An escape the room game where you're not the only person who wants to escape. Interlock is an entry into our 10th Casual Gameplay Design Competition, with the theme of "Escape".
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Sadly, though, managed to lock up the game while exploring the floating symbols
clicked on the wand and the "arrogant" symbol; the wand shrank but got "stuck" in the inventory box - no manner of clicking/right-clicking/zooming could convince game to restart.
and am now back to start. Good luck all - wish I had some insight to share.
vulpisfoxfire, I thought something similar (wordplay with the words themselves) but haven't found anything yet.
Pairing the items with the rooms they appear in doesn't seem to work.
Does order matter? If so, I'm thinking it would be the order listed in the book. Tried going around the room in the listed order (which is also how the items return to you) but no luck.
Do the two lines above and below the "Answers" section matter? The only place I found with four horizontal lines was the table with the one clue regarding the journal code.
Wondered if the floating symbols moved in any particular pattern that might be a clue, but seems random to me so far.
I did pull out my tarot book but don't see anything that specifically relates those traits to the minor arcana.
Yeah, I got nothin'.
Well done to those who completed it! The last puzzle is a bit trickier, but I hope the pieces are there to be put together.
jksaiewitz: the inventory box should be clickable too, so I'm not sure why that isn't happening for you :-(
WRT lock-ups: that's not something I found testing, so my sincerest apologies. How Annoying! I haven't managed to replicate it but I'll keep trying and send in a fix.
Interlock Walkthrough
General Information
Examine items you pick up, they may be hiding useful information.
There will be directions for the colorblind in the walkthrough.
Watch out for demon eyes!
Good luck.
You begin facing a fireplace with a roaring fire. On the floor in front of the fireplace is a wooden plank, take it.
To the left of the fireplace is a table. On the table is a gold cup and a scroll, click on the table for a close up and take both.
Click on the table again for a close up and you will see a clue: "It always begins with I and ends at the beginning". Below the text is a stylized E.
Back up twice and turn right.
You are now facing a wall with some red curtains. On the ground in front of the curtains is a pool of water and some rope. Take the rope.
Click on the curtains to open them and you will find THE EYE OF SAURON! Or, the eye of some random demon, whatever.
Turn right.
You are now facing the door out. On the wall are some bookshelves, and on the floor is a wooden chest. The wooden chest features a picture of an eye in the Egyptian style.
Click on the chest for a close up and you will see a lock code featuring four buttons, left, right, up, and down. Back up.
On the shelves, separate from most of the books, are three books in three colors. The red book is slanted from the upper right to the lower left, the blue book is standing straight up and down, and the green book is slanted from the upper left to the lower right.
Click on the corner of the rug underneath the chest and you will see an upside down E with an arrow pointing to the left. Back up.
The door is, of course, locked.
Turn right.
You are now facing a wall with a large, empty weapons rack. In front of the rack is a pedal-powered grindstone with the pedal broken.
There is a note hanging from the bottom of the rack, click on it for a close up.
The note says: "Don't forget, to get through you must DASH." Must be a clue. Back up.
You can click on the imprints of the missing weapons, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Turn right.
You are now back where you started at the fireplace.
Let's take a look at all of the items in the inventory, shall we?
First is the cup, which is apparently a grail, although not the famous one.
Next is the scroll, which has a lot of Latin-sounding words on it but doesn't apparently mean anything.
You also have a flat piece of wood and the rope, although there is not anything particularly unique about them.
Time to solve some puzzles!
The Fireplace
You should still be facing the fireplace and the roaring fire.
Wonder if there might be something in there? Shame we don't have some water.
Although we did see some water earlier...
Turn right to face the curtains.
Use the grail on the puddle of water (ewww, dirty!) then turn left.
Use the grail full of dirty water on the fireplace.
When your eyes adjust, the fire should be out.
Click inside the fireplace to retrieve a stick. Hmmm, shouldn't that be burned at least?
Now what?
The Grindstone
Turn left to face the grindstone.
Looks like we need to repair the pedal.
Fortunately, we appear to have the parts we need.
Pull up the flat piece of wood from your inventory.
Use the rope on the wood. A replacement pedal!
Now use the rope/pedal combination on the grindstone.
Yay, it's repaired!
Now what?
The Demonic Eye
Turn right (or left) twice to face the curtains and the demonic eye.
How about we poke it with the stick we got from the fireplace?
Gee, we can't poke it with a blunt stick. How can we sharpen it?
Turn right (or left) twice to face the grindstone.
Use the blunt stick on the grindstone to sharpen it.
Examine the stick. It is now nice and pointy, and looks like a magician's wand.
Turn right (or left) twice to face the demonic eye.
Poke that eye with the sharp stick!
Well, we managed to irritate it, anyway.
Now what?
The Wooden Chest
Remember the wooden chest with the picture of an eye on it?
Wonder if it has anything to do with the demonic eye?
It had those buttons on it, the left, right, up, down buttons.
But where do we find the code?
You got the code when you poked the demonic eye with the sharp stick.
Do it again and watch closely, the eye moves in distinct directions: down, left, right, down, up.
Turn right to face the door out and the chest.
Click on the chest for a close up and push the buttons in the order you learned from the eye.
The chest will open to reveal a fine blade and a vellum journal with a code lock. Take the items and back up.
The Vellum Journal
Pull up the journal from your inventory.
Note the stylized E on it, we've seen it before (on the table and on the scroll).
Click on the right side of the journal to see the lock. We need a three digit code.
Perhaps the clue is in the other places we've seen the E?
Remember the scroll?
Look closely at the nonsense words that make up the scroll.
The first letter of each word spells out three numbers: Three, seven, and nine.
However, that won't work as the clue for the journal.
The second clue is the words on the table. The "Ends and the beginning" bit is the clue to reverse the numbers.
Therefore the code is 973.
Pull up the journal, then click on the right side to see the lock.
Enter the code you just got from the scroll/table combination.
Okay, there's a bit about the demonic eye fomenting unrest. What are the Talismans of Tarot, anyway?
Also check the inventory list on the page, 5 swords, 7 daggers, 3 axes, and 3 hammers, it looks like the folks in the castle are armed to the teeth.
Turn to the last page and you will see that it is blank except for that stylized E, although this time it is backwards.
Have we seen that thing backwards anywhere else?
Yes, on the magic wand!
Use the wand on the last (blank) page of the journal to reveal secret writing.
Okay, each symbol is a question, and the answers are the cup, the stick, the sword, and some sort of circle.
Close down the Journal.
The Weapons Rack
Turn right to face the weapons rack.
Hmmm, those empty spaces for the weapons are clickable. Wonder if that means anything.
Also, what's up with the note on the rack, the one telling us to DASH?
There are two parts to this clue.
The first part is the inventory of items from the book, 5 swords, 7 daggers, 3 axes, and 3 hammers.
That would indicate to click those areas the same number of times, the sword space 5 times, the dagger space 7 times, etc.
But that alone will not do what you need to do.
The word DASH also covers the first letters of each of the weapons, D - Daggers, A - Axes, S - Swords, and H - Hammers, so this indicates the order in which you should click.
Click the Dagger space 7 times, the Ax space 3 times, the Sword space 5 times, and the Hammer space 3 times.
If you click the spaces correctly, the rack will slide away revealing a small box with a code lock.
Click on the box for a close up.
Now we have dials, and they flash colors when they are clicked on. Notice the lines on the dials rotate with each click.
The first dial is green, the second dial is red, and the third dial is blue.
Have we seen those colors before?
Yes, on the books in the bookshelves.
Remember the positions of the books?
You need to move the dials to mimic the positions of the books, so the green dial needs to be pointing down and to the right (about 5:00 position), the red dial needs to be pointing down and to the left (the 7:00 position), and the blue dial needs to be pointing straight down (the 6:00 position).
If you enter the code correctly the box will open to that a happy coin?
Take the coin and back up.
Now what?
Getting Out
Turn right (or left) twice to face the demonic eye.
Whoa, not an eye anymore! Now it's vampiric teeth!
Click on the teeth and you will have a conversation with...whatever that thing is.
Apparently you have collected the Talismans of Tarot, so now you need its help getting out.
All you have to do is take up arms against the crown, simple.
You already have a sword, now you just need a crown!
There is a crown on the happy coin.
Pull up the happy coin and use the sword on it. This will deface the coin.
Use the defaced coin on the demonic eye and it will give you a key. Take the key.
Turn right to the door. Use the key on the door. Oh noes, a brick wall!
Turn left to face the demonic eye. Use the sword on the eye.
Four symbols fly out of the eye. Aren't those the symbol we saw in the book?
According to the book, each symbol is a question.
There are four symbols, a grumpy symbol, a morose symbol, an arrogant symbol, and a cheerful symbol.
According to the book the answers are the grail, the stick, the sword, and the coin.
But what is the question?
The answers are in the book, in the last page.
Note the double underlines underneath the word ANSWERS. It highlights NSWE.
The E underneath the rug with the arrow points to the demonic eyeball, which is E.
From there you can determine the locations of everything else: Eyeball is E, Fireplace is N, grindstone is W, and the trunk is S.
You have to place the items in the order you see them in the book, cup, stick, sword, coin.
Turn left to the fireplace (north) and place the cup in the cheerful symbol.
Turn right (or left) twice to the trunk (south) and place the stick in the morose symbol.
Turn right to the grindstone (west) and place the sword in the arrogant symbol.
Turn right (or left) twice to the eyeball (east) and place the coin in the grumpy symbol.
If you place the items you have escaped. Unfortunately, so has the demon.
Um, yay?
This being the only game in the CGDC #10 that has used the basic "escape the room" structure, I think it will land 4th in the competition. While there are too many others trying be avant garde and missing the mark because of incomplete innovations, This is fun game but didn't create enough of an impact to land in the top three. Well done though!
Uhm... I am extremely embarrassed to ask such a thing but... honestly, I am having trouble using my flat piece of wood where it should go. I can't seem to make the two things combine to go to its proper place. Tried clicking everything and it really feels strange, as nothing happens as (I thought) it should. Help?
Hi Daibhid. Glad you liked it. To answer your questions - I gave them descriptions so you could tell it wasn't the same symbol floating around (also - I found the idea of the exact same symbols looking morose and cheerful strangely amusing). It appears I inadvertently created a huge red herring for some people. Whoops! >:-)
And the "happy looking" coin is definitely a shout out to Tesshi-e - who I consider the patron saint of room escapes.
For someone who is not a huge fan of the escape genre, I liked this one. Yes, I needed the walkthrough a time or two (final puzzle anyone?), but I don't think you should be apologetic about the red herring--it was actually really clever, intentional or not. My biggest issue was with figuring out the controls--which took about 2 seconds longer than expected--and then I was fine.
For me, the story was enough fun that I am quite excited to see what happens in Chapter 2! So while it was "nothing new" in terms of gameplay as some have mentioned, it appealed to the dungeon crawler in me--what's next? Wondering if the next episode could have some RPG elements thrown in for good measure! WOOT! That would make for an exceptional game! :D
OK...I will leave you, poor developer, alone and not try to force my ideas on you!
Hi dsrtrosy. Thanks for the feedback! Comments like that are incredibly motivating for the creation of Part 2 (which I will start working on after the results are in, and not before, as my saintly, long suffering partner has insisted after the all-nighter bughunts I did for part one)
Now I've got my framework sorted I can hopefully push a bit more at the boundaries of the traditional room escape. RPG elements...hmmmm :-)
What magic wand is being talked about in the walkthrough!? i didn't find one at all, and there isn't one being talked about being found in the walkthrough except for the point where you apparently need it to interact with the book in the very beginning! Help! How'm i supposed to find this supposed wand, and why isn't it anywhere in the game!?
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Walkthrough Guide
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Interlock Walkthrough
General Information
Examine items you pick up, they may be hiding useful information.
There will be directions for the colorblind in the walkthrough.
Watch out for demon eyes!
Good luck.
You begin facing a fireplace with a roaring fire. On the floor in front of the fireplace is a wooden plank, take it.
To the left of the fireplace is a table. On the table is a gold cup and a scroll, click on the table for a close up and take both.
Click on the table again for a close up and you will see a clue: "It always begins with I and ends at the beginning". Below the text is a stylized E.
Back up twice and turn right.
You are now facing a wall with some red curtains. On the ground in front of the curtains is a pool of water and some rope. Take the rope.
Click on the curtains to open them and you will find THE EYE OF SAURON! Or, the eye of some random demon, whatever.
Turn right.
You are now facing the door out. On the wall are some bookshelves, and on the floor is a wooden chest. The wooden chest features a picture of an eye in the Egyptian style.
Click on the chest for a close up and you will see a lock code featuring four buttons, left, right, up, and down. Back up.
On the shelves, separate from most of the books, are three books in three colors. The red book is slanted from the upper right to the lower left, the blue book is standing straight up and down, and the green book is slanted from the upper left to the lower right.
Click on the corner of the rug underneath the chest and you will see an upside down E with an arrow pointing to the left. Back up.
The door is, of course, locked.
Turn right.
You are now facing a wall with a large, empty weapons rack. In front of the rack is a pedal-powered grindstone with the pedal broken.
There is a note hanging from the bottom of the rack, click on it for a close up.
The note says: "Don't forget, to get through you must DASH." Must be a clue. Back up.
You can click on the imprints of the missing weapons, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Turn right.
You are now back where you started at the fireplace.
Let's take a look at all of the items in the inventory, shall we?
First is the cup, which is apparently a grail, although not the famous one.
Next is the scroll, which has a lot of Latin-sounding words on it but doesn't apparently mean anything.
You also have a flat piece of wood and the rope, although there is not anything particularly unique about them.
Time to solve some puzzles!
The Fireplace
You should still be facing the fireplace and the roaring fire.
Wonder if there might be something in there? Shame we don't have some water.
Although we did see some water earlier...
Turn right to face the curtains.
Use the grail on the puddle of water (ewww, dirty!) then turn left.
Use the grail full of dirty water on the fireplace.
When your eyes adjust, the fire should be out.
Click inside the fireplace to retrieve a stick. Hmmm, shouldn't that be burned at least?
Now what?
The Grindstone
Turn left to face the grindstone.
Looks like we need to repair the pedal.
Fortunately, we appear to have the parts we need.
Pull up the flat piece of wood from your inventory.
Use the rope on the wood. A replacement pedal!
Now use the rope/pedal combination on the grindstone.
Yay, it's repaired!
Now what?
The Demonic Eye
Turn right (or left) twice to face the curtains and the demonic eye.
How about we poke it with the stick we got from the fireplace?
Gee, we can't poke it with a blunt stick. How can we sharpen it?
Turn right (or left) twice to face the grindstone.
Use the blunt stick on the grindstone to sharpen it.
Examine the stick. It is now nice and pointy, and looks like a magician's wand.
Turn right (or left) twice to face the demonic eye.
Poke that eye with the sharp stick!
Well, we managed to irritate it, anyway.
Now what?
The Wooden Chest
Remember the wooden chest with the picture of an eye on it?
Wonder if it has anything to do with the demonic eye?
It had those buttons on it, the left, right, up, down buttons.
But where do we find the code?
You got the code when you poked the demonic eye with the sharp stick.
Do it again and watch closely, the eye moves in distinct directions: down, left, right, down, up.
Turn right to face the door out and the chest.
Click on the chest for a close up and push the buttons in the order you learned from the eye.
The chest will open to reveal a fine blade and a vellum journal with a code lock. Take the items and back up.
The Vellum Journal
Pull up the journal from your inventory.
Note the stylized E on it, we've seen it before (on the table and on the scroll).
Click on the right side of the journal to see the lock. We need a three digit code.
Perhaps the clue is in the other places we've seen the E?
Remember the scroll?
Look closely at the nonsense words that make up the scroll.
The first letter of each word spells out three numbers: Three, seven, and nine.
However, that won't work as the clue for the journal.
The second clue is the words on the table. The "Ends and the beginning" bit is the clue to reverse the numbers.
Therefore the code is 973.
Pull up the journal, then click on the right side to see the lock.
Enter the code you just got from the scroll/table combination.
Okay, there's a bit about the demonic eye fomenting unrest. What are the Talismans of Tarot, anyway?
Also check the inventory list on the page, 5 swords, 7 daggers, 3 axes, and 3 hammers, it looks like the folks in the castle are armed to the teeth.
Turn to the last page and you will see that it is blank except for that stylized E, although this time it is backwards.
Have we seen that thing backwards anywhere else?
Yes, on the magic wand!
Use the wand on the last (blank) page of the journal to reveal secret writing.
Okay, each symbol is a question, and the answers are the cup, the stick, the sword, and some sort of circle.
Close down the Journal.
The Weapons Rack
Turn right to face the weapons rack.
Hmmm, those empty spaces for the weapons are clickable. Wonder if that means anything.
Also, what's up with the note on the rack, the one telling us to DASH?
There are two parts to this clue.
The first part is the inventory of items from the book, 5 swords, 7 daggers, 3 axes, and 3 hammers.
That would indicate to click those areas the same number of times, the sword space 5 times, the dagger space 7 times, etc.
But that alone will not do what you need to do.
The word DASH also covers the first letters of each of the weapons, D - Daggers, A - Axes, S - Swords, and H - Hammers, so this indicates the order in which you should click.
Click the Dagger space 7 times, the Ax space 3 times, the Sword space 5 times, and the Hammer space 3 times.
If you click the spaces correctly, the rack will slide away revealing a small box with a code lock.
Click on the box for a close up.
Now we have dials, and they flash colors when they are clicked on. Notice the lines on the dials rotate with each click.
The first dial is green, the second dial is red, and the third dial is blue.
Have we seen those colors before?
Yes, on the books in the bookshelves.
Remember the positions of the books?
You need to move the dials to mimic the positions of the books, so the green dial needs to be pointing down and to the right (about 5:00 position), the red dial needs to be pointing down and to the left (the 7:00 position), and the blue dial needs to be pointing straight down (the 6:00 position).
If you enter the code correctly the box will open to that a happy coin?
Take the coin and back up.
Now what?
Getting Out
Turn right (or left) twice to face the demonic eye.
Whoa, not an eye anymore! Now it's vampiric teeth!
Click on the teeth and you will have a conversation with...whatever that thing is.
Apparently you have collected the Talismans of Tarot, so now you need its help getting out.
All you have to do is take up arms against the crown, simple.
You already have a sword, now you just need a crown!
There is a crown on the happy coin.
Pull up the happy coin and use the sword on it. This will deface the coin.
Use the defaced coin on the demonic eye and it will give you a key. Take the key.
Turn right to the door. Use the key on the door. Oh noes, a brick wall!
Turn left to face the demonic eye. Use the sword on the eye.
Four symbols fly out of the eye. Aren't those the symbol we saw in the book?
According to the book, each symbol is a question.
There are four symbols, a grumpy symbol, a morose symbol, an arrogant symbol, and a cheerful symbol.
According to the book the answers are the grail, the stick, the sword, and the coin.
But what is the question?
The answers are in the book, in the last page.
Note the double underlines underneath the word ANSWERS. It highlights NSWE.
The E underneath the rug with the arrow points to the demonic eyeball, which is E.
From there you can determine the locations of everything else: Eyeball is E, Fireplace is N, grindstone is W, and the trunk is S.
You have to place the items in the order you see them in the book, cup, stick, sword, coin.
Turn left to the fireplace (north) and place the cup in the cheerful symbol.
Turn right (or left) twice to the trunk (south) and place the stick in the morose symbol.
Turn right to the grindstone (west) and place the sword in the arrogant symbol.
Turn right (or left) twice to the eyeball (east) and place the coin in the grumpy symbol.
If you place the items you have escaped. Unfortunately, so has the demon.
Um, yay?
Posted by: grinnyp
September 5, 2012 9:06 AM