An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Project Pravus

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In this creepy point-and-click adventure, you take the character of Emily Mason, a real estate agent with a mission to find out why a particular house has been put on the market for an unfeasibly low price. It features sepia-toned location photographs and requires you to explore the house and its environs to discover an unsavoury secret. There are some brief moments of minor gore, so this game will not suit everybody.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Heres the whole walkthrough. :)


Click on the car door to go in, then click on the glove department.Take the master key.


Go to the trunk of the car,Click the axe.Look to the top right to get a small peice of paper.


Go to the shed, get the axe and screwdriver.


Go back outside, go inside the house.Continue to the living room. Click on the fireplace.Bottom left,is another peice of paper.


Go back to entrance,Go to corridor.Go to the bathroom, after seeing the dead body in the bathtub.Click on the metal on the screwdriver then click on the screws.Click the metal grate.Take the small key, leave.


Go to the jammed door, use the axe.Go in the room. Leave.


Go to laundry room, click the fuse box.Turn number 17 switch on. Leave.


Go back to the entrance. go to the small office.Click the antique secretaire.Click on the keyhole."how odd thats my pen" blah blah. Take the small peice of paper.Leave the office.


Go back to corridor.Back to "the dark room."Take the small peice of paper. Drink the "liquid courage." Leave room.


Go back to entrance, go to living room. Click on "A door."


Stupid ending. The end. :)


Nice find! It's intriguing how just a little bit of ambient sound and a shriek here and there, plus some well-placed voice acting, can enhance a very simplistic point and click game to a captivating adventure.

It was short, indeed, but I also think it was about the right length for a casual gamer. Not too difficult, either. I liked it!



I like the end =]


I'm sorry but if you're going to use Latin in a game or anywhere for that matter, you should really learn how to pronounce it.


I got to the end but I don't think I understand it...


nice quality little game there really enjoyed it


I can't seem to

use the screwdriver on the screws! I click on it (which picks it up) and then click on the screws, and nothing happens!


nevermind. things just don't work until the story is ready for them to work.


OK, I'm stuck with only a screwdriver and 2 scraps of paper.... Can't seem to get past either the jammed or locked doors.


Am I the only one who cannot even open one of these creepy games? Please tell me i'm not alone.


The ending was really predictable and not particularly clever. It doesn't really make any sense as a narrative.

I thought the music/sound was quite good, but the acting was wooden.

Ben - do you mean you can't open them because you get scared or because you need to download Flash or something?!


Entering the jammed door...

... here's jonny!


use the axe

Hitting the lights
explore the laundry carefully
Locations of 4 paper scraps

car trunk/boot

fireplace in living room

under the grate in the bathroom (bottom left)

in the 'dark' room


The ending shocked me! Actually, it shocked me only because it took all but 2 minutes to get to.... Nice concept - wish it was much longer!

Monty Zoomer November 29, 2006 10:02 AM

I've got an axe, a screwdriver and 3 pieces of paper, been into all that can be seen exept the door in the living room and the grate in bathroom. There doesn't seem to be any where else to go.....

Monty Zoomer November 29, 2006 10:12 AM

Oh, that was it? What was in the secretaire?


It was ok.
It was fun to play

I didn't get the plot though... She was investigating the house...Was she just a ghost reliving the day of her death???

Or am I just looking too deep into it?


Closed this game seconds after the excruciatingly painful high pitched scream at the beginning... What is the point in doing that? Do they have no idea of audio levels or do they just like causing me pain? My ears really really hurt now.


haha. I like how when you press tab it says not to cheat. what a creepy game.


I like when you pushed tab it came up with that window that said something of the likes of 'don't try and cheat' ... these people know all my tricks! hehe.


Ah, finally got it - I hadn't looked closely enough at the car....

FlyingSheep November 29, 2006 4:19 PM

Well it was a nice game...dark even. The plot was a bit dull...but finally a simple point and click game >.>Short but nice :)


Oli - I think you had your speakers up a little too loud, it didn't really seem that bad to me, compared to some of the "creepy thingy pop out and scare you" games that we've seen here. I've learned to expect some sort of *shock* animation in them.

Then again, I have Nightwish playing on iTunes, so that might have drowned it out. ;)

John Beaver - Nice game, perfect length, and thanks for the "remember these?" links. Gave me a chance to go back and play some old favs. Enjoyed both the game and the review, good catch.

xbloodbrosx November 29, 2006 7:39 PM

This game was neither innovative nor fun. It was bland, boring, and predictable.

Item #1) Scary sounds and random noises do not make a game "scary" or shocking.

Item #2) Point and click games kinda need some sort of story to make us care.

Ok, I get it, she's dead. Why? What is the point? How? How is it all related? Why do I need to speak latin to figure it out?

Item #3) Using goofy lines and saying things that are utterly ridiculous take one out of the "mood".

Oh no! That's my cut off hand holding my pen for no reason whatsoever inside this desk!

This game is lame. 0 out of 10.


Err... After you have collected them all, what does the peice of paper mean?


How do I know when the game is finished?

I've got all the peices of paper, and I've seen the hand, the pen and the body - what do I do next? Is that it?


I busted it! Go me!


I undid one of the screws for the metal grate but left before I realized there was a second one. When I came back the screwdriver didn't work

but apparently that didn't matter because when I

used the screwdriver on the locked door that's supposed to open at the end of the game, I got the ending sequence without ever 1. finding all the pieces of paper 2. opening the desk or 3. turning on the lights

Anyway, after I went back and did it RIGHT it was so so. Not even really scary, although I've been reading ghost stories all night so the scream had me jumping out of my skin.

No real story to it, and I guessed the ending at the beginning.


I'm disappointed.

I don't like that the only possible outcome of the game is to die. any reasonable person finding something weird like a severed hand or a corpse in a house is not likely to stick around to be butchered!


How do you open the locked door in the living room? I Have all the paper scraps, the axe and the screwdriver. Am I missing something?


I actually didn't finish it, I got the 4 parts and in the bedroom myself, and couldn't find a way to open the last door, but quite honestly I'd lost interest. Both game mechanics and story needed help on this one. It's better than working, but doesn't rate high.


I am annoyed at how hard it is to get anything to work


um? i found the key and the axe...but its not on the side for me to use like the screw driver and paper??????


Where do I get the key to open the drawer?


Okay, coulnt finish game! to scary....but obviously no one likes it...and its kinda creepy how my name is Emily and my brothers name is Mason and the characters name is Emily Mason!!

Ffirebrand December 2, 2006 10:19 AM

am i the only one using a mac that has a problem in getting the game to load all i have is prodgect lavas (im dislexic spelling mistakes galore i do appologise) loading.. on my screen but nothing else please help i would like to play this game i have tiger 10.4 smileXXX


i couldn't get to the end. i dunno how to open the locked door in the living room and i got all 4 pieces of paper and the ax and screwdriver. but how do you open the locked door?!?! xPP. anyways Aeternum Vale means "Farewell Forever". and to keep getting creeped out by the sound i just turned my speaker off. the game was much more enjoyable with the sound off x]


Wow honestly i thought this game was gonna be good..... i really am dissapointed in the ending

i mean how does she find her-self dead and manage to use axes and screwdrives??? Plus she is investagating a house because the price was low and its her house or something? im confused?


I got everything but can't open the door in the living room......what's in the laundary? I don't seem to be able to find anything.


To open the door in the living room

You missed something in the bedroom


How do u use key's????????? ahhhhh


Was the purpose of the game to show off the company's workmanship? Because it's not a good example. I had to go back and look at spoilers to get through because I could have gotten finished alone if everything worked properly. Then I found you needed to be persistant with this company's technology.


How do you get on the house?

ck its Jessica December 13, 2006 5:19 PM

Heres the whole walkthrough. :)


Click on the car door to go in, then click on the glove department.Take the master key.


Go to the trunk of the car,Click the axe.Look to the top right to get a small peice of paper.


Go to the shed, get the axe and screwdriver.


Go back outside, go inside the house.Continue to the living room. Click on the fireplace.Bottom left,is another peice of paper.


Go back to entrance,Go to corridor.Go to the bathroom, after seeing the dead body in the bathtub.Click on the metal on the screwdriver then click on the screws.Click the metal grate.Take the small key, leave.


Go to the jammed door, use the axe.Go in the room. Leave.


Go to laundry room, click the fuse box.Turn number 17 switch on. Leave.


Go back to the entrance. go to the small office.Click the antique secretaire.Click on the keyhole."how odd thats my pen" blah blah. Take the small peice of paper.Leave the office.


Go back to corridor.Back to "the dark room."Take the small peice of paper. Drink the "liquid courage." Leave room.


Go back to entrance, go to living room. Click on "A door."


Stupid ending. The end. :)


ahuh!! I like scary point and click games, still waiting for exmortis 3.


Bobbi Michale December 28, 2006 8:10 PM

I thought this game was seriously a BIG waste of time!!!It was to easy

Briana Letel December 30, 2006 1:16 PM

My friend and i were both playing and we had the hardest time playing but when we figured out what to do the game was done.It was so short we beat it.Really short but we had fun playing it.Still trying to beat Hapland 2 pretty hard.Good game, Jay!


this game is rubbish and crazy i think she died of mental stress

random man January 1, 2007 7:54 AM

freakey but good me and my bro spent ages on compleating it but its easier than all the hapland games ps nice game jay


The ending makes it all sounds so creepy..I don't really understand it and what it got to do with the piece of paper?


you've now really freaked me out
and now i'm to scared to go through the door!!
ok hear we go....


I have the screwdriver but I can't open the metal grate. I've tried clicking/dragging the screws/grate/screwdriver in a variety of combinations. but nothing happens. Does anyone else have this problem?


The screwdriver was a problem for me too. You really have to aim.


Screwdriver is a pain. It doesnt respond. Its as though the response area is narrowed down to a single pixel in which you have to click for it to work.

Bring a magnifying glass with you *rolls eyes*

nokomis May 22, 2007 12:53 AM

at first i didnt get it... but i finally did... that's weird at the end!!


Wow, that was fun.It was short, but I liked the storyline!
Loved the ending too, really cool. ^_^

scaredofghostsandsupernatural November 30, 2007 5:02 AM

This game was pretty scary......When I saw the hand,I freaked out badly and immediately went to Google(that''s how I came across this page).I came across the game at and it was categorized as


.With the endings,I don't feel so scared anymore.


that was awesome, i couldnt belive that that was her in the bed, and im gussing that she had dried blood on one hand because she lost her other one while she had HER PEN in her hand. great game ;)


lawl sweet game its confusing some times how you have to be accurate with the screwdriver....

any way this should be usefull

heres johnny!

i hope that helped.



what do you mean liquid courage??

oh i can't go inside the door and i have all the papers!

The Wolf's Shadow May 5, 2008 8:18 PM

Here's the translation of the words on the piece of paper

Aeternum vale
Farewell forever

courtney June 11, 2008 3:39 PM

oh yeah sorry i forgot it was me that had died and i was there in front of myself
how silly of me!!
what a stupid end.

hearit_imscreamingit June 27, 2008 4:54 PM

i agree with xbloodbrosx

i have played soooo many point and click horror games and not once have i EVER thought one was stupid, even when it was terrible, it was still better than nothing.
but this game was bad.
too easy
too short
not scary
no point (storyline)
just plain crappy.
the music wasn't scary either.
nor was the way you made the house seem scary by coloring it all that maroon-ish color.

Aihoshi-chan July 4, 2008 11:12 PM

mmm it was okayish. The ending was kinda boring. Its like reading a book and then the character goes 'and it was all a dream' at the end.


Aeternum vale is in Latin so it translates to

Forever Farewell.

This is not the same as others because English sentences are the only language with the order of the words like this

This is a cat.

And not this

A cat this is.

Personally I think that the second one make more sense than the first one.

I also pronounce foreign words correctly when everybody else gets them wrong. While most people say Ma hee for the name Mahe,I say it Ma Hey which is the correct pronouncement of the name.

I know this because I have a friend named Mahe.


Wow. That made no sense whatsoever. I have read a book where it turns out the main character was dead the whole time and it was a great plot twist.... because you wouldn't have guessed it, but once you find out, you realize it all fits. This did not. The screwdriver issue was incredibly aggrivating as well, but I would have put up with it if the ending had been okay.

Reply was the plot like a trap to lure her and kill her....and she was a ghost or D:


Who or what were those voices screaming in the fireplace?


That was... Confusing. o_O The game's graphics were good (I hated the maroon coloring though. x_X I'm sorry, it made it hard to see at times) and it wasn't ridiculous to the point where it's impossible to beat without a walkthrough, but the ending was strange. I guess it's better than the cliched

'See a ghost-->Beat the ghost-->HAPPILY EVER AFTER! HAW HAWHAWSAH' xDD
It's just different and can really confuse you if you think too hard or don't think hard enough.

I watched my friend play it but unfortunately it was sunny so I couldn't see any of the details... I should try play it myself in the shade next time. |D

I'm glad my laptop's mute (broken) so I don't have to hear ridiculous high-pitched screams. ._. I really hate those if they don't have a purpose. x_x


I attempted the game. I got to the point of trying to use the screwdriver and could not get any further. I came to the walkthrough to figure out what I was doing wrong. The comments I see here told me it's not worth it. Recommendation for the creator: Don't make the pieces so impossible to accomplish. (I never got the screwdriver to work at all and I followed the steps of the walkthrough precisely to make sure I hadn't missed something the first time.) Even if a game is predictable and mostly pointless...people will play it to stave off complete boredom if they can do the things that you want them to do.

unassuming January 18, 2009 4:06 AM

Ugh. So many things wrong with this.
Sepia tone does not make the game scary, especially when it's as badly done as this. Sepia tone actually makes areas look LIGHTER.
Short. And when art is as trivial as snapping a picture, there's no excuse for such a short, short, SHORT game.
Glitchy. As people have complained about the screwdriver (pixel hunting is about as fun as a game of Find The Verb)
Unless this game was made in one evening, there is no excuse! Oh well, at least this website has some links to other, very well done p&c horror games.


Alright people, Aeternum Vale does NOT necessarily mean farewell forever despite everyone on this page screaming it at the top of their lungs. Aeternum = Eternal Valeo = Vigor. It translates into Eternal Vigor. Perhaps the murderer practiced a ritual where he killed people and lived off of them. After all he was sane enough to list his house so as to get a realtor to just mosey on by so that he could kill her. All the latin stuff could mean that he was perhaps someone from the middle ages or something who created this whole ritual to live forever. Just my best guess.

robina_love August 8, 2009 4:57 AM

I usually love this kind of game. But the technical glitches were very frustrating and so made the experience disappointing. Perhaps needs more work.


how do you drink the liquid courage?


Way too short, and very easy. I think whoever made this game decided it was more important to have really nice pictures and easily found items than to put a little challenge in it. One piece of paper was hard to find, though. The ending was also pretty predictable. It started out nice, but just went downhill. Even the voice acting seemed to get progressively worse. Only part I found very frightening was

the voices in the fireplace

. The imagery was good, though, as well as the music.


I cant get this game!! i followed the walkthrough but i cant get it!! how do you open the locked doors! i cant open the fusebox! where do you get the liquid courage?! help? anyone? please? :(


Good game, the whole use of real pictures with good quality really added to the experience. Didn't quite understand the ending though, too many unanswered questions. If you want a scarier but less professional job, try the Ex Mortis games. Haven't even brought myself to finish the first. Excellent game.


omg! I love this game it's really cool at the end and it's interesting to find out who the girl in the bed was, But i have a good question/s. who was the girl in the bath? who was selling the house? why was it sold for such a low price?. These are the questions that haunt me haahaa

LadyOfTheNight February 14, 2010 3:59 PM

Am I the only one who geniunely enjoyed this? I guess so.
But I am a little confused. The girl in the bed is us, we know that. But what about all the other questions? Where are those answers?

LadyOfTheNight May 28, 2010 2:25 PM

Hmm... after seeing no replies to my last comment, and thinking about it, this is the conclusion I came to about the story:

One day, we went to a house to figure out why it was priced so low, and never found out. We found a body, and some insane person killed us before we could report it.
The body was ours.

So, yeah, the way I see it, the game is reliving the day of her death. Except, for some reason, I get the impression she's always going to go back, because she's a ghost. I dunno, for a writer I don't have much fo a way with words, but I think... that somehow she's trapped in a loop or something. She always has to go back to that house.

Hmm... basically, I think she's a ghost CONSTANTLY reliving the day of her death. Every time she dies, she comes back to die once more.
Quite a miserable existance for her if i'm right.


This is not a particularly good game. The worst part is actually the brown coloring, because I frankly couldn't see a damn thing. The ending was the only part I disliked, because I had the sound off so I didn't hear any screams. I like the existential dread "human existence is pointless" kind of scary, but I startle easily, so the ending was really terrible.

Also, does anyone know what the latin words that appeared in red along the bottom at the end mean?

AlmostDead March 6, 2011 4:36 PM

I got scared when i saw the screaming girl at the beginning and x'd out! :P

Yo mama June 12, 2011 1:00 PM

wtf is the "Dark Room"


Pretty good game.. I can't get the door at the end opened though... The girl at the beggining scared me so bad that I exited, waited an hour to regain my nerve, turned the volume off, and played. Good graphics. ;P


Are these images copyrighted(not accusing you just wondering if I have to ask permission to use them)?


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