Sagrario's Room Escape
All room escape games have secrets. Some room escapes, however, keep their cards especially close to their chests, relinquishing their grasp bit by bit; these are sometimes the most frustrating, and often the most intriguing. Sagrario's Room is such a game, and a superb one at that.
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Sagrario's Room Walthrough
Since the codes in this game are randomized I've explained how to get and use the codes rather than just what code to punch in.
Look behind the briefcase for a key.
Turn left and open the left panel. Collect the test tube.
Turn left and look under the lawn chair from the left for a note on how to open the right panel.
Look at the chair from the other side to find a battery.
Turn left and look at the picture. Look at the bottom left corner for a battery and a place to put the key.
Open the picture and collect the key.
Use the new key to open the briefcase, by clicking on the latches with the key.
Collect the folder, the swiss army knife, the laser pointer, and the cube.
Use the corkscrew on the swiss army knife to open the tube with the note, this code will be used soon.
Zoom in on the outlet on the wall with the panels.
Use the knife to pry off the cover, and the screwdriver on the swiss army knife unscrew the outlet.
Collect the third battery.
Put the three batteries into the laser pointer.
The laser pointer will give you the code for the safe, XX being the number that was on the paper in the tube.
The safe will open automatically once you get the code right. If it doesn't work one direction try the other. You do not have to pass 0 every time like on traditional locks.
Get the ratchet and the radio.
Move the switches on the radio until it only players the higher tone. Each switch is one beep.
Collect the note, and use the swiss army knife to pry off the magnet from the speaker.
Use the ratchet to unscrew the bolts from the chair.
Put the magnet on the bottom of the ratchet, then stich the ratchet in each of the holes left from the chair, you should get 4 batteries.
Now it's time to open up the right panel. As per the directions on the note from under the chair, just hold the button for 10 seconds.
Collect the gold bar.
Face the safe, in the bottom left corner there is a loose panel. Place the gold bar on it and then cut the string that you see using the knife.
Pick up the gold bar, remove the panel, and get the black light.
Place the 4 batteries into the black light.
Now that we've got all the tools we need it's time to work on getting the keys for the lockbox in the briefcase. Start with the left panel.
You'll see 7 buttons that change color when pressed. If you use the blacklight on them you will notice it looks like a piano.
Look at the briefcase, you'll see a logo with four letters all with a color. These corrospond to the piano keys.
From left to right the order of the keys is C D E F G A B. Match the colors with the letters it gave you on the panel and it should give you the key.
Next lets work on the right panel. You'll see a keypad with 9 buttons and one larger button.
To start press the button and write down the order of the colors on the lights above the keys.
This is the order in which you will enter the codes. To find the code use the blacklight on the colored cube in your inventory.
Match the pattern of the die on the panel, for each color. After you enter all six it should give you the key.
Now the third panel is a bit more work. To locate it face the wall with the briefcase and use your black light.
All you need to do here is push the right eight buttons. You already have the first four, on the note you got from inside the radio.
Across the top of the pad are letters, A,B,C,D. And the numbers go down the side, 4,3,2,1. So the top left button is A4, and the bottom right button is D1.
You'll need a notepad for this part. There are 4 codes hidden around the room that you need the blacklight for. One is in the outlet, one is in the safe, one is in the floor where you got the black light, and the other is on the gold bar in your inventory. Write the four codes down. You should organize them in this order, GO, OD, LU, CK.
Open up the envelope you got from the briefcase. GOOD LUCK. Look familiar? Use the black light on the GOOD LUCK, and you will see the letters are connected.
The G is connected to the D, the first O to the C, the second O to the U, and L and K are connected to each other. Using the codes you wrote down from around the room you will need to mix and match. The codes you wrote down all have 2 letters = a letter and a number. For example, GO=A4. In this case G=A and O=4. OD=C4, O=C and D=4. Since G and D are connected it would make A4. Using this formula mix and match the codes until instead of GO, OD, LU, CK, you have GD, OC, OU, LK.
The new codes you just made are the missing four codes from the note in the radio.
Once you put in the code the key will be given to you.
Use all three keys in the lockbox inside the briefcase.
Get the door handle.
Use the door handle on the door.
I don't get the radio at all.
I tried setting it one switch at a time, but the beeps change. For example, I had it going "high high high low low" and then I adjusted the fourth (3k) switch, and suddenly it was "high high low low low." I can achieve at least one high beep with the switches in pretty much ANY position.
once you have the order of your colors, use the blakc light on the die, and then copy the patterns.
for example is blue is first and blue is one, you just need to put 1 dot in the center. Then you hit the big button and move into the next number/color. That make sense?
Try moving all the the switches as low as they will go, and move them up one notch at a time, listen to see if the beeps change. If there is a high beep move onto the next switch. But remember that the lowest point might be the right spot for one or possibly more switches
Mmmmh, got a problem with last panel:
I've got GO=c1, OD=d1, LU=c1 and CK=b4.
Which gives me GD=c1, OC=b1, UO=c1 and LK=c4.
I've checked carefully, because I found it weird that a coordinate was repeated. I've tried to enter them, but it doesn't work. Either I'm doing something wrong, or there's a glitch in the game.
I would love to know why Schmorgluck feels stupid, 'cause I'm at the same setup and stuck.
Given: A4, B1, C2, D3
GO = D2
OD = A4
LU = A1
CK = A3
So with the paper, that gives me:
GD = D4
OC = A2
OU = A1
LK = A3
....which I put in with the first code and now have this picture:
What's wrong?
I'm with Schmorgluck and jimbog, my Update button is also missing. It actually has for a while now, and I am also using Firefox 3.0.6. Maybe it really is related to that version, because I recall having updated it not too long ago.
[Edit: I removed the update button due to an intermittent bug in the Ajax code that made it appear as if a comment was posted twice. People would follow up with a "Oops, sorry about the double post" when their comment wasn't really posted twice. This created additional work for us to remove those comments. Thanks for understanding. -Jay]
I just can't get to grips with the right panel
I have the colours and the codes and I have read all of the above explanations. But I can't figure out which buttons to press for which number. For example, yellow is number six but the first colour I must press. Where is number 6 if 1 is the centre button? Simply the large button?
More hints please ........
Man...I love room escape games but this was a little too much pixel hunting for me. I need at least a hint of where I'm supposed to look. Even with the walkthrough it took me five minutes to even see the battery. After clicking around randomly on the painting to find the keyhole I gave up. A shame, because the game is beautiful and the puzzles sound truly interesting.
Ok, so I guess it's been too long since I've used a combination lock
you have to get the number on the safe to be the number the laser says, not turn the dial that many times. For example if the first part of the laser says 45R then you turn the knob to the right until it is on 45. not turn it 45 times to the right so it says 15.
The lock doesn't have to be on zero to start the combination. Basically, just turn the dial to the right (clockwise) for the first number, to the left for the second number, and so on.
Also, Axa:
Hm...there are 9 buttons on that pad. I wonder what sort of patterns you could create that would correspond to the numbers on the die?
One interesting thing I've noticed is that the beeps don't necessarily correspond to the order of the sliders...for example, if you have numbers one, three and five set correctly, you'll still hear "high pitched beep, high pitched beep, high pitched beep, normal beep, normal beep." So, make sure first off that it's the fifth slider that's really the problem. If it really is, just make sure that you're hitting every setting...I found it really easy to skip some of them accidentally. If neither of those work, I'd suggest moving all the sliders (even the ones you think are correct) onto different settings and simply trying over.
The blacklight is under a loose floorboard. I can't recall which wall it's under, but click the corners until you get to a different view. Click on the loose floorboard (it won't come off), and then put the gold bar on one end to keep it propped up. Then, cut the string with your knife, remove the gold bar and the plank should come off. You'll need batteries to power it, however. These batteries can be found in the holes left in the floor after you move the chair away from the door. Put the magnet (which you get after solving the radio puzzle) on the tool you used to unscrew the chair, then dip it into each hole to collect the batteries.
Thanks Jess! I got it. Now, though, I have been putting the codes in for the colored die, but it keeps buzzing angrily at me at the next to last color. I've tried every way to put them it, and I am matching the patterns to how the dots show on the die, and according to's driving me crazy!
Check out the spoiler that Jess put up for me, just a few posts up.
To anyone still having a problems with the RIGHT panel, here's a slightly better explanation.
With the panel, and its six lights, it's asking you to put in the dice nmber design that shows up on the black lighted cube.
Say your fist colour is yellow, and the corresponding number is 6, then you'd go to the panel, and click on the three left most buttons and the three right most, so the lit buttons no look like a "6" on a dice, then press the bar at the bottom. Repeat this with every other colour/dice design. (Eg, 5 would be an X,4 would be all 4 corners, etc.)
Hope that helped!
Not sure if the radio thing changes, but here's what I did and it worked:
Thanks to all the hints here I managed to finish it. The game is difficult, sure. But there is one thing that from a logical point of view doesn't make sense
In the final panel, if the top row is ABCD then the logical vertical number sequence should be 1234 NOT 4321. It's the basic layout for every grid I've ever seen and there was no scrap of paper, hidden hint or whatnot that suggested the numbers were the other way around
That alone cost me like 15 minutes because I kept revising the letter-number combinations that I'd gotten right to begin with.
@ Username.
Yes, its a piano. What you're looking for is in the walkthrough
from left to right the keys (buttons) are
You'll find the colors corresponding to each of the letters in the briefcase. Simply match the colors with the four letters and don't press the rest
@ JamieL
Think of the keypad as if it were the side of a dice. If for example when you look at the yellow side of the cube with the black light you see a 5 what you need to press on the keypad is this:
X . X
. X .
X . X
so that it resembles the 5 in a dice
if it's a 6 it you need to press:
X . X
X . X
X . X
Hope that helps :)
QOD, I've read the walkthrough, I know it's a piano, the walkthrough offers no solution to this puzzle that I can figure out. I don't know musical notes and how the correlate to piano keys, let alone how 6 colors fill in the 7 buttons. The "hint through" doesn't really explain the answer to this one, or rather, doesn't give the answer at all. The answer would be the order of colors.
As the walkthrough states, you should use the blacklight on the buttons. You will then see which button corresponds to which note.
There are only 4 letters in the square, but who says that a letter not mentioned also needs a light?
Furthermore, many of the codes are random for each game, so none of us could give you the answer for that puzzle.
You're totally joking about the "yellow" rating, right? The "nudity" in DaVinci's Vitruvian Man is practically a blur. Howzabout you lighten up a bit, hmmm Jay?
[Edit: Lighten up? We're not saying who should or shouldn't play the game, we're just identifying the content present in the game. What's there to lighten up about? Please read our ratings descriptions if you don't understand what they're there for, or what they represent. -Jay]
To open the safe...
First you need to have the combination from the laser pointer and the paper. For i had
XX = 1
So therefore i had
28 Right
48 Left
1 Right
51 Left
So Clicking on the "right" side of the dial i turned it until the number 28 was on top. The i clicked the "left" side of the dial until the number 48 was on top. And so on...
I hoped this helped.
Ahren, about the panel you are having problems with:
I had trouble with this too. You know that you use the blacklight on the cube to find the numbers that correspond with the colors, click the cube to turn it around and get the other side. Your pressing the buttons in the shape of the number on the cube. You know how you are pressing the long button on the bottom to see the order the colors go in? Go through it once and write that order down. Also write down what die number goes with each color. My problem was that I would push the long button first and then enter die number for the first color that showed up. The thing is, you enter the first color before you press the long button at the bottom at all. Which is why you need to write those colors down because you won't be able to see in the game what color is next.
In my game, the colors at the top were Yellow, Blue, Red, Purple, Green, Light Blue. So before I even pushed the long button to show the first light, I punched in the buttons that made the shape of the number on my yellow side. The number was six, so I punched the three going down on the left and the three going down on the right. THEN I pushed the long button on the bottom. Then I entered the corresponding number for blue. It was 1, so I pushed the center button. Then hit the long button.
It's really long and confusing, but hopefully this helps.
I have been working on the last puzzles for, no kidding, HOURS. I have the grid right, it's 4,3,2,1 from top to bottom and a, b, c, d from left to right. I also has this as my coordinates.
From the Paper:
From my own gathering of the letters, I have:
I am going freaking crazy here. I am out of smokes and refuse to go to the store until I figure this room out! Help! Someone is going to get something thrown at them!! lmao
hey Jess,
what the heck are you talking about when saying "not everything was a logical combination" and "I didn't recognize some things at first"?
Im probably gonna say stuff about the game when saying ur wrong so let's use a spoiler.
unless you dont know what a battery looks like of have never ever heard of a black light, dont know that there are magnets in all microphones and speakers and you have never in your life played Mastermind it is completely logical! I kind of immediately saw what I had to do with stuff, and when I was stuck I started rereading the papers etc. and as soon as I found out I could flip the magnet out of the mastermind-game-like-thing it went like whoooooooooo (= very fast) got the batteries in a splitsecond and when I had the blacklight running
nothing could stop me from escaping :3.
Loved the game, everything is so logical, and it actually was the very first one I finished without walkthroughs, cuz it wasnt much searching but more riddles :D
ITS A LIE! uhu, I hadnt seen the battery next to the chair, against the wall {.{ stupid blind me. xD
Great game, congratulations to the developer. Very logical puzzles, if it weren't for the fact that you have to search small items, you can escape just by thinking a little. It took me a lot of time to get the last key.
I think there is a small bug:
If you move the chair before you take the paper under it, you can't take it after. I was stuck in my first try so I started again and found it. I think this should be fixed, or else there is no way to know how to open the panel (unless you start trying things). Also, as a suggestion, the letters and numbers on the hidden panel are way too small, I didn't even knew they were there until I finished the game and then read the walk through, I had to try 3 times while playing, guessing which rows and columns were the numbers and the letters until it worked.
Strangest thing: the game seems unplayable for me - since the inventory never shows up on the screen... Looking at some video walkthrus I know it should be at the bottom of the game screen - it's not there. The items I pick up just disappear and never show up again...
Firefox 4.0.1
(Looking at the comments made on the game page, someone else was complaining about this, too.)
The inventory appears correctly for me, bio. Check the zoom state on your browser. My guess is your browser is zoomed in.
Check our Support FAQ for help in fixing it:
Dementedness over LOL Solved the radio problem - apparently I hear sounds different in the other ear so could distinguish the sounds better!
Now stuck on the last part - first game I could only see two letters on the sticker in the briefcase so started a new game and this time there is only 3 letters so can't solve the piano part!! Tried all the other combinations last night with no luck...Am I doing something wrong or missed something?
THE LEFT PANEL (troubleshooting)
You should be able to see 4 letters on the sticker in the briefcase. Mess with the contrast of your screen, because if it's got a dark background, it might fade into it.
For the piano part, you are
only lighting up 4 buttons! There is no need to light up the others. Keep clicking until the colors match the letter of the key, and make sure your blues are the right blue.
also, check that your keys are correct.
Shine the black light on it.
(It's not using sharps/flats.) The first button is C.
It's pretty clear that my issue is not a common one. The radio. Now, I'm not deaf or tone deaf or anything of the sort, I figured out the way to get everything beeping at a higher tone eventually with a bit of tweaking. It's all good, but I can't do anything else.
No matter how many times I reload the game and start over, whenever I get the 4 higher beeps, I still can't open the damned thing. I click it like crazy till the higher tones bleed into eachother and then click the eject button, nothing. I tried the knife on it, nope. Nothing. I'm completely unable to progress at all because the puzzle is unsolvable. The 2 panels are still unsolved (open, but that's it), got the chair moved, got the floorboard done, briefcase opened obviously and so on. But the radio, the apparent key to remotely going onto the next step...useless.
Anyone else have this issue?
Never mind. Apparently the Facebook version only let me hear 4 tones. The version I found on here allowed all 5, which means the puzzle was solvable.
Serious glitch that nearly ruined the game for me. Needs to be looked at.
[Thanks for the confirmation that our hosted version is flawless. We have no connection with the version found on Facebook. -Jay]
Since the last post on here was nearly a year ago, i expect to receive limited help. I am stuck on the very last safe. My codes are: GO=A4 OD=D1 LU=D3 CK=A4. Now when i associate those numbers with GD LK OC OU i get the following: A1, DA, D3, D4. Clearly this is wrong because DA is not a possible location. Please help, as i am ready to end this game.
randomizer error
hi, this is my second attempt to break out from this room, but here i am with this error :
i got the hidden word scattered around the room from the black light like this :
and from the note :
the problem is, why there are two B2?? since it got 8 keys to complete the last key, i'm short with one B2, and if i pressed the B2 two times, i'm short with two code
Hello again. I left the last comment. I just followed the walkthrough step by step and everything went well until I got to
"Put the magnet on the bottom of the ratchet, then stick the ratchet in each of the holes left from the chair, you should get 4 batteries." I put the magnet on and selected the tool and clicked on the holes
but nothing happened, again. Please help.
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Walkthrough Guide
(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)
Sagrario's Room Walthrough
Since the codes in this game are randomized I've explained how to get and use the codes rather than just what code to punch in.
Look behind the briefcase for a key.
Turn left and open the left panel. Collect the test tube.
Turn left and look under the lawn chair from the left for a note on how to open the right panel.
Look at the chair from the other side to find a battery.
Turn left and look at the picture. Look at the bottom left corner for a battery and a place to put the key.
Open the picture and collect the key.
Use the new key to open the briefcase, by clicking on the latches with the key.
Collect the folder, the swiss army knife, the laser pointer, and the cube.
Use the corkscrew on the swiss army knife to open the tube with the note, this code will be used soon.
Zoom in on the outlet on the wall with the panels.
Use the knife to pry off the cover, and the screwdriver on the swiss army knife unscrew the outlet.
Collect the third battery.
Put the three batteries into the laser pointer.
The laser pointer will give you the code for the safe, XX being the number that was on the paper in the tube.
The safe will open automatically once you get the code right. If it doesn't work one direction try the other. You do not have to pass 0 every time like on traditional locks.
Get the ratchet and the radio.
Move the switches on the radio until it only players the higher tone. Each switch is one beep.
Collect the note, and use the swiss army knife to pry off the magnet from the speaker.
Use the ratchet to unscrew the bolts from the chair.
Put the magnet on the bottom of the ratchet, then stich the ratchet in each of the holes left from the chair, you should get 4 batteries.
Now it's time to open up the right panel. As per the directions on the note from under the chair, just hold the button for 10 seconds.
Collect the gold bar.
Face the safe, in the bottom left corner there is a loose panel. Place the gold bar on it and then cut the string that you see using the knife.
Pick up the gold bar, remove the panel, and get the black light.
Place the 4 batteries into the black light.
Now that we've got all the tools we need it's time to work on getting the keys for the lockbox in the briefcase. Start with the left panel.
You'll see 7 buttons that change color when pressed. If you use the blacklight on them you will notice it looks like a piano.
Look at the briefcase, you'll see a logo with four letters all with a color. These corrospond to the piano keys.
From left to right the order of the keys is C D E F G A B. Match the colors with the letters it gave you on the panel and it should give you the key.
Next lets work on the right panel. You'll see a keypad with 9 buttons and one larger button.
To start press the button and write down the order of the colors on the lights above the keys.
This is the order in which you will enter the codes. To find the code use the blacklight on the colored cube in your inventory.
Match the pattern of the die on the panel, for each color. After you enter all six it should give you the key.
Now the third panel is a bit more work. To locate it face the wall with the briefcase and use your black light.
All you need to do here is push the right eight buttons. You already have the first four, on the note you got from inside the radio.
Across the top of the pad are letters, A,B,C,D. And the numbers go down the side, 4,3,2,1. So the top left button is A4, and the bottom right button is D1.
You'll need a notepad for this part. There are 4 codes hidden around the room that you need the blacklight for. One is in the outlet, one is in the safe, one is in the floor where you got the black light, and the other is on the gold bar in your inventory. Write the four codes down. You should organize them in this order, GO, OD, LU, CK.
Open up the envelope you got from the briefcase. GOOD LUCK. Look familiar? Use the black light on the GOOD LUCK, and you will see the letters are connected.
The G is connected to the D, the first O to the C, the second O to the U, and L and K are connected to each other. Using the codes you wrote down from around the room you will need to mix and match. The codes you wrote down all have 2 letters = a letter and a number. For example, GO=A4. In this case G=A and O=4. OD=C4, O=C and D=4. Since G and D are connected it would make A4. Using this formula mix and match the codes until instead of GO, OD, LU, CK, you have GD, OC, OU, LK.
The new codes you just made are the missing four codes from the note in the radio.
Once you put in the code the key will be given to you.
Use all three keys in the lockbox inside the briefcase.
Get the door handle.
Use the door handle on the door.
Posted by: Kero
February 25, 2009 12:02 AM
So you've opened the safe.
And you've taken out the white audio meter.
And you've matched all the tones so they all sound the same, using the sliding dials.
Now to GET the magnet.
To get this far, you should have the Swiss army knife.
Press the "i" and switch it to the knife attachment. It's the first one.
Now get back to the screen and press the "i" on the white audio meter.
Click the round open button on the right.
Click the Swiss army knife to use it -- on its picture, not the close-up.
The power source of the audio meter is in full view. It's the big black thing. Like many motors, it has a magnet. Pry the magnet with the knife.
The magnet will appear in your inventory as a small metal donut.
Now to USE the magnet.
Press the "i" on the ratchet.
There's the big part (the business end) and the little part (the handle).
You don't have to do this now, but here it is: click on the picture of the magnet to use it, and then click on the end of the handle, the little end. You have now MAGNETIZED it.
Now mosey to the chair, click to the side view of it. Click on the picture of the ratchet and unfasten those bolts.
Repeat for the other side of the chair.
Back up to the full, close-up view of the chair (facing the door). Move the chair to the side.
Click where the chair was for a closeup of the floor.
You're looking down at the floor. See those four bolt holes?
If you haven't already, magnetize the ratchet.
Click on the picture of the ratchet.
Click on a hole. The ratchet will go down the hole.
Click the ratchet again to raise it out of the hole.
Click it a final time to return the ratchet and the BATTERY attracted to the handle.
Repeat for the other holes. Voila... four batteries.
So you've held down the button and opened the right panel.
And you've put batteries in the black light.
Go to the panel and press the space bar / long button at the bottom. Keep clicking. Note each color of light that appears.
Now press "i" on the picture of the dice.
Shine the black light on it. (Click the picture of it, then sweep around the close-up of the dice.)
Put the black light away (click its picture again), and then click on the dice to flip it to the other side. Repeat.
This is DICE. Copy down the colors, and copy the corresponding DICE DOTS. Pretend you threw the dice, and that's what's facing up.
Example. "2" will be going top left to bottom right, and "3" will be going bottom left to top right.
Example. "4" will be on the corners. "6" will have a space between the rows.
So on the 9x9 pad, you'll be copying the DOTS of the DICE. It is *not* a keypad like on your keyboard, or a calculator.
Type the first set of dots, then press the bar button. So you put the number in first, then its color pops up. Repeat through the sequence.
Beep, beep! You've got a key!
Posted by: Shudog
February 13, 2011 3:14 PM