Kidnapped by Aliens
In Kidnapped by Aliens, previously unsung developer Selfdefiant tells the story of a human protagonist who has been kidnapped, and awaits who-knows-what from his captors. By the use of a little ingenuity, our hero manages to escape his cell and explore more areas of the UFO that contains him, with the ultimate goal of returning to Earth... perhaps. The surreal but perfect background sound and puzzles that make sense without being too obvious turn this game into an enjoyable experience.
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Need some help!
I already got through the grate, deactivated the lasers, found the test tube, filled it with the blue liquid and am now running invisibly around the station. I solved the water pipe riddle, but now I am stuck. The only item I haven't used yet is the test tube with blue liquid. I cannot divert the lasers in the corridors, and I cannot get the shelf open where you can't break the glass with the axe. I seem to me missing an item or two... where to look next?
Okay, I finally figured it out. Walkthrough time!!
Starting out
When you start out, push the yellow locker aside to reveal a hole. If you want it, there's a map under the bed. Enter the hole, then take your first left. When you get to the grate, take note of the markings on the wall when you turn around. Go forward and right until you enter the office. On the glass cabinet enter the code in the order of the markings from top to bottom to get the invisibility bracelet.
Got invisibility bracelet
Open the drawer where you came in, and take the screwdriver. Return to the original room, and an alien will come in. He won't see you, and will drop a triangular bit. Take it, and it will be added to your screwdriver automatically. Return to the grate and use the screwdriver to get out. You will appear in the armory. The lasers on the wall can be disabled by taking note of how the dots on the laser move, and turning the dials as such. Take the axe, and return to the office. Smash the glass and take the scroll, when used from the inventory, it will give you the password to open the doors. Enter the password, and for convenience, all doors in the spaceship will be unlocked.
In the hall
Go to the outside of the office, and examine the circular objects on the wall. One will pop open to reveal a glass rod. Continue past the office going counter-clockwise and you will be stopped by lasers. Enter the room here to be in the H2O room. On the wall, you will see a graph. Examine the valves, and you can turn them to the left to open them or to the right to close them. Turn them to the left to match up with the graph on the wall (you can see your current progress on the other side of the graph). When a green light appears on the graph, exit out of that screen and take the test tube between the pipes. Leave the room.
With the test tube
In the hall, head to the very west of the map, into the lounge. Examine the edge of the left TV to find a key. Take that back to the lasers outside the H2O room and use it in the panel on the lower left of the screen to get the diamond. Yay! now, go to the room that is to the left of the human pod. Enter the fusion lab. Place the diamond in the panel and it will say fusion in progress. Go to the lounge to see the cushion gone and big vat of orange liquid. Take the glass block floating in the vat and fill your test tube with it. Head to the room left of the lounge on the other side of the lasers, the laboratory. Use the test tube filled with orange goo on the beaker on the left of the table. Return to the human pod, and use the test tube on the "toilet". Use that on the beaker in the laboratory. Stir it with the glass rod
Purple mixture in beaker
Head to the H2O room. Place the glass block in the panel on the wall and the lasers will disappear. Enter the new corridor and enter the door on the outside wall. Smash the crate with the axe to get a rusty thing, move the clean barrel to get a blowtorch, and put the green slime in the test tube. You're almost done! Return to the laboratory, and if you want, use the blowtorch on the glass. Place the green goo in the first spherical tube to the left of the purple goo, and use the blow torch on the purple goo. It will attach to the blowtorch, then click the green goo, to get a pink mixture. Pick it up, and use the rusty object on it. It will become a shiny object. Place that on the left of the door on the inner wall, and you're done! Yay you!!
Kidnapped by Aliens walkthrough
General Notes
There will be no probes today!
You are literally in a flying saucer. The rooms are arranged in a circular pattern. Once you acquire a map you can navigate but it is easy to get turned around. For the purposes of this walkthrough I will attempt to give the number of steps you need but it is better to memorize the patterns outside each door to remember where things are. "South" means down and "north" means up.
When you are in a corridor you will see a forward arrow (going away from you) a backward arrow (pointing towards you) and sometimes arrows going in other directions. When a step in the walkthrough says turn around, that means click on the back arrow.
Here's a Map.
Human Pod
Take the small dark object under the foot of the bed. You now have the map! screenshot
Examine the writing on the wall above the bed.
Examine the hornlike thing on the right wall. Chemical toilet!
Click the yellow cabinet on the side to move.
Go into the ducts.
Keep going forward until you reach the office. No detours!
Click on the top drawer of the desk to open and pick up the multi-screwdriver. screenshot
Click on the lock on the glass cabinet by the door.
Push the buttons in this order: Y, o-o, 0, o-o, Y.
Open the cabinet and take the invisibility bracelet. Seriously.
Go back into the ducts and keep going forward until you are back in the Human Pod.
Human Pod
Wait for the alien to leave. He can't see you, you're invisible!
Pick up the object the alien drops (triangle shaped bit).
Go back into the ducts and go forward once until you hit an intersection. Go left at the intersection.
Open the grate with the screwdriver and go forward to the Armory.
Look at the lasers carefully. The white dots on the laser beams are moving either to the right or the left. There are seven beams. screenshot
Examine the control panel by the duct. The panel has seven buttons that can be turned either to the right or the left. Turn each button in the same direction the white dots are moving on the laser beams. The pattern is R, L, L, R, L, R, L. Lasers are down!
Take the axe from the alcove by the door.
Go back into the ducts, then turn left and head back to the office.
Use the axe to break the glass on the yellow cabinet. Take the object in the cabinet.
Open your inventory and pick up the object. It will give you a tic-tac-toe pattern of Xs and Os.
Use this pattern to open the lock on the door. Top row: X O X. Middle row: O X O. Bottom row: X O O. screenshot
You can now go out into the corridor. Don't worry, you're invisible.
You should be in the corridor facing "south".
Examine the black ball shapes on the wall. Click on the center top shape and an object will fall out. Pick up the object (glass rod). screenshot
Turn around so that you are facing "north" and go forward.
You are now in an area of the corridor blocked by lasers. Turn right into the door. Welcome to H2O central. screenshot
H2O Central
You will see a display panel on the right wall. The display is split in half, the left part showing nothing and the right part showing blue bars. The little light in the upper corner is red. screenshot.
On the left side of the room are three pipes with valves. Click on the pipes for a close up. Turn the valves to the left until the left part of the display matches the right. Left pipe: 3 turns left. Middle pipe: 2 turns left. Right pipe: 4 turns left. screenshot
The little light in the upper corner of the display panel should turn green. Congratulations, you've turned on the water.
On the floor between the pipes is a test tube. Take it.
Go out the door and go forward 5 times until you reach the lounge. Go into the lounge.
Click on the left display screen to move it. Take the key that is revealed. screenshot
Go out. Click on the back arrow to turn around and head back to H2O Central but do not go in.
H2O Central (exterior)
Use the key on the little locked door to the left. Take the diamond.
Turn around.
Go forward 4 times until you reach the exterior of the Fusion Room. screenshot
Fusion Room
Click on the console in the center of the room for a close up. screenshot
Place the diamond in the console.
Go out the door and go back to the Lounge.
The central bowl is now a pool of yellow liquid with an object floating in it. Take the object (glass block). screenshot
Go out, turn around and head back to H2O Central. Go in.
H2O Central
Notice the smaller display panel to the right of the door. Click on it for a close-up. screenshot
Take the glass block and place it into the empty space below the two red blocks. You have now shut down the corridor lasers.
Go out, turn around, and go forward one step. There is a door to your left that is locked and a door to your right. The door on the right is Storage. Go in. screenshot
There are two barrels on the right, one sitting in a puddle of green goo (toxic waste!). Click on the barrel not in the goo to reveal a blowtorch. Take the blowtorch. screenshot
Take the axe from your inventory and smash the crate on your left. There is a yellow and orange cross shaped object there, take it.
Go out the door, turn around, and go forward once. This is the Laboratory. Go in.screenshot
On the left is a display case with an object in it. Take the torch out of your inventory and melt the glass in the case. Take the object. Examine the object. Look, it displays a chemical formula! screenshot screenshot
To recreate the formula:
Go back to the Lounge and use the test tube to pick up the yellow liquid.
Come back to the lab and click on the lab equipment for a close-up. Pour the yellow liquid into the beaker on the right.
Go back to the Human Pod and use the test tube to pick up the blue liquid from the toilet (yuck).
Come back to the lab and pour the blue liquid into the beaker with the yellow. Take the glass rod from your inventory and stir. Look, purple!
Go back to the Storage room and use the test tube to pick up the green liquid (nasty).
Come back to the lab. Put the green liquid in the container just to the left of the beaker. Pick up the beaker and pour the purple liquid in with the green. You now have a pink liquid in the cup on the left. Take it. screenshot
Open your inventory and take out the yellow/orange cross. Open your inventory again and put the cross in the pink fluid. You now have a lovely yellow rust-free cross!
End Game
Go out of the Lab, go forward once and turn around. You should be at the Storage Room exterior. Use the cleaned cross on the mysterious lock on the left. The door is now unlocked! Go left.
Hello Alien!
Two small side notes:
1.) If you disable the music, it's OK, but if you're stupid enough to enable it again and then try to disable for the second time, it won't go away. And it's not a kind of music I can tolerate for long :)
2.) if the screen is rolled to the topmost position the explanatory text at the bottom of the game sbcreen can't be seen.
So much so far.
The test tube:
Is on the floor of the H2O room, between two of the pipes. Here is a screenshot
I kinda enjoyed this one, although the puzzles were a little... contrived. Nice atmosphere and visuals, although why not put the names of the rooms on the outside?
The interface was a little hard to work with at times, especially on the final step.
I also really hate the
"clean the rusted object"
plot mechanism - this has been done so many times before!
So overall a fun game, but not a great room/spaceship escape.
@ollyw123: That happened to me, too, but don't worry. Even though the icon is stuck in the corner, the glitch is purely graphical. You can still use it like normal.
No one mentioned what browser they were using and that may be a factor. I am using Chrome for a change. I usually use Firefox.
It also happened to me. It is not just graphical. You cannot "use" the shiny object to open the last door. There are two of these objects displayed. One you can barely see on top of the Item tab and then the official one that displays beside the menu tab. If you click on it to use it, it disappears. If you just leave it on display and click on the "locked" door then the message simply says "The door is locked."
There is no way to use this item "as normal" and therefore no way to complete this game.
Too buggy for me.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Okay, I finally figured it out. Walkthrough time!!
Starting out
When you start out, push the yellow locker aside to reveal a hole. If you want it, there's a map under the bed. Enter the hole, then take your first left. When you get to the grate, take note of the markings on the wall when you turn around. Go forward and right until you enter the office. On the glass cabinet enter the code in the order of the markings from top to bottom to get the invisibility bracelet.
Got invisibility bracelet
Open the drawer where you came in, and take the screwdriver. Return to the original room, and an alien will come in. He won't see you, and will drop a triangular bit. Take it, and it will be added to your screwdriver automatically. Return to the grate and use the screwdriver to get out. You will appear in the armory. The lasers on the wall can be disabled by taking note of how the dots on the laser move, and turning the dials as such. Take the axe, and return to the office. Smash the glass and take the scroll, when used from the inventory, it will give you the password to open the doors. Enter the password, and for convenience, all doors in the spaceship will be unlocked.
In the hall
Go to the outside of the office, and examine the circular objects on the wall. One will pop open to reveal a glass rod. Continue past the office going counter-clockwise and you will be stopped by lasers. Enter the room here to be in the H2O room. On the wall, you will see a graph. Examine the valves, and you can turn them to the left to open them or to the right to close them. Turn them to the left to match up with the graph on the wall (you can see your current progress on the other side of the graph). When a green light appears on the graph, exit out of that screen and take the test tube between the pipes. Leave the room.
With the test tube
In the hall, head to the very west of the map, into the lounge. Examine the edge of the left TV to find a key. Take that back to the lasers outside the H2O room and use it in the panel on the lower left of the screen to get the diamond. Yay! now, go to the room that is to the left of the human pod. Enter the fusion lab. Place the diamond in the panel and it will say fusion in progress. Go to the lounge to see the cushion gone and big vat of orange liquid. Take the glass block floating in the vat and fill your test tube with it. Head to the room left of the lounge on the other side of the lasers, the laboratory. Use the test tube filled with orange goo on the beaker on the left of the table. Return to the human pod, and use the test tube on the "toilet". Use that on the beaker in the laboratory. Stir it with the glass rod
Purple mixture in beaker
Head to the H2O room. Place the glass block in the panel on the wall and the lasers will disappear. Enter the new corridor and enter the door on the outside wall. Smash the crate with the axe to get a rusty thing, move the clean barrel to get a blowtorch, and put the green slime in the test tube. You're almost done! Return to the laboratory, and if you want, use the blowtorch on the glass. Place the green goo in the first spherical tube to the left of the purple goo, and use the blow torch on the purple goo. It will attach to the blowtorch, then click the green goo, to get a pink mixture. Pick it up, and use the rusty object on it. It will become a shiny object. Place that on the left of the door on the inner wall, and you're done! Yay you!!
Posted by: totalinfinity
June 29, 2009 1:39 PM
Kidnapped by Aliens walkthrough
General Notes
There will be no probes today!
You are literally in a flying saucer. The rooms are arranged in a circular pattern. Once you acquire a map you can navigate but it is easy to get turned around. For the purposes of this walkthrough I will attempt to give the number of steps you need but it is better to memorize the patterns outside each door to remember where things are. "South" means down and "north" means up.
When you are in a corridor you will see a forward arrow (going away from you) a backward arrow (pointing towards you) and sometimes arrows going in other directions. When a step in the walkthrough says turn around, that means click on the back arrow.
Here's a Map.
Human Pod
Take the small dark object under the foot of the bed. You now have the map! screenshot
Examine the writing on the wall above the bed.
Examine the hornlike thing on the right wall. Chemical toilet!
Click the yellow cabinet on the side to move.
Go into the ducts.
Keep going forward until you reach the office. No detours!
Click on the top drawer of the desk to open and pick up the multi-screwdriver. screenshot
Click on the lock on the glass cabinet by the door.
Push the buttons in this order: Y, o-o, 0, o-o, Y.
Open the cabinet and take the invisibility bracelet. Seriously.
Go back into the ducts and keep going forward until you are back in the Human Pod.
Human Pod
Wait for the alien to leave. He can't see you, you're invisible!
Pick up the object the alien drops (triangle shaped bit).
Go back into the ducts and go forward once until you hit an intersection. Go left at the intersection.
Open the grate with the screwdriver and go forward to the Armory.
Look at the lasers carefully. The white dots on the laser beams are moving either to the right or the left. There are seven beams. screenshot
Examine the control panel by the duct. The panel has seven buttons that can be turned either to the right or the left. Turn each button in the same direction the white dots are moving on the laser beams. The pattern is R, L, L, R, L, R, L. Lasers are down!
Take the axe from the alcove by the door.
Go back into the ducts, then turn left and head back to the office.
Use the axe to break the glass on the yellow cabinet. Take the object in the cabinet.
Open your inventory and pick up the object. It will give you a tic-tac-toe pattern of Xs and Os.
Use this pattern to open the lock on the door. Top row: X O X. Middle row: O X O. Bottom row: X O O. screenshot
You can now go out into the corridor. Don't worry, you're invisible.
You should be in the corridor facing "south".
Examine the black ball shapes on the wall. Click on the center top shape and an object will fall out. Pick up the object (glass rod). screenshot
Turn around so that you are facing "north" and go forward.
You are now in an area of the corridor blocked by lasers. Turn right into the door. Welcome to H2O central. screenshot
H2O Central
You will see a display panel on the right wall. The display is split in half, the left part showing nothing and the right part showing blue bars. The little light in the upper corner is red. screenshot.
On the left side of the room are three pipes with valves. Click on the pipes for a close up. Turn the valves to the left until the left part of the display matches the right. Left pipe: 3 turns left. Middle pipe: 2 turns left. Right pipe: 4 turns left. screenshot
The little light in the upper corner of the display panel should turn green. Congratulations, you've turned on the water.
On the floor between the pipes is a test tube. Take it.
Go out the door and go forward 5 times until you reach the lounge. Go into the lounge.
Click on the left display screen to move it. Take the key that is revealed. screenshot
Go out. Click on the back arrow to turn around and head back to H2O Central but do not go in.
H2O Central (exterior)
Use the key on the little locked door to the left. Take the diamond.
Turn around.
Go forward 4 times until you reach the exterior of the Fusion Room. screenshot
Fusion Room
Click on the console in the center of the room for a close up. screenshot
Place the diamond in the console.
Go out the door and go back to the Lounge.
The central bowl is now a pool of yellow liquid with an object floating in it. Take the object (glass block). screenshot
Go out, turn around and head back to H2O Central. Go in.
H2O Central
Notice the smaller display panel to the right of the door. Click on it for a close-up. screenshot
Take the glass block and place it into the empty space below the two red blocks. You have now shut down the corridor lasers.
Go out, turn around, and go forward one step. There is a door to your left that is locked and a door to your right. The door on the right is Storage. Go in. screenshot
There are two barrels on the right, one sitting in a puddle of green goo (toxic waste!). Click on the barrel not in the goo to reveal a blowtorch. Take the blowtorch. screenshot
Take the axe from your inventory and smash the crate on your left. There is a yellow and orange cross shaped object there, take it.
Go out the door, turn around, and go forward once. This is the Laboratory. Go in.screenshot
On the left is a display case with an object in it. Take the torch out of your inventory and melt the glass in the case. Take the object. Examine the object. Look, it displays a chemical formula! screenshot screenshot
To recreate the formula:
Go back to the Lounge and use the test tube to pick up the yellow liquid.
Come back to the lab and click on the lab equipment for a close-up. Pour the yellow liquid into the beaker on the right.
Go back to the Human Pod and use the test tube to pick up the blue liquid from the toilet (yuck).
Come back to the lab and pour the blue liquid into the beaker with the yellow. Take the glass rod from your inventory and stir. Look, purple!
Go back to the Storage room and use the test tube to pick up the green liquid (nasty).
Come back to the lab. Put the green liquid in the container just to the left of the beaker. Pick up the beaker and pour the purple liquid in with the green. You now have a pink liquid in the cup on the left. Take it. screenshot
Open your inventory and take out the yellow/orange cross. Open your inventory again and put the cross in the pink fluid. You now have a lovely yellow rust-free cross!
End Game
Go out of the Lab, go forward once and turn around. You should be at the Storage Room exterior. Use the cleaned cross on the mysterious lock on the left. The door is now unlocked! Go left.
Hello Alien!
Posted by: grinnyp
June 29, 2009 1:39 PM