Must Escape: The Clock Tower
Self-Defiant serves up a short and simple but satisfying escape challenge that begins with you getting lost while exploring a clock tower, and ends with you explaining to me how you managed to get lost in a clock tower where the only way to go is straight up or down.
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Must Escape the Clock Tower Walkthrough
From the Start to Passing the Bars
Your first view is of the back of the clock.
Note that you can click on it but nothing happens. A gear is missing.
Turn right. Now you see a wooden door, a trunk and a glimpse of a gear turning behind the wall. There's a cog at the top of the wall that you can't reach.
Click on the trunk until it's under the cog.Now you can click the cog but realize it's bolted down.
The door is locked and needs a silver key. But, you can peak through a knothole to see what's on the other side.
Turn right to see some barrels and the stairs leading down.
Note that you're on the 5th floor.
Also take notice of the date on the barrels.
Go down to the 4th floor. Now you see a little cupboard under the stairs.
It's jammed and there isn't a keyhole.
Go left. Here you see bars blocking your progress further west, more cogs in the wall, a bench and a red box.
Something is missing on the wall near the other cog plus the lever is stuck.
The box needs a 4-digit code to open...
Enter the correct code and get a WRENCH.
Return to the 5th floor and go left to the scene with the door and the bolted down cog.
With the trunk in place under it, reach the COG on the top of the wall and use the WRENCH to undo the bolt.
Take the COG off the wall.
Go back downstairs and then left, back to the bars and lever.
Attach the COG to the wall where it was missing.
Pull the lever to open the bars.
The date on the barrels upstairs...
Exploring Floors 3-1 plus Repairing the Cog
After opening the bars, continue left and go downstairs to the 3rd floor. The stairs down here also have a cupboard under them.
Open the cupboard door and get a CROWBAR.
Another trip back upstairs and then right to the jammed-up cupboard under the 4th floor stairs...
Use the CROWBAR to open this cupboard door.
Pick up a boot and examine it, clicking its bottom until you find the key hidden under the sole.
Take the SILVER KEY.
Head back to the locked up wooden door on the 5th floor.
Use the SILVER KEY to open the door
In this new room is a cluttered workspace where some repair work can be done. Explore the area a bit...
In the middle of the workspace is a gear, but it's missing parts (you'll need 2 PIECE OF COGS to fix it).
To the left of that is a piece of wood that might be useful, but it's stuck.
Look in the box under the table, slightly to the right of the broken gear, and you'll find a box full of nuts and bolts...
Move aside the nuts and bolts until you find a PIECE OF COG (1/3). Take it.
You need to find more pieces.
On the shelf above the workspace is a green box...
You need a 3-color combination to open this box.
When correct, click the grey rectangular button to open it.
Get the GLUE.
Return downstairs to the 3rd floor and go right where there's a really hot flame inside the stove and another locked door (this one with a black keyhole.)
Keep going right and you'll find the stairs to the 2nd floor. Head down and the first thing you see is a bookcase full of colorful books. There's one white book, though...
The white book needs a four color combination to be opened.
When you get the book open, you can take the second PIECE OF COG (2/3).
Go left from the bookshelves. Here is a table with some half-eaten meal left behind.
Move the plate aside to get the last PIECE OF COG (3/3).
To spare your legs, before running back upstairs, let's explore the lowest floor first...Go left. Make a passing note of the crates and how you can carry them. Then, continue downstairs and all the way to the right. Here's a door needing a gold key and a coat hanging by the door.
Look inside the coat pocket to find a BLACK KEY.
Also look at the bar up on the ceiling...There's a PIN but you need a way to reach it.
Go back to the second floor landing. Grab one of the CRATEs that are stacked next to the stairwell. Return with it to the door area on the first floor.
Place the first crate under the PIN and you realize you need another....
Go get another crate and come back. Then a third time (feeling short yet?)
Finally, with the 3 stacked crates, you can reach the PIN and take it!
Go back to the stairs here on the first floor and, before heading back up, peek in the cupboard...
The cobwebs are so bad, you can't reach the key. Remember to look for a means to get rid of them.
Go back to the 3rd floor and the door by the stove.
Use the BLACK KEY to go inside this door.
It's a lovely bedroom. Searching around you find that the wardrobe needs a blue key. Okay! More to do still.
Go all the way back up to the top floor and go inside the workroom.
Place all 3 PIECES OF COG into the gear mold.
Then, use the GLUE to hold it all together.
Take the repaired COG.
Three pictures on the wall to the right of the shelf provide the colors. The diagram hanging to the left of the shelf hints at the order: small to large...
Put the white book back on the shelf and observe. When on the shelf, you can see four colors on the white book's binding (even though you need to get squishy eyed to notice them well)....
Using the Repaired Cog, Getting the Blue Key, and Repairing the Clock
Remember the missing cog by the table? Return to the 2nd floor and go left.
Place the repaired COG on the wall by the table.
Pull the lever.
A toolbox will come down so you can...
take the HAMMER and the SCREWDRIVER.
Return again to the workroom on the 5th floor. It's time to get that piece of wood...
Use the HAMMER on the piece of wood.
Pick up the WOODEN ROD.
Now take your wooden rod down to the stove on the 3rd floor.
Open the stove, put the WOODEN ROD in the fire and you'll have a TORCH.
Continue down to floor 1 with your torch and look in the cupboard under the stairs...
Use the TORCH to burn away the cobwebs.
Get the BLUE KEY.
What else will your torch help with? From the bottom of the stairs, go right to see a tapestry on the wall...
Use the TORCH to light the candles on either side of the tapestry.
With the candles lit, the tapestry lifts up to reveal a panel.
Use your SCREWDRIVER on the four screws holding the panel in place.
Behind the panel is a MEDIUM GEAR. Take it.
Now you have a blue key and a medium gear. Time to do a few more tasks... Go first to the bedroom on the third floor.
Use the BLUE KEY to open the wardrobe.
Get the BIG GEAR.
Now take your two gears, and the pin you go earlier, up to the clock on the 5th floor, all the way back to where you started this escape.
Set first the MEDIUM GEAR on the horizontal rod of the clock.
Next, place the BIG GEAR over that.
Finally, use the PIN to hold it all in place.
With the clock repaired and the gears turning, a GOLD KEY drops down. Pick it up.
The gold key is your key to escape. Go all the way back downstairs to the first floor's door.
Use the GOLD KEY and you're out!
Congratulations! You esaped the clock tower!
Thanks to elle for the walkthrough!
Yeah, I got the same glue bug.
I fixed the cog and the glue disappeared, but the lines that should indicate the fixed fissures turned back to their original broken state and it keeps asking me to use the glue that no longer exists.
Which is annoying considering I can only finish it replaying it, and to do so I'd have to walk all over again.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Must Escape the Clock Tower Walkthrough
From the Start to Passing the Bars
Your first view is of the back of the clock.
Note that you can click on it but nothing happens. A gear is missing.
Turn right. Now you see a wooden door, a trunk and a glimpse of a gear turning behind the wall. There's a cog at the top of the wall that you can't reach.
Click on the trunk until it's under the cog.Now you can click the cog but realize it's bolted down.
The door is locked and needs a silver key. But, you can peak through a knothole to see what's on the other side.
Turn right to see some barrels and the stairs leading down.
Note that you're on the 5th floor.
Also take notice of the date on the barrels.
Go down to the 4th floor. Now you see a little cupboard under the stairs.
It's jammed and there isn't a keyhole.
Go left. Here you see bars blocking your progress further west, more cogs in the wall, a bench and a red box.
Something is missing on the wall near the other cog plus the lever is stuck.
The box needs a 4-digit code to open...
Enter the correct code and get a WRENCH.
The date on the barrels upstairs...
Return to the 5th floor and go left to the scene with the door and the bolted down cog.
With the trunk in place under it, reach the COG on the top of the wall and use the WRENCH to undo the bolt.
Take the COG off the wall.
Go back downstairs and then left, back to the bars and lever.
Attach the COG to the wall where it was missing.
Pull the lever to open the bars.
Exploring Floors 3-1 plus Repairing the Cog
After opening the bars, continue left and go downstairs to the 3rd floor. The stairs down here also have a cupboard under them.
Open the cupboard door and get a CROWBAR.
Another trip back upstairs and then right to the jammed-up cupboard under the 4th floor stairs...
Use the CROWBAR to open this cupboard door.
Pick up a boot and examine it, clicking its bottom until you find the key hidden under the sole.
Take the SILVER KEY.
Head back to the locked up wooden door on the 5th floor.
Use the SILVER KEY to open the door
In this new room is a cluttered workspace where some repair work can be done. Explore the area a bit...
In the middle of the workspace is a gear, but it's missing parts (you'll need 2 PIECE OF COGS to fix it).
To the left of that is a piece of wood that might be useful, but it's stuck.
Look in the box under the table, slightly to the right of the broken gear, and you'll find a box full of nuts and bolts...
Move aside the nuts and bolts until you find a PIECE OF COG (1/3). Take it.
You need to find more pieces.
On the shelf above the workspace is a green box...
You need a 3-color combination to open this box.
Three pictures on the wall to the right of the shelf provide the colors. The diagram hanging to the left of the shelf hints at the order: small to large...
When correct, click the grey rectangular button to open it.
Get the GLUE.
Return downstairs to the 3rd floor and go right where there's a really hot flame inside the stove and another locked door (this one with a black keyhole.)
Keep going right and you'll find the stairs to the 2nd floor. Head down and the first thing you see is a bookcase full of colorful books. There's one white book, though...
The white book needs a four color combination to be opened.
Put the white book back on the shelf and observe. When on the shelf, you can see four colors on the white book's binding (even though you need to get squishy eyed to notice them well)....
When you get the book open, you can take the second PIECE OF COG (2/3).
Go left from the bookshelves. Here is a table with some half-eaten meal left behind.
Move the plate aside to get the last PIECE OF COG (3/3).
To spare your legs, before running back upstairs, let's explore the lowest floor first...Go left. Make a passing note of the crates and how you can carry them. Then, continue downstairs and all the way to the right. Here's a door needing a gold key and a coat hanging by the door.
Look inside the coat pocket to find a BLACK KEY.
Also look at the bar up on the ceiling...There's a PIN but you need a way to reach it.
Go back to the second floor landing. Grab one of the CRATEs that are stacked next to the stairwell. Return with it to the door area on the first floor.
Place the first crate under the PIN and you realize you need another....
Go get another crate and come back. Then a third time (feeling short yet?)
Finally, with the 3 stacked crates, you can reach the PIN and take it!
Go back to the stairs here on the first floor and, before heading back up, peek in the cupboard...
The cobwebs are so bad, you can't reach the key. Remember to look for a means to get rid of them.
Go back to the 3rd floor and the door by the stove.
Use the BLACK KEY to go inside this door.
It's a lovely bedroom. Searching around you find that the wardrobe needs a blue key. Okay! More to do still.
Go all the way back up to the top floor and go inside the workroom.
Place all 3 PIECES OF COG into the gear mold.
Then, use the GLUE to hold it all together.
Take the repaired COG.
Using the Repaired Cog, Getting the Blue Key, and Repairing the Clock
Remember the missing cog by the table? Return to the 2nd floor and go left.
Place the repaired COG on the wall by the table.
Pull the lever.
A toolbox will come down so you can...
take the HAMMER and the SCREWDRIVER.
Return again to the workroom on the 5th floor. It's time to get that piece of wood...
Use the HAMMER on the piece of wood.
Pick up the WOODEN ROD.
Now take your wooden rod down to the stove on the 3rd floor.
Open the stove, put the WOODEN ROD in the fire and you'll have a TORCH.
Continue down to floor 1 with your torch and look in the cupboard under the stairs...
Use the TORCH to burn away the cobwebs.
Get the BLUE KEY.
What else will your torch help with? From the bottom of the stairs, go right to see a tapestry on the wall...
Use the TORCH to light the candles on either side of the tapestry.
With the candles lit, the tapestry lifts up to reveal a panel.
Use your SCREWDRIVER on the four screws holding the panel in place.
Behind the panel is a MEDIUM GEAR. Take it.
Now you have a blue key and a medium gear. Time to do a few more tasks... Go first to the bedroom on the third floor.
Use the BLUE KEY to open the wardrobe.
Get the BIG GEAR.
Now take your two gears, and the pin you go earlier, up to the clock on the 5th floor, all the way back to where you started this escape.
Set first the MEDIUM GEAR on the horizontal rod of the clock.
Next, place the BIG GEAR over that.
Finally, use the PIN to hold it all in place.
With the clock repaired and the gears turning, a GOLD KEY drops down. Pick it up.
The gold key is your key to escape. Go all the way back downstairs to the first floor's door.
Use the GOLD KEY and you're out!
Congratulations! You esaped the clock tower!
Thanks to elle for the walkthrough!
Posted by: Mike
May 8, 2013 12:26 AM