Mars Commando
In the year 2049, all the water on Earth has been depleted. The nearest source of the good stuff is our friendly neighborhood Mars. So... let's go get it, shall we? Mars Commando is a defense game that emphasizes unit placement and strategy over swarms of soldiers, allowing you to earn the satisfaction of eradicating thousands of aliens with half a dozen of your own troops.
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I have problems reading the manual. It seems like a bug:
Page 3 doesn't seem to work. When I click next from page 2 it either skips back to the main menu, or jumps right into the level screen, with the Start/Menubuttons not responding.
I can start the game fine, but I have no idea how to control the guy in the spacesuit. And when I randomly pushed buttons, text filled the screen, and I didn't know how to turn it off again.
It looked promising, but those things are not a good start for a game with a steep lurning curve.
This game has just been broken for me since I cleared my cache. It keeps forgetting my campaign progress, meaning every time I want to play it I have to start from the first crater. Add to that interface issues (why make us hold down the mouse button during an entire wave when we have no reason to stop shooting? Why let us almost instantly kill troops, or even the spaceship itself, with a careless click of the Battle droid?) and gameflow issues (character death is persistent, but money isn't, meaning you either go through a long, painful grind to get good troops or start over with novices), and you wind up with a game I want to like but can't even play.