An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Guardian Rock

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4.4/5 (197 votes)

When explorers are ransacking your ancient ruins, who ya gonna call?!... well, no, not them. You call Guardian Rock, foul tempered smasher of trespassers and the curious hero of this quirky, cute arcade-style puzzler from Torpedo Lab. Slide your way across 48 levels of explorers, spikes, dynamite, and more. Your ancient civilization needs you!

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I'm not sure I can bring myself to smash countless hordes of tiny Indiana Joneses.


Hmm There's something quite satisfying about destroying the miniexplorers, especially with that sound effect...


I just love the looks on their little faces when they see their little friends crushed against the walls. Priceless.

Cyberjar88 August 30, 2009 7:47 PM

Anyone have a way to beat Lv. 11?

Cyberjar88 August 30, 2009 7:48 PM



Fun fun fun! Reminds me a lot of the Ice Cave puzzles in Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal.


Stuck on 38. Anyone have any hints for me?


Oh for pete's sake! Why don't they SAY these things?!?!?

You have to be LOGGED IN on their site for the game to save your progress.

Accidentally went back to the menu screen and lost twenty-some levels of play.



What a cool puzzle game. A bit different than the usual ones I've come across.

Anyone have any luck with level 15??? That level is whacked! How do you get over to the left side of the screen through the little path by the spikes? I've been going in circles for minutes now.

Anyway, this is the kind of headache I don't mind so much (unless it's for another 10 minutes...ugh!)

Any help would be most appreciated. Thx!

caitlin1989 August 31, 2009 1:26 AM

Working on level 38, too. lol

I love games like this.


@Aaronzdad, I was just going to post the same thing. Incredibly frustrating to get 40 some odd levels into the game and then go look at the menu screen to figure out how many levels there actually are, only to find out that you have to start over from level 1!!!

DUMBEST THING I'VE SEEN IN A LONG TIME, how many other games don't save this info in your cache for crying out loud?!? I don't care about a high score, I just wanted to check on the number of levels.

Beyond that, the game is actually pretty easy and I blew through 80-90% of all the levels on the first try.


Stuck on level 15 too.

I like this game.


Yeah I was on level 25 and went to check the menu and lost it all.



Hi, I'm the developer of the game! First, thanks Dora for the great review. If anyone should apologise for people losing progress it's me :)

This is the first I heard of this issue, and I assure you that it wasn't intentional. It should work both with or without a login (and has worked for the testers). I will look into it ASAP!

My only guess at this point is that something happens when people log in or out, so perhaps if you make sure to refresh the page after logging in or out it will work. But as I said, I'll look at it so it works no matter what.

Thanks to all of you for your comments!


OK, I found the bug - the good news is that your level progress has been saved, but you have to restart the game to see it. So if you try again now you'll see it. The problem was that it didn't appear if you just left the game to the menu. Again, sorry for that! The game will be updated shortly.

Big thanks to those of you who pointed this out!


Thank you, torpedolab, for figuring it out so quickly! :D

Update: New version now up, and I've confirmed that escaping to the main menu saves your progress.


I've been stuck on 38 for like 25 mins now...any help would be appreciated :)

Cyberjar88 August 31, 2009 1:30 PM

I think we can all agree that 38 is insane.


Thanks for fixing the save issue, I'll start it over from scratch but feel confident in the fact that it can't/won't happen again. I love the old Orbox (was that the right name?) games so this one was right up my alley....but like I said a bit easy.

Cyberjar88 August 31, 2009 1:55 PM

But, so is 47.


What's the problem with level 38? Once I finish the game I'll come back and do a write up on it, it's only a few moves.


For lvl 38, the trick is to kill the top guys first



Just finished the game, only #18 in the rankings though. Since I was playing it form work there were a few levels where I just left the clock ticking while I did some actual work and forgot to pause...oh well. 329,100 was my final score, and the last level takes some good timing in about 3 places.

I see someone else did a level 38 walk through, thanks for saving me the trouble.


This is so much fun, and kudos for fixing that bug so fast! I love popping the little guys :)


It seems that if you close the game, it saves your progress, but not your total score. It was a little disappointing to finish the game and only get credit for 19,xxx points.

caitlin1989 September 1, 2009 2:50 AM

Stuck on 43. I've restarted the level like 10 times, lol. Any clues?

caitlin1989 September 1, 2009 2:59 AM

Nvm, got it! now if I can just get past 46.

Cyberjar88 September 1, 2009 2:55 PM

@caitlin1989: Wait until you get to lvl 47.


For level 15

up, right, down, left, up, right, up , left, down, up, right, down, right, up, right, down, left, down, right, for this part you need to wait till the little guys are together then go down, up, right, down, left, down


OK...I can't get through lvl 4... am I stupid??

Cyberjar88 September 1, 2009 5:38 PM

If anyone has a solution for 48, I'd love to hear it.

caitlin1989 September 1, 2009 11:17 PM

Lol, just got to 48 too, I've figured out how to get around the first two sides, but then I just keep turning to dust.

caitlin1989 September 1, 2009 11:51 PM

Finally beat it! Tips for 48

Follow the ghosts and keep moving. Move clockwise and when you get to the top of the third side, wait a beat before moving to the ghost where the cannons aim. If you wait a second, then you can immediately move backwards where the second ghost will appear and be out of danger.

Hope that makes sense, I'm not very good at explaining stuff. lol


I'm still very stuck on 24, I'd love it if some one helped me out, it's been two days!


excellente game, had me hooked from the start. cool music, game mechanics and cute graphics. I'll keep coming back for more, thanks!


Level 24

d d (kill the explorer on the platform) u r r d (now you move with the arrow) u l d (kill the first guy from the left on the ground) u l d (kill the second guy) u l d


can someone help me out for level 34, i'm unbelieveably stuck!


Hope it helps.


d r u


r d l d r , d l d r l


r d l u l , d r u r u


u l l r d , l u u l d , r d


u r d u l , u r d l d , r u r


d u r u l , d l u l d , l d


l d r u l , d r u u l , d r u r d , l u r


l u l d r , u l d r d , l u r


u d l r d , l u d r


u l d l u , r u d l u


r u r u r , d l d l d , l u r u r , d l d r u , l d r u r , d


d r u l u , l d r u r , d l u l


d u l u r , d l d r d , l u r u l , u r


r d (guy 1) u r d (guy 3) u l d r d (guy 2) u


r d (2 guys at the same time) u r d (guy) l d l u r d (guy) l (guy) u r u l d (guy) u r d r (guy) u r (guy) d l d


u l u


r d (guy) r d d l d (guy) r d d l d (guy) r d (guy) r u r (guy) r u r u r (guy) r u r u r (guy) u l d , d d d l (guy) u u r (guy) d


When you kill all the explorers and go to the left, stop before the TNT; u u r d r r d r


l r u l (guy) l u


l u l d u r r (2 guys) u l (2 guys) u r l d l u l


u l (guy) r (guy) u (guy) l l u l (guy) d
now you are on the pyramid, kill the others


wait for the ghosts right above the left spears UP, RIGHT, DOWN (kill 2 guys at the bottom).
Wait for the 3 ghosts at the top and UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT
wait for the 2 ghosts under then go DOWN, wait for the 2 vertical ghosts in front of the spears and LEFT
3 ghosts, and go UP, LEFT and kill the two guys at the top.
Guys are gone, go out.


u l r d r


d d (guy on the platform) u r r d (arrow) u l d (guy) u l d (guy) u l d


u r d r (guy) l d


r l u, now you need to wait for the right ghosts for the directions below
d r d r u


u l , now you are right under the gate. Smash the guys just using up and down and go out.


d r u r (guy) d l d l (through the orange door) r d l (4 guys) r u u l d l (through green door), d l u l (guy) d r d r (through the red door)


r d d l u and let the cannons do the job for you.


R U R smash the first floor.
D L smash the third floor.
U R smash the second floor.
D L U out


U L (bottom left ghosts stop you) D R U (top right guy is gone)
D R (bottom right ghosts) D (kill the four guys)
L U (top left guy is gone)
R U (top left ghosts stop you and you are out)


Timing is important.


U L D (guy) L U L U R D R (guy) U L D L D L U L D (guy) L D (guy) R U L U R D L D L U L D L U


D R (through blue door), U (arrow and through red door), U L U D (arrow and through orange door), D L


D R U R U R D L D (guy) L U R D (guy) L U U R D


R (through blue) L D (through green) L D (guy) R (guy) L U R D D L U (through orange) L U L U U L D (and kill the two guys at the same time) U


L D D D R U, R R D R U , U U R U


D R U L (guy) L D (guy) R (guy) D L D (guy) L U R D L (guy) R


D L R U (through green) , L (wait fo the ghost) R U L (wait for the ghost, do not do through the blue door) D R (through the red door)


Horizontal ghosts are from left to right: 1,2,3,4
Vertical ghosts are from top to bottom: a,b,c,d

R (ghost 1) D R (to the blue door) , R (ghost 3) D R (to the red door) , L D (ghost d) R D L


R D R U R (2 guys) D L (guy) D R R D R (cannons kill the guys at the bottom, go through red door)


Do not go through the red door, wait for the ghost U L D L
Go towards the green door, wait for the right ghosts U R D
Before going through the green door, wait for the ghost appearing in front of the red door.
Using the right ghosts, go out L U L U L D


D (through orange) D (guy) R (guy) U (guy) U U L U (guy) L D (guy) R U (guy) R


Before you go through the colourful doors, wait for the ghosts to appear at their exits)
U R R D (guy) R U R R U U L (guy) U L (go through the red door)
U L R (orange)
U L L (green)
U L (blue)


Start when the ghost in the middle appears


Wait for the right ghosts to go with the right directions.
R D (guy)
L R (through the blue door)


L U (guy) L D L U R (go with the arrow and smash the guy), L L D U L


Timing is important, this level works mostly with the ghosts.
Grouping of the directions is according to the order of appearance of the ghosts.
U R U - R R U R - D L D - R D L D L (through the blue door)


Great game! It's, dare I say, a real blast!:-)


Unfortunately, I've hit the wall on lvl 32. My fingers are crippled due to scleraderma, so I'm not fast enough to dodge the cannonballs. One of the things I really liked about the game was it didn't rely heavily on split second timing.:-(


That's so nitrome :)

nerdypants October 17, 2009 10:43 PM

Ha, got myself stuck in an endless teleportation loop on level 43.


Nice review and a very nice game, I am at l23 now - doing well, we'll see how I get on..

my question is, around the late 80s/start of the 90s there was a game for the PC (DOS) which was very close to Guardian Rock, does anyone know what I talk about?

This thing is driving me crazy for a looong time :-)

Thanks !


The ending is cool...

The temple is saved, the remaining intruders all run away in terror, and the Guardian Rock "hooks up with a spirit block chick named Greta" and they live mostly happily together for the rest of their eternal lives. Aww, isn't that sweet?

AGuyWhoPlay December 18, 2009 5:57 AM

LVL 38:

Left, Right, Down, Right, Up, Left, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Left,Up, Left, Down, Right.

There You Go! DONE!

Person of Awesome March 20, 2010 6:17 PM

Woah, when I saw the image I almost forgot this wasn't a Nitrome game. Great game tho.

adam gunderloy April 10, 2010 8:22 PM

help with level 7?

killakilla April 17, 2010 8:37 PM

somebody help me on lvl 7 plz its hard

HaileyC1031 June 4, 2010 5:09 PM

So does anyone know what is up with the special square things? There are like stars and other shapes but I dont get what they are there for.


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