Kingdom Rush
Kingdom Rush has itty-bitty visuals but an ogre's worth of style and strategy. In this fantastic tower defense game, protect your kingdom's roads and countrysides against incoming hordes of goblins, bandits, wulves, and other nasties. Build towers, upgrade your army in and out of battle, take on challenges, and enjoy all the POW SOK SHUNT battling you can handle while you're at it.
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I think this is my favorite tower defense game I've played. My interest level always wanes with other TDs at the point where you have to start mazing or combining gems, but this one hits the sweet spot for accessibility and depth. Of course, I could just be a sucker for great graphics and humor.
I love that the bosses actually have unique abilities. I don't know how many other TDs have done that, but I really appreciate that they aren't just larger versions of the other enemies. I mean, that's what they are, but they also do neat stuff.
I usually have little...defense...against the TD genre, but even so, Kingdom Rush easily...towers...over most of the competition.
First, obvious props to the production values. Artwork, music & SFX are all top-quality and cohere with a cartoony sense of humor. But what I really want to compliment the designers on here is their creative take on classic TD gameplay.
My favorite TD game up to now has been Bubble Tanks Tower Defense, which has a neat combinatorial upgrade mechanism, an excitingly frenetic pace, and makes the mazebuilding/enemyjuggling aspect a core part of gameplay by allowing you to sell un-upgraded towers at cost. But BTTD is a stripped-down experience: there's no plot, only challenge-and it's monstrously challenging, if you're trying to get perfect wins on every stage.
Kingdom Rush seemed at first like the exact opposite: unhurried gameplay, straightforward upgrades, fixed building locations & no juggling required. It was also surprisingly easy to get perfect wins in the early stages. But as I played on, the difficulty did increase-and I saw a number of creative twists that make KR stand on its own as a unique entry at the top of the TD genre.
In free-placement TD games, juggling lets you control the flow of enemies pretty specifically. In fixed-placement games, often the best you can do is drop a slowing tower and hope for the best. KR gives you the slowing ability (with enough upgrades), but also allows you to hinder enemies with your soldiers both at fixed locations (barracks) and anywhere you need to throw up a temporary roadblock (reinforcements). Between this and the Rain of Fire ability, KR provides just enough micromanagement that you never get bored watching your upgraded towers mulch the rest of the wave.
Speaking of upgrades, the paths do branch at the higher levels and provide a number of options for customizing your towers' strengths and special abilities. I like that each new specialization is unlocked in a plot-relevant way. It's no Lord of the Rings, but I'm not skipping the level descriptions, either.
Another twist I appreciated was the addition of a few choice interactive elements during certain stages. For instance, you can click on the sheep dotting the landscape in many levels to hear them "baa" (do it enough and you'll be rewarded with a surprise, and eventually an achievement). A few levels include NPC towers from which you can purchase unique mercenaries to help out your forces. And even better, I just passed one level where
the boss enemy-a massive Yeti-had a special attack that would encase nearby towers in ice, preventing them from attacking. You had to click frantically on each one to break the ice, adding additional tension to what was an already...hairy...situation.
It's the little touches like these that make KR feel like a living, breathing world rather than a series of lab-rat mazes dressed up to look like medieval towns.
Add to this two additional challenge modes for each level, global upgrades to towers & special abilities, and over 50 achievements to unlock-Kingdom Rush is doing something classic in the TD genre, doing it well, and doing it uniquely at the same time.
Kingdom Rush Tips and Tricks:
Types of Towers:
Barracks towers send out soldiers which fight directly with enemies, but not flying units.
Mage towers which are slow, strong against armored enemies.
Archer towers are fast (except for sniper, which is slow) and strong against magic enemies.
Bombs/artillery towers which are slow and mostly don't affect flying enemies.
Rain of Fire. Huge area damage, but takes 90 seconds to reload.
Reinforcements. Basically a few soldiers like the barracks, but you can deploy them anywhere. However they disappear after a period of time if they haven't been killed. Takes 10 seconds to reload.
Pretty self explanatory mostly, but "Like a Henderson" is gotten by unleashing Rain of Fire on the frozen door in Icewind; "Ovinophobia" is gotten by clicking repeatedly on all the sheep in the first level until they explode; "Twin Rivers Angler" is gotten by watching for a fish jumping out of a river and clicking on it quickly in Twin Rivers.
Upgrade Points:
Earn 60 stars by completing levels and challenge levels, and an additional two by clicking at the little down arrow at the top of the map screen and clicking on the Twitter and Facebook links. Spend them on upgrades. You can reset and try a different upgrade strategy.
In general, quantity over quality. That is, place more towers before upgrading towers.
Even more than most TD games, this one demands choke points. Think of barracks and reinforcements more as ways to slow down waves so as to create large crowds which your other towers can fire away on, or that you can wipe out with a rain of fire.
You need a good balance of archers to get magical enemies and mages to get armored enemies, especially in the later levels.
A level won't start until you start it, so take your time getting towers built and planning your strategy.
Don't bother trying to do heroic or iron challenges until you've completed the regular campaign mode. You need the upgrade points.
Wow, great game!
I agree with the tips and tricks, except for the last one. Heroic and Iron challenges have a "max global upgrade level allowed", which nullifies upgrades past the specified limit. So, if you maxed out the artillery tree and attempt the first iron challenge, only the first upgrade will count.
Basically, the challenges aren't going to get easier, and you might as well do them early to get stars for later levels.
@Joye - Decent tip section; one inconsistency I found is that you mention you "need the upgrade points" to complete the heroic and iron challenges, so you should do the regular campaign first. Since the upgrades are not actually implemented in the chellenges, there's really no reason to save them till last...
I am finding it extremely hard to complete the challenges on level 3 as well.
I managed to complete the Iron Challenge with the following strategy: building only mage towers and archers. No barracks. Since there are no fast enemies, the reinforcements are enough to slow the down. After 20-30 failed attempts using the 3 types of available towers, I managed to win in 2 or 3 attempts using this strategy. Hope it helps.
No luck yet with Heroic Challenge yet!
Has anyone figured out all the secret towers in this game?
For example of the Icewind Pass level you can use the meteor on the ice cover cave to unlock what looks like a red yeti and use it to fight when you pay for it.
I'm trying to figure out if there is one on Forsaken Valley level with the center area. I've tried shooting meteors at it but only lava that does nothing appears.
@Jessica, charlatan, Just A. Game
beat heroic challenge of lvl 3 after a bit of tinkering around.
that was my layout until the last wave:
barracks, barracks
artillery, artillery, (empty)
artillery, barracks, barracks
(empty) (empty)
so the last wave of ogres moved past that setup, but all shamans had died. i then sold upper towers and built artillery in the bottom 2 spots and with the help of a last rain of fire i killed the 5 or so ogres.
the upper 2 barracks relieve some of the ogre pressure on the lower barracks. i think you need all relevant upgrades/techs, especially for rain of fire.
@Jessica, charlatan, Just A. Game
Beat Heroic Challenge of level 3 after a bit of tinkering around.
This was my layout until the last wave:
Barracks, Barracks
Artillery, Artillery, (empty)
Artillery, Barracks, Barracks
(empty) (empty)
So the last wave of ogres moved past this setup, but all shamans had died. I then sold the upper towers and built artillery in the bottom 2 spots and with the help of a last Rain Of Fire i killed the 5 or so ogres.
The upper 2 barracks relieve some of the ogre pressure on the lower barracks. I think you need all relevant upgrades/techs, especially for Rain Of Fire.
Another strategy for Heroic Challenge on level 3:
(empty), (empty)
Archers, Archers, Archers
Mages, Mages, Mages
Barracks, Barracks
... and upgrade everything when possible.
It helps having Rain of Fire powered up, but the main tactic is to keep the Shamans away from the Ogres whenever possible using reinforcements.
The last wave, which is the only really dangerous one, puts a swarm of Shamans on the lower path and a row of Ogres on the top. If you can pin down most of the Shamans in the gauntlet of Archers, then they can't ever meet up with the Ogres, and the Ogres are easy pickings for the Mages.
I whant to know how to get to valadul wast frume stormcloud tempel. it says in the discripshon " they can open a portal stright to valadul"! i whant to learn the secret. i think it has sumething to do with fireing the sunray tower at the right spot.
I also whant to say that this is a rilly good game. one of the best td games of all time. but still, plants vs zombies is #1. you shuld try plants vs zombies. zombies are atacking your home and you can only defend it with plants comminly found on your yard. you can have 59 difrent plants and mushrooms like peashoters and cherrybombs, and you face 26 difrent zombies like snorkuler, bucket head and zombonis. try it out! its dageresly adictive and olmost imposible to stop playing!
let me know how you like plants vs zombies. you can play it on the computer, DS, PS3, i think also on the x box. enyway i holp you like plants vs zombies and can ancer my queshchon. thanks :)
PS: i have bad spelling, try to ignor it and plz dont coment about it thanks :)
@valet vet: at some point early in the game it asks you to go to their twitter/facebook page. going to each one nets you one star. If you didn't click the link I dont know; the front menu has similar links on the upper left corner but i'm not sure clicking on those will net you the stars if you refused them the first time.
@charlatan: tip for Heroic lvl 4
Spam arrow towers on the front half of the circle, leave the back half empty except for two barracks towers one on either side. place two more barracks towers on the front sides, in between arrow towers. upgrade everything as soon as possible. Put all your points into Archer skill-tree, then if you have leftovers, into barracks.
General tips
Up until the Citadel stage you can win by spamming arrow towers. At the Citadel you need three fully-upgraded mage towers (in the middle row) to win, and about the same number for every winter stage after.
Once you reach the end-game (valaradul) put all your points into artillery and barracks and get barbarians with throwing axe upgrade (for flying enemies) and Big Bertha artillery with dragonbreath upgrades (to catch fast enemies).
As others have said, avoid doing challenges until later on, because you won't win unless you change the difficulty setting, and you don't need the extra skillpoints anyway.
Take immediate advantage of the extra npc fighters you get on some stages (the elf archers, the sunray and the yeti). Spend your money upgrading those at the beginning of the stage; they're well worth it!
The easy way to do Heroic Level 4:
At the exit going counter-clockwise, build Barracks, Artillery, then Mages. Do the same thing at the bridge on the right: Barracks, Artillery, Mages.
Then upgrade whenever possible. Those six towers can take care of everything. Summon Reinforcements constantly and Rain of Fire strategically.
Firstly, LOVE THIS GAME! Unfortunately, I'm having pretty severe technical difficulties in the Stormcloud Temple level - when the Yeti boss shows up and starts freezing my buildings, things go downhill quickly. Although the boss continues to walk at his normal speed, my clicks seem to register many seconds too late; basically, I may click on a building 50 times before it "unfreezes," but since only 20 clicks were required to unfreeze it (just an estimate), it will then act as if I'm repeatedly clicking on the building 30 more times. There is absolutely no way I can beat this level if there's no fix for this. Any suggestions?
My Heroic Level 4:
On the first wave, build 8 archers. Three on the left will take out all the slow goblins; one at the junction and four on the right will take out most of the wolves but keep spamming reinforcements where they have plenty of covering fire. When you get enough gold build a barracks at the back. Build mages on the outside, starting on the right, to help take out the brigands and ogres, and archers on the inside, upgraded on the left, to take out the orcs and shamen.
I've got 61/62 stars. The only level that I can't beat is Twin Rivers Iron Challenge. There are just too many wolves and goblins. Can anyone help me?
@Twinkie23 it only took around 4-5 clicks to remove the frozen effect on one tower when I played against the yeti boss.
@valet vet you can still get the facebook and twitter stars by pressing the tab (with the arrow pointing downwards) right on top of the map screen.
Mostly good advice so far, but I disagree with a couple of things:
1. As others have said, it's not best to wait on the Challenges. I didn't even realize the "max level" thing meant upgrades too (although I noticed some upgrades worked and some didn't) but if you are having trouble with a level, try going back and doing a Challenge or two so you can get more upgrades. Expect the Challenges to be very difficult, but the stars you can get from 'em are very handy!
2. I did find that for the same price, many archers and many barracks were typically better than fewer, upgraded ones - in particular, I rarely upgraded barracks dudes early on once I got the hang of things. But I think that magic and bombardment towers, the latter in particular, are much more effective upgraded. Ride the Lightning!!
3. I did find I wanted a fast-forward button, even in the later levels. Especially if you've got all your towers stacked near the end - although stacking them at the start helps get you money for finishing things off early and then calling the next wave. Speaking of which: call early waves as often as you can handle it! Not only do you get valuable gold, but your Special Abilities get time added to them. In a tight spot, it is sometimes effective to toss down your reinforcements and call the next wave so that you can immediately throw down more reinforcements and/or possibly get your Rain of Fire back. Of course that's a risky option but it does help sometimes, especially in the Challenges where even a single guy means defeat.
On another note - how'd you get 61 stars, nimbusdy? Obviously there are 62 but the last two seem hidden to me. 12 levels, 5 stars per level, and I've beaten the game and nothing opened up. Do they come from achievements?
PS. I believe I beat Twin Rivers by using all archer towers, especially on the wolf side. Probably interspersed barracks a little on the right, but not the left! Raise as many as possible of the archers to level 2, but hold off on 3 until you've got them all to 2. Don't raise your barracks until you seem like you're getting overrun too much - a little overrun is just fine, you should have more archers down the line.
Sorry for the triple-post, but I just re-beat Iron Twin Rivers. nimbusdy, here's what you do:
Build all archers except for two spaces:
1. The one just to the left of the top space, which is also the only space you leave empty right off the bat. Build it as soon as you have the money, and position the dudes just above the archer tower and as close to the exit as you can.
2. On the left-hand-side (sorry, I was thinking the wolves came on the left, but they're on the right), after the bridge and after the spaces on either side, so that you can put an archer tower on either side and plug them up right in the middle.
Upgrade as quickly as you can, always the archers and never beyond level 2. Make sure to get the two archery towers that reach both waves, and otherwise whichever side is getting hardest to control. Make liberal use of your mercenaries on the wolf side, and use your Rain of Fire if there's a tight spot that makes it worth it. I used it once near the start and once near the end.
It's actually a pretty short wave, so you won't get to upgrade more than I think 9 archer towers.
Good luck!
This is how to get the two missing stars!!!
On the top of the map screen (level select), there will be a grey arrow. Click this arrow, and there will be a screen coming down saying that you get a star for sharing this game on Facebook and another star for tweeting this game on Twitter. You must choose to do these in order to earn the stars.
You do not require Facebook or Twitter accounts to earn these stars.
I really love this game! I've completed it with all stars and achievements and I still want to keep playing it so I keep making up challenges for myself - doing levels with only warriors, cannons, only magic etc...
I tried to beat the last level with each kind of tower exclusively and this is what I discovered:
The easiest tower to defeat everything on the last level is the big bertha tower - upgrade to big bertha and make sure you have a couple of berthas with rockets before the rocket men come out and its pretty easy to beat.
I tried to do see if I could beat Vezna faster with a mix of towers rather than with just berthas, but overall it was about the same.
The easiest way to beat the last level is to focus on berthas but have some arrows, magic and a couple warrior towers at the very end to deal with stragglers. It's pretty low maintenance that way..
I could not defeat the last level with only tesla towers or with only warriors or only purple mage towers. I didn't try with only snipers.
The secret to doing it without any warriors is to have fully upgraded reinforcements and meteors, keep the reinforcements on the skeletons and start by upgrading the four towers along the bottom row starting with the one closest to the skeletons.
Another tip for maximum destruction:
Don't be afraid to call waves early even if you're swamped. You can often hit the current wave of enemies with meteors, drop some reinforcements, then call the next wave and drop more reinforcements and another meteor right away. Calling the wave early will advance the timers on your magic.
The other benefit is then you get lots of money fast so you can quickly upgrade your towers.
I have gotten all the other achievements without a hitch except for Great/Herioc/Iron Defender. I don't have the "Great Defender" achievement ("Complete all campaign stages in Normal difficulty"), despite having, well, completed all the campaign stages in Normal difficulty. Do I also have to complete the premium content level to get this achievement?
I'm having trouble with Stormcloud Temple. I just keep getting ran over. I saw that everyone recommends quantity over quality, how far should you take this?
I typically use a lot of Archer Towers and really utilize Barracks. I usually end up with 2-3 Mage Towers, but they don't get upgraded until later. I probably don't use cannons as much as I should, how many should you have on the average level?
If you're playing the iPad version and having a problem with the next challenge opening up for you, please read my comment to Ken on our Kingdom Rush for iPad review and walkthrough page.
There will be an update in the next few days that will fix that bug. In the meantime, you'll have to start a new saved game.
I played the game through the link above using local save and have 3 stars on every level.
I wanted to sign in with my Armor username and pay for the Premium content but each time I click "login to use the AG save system", the dialog box comes up, acts as though it's loading and then closes.
Anyone know what's wrong?
Also for me is impossible log in not only for this game but in all AG... I also send lost password, got a mail with a link, put password but after nothing! When i log-in THE PAGE SIMPLY REFRESH... Same for the premium content of the game, impossible to log... WHY?!?
I wanted to sign in with my Armor username and pay for the Premium content but each time I click "login to use the AG save system", the dialog box comes up, acts as though it's loading and then closes.
[The AG Save System has trouble sometimes, but it should be up and running. Give it a while, then try to log-in again. -Jay]
In 4 days I tried many times but no way (same if try to log in on AG) and also if I completed the game, 62 points (all regular challenges in normal but few heroic and some iron on "easy" setting) the Ruins Of Acaroth refuse to open... Should I complete ALL challenges on normal to open it? Do I have any hope to buy premium content if cannot log even in Armor Games? Plz don't delete this message like the second I sent, but please gimme an answer! Thanks!
[I don't know what the issue is you're seeing, but I'll try to contact someone over at AG to see if they're experiencing any issues like a week or two ago when the entire save system was down and no one could log in. -Jay]
Update: The reply from the AG guys is this: "We are not aware of any other reports of game save issues currently. If we can get this AG user name we can try and look into it further." -Jay]
First, awesome game. I've been playing it for a week (at least) and got my husband addicted too!
I have beat every level with 3 stars on easy, some on normal. I have completed all the challenges, and have all 62 stars. I have NOT upgraded to a premium/AG account.
What am I missing to unlock the Ruins of Acaroth level?
So, I've been playing Kingdom Rush on the JIG embed page. My husband has been playing it on the Armor Games site. His version says that both of the extra stages are for premium users/accounts only. The one on JIG says "Complete the game to unlock Ruins of Acaroth!".
For reference, the version on JIG is 1.072. The one on Armor Games right now is 1.073. Apparently there's a 0.001 difference...?
The expansions (Sarelgaz's Lairs and Ruins of Acaroth) are premium content in the browser version, but they're both included in the iPad version, which is still on sale for only $0.99.
I've updated the JIG hosted version to the latest, thanks for pointing that out.
So far, loving this game. Had some "I'm gonna smash the computer" moments; but the game's a winner. Loved the premium content and am hoping that at least the more areas will open up. "Rotten Wood", "Valardul Wastes" and "Hammerhold" look like good candidates for future Baddy-Guy whoopin'. Minor issue with the Premium content though. I've already max'd out the stars and have 25 left. Now what? Any chance a new upgrade chain will be added? Maybe something improving the "Lightning Bolt" spell?
My two-cents for the future: Chuthlu. I'd also like a PC downloadable version. I spend alot of time overseas with crappy or no internet and this game is a must.
Hola. I'm not sure if this is on my end or yours, but I reloaded a full game that was finished except for the boss level... and found that my local save was gone. I have a program which deletes flash cookies, but saw no reason why the cookie would be gone (it only goes automatic if I close the browser, which I didn't.) I'd earlier played a few levels of King's League, and that flash cookie is still there. Previously I've kept a local save since it was uploaded to JiG up to last week.
Hi Shudog, I loaded the game and my save game was still there, so it must be something on your end. Remember that Flash stores saves by domain and since all of our games are stored on the same domain (either or if you delete either domain you'll lose all your flash game saves for that domain.
KR for Mac
Stormcloud pass, "Easy" sector
All available upgrades used, no stars left.
Sun Tower never activates, remains greyed out.
JK cannot be killed by Sorcerers, Muscateers or any combination.
In one effort I had 4 Sorcerers, 1 Muscateer, 2 Arcanes and loads of upgraded knights, no avail, JR just freezes all and is impervious to attack.
Driving me nuts! How do I open the Suntower?
How to kill JR?
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Walkthrough Guide
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Kingdom Rush Tips and Tricks:
Types of Towers:
Barracks towers send out soldiers which fight directly with enemies, but not flying units.
Mage towers which are slow, strong against armored enemies.
Archer towers are fast (except for sniper, which is slow) and strong against magic enemies.
Bombs/artillery towers which are slow and mostly don't affect flying enemies.
Rain of Fire. Huge area damage, but takes 90 seconds to reload.
Reinforcements. Basically a few soldiers like the barracks, but you can deploy them anywhere. However they disappear after a period of time if they haven't been killed. Takes 10 seconds to reload.
Pretty self explanatory mostly, but "Like a Henderson" is gotten by unleashing Rain of Fire on the frozen door in Icewind; "Ovinophobia" is gotten by clicking repeatedly on all the sheep in the first level until they explode; "Twin Rivers Angler" is gotten by watching for a fish jumping out of a river and clicking on it quickly in Twin Rivers.
Upgrade Points:
Earn 60 stars by completing levels and challenge levels, and an additional two by clicking at the little down arrow at the top of the map screen and clicking on the Twitter and Facebook links. Spend them on upgrades. You can reset and try a different upgrade strategy.
In general, quantity over quality. That is, place more towers before upgrading towers.
Even more than most TD games, this one demands choke points. Think of barracks and reinforcements more as ways to slow down waves so as to create large crowds which your other towers can fire away on, or that you can wipe out with a rain of fire.
You need a good balance of archers to get magical enemies and mages to get armored enemies, especially in the later levels.
A level won't start until you start it, so take your time getting towers built and planning your strategy.
Don't bother trying to do heroic or iron challenges until you've completed the regular campaign mode. You need the upgrade points.
Posted by: joye
July 30, 2011 11:04 PM