An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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Kava-what? Is it a Pacific island drink of shamans and storytellers? No, Kavalmaja is the latest game from the brilliant Tonypa. A departure from his usual explorations of the abstract, Kavalmaja is a tile-based, Zelda like exploration game, except you have a wacky, randomly generated name. Unlike Zelda, it strips away combat, re-emphasizing the flow of the maze.

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Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Awesome game. I would love to see another.

I listed the areas and used them as a checklist to make sure I either already had or went back and got all of the gold thingies.
I don't mind the sounds, but after a while I like silence, so I can think. For those complainers out there: don't like the sounds then hit mute!
There is a lot of running around and backtracking. This reminds me of Trapped, but at least the puzzles are more easily solvable or maybe that is just because I already played Trapped. The puzzle was just the right size/length, any more and it may have been too much to tolerate. If there was either an easier way to get quickly from room to room a longer one may have been better, but you can only stand running around in circles for so long :)

My stats:

Score: 12,488 I don't know why it didn't go to the top, maybe too many deaths
All 50 gold and exit in F-1

Kavalmaja walkthrough:

Exit - first so you don't have to figure out why you can't leave later

The exit is random.
You need all 50 gold to exit.
Now go find the exit :D


Green is you
White blocks are walls, unmovable or are they? Blue action buttons help with this
Blue blocks (flower-like, well not really) are action buttons. They mainly add and take away blocks.
Gold yet sort of yellow blocks, you need to collect these
Blue blocks with no center and curved edges are teleports.
Checkered blue blocks are ice
Blocks with white in the corners are breakable.
Blocks with a white shape in the middle need the ability with the same shape to destroy them. You do not have to click on the ability you just need to have collected it.
Blocks with no color have to be pushed or pulled, abilities gained later.

Opps you died - life help

You can hit as many times at the amount of green [+] as you have plus one before you can die. If you have one then you can get hit twice, if you have two then you can get hit three times, if you have three then you can get hit four times
Dying just starts you over at a specific spot in the same room. Thankfully it is where you were instead of the beginning.

Enemies, lasers and damagers

Red "blocks" do not move, step on them and they hurt you
Red circle things follow you, they cannot go around walls unless they are already right up against you, keep moving forward and you won't get hit unless you cannot move any where.
Lasers are either stationary or they rotate. There is one stationary laser that a blue block rotates. There are two areas where there are two lasers next to each other rotating the opposite direction of each other. One set is easy to get past, the other you have to get hit at least once.

Ice mazes - In order of when you run into them


Enter top, then left, down, right, up, right, down, left, up, left, down right, down


For exit to top left
Up, up, up, left, down, right, up, left, down, down, down, right, up left
For exit to bottom left
Up, up, up, left, down, right, up, left, down, down, left


Enter go up, left, down, right land on blue action button, up, up, left and exit


To F-1
From top: right, down, left, up, right into the red, down pushing the block, left, up
To F-3
Come out of F-1, go left one, down, right pushing the block, down

Teleports - also repeated in general map

A-3 teleport

teleport to get to E-o to F-0 to E-1 to E-4 next area

E-0 teleports

upper left A-3
upper right F-0
lower left E-0
lower right E-0

E-1 teleports

upper left E-4
upper right E-0
lower left A-3
lower right F-0

F-0 teleports

upper left E-0
upper right F-0
lower left E-1
lower right A-3

E-1 teleports

upper left E-4
upper right E-0
lower left A-3
lower right F-0

G-0 teleport

teleport to E-4

H-4 teleports

[1]below 5[2]above 7
[3]above 4[4] above 1, 3
[5]same room above 1, 3
[6] [7] below 3 above 6

General map - combined help from above and other tips WARNING above spoilers shown below

A-3 - teleport to get to E-o to F-0 to E-4 next area
B-1 north goes no where, cannot enter into B-0
B-2 (Thanks to Crab) stuck? add and then remove the block with the blue thing and then go north over the red and go around the blocks
Later try not to die in the lower right corner
B-4 from C-4 cannot exit to B-3 or A-4 only can go back to C-4; go to D-2 to go to the other side
C-1 north goes no where, cannot enter into C-0
C-2 Game starts here
D-2 takes you to C-2 first area
D-3 stuck? do not go south, go north, if you go south you will not have enough lives to pass by
E-0 teleports
upper left A-3
upper right F-0
lower left E-0
lower right E-0
E-1 teleports
upper left E-4
upper right E-0
lower left A-3
lower right F-0
F-0 teleports
upper left E-0
upper right F-0
lower left E-1
lower right A-3
F-1 my exit
G-0 teleport E-4
on mine 3 right 5 down, slow point
H-2 (Thanks to Gammler) Go to the right side, under the laser. Go up one, and right one (you'll have to take the two damage). Go up one to lure the first mine out, then go right twice, up once, left once, then begin circling to the left clockwise (from where you should be at now: down, left, up, right) twice until you have both mines out and you're next to the uppermost of the left mines. Then go down, right, up, left twice and straight up. Step-by-step starting at the right-most position under the laser: up, right, up, right x2, up, left, down, left, up, right, down, left, up, right, down, right, up, left, left and up all the way.
H-4 need last ability (pull)to go to H-3
[1]below 5[2]above 7
[3]above 4[4] above 1, 3
[5]same room above 1, 3
[6] [7] below 3 above 6

Now who wants to make a map?
Have all objects still be in their place before moving or collecting them like the one for Pieces from CGDC5 would work great

Thank you Jay!

In that case I'd like to note that I made this map as I was playing the game, and I changed some block colors to blue and added a few blue blocks to indicate where the blue grids toggle them on and off. I don't think I changed anything else so let me know if something is confusing. Thank you for a great site! ;)



A fun game so far! I think I got stuck though, so off to reset and give it another go!


I've got stuck at the point where

I've got the square block destroyer and ten gems

but it's a really good game.


I am stuck pretty early on. I can't have got 2 gems, and I can't solve the ice maze (d-1) so I am stuck in those three rooms (b,c,d 1) :(

looks like a great game though


Yesterday the best Nitrome game, today the best Tonypa game? What a week


Excellent game! Tonypa outdid himself. :D


Hi guys, I have updated the room C-3 so you can not die there near the diamonds before finding push upgrade. Please reload the game swf.


Great game and all but I absolutely HATE the noise when you load a game or go in a teleporter. It probably doesn't help that I'm wearing headphones but it really goes straight through me. Oh and I found a spot where you can get stuck: the bit where there's 3 red-death squares, 2 diamonds and 2 push blocks. I grabbed the first diamond, reloaded, grabbed the second diamond but then couldn't get back since I only had 2 hit points. And finally, what's up with E-0? All the teleporters take you to the same room and I haven't got the '+' key! Am I stuck or have I just not looked hard enough?


Ok, finally got to:

The part where I have 2 lives, the block mover and the first block unlocker. Where do I find the 2nd, 4th or 5th upgrade?

I'm just running in circles now!

IndigoFerret March 28, 2008 2:14 PM

Stuck in H-2 trying to go up. Can't figure out how to make in through.


Stuck at the same place as Timbo. I feel like I've searched everywhere, but there must be something I haven't done... I'm certain I'll find out as soon as I post, as always.



I think I figured out that the teleporters send you to different locations depending on the direction in which you enter it, just need to find one that sends me somwhere useful.



not all teleporters send you back to SAME room


I am guessing those moving things block your way. Keep trying different movement patterns, it is possible to leave them behind


As usual, posting made me find out the solution:

There's a room, A-3, I think, that has a teleporter. This teleporter leads to a room with 4 teleporters (E-0). Now, when you enter a teleporter, pay attention to the map: you must go to F-0, then pick the teleporter that leads to E-1 and, lastly, find the teleporter that leads to E-4. Patience sure is important in this game...


Oooooh, Donut, you're my hero! I didn't notice that the room was different! Thanks, saved me a headache in the works.


OK, I must be missing something. I can't find *anything* to destroy or move any blocks.


Thanks, Timbo and Tonypa, hadn't seen your posts before. Now to the last 10 gems!


Ah, finally got it.

On C-0, you're nottrapped.

Remember that you can smash those blocks.


So has anyone managed to figure out how to get the diamond in the lower left corner of G-0? Or do I not have the necessary health?

I have all five "upgrades" and three health.

H-2 is also looking pretty impassable.

IndigoFerret March 28, 2008 2:55 PM

Got all 50, now can't find final teleport and checked the whole map again. :(


there seems to be a bug in g-2, 6down-3righ it slows the green thing considerably. and some grey thing is on the left side...


I think there are 50 total coins,

and for some of them you need to die to retrieve them.


I reverse what I said about H-2. It's passable.

Go to the right side, under the laser. Go up one, and right one (you'll have to take the two damage). Go up one to lure the first mine out, then go right twice, up once, left once, then begin circling to the left clockwise (from where you should be at now: down, left, up, right) twice until you have both mines out and you're next to the uppermost of the left mines. Then go down, right, up, left twice and straight up.
Step-by-step starting at the right-most position under the laser:
up, right, up, right x2, up, left, down, left, up, right, down, left, up, right, down, right, up, left, left and up all the way.

There might be another (and possibly easier) solution, but this worked for me.



G-2 looks like this to me upon entering it:

I noticed earlier that a laser block (whatever it is that emits the lasers) was on the edge of the screen. It seemed to have corrected itself after I died and reloaded. Although mine didn't affect the game, yours might make things a tad more difficult, since your green thing is slowed down from pushing the block. Just a thought.

Placed it in a spoiler just in case.

ThemePark March 28, 2008 3:30 PM

This would be a perfect game, if you didn't seemingly have to die in some places to get through. That drastically drags down my overall view of the game, since it's not always possible to know if you have to die to progress, or if you just overlooked something.

And on that note I need some help.

I got 10 gems, and explored the rooms in rows 0-2, columns A-D, all 12 of them. But I can't seem to progress anywhere without needing an ability block which I don't have yet (I only have the middle one), or without crossing more than 1 red field, and thereby dying. I have been all around as far as I could go, but I just don't see any way to progress. Am I missing something?


yeah i found all 50 too ... the only teleports i havn't checked yet are the ones in that mini teleport maze (not the square of teleports, the other maze) and I have a hunch they might hide the exit there.


GOT IT!!! I'm out


FYI - From what Tony told me, the final teleport location is random.


Beat it! At least, I got all 50 gems. Where is the final teleporter? I don't want to have to search back through the whole maze.


Finally finished it. The end just leaves me with one question: There was a score?

I'm also doing a replay to see about making a walkthrough, but someone may beat me to it before I finish.


Got stuck (literally) in room C-3, I think it was. Kind of killed the overall joy of it.


ah, nevermind, I found it. (and this page was cached, so I wasn't seeing any of the newer comments)


indeed, where is the final teleport, I've searched all around the maze and can't find it.



walk across a death tile on B-2


The final teleport:

Is in a room where you have to die to get a gem...

Is in a room where lasers cross...

Is in E-2, if I remember the location correctly.

Indrevield March 28, 2008 3:54 PM

Nice game, I'm stuck in B-2. Probably a bug.

ThemePark March 28, 2008 3:55 PM

Thanks Crab. Turns out I was so stupid that I for some reason was thinking that the black floor was slippery and that I would run into other death tiles if I did that.


pretty good game, with some decent puzzles. mainly thinking about the hit point management rooms and h-2 with the chasing blocks.

only problem is how i've spent more than an hour with 50 gems trying to find the exit. been through every teleporter repeatedly and every room more times than i can count and i still can't find it. =|



Try looking for a new portal that wasn't there before. According to Jay, Tony says the location's random, but if it helps, mine was in room:



* You dont need to die to gather 50 gems.
* Placement of ending teleport is random (it looks like normal one btw, just it was not there before)
* I am still trying to figure out the bug shown by ngebe and couple others. Damn thing is not related to one map and only appears rarely :(
* Score is counted from your total number of steps and number of deaths

Thanks everyone for comments :)

mr_physics March 28, 2008 4:32 PM

Awesome game!
Got 49 gems and all the upgrades - can't figure out how to get my last gem in bottom left of G0.
Any hints?


I am trapped in D2/E2/D3/E3. I have the square key and the (upside-down Y key or rocket shaped key). Cannot get out of those four rooms. I don't have the cross key.

mr_physics March 28, 2008 4:51 PM

Of course I figured it out as soon as I posted!
Great game - I love the progressive difficulty of the puzzles. Thought I was going to hate going back to get the gems that I had passed early in the game, but since I took the time to make a map with screenshots it wasn't bad. Screenshots also made looking for a new teleport location not too hard.
Another phenomenal one Tonypa!


I'm stuck at the first 12 rooms (A-D, 0-2), 9 gems, 1 life, and one "key" (the concentric square one in the middle). I noticed ThemPark was stuck in the first 12 rooms, too, but I can't get to the useful part of room B2 at all (which is what was suggested by Crab). What am I missing?

Indrevield March 28, 2008 5:07 PM

Yay, I beat it!
7206 points
4th place all time, well past 2 days
excellent game.


Shot. Nevermind. I don't like how

the simple breakable blocks look like the gate blocks



I'm stuck in the bottom right corner of B-2. I died there retrieving a gem, and now each time I load the game it respawns me there with no possible way to get out.


btw, I have 45 gems...very frustrating


Is it bad when you get more frustrated writing a walkthrough than actually playing the game the first time? I'm already at some five pages, and I feel as if I'm doing it wrong (that and there's three diamonds I can't figure out how to get without dying). Meanwhile, I can try to help people.

With that new power-up you've just gotten (the upside-down Y-shaped one), you can push certain blocks. That should hopefully get you moving.

If you're stuck in the same place as Indrevield, that appears to be a bug and you may have to start over (not sure if Indrevield managed to get out or not). Not sure if Tonypa is working on fixing that (he could by removing one of those two blocks).

If you managed to get the Diamond in G-0 without dying, please tell me how.

Muzklash March 28, 2008 5:50 PM

I think I found the teleporter, but I can't figure out how to get there:

Can anyone tell me how to get in there or is this a bug?
Thanks for help.


Yeah, I'd definitely call that a bug. I'm on my second time through the game and I'm pretty sure you can get there. I'm hoping there's an update Tony can make so you won't have to start all over, especially since you're literally at the end of the game there.

Foocubus March 28, 2008 6:09 PM

Just finished, currently ranked #2 as Bedos Dwarftrainer. Was pretty good.

And yes, the final teleport location seems to be random; I found mine in G-1. If I had to guess, it might be influenced by the last gold # picked up; the last one I got was the one in the upper-left corner of C-3.


I need help on E-4... i don't know how to get through.



Yeah, I never cared much for those kinds of puzzles. Although I haven't managed to get both items in one go, here's my solutions:

From the bottom-left corner (where you teleport into):

From here, I could only get the upper-right diamond. Push the bottom right block to the right, then move one up and push that block right. Continue until you're near the top-right corner and push the last block up to the diamond. Push the block in the second row left to open the exit.

From the entrance, trying to get the diamond:

Using the right entrance, push the block just below you down, then move straight right. That should get you the diamond.

And for the power-up in the bottom right that you're probably trying to get:

Enter the lefthand side. Push the block diagonally-downright from the death tile down, then push the block in front of the other righthand death tile to the right. Continue straight down, move one space right, then down and continue until you're along the righthand wall. Push that block as far down as you can, then push the block to your left and collect the power-up.

If those were confusing, I can provide screenshots.

Muzklash March 28, 2008 6:24 PM

Thank you for your help Gammler.. I guess I'm going to play again :D.


Ugh. I just accidentally pressed "new game" after dying. There go my 29 gems *weeps*


Somehow I've ended up with the 6th highest score overall, Ubivil Applediver.

My final teleporter was in


Excellent game, as expected from tonypa!


For the Diamond in the bottom left of G-0 (Note: you need all three health to do this):

Come in from the bottom entrance.
Go up, up, left, left, left (here you take a hit! ouch!), left, left. You should be up against the grey block at this point.
Go up, then left to get on top of the block.
Go up then down to grab hold of the block.
Up to pull the block away.
Then to get the diamond: right, down (ouch #3!), down, down!

You may die trying to get out, but just reload and head out with all three health.


is there a way to not have to restart the game in G-0?


This game is awesome. Great puzzles, some are nicely challenging (love the blobbo like ice rooms), i like how powerups are necessary, a little tedious how you have to revisit many of the rooms to complete them, and I got stuck pretty far in the game, with about 35 crystals. One thing I don't like, that also is the reason I got stuck, is that you can grab some crystals and then die, only to restart where you got the crystal. This means that though your health bar might not be large enough to get some crystals, you can get them anyway by dying and respawning where the crystal was. I got stuck where there was a crystal behind two movable blocks. I dragged them out of the way, went and got the crystal and died because of as adjacent red square. Then respawned behind the two blocks which were adjacent to each other, so i couldn't move out of the little area. Sorry I don't remember the tile number. Actually just checked, it's B-2!!


I can't find my final teleporter :(. I've gone through every teleporter I can find and then went back and did it all again and I've got nothing. Couldn't you make the final teleporter a different colour or something, Tonypa? Because going through loads of teleporters, which of course entails going back to the area you were teleported from if there are other teleporters there, isn't what I call fun. Everything before that was great.


I'm terrible at this kind of game, but I keep returning because of the funny names. This is the best: Vinul Cowexplorer. I am still giggling!


i have all 50 diamonds and have checked all rooms and teleporters but to no avail nada zip zero zilch *sigh* could someone tell me what the final teleporter looks like?


The final teleporter looks like a normal teleporter.

It's just somewhere where there wasn't one when you originally went through all the rooms.


Bug: Can't finish game.

The final teleporter is inaccessible. It showed up on map B1, 9 over, 6 down. You can't get the block out of the way to get there.


Some fixes:

* broke the wall in F-2 for Muzklash
* added block in B-2 so people who died when getting the diamond can get out
* added credits (doh!)

Please reload the swf to get changes.

About final tele in B-1: as far I can see you should be able to pull that block away.


I have searched every single room and there is no teleporter i have been at it for hours upon hours made notes on the teleporters and have basically master the movements of puzzles and yet there is no final teleporter.
my name is ohujov sharpenhancer. can someone tell me what is wrong or if ive missed something?

Muzklash March 29, 2008 6:13 AM

Now I'm stuck again.. I searched the final teleporter in EVERY room systematically and I still can't find it..
Can someone give me a tipp how to find it?


Awesome game. I would love to see another.

I listed the areas and used them as a checklist to make sure I either already had or went back and got all of the gold thingies.
I don't mind the sounds, but after a while I like silence, so I can think. For those complainers out there: don't like the sounds then hit mute!
There is a lot of running around and backtracking. This reminds me of Trapped, but at least the puzzles are more easily solvable or maybe that is just because I already played Trapped. The puzzle was just the right size/length, any more and it may have been too much to tolerate. If there was either an easier way to get quickly from room to room a longer one may have been better, but you can only stand running around in circles for so long :)

My stats:

Score: 12,488 I don't know why it didn't go to the top, maybe too many deaths
All 50 gold and exit in F-1

Kavalmaja walkthrough:

Exit - first so you don't have to figure out why you can't leave later

The exit is random.
You need all 50 gold to exit.
Now go find the exit :D


Green is you
White blocks are walls, unmovable or are they? Blue action buttons help with this
Blue blocks (flower-like, well not really) are action buttons. They mainly add and take away blocks.
Gold yet sort of yellow blocks, you need to collect these
Blue blocks with no center and curved edges are teleports.
Checkered blue blocks are ice
Blocks with white in the corners are breakable.
Blocks with a white shape in the middle need the ability with the same shape to destroy them. You do not have to click on the ability you just need to have collected it.
Blocks with no color have to be pushed or pulled, abilities gained later.

Opps you died - life help

You can hit as many times at the amount of green [+] as you have plus one before you can die. If you have one then you can get hit twice, if you have two then you can get hit three times, if you have three then you can get hit four times
Dying just starts you over at a specific spot in the same room. Thankfully it is where you were instead of the beginning.

Enemies, lasers and damagers

Red "blocks" do not move, step on them and they hurt you
Red circle things follow you, they cannot go around walls unless they are already right up against you, keep moving forward and you won't get hit unless you cannot move any where.
Lasers are either stationary or they rotate. There is one stationary laser that a blue block rotates. There are two areas where there are two lasers next to each other rotating the opposite direction of each other. One set is easy to get past, the other you have to get hit at least once.

Ice mazes - In order of when you run into them


Enter top, then left, down, right, up, right, down, left, up, left, down right, down


For exit to top left
Up, up, up, left, down, right, up, left, down, down, down, right, up left
For exit to bottom left
Up, up, up, left, down, right, up, left, down, down, left


Enter go up, left, down, right land on blue action button, up, up, left and exit


To F-1
From top: right, down, left, up, right into the red, down pushing the block, left, up
To F-3
Come out of F-1, go left one, down, right pushing the block, down

Teleports - also repeated in general map

A-3 teleport

teleport to get to E-o to F-0 to E-1 to E-4 next area

E-0 teleports

upper left A-3
upper right F-0
lower left E-0
lower right E-0

E-1 teleports

upper left E-4
upper right E-0
lower left A-3
lower right F-0

F-0 teleports

upper left E-0
upper right F-0
lower left E-1
lower right A-3

E-1 teleports

upper left E-4
upper right E-0
lower left A-3
lower right F-0

G-0 teleport

teleport to E-4

H-4 teleports

[1]below 5[2]above 7
[3]above 4[4] above 1, 3
[5]same room above 1, 3
[6] [7] below 3 above 6

General map - combined help from above and other tips WARNING above spoilers shown below

A-3 - teleport to get to E-o to F-0 to E-4 next area
B-1 north goes no where, cannot enter into B-0
B-2 (Thanks to Crab) stuck? add and then remove the block with the blue thing and then go north over the red and go around the blocks
Later try not to die in the lower right corner
B-4 from C-4 cannot exit to B-3 or A-4 only can go back to C-4; go to D-2 to go to the other side
C-1 north goes no where, cannot enter into C-0
C-2 Game starts here
D-2 takes you to C-2 first area
D-3 stuck? do not go south, go north, if you go south you will not have enough lives to pass by
E-0 teleports
upper left A-3
upper right F-0
lower left E-0
lower right E-0
E-1 teleports
upper left E-4
upper right E-0
lower left A-3
lower right F-0
F-0 teleports
upper left E-0
upper right F-0
lower left E-1
lower right A-3
F-1 my exit
G-0 teleport E-4
on mine 3 right 5 down, slow point
H-2 (Thanks to Gammler) Go to the right side, under the laser. Go up one, and right one (you'll have to take the two damage). Go up one to lure the first mine out, then go right twice, up once, left once, then begin circling to the left clockwise (from where you should be at now: down, left, up, right) twice until you have both mines out and you're next to the uppermost of the left mines. Then go down, right, up, left twice and straight up. Step-by-step starting at the right-most position under the laser: up, right, up, right x2, up, left, down, left, up, right, down, left, up, right, down, right, up, left, left and up all the way.
H-4 need last ability (pull)to go to H-3
[1]below 5[2]above 7
[3]above 4[4] above 1, 3
[5]same room above 1, 3
[6] [7] below 3 above 6

Now who wants to make a map?
Have all objects still be in their place before moving or collecting them like the one for Pieces from CGDC5 would work great

Muzklash March 29, 2008 7:08 AM

Woohoo! Finally finished! I'm on daily 1st Place "Soveh Skullmaker". Yay! Thanks for all your help.


Hi Tony!

I feel somewhat bad that I still haven't given feedback on all of your youngest games. (I'm in a bit of silent period)

Well, I think they're great :)



Nomadotto March 29, 2008 9:16 AM

I'm not sure if it's a bug or what I ought to do, but I died after retrieving the star in the corner of B2, and now I'm stuck behind two pushable blocks. Is there a way out, or do I just need to restart?

ThemePark March 29, 2008 9:27 AM

How on Earth can you get the coins in C-1 and B-2 without having to die?


Nomadotto, I updated the game earlier today with fix on B2 (newest version has credits text on the bottom). If it doesnt show up for you, just reload the swf.


Long and tedious, but curiously not boring. Actualy for all it's going around in circles it's downright addictive and a good game.

I am actually stuck on 47 golds, one I cant remember where I last saw it and two are in the top of c3 with a teleporter in d3. I see no way into them and cant find a teleport to them.

actually I'm sure I've gotten lost and not checked a series of rooms but I can't remember how I got to them lol. A worthy challenge and a good game

ThemePark March 29, 2008 10:57 AM

Just finished the game and got in 20th. It still seems there are places where you have to die to get the gold, the ones mentioned above, for instance.

I'm in the process of making a map and will post it ASAP.


Gammler: Thanks so much for the tip for H2, I was going batty trying to pass the mines!

I made a map. I'm new to this site, just posting casually here, don't know how you guys normally upload files.


There is no way at present to upload files, but if you email it to me I'll store it for you and update your comment with a link to it. :)


Thank you Jay!

In that case I'd like to note that I made this map as I was playing the game, and I changed some block colors to blue and added a few blue blocks to indicate where the blue grids toggle them on and off. I don't think I changed anything else so let me know if something is confusing. Thank you for a great site! ;)



This game is fun... I got all 50 diamond/crystal thingies, although I think they might be gold coins personally, and all the power ups... but I have no patiecne to get to the teleporter.

This reminds me of LoZ games (the clasic ones) and metroid. I hate both because, like this game, you have to go to the same place multiple times, each easier because of new powerups but harder because there is so much you have to do in each place. I like 'em though 'cause I'm a puzzle nut and I'm not so much into the FPS or the TPS genres.

Kudo's to Tonypa... I think he knew that this game would be on JIG and he designed it to be a game you could not get the entire walkthrough for. Hiding the final teleport was a sneaky move... Good Job.


Awww you beat me to it, Ottoman. I was about to put up the map that I made. Oh well. Good job.

ThemePark March 29, 2008 12:19 PM

lol, you and me both, LSN.


I like it, I really do. I'm currently 'stuck' though.

I want to pick up the health upgrade in room F4, but I can't get to it. Is that a pickup you only get later, or can you get it by a certain path? In other words, do I need the 'last' ability, or not?


Never mind that last post, I figured it out.


Tonypa, did you read about the critical bug that won't let me finish the game? It happened on B-1

Ewan Whosarmy March 29, 2008 4:44 PM

Any help on how to get to G-2 ?
I've been there already but can't remember how I did it, and I need to get back to get the last diamond. I'm going round and round in circles!


I liked this one a lot. The ice reminded me of Chip's Challenge!


I was enjoying it until I clicked 'new game' twice by accident during a repeated dying room. *headdesk, headdesk, headdesk*


Wow, I love how this takes the elements of something like Metroid and breaks it into its absolute simplest elements, making it all puzzle. This is fantastic and probably one of my favorite games I've played in a while.


GREAT game Tony. When I saw the announcement on JIG with the graphics I thought it was going to be another Blcoharelli or Ununicim. I have enjoyed both of those. I didn't expect to spend the last few hours running this game. I am going to hear Kevin's music in my sleep tonight .. When i got all 50 the first time I thought I was done… then I did it a second time and got locked in to the top left corner of G-2, couldn't do a thing. Then I learned that there is a final teleport that one has to find (even thought it tells you that in the main page. I finished the game 3 time, and spent ages trying to fine the exit. I will able to deal with the ‘mines' in H-2 in my sleep now that I have been thought that room far too many time.11th over all is a good score, but just getting though it is a great score.
I read your tutorial for making a game, and I was unaware as to the coding that was involved so that the HERO didn't walk in to walls or have epileptic spasms in the game fiels .

Do you think in Brocharielli you could add one or two failsafe to jumble the tiles so that the game doesn't end so quickly sometimes. I am happy with a great puzzle that I can work on …and generally at the office …so a MUTE / volume button is important . I don't really want people at woke knowing that I'm playing a game. (THAT GOES FOR LL OF YOU)
Thanks for yet another great game. I might not play it as much as Ununicim or Blocharielli but it was a hoot.
I look forward to what ever you dream up next.


Tonypa, did you read about the critical bug that won't let me finish the game? It happened on B-1

Yes, but from your description it should be accessible. Could you perhaps make a screenshot in case I am not understanding the position correctly.


All I see is a red X in a white box. I get this with some other Tonypa games, mostly the new ones.

Andrew`Wyrm March 30, 2008 2:32 PM

I can't even play the game. :(

swf loads, but none of the buttons work. Is it a problem on my end or a bug? It happens with all 3 browsers I've tried (Opera, firefox, IE).

Hopefully I can get this fixed. I love games like this, and I love TonyPA games even more.

Andrew`Wyrm March 30, 2008 2:34 PM

Updated flash, still no luck..


I would like this game a lot more if it weren't for the end teleport, I have been to EVERY room on this map multiple times and nothing is different! How "random" is this teleport thing, is it under a block somewhere maybe?


I love your map, although I noticed you didn't mark all the blocks that appear/disappear by using switches. I didn't know if it's incomplete for the moment, or if you forgot about them. Specifically, I notice them missing from A-0, B-0, B-1, G-2 (you marked one of them, but not the one near the gem). Also, was the smaller portal marked in D-3 just to show where the top portal leads you? And were the A and 3 marked in blue to show where your final portal appeared? I can't see any other reason for it. Once again, great job with the map (it'll be exceedingly useful for a walkthrough)!

I'm normally not a big fan of FPS (although some TPS games I like), but I suggest you give Metroid Prime a try. Great feel of a Metroid game, but done FPS-style (it's made a bit simpler than most FPS with an auto-lock targeting system and unlimited ammo for your beam weapons). Nothing to do with this game, but thought I'd mention it. (Note: While in Morph Ball mode, you can make yourself dizzy depending on your sensitivity. Took me a while to get used to it.)

Man, I completely forgot about Chip's Challenge. I used to have a TXT file of the passwords for the levels I'd passed up to 100-something, but I never did beat it. Anyone know someplace you can download that game?


Ah, scratch that question about Chip's Challenge. It's copyrighted, and apparently hard to find somewhere to buy it. Although there is a fan-made clone of the game called Tile World that's available for download at:

Not sure if JIG would give it a review, or already has and I'm not finding it (tried a search, but didn't see anything).


Yeah, Chip's Challenge is hard to find. I would almost buy a used old computer with Windows 95 on it just to play it. Anyone have one for sale? hehe



I'm stuck in room E-2. I moved into this room from E3. and I am in between the two normal exits. I am midway up the room, all the way to the right. There isn't enough room for me to turn around to leave! Is there a way to get out of this room? I have all 50 of the pieces, but I think I am now stuck!


Although I don't see how you could get stuck going from E-3 to E-2 (going up one screen), I'm betting you came from F-2 (going left into E-2). If that's the case, Tonypa had opened the middle box on the left side of F-2 so that someone could get to an otherwise inaccessible final portal, but seems to have created a dead-end in that exit (since you can't leave when you're still on the edge of a screen: you have to move away from the edge and the move back).

Tony, if you see this, I think the best solution would simply be to fill in those blocks on the right of E-2 and left of F-2. In fact, that space seems to be the only space in the entire game in which you normally couldn't travel before (so it's not necessary, is it?). Although I hope doing so won't force Casey to restart. Is it possible to put in a check to see if a player is starting where a block currently is and instead just send them back to the starting position in C-2?



Yeah I just slid in there, exploring and looking for that fated final portal... And I guess I did come from F-2, I must have typed it wrong. Thanks though!


I did the same thing as Casey, and I'm not stuck in E-2, unable to exit the room :(


Sorry guys about the E-2 room, Gammler is right in that I opened the wall on F-2 forgetting you could walk on E-2 from there. It just shows how difficult it was designing all those rooms, making sure they remain playable. I actually spent more time designing, re-designing and re-re-designing rooms then writing the code.

Anyway, I have uploaded new version with one-way tile on E-2 so you should not be stuck when entering from F-2.

Stefan, final teleport only appears on empty tile and never near the edges of rooms. Other then those limits, it is completely random.


Thanks! I'm not stuck anymore! Great game.


Tonypa, the new version of room C-3 still allows the player to get inextricably stuck after retrieving the leftmost gem with only two health units acquired and the ability to push (but not pull).

Respawning in the upper-left corner leaves no possibility for escape.

Otherwise, a fun game. Thanks!


Updated C-3. Again.

mixedmetaphor April 1, 2008 11:26 AM

usually i love these kinds of games, but get frustrated halfway through and give up (e.g., i never finished "puzzle boy"). i am soooooo close to beating this game, and i've really enjoyed playing it. i'm always intrigued by games that force you to give up health -- or even die! -- to progress. so, great game!

on that note, i have all 50 gems, and i've found my final teleport in


... but i can't get there!

the teleport is under the right-hand moveable block. i can slide around to the top of the block, but i can't get underneath it and i can't move it. did anyone else have this problem? does anyone else have a solution? this is extremely frustrating!

ottoman April 1, 2008 8:26 PM


Sorry my map is a little funky, I created it as I went for my own edification while playing. I didn't add every single appear/disappear block simply because I was noting the ones I found useful to my own gameplay.

If requested, I can either update the map or revert it back to no notations at all.

Yes, the little mini portal shows where you teleport to in D-3, and yes the blue A3 was to show where my portal appeared, although now that tonypa has let us know that they're random every time, my blue A3 marker is moot. That could be a valid enough reason to update it right there, so I'll be willing to either update all or remove all the blue appear/reappear blocks. I would of course leave the lettered portal notes in place no matter what!

Thank you for the kind praise Gammler! Of course I can't praise tonypa enough for this kick butt game. I think all that level re-re-designing paid off. :)


tonypa: Yes, but from your description it should be accessible. Could you perhaps make a screenshot in case I am not understanding the position correctly.

I'm not positive, but I believe this to be the situation that [dot] was referring to: kaval_end_B1.png.

Yes, as you pointed out, one can pull that block away from the transporter instead of pushing it, but... then what? Where do you pull it to? There's no way of getting it around either of the corners, so it's still stuck in that corridor. And you're still stuck on the wrong side of it; all you can do is push it back to where it started. There's no way of walking around to get to the other side of the block (short of leaving the room and re-entering, which resets the block), so being able to pull it doesn't get you very far. Unless I'm mistaken, then, there's no way to get at this particular final transporter. (Unless you can push the block onto the transporter, then go around and pull it off...? There's no other map with blocks and transporters with a configuration such that I can test this out to see if it works, but it would be inconsistent with the rest of the world's physics.)

Unfortunately, this same problem looks like it could potentially occur in a few other places as well, for example on maps A0: kaval_end_A0.png and B3: kaval_end_B3.png, to name a few...

Other than these recurring issues related to final transporter randomization, great game!

mattdagger April 3, 2008 4:43 AM

I finally beat it and with a top score of 13,805 for a first place finish, although I'm not sure how I got that many points. I played as BEGIV REDMANAGER

mixedmetaphor April 3, 2008 9:01 AM

i'm still unable to finish the game with my final teleport in


and i'm wondering if it might be a glitch...

there just doesn't seem to be any way to reach the teleport, with the configuration of the blocks being what they are. i've examined the map and attempted to move into F-2 from another direction, but it hasn't worked. here is a screenshot. am i just being really dumb, or is this impossible?


Yes, I can see how placing the final teleport completely randomly can make it unaccessable for several maps (B1, F2 etc). Sadly, I can not currently make sure it is always possible to get it, as it is really random. So, I will take the blame for not thinking through it correctly and call it a bug.

I dont like the bugs in my games, but only other way to place the teleporters would be having manually store every possible location it can appear, and that task is too big for me atm. I had nagging feeling this could backfire eventually when I wrote the game, but managed to assure myself about the chance being quite small. Of course it showed up like all the bugs do.

If I ever start to design sequel with different map, I will make sure from the start this can not happen.


"* You dont need to die to gather 50 gems."

Um, maybe I'm just being a little thick-headed about this. Don't get me wrong -- I definitely think this game makes a nice puzzle (a firm "Well done!"), but I do find it a little bit frustrating ... that you do in fact need to die for 3 of the gems (as far as I can tell) :

B-2 (upper-left) There are just too many red tiles. I did notice that the switch doesn't seem to accomplish anything useful.
I was going to play around with it, but since I finished my game I'll have to play through it again to get to that point (a nice bonus for us secret-seekers with games like this would be being able to load an otherwise finished game to continue exploring).
I'm not sure what I'd be looking for, though -- maybe some wall blocks that are secretly passable, even though that didn't happen anywhere else in the game.

C-1 (lower-right) Again, too many red tiles -- 1 too many, in this case. And this room has no switches. So, again, unless there is some mechanic at work that doesn't exist elsewhere in the game, I just don't get it.

G-0 Here even secretly passable walls would not seem to help -- unless it can be approached from above. After retrieving the gem, getting hit by the rotating laser is not avoidable, thus if it's necessary to lose all 3 health just to get the gem ...

Since there are only 2 health power-ups in the entire game, the most damage one can take on any screen is 3. Yet these 3 rooms seem to require taking more than that to get the gems and then to get out without dying (or they require something new that only exists in those rooms). Please enlighten me as to what I may have missed, or at least provide some hint as to how it is possible.


To Tonyapa:
Here's a simple solution to the bug that keeps you from finishing the game:

I am referring to the one that makes the end portal show up in locations that are inaccessible.
Simple solution 1:
set a fixed location on all maps or just one map that it shows up at. Nobody really cares that it shows up randomly, so you can just put it in one spot and everyone can then play the game.
Simple solution 2:
Add a button to change the random location of the portal when a player reloads their game at the end.

Claribel April 9, 2008 11:03 AM

I collected 50 yesterday and have since been three whole times round the map but there is definitely no new teleport. I have tried all the other teleports just in case.

If I have reloaded my game since collecting 50, have I now lost the endgame teleport?


W00T for an awesome game!!!
(oh yeah, I really like the 4.9/5 ;D)

Just one bug, and that's on my end: I thought I was stuck (I wasn't) so I decided to restart, but I accidentally quit the window. The BGM kept playing (and still is, even though I've had the game done for about half an hour by now).

Got lucky with the final teleporter: 1 square right of where the health upgrade was in A3. Easily accessible (even though getting to A3 takes a while)



Great game. I'm stuck trying to get into the G and H rows. It looks like it takes three life points to make ith through F1 into G1. I can't seem to get the life upgrade in F4 without having a third life point either, but I don't seem to find one in any of the areas I can go to (all of columns A through F). I've read about people being able to pull moveable blocks, but I can't figure out how to do so. Please help.


Nevermind, of course the magical phenomenon of posting a question helped me solve the puzzle. You can get the life upgrade in F4 with 2 life points.


i've been staring at f4 for ever. how the hell do i get the 3rd life?


so... I've been around the map at least 3 times, checking off whether the final teleport is there, and it's nowhere to be found. Unless it's possible for it to spawn on top of an already existing teleport, then my map has no ending!!
Perhaps it's underneath a block that hadn't been destroyed, but now they're all destroyed, and it hasn't shown up.

existent June 27, 2008 5:54 PM

i cant get the 3rd life either... anyone?


A very satisfying and challenging game.

I love it when you hit a brick wall and curse the designer for having mad a mistake... "It's obviously impossible"... "there's no logical way you can get to that! etc.... and after a break, a coffee and a cigarette (optional and only for those of age) you sit back down and lo' and behold you figure it out.

And I really like the music too.

One BIG downside is the teleport sound is way too loud and long! I've been playing it at work and have to switch the audio off each time I teleport!

Well done!



I played the game twice. The first time took so long I thought I'd try again. The first time I did eventually find the exit. However, the second time around after finding all 50 yellow crystals, I went through the entire board twice and could not find the exit portal. Then I drew a grid on a piece of paper with columns A-H and rows 0-4 and went through the board one more time, marking off each box in the grid just to make sure I did not miss one (like the look-alike boxes or one of the ones "off the beaten path"). However, after marking off every box in the grid I stilll didn't find the exit. It was not there! Ahhh! So unsatisfying! I want to know how much my score improved from the first time!


Loved it until a restart in G4 trapped me in the middle of walls of blocks and forced me to start a new game and my next two new games wouldn't recognize the push block I collected. I'd love to finish it, but the unwinnable glitches are intensely frustrating.


For those having trouble with room F4:


Having said that, I have collected all 50 stars (reloading/dying 3 times along the way in rooms B2, C1, and G0) and now I just CAN'T find the final exit. This is my 2nd time playing through the whole game (first time I had the same problem). I've revisited every room after collecting the 50 stars, and I've retried every teleport.
I considered the possibility that the exit might be invisible, so I tried walking over every single tile in every room. Still nothing. If the location of the teleport is really random, then you'd think I'd eventually find it. Maybe I'll just restart the game and hope that there is an exit this time.
This game would be a lot more enjoyable if the location of the exit were fixed. It's such a waste of time to get all 50 stars just to discover that there's no exit.


Nice one, thanks for featuring in the vault this week.


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