Leave Me a Clone
Daniel Haslop's puzzle platformer, Leave Me a Clone, will give you quite a challenge through all 35 levels. Play as the cute little yellow alien who just wants to get through the next portal. Create clones of yourself to act as stepping stones (and any other use you can find for them) toward your final goal. And if you happen to earn stars along the way by collecting all the energy orbs or limiting your clone use, all the better!
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Cool game . . . I'm only about 10 levels in, and the difficulty is pretty tough. It's an interesting game in that it's usually easy to "see" the solution, but the execution of that solution takes a LOT of tries.
At least for me, anyway.
Charles -
No, it's not just you :P
This game is definitely all about execution. It's the nimbleness of the fingers.
I'm still pecking away at this game. Some of these levels require a ridiculous amount of precision, and the nature of the game is you have to stick the same landing multiple times as you work you way back thru the level.
Hate it? Love it? Can't decide for the life of me . . .