Rebuild 2
Sarah Northway's incredibly popular and addictive zombie survival game of strategy and simulation gets a big update in this sequel that adds more skills, more items, and a lot of other tricks and tweaks. Defend one of the sole bastions of humanity left in a sprawling city and slowly work to reclaim the rest from the zombie horde, recruiting survivors, scavenging for supplies, and dealing with hazards like raiders, zombie attacks, and even dissension in your own ranks.
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For the crazy scientist guy
After 99 days (for me) there were screams from the lab. After sending in guys and finding that he's been experimenting on Zeds. You also find documents written in Russian that need to be translated at another lab. Once translated you get the cure.
I think as long as you do what he asks and wait you get it.
Any idea how many endings there are?
"Secret Research" ending:
Let the crazy doctor have his own lab. Give him everything he asks for. I'd recommend claiming or building another lab to do your everyday research at this point.
Periodically some dialogs will come up, going on about how strange, dangerous, and inhumane his research is. Keep waiting.
Wait long enough, and an explosion happens at the lab. Send a team of soldiers to investigate it.
You lose the lab, but gain Dr. Crazy's research notes. They need to be translated, so wait a little while longer. You don't have to reclaim the lab in the meantime, unless you don't have another one.
After a while, upon translating his notes, you discover that the Doc was close to a breakthrough cure for zombie-ism. Assign your researchers to a lab to finish his research. Once the research is complete, you've won the game.
Just to add:
In order for the Doc to finish his research, he asks you to observe the zombie horde. I only realised much later that what you need to do is to wait for a horde to show up. Then, when you know where they are (where the warning marker is) you send someone to scout the area, something you're not normally able to do.
That causes the Doc's storyline to progres.
What I'm stuck on is
the church of the chosen. I've managed to get them to build a second church (since they have to have one already for one of them to preach in) on a claimed (normal) graveyard; pleased them by claiming the large graveyard; and allowed them to celebrate the Day of the Dead. Not seen anything else show up regarding their storyline.
Aw, didn't know that! Guess I should have read the comments first. |D
In general;
I am pursuing the Crazy Scientist ending, but
I can't approach a horde, even when they're adjacent to a square I own. The option's just greyed out with the usual 'we won't go anywhere near that!' text.
I have two level 10 soldiers, but... is there something else before I can 'research' the zombie horde?
I also can't wait until this hits Kong-usually I avoid playing games on other sites so I don't have to replay them to get badges, but I made an exception for Rebuild 2 (and Papa's Freezeria, one of my favorite games this year).
Huge content warning!
I'm not sure if this was just because I turned on the harsh language option but this is rather triggery, please don't read this, kids:
One of the trader options is to actually trade one of your female survivors for weapons. Into, presumably, sexual slavery.
Randomly generated, so... yeah.
Overall this tips in favor of narrative and takes away from the gameboard/time-management elements of the first. If you like the graphic novel approach with more individualism, this one's good. If you like the challenge of managing territory (where zombie populations fluctuate like ambling storm-surges against your walls), stick to the first one.
I have managed to get 4 endings. Not sure how many there are.
@asfghn about collecting sample.
When zombie horde comes,they charge at your town or whatever you called it in straight line right? you just have to order your survivors to do a mission at the building that the horde will move to next day(should be a mission that take at least 2 days to finish,like killing all zombies) ,and then when you choose to go to next day,the horde will move to the next building where your survivors currently are.Your survivors will be forced to go back to town(don't worry,no one is dead). And some messages will pop up saying that you have collected the sample.That's it.(It works for me,not sure if it will for everyone else)
About The church of the chosen one
When someone in your town tries to write a book about zombie,don't let them do it. You should ban all of the books,or else you will regret it later. In my first play-through,I let them publish those books and let them have their own church. Around the end of my game,People start going crazy and just go out of the wall to join the zombies.I was lucky(maybe) that it's at the end of my games so I didn't suffer from it much.So in my second play-through,I banned all of the books and everything is alright.I don't think they're useful except that they can turn graveyard into church,which does not help that much
About all ending that I have found and how I got them.
Helicopter ending: You have to reclaim heliport. and you will find out that someone messes with it.You have to repair it first. You need parts and technician.In my case,after I wait for a while,technician just come out of nowhere.You will know by the messages popping up saying something about helicopter. For the parts,when Gustav the trader come around,whether you choose to trade with him or not.You will still get the parts automatically. Then you can start repairing helicopter. When you finished repairing helicopter,a cut-scene will play automatically.After the cut-scene you can choose to keep playing or end game. If you choose to keep playing. You will be able to see the entire map completely like you use scout but for the entire town. So for those who wish to get all endings in one game.I suggest getting this ending first. Also,if you choose to keep playing,you can choose 5 survivors to go out to new town,so basically it's a new game+. You can now choose the size of the map to be small,typical,big or huge. The weapon that you equipped your chosen survivors will be carried on to next town.
Constitution ending: You have to meet requirement to be able to get this ending. You must reclaim enough buildings to be able to write new constitution. You can see how many buildings is required by looking at the status bar(the one that show how many foods we have and so on).When you have enough buildings,Some messages will pop up saying something about town hall. If you choose yes,your screen will move to town hall.You must reclaim town hall first to be able to write new constitution.It takes 10 days to write it.After that,a cut-scene will show up.After cut-scene,you will be asked if you would like to keep playing or not.If you choose to keep playing,You will be able to send 5 survivors from town hall to start new game like helicopter ending.
Cure ending: see Mike's spoiler about this one. about sample,see my spoiler. (I'm lazy-_-;;)
The last judgement gang ending: I can't exactly remember the last ending. I only remember that you have to do a rescue mission which can be chosen from police station after you accept people who escaped from a gang called the last judgement. The rescue mission take 10 days to finish. After that,a cut-scene will play and after that you can choose to keep playing or not.
Note: You can only send survivors to start new game from Helicopter or town hall after you get their ending only.You can't send people from Cure or The last judgement ending.
PS. I named those ending myself.I don't know what they are called officially
Please excuse my English.It's not my native language.
I love this game, and I loved the original. I always find myself attaching personalities and stories to each character.
For example: I found myself sending the same two people out each time I wanted to scavenge safely, a guy and a girl, and I ended up thinking of them as falling in love and always wanting to watch each other's back. And when I had to send one out without the other I could just picture the one left behind worrying about the other, and maybe even getting mad at the leader for sending him or her out without the other.
And I had my character make friends with a guy, and we went on all the recruitment missions together. But then my friend came to me wanting to write a book about Zombies having a gift or something. I imagined my character trying to talk him out of it, before finally having to just tell him no. I'm sure she was very sad when he left our colony.
I don't know, maybe I'm just over-emotional. But it was a really, really fun game anyway.
I loved the equip addition. And all the new types of buildings. And being able to make a new game with old characters. And just pretty much everything.
I played it on Armor Games last night. Here's what I had to say:
Last night I beat the game on Pretty Easy difficult. It could have been better, but nonetheless, I think it's a pretty good game. I'd rate Rebuild 7.5/10, and I'd say Rebuild 2 is 7.5/10. I'd say the game took a few steps forward, but also a few steps back, and overall I don't think the quality is really any better than the first game. In the first couple hours of playing I was pretty disappointed and was thinking of quitting, but I kept playing and am glad I did, because it got better.
There are some changes I really love about this game. Unlike the first game, you can now find items in scavenging, store them in your inventory, and equip them on your people. The game now also has stats for your survivors, and over time they gain experience in different fields, and unlike the first game this is actually noticeable because you get the numbers for their stats. In addition to this a few types of buildings were added. And possibly the biggest improvement is that the game has a more human touch to it than the original. You can easily rename the survivors. You can decide what piece of equipment your character starts with. There are a number of interesting little plots, little side stories in which you can make choices and affect the overall direction of the story. Since I only played on Pretty Easy though I didn't feel like I really got the complete experience. The game also has a few other new features I liked, such as the graphical overlay that shows you green for a building free of zombies, yellow for one with some in it, and in a few cases red for the bigger, more special buildings. This does make the game easier, but I'm also kind of disappointed that the actual graphics for the zombies on the map have been dropped. One another thing I liked is that almost the whole time I played the game I was able to keep my risk very low, to the point where I didn't lose a single person until almost the very end, which I will explain later. Now, even two soldiers can be quite effective almost anywhere they go. Instead of having quite small percentage point gains from adding more soldiers to attack some zombies, gains are much bigger. In many instances even a top level soldier won't be able to take on too many zombies, but add a second soldier and most all such assignments become quite easy, to the point where a couple soldiers can often kill off three times as many zombies with very little difficulty. Synergy, indeed.
Now to the things I disliked about the game. There were two big changes to the game that I actually disliked, plus a number of things I think the game should have changed but didn't. First off, the music. The new music is atmospheric and dark and sinister, and I'd say the original game's music was too, but the original game's music was just better. I think Rebuild 2 should include the original music and give you the option of listening to just the new music, just the old music, or both.
The other big change I really hated is a gameplay matter, and that is the living space limit. In Rebuild, on Normal difficulty (not the easiest of the settings), a surburb gave you 8 living spaces for survivors. Apartments gave you 10. I was really disappointed with that in the first game. A zombie apocalypse has just occurred. In conditions like this, when there's just been a major disaster in an area or something, 20 people may need to stuff themselves into a little home at times. An apartment complex could probably support 20 people without any trouble, and even 50 people probably wouldn't be too bad. If you absolutely packed the place, you might possibly 100. In Rebuild 2 I was really hoping that living space capacity would go up a lot--but in this regard, I was hugely disappointed.
Now, each type of building only gives you 3 living spaces. It's nice that motels now also give you some living space. But whereas in the first game the limited living space was just annoying from time to time, in this game it has become a huge pain. I almost always hit my capacity extremely quickly after reclaiming a new building that people could go in. I really don't understand what Sarah was thinking on this one. Living space has become a HUGE problem for growth in this game. The food supply, on the other hand, was not even once a problem, until almost the very end of the game after I'd run out of places to scavenge and had to rely on farms solely, which meant that I had to start building them quickly. Even then though it wasn't a problem because by that time I had plenty of very effective builders, and I managed to keep my food from never dropping to zero (barely). So in effect, your living space limits your growth much, much more than your food supply. It really shouldn't be a problem, I don't think. Buildings should be able to support more people. In fact all types of squares should be able to provide some living space for people in a pinch, and you ought to be able to decide just how densely you want people packed, with varying impact on their happiness and the spread of communicable diseases.
So that was my single biggest problem with the game. There are also a number of other things I think could be improved. In the first game much of focus was directed on killing zombies directly around my fort, and I paid relatively little attention to those that weren't directly touching it. With the map overlay though, which shows squares with zombies in yellow, I was able to use my soldiers more efficiently to go after large groups of zombies quite easily. But this took too much clicking in my opinion, because whether there was a single zombie in a square or 10 or 11, they all had the same color in the overlay, so I had to click on every single square to find out which destinations had the most zombies, and were best to attack. If he game just displayed the exact number in the square without needing to click it it would have made the game a lot more fun for me.
But that and other points aside . . . I actually think this probably was a better game than the original. Actually, I'm thinking I probably should give this game an 8.0, or maybe 8.25 and the original an 8.0. I think this game is an improvement, but it could have been much more so, and it also included a couple changes that brought the quality down in my eyes.
One other thing I forgot about: the Church of the Chosen Ones. Like other more story-based aspects of the game, I didn't feel like there were really many options. I was railroaded into deciding whether I wanted to let them preach or not, whether I wanted to give them food to throw a party or not. What if I wanted to know more about this church, to sit in on a sermon and find out just what kind of message exactly they were giving, and then give me a few other options for exactly what to do about them? As it was I denied them food for their parties all two or three times they asked . . . and yet a few turns before the end of the game my character apparently still committed suicide, followed by another character. It was very abrupt and unexpected. They were in fact the only two survivors I lost in the entire game, as I'd been pretty careful not to take on too much risk. I think this aspect of the game could use more refinement.
[Spoiler tags added due to length. -Mod.]
I guess I'll also add that a few days before Rebuild 2 came out I became kind of curious about it again. I'd gone back and played The Last Stand: Union City to some extent, and that made me wonder about Rebuild once more, and I soon discovered that Rebuild 2 was going to come out, which I didn't know. So I promptly wrote up my ideas for what could be done to improve on the original, posted them on Kongregate, and mentioned them on Sarah Northway's blog. I didn't realize that Rebuild 2 would be released so soon thereafter. But, perhaps these ideas could be still used for Rebuild 3:
I watched the trailer, and it looked to me like each person you get will have several different stats-one stat for building, a stat for fighting, research, scavenging food, and being a leader. If so, that makes me very happy, because that's something I wanted from the original. Hopefully putting someone into a new job assignment will start to increase their respective stat, so they get better at that job.
And it also looks like you'll be able to scavenge other items besides food, such as wrenches for your builders or rifles for your soldiers, and then trade them for different goods if you like.
Here are some things I'd like to see:
One of the most important things I think is that tasks should generally take a lot less time-hours instead of days in many cases, so it's much more like The Last Stand 2.
Someone who scouts a building can also accomplish some "easy" tasks there: kill a couple zombies in plain view, pick up a few cans of food in plain view, or shout out to a survivor in plain view, "We've started to rebuild a community near here and
are pushing back the zombies, and we could use more help. Will you come help us?" Who may then promptly reply "Absolutely!" and follow your scout back to the settlement. Leaders would only really be necessary to recruit some of the people out and about that are being more difficult, such as someone who has lost their family and is still too shell-shocked with grief to worry about what's happening with the rest of the world. Or maybe some who think they'll be safer on their own, looking out for themselves, rather than joining a community. The larger your community gets though, the more likely most people would be to want to join you.
Personalities: A few characters could have loner mentalities and would actually prefer to join your community while it's smaller, and as it expands would have greater and greater desire to leave it, or not join it at all if they haven't yet. I can think of two pretty good examples of someone like this: Father Grigori from Half Life 2. He'd rather be among his zombified "flock," killing them off, than in the more civilized areas. And Rambo. I don't think he ever got along too well in large groups of people, but someone like that left pretty much on his own could probably massacre an entire horde of zombies. This could open up some interesting gameplay possibilities. If a loner just wants to remain in his current dwelling and not join you, he could run his own zombie-killing operation far distant from your settlement. These kinds of people tend to become a little too self-reliant at times though and don't always like to ask for help even when they need it, but you could opt to occasionally supply them with a little food and ammunition from time to time, to make sure they don't overextend themselves too much and end up turning into zombies or starving to death.
Survivors outside your settlement should have a chance of dying over time, depending on their skills, the amount of food they have, the zombies that surround them, etc. I don't think that was ever the case in Rebuild. This could give the player an incentive to clear the zombies out of distant buildings that have survivors in them, if for whatever reason those survivors are unwilling or unable to join you right now. These sorts of people would probably not be so much the Rambo types, but rather those who have become too psychologically broken by loss or something and as a result are unable to leave the home they've lived in for years or something. Perhaps the player could even have the option of forcing them to return to the settlement, or allowing them to come to terms with the grief on their own while supporting by killing nearby zombies, supplying some food, and maybe having a leader try to talk them through it.
Expeditions changes: I also think that you should be able to send out expeditions that have multiple purposes. You could send an expedition with a leader, two or three soldiers, a scavenger, and a builder to a distant location, where they could kill several zombies, gather up all the food, recruit some survivors, and build a few defenses there that would be able to better protect one survivor who still wants to remain behind.
Defenses could be built anywhere, assuming you can get people out there to build something. However, there could be four or five possible types of defenses you could build, each type of defenses would have varying degrees of protectiveness and varying costs, and certain areas would be better for some types of defenses than others, allowing for a lot of different options.
Groups that you send out, whether it's a single scout or ten soldiers, perform actions along the journey. They should be able to kill zombies, scavenge, and pick up new recruits along their journey, at least to some extent. You'd have basic search orders like "Opportunistic Scavenging," or recruiting, or zombie killing in each square that the game would give your expeditions by default. You could then change the orders along a gradient, to suit the particular purpose you want for that expedition, probably going something like Meticulous, Thorough, Opportunistic, Hasty, and Rushing Along.
Meticulous: your people would search out every nook and cranny of a square, even going so far as to pull up the very floorboards and tearing up the mattresses to see if someone had hidden something there. It would probably take two or three people 8 hours to do a Meticulous search on a small home.
Thorough would probably only take just an hour for two or three people, and in all probability you'd locate over 95% of everything useful in the place (unless there happens to be a secret passage or some such thing in the place that you don't know about) and put it in a pile, and then carry some of it with your people. Most of the time if you want to completely search out a building the setting you'd use would be Thorough; because Meticulous takes so long you'd probably only use it if you had reason to suspect that something important was hidden there, and then probably only after you've used Thorough to clear out basically everything already.
Opportunistic would take two or three people about 20 minutes, your people would locate and group together anywhere from 20-80% of the useful items (leaving bigger things like machinery where they found them), and then take with them just a few of the lighter and more useful items. This is probably the setting you'd want to use if you're sending out a large expedition to do something important a ways away from your settlement, maybe along a path that you haven't actually scouted out yet, and you want to spend a bit of time to do a little opportunistic searching along the way. It might also be a good idea if your people carry much more than they already are and so there's not really much reason to do a thorough search.
Hasty would just be showing up, taking a quick look in the rooms to note what's there, killing any zombies and taking any small and important items in plain view, quickly asking anyone you see if they'd like to join you, and moving on-probably two to four minutes work for a small home. This is probably what you'd want to use if you're just scouting out a new location.
Rushing Along would just have your people get in and out as fast as possible, taking only items and killing only zombies directly on their path and ignoring any rooms on the sides. One minute for a small house, maybe 5 or 10 minutes for a big mall, and most useful for a retreat or to rescue someone that you know is in trouble.
Before you send off an expedition you should be able to lay out a path with particular locations for it to go to, and specify how hard to search in each location, how to act toward the zombies (probably something like Blazing Guns, Aggressive, Opportunistic, Stealthy, and Ninja), how long to try to spend recruiting those who might not really want to go with you, and what to build and how much time and effort to put into it. If after sending out an expedition you wanted to change its orders you'd have to send out a new expedition after the first one, probably having them Rushing Along. Alternatively, if you have radios you could send out messages much more quickly without having to send a second group after the first group.
Forward Bases: I think it would also be nice to be able to operate forward bases and such things. For instance, if you find a distant mall that is packed with food and survivors, you could just send an expedition out to reclaim it, wall it off, and build defenses, and later on you could start expanding from it to other nearby areas. And even if there aren't really many places nearby that would be useful to reclaim, a mall still ought to be a very great place to kill lots of zombies, so it could actually be worth it to occasionally send out some men to supply the mall with food. Also on that note, I don't think there should be any penalty for reclaiming and walling off a square without first scavenging or recruiting from it.
Other Behaviors: It would also be nice to see other ways to give the survivors different general orders depending on other resources you have. You should be able to set a level of rationing out food portions, much like in Oregon Trail. Smaller portions would let you save more food and give you a better chance at keeping everyone alive, but would also make your people less happy and they'd have less energy available. You could also decide how hard you want to push your people to work, but the harder they work the more energy it would cost and the less happy they'd be. And one other resource that I sometimes had trouble with: living space. You should be able to recruit more survivors than you have space to support normally, and use settings to decide just how packed you're prepared to allow conditions to get. Setting more packed conditions would, like setting smaller food portions or setting people to work harder, cause your survivors to be less happy and would also increase the propagation of different illnesses throughout your community, but on the other hand you wouldn't have to worry about annoying messages telling you that you don't have any more space to support survivors; instead you'd just get a message telling you about the negative consequences of the more packed environment.
Some other things:
Rule of Two: Something important I learned from probably 200 hours of Left 4 Dead 2 is that you should almost never be alone. If you're going to backtrack for something more than a very short distance, you should definitely bring at least one person with you, and if you see someone heading off alone, you should probably accompany them. Even the best players shouldn't go out alone if possible. I think the same principle should apply in Rebuild. If you're going to scout a location out, unless it's really close to your base or there are almost no zombies about, you should send at least two people to go. Sending out one person alone one square away to scout-presumably at a "Hasty" pace-should should give about a 5% chance that they will die on the way, since they can be covered by your other survivors in the base; for two squares or more, probably a 60% chance that they won't come back. But send out two survivors set on Hasty, and the chance should drop to probably somewhere between 1 and 10%, perhaps more if they go to far or if you know there are too many zombies about. That's synergy at work, like the game currently has but much more pronounced.
Real time: I'd love to see this game become an actual real time strategy game, as opposed to so many faux-RTS's out there. A game I've played from time to time called Endgame: Singularity handled this very well in my opinion by letting you decide how quickly you want time to pass. One day could pass by in the game for every second that passes by in real time, or maybe an hour per second, or whatever setting desired, with the game slowing to real time anytime an important event happens.
Stats: It looked like characters in Rebuild 2 are already going to have skills in five different areas, but I'd also like to see some additional stats. Characters could also have skill as farmers, doctors, and scouts, in addition to the five other areas. Besides this they would have some other more basic stats that would influence several of the different occupations, such as the more common strength, intelligence, endurance, dexterity, and accuracy. But there could also be a couple more such as awareness, which would be good for scavengers and scouts discovering items, and also for soldiers for spotting zombies, and maybe something like tolerance or people skills, which would be useful for a leader, but also anyone working with others, and especially at times when there's not much housing available and conditions are more crowded.
Bigger: Finally, I just think the game should be bigger. The size of the map in Rebuild just made the game seem like it was taking place in a very small town, even though there were typically multiple police stations, malls, and schools. If the game is changed so that scouting and expeditions and such take a much smaller amount of time, then distances could be increased at the same time as well, to make a map perhaps 10, 20, even 100 times larger than presently. This might also require some big improvements to the AI though to make it very tenable, such as adding patrols and more autonomous behaviors.
[Spoiler tags added due to length. -Mod.]
What was the point of writing a 4000 word essay (I got a word count on it) on what you liked/didn't like about a zombie flash game? Especially since the second post has nothing at all to do with Rebuild 2 and was apparently written before the game came out?
Oh and maybe you should play on a higher difficulty than 'very easy' before you write these rambling critiques of the game. Just a thought.
Seriously dude: Text-walls not appreciated.
On-Topic: Real glad to see the dev made a sequel and improved the art and design of the game. It isn't super/awesome/stellar like the guy above wants, but compared to the other big zombie game that just came out, TLS:UC, I'm not disappointed with the overall quality. I'm a little surprised the dev didn't release a premium content pack with extra storylines/endings, that sort of stuff. I'd probably shell out a few bucks for that.
One Ending if Building your Constitution from city hall
Second Ending you can use the crazy sciences-test you will soon find a cure for the zombie infection
Third Ending you can finish taking in the whole map by reclaiming all places
Fourth Ending you can leave the city by helicopter or city-hall and police station
Fifth ending you can defeat or kill the Last Judgement group
Bonus - Get the radio spam the days and you will keep getting free people
The Cult of The Undead Ending Will be triggered and will be unstoppable if you first reclaim a church next to your base(or reclaim it very soon) and the most working guy(or girl)(this will possibly be a soldier who reclaims and recruits)will be attended to use the church as the chosen one. And Sarah Northway will write good things about zombieism.When you decline to publish the book, it will be too late. The book will be distributed secretly, so people will sooner or later start to commence the rebellion to suicide and join the zombies.
I really enjoyed this game. It's better in many ways than the original.
I agree with Iconian that there should be more living space. I suppose though that there is bound to be some growth-rate-limiting condition no matter how the game is designed, so it might as well be living space this time instead of food.
My main criticism of the game is that the problem of optimisation is worse in this game. In the original you didn't have to do a lot of micromanagement to operate your 'troops' at full capacity; you would assign some to defense, then send everyone else out on missions. Here, you have to think about:
* Giving everyone the opportunity to improve their skills
* Equipping all the items in the most effective way
* Rotating people between stationary jobs like farming/researching and active jobs like scavenging and attacking (again to maximise skills)
* In addition to the existing optimisation problem of recruiting and scavenging a square before reclaiming it.
As a result, it just takes a lot longer, I think about twice as long, to play this compared to the original. Lots more clicking as well. Still, lots of fun to be had.
I haven't played the original, but I love this one. Cleanup/restoration games are always satisfying, especially when you add the element of map exploration. Fun fun.
Wouldn't want to write an essay, but I feel compelled to post at least a brief list of Things I Appreciate (spoiler'd for length, not content):
No gore (at least, the illustrations are too ambiguous to seem really disturbing). I love zombies, but I'm a huge sissy and usually can't watch/play any movies/games with zombies in them. So this was nice.
Intelligent writing. Not only witty, but also correctly spelled and punctuated, thank Bob. It seems so rare among Flash/casual games, I kind of want to give Sarah a hug and a medal just for this.
Nice variety of clever NPC names. I hardly ever changed any, since they were so good already. (Tee hee... "Gun Bunny.")
Like Canimia, for some reason I also found myself attaching personalities to NPCs. E.g. since I found myself always sending the same two builders out together, I renamed them after two mechanic-type characters who are best friends in one of my stories. A silly thing, but it added to the fun and immersion.
That "Keep Playing" button is a wonderful thing. So nice to be able to discover multiple endings without having to start over...
...but "starting over" was implemented really well, too. I like that you can choose your five favorite guys to begin a new game (with bigger city options!) for a slight advantage. Lots of high-level builders FTW.
The Riffs and the Last Judgement gang were fun elements, and really helped to give a sense of a bigger world outside your city. And it was nice to have an outside faction (Riffs) who were actually on your side.
The constant horde attacks were an interesting alternative to a final boss. It certainly added a sense of urgency, especially during my first game where I'd allowed the cult to get out of hand. It was like the climax of an action movie, with everything going haywire as the heroes struggled to reach their goal: My poor NPCs were toiling desperately to draft a constitution while zombies gnawed at the gates, and friends and family jumped from the walls like lemmings. (Phew. Never again will I gripe about my own writing work.)
The only thing that bugged me was that the character I created could randomly be chosen as the cult leader, or randomly commit suicide. I understand the concept of "anyone can die, and even the hero is fair game" -- and I'd sort of be cool with it if he just got eaten in battle -- but it doesn't seem right to have him die because of a decision that I, his player, should have been able to make. Know what I mean? It kind of killed my sense of identification/immersion to have my main man do something self-destructive on his own. Sure, I could rename an NPC and pretend it's still my hero, but he'd probably have a dumb hairdo and it just wouldn't be the saaame. [/whine]
Overall, though, yeah: Love this game. :D
Five Mushrooms all the way!
Lastly, a few questions:
When you raise the difficulty, what exactly changes? I've only played twice (on the second and third difficulty settings), but I got the impression that the number of zombies in the zombie attacks rose faster, there were fewer survivors available to recruit, and there were a lot fewer All-Marts/malls/police stations around to boost your defense. Anything else?
Do you ever find out who
sabotages the helicopter and/or randomly blows a hole in your wall to let more zombies in
? I've found four endings, but that plotline hasn't been resolved yet.
If you reclaim all the blocks around the perimeter of the city, does that prevent hordes from spawning?
I feel like there's been a very little work done to improve the original (which I really liked). Yes, I appreciate the little quality improving tweaks but they are not necessarily doing anything for an average gamer.
I wish devs would take the initial success as a motivation to do even better the next time. Even more so if it's their bread and butter.
Ye GODS that was onerous. Managed a top score of 477,655 on "Kind of Tough" difficulty by completing all 4 endings, recruiting all possible survivors, and literally wiping the zombies completely off the face of the map. The task of clearing out squares is a bit easier when you have 60 people with 10s in Combat, and the 10-day countdown for the endings is a lot less nerve-wracking when there are no zombie hordes at all.
However? Still a truly fun and amazing game.
For the Dr. Crazy ending
After I gave him an assistant and waiting for the explosion to come I kept waiting. I got into day 100 something and still no explosion. Until Gustav came by and wanted to trade something for the cure for zombieism. Before I didn't ever trade for that but this time I gave it a shot. The next day the explosion came. I'm not sure if you need to make this trade to have the explosion come quickly but it was at least a funny coincidence.
I think JiGuest above is right - to get the Dr. Whatshisfaceenko ending you need to
trade with Gustav for the 'cure' rather than the helicopter part. (You will still be able to get the helicopter ending.) Shortly after that, the explosion will occur.
I am still not sure about the Cult storyline triggers. I just played a super-quick easy game on a small map. The cult got a church, but didn't go any further than that. If someone has worked it out I'd love to hear it.
Really? You can't customize your character's appearance without flipping through 1000 pictures?
It wouldn't be so bad if all the choices were things people would wear (and I've seen some batsh*t crazy stuff people wear), but most of them are ridiculous.
Half of them look like the bigfoot monster out of Sanctuary. I'd "mistakenly" shoot them.
About the cure Gustav offers you:
This is NOT triggered by any Dr. Bryuhonekov event. This is triggered by reclaiming the Helipad (and the sabotage of the helicopter).
Gustav will then offer you a choice between the "cure" and helicopter supplies. Take your pick.
Hint: If it looks like sh*t in a bottle, it probably IS sh*t in a bottle.
I realize I just bashed the Character Customization and said nothing about the actual gameplay itself. The game is actually very much like the original ReBuild (in a pleasant way). It doesn't try to go beyond what it is (a turn-based strategy zombie game) and crash-and-burn.
Don't forget, you don't have to select people for guard duty. Just select what people you want to do errands, and keep some people idle. They'll automatically defend anyway.
About the Church of the Chosen Ones:
Did anyone else have trouble getting them to advance until you found a Big Graveyard? Perhaps that was just me - only when I got it in my range of vision did they suddenly want the Day of the Dead.
Also, why don't they do anything with the Big Graveyard? You'd think they'd set up a temple or something, after all the work they put into the small graveyards.
One last note, about your personal characters:
I really liked how the game didn't pull any punches when it came to your character's death. I thought it was a nice touch to rename your character "Winks" when blinded, and ask "Who sent X out alone?!" when you started suicidal missions.
I sent out my main character to kill zombies in unexplored, faraway locations. After three trips, she was dead. :)
@ Just A. Game: Why did I write so much about what I liked and disliked and what could be improved on? Because I hope that the next game will be better. Why not write my opinions?
Anyway, I think the game could be improved in a lot of ways. But there's a simple "fix" for the music. Just open Rebuild in one window or tab and Rebuild 2 in another, and then turn Rebuild 2's music off. Pandemic had much better music than Pandemic 2 IMO, so that was what I did.
Yep, I got the embracing zombieism ending.
In order to get the Zombieism Ending:
1. I allowed the book to be published, but I'm doubtful banning it prevents you from continuing.
2. More importantly, let them set up the Church of the Chosen Ones.
3. Don't execute the members of the resistance. Just let them simmer.
4. When the second opportunity for resistance against the Church pops up, let them. If done properly, the leaders of the Church should kill themselves and the game should end.
Please note for the above ending:
This means that not all your people will die. If the game will simply end with the Church; anyone who was still alive at that time will not die. I can't recall whether you can keep playing after that.
Rebuild 2 Strategy Guide
General Info/Tips
Equipment is not permanently attached to people, so feel free to give them whatever suits the job they're doing.
The only requirement to reclaim a square is killing all the zombies. The survivors will move elsewhere for recruiting later, so only wait to reclaim if you need more supplies from it.
In more dangerous squares, it is more beneficial to kill the zombies before scavenging/recruiting.
It takes more play time, but changing out who's on guard duty (or farming, etc.) will help increase your number of effective soldiers/scavengers.
The above is also a good reason to have an extra person tag along for reclaiming/recruiting jobs.
Research is important, pick and choose carefully: communication research gets you random survivors, zombie research makes all survivors more effective killers, food research puts less strain on needing farms/farmers or scavenging for food.
Be careful about what you build: labs and schools are permanent and cannot be changed into other buildings.
It is usually a couple of game weeks before the first zombie horde attacks, so wait until then to worry about guard duty.
A Guide to All 4 Endings
#1 - Escape by Helicopter
The helicopter is always sabotaged as soon as the heliport is reclaimed.
You need to acquire the right parts, tools and expertise.
There are two different ways of acquiring each one.
The first is that they're randomly gained.
Parts: a trade with Gustav.
Tools: by researching electricity.
Expertise: by having someone read a helicopter manual.
About a game month after the sabotage, it should be ready to fix.
From this ending, you can start a new game taking up to five of your current survivors.
If you take the cure instead, nothing happens as it's bogus.
#2 - Defeat the Last Judgement Gang
First you must find the subway.
Shortly after fortifying both ends, you will discover a hidden route to their HQ.
A few days after that, you will come across an escapee whom you must feed to hear her story.
About two/three weeks after fortifying the subway, you will be ready to attack the gang (it's beneficial to ask the Riffs for help).
#3 - Discover Zombieism Cure
Two days after completing your first research, a crazy scientist will show up. Let him in.
About a week later he will demand an assistant.
Many days later (once he asked before an assistant) he will request a samples from a zombie horde.
The horde's movements toward your base are predictable, so as they get close, just send someone on a mission in the square they will be in the next turn.
It is still possible to complete this ending if you reclaim all the squares before you collect a sample.
About a game month after he shows up, there will be an explosion at the lab.
After investigating the explosion and translating his notes, you can continue his research from any lab.
Note: he once asked for the body of a dead dog for research. Obliging him lessened the wait for the explosion.
#4 - Draft a Constitution
First you must reclaim the required number of squares (indicated at the top, but you'll also receive notices when you've reached it).
Next, you should reclaim city hall.
Lastly, start drafting a constitution from city hall, which requires ten people with some leadership skill.
From this ending, you can start a new game taking up to five of your current survivors.
Tips to Beating Impossible Difficulty
Be sure to read the general tips first.
The easiest advantage is first completing the game on an easier difficult and taking your five most skilled people to the impossible city.
At the beginning of the game, your main concern should be food. So you should do your best to reclaim farms/suburbs in the area.
Scouting is essential so that you can determine in which direction to reclaim the blocks since they have to all be adjacent to each other.
High risks can pay better than playing it safe. A good number to shoot for is danger no more than about 30%. If you are trying to scavenge for equipment, that should be at least 50%, if you can.
Getting a lab quickly is a good idea as the food researches help you from needing to have committed farmers.
Expanding your area into a corner helps keep down the perimeter from which the zombies can attack you.
Happiness will become an issue. Be sure to have good leaders preaching/bartending (Gustav's love caravan also comes in handy if you can spare the food).
The ending you choose depends on your city layout/situation.
The constitution ending is the most straightforward with the least amount of randomness.
If you can find the heliport early, that could be your route.
Same with the subway for the Last Judgement ending.
The cure ending takes the most time and effort, so that is least likely. Though if you're trying for all four in one game, it'll probably be your last one achieved.
It's called impossible difficulty for a reason! Good luck!!
I dont understand, When i press play all it has is either a black screen or the background and nothing comes up. Am I the only one?
[The game is working for me. What browser, Flash Player and OS versions are you using? Have you tried updating to the latest Flash Player? Have you tried emptying your browser cache and reloading? Ad blockers will also cause problems when playing Flash browser games since they are always ad-supported, so you should always disable those prior to playing. -Jay]
After you defeat the Last Judgement Gang ...
You can 'leave town' by clicking on any police station or fortified structure / mall / all-mart. The Gang was preventing you from leaving by foot, so with them out of the way, you can start a new game that way.
And some more spoiler musings ...
What I've noticed is there seems to be an ending that accentuates each skill. Constitution is for Leadership. Gang is for Soldiers. Helicopter is for Builders. Cure is for Scientists. the Chosen Cult something to do with the Scavengers? I can't figure that one out.
Anonymous, your directions to getting the Church of the Chosen Ones ending is incomplete. I do get a special message after doing those steps, but I do not get the ending.
There must be some other step that you did that you did not include. Wish I knew what it was. I've even managed to beat the game on Impossible and still cannot find this church ending...
I've found 4 of the 5 possible endings. The 5th ending I'm having problems to get is the Embrace the Zombieism. I was told you need to let the church of the choosen ones grow, accept everything about it, beggining from the book banning, reply no, letting some random survivor preach their crazy ideas, reclaim the biggest graveyard and finally let an other random survivor research a book about zombie rituals. Then after that your survivors will slowly die, cause they think being a zombie is the answer...
So far no luck with that one, has anybody got that ending yet? If so, please tell me how you got it.
@Still Alive
the zombie cage fights are really good for you.
it happens when you are bordering a police station which has some zombies in it. It gives you a temporary %10 morale boost. But it is useless if you have good defenses, and lot of farms, which makes you not require to try to get happiness from missions.
@blah blah
the cult is about Sarah Northway as a person in the game. If you get her in the beginning, you are screwed as i was in my first play(which was also easy level :() anyways, she made people love zombies and it was inevitable. The church swallowed my best guy, with very high exp in almost every area (leader,soldier,scavenger,and even builder)and kept him(maybe her) in that church forever.
weird thing #2:
dr. bruhyenko didn't suicide after the antivenom research. it has been more than a week.
maybe these could help you anser my question:
i got the helipad, it didnt start the quests yet.(hasnt been a long time)
i already have beaten the game by constitution,and continuing the game.
I have unlocked the attack vs. the gang, but havent been started yet(maybe now).
finished the game in 3 ways and cant go any further.
The things i got in the game:
(copter is ready to depart)
(Last Judgement dead-got Northway who makes the thing embrace zombieism.)
City Hall
(the first thing i got. the second and third ones are subway and heliport in order.Note: you dont have to reclaim the old City Hall(which i have used),because when you have enough buildings secured, you can build a City Hall in one of them.
(ok, this was hard, because I didnt want the cult until i got everything else done. so i didnt conquer the church.(note:only one church is found in the game.)I got Northway too,so the Cult was starting to set up.I declined Northway's book publishment,(another small note
that you can deny the book two times:without Northway and with Northway. The thing is, Northway herself wants to publish her book when you get the church while you have her or vice-versa.If you get Northway in the beginning of the game(well, then you are screwed, open a new game) she will try to publish her book, but you wont have any other chances to deny it.But the book will only speed up the progress of the suicides. If you have a chosen one in the church(most probably the most trained guy),you can still get people killed.
)and so couldnt get any other chances to get that ending.As you can think,Northway is essential to this ending. You can get her as a survivor,which will come in your base if you get a church, and talk about the book.Another note
Northway has no skills at all, as i remember when i got her.But if you have her from the beginning, or from Last Judgement, she will have some skills(soldier if L.J.gang)
i know i got many small details on this told, but my misfortune in my first try made me know these. please correct me if im wrong in some parts,due to the length of the text.
This is really weird. Because it is not certain that you can get this ending.
I almost got the end by this way.Everyone basicly knows what to do in this, thanks to the walkthrough. You can encounter a misfortunate block in this ending, even if you allow the doctor do everything.I got to the secret research part with his assistant, already done with researching in the labs and scouting a horde. But he didn't suicide.
Thanks if you could read all the things i wrote without getting bored :)
Church: k got the chosen ones... lets see what happened:
dia de las muertos: day of the dead
also found a third church! also a tip:
get recruits from places early and get farms and apartments, etc. early. and be sure to have a hospital in case of injuries in zombie horde rushes.also multitask people like sending soldiers out to build, recruit or scavenge.also always check in defense places, like police stations for horde attacks. the danger number is for only the adjacent zombies. if you look at the station you will also see the zombie rush included, it will save you a lot of times in the early game.
a fourth
(! WTF?!?!?!)
church found.
constant zombie rushes detected. 7th one in day 45.
5th church found. ok, im bored of the church stuff.
volunteerings as leaders in church of chosen ones.not controlled as yes or no.also dinosaur evolution theory after that in two days.
also the escapee came from the gang, and i dont have even vision to the subway.
got a church and rebuilt as a lab, so i can get the other ending.
bruyhenko came after signalling.i will just seperate out this part of the church.
this part happened just after the part with 5 scientists,which is very long. it happens when you reclaim a small graveyard. the chosen ones converted it in a church.
also a xxor gas converted into a bar.this is getting weird.i dont really know if it is related, but it was consecutive.
gang defector rescued and she is Northway.
Now I have 2 Northways.
it has been a
lot of months, i have finished the lab ending already, and building a third church in case it ends the same way as the lab(it doesnt explode if there isn't at least three labs.)
it worked! someones dissenting against the church... i wont let it happen, because i want the ending.killed northway(really weird) one can work...
people started to die for zombies.everyone congradulates her.still can get out, another dead.people dying,and zombies rushing.survivor came.poor one is celebrating anymore.celebrations continue,but i can work. got the hall.twenty people left, 5 days for constitution.17 ppl, constitution done.10 ppl left, losing squares.4 ppl, 371 zombies, lost 2nd over.also saw the cutscene.terrible things.a raven eats the face of a guy in your base,which is killed by a zombie.
Bruyhenko wanted assistant.classic.
sample request
scouted horde
strange noises.
strange ways, told by other scientists.note: you have to have 5 scientists to proceed.
started antivenom.
finished antivenom, after 2 days bruyhenko said he is graditute.
explosion! finally.note: if you have 2 labs there will be no have to have at least 3. thats why i couldnt beat the game this way before.
found out about live zombies and russian writings.
reclaiming bruyhenkos lab.i hope this will work.
woohoo! the old lab didnt work, but i started researching for translation in a random lab. it takes 10 days with 3 lv10 scientists.
zombie hordes described as not comfortable with research... end of the game i guess.
weirdly all hordes come out from a lab.
got zombies don't respawn when i leave somewhere unprotected after attacking it.
found subway entrances and hall
note: you can get rid of defector Northway, Gustav comes around and wants to trade her with 2 rocket launchers.
i'm in trouble since i started to attack the gang. and i know they will send hordes to attack too.i sent a lot of soliders out(around a half) and there are 700 zombies surrounding the walls.the defense rate is exactly 500 and i get someone injured often. thank god I have 9 hospitals.
killed the gang leader.(you dont need the subway entrances for this, unlike the walkthrough or someone else said.)
finally, i can unassign people from guarding, thanks to the cure.
everyone attention please! the walkthrough has some wrong or optional points. here is a corrected version for the endings,with numbers for days and skills:
A Guide to All 4 Endings(revised):
Storyline Event Regularities:The game only requires 2 days (exception-there are 3-4 days between the translation of Doctor Bruyhenko's notes and the beginning of the finalization of his research)for automatically proceeding events-like the paranthesis above.
-Storyline Mission Regularities:It takes minimum 10 days to complete endings,except the church/zombie cult ending-which makes you actually LOSE the game .To get the endings fast you should have 3 level 10 citizens of these areas:
leadership for city hall,offense for raid/police station(mall/allmart),science for cure/the lab,construction for the flight away/heliport
-except scavenging(doesn't work)
#1 - Escape by Helicopter
The helicopter is always sabotaged as soon as the heliport is reclaimed.You can kill someone for no reason if you search the saboteur.
You need to acquire the right parts, tools and expertise.
There are two different ways of acquiring each one.
The first is that they're randomly gained, or given in order with two day breaks, after getting the heliport.
Parts: a trade with Gustav.
If you take the cure instead, nothing happens as it's bogus.
Tools: by researching electricity.
Expertise: by having someone read a helicopter manual.This happens in a few days,when you have a 10lv builder(as you dont own a place for builders to work).
About 7 days after the expertisation, it should be ready to fix. It takes 10 days with 3 lv 10 builders.
From this ending, you can start a new game taking up to five of your current survivors.If you continue to play the game, the whole map will be scouted,thanks to the helicopter.
#2 - Defeat the Last Judgement Gang
You will come across an escapee which wants to join you, when you have a good defense rating
just think about the number of zombies and your defenses. The zombies mustn't be more than x1.34 of your defenses(example 300 def vs. 400 zombies is ok.
, with just the vision of the subway exits.
Optional:You must fortify the subway in this solution.
Two days after fortifying both ends, the gang will destroy the subway to avenge the loss of their member and let zombies in to increase danger level to infested(low game hardness)/overrun(high game hardness).
Two days later, another person runs away and joins you. Now you are able to invade them from a defensive building.
Easy way:
You don't need the subway if you have at least 3 police stations,fortified malls or all-marts, and the requirements above.
if you have radio transmission on(or signalling,not sure),and have at least 3 lv10 soldiers on guard with 3 defensive structures, the escapee will join you without using the subway.If you use the subway way,you will be troubled by an infested/overrun(depends on hardness) level subway out of your walls.This is bad for you if you have already fortified the buildings next to it, which will cost a additional line of defense for you.
#3 - Discover Zombieism Cure
Two days after completing the signalling research, Doctor Bruyhenko will show up. Let him in.
About a week later he will demand an assistant.
Around a week later or two days if you have at least 5 scientists working on a research in another lab(this will be shown by a event which says that your scientists have helped Bruyhenko too(including his assistant)) he will request a sample from a zombie horde.
The horde's movements toward your base are predictable, so as they get close, just send someone on a mission in the square they will be in the next turn.
Note that if the zombies are coming to your corner squares, you can assign 2 groups to go up and down that square, to be sure that the zombies come upon them.
It is still possible to complete this ending if you reclaim all the squares before you collect a sample.
If you have three labs inside your borders, there will be an explosion at the lab in two days after the last event about labs or the capture/build of the 3rd lab.
After investigating the explosion and translating his notes, you can continue his research from any lab 3 or 4 days later(exception to storyline event regularities.).It takes 10 days with 3 level 10 scientists.
Note: he once asked for the body of a dead dog for research.(two days after the wild dog attack), this makes you wait only two days if you had a 3 or 4 days of wait left for the explosion.
#4 - Draft a Constitution
First you must reclaim the required number of squares (indicated at the top, but you'll also receive notices when you've reached it).
Next, you should reclaim city hall. You can scout the city hall automatically if you have fulfilled the building count requirement for the constitution.
Lastly, start drafting a constitution from city hall, which requires ten people. If you have a total of 30 leadership points in the list(can be 3 10lv leaders with people without leadership points too), you can finish the constitution in ten days.
From this ending, you can start a new game taking up to five of your current survivors.
#Additional Defeat Ending:
#5: Suicide to Become a Chosen One:
Note that you mustn't do this if you havent finished the game by the 4 ways of victory.
First you should have the book written:
One way is to get a church and get it written.
Second way, is to find Northway
(who is the person ran away from the Last Judgement Gang,she will be always the same, by her look, and her name, and her purpose.(if you got her before, note that it is not a she it is a he.))
Secondly, the best of your people in level will be the Chosen One.The concept of being a Chosen One will change into
being a zombie
later in this ending.
Dia De La Muertos will be held.There is no return from the process if you start the ceremony. And if you cancel the ceremony, you wont be able to get the ending.There will be conversions of buildings which are useless for you to a church and a bar in respective order.
Then when you get the third church the abomination will be unrevertable. Try to not get a third church or convert your churches into something else first(apartments are ideal, since they can be changed into churches later when you want,and wait until it is built) before conquering another, if you didnt won the game by the 4 ways.
Two days after the conquering/building of your third-and last-church,there will be a dissent against the church, you can execute them(one of them will be Northway-weirdly)to proceed the activies of the church.
Two days later,people will start to celebrate the joining to the Chosen Ones(different meaning now-it is the zombies),
and you won't be able to hand out missions to people, and zombies will start to constantly rush.(this means it is an ending like others.)
Note that this is your last chance to do the constitution ending only if you couldnt do it(Note: you must at least have a total of 30 leadership points, 50 citizens, four defensive buildings, and be adjacent to the city hall to proceed):
After the first zombie rush wave(which will stop the celebration-this won't be told to you by an event report,so check the city hall every game day-even the days without the zombie rushes), immediately take over the city hall neighbouring your borders(don't you neighbour it? then you can't get the constitution written.)and assign everyone, except 10 people to write the constitution(have at least 30 points of leadership total in these guys,
don't you have that much?you can't get the ending.
to guard duty.The zombies will rush you in a doubled manner, from two ways, crushing your defenses, because of the suicides.You will have injuries oftenly, so be sure your hospitals aren't fully occupied.Could you survive until the 8th day of the constution getting written? Good! Just know that the church will restart celebrating, so all active missions will be slowed down 3x(maybe 4x).This means you will have to hold on 6-8 days for the constitution. Congratulations if you managed to write the constitution like I did.
Then you will constantly lose people, until the last 3 of them. Then you get the defeat cutscene. It is a terrible thing, unlike the other ones.
to Doom-A-Loom
Maybe because it was Moscow, Idaho?
Well, you have quite a plenty of choices for Moscow:
played on hard or w/e, almost took over the entire city, had about 40 people with lvl 10 fighting skills, 100% happiness, but then they all started committing suicide and refusing to work (church celebration), lol so all I could do is hit next day and watch them all die 1 after the next. So yeah, don't let the guy take over a church. No ending came out of it either. & was about 8 squares from conquering the entire map. Frustrating much?
The very KEY to mastering Impossible mode from scratch:
Of course you can dominate by bringing in 10/10/10/10/10 superheroes from your old city, but let's say that's lame and too easy. What then?
Scavenging! While you're starting (first 20-50 turns say), aim to be scavenging in the squares around you every turn.
The squares should be clear and you should use your WORST scavengers (bottom of list) to continually scavenge for scraps or supplies.
Why does this work so well? Because it alleviates all your dangers.
Zombie danger: there is no menace around you from cleared squares. The hordes are also less menacing because they have fewer normal zombies to help them.
Starvation danger: Usually a bad scavenger just gets 2 food from a "scavenge for scraps". So half your guys scavenging like this will feed your group. It's twice as good as your beginning farmers can do.
Unhappiness danger: Scavenging for scraps yields 5 happiness often enough so that your clan is quickly in no danger of fights/suicide/splitting: happiness will be pegged at 100 pretty soon. You can feel free to convert churches and bars into apartments.
Also, getting equipment such as weapons etc doesn't hurt your chances!
Eventually you do have to take more squares to grow - I suggest taking only a couple of new squares every few turns, protecting the rest via scavenging.
Remaining non scavengers can take new squares, recruit, etc, AND can do clearing missions into neighboring squares to keep the threat down.
I haven't lost a small/impossible game since starting to do this.
Note on the above:
Why use your worst scavengers? Because they will take many, many turns to clear the square of stuff, and in the meantime are protecting your fort borders, getting 2 food every turn, and yielding +5 happiness sometimes.
But even a good scavenger seems to take quite a few turns to empty a square, if working solo.
Right, 5th ending founded at last:
for the Church of the Chosen Ones storyline, you just need to leave all the churches untouched while you wrap up the rest of the map (in the meantime getting the other 4 endings if you want), then you have to take control of all the churches at last, allow the cult, kill the opposers and wait patiently as all the characters commits suicide; when the second-last character kills himself, you'll see the 5th and last ending
About the Church of the Chosen ones, there is a way to defeat them:
You can let them set up the church, and you can let them go as far as this one event. Generally, it's the 2nd dissenter event, and this time the Dissenters have the Riffs/Gustav backing them up. This is your last chance to get rid of them, because if you don't get rid of them now you will be killed by the cult.
Can we always get the "cure" ending without getting a sample?
The Dr. asked for a sample but I was only one or two turns from fencing in the last two blocks, so I never had the chance to encounter a horde. 30+ days later, the "cure" storyline does not seem to be going anywhere.
i just played another quick game (small size, easy) to test this, and it seems to be true, at least for 'easy'. I'll try it on challenging next.
You know when a zombie killing mission, scouting mission, recruiting mission or scavenging mission goes bad and the person might lose the equipment they are carrying. I did a zombie kill mission once and the guy had the kitten. The report said.
He had to throw his Mooch at
the zombies to give him time
to get away.
1st of all: there is at least 5 endings:
#1 - Escape by Helicopter
#2 - Defeat the Last Judgement Gang
#3 - Discover Zombieism Cure
#4 - Draft a Constitution
#5 - Suicide to Become a Chosen One (I just see some1 previously mentioned that, but called it 4, with an additional) :P
2nd of all: it is a good idea to let them pass around the book, but then do not let them him/her preach about that cult later on as u will loose the control of him/her (he/she may not even ask if you will allow him or her to preach about the zombies being superior, but if i remember correctly, he/she does ask if she can or not). You can stop the cult easy after they were allowed to pass out the books (and they will do it in secret anyways) or at least after they permanently started preaching at 1 of your churces. And if u dont stop them there, u still have the choice to overthrow them (at least i didnt have a problem with that), just before they turn themselves into zombies.
I absolutely loved this game, as well as it's prequel. Had me hooked until i got all the medals on Newgrounds, and i gotta say the endings stumped me until recently.
All 5 endings:
For Constitution ending: Capture the minimum amount of blocks required, capture city hall, draft constitution (An easy one, i know.)
For Helicopter ending: Capture helipad, then it gets destroyed.
Scavenge as many buildings as you can for parts to the helicopter.
A dialogue with Gustav has him offering a helicopter piece or 'cure' for zombieism; get the helicopter piece, because the cure he offers is fake.
Another dialogue will show someone reading books, and asks if he should read "Helicopter Repair for Dummies"; have him read it.
A dialogue that shows someone acting 'suspicious' ever since the explosion may also appear (I say "may" because it sometimes doesn't appear for me), and asks if you should interrogate him/her. Choose no, because choosing yes will kill that person and provide no benefits.
A dialogue of someone asking if he could use the helicopter fuel as a flamethrower could also appear (again, sometimes it doesn't appear for me); I always choose no, and nothing bad ever happened to me, so i'd go with that safe option.
Eventually, you should be able to finish helicopter repairs and use Builders to repair it.
For Last Judgement ending:
For me, a dialogue randomly appeared after capturing either a Hospital, Police Station, or the Subway; it has one of your people saying that he spotted some LJ guys heading somewhere, and asks if he should follow them. Say yes, and it will lead to the LJ base.
Eventually, you will be told that you are able to attack the LJ's at any time, and if you should ask the Riffs for help. I always said yes, because it never hurts to have backup. Best to go with the safe option.
After that, you can attack the LJ from any guard station/subway.
For Cure to Zombieism:
Sometime after capturing your first laboratory, 'a strange and twitchy scientist' will appear at the gate, asking to use a laboratory. Say yes, and he will join your group. The downside is he is unable to be controlled, he wastes a food a day, and he takes one of your labs, making you unable to use it.
Sometime after that, he requests that you go in front of a horde to study them, and bring back your findings. To do this, have some people initiate ANY mission within a tile or so from the horde, then have the horde run over that specific tile to cancel the mission.
(I've had a few variations after this, so i'll list the most common occurance)
The crazy doctor eventually asks for an assistant, and one of your scientists volunteers. Say yes. You won't be able to use that scientist, but it continues the plotline.
He CAN make you go in front of another horde for more research, but that sometimes doesn't happen either. Just repeat the first horde research if it does occur.
You need to research 'Antivenom' to trigger the next event; it shows the doctor "getting excited at the discovery".
Eventually, the lab will explode and kill both the doctor and his assistant, and you will need to search the now-zombified lab. You find that the doctor was on the verge of completing a cure for zombification, but his research is in Russian. You need to wait awhile until a dialogue shows up asking if you want to continue researching the cure, which you can start up at any lab.
Be prepared for a very long wait; i've gotten vastly different timings for the events here (The first time i did it, it took me 275 days. The next two times, it took from 50-120 days.)
For Embracing Zombieism:
Shortly after beginning, someone will write a book about zombies, and it asks you if you will allow the book to keep being written. Say yes, and it will give 10% happiness.
Capture your first church, and this same person will ask if she can preach her ideas from this church. Say yes, and that church will become the "Church of the Chosen Ones".
Eventually, you will be asked to give 30 food to the church. Say yes, despite it being a massive waste, and you can continue the subplot.
When you capture your first small graveyard, the Church of the Chosen Ones will rebuild it into another church. This happens faster if you take the Big Graveyard as well. Beware, because the turn the graveyard is turned into a church, the cult members will 'celebrate', preventing everyone in town from doing ANYTHING that day.
Eventually, a dialogue will appear stating that there are people who openly disagree with the Church, and it asks if you want to punish them. Say yes, and it will kill 1-2 people and state that the church is in complete control!
Very shortly afterwards, people will begin to die one by one as they jump over the fence into the zombie masses, and after each sacrifice everyone will have a celebration, preventing anything being done that day (Got annoying after like, 10 consecutive celebrations...)
For this ending, it's best to get rid of as many zombified squares as possible. I somehow evaded the "one square left" design by having my builders capture the last two squares at the same time, so no more zombie attacks until my guys just committed suicide. When you get to around 2-5 people left, the game will end with the ending screen. This is the only ending you will be unable to resume from (Since, you know, everyone's zombie chow?)
Amazing game, interesting ways to complete the game. Let me know if this helps anyone?
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Walkthrough Guide
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Rebuild 2 Strategy Guide
General Info/Tips
Equipment is not permanently attached to people, so feel free to give them whatever suits the job they're doing.
The only requirement to reclaim a square is killing all the zombies. The survivors will move elsewhere for recruiting later, so only wait to reclaim if you need more supplies from it.
In more dangerous squares, it is more beneficial to kill the zombies before scavenging/recruiting.
It takes more play time, but changing out who's on guard duty (or farming, etc.) will help increase your number of effective soldiers/scavengers.
The above is also a good reason to have an extra person tag along for reclaiming/recruiting jobs.
Research is important, pick and choose carefully: communication research gets you random survivors, zombie research makes all survivors more effective killers, food research puts less strain on needing farms/farmers or scavenging for food.
Be careful about what you build: labs and schools are permanent and cannot be changed into other buildings.
It is usually a couple of game weeks before the first zombie horde attacks, so wait until then to worry about guard duty.
A Guide to All 4 Endings
#1 - Escape by Helicopter
The helicopter is always sabotaged as soon as the heliport is reclaimed.
You need to acquire the right parts, tools and expertise.
There are two different ways of acquiring each one.
The first is that they're randomly gained.
Parts: a trade with Gustav.
If you take the cure instead, nothing happens as it's bogus.
Tools: by researching electricity.
Expertise: by having someone read a helicopter manual.
About a game month after the sabotage, it should be ready to fix.
From this ending, you can start a new game taking up to five of your current survivors.
#2 - Defeat the Last Judgement Gang
First you must find the subway.
Shortly after fortifying both ends, you will discover a hidden route to their HQ.
A few days after that, you will come across an escapee whom you must feed to hear her story.
About two/three weeks after fortifying the subway, you will be ready to attack the gang (it's beneficial to ask the Riffs for help).
#3 - Discover Zombieism Cure
Two days after completing your first research, a crazy scientist will show up. Let him in.
About a week later he will demand an assistant.
Many days later (once he asked before an assistant) he will request a samples from a zombie horde.
The horde's movements toward your base are predictable, so as they get close, just send someone on a mission in the square they will be in the next turn.
It is still possible to complete this ending if you reclaim all the squares before you collect a sample.
About a game month after he shows up, there will be an explosion at the lab.
After investigating the explosion and translating his notes, you can continue his research from any lab.
Note: he once asked for the body of a dead dog for research. Obliging him lessened the wait for the explosion.
#4 - Draft a Constitution
First you must reclaim the required number of squares (indicated at the top, but you'll also receive notices when you've reached it).
Next, you should reclaim city hall.
Lastly, start drafting a constitution from city hall, which requires ten people with some leadership skill.
From this ending, you can start a new game taking up to five of your current survivors.
Tips to Beating Impossible Difficulty
Be sure to read the general tips first.
The easiest advantage is first completing the game on an easier difficult and taking your five most skilled people to the impossible city.
At the beginning of the game, your main concern should be food. So you should do your best to reclaim farms/suburbs in the area.
Scouting is essential so that you can determine in which direction to reclaim the blocks since they have to all be adjacent to each other.
High risks can pay better than playing it safe. A good number to shoot for is danger no more than about 30%. If you are trying to scavenge for equipment, that should be at least 50%, if you can.
Getting a lab quickly is a good idea as the food researches help you from needing to have committed farmers.
Expanding your area into a corner helps keep down the perimeter from which the zombies can attack you.
Happiness will become an issue. Be sure to have good leaders preaching/bartending (Gustav's love caravan also comes in handy if you can spare the food).
The ending you choose depends on your city layout/situation.
The constitution ending is the most straightforward with the least amount of randomness.
If you can find the heliport early, that could be your route.
Same with the subway for the Last Judgement ending.
The cure ending takes the most time and effort, so that is least likely. Though if you're trying for all four in one game, it'll probably be your last one achieved.
It's called impossible difficulty for a reason! Good luck!!
Posted by: Kyh
October 14, 2011 11:46 AM