Quantum warping might seem like a simple mechanic after you've done some experimenting with it, but My First Quantum Translocator pulls out all the stops and sets up some brain-bending puzzles. You'll have to make seemingly impossible leaps, dodge murderous moving walls and avoid being smashed in any number of ways. Thankfully, you've got unlimited lives, but it almost makes you think that there's some sort of sinister undercurrent to these lab tests...
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This game was a blast. There were 2 levels that I had to outright skip because they were awful, namely the 4 boxes and the red cross, and one other which I can't recall. I felt sometimes that the jump mechanics were kind of a pain but that might have been due to my zeal for speed. Anyways, fantastic game, well made and adorable. Plus, the ending was superb. I hope to see more :)
I finished the game twice, to get the
but I don't really want to finish it a third time. Is there another one to get?
I am stuck just after the grasshopper mention where the roof and floor are deadly tiles. Level 4-2?
Nevermind, it let me skip finally.
To unlock different characters at the title screen:
Marcmagus, what is the "red suit"?
red suit is the girl
Great game!! Especially great in that so few of the puzzles actually require "mad platforming skillz" and most just need you to use your brain and you'll get through them easily. :D
So what's the "blue suit"?
Bane(s) of my existence:
I REALLY hate the "How did you even get in this room?" level.
But I made it through
I totally dig these types of games, but tell me honestly,
Nevertheless, I really liked the puzzles in this one. They had the aha factor of some of the greats, if not the length. Good stuff!
Hmm, my comment came out a little wrong there. What I meant to say was
Coldfrog, yes :-), but i still appreciate it over "you dont remember how you got there, get out" (my biggest anti-interesting story) and "safe your girlfriend" (place 2 on anti-interesting story)
Otherwise an interesting platformer!
I need someone to explain to me how to jump. I can use W to make a shadow, and D to jump from the point where the shadow is. But at screen 3 I need to make a shadow mid-air, and D only jumps from the current shadow, and W doesn't work in mid-air. Further more the up arrow doesn't seem to be available for jumping.
SkylerF, I was intentionally avoiding assuming character gender based on color of outfit, although in retrospect I posted in haste and should accurately have said "white suit" and "pink suit". There is no blue; I meant the original character.
I was able to get through everything except the boxes with the big plus. Then I found a walkthrough online and saw that the solution was not terribly difficult. Shame on me!
considering the "red suit" has a flower on it, it's pretty safe to assume it's a girl
or a rather effeminate man(so confusing)
I like the MegaMan-esque music!
ThemePark, the up arrow works for me for jumping; the trick is that you have to jump, then teleport while you're still heading up. (You can't teleport, then jump.)
There's a more convenient way to do this, but you'll learn that as you proceed...
Thanks, Fred M. Sloniker. The F key works, but only when I already have a shadow, then it jumps up from that shadow. I can't make a shadow in mid air either, as it seems to take as long time to cool down as the jump lasts. So I can't warp again until by the time I've hit the ground. And the only keys that will work are the ones mentioned in the review, except for the up arrow, which still refuses to do anything.
I'm stumped as to why it won't work properly for me. :-/
For that level, ThemePark, I found I had to wait for the robot to bounce back up from the bottom, THEN make a shadow.
Have you tried that?
Loved it! Really, my second 5 stars this year lol
I'm having the same experience as ThemePark. The up arrow just flat out doesn't work for me.
winXP / firefox 3.5.13 / flash 10,1,82,76
Works fine on Chrome, apparently.
I too have the same problem with the up arrow key not working. Firefox 3.5.11 Windows Vista. Shame I can't play this, looks fun.
Since I had that problem, I have upgraded both Firefox and Flash, and now the Up button is working. It could of course be an update from the game developer that has fixed the problem.
I figure I should do a walkthrough for this; I've played through it enough times recently.
(Note: The rooms are divided into seven sections, with the save points being the dividing points.)
Section I
Section II
Section III
Section IV
Section V
Section VI
Section VII