Lost Pig
In Lost Pig, you are Grunk, a rather dim creature who works on a farm and who, evidently, loses a pig. Using your best typing skills, find your way through the forest and beyond and retrieve that darn swine. It won't be easy, since pigs in Grunk's world are not cooperative. Utilize your intuition (and maybe a little luck) and you'll find your way out of Grunk's mess in this hilarious interactive fiction.
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Oops. I suck. Ignore my last answer.. that's for the book. It's late, and I should sleep :)
the missing page (for real this time!):
Now that you have a light source, look at the stairs. Look in the crack. There's something there, but you can't reach it.
What do you have that can attract things that you can't otherwise reach? Hm.. why doesn't that work? Try changing the colour of the pole.
Set the pole on fire :)
Grunk is funny LoL. But seems I'm stuck.. I got:
hat (Grunk wearing that)
2 half brick
torch (black and sooty)
pants (all wet)
and the green pole that I put in statue's hand (hoping that lightning will somehow happen in the room and strike the pole then make something happen to the north wall).
Just like Anonymous, I've found the book and returned it to the gnome just to find out that a page was missing.
Have you asked the gnome about the pole?
It's a "colour magnet". Take a look at the pole and then look at yourself. Opposites attract, likes repel and all that. Have you seen something of a different colour that you can't reach?
Now you should be able to light the torch, and then see my (revised) post above about the missing page.
Wow, I'm stuck! I love text based games, but I'm out of ideas. Maybe I'm just tired but I can't get out of this cave thing. I have a tube, the pole, the key (I've unlocked the chest but I don't know what the powder is for) And I have the book, and of course pants. I think my main problem is I can't figure out how to relight the torch. Where is this gnome you all are talking about? does the statue come to life...I'm lost, so I'm spending most of my time talking to the pig, which is fun.
Here is a walkthrough for Lost Pig and it's the first I've ever written so I'm sorry if it is redundant or something isn't worded right. I have split it up with titles so you can play the game yourself, and click on the solution if you get stuck in a certain place. Hope it helps:
Try to go N or E (Grunk won't go because he doesn't want to get lost in dark forest, He won't go anywhere else either) You have to wait until you hear rustling in the bushes.
Listen *1 pt*
Go NE, you will fall in a hole, there is no other way to go.
Get torch (it has gone out, you will need to re-light it later)
look at stairs
Get metal thing (whistle)
E (fountain room, Pig should be there)
Fountain Room
Look at fountain
Get coin *2 pt*
look at curtain (hint about exiting)
SW (table room)
Table Room
get chair
E (Closet)
Closet - Gnome
There will be a weird noise. sing, or type in grr, or shout and the gnome will wake up.
There are about a million questions you can ask the gnome and it is fun to play around with that.
Ask gnome about the metal thing
(The whistle isn't really essential to gameplay but if you blow it it annoys the pig, and the gnome will tell you about looters which is a hint on how to get all 7 pts.)
E (Shelf Room)
Shelf Room- Get Book
Get pole
drop chair
stand on chair
look at top shelf (you were too short to see before)
get book
get down
get chair (you have to put it back where you found it)
Back to table room- How to get Pig
Go to table room (once you have been to a place or know where something is, you don't have to use directions, you can just type go to "place" or "thing" like "go to pig")
drop chair
look at metal box
put coin in slot
pull lever
get brick
shake metal box
get coin
repeat to get 3 bricks, after 2nd brick, coin will fall out with brick.
(hints: ask gnome about metal box to find out what it is, ask gnome about brick, brick= some kind of food. Show brick to pig, pig is interested) -
break brick
break whole brick
break whole brick
How to get the pig:
(You now have 1/2 bricks that you can give to the pig to distract him and grab him. If you don't drop all the bricks for the pig at once, you will have to start over and get more bricks so he will be interested in them enough for you to grab him when you are ready. So it is better to have more 1/2 bricks than you might need than to have to come back here later. You can get the pig now, but you'll just have to carry him around for a while. You have to drop the bricks for the pig to eat a certain way and then you can get him easily)
Back to Fountain Room - How to re-light torch
go to fountain room
N (statue room)
look at statue
look at hat
get hat
go to fountain room
E (cave with stream)
look at reddish thing (Grunk won't cross stream, can't reach it, can't swim)
get red thing with pole (green pole from shelf room)
(ask the wizard about pole if you want to know why this works)
Get key (red thing)
get water with hat (what was it shaped like?)
Go to chest / Go to shelf room
open chest (Grunk will unlock it first, saving you the trouble of telling him to) *3 pt*
look in chest (black powder)
pour water on powder
(again, ask gnome about powder if you want to know why this works)
light torch
put pole in powder (it gets black and sooty, fire will probably go out, you can re-light it the same way if needed later)
Back to Hole - How to get missing page
Go to hole
look at crack (now you can see because the torch is lit)
get paper with pole (missing page in book)
drop whistle
How to find secret door to exit
Go to statue
put torch in hand (of statue, Oh! A door! remember the curtain?) *4 pts*
Get 5th point- What is needed to go through secret door
Go to gnome
give gnome paper
ask gnome about ball (glowing orb)
give gnome book *5 pts*
type wait, or ask the gnome a question, he will glue the missing page back in the book and then you can continue
ask gnome for orb (He needs some light source in exchange first)
go to statue
get torch (if it has gone out you may need to re-light it with water from the stream, pour on the powder etc.)
If the torch is still lit here:
put hat on statue -
Go to gnome
give gnome torch (he will give you the orb, which you need in order to leave later)
ask gnome about turning orb off (you might need the magic words if it should go out later.)
go to shelf room
drop key
drop pole (you should have already put the chair back in the table room)
How to get pig
go to pig
(you need to have at least 4 half-bricks for this to work)
drop brick
drop brick
drop brick
(Pig will eat bricks, either type wait, or keep dropping bricks to continue until it says: "Pig look happy with brick. Eat and eat and eat. It not even notice Grunk at all anymore.")
Grab pig *6 pts*
(If you don't get him you will need to get more bricks with the coin and repeat, if you type I for inventory it should say pig (not happy) lol. Now that you are carrying the pig it will have some sort of funny action every time you move)
To make sure you get all 7 points
You need to put everything back the way you found it, that means the chair, the pole, the whistle etc.
Go to fountain room
put coin in fountain
type I for inventory, You should ONLY have:
pig (not happy)
ball (that make light)
pants (Grunk wearing them) (unless you took them off at some point, which is possible in this game)
If you have extra bricks you can feed them to the pig. I am not sure if they matter.
To exit underground, and finish the game
Go to statue
N (windy cave) (You needed the orb of light because the torch would have gone out and Grunk would not have gone any further without light)
Close door (To ensure 7th point)
You are now in sort of a maze, and I don't think it really matters what directions you go, you can walk around and read what Grunk says, and subsequently what the pig does, or just wait and the gnome will show up dragging his trunk.
Follow the gnome, SE
Probably New Tunnel *7 pts*
The gnome will say a bunch of stuff, and if you have put everything back where it belongs and closed the secret door behind you, he will say he is impressed and thank you, and you will get one more point, otherwise it is possible to finish the game with only 6 points.
Follow Gnome
Follow Gnome
You are back in the forest, Game Over.
I'm somewhat disappointed by your comment there, Scramble! I was actually hoping that Floatpoint WAS the first IF game you'd played. If that was the case it would mean the genre is actually getting new fans and players. For the longest time I was convinced that the only people playing modern IF were people that had cut their video gaming teeth on Zork back in the day and/or crazy English/Comp-sci nerds . . . or, wait, that last group is the people *writing* IF, I guess. But anyway, I hope that having review of games likes this on JiG may be bringing IF to a new audience. It's neat stuff.
Getting the pig isn't quite as hard as the walkthrough makes it out to be.
You don't need to break the bricks at all, and drop all brick
works much better than typing in drop brick
a bunch of times.
Also, there's a couple of other things:
The coin doesn't need to go back in the fountain, and the chair can stay in the shelf room. I think the gnome only cares if everything is in the shrine, not that it's in the room where you picked it up. Also, the whistle is entirely unnecessary; you can beat the game with all seven points without ever picking it up.
This game is lovely, and a lot of fun.
The point where I started to actually laugh out loud was when I discovered you could take your pants off and do various things with them, like drop them in the stream or try to give them to the Gnome. After that I just couldn't stop giggling at every little thing
Not sure if that deserves spoiler tags, but you never know, someone might be disappointed to be deprived of the joy of finding it out for themselves :P
will you release the flash player so that other people will be able to use it on their website? It looks interesting, especially when it can read glulx games!
[Edit: The interpreter is still very much a work in progress, so we are not releasing it at this time. Also, it is a Z-machine interpreter, not Glulx. -Jay]
I don't want to nitpick, Jetamo, because this really isn't the place for that kind of discussion anyway... but... a MUD isn't really an IF. :) Text based yeah, but not an IF. Not that there is anything wrong with MUDs. I love MUDs and other varieties of MU* and even played Discworld MUD myself several years back. But its not IF. :) But if it brought you to IF, that's totally awesome. I never imagined really thought that kind of connection would be one people might make... that's pretty sweet.
I've really liked the last 2 IF games that have been posted.
The only other IF game that I extensively played was in my youth--some shareware program where I couldn't go the village (until I paid--which my family never did). I did start off in the house with the requisite flask, go up the mountain, trigger an avalanche, and I made it into some kind of palace where I got stranded on an island with a lake full of piranha. I wish I knew how the dumb thing ended, but I don't even remember it's name...
There were so many times where I thought, "No way... This is a really stupid thing to try, it won't work anyway..."
Like "hug gnome" and "eat gnome". That makes me laugh! I can save the game, (by typing save), but I don't know how to open the game again. Help? I tried to save on both that flash one and on Gargoyle. Neither works for me.
(About getting full points.)
To get the 7th point you do not have to place each objects exactly where you found them. Just make sure you DROP the KEY, POLE, and CHAIR all inside the shrine proper (not the Windy Cave or Maze) and you CLOSE the DOOR in the Windy Cave. Also, don't permanently damage anything .
...AHAHAAHAH HA HA HA... *rolls on floor laughing like an idiot*
Ooh.. ha... heehee.. HAW haw... ha... hee...
I just LOVE this game.
And I just started about 10 seconds ago.
I just love these games. The main reason I like - LOVE interactive fictions is because you can make the characters do anything. Unlike most games where the controls are "Walk", "Jump", "Talk" and "Attack".
Especially this one.
I LOVE this game, probably my favourite IF game ever (and I started way back with Hunt the Wumpus, so I've done quite a few).
I think it's because the writer has been really clever and used that natural frustration you get in IF when you can't get the game to do what you want, and turned that seeming stupidity into an excellent, in-character plot point. Brilliant. It adds so much depth to the story - as well as being very funny. God, so funny! And just in case I was getting too frustrated, there was someone rational to talk to and explain stuff to me as well. Perfect!
Plus I enjoyed the non-violent ethos of the game. Very refreshing... not that I exactly played it that way myself. Heh heh, I did set fire to a few things.
in case anyone is still wondering how to close the door (I had the same problem), you need to take the torch out of the statue's hand, otherwise the door will keep opening again. Shouldn't really be a problem for most, as you're supposed to give the torch to gnome. I guess it only becomes an an issue when you've given grunk's pants to him instead... :)
I am a new fan of IF and one of my favorite things to do while it school is use the Inform 7 software to create my own IF (really easy and a lot of fun)
This game is so great. I almost don't even care about finishing it, I just want to wander around and see what Grunk says when I do random crap. It's amazing the amount of detail Jota included in this game.
"Have you tried...
...checking the menu after winning with a full 7 points?"
This game is so fantastic, I've had a smile on my face for hours.
Despite being somewhat notorious offline as a grammar fascist, however, I actually enjoyed the, erm, peculiar grammar the game employs. It is, after all, internally consistent!
What I like about IF games is that, in general, they are fully accessible to blind people who use screen readers, since those programs speak to us what is written to the screen. Games with images, on the other hand, are not accessible for the same reason, so I am Always searching for these types of games. The first IF game I remember playing was Colossal Cave and the best part about games like these is that you have to keep thinking about how to solve the puzzles without having to look at a single Picture! Good work on the game!
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Walkthrough Guide
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Here is a walkthrough for Lost Pig and it's the first I've ever written so I'm sorry if it is redundant or something isn't worded right. I have split it up with titles so you can play the game yourself, and click on the solution if you get stuck in a certain place. Hope it helps:
Try to go N or E (Grunk won't go because he doesn't want to get lost in dark forest, He won't go anywhere else either) You have to wait until you hear rustling in the bushes.
Listen *1 pt*
Go NE, you will fall in a hole, there is no other way to go.
Get torch (it has gone out, you will need to re-light it later)
look at stairs
Get metal thing (whistle)
E (fountain room, Pig should be there)
Fountain Room
Look at fountain
Get coin *2 pt*
look at curtain (hint about exiting)
SW (table room)
Table Room
get chair
E (Closet)
Closet - Gnome
There will be a weird noise. sing, or type in grr, or shout and the gnome will wake up.
There are about a million questions you can ask the gnome and it is fun to play around with that.
Ask gnome about the metal thing
(The whistle isn't really essential to gameplay but if you blow it it annoys the pig, and the gnome will tell you about looters which is a hint on how to get all 7 pts.)
E (Shelf Room)
Shelf Room- Get Book
Get pole
drop chair
stand on chair
look at top shelf (you were too short to see before)
get book
get down
get chair (you have to put it back where you found it)
Back to table room- How to get Pig
Go to table room (once you have been to a place or know where something is, you don't have to use directions, you can just type go to "place" or "thing" like "go to pig")
drop chair
look at metal box
put coin in slot
pull lever
get brick
shake metal box
get coin
repeat to get 3 bricks, after 2nd brick, coin will fall out with brick.
(hints: ask gnome about metal box to find out what it is, ask gnome about brick, brick= some kind of food. Show brick to pig, pig is interested)
break brick
break whole brick
break whole brick
How to get the pig:
(You now have 1/2 bricks that you can give to the pig to distract him and grab him. If you don't drop all the bricks for the pig at once, you will have to start over and get more bricks so he will be interested in them enough for you to grab him when you are ready. So it is better to have more 1/2 bricks than you might need than to have to come back here later. You can get the pig now, but you'll just have to carry him around for a while. You have to drop the bricks for the pig to eat a certain way and then you can get him easily)
Back to Fountain Room - How to re-light torch
go to fountain room
N (statue room)
look at statue
look at hat
get hat
go to fountain room
E (cave with stream)
look at reddish thing (Grunk won't cross stream, can't reach it, can't swim)
get red thing with pole (green pole from shelf room)
(ask the wizard about pole if you want to know why this works)
Get key (red thing)
get water with hat (what was it shaped like?)
Go to chest / Go to shelf room
open chest (Grunk will unlock it first, saving you the trouble of telling him to) *3 pt*
look in chest (black powder)
pour water on powder
(again, ask gnome about powder if you want to know why this works)
light torch
put pole in powder (it gets black and sooty, fire will probably go out, you can re-light it the same way if needed later)
Back to Hole - How to get missing page
Go to hole
look at crack (now you can see because the torch is lit)
get paper with pole (missing page in book)
drop whistle
How to find secret door to exit
Go to statue
put torch in hand (of statue, Oh! A door! remember the curtain?) *4 pts*
Get 5th point- What is needed to go through secret door
Go to gnome
give gnome paper
ask gnome about ball (glowing orb)
give gnome book *5 pts*
type wait, or ask the gnome a question, he will glue the missing page back in the book and then you can continue
ask gnome for orb (He needs some light source in exchange first)
go to statue
get torch (if it has gone out you may need to re-light it with water from the stream, pour on the powder etc.)
If the torch is still lit here:
put hat on statue
Go to gnome
give gnome torch (he will give you the orb, which you need in order to leave later)
ask gnome about turning orb off (you might need the magic words if it should go out later.)
go to shelf room
drop key
drop pole (you should have already put the chair back in the table room)
How to get pig
go to pig
(you need to have at least 4 half-bricks for this to work)
drop brick
drop brick
drop brick
(Pig will eat bricks, either type wait, or keep dropping bricks to continue until it says: "Pig look happy with brick. Eat and eat and eat. It not even notice Grunk at all anymore.")
Grab pig *6 pts*
(If you don't get him you will need to get more bricks with the coin and repeat, if you type I for inventory it should say pig (not happy) lol. Now that you are carrying the pig it will have some sort of funny action every time you move)
To make sure you get all 7 points
You need to put everything back the way you found it, that means the chair, the pole, the whistle etc.
Go to fountain room
put coin in fountain
type I for inventory, You should ONLY have:
pig (not happy)
ball (that make light)
pants (Grunk wearing them) (unless you took them off at some point, which is possible in this game)
If you have extra bricks you can feed them to the pig. I am not sure if they matter.
To exit underground, and finish the game
Go to statue
N (windy cave) (You needed the orb of light because the torch would have gone out and Grunk would not have gone any further without light)
Close door (To ensure 7th point)
You are now in sort of a maze, and I don't think it really matters what directions you go, you can walk around and read what Grunk says, and subsequently what the pig does, or just wait and the gnome will show up dragging his trunk.
Follow the gnome, SE
Probably New Tunnel *7 pts*
The gnome will say a bunch of stuff, and if you have put everything back where it belongs and closed the secret door behind you, he will say he is impressed and thank you, and you will get one more point, otherwise it is possible to finish the game with only 6 points.
Follow Gnome
Follow Gnome
You are back in the forest, Game Over.
Posted by: Aurabella.ella
April 8, 2008 10:01 AM