MuseLock is a good-looking, highly enjoyable point-and-click room escape game with creative, interesting puzzles that only occasionally venture into the illogical. Surprisingly enough, the player wakes up in a room with no recollection of how he/she got there and an odd collection of objects as clues. A true pleasure for any point-and-click aficionado, this one will have you puzzling for quite a while.
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I am stuck period. I have
poured the coke into the fuse box (using the paper as a funnel) and turned out the lights. I think that the poem on the back of the piece of paper is the hint for the door code. The first one should be 4, because it is drawn on the back of the paper, and then I think that the whole "Indigo sun, revealing gleam; scarlet arrow, releasing beam" think might be the clues to the next two. 1 looks like a sun with a beam in it, but 7 looks like a sun with a beam behind it... so I dunno. As for the arrow... 5 looks like an arrow pointing toward the door... I am just guessing at all this BTW. I can't figure out how many digits the door code consists of because it seems different every time it locks down. Anyone agree with this theory or have theories of their own?
I wish I could figure out
what the button on the inside edge of th desk is foor and how to open that little box hidden in the chair
Anyone got any ideas?
Was not really too bad.
You can put the explosives on the glass after solving the puzzle behind the projector with the buttons. You must then put the fuse in the 1st spot on the left. Go to the once broken projector and place the projector face on it and power it up with the power button. If you place the explosives on the glass case with the light bulb you can watch it explode. Take the light bulb and place it in the lamp to get nice exposures on the pictures on the opposite wall. Assuming the door is already open and the key is in the place of the box under the desk, you match the symbols from the paintings to the projector's and use those numbers on the key pad, different each game. Press that button by the drawer under the desk to reopen the number pad if the code is wrong
you must find a way to blow a fuse, rendering it useless.
Hint: it has something to do with a short. what happens when you put a hair dryer in the bathtub? it shorts. (DO NOT TRY THAT EVER, BY THE WAY)
Still can't figure it out?
You can find a can of soda in the trash can. Now how can you get it to the fuse?
Still can't figure it out?
There seems to be a hole in the plexiglass cover for the fuses. How could you direct the liquid to the fuse?
Still can't figure it out?
Try making a funnel. But out of what?
paper. select the paper, and click on the hole in the plexiglass behind the projector screen. If you can't find it, use the Tab button.
I died where, as far as I can tell, no one else has died before. I died after
lighting up the projector to blow up the explosive on the big plexiglass thing with wires and a bulb.
How do I prevent that?
sorry, i misread your question allegra. here is the correct answer:
notice how the switch to move the projector screen up and down has a section on the right that seems blank? click on it, and you will find a fuse. NOTE: only take the fuse out when the projector screen is up, that way, you can use it on the fusebox
Not sure if I'll be the first, but here's a walkthrough.
I didn't figure all of this out by myself, there were important hints in the preceding comments.
Grab the paper, and have a look at both sides of it, it has useful clues.
Go right once, click on the trash can, and retrieve the orange juice can.
Go left three times and zoom in to the panel below the flickering window thing. This is a projector -- turn it on by clicking the "glowing sun" button in the middle of the top row.
Now turn around and look at the screen -- it has a symbol on it. Go back to the projector and change the "channel number" with the left-right arrows. Note the symbols corresponding to each number, 1 through 9. -
Take the faceplate off the projector by clicking on it.
Go left four times until you're squarely facing the screen, and can see the doormat. Click on the doormat to zoom in, and then again to lift it, and retrieve the gold key.
Click on the door, and use the key in the keyhole to unlock it, then open it from the door handle. Click in the doorway until it asks if you want to exit the room or pass your hand through the beam -- pass your hand through the beam, note the killer spikes.
Back up until you're square with the screen wall again, then click on the control to the left of the screen. Use the up arrow to raise the screen.
The screen-raise zooms you out. Zoom back in to the control, open the right-side panel (beside the arrows) and retrieve the fuse.
Zoom in to the plexiglass panel below the puzzle panel that was revealed behind the screen. Put the paper in the small hole near the top of the glass, just right of the fuse bank. It will make a sort of funnel. Pour the orange juice into the funnel, and short out the system.
The puzzle is now active -- click on all four corners and then the center to solve, and then hit the "unlock" button to lower the glass. Retrieve the burned-out fuse.
Go left twice, and zoom in on the chair. Find the hot spot on the right arm, and retrieve the small box. Put the burned-out fuse in the small hole in this box and retrieve the key.
From the chair, go right once, and find the box under the desk. Use the little key in the lock, and click on the cover until it asks if you want to remove the cover or take the box. Choose remove the cover.
Defuse the explosive by clicking on the wire near the chunk of stuff on the lower right side of the box. You know this is the explosive from studying the paper.
Now it's safe to take the box -- take it, and then "inspect" it and click on the explosive to put a chunk of it into your inventory.
Put the gold key in the holder under the desk that the box came out of.
Go back to the fuse panel, and put the good fuse in the left-side fuse slot. This turns on the electrical outlets to the desk and to the mid-room projector.
Turn around, and zoom in to the sculpture. Put the chunk of explosive on the glass, near the bottom center.
Back up one step, and click on the pedestal thing in the middle of the room -- this is another laser projector, and it now has power. Put the projector faceplate on this projector, and turn it on with its "glowing sun" button in the center of the top panel.
The laser detonates the explosive, and smashes the glass. Retrieve the black-light bulb from the sculpture. -
Go to the desk, and click on the inside of the lamp to zoom in, and put the black-light bulb into the lamp. Turn on the lamp by pressing the switch in the base. The room will glow blue.
Turn around and look at the paintings -- in black-light, they have symbols on them which you saw when playing with the first, wall-mounted projector. Note the four digits corresponding to these four symbols.
Go to the keypad beside the door, and type in the numbers. The green light will come on. If the keypad has been closed by previous attempts to solve, you can reactivate it from a small button on the right-hand side in the under-the-desk view.
It's now safe to go through the door. You're out!
Thanks to Allegra and seventh-degree for posting hints to bits I found tricky.
your welcome amy ;)
Hmm... I seem to be stuck now.
I've blown up the glass on the huge plexiglass pillar thing, deactivated the bomb, taken it off the wall, and I have the following items:
-key (that I know goes in the space the bomb was (That's how i died the second time)
-paper with censored words (that is probably vital or something)
-uv lightbulb
-working fuse
-deactivated bomb
-projector cover
-key for bomb (and possibly other things?)
-empty can of soda
-box the key came in
I am missing 3 items, and am not sure what 2 of them are for (I know the first one is for the broken fuse that is now in the box)
what's next?
Here's my complete walkthrough for MuseLock:
Pick up the piece of paper from the desk. Note that when you inspect it, you can flip it over.
Most of the stuff on the back is a red herring. Even the symbol is not really useful.
Look under the desk. See that little box on the wall? It looks a lot like the illustration on the front of the paper you have. Do not remove the box from the wall at this time. Unless you like to die in explosions, in which case, go for it.
Turn to the right. Click on the wastebasket. Click on the item in the wastebasket. When you inspect it, you will see it is a half-filled can of OJ. Mmm! Too bad you can't drink it.
Turn right until you are facing the wall with the screen and the door. Click on the doormat. Click it again, and it will lift to reveal a key. Pick up the key. Back out until you are facing the door again.
Use the key on the lock of the door. Hey, it works! Cool! Open the door.
Man, what an easy room to escape! Uh-oh, what are those beams of light running up and down in the doorway? Try to go through the door and select "Pass hand in the ray" -- Hmm... maybe there's more to this than we thought.
Turn to the right until you can see the funky little panel on the wall opposite the door, just beneath the flickering light panel. Click on the little panel. Click the middle button on top (with the sun-like symbol) between the arrows and the number 01. Get ready for some ballet. Back up, pirouette and look at the symbol on the screen. Make a note that it is symbol #1. Spin back to the panel, click the right arrow to change the number to 02, back up, pirouette and make a note of the new symbol on the screen. Lather, rinse, repeat until you have recorded all nine symbols.
After you have recorded all nine symbols, click the panel to take the projector cover. Back up and click on the little device standing in the foreground of your field of view. It's another projector that needs a cover. Good thing you have a cover. Pity the projector's not powered. Maybe later.
Back up and turn until you are again facing the screen. Click the tiny control panel next to the screen. Click the up arrow to raise the screen. Click the mini-panel next to the arrows to reveal a fuse. Collect the fuse.
Back up until you are looking at the instrument panel revealed when the screen went up. Note the buttons that don't work and the plexiglass panel on the bottom that can't be opened... but has a convenient little hole in it. Use the paper on the hole; it will make a nice little funnel for you to pour a little OJ into. ZAP! Hmm... The lights went out.
At least now the nine buttons work. Manipulate them until you have reversed all their positions.
Hit the four corner buttons followed by the center button.
Press the button with the lock symbol on it. The panel will slide open. Take the now burned-out (and orangey-smelling) fuse.
Do not put your good fuse in the left-hand slot at this time. If you do, you will be treated to a brief view of the little box under the desk issuing a cloud of poisonous gas. Buh-bye.
Turn until you can see the armchair. Click on the chair. Find the little rectangular area on the arm of the chair that opens when you click it. Remove the little box from the arm of the chair. Inspect the box.
Put the burned-out fuse into the hole, and the box will open. Remove the key from the box.
Go back under the desk to look at the little box. Use your new key. You can now remove the cover of the box.
The white blob in the lower right is the explosive. Click on the wire that goes into the explosive to remove it. Congratulations! You're an expert bomb defuser! You may now safely remove the box from the wall
While you are here, put the old key (the one that opened the door) into the gap between the contacts on the wall where the box was removed.
If you don't do this now, you will have to do this later, and if you inadvertently do it while there is power running to this circuit, you will fry like a chicken.
Inspect the box from under the desk, and click on the white blob of explosive. A small piece will come off.
Back up and turn until you are facing the odd glass case with the light bulb sculpture in it. Place the little bit of explosive on the case.
Time to power up the second projector. Go back to the fuse panel and put your good fuse into the left-hand slot. Return to the projector (which should be flashing a bunch of numbers on the little panel in the upper right) and press the power button. You should be treated to a lovely view of the case exploding open.
Grab the bulb. Return to the desk and put it in the lamp. Press the button on the base of the lamp to turn it on. A lovely blue light shines through the room.
Turn to look at the paintings on the wall. Note the shapes of the blue silhouettes now visible in the white spaces. Hmm... Do they correspond to any numbers? Why yes they do!
Face the door. Click on the keypad next to the door. Enter the four digits corresponding to the shapes on the paintings. The code is different each time you play. You should hear a beep and the green light on top of the keypad should light up.
You may now leave the room. Congratulations!
nevermind AGAIN (sorry)
I figured out the secret to translating the symbols to the correct ones.
In cases where if you colored in the lines, and you would come up with the same result, the line is key.
In other words, if the line goes across the whole thing, then everything is filled in. But if it stops (for instance, it goes from the corner to the circle, stops, then contines on the other side of the circle), places where the line is missing is where color is missing also. Hopefully that wasn't too confusing?
For those that are too confused and want a key as to what comes out as what, see the next spoiler
I get the feeling that there was some cool stuff in there, but after the third arbitrary death, I am giving up.
Why give the player the "choice" to die? It's adding nothing - even any notion of suspense is destroyed by frustration. In fact it takes something away: after the first death from the box I became afraid of interacting - not what you want in a point-and-click.
So I got everything right, including the code (I was just validated by that last entry with the picture) and the keypad wouldn't alter. it shut itself after the first entry, but I couldn't leave, so I managed to get it open again. And tried to enter the code. over and over. But no change. and then I inverted the symbols, changed the order to right-left, inverted and backwards order, etc. No change. So I just left...and of course died. Thumbs down. :(
Where exactly is the "good fuse"?
I only got one fuse and that one is permanently stuck in the thingie where I got the suitcase key. Also, how do you re-open the keypad (if at all)?
P.S. Nice enough game, although too pixel-hunty for my taste. I must have clicked about 500 times on the armchair before resorting to TAB cheat. There should be a law - if your game involves clicking on unindentifiable 2mmx2mm squares, TAB cheat must work, E.O.D.
The good fuse is
in the switch that moves the projector screen up and down. You can pop open the blank panel next to the up and down buttons.
The other fuse is the bad fuse. You don't need it after you use it, and it's pretty obvious that it's broken after
you poured orange soda on it, causing the system to short out, and frying it all smoky like.
The object in the armchair IS visible after
your naughty act of breaking the fuse, which turns the room defcon red. This reveals a brighter red outline on the armchair.
If you want pixel hunting, try the Submachine games. Your head will explode after playing at least two of that guy's games. And trying to get all the secret red ball thingys. On your own.
And he's disabled tabbing on all of them.
Actually, I LOVE Submachine games. Those are definitely not pixel hunts, even the red balls, since they are all "visible". A pixel hunt for me is for example when you see see a sofa and clicking on one tiny spot in the lower corner suddenly switches the screen to a "behind the sofa" view and there's a key, a card or a dead rat there, whatever.
Mateusz (creator of Submachine) is a very talented guy, although I have found his later games, while artistically beautiful, significantly sub-par to Submachine series. His latest game reviewed here, the "Daymare Town", was such at the same time beautiful and such an immense pixel-hunt extravaganza it was incredible.
Another bug... if you're using the fixed projector...
...once you press the on button, don't click anywhere else until after the cut scene. If you do, the lights come back on and the pIf you do the lights come back on and the projector won't work. To fix it, you can take the fuse out, put it back in the right fuse slot. The lights will go out again, and then you can put it back in the left slot. This resets the projector.
Actually, you CAN reopen that panel, but trying to find a way to do it can be a bit more frustrating then just restarting the game :).
While we're talking about bugs, there is one when you put the gummy thing somewhere and while waiting for the boom you try to move. Also, there is either a bug or dead-end if you don't learn the symbols right at the beginning.
Hi all !
Hum... I'm the MuseLock creator (hey ! stop throwing rocks on me >_
First, thank you for all your comments and suggestion. Muselock was my first flash game project (which explain the remaining bugs and the design mistakes )... and it's really helpful to have some returns !
The version 1.01 corrects the projector cut-scene bug.
By the way, here's some answers :
>> There is a way to re-open the panel... but I admit it's too well hidden. (I will add an note about it on my website.
A secret button is present under the desk, on the side of the right drower -a small circle is visible-.
>> You can actually display the symbols on the screen at any time :
- Put again the good fuse in the up/down screen command
- Lower the screen
- Replace the projector cover on the wall
- Press the sun-like button
There a number of ways you can die. This does not list them all (It might, but I haven't throughly checked)
-Taking the box under the desk without deactivating it (it's a bomb)
-trying to escape without deactivating the lasers
-not deactivating the bomb, but using the explosive on the glass pillar (it destroys the wires, so it makes the bomb go off)
I'm sure there are many more
For those of you that don't understand the translation of the symbols to numbers
if you haven't found the uv bulb yet, then do NOT read this, as you are missing something
This was GREAT!! I recently got back to point and click after many years of not finding good ones, and now I can't get enough. I will never be bored again. I went trolling and found this...sent it to all my friends. Thanks for the walkthrough and spoilers. I only killed meself twice...I kept searching the chair and desk but you guys thankfully posted these. If some of you haven't already, try Chasm.....OMG I played for a week and a half until I got it right...(with help from the walkthrough of course).
Kuroneko -Great game. Can't wait for the next one!
To die do these things:
1: put the good fuse in the left slot before you disarm the bomb then wait until the gas is going in the room
2: take the box when not disarmed
3: put the key on the space left when you take the bomb then put the good fuse in the left slot. touch the key and you are fried
4: walk through the lasers at the door
My code from the paintings in the blue light is..
solid square, semi circle, semi circle, solid the codes at the very beginning, there was NO solid sqaure. and when i tried to enter a number that had a sqaure shape to it (but none were solid)the little code thing closed on me! what did i do wrong, i can't open it back up!
1. Get the paper.
2. Check Garbage can for the can.
3. Go to the armchair and look at the left arm. There should be a very hard to see but visible outline of a rectangle. Click the rectangle to open it and then grab the box.
4. Go to a spot where u can see the doormat and click on it to go to it. click it again to lift it and take the key.
5. Use the key by clicking it and then click on the keyhole. It should say door is unlocked. click the handle to open the door.
6. Go to the projector screen and click that panel that lets it go up and down. Make the screen go up and then click the rectangular outline next to the keys. It will reveal a fuse. take it and then go back to where you could face the screen.
7. The control panel should be seen. click it to go to it and then select your paper. click the control panel to make a little funnel. Then click your orange juice and click the paper funnel. It will short circuit the fuse.
8. You should see a square with black dots on the panel. click the top right dot, the bottom left dot, middle dot, bottom right and then top left. then click the button with a lock on it. that will open up the glass over the short-out fuse.
9. Grab the short-out fuse and select your box that you took from the chair. look at it in greater detail with the inspect item button. select your short-out fuse and then click the hole in the box. then take the key in the box.
10. Go under the desk and use the key on the bomb. remove the cover and click a piece of the big blob (C4) and then click the clip connected to the C4. then you can remove it.
11. take the projector cover from the thing that looks like a grid. The projector cover will have a red circle in the middle.
12. go to the glass diamond and place the C4 blob that you took from the bomb and place it on the glass. go to the projector facing the glass diamond and place the projector cover on it. then click the button that looks like a sun. The glass will explode and then the blue bulb can be taken.
13. grab the bulb and place it into the lamp on the desk.
14. go under the desk and place the big metal key where the bomb use to be.
15. go to the fuse box (spot-where you took the short out fuse) and place the working one into the slot on the left. go to the lamp and click the button on the base. the room will turn blue and then turn around to look at the paintings. Note that the paintings show symbols.
16. take the fuse out of the fuse slot and place it back into the up and down keyboard slot. click down and bring the projector screen down. take the projector cover from the projector and place it back to the one on the wall. press the sun on the wall projector and find the corresponding symbol. (if you got the pink square with a circle in the middle, that is number 8. If you got the pink square then it is number 4.)
17. Make the projector screen rise and then go to the keypad. punch in your code. If the light turns green then voila your free.
ok.. for everyone who is stuck on the code thing. you know the paintings and stuff.
after you figure out what the code is from the paintings.. BEFORE you try to punch in the code on the little panel next to the door.. click the door and open it.. THEN go to the panel and put your code in.
i swear it took me forever to figure that out because no site i went to was telling me that so i was so stuck.. and im thinking thats why everybody else is stuck on that part too. so i hope that helps everyone.
oh yea and if your panel shuts.. just go and face the desk and then click to the left side of the drawers and there should be little button on the side of the desk.. underneath it. that'll open the panel back up for you.
k well hope everyone figures it out. if i can do it anyone can haha.
Grab the paper, and have a look at both sides of it, it has useful clues.
Go right once, click on the trash can, and retrieve the orange juice can.
Go left three times and zoom in to the panel below the flickering window thing. This is a projector -- turn it on by clicking the "glowing sun" button in the middle of the top row. Now turn around and look at the screen -- it has a symbol on it. Go back to the projector and change the "channel number" with the left-right arrows. Note the symbols corresponding to each number, 1 through 9.
Take the faceplate off the projector by clicking on it.
Go left four times until you're squarely facing the screen, and can see the doormat. Click on the doormat to zoom in, and then again to lift it, and retrieve the gold key.
Click on the door, and use the key in the keyhole to unlock it, then open it from the door handle. Click in the doorway until it asks if you want to exit the room or pass your hand through the beam -- pass your hand through the beam, note the killer spikes.
Back up until you're square with the screen wall again, then click on the control to the left of the screen. Use the up arrow to raise the screen.
The screen-raise zooms you out. Zoom back in to the control, open the right-side panel (beside the arrows) and retrieve the fuse.
Zoom in to the plexiglass panel below the puzzle panel that was revealed behind the screen. Put the paper in the small hole near the top of the glass, just right of the fuse bank. It will make a sort of funnel. Pour the orange juice into the funnel, and short out the system.
The puzzle is now active -- click on all four corners and then the center to solve, and then hit the "unlock" button to lower the glass. Retrieve the burned-out fuse.
Go left twice, and zoom in on the chair. Find the hot spot on the right arm, and retrieve the small box. Put the burned-out fuse in the small hole in this box and retrieve the key.
From the chair, go right once, and find the box under the desk. Use the little key in the lock, and click on the cover until it asks if you want to remove the cover or take the box. Choose remove the cover.
Defuse the explosive by clicking on the wire near the chunk of stuff on the lower right side of the box. You know this is the explosive from studying the paper.
Now it's safe to take the box -- take it, and then "inspect" it and click on the explosive to put a chunk of it into your inventory.
Put the gold key in the holder under the desk that the box came out of.
Go back to the fuse panel, and put the good fuse in the left-side fuse slot. This turns on the electrical outlets to the desk and to the mid-room projector.
Turn around, and zoom in to the sculpture. Put the chunk of explosive on the glass, near the bottom center.
Back up one step, and click on the pedestal thing in the middle of the room -- this is another laser projector, and it now has power. Put the projector faceplate on this projector, and turn it on with its "glowing sun" button in the center of the top panel. The laser detonates the explosive, and smashes the glass. Retrieve the black-light bulb from the sculpture.
Go to the desk, and click on the inside of the lamp to zoom in, and put the black-light bulb into the lamp. Turn on the lamp by pressing the switch in the base. The room will glow blue.
Turn around and look at the paintings -- in black-light, they have symbols on them which you saw when playing with the first, wall-mounted projector. Note the four digits corresponding to these four symbols.
Go to the keypad beside the door, and type in the numbers. The green light will come on. If the keypad has been closed by previous attempts to solve, you can reactivate it from a small button on the right-hand side in the under-the-desk view.
It's now safe to go through the door. You're out!
I have the key the fuse out of the thing that makes the screen go up and down, the OJ, half empty, the projecter thingy, and the little box out the arm chair. every body says but the paper in the little holes round the plexiglass thing near the fuse but when I do it, it says 'it's useless just pressing everything, or something like that.
K, seriously, this is really starting to bug me...
After I put the good fuse in the left socket in order to blow up the C4, I always die from that freaking green gas, now, I can't figure out how to stop this from happening, and no matter where I look I can't find an answer to what it is I'm doing wrong.
Can someone PLEASE help me?!
Man, I can't believe I woke up in a strange room AGAIN! This always happens to me!
I found a curious little detail - Can anybody explain for me:
Note: as far as I know, the thing I am describing has no effect on the solution to escaping, so everyone can click on this!!
It doesn't do anything, but there is most definitely a BUTTON under the desk. You click to look under the desk, and it appears on the right, on the side of the drawer. It clicks in and out, it makes a sound, but what does it do?
Enlightment? (plz)
1. Take the paper(no need to read)
2. Take the can in basket
3. Find the little secret place on armchair and take the box
4. Find the projector controller on the wall and press bulb sign
5. Press left or right arrow one by one and check the sign on projector screen. U must write them. These signs will be used for solve the code.
6. And take the controllers cover.
7. Take the yellow key under the doormat
8. Open door with this key. But never try to go out.
9. Press up arrow which is near on Projector screen. PS will be open
10. Select the paper and put it somewhere on electric panel.
11. Pour out the can in paper. The fuse will be burn.
12. Now u must solve the puzzle on up.
13. To solve the puzzle: Press the balls 9-5-1-3-7 and lock ball. electric panel will be open
14. Take the burned fuse
15. Select the box on yor items
15. open the box with using the burned fuse
17. Take the black key in box
18. Go under the table
19. find the bomb box
20. Open it with black key. and only remove the cover
21. Remove the red wire from white explosive
22. Take a part of white explosive
23. Remove the box
24. Place the yellow key to box place.
25. Put the explosive on the lantern which there is an UV bulb inside it.
26. Put the procector cover to the second projector commander
27. Go to the near of electric panel. There is a cover where near the up arrow which u pressed for open the PS. Open it and take the fuse.
28. Put the fuse on the left slot on electrc panel
29. Go to the second projector controller and press bulb sign. Bomb will burst.
30. Take the UV bulb
31. Put the UV bulb on lamb where placed on table. And press the switch to light it.
32. Go to the colorfull arts.
33. Ops. Is there a code here? yes.
34. Find the number of signs from the list u have. I said that "u will use them" on step 5.
35. write the code to panel.
Mark, the same thing happened to me several times. You have to TAKE the box (bomb) after de-activating by clicking on the metal thing, you can't just remove the piece of the explosive, because the bomb keeps working if you don't take the whole box and THEN take out the explosive (by clicking on the box, since you have it in your ITEMS)
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Walkthrough Guide
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Not sure if I'll be the first, but here's a walkthrough.
I didn't figure all of this out by myself, there were important hints in the preceding comments.
Grab the paper, and have a look at both sides of it, it has useful clues.
Go right once, click on the trash can, and retrieve the orange juice can.
Go left three times and zoom in to the panel below the flickering window thing. This is a projector -- turn it on by clicking the "glowing sun" button in the middle of the top row.
Now turn around and look at the screen -- it has a symbol on it. Go back to the projector and change the "channel number" with the left-right arrows. Note the symbols corresponding to each number, 1 through 9.
Take the faceplate off the projector by clicking on it.
Go left four times until you're squarely facing the screen, and can see the doormat. Click on the doormat to zoom in, and then again to lift it, and retrieve the gold key.
Click on the door, and use the key in the keyhole to unlock it, then open it from the door handle. Click in the doorway until it asks if you want to exit the room or pass your hand through the beam -- pass your hand through the beam, note the killer spikes.
Back up until you're square with the screen wall again, then click on the control to the left of the screen. Use the up arrow to raise the screen.
The screen-raise zooms you out. Zoom back in to the control, open the right-side panel (beside the arrows) and retrieve the fuse.
Zoom in to the plexiglass panel below the puzzle panel that was revealed behind the screen. Put the paper in the small hole near the top of the glass, just right of the fuse bank. It will make a sort of funnel. Pour the orange juice into the funnel, and short out the system.
The puzzle is now active -- click on all four corners and then the center to solve, and then hit the "unlock" button to lower the glass. Retrieve the burned-out fuse.
Go left twice, and zoom in on the chair. Find the hot spot on the right arm, and retrieve the small box. Put the burned-out fuse in the small hole in this box and retrieve the key.
From the chair, go right once, and find the box under the desk. Use the little key in the lock, and click on the cover until it asks if you want to remove the cover or take the box. Choose remove the cover.
Defuse the explosive by clicking on the wire near the chunk of stuff on the lower right side of the box. You know this is the explosive from studying the paper.
Now it's safe to take the box -- take it, and then "inspect" it and click on the explosive to put a chunk of it into your inventory.
Put the gold key in the holder under the desk that the box came out of.
Go back to the fuse panel, and put the good fuse in the left-side fuse slot. This turns on the electrical outlets to the desk and to the mid-room projector.
Turn around, and zoom in to the sculpture. Put the chunk of explosive on the glass, near the bottom center.
Back up one step, and click on the pedestal thing in the middle of the room -- this is another laser projector, and it now has power. Put the projector faceplate on this projector, and turn it on with its "glowing sun" button in the center of the top panel.
The laser detonates the explosive, and smashes the glass. Retrieve the black-light bulb from the sculpture.
Go to the desk, and click on the inside of the lamp to zoom in, and put the black-light bulb into the lamp. Turn on the lamp by pressing the switch in the base. The room will glow blue.
Turn around and look at the paintings -- in black-light, they have symbols on them which you saw when playing with the first, wall-mounted projector. Note the four digits corresponding to these four symbols.
Go to the keypad beside the door, and type in the numbers. The green light will come on. If the keypad has been closed by previous attempts to solve, you can reactivate it from a small button on the right-hand side in the under-the-desk view.
It's now safe to go through the door. You're out!
Thanks to Allegra and seventh-degree for posting hints to bits I found tricky.
Posted by: Urban Garlic
August 26, 2007 4:30 PM
Here's my complete walkthrough for MuseLock:
Pick up the piece of paper from the desk. Note that when you inspect it, you can flip it over.
Most of the stuff on the back is a red herring. Even the symbol is not really useful.
Look under the desk. See that little box on the wall? It looks a lot like the illustration on the front of the paper you have. Do not remove the box from the wall at this time. Unless you like to die in explosions, in which case, go for it.
Turn to the right. Click on the wastebasket. Click on the item in the wastebasket. When you inspect it, you will see it is a half-filled can of OJ. Mmm! Too bad you can't drink it.
Turn right until you are facing the wall with the screen and the door. Click on the doormat. Click it again, and it will lift to reveal a key. Pick up the key. Back out until you are facing the door again.
Use the key on the lock of the door. Hey, it works! Cool! Open the door.
Man, what an easy room to escape! Uh-oh, what are those beams of light running up and down in the doorway? Try to go through the door and select "Pass hand in the ray" -- Hmm... maybe there's more to this than we thought.
Turn to the right until you can see the funky little panel on the wall opposite the door, just beneath the flickering light panel. Click on the little panel. Click the middle button on top (with the sun-like symbol) between the arrows and the number 01. Get ready for some ballet. Back up, pirouette and look at the symbol on the screen. Make a note that it is symbol #1. Spin back to the panel, click the right arrow to change the number to 02, back up, pirouette and make a note of the new symbol on the screen. Lather, rinse, repeat until you have recorded all nine symbols.
After you have recorded all nine symbols, click the panel to take the projector cover. Back up and click on the little device standing in the foreground of your field of view. It's another projector that needs a cover. Good thing you have a cover. Pity the projector's not powered. Maybe later.
Back up and turn until you are again facing the screen. Click the tiny control panel next to the screen. Click the up arrow to raise the screen. Click the mini-panel next to the arrows to reveal a fuse. Collect the fuse.
Back up until you are looking at the instrument panel revealed when the screen went up. Note the buttons that don't work and the plexiglass panel on the bottom that can't be opened... but has a convenient little hole in it. Use the paper on the hole; it will make a nice little funnel for you to pour a little OJ into. ZAP! Hmm... The lights went out.
At least now the nine buttons work. Manipulate them until you have reversed all their positions.
Hit the four corner buttons followed by the center button.
Press the button with the lock symbol on it. The panel will slide open. Take the now burned-out (and orangey-smelling) fuse.
Do not put your good fuse in the left-hand slot at this time. If you do, you will be treated to a brief view of the little box under the desk issuing a cloud of poisonous gas. Buh-bye.
Turn until you can see the armchair. Click on the chair. Find the little rectangular area on the arm of the chair that opens when you click it. Remove the little box from the arm of the chair. Inspect the box.
Put the burned-out fuse into the hole, and the box will open. Remove the key from the box.
Go back under the desk to look at the little box. Use your new key. You can now remove the cover of the box.
The white blob in the lower right is the explosive. Click on the wire that goes into the explosive to remove it. Congratulations! You're an expert bomb defuser! You may now safely remove the box from the wall
While you are here, put the old key (the one that opened the door) into the gap between the contacts on the wall where the box was removed.
If you don't do this now, you will have to do this later, and if you inadvertently do it while there is power running to this circuit, you will fry like a chicken.
Inspect the box from under the desk, and click on the white blob of explosive. A small piece will come off.
Back up and turn until you are facing the odd glass case with the light bulb sculpture in it. Place the little bit of explosive on the case.
Time to power up the second projector. Go back to the fuse panel and put your good fuse into the left-hand slot. Return to the projector (which should be flashing a bunch of numbers on the little panel in the upper right) and press the power button. You should be treated to a lovely view of the case exploding open.
Grab the bulb. Return to the desk and put it in the lamp. Press the button on the base of the lamp to turn it on. A lovely blue light shines through the room.
Turn to look at the paintings on the wall. Note the shapes of the blue silhouettes now visible in the white spaces. Hmm... Do they correspond to any numbers? Why yes they do!
Face the door. Click on the keypad next to the door. Enter the four digits corresponding to the shapes on the paintings. The code is different each time you play. You should hear a beep and the green light on top of the keypad should light up.
You may now leave the room. Congratulations!
Posted by: Dan Someone | August 26, 2007 4:35 PM