Llama in Your Face
Being a llama does have its good points: you have a trampoline to bounce up and down on all day, your fur is soft and durable, and you can spit like it's nobody's business. Because it's not. You hate those intrusive zoo visitors who keep trying to get up into your face. So spit on them! Use your mouse to aim and then click to spit in this engrossing and fun shooter by Peter Sperl and Simon Parzer. Strategic use of upgrades is required as the later levels become quite difficult but the charm of the wooly jumper is also hard to resist. It begs the question, Which is worse: having a llama face or having llama in your face?
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Fun, but ultimately, frustrating. With no way to go back to earlier levels to do a bit of grinding, you get to a place where if you haven't purchased just the right power-ups or leveled up in just such a way, you get to a level where you cannot progress. I've played level 16 I don't know how many times now and each time I get within the final wave and inevitably die because I could not afford one extra health or whatever. If I could go back and play previous levels, or if moneys earned even after you die stayed with you, this game would be infinitely less infuriating.