Portal Quest
Taking its cues from Portal 1 and 2, as well as Portal: The Flash Version, Portal Quest puts you back in the testing lab with a portal gun and little else to aid your escape. There's no GLaDOS, but there is a fun puzzle game set at just the right difficulty. And plenty of science.
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Portal Quest Walkthrough
Level 1
Just go to the door.
Level 2
Fire an entry portal onto the roof over the door.
Make a second one in the wall to walk into.
Level 3
Fire one portal into each open space on the floor.
Jump into the closest one to launch yourself out of the right-hand one.
Level 4
Place the block on the switch to open the door.
Walk to the exit.
Level 5
Collect the blocks and use them as stepping stones to reach the exit.
Level 6
Hold the block over your head to block the lasers. You will hold the block at the angle the mouse is at.
Level 7
Jump over the lasers, then jump on the spring to leap to the door.
Level 8
Jump over the springs to avoid being fired into the laser.
Level 9
Place a blue portal on the ground one square in from the left.
Place an orange portal directly above it, creating an infinite loop.
When you've built up speed, move the orange portal to the top of the left hand wall, so that you launch out of it to the right.
Walk to the door.
Level 10
Make an infinite loop with portals above and below yourself.
Once you've built up speed, move the top portal to the right of the laser, so that you're launched out of it.
Hold right to get to the door at the top of your jump.
Level 11
Since the blue laser can't hurt you, this is easier than it appears. Fire one portal left and another right, and walk through from the left.
Move the left-hand portal to the ceiling, then walk right, so you fall out of it and land on the laser.
Fire a portal left and another one right, and walk through the left-hand one. This will leave you standing on the laser on the right.
Move the left-hand portal below you, then walk right and to the door.
Level 12
Fire a portal above the blue laser.
Fire a second portal into the ceiling so the cube bounces off it and lands besides you.
Press R to clear the portals.
Put the cube on the box and walk to the exit.
Level 13
Walk to the right and put your first portal against the wall on the left, where the laser hits it.
Put a second portal at the same height on the right.
Walk across the laser to the exit.
Level 14
Fire a portal onto the ceiling above you.
Fire your second portal to the right. There's a wall just off-screen.
Use the spring to bounce yourself through the portal on the right, then drop from the top one onto the laser.
Walk to the exit.
Level 15
The blue paint makes the floor bouncy where it lands. Open a portal below it, and a second on the ceiling, so that the floor will be bouncy.
Jump off the starting platform, or follow the goo through the portal, and you'll bounce high off the goo.
Hold right to get to the exit.
Level 16
The red paint makes surfaces slippery, allowing you to move faster. Use a portal below the paint dispenser, and one on the ceiling, to make the right hand edge of the starting platform slippery.
Run right and jump once you've built up speed.
You should be able to leap the gap to the exit.
Level 17
The white paint allows you to place portals on walls that otherwise don't allow it. Put a blue portal below the paint dispenser, and an orange one on the wall to the right.
Follow the paint through the portal, but don't fall onto the laser.
Move the orange portal to the wall the paint is hitting.
Move the blue portal to your right, then walk through it.
Place the blue portal on the bottom left wall, which the paint hits after you moved the orange portal two steps ago.
Walk back through the portals, and your path to the door is clear.
Level 18
Use the spring to get below the white paint machine.
Place a blue portal below the paint dispenser, and a second one on the wall to your upper left. This should cover the ground under the cube with white paint.
Move the orange portal to the area newly painted, then go through the blue one to reach the door.
Level 19
Place a portal at the top of the wall on the left, and one at the bottom of it.
Walk into the lower one, but don't fall out of the top one - stand at the edge and fire another portal to the right.
Walk back through your portals so you're on the right of the screen, but again, don't fall.
Place a new portal on the wall in the center, and walk to that.
Move one more portal to the wall on the bottom right, and go through. The path to the door is clear.
Level 20
Use a portal on the floor and the ceiling to get to the cube.
Place a portal on the ceiling on the upper left, past the laser.
Make a portal on the floor next to yourself and push the cube through it.
If the cube doesn't land on the button, follow it through and move it across. You can stand on the button to get back through the portal.
Stand on the lower button so that both doors are open.
Put a portal on the right hand wall, and then make one next to yourself so you can go through it.
Level 21
Make a blue portal below the blue laser.
Jump and fire an orange portal at the right hand wall, so that the laser comes out of it below you.
Work your way up the wall like this. Remember you can press Q to change the color of the portal you fire (you don't want to remove the blue one).
Walk left to the door once you're at the top of the screen.
Level 22
Use a portal on the left and right wall to get past the laser.
Put a new portal just below the top of the right hand wall, then walk into your previously placed one on the lower left to come out at the top of the screen.
Jump across to the button.
Place a portal on the far left, by the door.
Go back through a portal on the right to come out at the exit.
Level 23
Drop the cube in front of the laser, then stand on it.
Pick it up and hold it below you and to the right, to keep blocking the laser.
Walk right and drop it in front of the point the laser fires from.
Climb up to the left and place a portal on the step. You can just reach to do this while jumping.
Place another portal on the ground below you.
Walk through the portal next to you, then jump into it from the upper portal. This will give you enough speed to jump the wall to the left and get to the exit.
Level 24
Use a portal on the floor and one on the ceiling to carry the cube to the button.
Place the cube on one button and stand on the other.
Fire a portal through the open doors, next to the third button.
Carry the cube to it, and leave it on the button.
Go back through your portals and walk to the exit.
Level 25
Set up a portal on the top right wall.
Set up a second portal over the red button.
Push the small button (press E) to drop a cube.
Run back to the red button before the cube hits the spring. It will bounce off the spring and through your portals, opening the way to the exit.
Level 26
Put a blue portal on the floor and an orange one on the wall on the top right.
Go through and stand by the blue laser.
Move the orange portal to the floor on the right.
Jump off the ledge into the portal, and land on the platform on the top left, by the door.
Move the blue portal under the yellow laser to trigger the door switch and clear your path.
Level 27
Place a portal below you, and another to your right, and walk through.
Clear the portals by pressing R.
Place a blue portal below the blue laser, on the right hand side (so that the yellow laser on the left won't be affected).
Jump and place an orange portal on the wall on the right.
The blue laser will be the uppermost one, so you can stand on it.
Repeat until you reach the top of the wall, then go left to the exit.
Level 28
Use the small button to drop a cube in front of the laser. Push the cube left, but not right up against the wall.
On the right-hand side of the dip, next to the cube, place a portal. Put another one in the ceiling to the left, by the doors, and go through.
Place a new portal above the red button on the right, and then a second under the cube so it falls onto the button.
Walk to the exit.
Level 29
Use portals in the floor and the ceiling to get to the cube on the upper right.
Push the cube off the ledge (don't pick it up, just push it), and it will fall onto the left hand button.
Move to the cube on the left with a new set of portals, and push it onto the button on the right.
Make one last set of portals on the floor and on the wall to the right of the door so you can reach the exit safely.
Level 30
Place a blue portal under the paint dispenser.
Without treading on the spring, place an orange portal under the laser.
Move the blue portal above the orange one, so you have some blue paint in an infinite loop.
Move the blue portal to the wall on the upper left, so the paint hits the wall.
Launch yourself off the spring and shoot a portal at the wall next to the door.
Make sure you hit the blue paint on the wall so you bounce back off it.
Open another portal to link to the one by the door and walk to the exit.
Unbelievable. You -player name here- must be the pride of -player hometown here-.
Portal and Portal 2 were awesome puzzle games with brain twisting puzzles and awesome plots.
Portal flash version has its own unique style of 2D portals, although somewhat sloppy on the controls.
In this game, the controls aren't perfect but alright (only 2 pure-action levels), and the cute graphics were pretty decent. However, I saw no plot whatsoever (although simply holding a portal gun can explain everything), and the 30 puzzles barely warmed up my brain.
For a Portal fan with Portal standards (high), I see no point in wasting time on this game.
Not exactly a novel concept (but neither was portal, since it's based on Narbacular Drop and Tag) but it's a nice implementation. It has its flaws though, like the button that spawn a box. It only spawns one box at a time and you can't destroy the current one (in portal it is destroyed automatically when you push the button again). Jump pads could give some clue as to direction and trajectory.
I had fun :)
Considering the general quality of the puzzles in PTFV, and the existence of Portal 1 and Portal 2, and a map editor in Portal 2..the only word that comes to my mind to describe this game is 'unnecessary'. It ultimately comes across as a pretty mediocre use of other people's ideas (to be clear, I am a huge fan of the excellent use of other people's ideas). I believe I even found a level in this game that's a straight up ripoff of part of a room from PTFV.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Portal Quest Walkthrough
Level 1
Just go to the door.
Level 2
Fire an entry portal onto the roof over the door.
Make a second one in the wall to walk into.
Level 3
Fire one portal into each open space on the floor.
Jump into the closest one to launch yourself out of the right-hand one.
Level 4
Place the block on the switch to open the door.
Walk to the exit.
Level 5
Collect the blocks and use them as stepping stones to reach the exit.
Level 6
Hold the block over your head to block the lasers. You will hold the block at the angle the mouse is at.
Level 7
Jump over the lasers, then jump on the spring to leap to the door.
Level 8
Jump over the springs to avoid being fired into the laser.
Level 9
Place a blue portal on the ground one square in from the left.
Place an orange portal directly above it, creating an infinite loop.
When you've built up speed, move the orange portal to the top of the left hand wall, so that you launch out of it to the right.
Walk to the door.
Level 10
Make an infinite loop with portals above and below yourself.
Once you've built up speed, move the top portal to the right of the laser, so that you're launched out of it.
Hold right to get to the door at the top of your jump.
Level 11
Since the blue laser can't hurt you, this is easier than it appears. Fire one portal left and another right, and walk through from the left.
Move the left-hand portal to the ceiling, then walk right, so you fall out of it and land on the laser.
Fire a portal left and another one right, and walk through the left-hand one. This will leave you standing on the laser on the right.
Move the left-hand portal below you, then walk right and to the door.
Level 12
Fire a portal above the blue laser.
Fire a second portal into the ceiling so the cube bounces off it and lands besides you.
Press R to clear the portals.
Put the cube on the box and walk to the exit.
Level 13
Walk to the right and put your first portal against the wall on the left, where the laser hits it.
Put a second portal at the same height on the right.
Walk across the laser to the exit.
Level 14
Fire a portal onto the ceiling above you.
Fire your second portal to the right. There's a wall just off-screen.
Use the spring to bounce yourself through the portal on the right, then drop from the top one onto the laser.
Walk to the exit.
Level 15
The blue paint makes the floor bouncy where it lands. Open a portal below it, and a second on the ceiling, so that the floor will be bouncy.
Jump off the starting platform, or follow the goo through the portal, and you'll bounce high off the goo.
Hold right to get to the exit.
Level 16
The red paint makes surfaces slippery, allowing you to move faster. Use a portal below the paint dispenser, and one on the ceiling, to make the right hand edge of the starting platform slippery.
Run right and jump once you've built up speed.
You should be able to leap the gap to the exit.
Level 17
The white paint allows you to place portals on walls that otherwise don't allow it. Put a blue portal below the paint dispenser, and an orange one on the wall to the right.
Follow the paint through the portal, but don't fall onto the laser.
Move the orange portal to the wall the paint is hitting.
Move the blue portal to your right, then walk through it.
Place the blue portal on the bottom left wall, which the paint hits after you moved the orange portal two steps ago.
Walk back through the portals, and your path to the door is clear.
Level 18
Use the spring to get below the white paint machine.
Place a blue portal below the paint dispenser, and a second one on the wall to your upper left. This should cover the ground under the cube with white paint.
Move the orange portal to the area newly painted, then go through the blue one to reach the door.
Level 19
Place a portal at the top of the wall on the left, and one at the bottom of it.
Walk into the lower one, but don't fall out of the top one - stand at the edge and fire another portal to the right.
Walk back through your portals so you're on the right of the screen, but again, don't fall.
Place a new portal on the wall in the center, and walk to that.
Move one more portal to the wall on the bottom right, and go through. The path to the door is clear.
Level 20
Use a portal on the floor and the ceiling to get to the cube.
Place a portal on the ceiling on the upper left, past the laser.
Make a portal on the floor next to yourself and push the cube through it.
If the cube doesn't land on the button, follow it through and move it across. You can stand on the button to get back through the portal.
Stand on the lower button so that both doors are open.
Put a portal on the right hand wall, and then make one next to yourself so you can go through it.
Level 21
Make a blue portal below the blue laser.
Jump and fire an orange portal at the right hand wall, so that the laser comes out of it below you.
Work your way up the wall like this. Remember you can press Q to change the color of the portal you fire (you don't want to remove the blue one).
Walk left to the door once you're at the top of the screen.
Level 22
Use a portal on the left and right wall to get past the laser.
Put a new portal just below the top of the right hand wall, then walk into your previously placed one on the lower left to come out at the top of the screen.
Jump across to the button.
Place a portal on the far left, by the door.
Go back through a portal on the right to come out at the exit.
Level 23
Drop the cube in front of the laser, then stand on it.
Pick it up and hold it below you and to the right, to keep blocking the laser.
Walk right and drop it in front of the point the laser fires from.
Climb up to the left and place a portal on the step. You can just reach to do this while jumping.
Place another portal on the ground below you.
Walk through the portal next to you, then jump into it from the upper portal. This will give you enough speed to jump the wall to the left and get to the exit.
Level 24
Use a portal on the floor and one on the ceiling to carry the cube to the button.
Place the cube on one button and stand on the other.
Fire a portal through the open doors, next to the third button.
Carry the cube to it, and leave it on the button.
Go back through your portals and walk to the exit.
Level 25
Set up a portal on the top right wall.
Set up a second portal over the red button.
Push the small button (press E) to drop a cube.
Run back to the red button before the cube hits the spring. It will bounce off the spring and through your portals, opening the way to the exit.
Level 26
Put a blue portal on the floor and an orange one on the wall on the top right.
Go through and stand by the blue laser.
Move the orange portal to the floor on the right.
Jump off the ledge into the portal, and land on the platform on the top left, by the door.
Move the blue portal under the yellow laser to trigger the door switch and clear your path.
Level 27
Place a portal below you, and another to your right, and walk through.
Clear the portals by pressing R.
Place a blue portal below the blue laser, on the right hand side (so that the yellow laser on the left won't be affected).
Jump and place an orange portal on the wall on the right.
The blue laser will be the uppermost one, so you can stand on it.
Repeat until you reach the top of the wall, then go left to the exit.
Level 28
Use the small button to drop a cube in front of the laser. Push the cube left, but not right up against the wall.
On the right-hand side of the dip, next to the cube, place a portal. Put another one in the ceiling to the left, by the doors, and go through.
Place a new portal above the red button on the right, and then a second under the cube so it falls onto the button.
Walk to the exit.
Level 29
Use portals in the floor and the ceiling to get to the cube on the upper right.
Push the cube off the ledge (don't pick it up, just push it), and it will fall onto the left hand button.
Move to the cube on the left with a new set of portals, and push it onto the button on the right.
Make one last set of portals on the floor and on the wall to the right of the door so you can reach the exit safely.
Level 30
Place a blue portal under the paint dispenser.
Without treading on the spring, place an orange portal under the laser.
Move the blue portal above the orange one, so you have some blue paint in an infinite loop.
Move the blue portal to the wall on the upper left, so the paint hits the wall.
Launch yourself off the spring and shoot a portal at the wall next to the door.
Make sure you hit the blue paint on the wall so you bounce back off it.
Open another portal to link to the one by the door and walk to the exit.
Unbelievable. You -player name here- must be the pride of -player hometown here-.
Posted by: Ben
July 23, 2012 12:56 PM