There's a zombie apocalypse happening, and only one man can stop it!... maybe... hopefully! Rupert picks up his trusty gun and bowler hat, determined to stop a bitter necromancer and make the streets of London safe once again in this repetitive but quirky and entertaining action shooter with a wonderfully morbid cartoon style.
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The costs of things scale, but your ability to earn income does not. trying to earn enough cash to barricade something is just a matter of doing the same thing over and over. The upgrades are lackluster, the monetary bonuses are a joke, and the gameplay ends up being highly repetitive.
How on earth does one replenish rifle ammo besides crates? Is it really supposed to be so vanishingly rare for something of such modest utility?
Finaly after at least an hour beat the last boss, and now im just standing on the boss-fight screen all on my own. Is that it, no end cutscene? not even a well done note? Bah!
How the heck are you supposed to dodge the boss? I can only do it by getting lucky. And I am NOT a lucky individual. Good fortune avoids me like a leper colony.
It appears there's a bug which lets you purchase any upgrade, whenever.
Clarification: As long as you have the funds. I just (unintentionally) clicked on the Surfing Pro ability, despite that I haven't purchased any other powers in that 'tree'
killed the main boss. an ending would be nice.