A somewhat steep difficulty curve can't hide the polish and enchantment of this interactive art/hidden-object adventure. Young Sellar Dore runs away from home and the constant fighting of her parents, but years later, news of a devastating earthquake prompts her to return home... as long as she can earn the money for her ticket by tracking down the important items other people have lost in this surreal fantasy world.
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Memohuntress Walkthrough
General Tips
Many objects are hidden behind something and only can be seen in the peripheral view as you move to the right or left of it.
Some items can't be seen unless someone or something moves, so watch the animations.
Rather than looking for things in relationship to where Sellar is, scrutinize all the details of a scene while you use the arrow keys to move (i.e. ignore Sellar...she sometimes gets in the way.)
"Hint" will tell you what direction to move but, because of the shape of the environment, won't often point directly at an object. Follow in one direction until it starts turning down or up…then you'll know you're right under or above something…you can move away if you have to in order to see it… the arrow will lead you where you need to go but may never land directly on it.
Sometimes only a portion of an item can be seen; clicking anywhere on it will pick it up.
Talk to all the secondary characters for clues...they'll often give you a general area to confine your search. For example, at the Rose Inn, all the keys, roses and music boxes are downstairs while other specific objects are only located in a particular guest room.
For "catching" swimming fish in the last level, staying still or moving very slowly in the general area where they swim makes it easier to click quickly as they approach.
Hardcore Hidden Emblems
One: Floating Forest
Go up the three stone faces and cross to the middle of the bridge where the white creature is cramming his mouth full of raspberries (top middle of the game map). The emblem will be in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Two: Rose Inn
Go right, all the way down the stairs, toward the southeast corner of the game map. As you move right past the sleeping girl who has "Kick Me" and other notes stuck all over her, you'll see the emblem next to her, in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Three: Fantastic Factory
Go down to the inner workings of the factory, where the harlequins are eating the berries as they come down the conveyor belt. As you move toward the westside stairs to head back up, you'll spot the emblem in the bottom left corner of the screen. It's under a row of tarts and a couple spaces lower than the tall grey castle near the stairs.
Four: Emerald Sea
Swim up from the starting point until you're in the middle of a long stone coil... Move east until you can see a green guy sleeping with his legs propped up against one of the rock pillars. Stellar will disappear behind the foreground, but, on the left side of the screen, you will find the last emblem.
Searching the Floating Forest
Forest Item Locations
PLASTIC ROSE (x6) - get one from touching the blue bird's tail (by the bouncing bush creep); one is by the talking tree (in the northeast corner); another is next to the two bunnies eating mushrooms (drop down from the talking tree, move right); one is on the east side of the large tree stump with its tongue out(bottom level); the last is next to the red-beret-wearing bunny and ninja (climb to the top of the large stump).
FAKE SNAKES (x3)- all three are blending in with leaves in the forest trees.
BOX OF SEEDS (x3)- are strewn along the ground of the forest floor.
SILVER LIGHTER (1) - on the rocks carved with faces (southwest corner). This is the item the talking tree hints about.
CAMERA (1) - by the bush creep (southeast corner).
VIOLIN (1) - On the bridge, in the lower portion of the screen, blending well with the color of the wood (see screenshot of the emblem).
BOOK TRUE LOVES KISS (1) - on the east side of the large tree stump.
DAGGER (x2) - one's next to the bouncing bush creep; the other's on the bridge, seen when the raspberry-munching creature moves away from the bushes.
FLARE GUN (x2) - one is on the bridge, as you move right (after the purple mushroom man** runs away); the other is on the forest floor behind a tree.
SECRET MAP (x6) - one is on the forest floor; two are by the ninja and beret-wearing bunny (stand on the large stump); the last three are on the bridge's rafters (spaced evenly from left side to right side).
Hardcore Hidden Emblem - see screenshot:
Talk to the worm's friend then move east, further down the hole until you come to two meanies who are poking the side of the worm. Click on them until they run away.
Talk to the worm's friend again; he put "your reward upstairs."
Go left and jump onto the slope heading up; the WALLET is a little more than halfway up.
**To make the purple mushroom man move out of the way, first talk to him then click on the red mushroom at his feet.
Searching the Rose Inn
Room Keys
According to the girl at the desk, all the keys can be found downstairs. The following screenshots show where each key can be found:
Other Rose Inn Item Locations
SPECIAL SOUVENIR (x9) - The "special souvenir" is a long-steamed red rose...they're all located downstairs:
One on the restuarant menu.
Another is by the left chef.
A third is next to the booted feet of the hunter at the middle table...
...and there is another one behind him (move to the left slightly).
Two are on the west side of the restaurant: one's under the wanted poster by the man in the black top hat; the other can be seen as you stand next to the jester at the back table...under the bearded chin of the card player on the right.
Three more are on east side of the restuarant behind the girl with the pink-pigtails, behind the guy in the sky-diving gear and under the table at their feet.
GOLDEN MUSIC BOX (x6) - they are also all located downstairs:
On the top left corner of the menu board
Under the left chef (by the "R" of "Rose Inn")
On the east side of the restuarant between the moving arms of a laughing guy in a brown hat
And three are on the west side of the restaurant: two are under the table of the person with his face in spaghetti (move right to left to reveal each) and the last one is under the legs of a dracula-looking fellow on the far left.
GUEST SLIPPERS (x5) - are strewn along the stairs and landings leading up to the guest rooms.
DIPLOMA (1) - in Room 1
LOVE LETTERS (x9) - in Room 2:
Before you enter (stand behind the "mad girl" poster) it's just to the right of the doll in the poka-dotted dress.
Above the "Beauty Girl/Cute Girl" posters by the door.
One's behind the kissing knight and another's behind the kissing princess.
Another can be seen by a bunny's ear, on the right side of the screen, when you stand behind the kissing princess.
In the garland on the ceiling.
Below the big penguin's wing.
Under the big-headed crying girl's bed board; on the bottom right drawer of the dresser.
CLEAN SOCKS (x6) - Room 3
DIAMOND RING (1) - Room 4
ALBINO BAT TOY (4) - In room 5
PEN KITS (x5) and GOLD CHAINS (x4) - In room 6.
Seen when the neat freak moves his broom).
One is just outside the door before you enter, the other five are inside (the hardest to spot can be seen if you stand behind the TV, it's partially obscured by a big pile of clothes on the left).
Stand behind the "M" of "Me" and you can see the ring in the bottom right corner of the room.
Three are evenly spaced along the "ceiling", one is underneath the dad.
GOLD CHAINS - one is on the "Hug Me" mannequin while another is behind it; there's one behind the "fox" mannequin; and the last is behind the photographer.
PEN KITS - stand behind the door ("Truce" sign) and you'll see one to above the right shoulder of the "Hug Me" mannequin; another is behind the green "frog" mannequin; one's above the white-and-red longcoat; one's on the shelf above the model; the last is to the right of the model's fox tail.
Hardcore Hidden Emblem - see screenshot:
Screenshot: Rose Inn Emblem Location
More to come...
@SkylerF -
I think the tree's trying to hint about either about the silver lighter or the camera and one of the daggers in the southeast section of the forest....
It's a bit of a throw-off since the lighter is easy to spot by the rocks and the stuff by the bush creep isn't all that hard to see, either.
Probably just a bit of a set-up for how the NPCs in each level provide clues for objects' locations.
@tjhen77 -
Glad you found it! That part of the Fantastic Factory is pretty tough because of the animations.
This is a really spectacular game. Love the soundtrack, especially. The plot was so-so, but each place was so amazingly detailed.
My only complaint is that I can't go back to each place after I've found all the items. I wish they made it so that you can go back to look for those darn emblems, even after finding everything you're supposed to find. I only found two out of the four, and I was hoping that finishing the game would mean being able to revisit those places but...
I agree that it would make the game a touch unrealistic, but let's face it... some of those creatures...
Yeah, finding the sea shrooms was really hard for me, too. I've been trying to take pictures of all of them for the walkthrough...finding the time to put it all together is also a toughie.
The sea shroom that eluded me the most is right in the foreground, on a big area of flat rock in the front part of the center coil. It's so easy to breeze past it because usually you're looking toward the more detailed mid-depths.
Does that explanation make sense? Where is the hint button leading you?
As for criddles, they attach themselves to anything that moves... So, most the criddles are on the big fish, but a couple are on sponges...
Hi Salinthrous,
Please check the "Hardcore Hidden Emblems" section of the walkthrough for a screenshot of its location...
From the starting point (by the three large "faces"), swim up to the coil and then swim to the right until you see a green guy laying back with his feet up. The emblem is near'll see it in the left peripheral.
Absolutely enchanting, poignant game. There's a lot of unrequited and misunderstood love flying around, not to mention the wordplay. Needs some spellcheck, though. Also the animations are amazing! Dare I say, kawaii. I loved the top-left room in the factory.
Memory hog ahoy. The saving / replay oddities mentioned may be its biggest weakness.
Some of the sea shrooms
are in the extreme, extreme foreground. Think extreme closeup. And usually on the stone rings.
I actually really like the Emerald Sea. But then again, I spent a copious amount of time in it to hear the music looping over fifty times, so I might just be dealing with some sort of game-related Stockholm Syndrome.
The fact that I'm back here really speaks volumes about how I feel about this game. It's really something.
There isn't anything quite like it, is there? No description explains what you'll get out of it. But in terms of mixing beautiful art, music and finding things, I recommend two more of my favorites: William and Sly 2 as well as its predecessor, William and Sly.
I think you'll like the Drawn series. They're very beautiful, with a great story, and also involve finding hidden objects (along with a few other puzzles). If you can, get the collector's editions because the extra game play is worth it.
Have you also tried the interactive art, fantasy and surreal tags as well as just poking around in the JIG archives?
This game has compelled me to do a bit of research on the developers to see if they've done anything else noteworthy. While I couldn't find anything quite like this, I did find a collection of charming short films by Andrew Kerekes, who isn't listed in the credits, but seems to be in some way connected to this game (I found a trailer for Memohuntres under his name). There's mostly flash animations, much like the one on the TV in the factory level, and they're all cute and lots of fun to watch. Look him up on NewGrounds if you're interested (username SpikeVallentine).
[Andrew Kerekes is Aaron Abel in the Memohuntress credits. Yes, he's an awesome artist! ~elle]
Clicking the sound and music icons should bring up a slider that you can scroll up or down to control volume. The intuitive icon for sound and that for music are switched, I think. Try them both. If it's still not working, you can go into "options" from the main menu and control the volume for sound and music there. ~elle
This game was thoroughly enjoyable... UNTIL I had to leave, and when I came back to "Continue" my game (after completing the second level and properly exiting the game), I was put right back on the first level.
And then I played through and was stuck on Level 4, where I had FOUND all of the critters and items, but my touchpad somehow would not click the swimming fish, even if I sat and waited for them to land on a specific spot so I could click them. I quit that level very upset that I could not get the last five fish to register as "found" and let me progress to the end, and grabbed some food, and then reopened the game to "Continue"... and was on the first level again!!!
Very very very very very frustrating that 1) my progress was not saved and 2) my Macbook touchpad would not seem to work for every fish on the last level. It was such a great game too, but when I make it through without any walkthrough help, finding ALL of the emblems, and then am caught up just shy of completion because five fish in motion don't want to register as clicked... sorry, it ruined the whole game for me. All of that accomplishment of tediously clicking and searching for absolutely everything without any hints was shot. Horrible way to end this game for me, and I will not be coming back to finish it--which kills me, because I want to know what happens at the end.
I'm sorry you had that trouble! I can't speak for the touch pad issue because I haven't tried playing on a lap top (you may want to get a mouse for gaming).
For the progress being saved, make sure you are allowing Flash to store enough data on your computer ( You'll know it's working if you log out after level 1 then come back to find you're ready to complete level 2.
Thanks for your patience!
I adore this game. True, the Emerald Sea was ridiculously frustrating (my attempt at not using hints failed there), but the music was great. It was one of the few things that prevented me from rage-quitting when, after twenty minutes of looking, I still couldn't find the last two Diamamoths and Sea Shrooms.
I may be a few months too late for a response, but I'm having trouble getting Sellar to jump and land on things. It seems almost random when I'm successful or not. I'm stuck in the forest trying to get up to the bridge, but it seems like each jump, including ones I've made before take multiple tries. I don't see that anyone else has had this problem, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something about how to do this? Up and over arrows a particular number of times? Putting Sellar in the exact right spot each time?
If it's a matter of repeated trial and error each time, then it's really not worth playing, because it's very frustrating. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.
It shouldn't be difficult to move or jump... are you standing on the stone with three faces to do it? My only other suggestion is to try in a different browser, update Flash player or check your keyboard controls on other games that employ similar platform maneuvers.
You can try using "Q" to toggle lower-quality graphics as this is a resource intensive game; lag could be contributing to the issue.
After Rose Cafe, there aren't many other places to jump...and it is really such a gorgeous game to explore! Maybe by then, even if you can't get around the issue, it won't seem as frustrating with so much else going on.
I love this game. I don't usually like hidden object games, but the way the background and foreground move around and get in the way make this one a little more interesting and unpredictable. Collecting the emblems can be a bit relentless, especially because no one gives you hints as to where they are the way they do with the other items, but it's not as though you need them for anything.
Also, Sellar is adorable.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Memohuntress Walkthrough
General Tips
Many objects are hidden behind something and only can be seen in the peripheral view as you move to the right or left of it.
Some items can't be seen unless someone or something moves, so watch the animations.
Rather than looking for things in relationship to where Sellar is, scrutinize all the details of a scene while you use the arrow keys to move (i.e. ignore Sellar...she sometimes gets in the way.)
"Hint" will tell you what direction to move but, because of the shape of the environment, won't often point directly at an object. Follow in one direction until it starts turning down or up…then you'll know you're right under or above something…you can move away if you have to in order to see it… the arrow will lead you where you need to go but may never land directly on it.
Sometimes only a portion of an item can be seen; clicking anywhere on it will pick it up.
Talk to all the secondary characters for clues...they'll often give you a general area to confine your search. For example, at the Rose Inn, all the keys, roses and music boxes are downstairs while other specific objects are only located in a particular guest room.
For "catching" swimming fish in the last level, staying still or moving very slowly in the general area where they swim makes it easier to click quickly as they approach.
Hardcore Hidden Emblems
One: Floating Forest
Go up the three stone faces and cross to the middle of the bridge where the white creature is cramming his mouth full of raspberries (top middle of the game map). The emblem will be in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Screenshot: Floating Forest Emblem Location
Two: Rose Inn
Go right, all the way down the stairs, toward the southeast corner of the game map. As you move right past the sleeping girl who has "Kick Me" and other notes stuck all over her, you'll see the emblem next to her, in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Screenshot: Rose Inn Emblem Location
Three: Fantastic Factory
Go down to the inner workings of the factory, where the harlequins are eating the berries as they come down the conveyor belt. As you move toward the westside stairs to head back up, you'll spot the emblem in the bottom left corner of the screen. It's under a row of tarts and a couple spaces lower than the tall grey castle near the stairs.
Screenshot: Fantastic Factory Emblem Location
Four: Emerald Sea
Swim up from the starting point until you're in the middle of a long stone coil... Move east until you can see a green guy sleeping with his legs propped up against one of the rock pillars. Stellar will disappear behind the foreground, but, on the left side of the screen, you will find the last emblem.
Screenshot: Emerald Sea Emblem Location
Searching the Floating Forest
Forest Item Locations
PLASTIC ROSE (x6) - get one from touching the blue bird's tail (by the bouncing bush creep); one is by the talking tree (in the northeast corner); another is next to the two bunnies eating mushrooms (drop down from the talking tree, move right); one is on the east side of the large tree stump with its tongue out(bottom level); the last is next to the red-beret-wearing bunny and ninja (climb to the top of the large stump).
FAKE SNAKES (x3)- all three are blending in with leaves in the forest trees.
BOX OF SEEDS (x3)- are strewn along the ground of the forest floor.
SILVER LIGHTER (1) - on the rocks carved with faces (southwest corner). This is the item the talking tree hints about.
CAMERA (1) - by the bush creep (southeast corner).
VIOLIN (1) - On the bridge, in the lower portion of the screen, blending well with the color of the wood (see screenshot of the emblem).
BOOK TRUE LOVES KISS (1) - on the east side of the large tree stump.
DAGGER (x2) - one's next to the bouncing bush creep; the other's on the bridge, seen when the raspberry-munching creature moves away from the bushes.
FLARE GUN (x2) - one is on the bridge, as you move right (after the purple mushroom man** runs away); the other is on the forest floor behind a tree.
SECRET MAP (x6) - one is on the forest floor; two are by the ninja and beret-wearing bunny (stand on the large stump); the last three are on the bridge's rafters (spaced evenly from left side to right side).
Hardcore Hidden Emblem - see screenshot:
Screenshot: Floating Forest Emblem Location
Talk to the worm's friend then move east, further down the hole until you come to two meanies who are poking the side of the worm. Click on them until they run away.
Talk to the worm's friend again; he put "your reward upstairs."
Go left and jump onto the slope heading up; the WALLET is a little more than halfway up.
**To make the purple mushroom man move out of the way, first talk to him then click on the red mushroom at his feet.
Searching the Rose Inn
Room Keys
According to the girl at the desk, all the keys can be found downstairs. The following screenshots show where each key can be found:
Screenshot: Key to Room 1
Screenshot: Key to Room 2
Screenshot: Key to Room 3
Screenshot: Key to Room 4
Screenshot: Key to Room 5
Screenshot: Key to Room 6
Other Rose Inn Item Locations
SPECIAL SOUVENIR (x9) - The "special souvenir" is a long-steamed red rose...they're all located downstairs:
One on the restuarant menu.
Another is by the left chef.
A third is next to the booted feet of the hunter at the middle table...
...and there is another one behind him (move to the left slightly).
Two are on the west side of the restaurant: one's under the wanted poster by the man in the black top hat; the other can be seen as you stand next to the jester at the back table...under the bearded chin of the card player on the right.
Three more are on east side of the restuarant behind the girl with the pink-pigtails, behind the guy in the sky-diving gear and under the table at their feet.
GOLDEN MUSIC BOX (x6) - they are also all located downstairs:
On the top left corner of the menu board
Under the left chef (by the "R" of "Rose Inn")
On the east side of the restuarant between the moving arms of a laughing guy in a brown hat
And three are on the west side of the restaurant: two are under the table of the person with his face in spaghetti (move right to left to reveal each) and the last one is under the legs of a dracula-looking fellow on the far left.
GUEST SLIPPERS (x5) - are strewn along the stairs and landings leading up to the guest rooms.
DIPLOMA (1) - in Room 1
Seen when the neat freak moves his broom).
LOVE LETTERS (x9) - in Room 2:
Before you enter (stand behind the "mad girl" poster) it's just to the right of the doll in the poka-dotted dress.
Above the "Beauty Girl/Cute Girl" posters by the door.
One's behind the kissing knight and another's behind the kissing princess.
Another can be seen by a bunny's ear, on the right side of the screen, when you stand behind the kissing princess.
In the garland on the ceiling.
Below the big penguin's wing.
Under the big-headed crying girl's bed board; on the bottom right drawer of the dresser.
CLEAN SOCKS (x6) - Room 3
One is just outside the door before you enter, the other five are inside (the hardest to spot can be seen if you stand behind the TV, it's partially obscured by a big pile of clothes on the left).
DIAMOND RING (1) - Room 4
Stand behind the "M" of "Me" and you can see the ring in the bottom right corner of the room.
ALBINO BAT TOY (4) - In room 5
Three are evenly spaced along the "ceiling", one is underneath the dad.
PEN KITS (x5) and GOLD CHAINS (x4) - In room 6.
GOLD CHAINS - one is on the "Hug Me" mannequin while another is behind it; there's one behind the "fox" mannequin; and the last is behind the photographer.
PEN KITS - stand behind the door ("Truce" sign) and you'll see one to above the right shoulder of the "Hug Me" mannequin; another is behind the green "frog" mannequin; one's above the white-and-red longcoat; one's on the shelf above the model; the last is to the right of the model's fox tail.
Hardcore Hidden Emblem - see screenshot:
Screenshot: Rose Inn Emblem Location
More to come...
Posted by: elle
February 27, 2012 1:49 PM