Bugs and I have an uneasy friendship. On the one hand I can appreciate the beauty of creation in their skeletons, the elegance of their societies, and the important role they play in our ecosystem. On the other hand, should one drop down the back of my shirt, talks are going to break down pretty quickly. It is to the latter part of my psyche that Insectonator, the new shooter from SonarGames, is aimed. It might not be too nice to all things great and small, but if you have a hankerin' for some arthropod blastin', it'll be sure to catch you in its web.
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Seems I cannot get all achievements now, because I never got my Heckler & Koch after playing the game for four minutes. The game kept saying "Upon level completion" for the achievement despite my completing many levels.
after killing myself...
by dropping a nuke...
and igniting it with...
the "Upon level completion" text disappeared, but, alas, no new gun. :-(
The completionist in me is disappointed.
Got all the achieves, but only 96% complete. What's needed for 100%? Perfect aim? Headshot with everything?
Some other things:
Using a rock (or boot) to set off a nuke is oddly satisfying. Getting a headshot with a nuke is just silly. Wished it offered more backgrounds (like kitchen tile) and a mode that turned off the "darkness". Remember you can use Esc to quit the round, but I think your "score" doesn't get counted.
Total arachnophobe here, so I actually let out an evil laugh when I got to a level where you were supposed to shoot two different kinds of spiders.
Only problem was, I got all the spiders on the screen, and no more ever showed up (I'd only bagged half the "quota", so was a long way from finishing the level). Waited a few minutes -- alt-tabbed to another window and waited a few more minutes...then just shrugged and gave up.
Warning: The game does not seem to autosave, so close the window at your peril.
Insectornator Acheivment Guide
The first achievement Reward: Rock. Simply start the game.
Disinsector Reward: Smith & Wesson. Kill 5 insects. You'll get this in the first introductory level.
Disinsector II Reward: Pineapple. Kill 500 insects. You'll get this in the normal course of playing the game.
Disinsector III Reward: M-16. Kill 1500 insects. Again, this will come as you play the game and get the other acheivements.
Melee Weapon Master Reward: Axe. Kill 100 insects with melee weapons. Pick a melee weapon and use it exclusively until you get this. Melee weapons are: Rock, Fish, Risk, Jackboot, Axe, Anvil.
Sniper Rifle Master Reward: Gever. Kill 200 insects with sniper rifles. Sniper rifles are: Mauser, Dragunov, Gever.
Grenade Master Reward: RPG-7. Kill 1000 insects with grenades. Grenades are: Pineapple, Pipe Bomb, Napalm.
Machine Gun Master Reward: Minigun. Kill 1500 insects with rifles. Rifles are: Heckler & Koch, AK-47, M-16, M-60.
Pistol Master Reward: Uzi. Kill 150 insects with pistols. Pistols are: Smith & Wesson, Hellsing.
Bazooka Master Reward: Stinger. Kill 300 insects with rocket launchers. Rocket launchers are: Bazooka, Stinger, RPG-7.
Still Here? Reward: Heckler & Koch. Play the game for 4 minutes, and then finish a level to receive the reward.
Slam-dunk Reward: Risk. Kill 3 grasshoppers while they are jumping. Play levels with grasshoppers in, and use explosives. Eventually you'll get this. Grasshoppers are very unpredictable so it's almost impossible to get them this way intentionally.
Industrious Reward: Pipe Bomb. Complete 3 levels of each type. Exactly what it says on the tin. Remember you can pick what level you play between missions, you don't have to take the random choice.
Flippant I Reward: Mauser. Miss 200 times. If you don't get this naturally, pick a rapid fire gun (e.g. minigun) and fire it into the ground.
Flippant II Reward: Anvil. Miss 500 times. See Flippant I.
Head Hunter I Reward: Jackboot. Get 30 headshots. To intentionally get headshots, pick a sniper rifle and aim at insect with large heads. Grasshoppers are good for this, and stand still for good amounts of time as well.
Head Hunter II Reward: M-60. Get 60 headshots. See Head Hunter I.
Head Hunter III Reward: Nuke. Get 80 headshots. See Head Hunter I.
Railgun Shot Reward: Napalm. Kill 7 insects in one shot. Note you cannot use explosives. Pick a gun which fires a large single shot, like a pistol, and wait for insects to congregate. Remember that segmented insects count for more than one kill if you can hit multiple segments at once. Just take a lot of luck.
Multikill Reward: Bazooka. Kill 20 insects in 4 seconds. Pick a rapid fire weapon (ideally the minigun), and unload into a level full of bugs until you hit 20 fast enough.
Collector Reward: Lightning. Destroy an insect of each type. Just play the game, especially the second 2 modes (Killer and Selectioner[sic]).
Anvilator Reward: Brauning. Get 10 headshots with the anvil. Get the anvil (Flippant II) and use it until you get the headshots.
Accurate Marksman Reward: AK-47. Kill 30 insects without missing. Pick a single shot weapon (pistol or sniper rifle) and be careful with your shots. Alternatively pick something that can't miss (e.g. explosives).
Hunter Reward: Fish. Kill 20 insects of the same type in succession. Play an Annihilator level.
Selective Reward: Hellsing. Kill 5 insectsof different types in succession. Pick a controllable weapon, and select different insects for 5 shots. Don't play an Annihilator level.
Veteran Reward: Dragunov. Finish 10 levels. Do Industrious, then one more level.
Weapon-Bearer Get every other acheivement, and make sure you've killed with every weapon.
Staunch You'll probably get this if you get Weapon-Bearer.
Mmmm... Deliciously mean little game... ]:-)
In real life, I was raised christian, so I'm trying to be budist about bugs - they're living things and they came long befor us to this little piece of space-dust popularly called Earth. I have hard time killing even those small fruit flys which stupidly constantly fly into my juice glass, and also, why kill spiders?! They're fascinating helpfull creatures!
Ofcourse, all of this doesn't aply for mosquitoes (spiders eat mosquitos!), playing this game I imagined all the bugs to be mosquitos so I had tons of fun.
Hmmm... Didn't get the weapon I was supposed to get for playing 4 minutes (Koch ... strange, since I killed more than 3 hours playing with it...
The achievment-icon of course says I completed it, still I didn't have the gun.
That, of course means, I cannot complete the game with 100%, because the last-but-one achievment is for killing with all 26 guns - which I cannot do, of course...
I encountered several other bugs - for example I wasn't able to shoot woth the grenade-launcher type weapons after I paused the game...
So, the 5-mushroom rating was a bit of a stretch on my part - but still, I hugely enjoyed the game, so no regrets :)
I agree with Seraku. I got all completions, except using all weapons because I didn't get Heckler & Koch, which is supposed to be the reward for playing 4 minutes. Well it has been well over 4 minutes and I have completed everything but (97%).
Bah. I hate bugs (not just insects, but programming snafu's also).
Yes, the o-rating is for the blood and guts... insect blood as it may be. Though personally I don't think the mere appearance of blood makes something more or less violent, there are definitely some who do. Therefore, the JiG policy is to tag games with blood-appearances with at least an orange rating.
In any case, in my opinion, it's clear that the developers included the blood and guts not from any sense of biological accuracy, but to make the game more evocative and creepy. There's nothing wrong with that, but by our standards, that's worthy of a "hey, this might not be for kids".
FYI to all, best weapon to get Railshot Achievement is Brauning(single shot not holding mouse button for auto)....biggest radius shot that counts for the achievement.
And I'd say best game mode to get it would be Selectioner cause the bugs congregate more often and in larger groups than Killer mode due to the fact that they wander around on Selectioner and all stay on screen vs on Killer where they go from one end of the screen to the other. Annihilator mode might work if you get the long bugs but it seemed that Secectioner mode was best.
Without the brauning though I'd say it would be pretty tough to get this achievement! (I didn't get it until I used the brauning lol)
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Walkthrough Guide
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Warning: The game does not seem to autosave, so close the window at your peril.
Insectornator Acheivment Guide
The first achievement Reward: Rock. Simply start the game.
Disinsector Reward: Smith & Wesson. Kill 5 insects. You'll get this in the first introductory level.
Disinsector II Reward: Pineapple. Kill 500 insects. You'll get this in the normal course of playing the game.
Disinsector III Reward: M-16. Kill 1500 insects. Again, this will come as you play the game and get the other acheivements.
Melee Weapon Master Reward: Axe. Kill 100 insects with melee weapons. Pick a melee weapon and use it exclusively until you get this. Melee weapons are: Rock, Fish, Risk, Jackboot, Axe, Anvil.
Sniper Rifle Master Reward: Gever. Kill 200 insects with sniper rifles. Sniper rifles are: Mauser, Dragunov, Gever.
Grenade Master Reward: RPG-7. Kill 1000 insects with grenades. Grenades are: Pineapple, Pipe Bomb, Napalm.
Machine Gun Master Reward: Minigun. Kill 1500 insects with rifles. Rifles are: Heckler & Koch, AK-47, M-16, M-60.
Pistol Master Reward: Uzi. Kill 150 insects with pistols. Pistols are: Smith & Wesson, Hellsing.
Bazooka Master Reward: Stinger. Kill 300 insects with rocket launchers. Rocket launchers are: Bazooka, Stinger, RPG-7.
Still Here? Reward: Heckler & Koch. Play the game for 4 minutes, and then finish a level to receive the reward.
Slam-dunk Reward: Risk. Kill 3 grasshoppers while they are jumping. Play levels with grasshoppers in, and use explosives. Eventually you'll get this. Grasshoppers are very unpredictable so it's almost impossible to get them this way intentionally.
Industrious Reward: Pipe Bomb. Complete 3 levels of each type. Exactly what it says on the tin. Remember you can pick what level you play between missions, you don't have to take the random choice.
Flippant I Reward: Mauser. Miss 200 times. If you don't get this naturally, pick a rapid fire gun (e.g. minigun) and fire it into the ground.
Flippant II Reward: Anvil. Miss 500 times. See Flippant I.
Head Hunter I Reward: Jackboot. Get 30 headshots. To intentionally get headshots, pick a sniper rifle and aim at insect with large heads. Grasshoppers are good for this, and stand still for good amounts of time as well.
Head Hunter II Reward: M-60. Get 60 headshots. See Head Hunter I.
Head Hunter III Reward: Nuke. Get 80 headshots. See Head Hunter I.
Railgun Shot Reward: Napalm. Kill 7 insects in one shot. Note you cannot use explosives. Pick a gun which fires a large single shot, like a pistol, and wait for insects to congregate. Remember that segmented insects count for more than one kill if you can hit multiple segments at once. Just take a lot of luck.
Multikill Reward: Bazooka. Kill 20 insects in 4 seconds. Pick a rapid fire weapon (ideally the minigun), and unload into a level full of bugs until you hit 20 fast enough.
Collector Reward: Lightning. Destroy an insect of each type. Just play the game, especially the second 2 modes (Killer and Selectioner[sic]).
Anvilator Reward: Brauning. Get 10 headshots with the anvil. Get the anvil (Flippant II) and use it until you get the headshots.
Accurate Marksman Reward: AK-47. Kill 30 insects without missing. Pick a single shot weapon (pistol or sniper rifle) and be careful with your shots. Alternatively pick something that can't miss (e.g. explosives).
Hunter Reward: Fish. Kill 20 insects of the same type in succession. Play an Annihilator level.
Selective Reward: Hellsing. Kill 5 insectsof different types in succession. Pick a controllable weapon, and select different insects for 5 shots. Don't play an Annihilator level.
Veteran Reward: Dragunov. Finish 10 levels. Do Industrious, then one more level.
Weapon-Bearer Get every other acheivement, and make sure you've killed with every weapon.
Staunch You'll probably get this if you get Weapon-Bearer.
Posted by: Max
March 31, 2011 2:50 PM