An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Perfect Balance:
New Trials

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4.4/5 (133 votes)
Perfect Balance, your heart crying out for the opportunity to wedge more things together? Do you miss the wedging like a starving shark misses bluefish? Then Perfect Balance: New Trials is here to offer you sweet, sweet, soul-crushing relief, in the form of 30 more levels of tough block stacking." />

Have you been wandering around in a haze since the first Perfect Balance, your heart crying out for the opportunity to wedge more things together? Do you miss the wedging like a starving shark misses bluefish? Then Perfect Balance: New Trials is here to offer you sweet, sweet, soul-crushing relief, in the form of 30 more levels of tough block stacking.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Perfect Balance New Trials Walkthrough

Each level is a finished graphic of what the final result should look like. I kept in the success message everywhere except where it seemed like it would get in the way of the finished pieces, but all of these solutions work.

Level 01

Level 02

Level 03

Level 04

Level 05

Level 06

Level 07

Level 08

Level 09

Level 10

Level 11

Level 12

Level 13

Level 14

Level 15

Level 16

Level 17

Level 18

Level 19

Level 20

Level 21

Level 22

Level 23

Level 24

Level 25

Level 26

Level 27

Level 28

Level 29

Level 30


I was informed that New Trials is NOT a sequel to the first, but an additional set of stages to play on.


Wow... Much more challenging than the original. It definitely picks up where the first one left off!


Excellent, like the original. Got really around 23, and I got stuck on 25. Maybe I'll complete it later.


Wow, this is um embarrassing, but I got kinda stuck on level 2!

I mean, I had a solution, but because the game won't call it good until all motion stops I just sat there and watched the time dwindle while my construction employed the kind of perpetual motion that would make any physicist jealous. It would be nice if this had a time limit to fall like Super Stacker.

Ah well, I shall go and give it another shot tomorrow.


Also stuck on 25. Any tips?


I figured out 25:

Use the crosses horizontally

Ignore the round peg

One not-very-stable column

Arrange like this:


Oh, I forgot to mention, on 25 (if you've read all the other clues so far):

Stack two crosses, then force the two balls in quickly. Wait a moment for everything to stop vibrating. Stack the next cross,, then wedge in those balls.


alternate solution for 25

use the crosses vertically, by placing the bottom cross's base on the square, the next on the first ones left arm, and the third on the seconds left arm, the third will have to be done quickly, as it starts falling as soon as you place the second. when the falls, it hits the circle, and maintains its own structure, then just place the balls on the crosses.
it may not sound clear, so here's a pic of the finished level.


finished!!! now i can sleep....
lvl 30 = luck

jaywalkar March 19, 2009 4:36 AM

Check this out for level 29 (spoiler).
Not sure if you are supposed to be able to do this but I thought it was cool.

[Edit: Level correction by Kayleigh]


I know what you mean Kyle. I got to level four and had the same thing happen to me. One of the pieces was in a position where it wasn't going to fall, but it was moving. I just sat there until the time ran out and then I had to reset.

A timer would be good. Especially as there are probably several solutions to some levels.


After a lot of hard levels, 22 was suddenly so easy...


haha, Adam, yes, I see what you did there. I don't know. I complain, but I really don't count the lack of a time limit against the game, it's just one of the things that sets it apart from other stackers. When they said perfect balance, they meant it.

It just means it's that much harder.

What I really need to do is do this on a computer with a mouse. Usually I reserve games that require significant mouse action for my work computer, but this game's on Kongregate which is firewalled at work, so that means I have to suck it up and use *gulp* my wife's computer!

bibou8550 March 19, 2009 9:39 AM

can someone help me i am in level 15

Tobberian March 19, 2009 11:00 AM


Tobberian March 19, 2009 11:08 AM

Level 15 solution

Put the blue and purple legs with foot pointing outwards on sides of base. Then the green shape on top, looks like a man.
Make him hold Big yellow on the side and fill with balls.

JC Lisbon March 19, 2009 11:11 AM

Level 13 has been bothering me for 2 days now. Any insights?


Hmm... Can't figure out level 7, yes I know... I'm lame...

Can't look at the YouTube Walkthrough video as I'm at work.

At least it's passing time on a slow day by frustrating the hell outta me. :D


I'm stuck on level 2 Too!
I just hope this is the easiest level in the game.


NM! Really, the whole reason I posted that post was for the Power of Posting to work.


Put the weird block in the left platform on the bottom with the small nook. Then put the straight block on top of it like the following symbol: \
Then put the ball in the V-shaped area.


Wait, that's level 1.
NOW I'm stuck on level 2.

sheepgomeep March 19, 2009 1:00 PM

useful trick:

it seems to let you wedge things in where they shouldn't fit! this is level 9

I wedged the cross in, then thought I'd try the ball anyway, and it let me! so then I tried another ball..

sheepgomeep March 19, 2009 1:06 PM

oops, sorry, that was level 8. also

it only lets you wedge things between the grey shapes that are there when you start the level, if you try it with the coloured ones they get forced out and fall off


OK help with Level 26 needed.

So far I can get 3 of the 4 discs balanced but not the last one

I balance the X and the L at the bottom and then insert the bar offset between them. I can then balance 3 of the 4 discs up the side on top of each other but the fourth one always falls off.


PoP.... Level 26

X, 2nd smallest disc, bar to one side, L at end, three remaining discs up side

Anonymous March 19, 2009 2:59 PM

Can I get some help on level 19 please?

NicoNico March 19, 2009 5:25 PM

It's not responding to me. I keep on trying to do the first level and it won't register that I did it. I've let it sit completely through the timer and have tried multiple positions. It can't still be shifting, can it? Or is it just screwed up for me?

NicoNico March 19, 2009 5:59 PM

Nevermind. I was being stupid; the sun is a part of the puzzle, apparently. I thought it was the background. :/

Please delete these comments, unless they seem useful.


i really need help with level one


Wow, I just got to level 26 without even knowing you could use A and D to rotate the pieces.

So I went through 25 levels without using that feature ONCE!

That has to be some sort of special achievement. Lol.


Im wracking my brain on level 19, the only solution i got just want to barely not work over time.. it pops out.


Totally stuck on level 13. Any advice?


Hmm... Ok I'm struggling with level 12.

No matter where I put the circle piece it seems to roll really, really, really slowly so it won't let me continue.

Maybe I'm just stacking 'em wrong...

Anyone have any hints?

stevedave March 20, 2009 9:56 AM

Okay, this is completely cheating, but on level 19 you can

stack shapes INSIDE of the bottom right-hand "solid" area. I crammed 4 circles in there. You can also stack shapes about half-way down on the left-hand side, at the corner.

Anybody know a "real" way to beat it?

stevedave March 20, 2009 10:00 AM

Here's a photo of what I managed to do on 19:


me too, level 13 is driving me nuts! The long piece seems to throw everything out of kilter no matter how i try to approach it!

stevedave March 20, 2009 1:47 PM

Level 13

The trick to beating this one is remembering that you can "squeeze" pieces in between other pieces. Here's my solution:

Put the grey piece on first. But you'll never get the red bar to stay that way on its own, but the orange one will. So place the orange piece first, and then use it to keep the red piece wedged.


I somehow doubt this is the real solution to level 14:
This is what happened when a piece fell off and I panicked. I'm still surprised it worked.

So what's the real solution?

stevedave March 20, 2009 4:27 PM

Perfect Balance New Trials Walkthrough

Each level is a finished graphic of what the final result should look like. I kept in the success message everywhere except where it seemed like it would get in the way of the finished pieces, but all of these solutions work.

Level 01

Level 02

Level 03

Level 04

Level 05

Level 06

Level 07

Level 08

Level 09

Level 10

Level 11

Level 12

Level 13

Level 14

Level 15

Level 16

Level 17

Level 18

Level 19

Level 20

Level 21

Level 22

Level 23

Level 24

Level 25

Level 26

Level 27

Level 28

Level 29

Level 30


I have seen the spoiler for 17 but how does it work?


The way of solving 17 thats shown is no good. Put the triangle upside down on top, then rest the red on the down facing sides


In level 26, how put the red piece between yellow cross and Grey L


Here is my solution to Perfect Balance 26.

x,the second LARGEST circle, then wedge in the straight block so that it buldges out to the left. That should give you a nice big ledge. Then put the L on top of it so that it is laying on its back and a little over the left hand edge as well. Start stacking your circles here, smallest to largest. And you're done!


jaywalkar your level 29 trick worked for me as well. I didn't even notice there was a wall to the left!

For level 30:

I balanced a square on the right and allowed it to overbalance then when it was in just the right place wedged a straight bar in. After that - childsplay!


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