Hungry Sumo
Sumo wrestling, as everyone knows, is a noble and ancient Japanese art where a rotund man bounces around like a ping pong ball, occasionally careening into other sumo wrestlers, and shoveling rice down his gullet as quickly as possible to increase his size and convert all adversaries into clones of himself. So loosen your belt, grab your industrial-strength chopsticks, and jump into Hungry Sumo for seconds. Or tenths. Or fiftieths. Yum.
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Hungry Sumo Tips and Tricks:
Types of Sumos:
Pink Sumo: you
Blue Sumo: the basic type of enemy, no special powers
Statue Sumo: bumps into you, he doesn't hurt you, and you don't hurt him, but if you bump him while growing, you turn into a statue, and that statue can not be undone
Ninja Sumo: works like a blue sumo, but does more damage per hit
Grower Sumo (in green): grows in pulses
Oni Sumo (red demon): hits harder as he shrinks (the opposite of others), and pursues your sumo when he's small
Poison Sumo (green skin): causes damage over time to sumos that bump into him
General Tips:
Patience is actually really important. Most of the time it's not necessary to try to take risks with feeding until the last possible second, because the consequences of bumping while growing are so dire. Focus your attention more on people in the clear.
Another area in which patience pays off is that making mistakes isn't the end. "If there's life there's hope" is definitely true in this game, so don't think you have to restart a level just because you've lost one sumo, even if due to a mistake on your part. Even if you're down to one tiny sumo, it's frequently possible to make a comeback, if you stay calm and play prudently.
Take advantage of the fact that your sumo can hit each other without penalty. If you have a sumo shielded by other sumos, focus on making that one huge.
The poison sumo is the most dangerous. On levels with more than one kind of enemy, get rid of the poison sumos first.
Remember that statue sumos, while they can't be changed by you, also can't be changed by your enemy. Sometimes it pays to purposefully let a sumo be turned to stone, rather than to let it float where it will be turned into an enemy sumo.
I have a 3 week old baby, so it's possible that I suffered a momentary fit of new parent brain, but when I go to level 18 it says "tip: the oni sumo is most vicious when small", so... I don't know what to say! I'll ask Jay to contact the dev for clarification, but I don't THINK I'm wrong. If I am, I'm very sorry of course!
[We talked to the developer, and it turns out you're both right! Small onis both hit harder and pursue your sumo. The walkthrough has been edited accordingly ~Mike]
I'm not very impressed with this. The controls kind of suck. Having to put your mouse over the sumo you want to grow can be a very big pain, particularly when there are a lot of things happening on the screen at once and you can't find the cursor. I think it would probably be better to have the sumo numbered, and then just press the corresponding number to make a sumo grow. Other than it's pretty fun, though kind of simplistic.
Man oh man oh man oh man am I getting friggin' frustrated by level 43... I think I've tried over 50 times nog (maybe even over a 100 times) and I just ... can't ... make it.
I've been on the point that I have like 5 or 6 sumos but I'm still overpowered by those growing sumo's.
Almost at the point I'm going to give up, which is a shame, because I want to finish this fine game.
I would enjoy this game a lot more if you had to click and hold the sumo to grow, instead of just mousing over. Since you naturally try to mouse over the center of the sumo, it's much harder to get away from him as he grows, making it really difficult to actually stop growing when you want (particularly when using a trackpad). Clicking would allow you to time your growth more accurately.
Also, the random movement is annoying. By that I mean each time you start, each sumo (yours and the enemies) go off in random directions. I found myself restarting a level several times because it was impossible if the sumo started the level moving toward the center.
That said, it's a fun concept and a good looking game. The variety of enemies keeps it from getting stale. If the later levels weren't so ragequit-inducing, I'd definitely be interested in playing more.
I would enjoy this game a lot more, if everytime it loaded, it didn't say it was locked and to go play it on despite my address bar saying
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Walkthrough Guide
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Hungry Sumo Tips and Tricks:
Types of Sumos:
Pink Sumo: you
Blue Sumo: the basic type of enemy, no special powers
Statue Sumo: bumps into you, he doesn't hurt you, and you don't hurt him, but if you bump him while growing, you turn into a statue, and that statue can not be undone
Ninja Sumo: works like a blue sumo, but does more damage per hit
Grower Sumo (in green): grows in pulses
Oni Sumo (red demon): hits harder as he shrinks (the opposite of others), and pursues your sumo when he's small
Poison Sumo (green skin): causes damage over time to sumos that bump into him
General Tips:
Patience is actually really important. Most of the time it's not necessary to try to take risks with feeding until the last possible second, because the consequences of bumping while growing are so dire. Focus your attention more on people in the clear.
Another area in which patience pays off is that making mistakes isn't the end. "If there's life there's hope" is definitely true in this game, so don't think you have to restart a level just because you've lost one sumo, even if due to a mistake on your part. Even if you're down to one tiny sumo, it's frequently possible to make a comeback, if you stay calm and play prudently.
Take advantage of the fact that your sumo can hit each other without penalty. If you have a sumo shielded by other sumos, focus on making that one huge.
The poison sumo is the most dangerous. On levels with more than one kind of enemy, get rid of the poison sumos first.
Remember that statue sumos, while they can't be changed by you, also can't be changed by your enemy. Sometimes it pays to purposefully let a sumo be turned to stone, rather than to let it float where it will be turned into an enemy sumo.
Posted by: joye
June 2, 2011 11:09 PM