use your gold key on the lock in here to get an extra square of heath.
For the boss, go to the exit on the lower left of the screen. There's a block to destroy, and a cave locked with a gold lock, which you can now open. Go inside.
Boss: The Lights
Activate the pillar, and a bunch of monsters will swarm around you.
These are easy to beat—stay by the pillar, and attack outwards as they fly by you.
When there's only a few remaining, they'll move in a bit nearer you. A couple of steps and some quick attacks should see you safe though.
You will be teleported back to a cave in the forest after defeating the lights. Exit to find yourself back on the main screen.
Take the shortcut through the inn to the far right of the screen, then go south along the path left of the entrance to Rostof.
Follow the path to the locked door—you need a gold key and the wand to get through this, of which you have both.
Go into the cave to discover Basiniad.
Head north, where your path is blocked by two gold doors. You need to kill the fire monsters to open the first one—use the spear to stab through the wall at them.
Stand on the button to open the second door.
Go right and follow the path all the way round and back to the lower left for a chest. Some of the ground tiles vanish under your feet, so be careful. Head right to the next screen once you have the chest.
Travel right, along the path, then back left along the top. Avoid the fire chains as you go. If you have trouble with the enemies here, use the sword rather than the spear, because the attack radius is wider.
Make your way along the path before it collapses, and take the Dark Shield. Anything you run into with the shield will now take damage.
The path back to the south isn't complicated; it just requires careful timing. Follow it back to the main area of Basiniad, where you came in.
The dark shield unlocks the door on the bottom right, so go that way next.
The next pathway collapses under your feet, so don't stand still; just follow it through.
As you go south in the next room, there's a small monster that will eat you if you get too close. Use the spear through the wall to kill it.
Below, you'll see more of the adventurer-eating monsters. Use the spear on one and the wand to take out the other. There's only one way to go, so follow the path.
Get past all the enemies to get the Dark Suit. Not only does it damage anything in contact with you, it also allows you to swim in lava. Again, this would have been awesome to have earlier.
Since you can now, swim north through the lava. There's a hole in the ground further ahead that you can't cross—and if you get too close, a monster will eat you. But don't worry: with your new armor, you can bust right out of its stomach and carry on North. Pick up the chest on the way, then go further up to the cave, to fight the boss.
Boss: King of Fire
Stand directly in front of the King of Fire, just a step or two back. Yup, in the lava.
Equip the sword: the radius is useful here.
Kill the two bats he throws, then deflects a fireball back at him
While he's flickering, run forward and attack him directly.
Repeat a few times to win.
Head north, climb the stairs, and you're back on the main screen of the game.
Make your way back to the statue of Sardol, then go up and left and into the cave.
Follow the cave round to the end, and stay on the left on the waterfalls to get the feather. This allows you to swim up waterfalls.
There is a cave to the right, with a chest inside.
Go back to Sardol (the statue) again, and go up to the top right of the screen, where a tunnel leads to Ghethis.
To get inside, you'll need to smash a block with the spear, swim across lava, and climb a waterfall.
Kill all the enemies, including the big guy at the top (use the spear through the walls to hit him) to unlock the stairs, and go up. Collect the chest on the right hand side first.
Dodge the fire chain and climb up again.
In the waterfall room, kill the enemies, then follow the dirt path to the teleporter.
Go left, avoiding the hammer, and stay on the left for more stairs. Keep going left.
Follow the path around—your biggest problem here is staying on it! Dodge the lasers and hammers go left past the Watcher.
Follow the paths through the next couple of rooms. Avoid the obstacles along the way.
In the room at the end of the path is the Ghost Sword, a spear with the radius of a sword. Teleport out of there and head north, and you'll find it can open new blocks as well. Climb the stairs and go right.
It's race time! Stay ahead of the block and reach the button at the end, then go left again.
Allow the monsters to eat you to get across the gaps in the next area, then collect the Fire Wand, a wand that also uses the pushing force of fire. Teleport back again.
Go left—you've been here before, but this time follow the hammer around and go up to the X blocks. Use your fire wand on them, then teleport away. Jump in the tunnel to fall into the Meteor Crater.
Meteor Crater
You can go left though the block to see a big ice creature. Check the sign to find out what it is.
To the upper left of the creature behind the ice is a passageway leading to the Owl boss.
Boss: The Owl
You can only hit the owl when its moving around.
It leaves its hiding place and moves in an anti clockwise direction, after the rocks stop falling.
Stay one step ahead so you can attack as it comes out, and it only takes a few hits.
Go north again and left to meet The Watcher
You now have two choices
Either kill the Watcher
Collect the remaining treasure chests.
There's one in Gundernaud, near the start of the game, which you can swim to now.
And one in Woshad, on the far right of everything, with lava in front of it.
If you're missing any others, refer to the list of treasure chests below.
Good Ending
Take all your chests back to the completed display in the room before you meet the Watcher.
Activate the display
Go North and pick up the seed
That's it!
Full Treasure Location Guide
Note: the location the treasures display in your collection is randomized.
In the cave with Adnan where you get teleported to outside of the sixth dungeon.
In a cave above from where you get the Penguin's Feather.
The house in the village.
On the southern-most ledges of the forest area, near the lava dungeon opening.
First dungeon, after the sword.
Shieldspire's dungeon (pre-conch)—fall through the hole in the floor.
On the return to Shieldspire's dungeon (with the conch), go across the water to the chest.
The Times dungeon, above the area with the drills.
On the inside of Tentacle Beast's dungeon; in a little ice part surrounded by water.
Around the outside of Tentacle Beast's dungeon; right above the part where you are teleported out of the boss area.
In the entry of Totem's dungeon
Further along within Totem's dungeon, in front of the burnable tree for a switch.
In the King of Fire's dungeon (pre-dark suit), in the first big room, near the entrance to the boss area.
In the King of Fire's dungeon (with the dark suit), in the area where you are first pulled across a gap by an enemy.
Inside the Lights' dungeon (with the dark suit), across some lava, and above where you can get the health.
In the entry to Ghethis, to the upper-right of the first area in the tower.
Another easter egg I don't think anyone has mentioned yet...
If you go up to the ice dungeon before you're supposed to (you can get there as soon as you have the sword; I don't know when this goes away) you are prevented from going past the entrance to the cave. Your way is blocked by Sardol, who says
You must think you're clever.
Coming so quickly to the north. But you are unprepared, fool.
I am Sardol.
For me, you will find and destroy all of the Creatures.
None will escape. Turn and come back in due time.
@Dora Breckinridge.
Yes I am positive. The fact that I had accessed it and then just after getting the first piece of the crystal in the third dungeon / area it failed to open. I am a beta tester and play a lot of RPG's, things like the inventory are pretty vital. It worked the day before it doesn't work now.
The game is constantly auto-saving--the only way it knows you have a sword, for example, is because it checks your save file. There's actually no local variable for "has sword" in the game.
Also, I'm not absolutely positive I know of where you're talking about, but you can't open the inventory until...
you get the Fire after killing the Times in Rostef. Until then, V/I do nothing. Also, your inventory will be extended after getting the conch or a Totem piece.
The inventory purposely does not open for much of the beginning of the game.
The game may autosave but you can't return to the point you were at if say you close or refresh the page. You have to start again.
Also I am perfectly aware of when the inventory *should* work. As I mentioned before, in the third dungeon once the wand has been acquired I am unable to (as of actually entering the third area) open the inventory at all. I am playing through the game for the second time and although this time round looks shinier, I found the first time was less buggy for me.
There are INCREDIBLE errors in the walkthrough, especially in the
Miniboss: Monster in the Path section. It's impossible to move the monsters ribs into the room on the right and put the block on the button. You have to put the ribs on the button and move the block into the right room. After that, I have no idea how to move forward, and what the walkthrough suggests is not working. No block chases me at any point.
Overall, I love the game, though. Excellent soundtrack, very immersive.
Uck. Another game where you're forced to do "evil" to complete the game, and then get yelled at for it. Plots like this leave a bad taste in my mouth; saw it coming miles and miles away, too, so I don't think it qualifies as a spoiler.
ATTENTION GAME MAKERS: If the main character is going to be evil, or do evil things, and the player is not going to have a choice in the matter, just say so at the beginning instead of trying to play it off like some huge plot twist. I'm fairly sure I've yet to see it done well once.
Anyway. The gameplay was pretty good, I think. My main source of frustration were hazards like water, lava, and pits that would act as the equivalent of 4 hits and toss you back to the room entrance instead of doing like a sensible zelda game/clone and just taking 1 hit and going back to right next to the hazard.
Something bugged me about the controls with this; the game is designed on tiles much bigger than the player character's size and it was often hard to judge just when to let go of an arrow key to not keep walking straight into a hazard. These two problems combined to some real annoyance in that one room in the lava dungeon where you have to speed over a bunch of crumbling floors.
I'm trapped inside a dungeon with no way out. It's the one with a big stone tablet outside and a man who says that I'd better have a good reason for doing what I'm doing. I have the red and green keys and fire power. I stepped inside the dungeon, and then when I tried to leave, a stone blocked my way. I can't complete the dungeon because there are parts that require the purple key, which I don't have. I'm in a room where I have to use my fire power to push red blocks onto switches, but access to one of the red blocks requires a purple key. A block in the path prevents me from leaving the room the way I came in.
I think I may have come to this dungeon early. There were some trees I could have burned with my fire that probably led to the dungeon I was supposed to go to next, but I wanted to explore a little first. From a development viewpoint, what's the purpose of preventing someone from leaving a room or dungeon? Now I have to start the game from the beginning, but I don't feel particularly inclined to do so.
This walkthrough is incorrect.
"Kill the monster, then push its ribcage out of the way and move the block onto the switch. The ribcage needs to be taken through the tunnel opened on the right, to the switch at the end of it. You want it on the switch on the far right�stand your guy on the left hand switch to hold the door open as you move the ribs across."
Is nonsense.
The switch on the right activates the pulse generator. If you put the ribcage on the right switch, it unblocks the path to the purple key, but makes it so you can never actually get to it.
You want to put the ribcage on the left switch, touch the right switch once, then get off it and go get the key.
The way it was described in the walkthrough was trollish. I'm fairly certain the writer intended to get people in a situation where they had to start the room over.
There's no way they could have possibly thought you were supposed to put the ribcage on the right.
[Um... no. The walkthroughs we write here do not intentionally lead players astray. I'm fairly certain your comment was trollish. -Jay]
Then how do you explain your directions in that part of the walkthrough?
There are two ways to do it. ribcage on the switch on the left or ribcage on the switch on the right.
If you put it on the right, you dead-end yourself and have to leave the room and re-enter and do it all over again. And this time put it on the left like you should have in the first place.
If you put it on the left, everything is fine and dandy.
Yet in the guide you not only told us to put it on the right, but you made special point to explain it in detail: "stand your guy on the left hand switch to hold the door open as you move the ribs across"
My original comment was not meant to troll. But I seriously do not understand why you said to do this in the guide unless you were intentionally trying to lead players astray.
[The game author himself, commenting here as "Time", says the dungeon is solvable with the ribcage on either the right or the left switch. So, do you understand now that the walkthrough is not incorrect? Also, you shouldn't automatically assume someone is out to do you in. Here's my advice: Believe the best about people. More times than not you'll be right. -Jay]
As one of JIG's walkthrough writers, I'd like to say it's entirely possible to think you're being helpful and explaining something well only to find out, later, that there was a better way to explain it... All after your walkthrough has been "beta tested," so to speak, by the player.
That's why I'm always appreciative of a courteous: "Hey guys, what did you mean by______? Because I'm having a hard time making it work. I think ______ is the better option." Kind requests for clarification help me to write better walkthroughs to help you folks out rather than discouraging me from the time and effort of it.
Well, actually, it doesn't matter whether you push the block onto the left or right switch. I added a space right below the lock where you can use your fire through the wall to push the block off the right switch, deactivating the pulser. So, in either case, you can still beat the level without restarting the room :)
Since the game's creator seems to be checking this space, I have a suggestion (for future games, if not this one): can we have some kind of life bar to see how close we are to beating the big bosses? When I battled Totem, I had to come here and look at the walkthrough. I was actually doing the right thing already, but I didn't know it, so I kept changing my strategy. Same with the Owl. I know that the badguys will change color and flash usually, when they're hit, but that's not always enough to be sure, especially sometimes when they flash and change color for other reasons too.
Okay, my two cents. Also, this game was very fun and if you make a longer one I would pay for it.
Hey yaddab,
I think the only boss you HAVE to kill is the Shieldspire for the red key. Maybe the Totem too. I'm not sure how you get out of Lacaste without using the teleport after the boss. Other than that, if you can avoid enter the bosses lairs, you can just leave after you get the item and chest there.
Conandufur: You have to take all the Lacoste treasure before you exit the area, so you're probably missing a different one. Check the walkthrough for a list of all the locations of chests :)
you can only hit the owl once or twice, as he moves from hiding place to hiding place. The rest of the time he'll dodge your attacks. He moves counterclockwise between the hiding places, so move ahead of where he's going to be walking after the rubble falls, and whack him as he comes out.
Wow. Around and around lol.
Let me just say now (it'll be obvious in the end) that I was right from the start and this Jay is extremely arrogant. Problem is... I never back off when I'm right :)
The author added a blank square because of me pointing out that it was impossible to beat with the ribcage on the right switch.
At the time that I said it, there was no square there and this walkthrough was clearly posted to cause people to have to start the room over.
Hey Jay. How about admitting fault. :)
Can someone post in a spoiler tag what the bad ending was?
The good ending...
..kind of confused me.
(At the end of the game)I went to the left side to talk to the Watcher first and he told me all of the bad things I did (kill all the relics or something) and he said that if I wanted the seed, I would have to kill him, but I didn't b/c I already had all of the pieces of the gold thing, so then I went back to the other scene and went to the right side of the room (where the pieces of the gold thing was)... and the seed was there so I went to it and finished the game, but what kinda confused me was that it said that the watcher would be proud of me (cuz I didn't kill him to get it?) but he said that I'm horrible for killing all of those is it really a good ending?
Killing all of them for some oracle I just met (like the watcher said)?
@David - it's clear that you're paranoid about this. You think you've found a problem with the walkthrough (when in fact it's correct) and you accuse the writer of deliberately trying to sabotage readers' gameplay.
When creator of the game says that there's a blank square that allows you to play as the walkthrough describes, you say, "The author added a blank square because of me pointing out that it was impossible to beat with the ribcage on the right switch." If you were right about the walkthrough (and you weren't) then the game was still beatable by using the left switch and there would be no reason for the creator to modify the game. So the reason was because of your statement, implying that he's in on the conspiracy and is trying to protect Jay and the others.
And then there's Jay who has been civil in the face of your irrationality. He's then accused of being arrogant because he dares to say something contrary to your mistaken comments.
From your behavior so far, I have no doubt that you don't believe that the blank square was there all along even though the creator says it was. Everybody is clearly lying to you. If you go on Youtube, and go watch the walkthrough video (uploaded on July 12th, predating your original comment), you'll see that blank square. But even then, I'm not sure that you'll ever admit your mistake.
Needs much more contrast between the path tiles and the barrier tiles. I'm suspecting this was tested on a Mac, haha. Color-blind players may also have quite a bit of trouble with this, in general.
Help? Lost in
I am at the tail end, I have the dark suit, and I'm looking for the boss. "Go further up the cave" is not exactly clear. If you guys are still revising the walkthroughs, please check all the directions that reset to an origin from which to journey to a new area. Some of them are clear, some of them I only figured out because I'm good at internal mapping. It would help to describe what certain paths look like, or a landmark.
I really liked
the land of ice, some players might find it annoying but the atmosphere was so cool (yeah!) and the landscape tricky.
@Alchemist - the locations of the pieces in your display are randomized game to game. They don't correspond to actual locations in the game. If you're missing one piece, I suspect that it's like the one in
Gundernourd, which is the area at the the beginning, right below the Oracle's house. You couldn't reach the treasure the first time there; it's an easy one to forget.
Are you in the room with a waterfall at the top and a pool of lava to the right? If you are, you need to knock the block to the left. To do so, you need to quickly duck in and hit it with your spear from across the pit and then duck back out to avoid the hammer. Circle around, and then you can move it the rest of the way.
I'm stuck in
Woshad. After getting the spear I went to where the house in the tree where the square of health is while exploring. I'm not sure if it's a bug or what, but after going back up out of the area with the cave, there is a block in the way of me exiting and it's positioned so I can't move it. Am I stuck forever?
Thanks everyone who've been helping out!
My conclusions � it was a mixed bag:
? Love the Ice World.
? The day cycle was not consistent, especially in the main forest areas, and became annoying.
? Love the degree-of-difficulty, the combinations, etc. The inventory was simple and elegant. Powerups made so much sense in terms of placement, instead of some Knytt-type games where they're just frustrating. The action overall was just right for a relaxing romp.
? Love the Sen to Chihiro / Japanese touch. That kind of subtle, simple storytelling (it's just a little dude that follows your movement, but it is the *same* dude, and that sets you to wondering... etc.) is what this game needed more of.
? The narrative rather badly needs to be more ambiguous, and not just that little bit at the end. This is clearly an ambitious project, but with the sheer number of NPCs (and an entire plot-centered scene off the first screen!), it feels like it missed a lot of opportunities to give the story more depth, and more points-of-view. Instead it's going to blend into the pack, and it deserves better than 'just generic'.
Also, as another commenter noted, we really were set up to have some kind of choice in our morality. If you're not going to do that, then don't foreshadow it. An item-hunt is just not a compelling moral choice. Either way, whatever you do, going half-way is only going to cause disappointment. Now it feels more like a grab-bag of cool ideas instead of a cohesive story.
For instance: why a wind element? Does that affect how he respawns, why he can't swim, so forth? There's a *story* there. But it was dropped, and I got the feeling, forgive me if I'm wrong, that the only reason he was a wind element was because the Mystic's speech sounded cooler than if he'd been made of a clod of mud, or a booger. Adding stuff just for the atmosphere doesn't add to the mystery. The names and designs of the Relics on the other hand were extremely thoughtful, and told a story in very few words.... because they went hand-in-hand with the world designs. The impressive landscape planning certainly promised something more cohesive. It doesn't have to be heavy-handed, or traditionally linear -- just *complete*. (I hate to harp on this so much, but it occurs to me that re-writing and re-organizing the NPCs could probably save this game entirely, bring it to that next level.)
? Contrast is going to ruin this game, seriously. I appreciate that need to be clever and encourage exploration, but when a player misses what's otherwise right on the screen, they have to replay the whole game. Very frustrating. Even a slight variation in saturation between active tiles and barriers would keep the artistic elements while making it more functional.
If I spend half the game going 'what just happened? I can't see!', it will not be enjoyable.
Ironically, Ice World was creative, interesting, and really added to the game by thinking about how much a player could see. I missed nothing there because someone clearly thought out the design.
? Didn't like the items, and some landscape details, not being labeled, not even on mouseover. When the weapons can cut grass, I thought there'd be more attention to detail to enrich the story.
? Did like the monsters not being labeled, and you had to figure out what they did.
@zzzzz --
I find the 'I am Sardol' bit in the Ice palace silly. This game punishes you for killing Shieldspire (and the others, but Shieldspire is explicitly mentioned as the reason for the meteor), but provides a way that would get you to the conch without killing Shieldspire if Sardol weren't there (you can actually get past the burnable tree that appears to block the path).
What's the point of putting the Sardol bit in? Is it because an ending where you don't kill anything hasn't been scripted?
@Venus Fae Coudray-Moonkshood
I hope I've written this clearly. Get the first block to chase you down to bottom and all the way to the right - escape using the smaller passage below. Go back up and get the second one to chase you straight down. Go to the smaller passage below via the left opening to escape from this block. Now there will be two blocks above you - one all the way to the right, and one to the left. If you accidentally got the right block to move left during this such that both blocks are to the left, go up in the right opening and get the right block to move right and then escape below. Now at the left opening, pop up quickly and then pop back down. That will get the left block to move right and settle against the right block. Now go up and get the piece. (As you do this, the left block will move up all the way and stop at the top of the room.)
To escape, you could just get killed and you'll start from the beginning of the room and you can just leave. Or if you want to try to do properly - after getting the piece, go down. The block at the top will chase you. As soon as you hit the bottom larger passage, quickly get the right block to move left and the escape via the smaller passage at the the bottom. That will block off the left block and both blocks will now be to the left and you can escape.
This one started out pretty strong, but started to lost it around Woshad, and the completely fell apart in Basiniad, when it just turned into nothing but fake difficulty resulting from the controls instead of the challenges. I originally gave it a 4 after playing a little bit into it, now I think that should be more of a 2.
Okay so aside from whatever argument is going on about the walkthrough, is anyone else getting major lagging on this game? I've been playing it for about 30min and in (sorry I can't remember the name of the area) the "purple" dungeon where there's a lot of manipulation of fire blocks, my little guy is having major problems with jagged movement and lag time on controls. Running a fairly new macbook pro with good internet connection so I was surprised by the performance.
Either way lovely game! Beautiful art style and great puzzles. I just had to stop playing because the lag rendered the experience quite unenjoyable :(
Do you get the light yet? If not, I'd suggest checking the walkthrough for the area. But if you do have the light,
in the room where you got it (with the white platform with the four columns at the bottom right), at the bottom left is a block you need to destroy which will open a hole you fall into. Explore what's down there and you should easily find the key.
Not to side with anybody, Jay, but I do think the walkthrough has some errors and should be revised.
Please pardon David, as all he did was correct it, and wonder why it is that Ben missed that vital part.
I actually was stuck because of the error gap between the light blocks and the pulsar blocks, because I couldn't get the key. I would recommend that you edit that part in about getting the purple key.
[Walkthrough edited. If David had left out the accusations, this all could have been handled in a much more constructive and efficient manner. We provide walkthroughs to help people here, not hinder them. And while our writers always make the best of efforts to get them correct the first time, mistakes happen. We pay our writers to create these walkthroughs for our community. Accusing us of intentionally leading people astray is unacceptable to me. -Jay]
There's no real special trick, you basically have to run right behind the hammer's swing. It's tricky to do because you have to do this quickly and it's so easy to fall off the path and into the lava. One tip: when you run across the square at the bottom of the hammer's swing, do so diagonally.
I like how all the level names are level-appropriate anagrams. The music was great too. As others said, I wish the violent/bloodless theme had been built in all the way through the game, rather than just a split path at the very end, but it's a nice piece of work all the same.
Gundernourd =
Rostef =
Lacste =
Trohn (snow level) =
Woshad (dark level) =
Bosiniad (lava level) =
Ghethis (tower level)=
Adnan is a probably a reference to adnan games, but Sardol is a complete mystery to me. He really does feel like a dangling plot thread with more in store for him (especially with the easter-egg in Trohn). Curious!
Look at step 6 in that section of the walkthrough. Specifically, from where you're at right now, go south (to the area with the horizontal passageway by the water) and then go northwest to the next area. You'll be in the area with those two monsters that are white with pink stripes. If you haven't killed them yet, do so. That will open up a passage to the east. Go east into the cave area. You'll recognize this as the upper part of the area you were asking about. Cut the ropes there to drop the rock that you need. Go north and get the treasure if you've haven't already.
I'm stuck, someone please help!
I just got the ghost sword, and then I teleport back and go up, but before I can get to the stairs, there's a black square I've never seen before blocking my path. It damages me if I touch it, and I can't kill it with anything. It's right next to a dark spot from an unlit light, but I can't reach the light with the spear, either.
When I bring up my completed save games here on JIG and on two other sites and go into the room where I had faced the boss, there's a lock on the right side of the rock that I can open with a button that allows me to leave Bosiniad. Just to make sure that it's there the first time I visit, I just replayed the game from the beginning and it's there. But on walkthrough videos, from almost two weeks ago, the lock next to the rock is not there. I think this is something that was updated by the creator of the game. Where are you playing this game?
Yes, it is definitely impossible to finish Lacste without getting all the treasure there. If you're missing one, I can offer some guesses where they are.
The two easiest ones to forget are the ones you need to return to be able to get - they're in Gundernourd (you need to swim) and Woshad (lava.) Another one that's easily missed is the one (of two) in Trohn that's in an area that's in a blizzard where it's all greyscale.
Ah I found it! It wasn't any of those, but thanks anyway. :D
The exit is through the room where you had to press the button in the middle of the room to shoot spikes to kill the enemies. It has 2 stairs, and water at the upper-left. Go up the stairs across the water, and climb the stairs all the way the surface. Use the gold key to get out. Hope this helps. :D
I'm stuck in the Woshad.
I continued going to the right after getting the spear, and it seems the only way out would be if I had the yellow key? If I go back to the hammer with the purple block, I don't have an angle to get the block out of the way. I looked at the walkthrough and I guess I was supposed to go LEFT after getting the spear, but I didn't, and now I can't. Is there any way to get back?
Ok major problem, but idk if this is spoiler or not so let me hide it anyway.
I killed the Owl (and felt crappy doing it) and then when I talked to the Watcher, I found out I was missing one piece of the Seed. However, the way out of this place is blocked off by purple rubble. Is there any way I could actually get back out into the world and find my last piece or am I stuck with the heartless Bloody Ending?
Right, this is probably me being completely silly, but can anyone help?
So I've done the first 3 dungeons, 3 keys, wand, fire, dark sword (witch boon) and got stuck. I wandered for ages, tried the North ice place, couldn't enter it because of a blue key. I then went to the Woshad one by complete accident - I managed to cut around the corner into the waterfall. I now can't exit. Is this an actual bug, or am I missing something? Thanks in advance.
I need help in the same way sthrandom does.
I've beat the game, but I missed 4 treasure pieces along the way and want to go back and get them so I can get the bloodless ending. I can't figure out how to get out of the cave though, since the meteor blocked it off at the way I came through. I can't seem to find another way out.
I felt so bad when I killed the Watcher and he didn't put up a fight. I never thought he was a bad guy, just really creepy..watching me and all. ha.
but yeah...I wanna see the other ending. So help?
I need some help stuck in Bosiniad towards the end of the game.
I was on my way to find all the treasure boxes and decided to stop at Bosiniad and am unable to get out.
See the spoiler below.
So I got to the point where you decide to either kill the Watcher or collect the treasures. Being of the noble sort, I decided to collect all the treasures. I went over to Bosiniad and got stuck behind the gold door. The switch for it is on the otherside. To escape, you have to defeat the boss and use a different exit, but the entrance to the bosses cave is now blocked by a rock. and now I am stuck in Bosiniad :(
Where are you playing this game? When replaying this area, you exit via where you beat the boss. I've done this before and I just brought up a completed saved game and did it again. I believe in early versions that there is a rock blocking the boss area (others have made the same complaint) but I think it's been fixed since. The rock isn't there when I bring up my saved game here and on Kongregate.
My apologies if this has already been addressed... I decided to venture into the stairs near the first screen the second I got the sword. Now I appear to be stuck in the room with the "Shieldspire" I'm not sure if I'm quite equipped to take it on yet, and the way back is locked. I'm pretty much stuck in this area until I figure out how/if I can defeat it.
Re: the ending:
The Watcher is an unbelievable hypocrite. He/it had access to the damn seed the whole time, was around on just about every screen, and could have just handed the thing over, and then there wouldn't have been any of the violence he says he hates so much. Heck, he could have just handed the seed over to the Oracle in the first place as soon as he saw that the original tree was dying. And then he gets to lecture about morality!
In more realistic terms: that ending was extremely poorly thought out.
Full Treasure Location Guide - in order
1 The house in the village.
2 First dungeon, after the sword.
3 Shieldspire's dungeon (b4 u can swim without the conch)- fall through the hole in the floor.
4 The Times dungeon, above the area with the drills.
5 In the entry of Totem's dungeon.
6 Further along within Totem's dungeon, in front of the burnable tree b4 a switch.
7 Around the outside of Tentacle Beast's dungeon; right above the part where you are teleported out of the boss area.
8 On the inside of Tentacle Beast's dungeon; in a little ice part surrounded by water. (cant get it without beating the boss 1st)
9 In a cave above from where you get the Penguin's Feather.
10 On the return to Shieldspire's dungeon (after u can swim with the conch), go across the water to the chest.
11 In the cave with Adnan where you get teleported to outside from the lights dungeon.
12 On the southern-most ledges of the forest area, near the lava dungeon opening.
13In the King of Fire's dungeon (pre-dark suit), in the first big room, near the entrance to the boss area.
14 In the King of Fire's dungeon (with the dark suit), in the area where you are first pulled across a gap by a 4 fang tounger. lol
15 Inside the Lights' dungeon (with the dark suit), across some lava, and above where you can get the health.
16 In the entry to Ghethis, to the upper-right of the first area in the tower.
I finished the game, but I'm confused about a part near the end:
In the meteor crater in the room that leads to the Owl, there's a huge frozen monster. I originally thought that this creature was the watcher before I met the actual watcher. Is there any mention of what this creature is and how it's become frozen here?
Stuck in a room in...
The shadow-dungeon, 'in the shadows', the one where you get the ghost spear? Yeah, I got the ghost spear, and then proceeded down past the spinning hammer and lava-blocked chest, to the room with the tree stump. I looked around and there was nothing there that I could tell, so I went back up... except now I cant get back to the left half of the room, because where the spinning hammer is a ghost-spear-block is blocking the way and I can't get past. Any ideas?
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Walkthrough Guide
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Seedling Walkthrough
Full Walkthrough
Starting out
Start by going to the lower right, into the dungeon next to the well.
Head south into the room with all the water and carefully make your way to the right. If you fall in the water, you'll start the area again from the top.
Stand on the switch in the next room until the monster is dead. Push the block out of the way and go downstairs.
Stand on the button until all the monsters are dead, which will unlock the gold door at the bottom of the room. Head south to the next area.
Make your way past the monsters and the water. You can't touch the round yellow things either. While you can take a couple of hits from enemies, be careful they don't push you into the pool. Go upstairs when you get through the room.
Head right and go downstairs to a big room with a block and a couple of big pools of water.
Push the block onto the button to kill the first monster, then out of the way so the spikes stop falling and you can go past. Push the second block into the water, then stand on the button again to kill the other monster.
Head south, then left and north in the next room.
Sword Room
Collect the Sword. You can attack with X from now on.
Go upstairs and North for a treasure chest with a gold item inside. Keep going north.
You can break through mud blocks with the sword. Smash through the one in your path and keep going north until you're back at the well.
Head to where you started, left of the well, and smash the boulder in front of the house. Go inside and talk to the guy there.
South of the house are some stairs to a dungeon. Go there next!
The room they lead to has two sets of stairs, left and right. You can't get through the lock on the room on the right (that's the way out) so take the stairs on the left.
Kill or avoid all the enemies and take the stairs down again.
You can't get the treasure in this room yet, so we'll be back for it later. Push the movable block across, above the first boulder, then break the boulder and move the block up, next to the button. Smash the boulder above it, run round, and push the boulder onto the button to open the gold door. Take the stairs to the next room.
Kill the enemies if you like, but more importantly, smash the wooden thing on the top left to stop the rain of spikes. Then break the boulder and take the first set of stairs.
Kill the enemies and collect the treasure. Go back upstairs.
Go right, avoiding enemies and the hole in the ground. Falling in will drop you to another room with a few enemies to fight.
Use the block to push the button and open the gold door. Go upstairs.
Kill the two enemies in here to be allowed to progress to the ShieldSpire.
Boss: Shieldspire
Stand in front of him but don't attack. After a couple of seconds, he'll move his shield to the side, and you can safely hit him. Repeat a few times to kill him and get a red key. You can now open red doors.
Unlock the red door and head up the stairs.
Pick up the shield. It will keep you safe when running (enemies ahead of you will be pushed out of the way). You can also use it to open the shield door on the top right and push the button behind it. Exit on the left after doing so.
When you go back up to ground level, a meteor will hit the dungeon you were in originally. Seems a bit suspicious, but you can't get back inside for now, so that's that. There is a treasure chest in the house to the left, though. Collect a gold piece there.
Go right, and check in with the guy in the inn if you want to hear a bit about the bosses ahead. Follow the path across to the right to find some red locks—which you can unlock with the red key.
Go South and talk to the guy, then jump in the dungeon.
Go South to start with.
The monsters will charge you if you're horizontal to them, so stand above them and dispose of them.
Head left for a treasure chest that you can't collect yet. The monsters will attack vertically this time; keep going left past them.
Killing the monsters in the next area will remove a block, allowing you to go right.
Be careful in the cave—a monster will stab up from the dirt to attack you. You can kill them by standing just outside its range and attacking.
Smash the wooden box on the top right to drop a boulder on the lower button.
Head north to collect the treasure chest—you've gone round in a loop now.
Follow the path around to the left again, but this time go south until you reach the water. A monster will attack when you stand on the path right—so kill it, then go right to the little cave in the trees.
With the boulder on the switch, the block is removed and you can go up to the raised part of the cave. There's another adventurer here, like you, but he's hostile, so dispose of him, then head to the top right.
There is a light here, just up from where you come on screen. Pick it up, and it will light your path wherever it is dark.
Smash the block to the south (on the left) and jump in the hole below it.
Follow the path to the top right and go up the stairs.
You can now collect the green key.
Go back down the stairs and unlock the green door partway along the path. Follow the new path and go up the stairs back to where you picked the light up. There's another green door to unlock here, and one you go up the stairs inside, the boss will attack.
Boss: The Times
The boss grabs a new weapon each time you deal a certain amount of damage to him. Your health regenerates at this point, so you can generally just spam the attack button without needing to dodge his own attacks.
After beating the boss, you receive Fire. Equip it as instructed—you have your sword on X and fire on C.
You can use fire to burn the big tree at the top of the screen. Exit north.
With the boss dispatched, open the other green door and head north until you reach the room with the beam of light in it you originally jumped into.
Head left and up the stairs, where there's a tree you can burn out of the way. Go out through the gap, unlock the green door, and you're back in the main overground area.
Go right and unlock the shield door if you'd like to chat with some people in another inn.
Head back to the hole you jumped in before. You'll need to go up and across and round to get there: it's in the lower right hand corner. Just to the right of it is a burnable tree. Remove it, then head south through the new tunnel.
Follow the steps left to a treasure chest. Still further left is another area, but it's still sealed for now, so go back out and head north instead.
Leave the screen to the very top right, and there's another burnable tree in your path. Burn it and go right.
Go right and up, and there's a monument telling you you're arrived at Lacste.
Go north again and press the three buttons in order (one as you walk into the room, one at the top, then one on the right) to unseal the treasure chest to the north.
Continue north. Press the button on your left as you go, to unblock the path ahead.
Smash the wooden thing—which blocks your return—,then keep going north.
You can push the red glowing blocks with fire. Put the first one on the open left hand button to unlock the top button.
Use the upper block on the lower of the middle two buttons to unblock another button, as well as the moveable block on the left.
Move the first block to the innermost of the buttons on the right.
Move the block from the left to the innermost button of the left.
You should now be able to stand in the middle tile and hit all three blocks at once with the fire, to push them all one space away. Do that, and the locked doors above you open.
Collect the piece of the pillar (looks like a blanket), then head north and follow the long tunnel up to a large room with lots of small tunnels. There's another piece if you follow the tunnel left.
Go right as far as you can for a treasure chest, plus a burnable tree with a button behind it. Stand on the button, then follow the gold line.
MiniBoss: Monster in the Path
There's a big monster in front of you here, shooting all the possible paths. Use the pushable block to keep yourself safe as you approach it.
Kill the monster, then push its ribcage out of the way and move the block onto the switch. The ribcage needs to be taken through the tunnel opened on the right, to the switch at the end of it. You want to put the ribcage on the left switch, touch the right switch once, then get off it and go get the purple key.
This opens the way for you to get the key you likely saw as you moved the ribs around. This opens the door above where the monster was, to allow you to go north. Head right rather than going to the very top, however.
In this room is a big box that chases you if you're in the light it emits. Get it to chase you round the edge of the room and over the gap at the bottom.
This unlocks the pushable box, which you can move to the button.
The button unlocks the door, allowing you to collect the pillar piece.
Go back to the left, then north.
There are two of the light cubes in this room, and you need to lure them to the upper or lower tunnels so you can get the blanket piece behind them. Just get them to follow you round, then sneak past them.
Once you have the pillar piece, go all the way back and head left, then north.
There's a volcano in this room, throwing large rocks at you. Avoid it as best you can, press the two buttons, and grab the pillar piece from behind the volcano. Keep using dash to get around the room and you should have no problem.
Boss: Totem
Take the completed blanket pieces back to the start of the mazey room, and go down the stairs. At the top of this room is the wand and the boss.
This boss is quite frustrating to fight, because of the constant camera shifts and his earthquake ability, which leaves you facing the other direction.
Equip the wand and shoot when you get the opportunity. Stay out of the beams of light, and avoid the shots he fires on the left and right immediately after the beam, then hide in the bottom right corner and shoot at him as he gets closer. Repeat a few times to defeat him.
Shoot the door behind him with the wand to open it. The teleporter puts you back at the start of the Lacste.
Sardol Statue
Head left to the Sardol statue. Read the description and talk to the guy. You might start to question if you're on the right track: Go south anyway, and the guy standing there will tell you about the King of Fire. You can go south again to get back to the main area.
Take the wand to the witch, and she will give you a better sword which does more damage.
Continue back to the large inn and use the wand on the back door to open it to give yourself a handy shortcut theough the area.
A little way left of the witch's house is a cave in the trees. Go inside for a treasure chest.
Go back to the statue (or skip the detour entirely if you'd prefer) and go one screen right, then north to Trohn, the ice world.
Cross the ice carefully, heading north and slightly left, to get into the main part of Trohn. There's a blizzard and a lot of ice here.
Keep going North until you find the cave in the ice.
Ice Cave
Dodge the swinging hammer and go up to the tunnel.
Inside is the conch, which allows you to swim. This would have been useful to have at the start!
Swim to the south, but avoid the whirlpools.
Climb out and go upstairs when you reach land.
Kill the monsters to open the door and go south.
Now that you can swim, you can explore outside better.
Swim south out of the blizzard (the exit is below the hammer), then go west into the small cave for a blue key.
Go east in the water to the blue door and unlock. Go north through it to the Tentacle Beast.
Boss: Tentacle Beast
A nice simple boss—just cut off its legs as they appear
Once every leg has been chopped up, the boss is defeated.
Climb in the beast's mouth to meet a guy who isn't too impressed with what you've done.
Use the teleporter, then go up and right for a chest.
Go north, on the left side of the screen, until you reach the Ice Cave. There's a chest inside you can swim to now.
Leave Tahlon and head back to the main map. On the left hand side, below the path back to the well and the Oracle, is another path left. Take that.
Follow it left, across the water, and up to Woshad.
Go right and kill the enemies to unlock the gold door.
Avoid the hammer and keep going right. There are two buttons you can press here—go further right for one, and then come back up and inside from that screen to find the second.
Go north to find a guy moving house. He will give you the ghost spear. You can use this to hit through walls and to break some of the new obstacles.
Go back to the east, and head south: Now you can destroy the block in the way.
If the lights are off, hit them with the spear to switch them on again. Follow the path back to the entrance of Woshad.
Go West this time—you can now switch on the light (aim the spear at the center of the black circles) and move the block onto the button. You'll need to use the spear on it from across the gaps to move it correctly. Collect the gold key once you're past it.
Head all the way back to the right, past the hammers.
If you take the right hand path to the bottom exit on the right, there's block to move and a cave in a tree to investigate. Use your gold key on the lock in here to get an extra square of heath.
For the boss, go to the exit on the lower left of the screen. There's a block to destroy, and a cave locked with a gold lock, which you can now open. Go inside.
Boss: The Lights
Activate the pillar, and a bunch of monsters will swarm around you.
These are easy to beat—stay by the pillar, and attack outwards as they fly by you.
When there's only a few remaining, they'll move in a bit nearer you. A couple of steps and some quick attacks should see you safe though.
You will be teleported back to a cave in the forest after defeating the lights. Exit to find yourself back on the main screen.
Take the shortcut through the inn to the far right of the screen, then go south along the path left of the entrance to Rostof.
Follow the path to the locked door—you need a gold key and the wand to get through this, of which you have both.
Go into the cave to discover Basiniad.
Head north, where your path is blocked by two gold doors. You need to kill the fire monsters to open the first one—use the spear to stab through the wall at them.
Stand on the button to open the second door.
Go right and follow the path all the way round and back to the lower left for a chest. Some of the ground tiles vanish under your feet, so be careful. Head right to the next screen once you have the chest.
Travel right, along the path, then back left along the top. Avoid the fire chains as you go. If you have trouble with the enemies here, use the sword rather than the spear, because the attack radius is wider.
Make your way along the path before it collapses, and take the Dark Shield. Anything you run into with the shield will now take damage.
The path back to the south isn't complicated; it just requires careful timing. Follow it back to the main area of Basiniad, where you came in.
The dark shield unlocks the door on the bottom right, so go that way next.
The next pathway collapses under your feet, so don't stand still; just follow it through.
As you go south in the next room, there's a small monster that will eat you if you get too close. Use the spear through the wall to kill it.
Below, you'll see more of the adventurer-eating monsters. Use the spear on one and the wand to take out the other. There's only one way to go, so follow the path.
Get past all the enemies to get the Dark Suit. Not only does it damage anything in contact with you, it also allows you to swim in lava. Again, this would have been awesome to have earlier.
Since you can now, swim north through the lava. There's a hole in the ground further ahead that you can't cross—and if you get too close, a monster will eat you. But don't worry: with your new armor, you can bust right out of its stomach and carry on North. Pick up the chest on the way, then go further up to the cave, to fight the boss.
Boss: King of Fire
Stand directly in front of the King of Fire, just a step or two back. Yup, in the lava.
Equip the sword: the radius is useful here.
Kill the two bats he throws, then deflects a fireball back at him
While he's flickering, run forward and attack him directly.
Repeat a few times to win.
Head north, climb the stairs, and you're back on the main screen of the game.
Make your way back to the statue of Sardol, then go up and left and into the cave.
Follow the cave round to the end, and stay on the left on the waterfalls to get the feather. This allows you to swim up waterfalls.
There is a cave to the right, with a chest inside.
Go back to Sardol (the statue) again, and go up to the top right of the screen, where a tunnel leads to Ghethis.
To get inside, you'll need to smash a block with the spear, swim across lava, and climb a waterfall.
Kill all the enemies, including the big guy at the top (use the spear through the walls to hit him) to unlock the stairs, and go up. Collect the chest on the right hand side first.
Dodge the fire chain and climb up again.
In the waterfall room, kill the enemies, then follow the dirt path to the teleporter.
Go left, avoiding the hammer, and stay on the left for more stairs. Keep going left.
Follow the path around—your biggest problem here is staying on it! Dodge the lasers and hammers go left past the Watcher.
Follow the paths through the next couple of rooms. Avoid the obstacles along the way.
In the room at the end of the path is the Ghost Sword, a spear with the radius of a sword. Teleport out of there and head north, and you'll find it can open new blocks as well. Climb the stairs and go right.
It's race time! Stay ahead of the block and reach the button at the end, then go left again.
Allow the monsters to eat you to get across the gaps in the next area, then collect the Fire Wand, a wand that also uses the pushing force of fire. Teleport back again.
Go left—you've been here before, but this time follow the hammer around and go up to the X blocks. Use your fire wand on them, then teleport away. Jump in the tunnel to fall into the Meteor Crater.
Meteor Crater
You can go left though the block to see a big ice creature. Check the sign to find out what it is.
To the upper left of the creature behind the ice is a passageway leading to the Owl boss.
Boss: The Owl
You can only hit the owl when its moving around.
It leaves its hiding place and moves in an anti clockwise direction, after the rocks stop falling.
Stay one step ahead so you can attack as it comes out, and it only takes a few hits.
Go north again and left to meet The Watcher
You now have two choices
Either kill the Watcher
Collect the remaining treasure chests.
There's one in Gundernaud, near the start of the game, which you can swim to now.
And one in Woshad, on the far right of everything, with lava in front of it.
If you're missing any others, refer to the list of treasure chests below.
Good Ending
Take all your chests back to the completed display in the room before you meet the Watcher.
Activate the display
Go North and pick up the seed
That's it!
Full Treasure Location Guide
Note: the location the treasures display in your collection is randomized.
In the cave with Adnan where you get teleported to outside of the sixth dungeon.
In a cave above from where you get the Penguin's Feather.
The house in the village.
On the southern-most ledges of the forest area, near the lava dungeon opening.
First dungeon, after the sword.
Shieldspire's dungeon (pre-conch)—fall through the hole in the floor.
On the return to Shieldspire's dungeon (with the conch), go across the water to the chest.
The Times dungeon, above the area with the drills.
On the inside of Tentacle Beast's dungeon; in a little ice part surrounded by water.
Around the outside of Tentacle Beast's dungeon; right above the part where you are teleported out of the boss area.
In the entry of Totem's dungeon
Further along within Totem's dungeon, in front of the burnable tree for a switch.
In the King of Fire's dungeon (pre-dark suit), in the first big room, near the entrance to the boss area.
In the King of Fire's dungeon (with the dark suit), in the area where you are first pulled across a gap by an enemy.
Inside the Lights' dungeon (with the dark suit), across some lava, and above where you can get the health.
In the entry to Ghethis, to the upper-right of the first area in the tower.
Posted by: Ben
July 13, 2012 5:12 PM