Golden Dragon Mystery
Who's up for a taste of the Orient? No, not a Yum-Cha banquet as much as I'd like to be able to take us all out for. Rather, a nice little point and click entree from Abroy> games, a delightfully seasoned escape game without the MSG. Golden Dragon Mystery is a pleasurable break from routine, as sweet as ordering Chinese take-out on the weekend.
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The bells all sound the same.
Me, I'm stuck.
I've used the chopsticks to get a single blue dragon. I've also got six tiles. I've opened the right-hand drawer beneath the golden dragon, but none of the other code-locked things. I've seen the clue beneath the end table-- it looks like two goats facing one another, or something like that?-- and I've observed that turning on the three lamps in the room makes the panels on the door light up.
Okay, update.
I looked on top of the tall cabinet. I found another plate (that's eight), a yellow dragon, and a code with six letters, which I used to figure out the three Zodiac symbols for the other drawer, which held a blue dragon.
No idea on the four colored dragons or the four letters, though. I suspect I know three of the colors because of the lamps, but the fourth...?
More updates on my situation.
I found the other yellow dragon (it was out in the open the whole time). I also solved the four-letter puzzle (the two oxen were a clue for it) and got the last dragon inside it.
I'm still stumped about the four colored dragons, and I've figured out that the lamps have nothing to do with it; they instead correspond to the six colored dragons I've collected. Which means I have no clues whatsoever for the colored dragons.
And it figures I'd get that solution IMMEDIATELY after posting, by acting on a hunch I'd already had.
The four colored bars over the dragon scrolls near the door are the clue for the colored dragons. I've got all nine tiles now, and used them to get the gem, which I put in the gold dragon's eye.
...Now what do I do?
The letters:
Note the picture of the oxen. Compare it with the ox's picture on the zodiac plate. Note that the ox on the left is in the same orientation, whereas the one on the right is facing the other way. You've got an ox and a backwards ox. What does that add up to?
...was that too much of a nudge?
I'm out now. Once I figured out that X, the rest was easy.
(where X = "you could pull the dragon's arm after inserting the gem")
@Krisiti - for the letters:
You need to combine hints found in two places in the room.
One of the hints is the zodiac plate.
There are no four-letter animal names, though.
Where else have you seen one of the zodiac animals?
How was that animal presented?
Hope this was somewhat helpful without giving it away outright :-)
Golden Dragon Mystery Walkthrough
Looking Around
Couch Screen
Zoom in on the couch. Look under the center couch pillow to see a hint. There are twelve dots arranged as if on a clock face, with a line pointing to the 10 o'clock position. There are six hash marks on the line, and the second from the center of the clock face is highlighted.
Look under the right couch cushion to collect a tile. Zoom out.
Click in the right corner to see a piece of paper taped to the wall. There are two oxen, facing each other. Zoom out.
Click on the left corner table. Take the tile and yellow dragon paper. Zoom out.
Click on the lattice work in the ceiling. Take the tile and note that the lattice appears to spell out a code, 3803. Zoom out.
Turn Left
Door Screen
Click the pull cord under the lamp with an orange dragon. Notice the top window in the door lights up.
The wall hangings have stripes of color on the top. From top to bottom the stripes are red, yellow, blue, and green.
Click on the table. Take the chopsticks
The box requires a four digit number code. Zoom out.
Turn Left
Dragon Screen
The lamp with a green dragon can also be turned on. Turn right and notice that the green dragon lamp has lit up the second window in the door. Turn left to get back to the dragon screen.
Take a tile out of the center drawer.
The left drawer requires a 3 character animal shape code.
The right drawer requires a 4 digit number code.
Zoom out and turn left.
Shelves Screen
The lamp with the purple dragon can also be turned on. If you turn to the door screen, you will see that turning on this lamp lights the bottom door window.
Click on the seat. Click on the cushion to take a tile.
Click on the wooden part of the seat to move it close to the shelves. Zoom out.
Click on the top of the shelves. Take the tile.
Click on the hat to move it. Take the dragon paper.
Note the paper tacked to the rafter. It says 'oo ee bb.' Zoom out.
Click on the shelves.
On the right there are two books on a shelf. Click next to the books to take a tile.
Click the center plate on the top shelf. Click again to zoom in. Note the arrangement of shapes and years. Also note the name of each zodiac creature. Zoom out.
The top drawer requires a 4 color code.
The third drawer requires a 4 letter code.
Couch Screen (Again)
Click on the table in the right corner.
Use the chopsticks on the vase to get a dragon paper.
Opening Drawers and Boxes
The color code drawer
Where in the room have we seen four colors?
Take the tile.
The letter code drawer
Use the hint with the two oxen.
Take the dragon paper
The box
There are two hints for a number code in the room.
Click the circular design to open.
Take the dragon paper
The shape code drawer
Use the hint from the set of shelves.
Take the dragon paper
The number code drawer
Use the clock face hint
Take the tile.
The tile puzzle
Click on the table to the left of the couch
Use the tileson the table.
Click each tile to rotate it. Rotate tiles until the picture is complete.
When the picture is complete a drawer will pop open.
Take the gem.
Final Puzzle
Use the gem on the dragon.
Click the dragon's arm, and notice the dragon turns its head downwards and projects a light.
Place any dragon paper on the table below the dragon. Place any other different colored paper on top of this one. Click the dragon's arm.
Take the new dragon paper.
You need to create an orange dragon from a red and yellow dragon; a purple dragon from a blue and red dragon; and a green dragon from a blue and yellow dragon. For the color blind, hover over any dragon paper in the inventory to see what color it is.
Zoom out and turn to the door screen.
Remember the lamps with an orange, a purple, and a green dragon?
Place the orange dragon in the top window, the green dragon in the middle window, and the purple dragon in the bottom window.
After inputting a code you must click the drawer/box to open. There is no visual or audible indicator that you've entered the correct code until you try to open the drawer.
There is no changing cursor, but still only minor pixel hunting.
Use the colors from the wall hangings.
Red, yellow, blue green.
For the colorblind, that is 3 clicks, 1 click, 4 clicks, and 5 clicks
The two oxen are facing opposite directions.
Use the hint from the couch screen.
What animals might correspond to 'oo ee bb'?
ROOster (3 clicks), shEEp (5 clicks), raBBit (9 clicks)
The only thing arranged like a clock face is the zodiac plate on the set of shelves.
Looking at the zodiac animal at the 10 o'clock position, there are six years given. The second from the center of the plate is 1986.
Locations of Collectable Items
Locations of Tiles
Under right couch cushion
On the corner table left of the couch
On the lattice on the roof above couch
Next to the book on the shelves/drawers furniture
On top of the drawers furniture
Under seat cushion
In the center drawer under the dragon
In the top drawer in the set of shelves
In the right drawer under the dragon
Locations of Dragon Papers
On the corner table left of the couch
In the third drawer of the set of shelves
On top of the set of shelves
In the left drawer under the dragon
In the vase
In the box on the table by the door
Sofa screen:
The light can be turned on and off. It's a pretty lampshade.
The windows
There's a plate to collect here.
The middle window frame looks a little strange.
There's a number written sideways.
The sofa
Three cushions to click, a plate to collect and a strange diagram which I can't pick up.
Chest to the left
Another plate, and a square. I wonder what I put here? Maybe later.
There's also a scroll to the right of the chest. It's a yellow dragon.
Table to the right
The vase rattles - does it have anything in it? I can't get it out now.
There's a picture of two animals facing each other. I'll remember it for now.
Turn right to the tall cabinet screen. There's another pretty light that can be turned on and off.
The cabinet
There are 4 drawers, two of which I can open now, but they're empty.
There's another plate hidden here.
It's on a shelf on the right, next to a red book.
The blue patterned plate moves from side-to-side. The red plate above can be brought to the front. Now I can look at it properly.
It's the Chinese zodiac. This looks like it has many clues!
Top of the cabinet - I can see something up there, but I can't reach it.
There's a plate under the cushion.
I can move the shoes from side to side.
I can move the footstool from side to side.
I bet I can reach the top of the cabinet now.
I found a plate, a yellow dragon, and a strange note that said "oo ee bb"
Turn right again to the dragon cabinet screen. Another light.
Top of the cabinet:
The dragon doesn't do anything yet.
The bells chime if I ring them.
The chairs are pretty, but I can't use them.
Left drawer
Three pictures of animals. I presume they have something to do with the zodiac plate.
I'll look at the names of the animals, to see if anything looks familiar.
"oo ee bb" - a clue for here.
rOOster shEEp raBBit
A blue dragon.
Middle drawer
A plate. Not really a surprise by now.
Right drawer
A four digit number.
Maybe if I try the code from the window?
Oh, it didn't work. Maybe it's a year from the zodiac plate? But which one?
There was a strange diagram on the sofa. Is that the clue?
It indicates the 5th row of the Tiger - which is 1986.
Another plate. 8 out of 9.
Right again, to the door screen. I can see the first pretty light here.
If the light is on, a panel in the door lights up.
There are pictures on the wall.
They have coloured bands at the top.
There's a table. It has some chopsticks on it, which I can pick up.
There's a box.
Another four digit code.
Maybe the window code will work here?
A red dragon.
There are two drawers I haven't opened yet, on the tall cabinet screen.
Top drawer
Four dragons, which can be different colours.
I've seen four colours before, on those hanging pictures.
Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
The final plate.
Bottom locked drawer
Four letters.
The only clue left is that picture of two animals.
The animals are facing in different directions.
It looks like an Ox.
The code is ‘OXXO'.
Another red dragon.
That vase is bugging me - I'm sure it has something in it.
I can use the chopsticks to find another blue dragon.
I have 9 plates, 2 yellow dragons, 2 blue dragons and 2 red ones.
The plates go on top of the chest to form a puzzle.
Rotate the plates to create a picture of a flower.
I found a gem! I wonder where it goes?
It goes in the dragon's eye-socket, on the dragon cabinet screen. Now I can move its arm, and it shines a light briefly.
I'll try putting one of my dragon pictures there, and using the light.
Nothing. Maybe add another dragon?
I can mix two coloured dragons together, to get three new dragons: purple, orange and green.
The final puzzle
I have 3 dragons: purple, orange and green. What else has these dragons on?
The three lightshades have those colours of dragons.
I can put the dragons on the door, using the lights to guide me.
Top to bottom: Orange, Green, Purple.
This game takes some guesswork to figure out. everything you see that seems like a clue, is. It's just a matter of figuring out which clue goes to which lock.
I'll give hints as to which clues solve which puzzles
Right Drawer Under Golden Dragon:
Solve with the diagram behind the centre couch cushion.
Use this with the round chart behind the top plate in the cabinet.
Notice the red line.
Left Drawer Under Golden Dragon:
Solve with the letters posted above the tall cabinet.
Move the stool over to reach the top of the cabinet.
Use this clue with the round chart behind the top plate in the cabinet.
Which animals have double letters in their names.
Rooster - Sheep - Rabbit
Top Drawer in Cabinet:
Use the wall hangings beside the table.
Notice the colour bands on the top.
Top to bottom = Left to right.
Red - Yellow - Blue - Green
Lower Drawer in Cabinet:
Use picture bottom right of couch.
Use with chart behind top plate in cabinet.
What animal is this?
Notice the directions they face.
Box on Table:
Use with windows above couch.
Tilt your head to the right.
See the number made of the cross bars.
Red squares and where to use them:
Right drawer under golden dragon
Top drawer in tall cabinet
On top of tall cabinet
Behind right couch cushion
On bench left of couch
In centre window above couch
Beside books, bottom right shelf in cabinet
Under cushion of stool
Centre drawer under golden dragon
Place on bench beside couch.
Unscramble the picture
Click to rotate the individual squares
Take the ruby
Dragon Pictures:
Blue Dragons:
Left drawer under golden dragon.
In vase beside couch.
Use chopsticks to get it out
Red Dragons:
Second from bottom drawer in cabinet.
Box on table
Yellow Dragons:
On floor to the right of bench.
Under hat on top of tall cabinet.
Use with golden dragon.
Place ruby in dragons eye.
Note colours of lamps in the room.
Orange, Green, and Purple
Use the dragon to merge 2 colours into 1.
Place 2 dragon pictures in front of dragon, then pull his arm down.
Create colours matching the lamps.
Combine red+blue, red+yellow and blue+yellow.
Opening the door and escaping:
Place the dragon paintings on the panels of the door.
Use the lights to figure out which colours go where.
coloured lamp lights up matching panel on the door
Top: Orange
Middle: Green
Bottom: Purple
Linnea: Looks like a design flaw to me. The plate is also obscured by the inventory bar for me in Firefox and Chrome both running on Ubuntu 10.10.
In fact
I totally missed the clue that relates to the obscured picture of the OX. I figured OXXO by trial and error, after trying OXES and OXEN and TWOX (two ox, get it?).
Golden Dragon Mystery Walkthrough
General Information
To escape there are 9 patterened tiles to collect to solve a puzzle, and six coloured dragon scrolls to collect; 2 yellow, 2 red and 2 blue. These will also be used to solve a puzzle.
Navigate around the room by clicking to the left and right of the screen.
When in close-up, click the bottom of the screen to go back.
Click on furnishings to interact with drawers and other objects.
Click on items to add them to your inventory. Click on items in the inventory to use them.
The inventory is at the top of the screen and can be scrolled through by clicking the left or right arrows.
The music can be muted by clicking on the sound off symbol at the top right of the screen next to the Walkthrough button.
Room with the lounge
Click on the middle cushion to reveal a wheel diagram. Note the red line and its position on the wheel.
Click on the right cushion for Tile #1.
Click on the floor chest to the left.
Take Tile #2 from the left.
Take the Yellow Dragon scroll #1 to the right and click back out.
Click on the vase to the right. It will lift and shake from side-to-side, but nothing more to do here.
While in the vase view note the clue taped to the wall to the right, a picture of Oxen. Click back out.
In the broader view, note the lantern with the orange dragon to the left. Click on the cord to light it.
Note the windows above the lounge. Click on the centre window for a close-up. Take Tile #3 and note that the window frame looks like a number.
Click back out and go the right.
Click on the lounge for a close up.
Shelves with plates
Note the lantern with the purple dragon. Click on the cord to light it up.
Note the stool to the right of the shelves. Also note the pyramid-looking shape at the very top of the shelves. We'll come back to that later.
Click on the shelves for a close-up. Let's try the drawers first.
The second and bottom drawers yield nothing.
Clicking on the top drawer shows four dragons that need a colour code.
Clicking on the 3rd drawer shows that a four-letter word is required. The clue for this has already been discovered.
It relates to the picture of the two Ox.
The two Ox are mirror images of each other; one facing forwards, one facing backwards.
Click on the bottom shelf with the three plates. Not much happens, other than the middle plate moving to the side. But if you look to the right where the 2 red-covered books are, Tile #4 is wedged in there, so take it.
Click on the shelf above with three plates. The middle plate will turn around. Click on it again and note the Chinese horoscope animals and years. Does this layout look familiar?
It looks a little bit like the wheel diagram on the lounge.
Remember where the red line was on the wheel diagram? Perhaps it will match up with a certain animal's year?
Year of the Tiger.
Click back out from the plates to go back to the broader view.
There's a small stool to the right of the shelves with some pretty Chinese shoes underneath it.
Click on the shoes, and they'll move to the left. That's about all.
Click on the stool cushion. It will raise to reveal Tile #5, so take that.
Click on the base of the stool and it will move left. Click back out.
Click on the top of the shelves where the pyramid-type object is. Now that the stool has been moved into position you can access the top of the shelves.
The pyramid object turns out to be a Chinese straw hat. Click on it to reveal Yellow Dragon scroll #2, and add the scroll to the inventory.
Click on Tile #6 which is on the right.
Note the clue screwed to the wooden beam at the top.
oo ee bb
Click back out to the main room, and then click to go right.
Enter the code and click on the drawer to open it. Take Red Dragon scroll #1.
Golden Dragon Cupboard
Note the lantern with green dragon on the left. Click on the cord to switch it on,
Click on the cupboards for a close-up.
Note the three bells. Click on them, simply to hear them ring. That's about it though.
Click on the left drawer and note that a code is needed involving animal silhouettes. The code for this has already been found.
At the very top of the shelves with the plates there was a small plaque with the letters: oo ee bb
These letters relate to animals on the Chinese horoscope.
Which animals have names that have double letters in them?
Click on the animal images until you have displayed from left to right, a rooster, a sheep and a rabbit.
Open the drawer to take Blue Dragon scroll #1.
Click on the middle drawer for Tile #7.
Click on the right-hand drawer and note that a four-digit code is needed. There have been a couple of four-digit numbers already, but which one?
Remember the Chinese horoscope plate and the wheel clue on the lounge?
Year of the Tiger
Enter the code and take Tile #8. Click back out and go right.
Door and Wall-hangings
Note the colours at the top of the wall-hangings with the dragons on them.
From top to bottom: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
Hm, colours for a dragon. Where can we use this clue?
The top drawer of the shelves with plates.
Go back to the top drawer and click on each of the four dragons so that their colours are the same as the code. When the drawer opens take Tile #9.
Click on the table and take the blue chopsticks.
Click on the box to the right,
A four digit code is needed. Remember the window frame number?
Enter the code, click on the box and take Red Dragon scroll #2. Click back out and go to the right.
Room with the Lounge
Click on the vase and use the chopsticks in the inventory on it to retrieve Blue Dragon scroll #2. Click to back out.
Now we have all 6 dragon scrolls and all 9 tiles. Click on the chest to the left of the lounge, click on the tiles in the inventory and click on the black square in the middle of the chest to place them. Click on the tiles to rotate them and solve the jigsaw.
Once solved, a small drawer will open revealing a red gem. Add the gem to your inventory and return to the Golden Dragon cupboards.
Golden Dragon cupboards
Click on the Golden Dragon and place the red gem in its eye-socket.
Now click on any one of the coloured Dragon Scrolls and place it underneath and to the front of the golden dragon.
Then click on one of the other colours and place it on top.
The aim here is to create three new scrolls, by placing primary colours on top of each other to create secondary colours.
Once you've placed two coloured scrolls, click on the Dragon's right front leg. It will swing down, and so will the Dragon's head, causing the gem in the eye to glow on the scrolls underneath.
Orange: Place a Yellow scroll and a Red scroll under the Dragon's head and click. Add to the inventory.
Purple: Place a Red scroll and a Blue scroll under the Dragon's head and click. Add to the inventory.
Green: Place a Blue Scroll and a Yellow scroll under the Dragon's head and click. Add to the inventory.
Click back out and go right.
Final Escape
Now for the door, for which there is no key. But there are 3 panels and there are 3 scrolls in the inventory.
Use the three new scrolls on the panels of the doors. The order seems to vary so this might take some guessing.
When you have the right order, the door will open and you can embrace your freedom.
With a combined effort of luck and luck, there was only one puzzle that beat me (the lower drawer code (four letters). So, consequently I liked the game :)
Two notes:
colored dragons sheets putting up the door
part seems buggy. The sheets kept disappearing from the
- meaning I put them up, navigated away, came back and one of them wasn't there - but still could take them down - as if it still was there. Also,
first i could only produce the orange and green ones and placed them on their respective spots on the door.
When I later was able
to produce the orange one, as I took it from under the dragon's red beam, I suddenly had all three composite color dragon sheets again - although I had alredy placed two of them on the door.
And, when I got back to the
door to lace them up, the green one was still on the door - so, technically I had two green dragons :)
2.) The bells. Were they of any use? I don't remember using them in any way, still I got out.
All in all, I liked this one thoroughly.
Thanks for posting it.
I liked this game considerably more than Abroy's previous games. The puzzles made more sense (I actually did it without a walkthrough), and there was far less pixel-hunting.
My biggest complaint: there wasn't enough variety in the puzzles. There's only so many times I can put letter/number/color codes into drawers and boxes before I start to get bored.
And a couple minor complaints:
The bells and the plate you can move back and forth. They contributed nothing to the game that I could discern. I'm just of the opinion that if I can interact with something in a game, then it had better be important, or at least do something irrelevant but interesting (like maybe the bells could ring a little tune). Maybe I'm just picky.
I liked that some things--the bells, the moving plate--were there to interact even though they were not involved in solving puzzles. They acted a bit like red-herrings to provide a little extra challenge, keep me thinking. Now if Neutral had red herrings like that, it might make their games too hard, but I'd still enjoy the chance to interact with the environment to a greater degree.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Golden Dragon Mystery Walkthrough
After inputting a code you must click the drawer/box to open. There is no visual or audible indicator that you've entered the correct code until you try to open the drawer.
There is no changing cursor, but still only minor pixel hunting.
Looking Around
Couch Screen
Zoom in on the couch. Look under the center couch pillow to see a hint. There are twelve dots arranged as if on a clock face, with a line pointing to the 10 o'clock position. There are six hash marks on the line, and the second from the center of the clock face is highlighted.
Look under the right couch cushion to collect a tile. Zoom out.
Click in the right corner to see a piece of paper taped to the wall. There are two oxen, facing each other. Zoom out.
Click on the left corner table. Take the tile and yellow dragon paper. Zoom out.
Click on the lattice work in the ceiling. Take the tile and note that the lattice appears to spell out a code, 3803. Zoom out.
Turn Left
Door Screen
Click the pull cord under the lamp with an orange dragon. Notice the top window in the door lights up.
The wall hangings have stripes of color on the top. From top to bottom the stripes are red, yellow, blue, and green.
Click on the table. Take the chopsticks
The box requires a four digit number code. Zoom out.
Turn Left
Dragon Screen
The lamp with a green dragon can also be turned on. Turn right and notice that the green dragon lamp has lit up the second window in the door. Turn left to get back to the dragon screen.
Take a tile out of the center drawer.
The left drawer requires a 3 character animal shape code.
The right drawer requires a 4 digit number code.
Zoom out and turn left.
Shelves Screen
The lamp with the purple dragon can also be turned on. If you turn to the door screen, you will see that turning on this lamp lights the bottom door window.
Click on the seat. Click on the cushion to take a tile.
Click on the wooden part of the seat to move it close to the shelves. Zoom out.
Click on the top of the shelves. Take the tile.
Click on the hat to move it. Take the dragon paper.
Note the paper tacked to the rafter. It says 'oo ee bb.' Zoom out.
Click on the shelves.
On the right there are two books on a shelf. Click next to the books to take a tile.
Click the center plate on the top shelf. Click again to zoom in. Note the arrangement of shapes and years. Also note the name of each zodiac creature. Zoom out.
The top drawer requires a 4 color code.
The third drawer requires a 4 letter code.
Couch Screen (Again)
Click on the table in the right corner.
Use the chopsticks on the vase to get a dragon paper.
Opening Drawers and Boxes
The color code drawer
Where in the room have we seen four colors?
Use the colors from the wall hangings.
Red, yellow, blue green.
For the colorblind, that is 3 clicks, 1 click, 4 clicks, and 5 clicks
Take the tile.
The letter code drawer
Use the hint with the two oxen.
The two oxen are facing opposite directions.
Take the dragon paper
The box
There are two hints for a number code in the room.
Use the hint from the couch screen.
Click the circular design to open.
Take the dragon paper
The shape code drawer
Use the hint from the set of shelves.
What animals might correspond to 'oo ee bb'?
ROOster (3 clicks), shEEp (5 clicks), raBBit (9 clicks)
Take the dragon paper
The number code drawer
Use the clock face hint
The only thing arranged like a clock face is the zodiac plate on the set of shelves.
Looking at the zodiac animal at the 10 o'clock position, there are six years given. The second from the center of the plate is 1986.
Take the tile.
The tile puzzle
Click on the table to the left of the couch
Use the tileson the table.
Click each tile to rotate it. Rotate tiles until the picture is complete.
When the picture is complete a drawer will pop open.
Take the gem.
Final Puzzle
Use the gem on the dragon.
Click the dragon's arm, and notice the dragon turns its head downwards and projects a light.
Place any dragon paper on the table below the dragon. Place any other different colored paper on top of this one. Click the dragon's arm.
Take the new dragon paper.
You need to create an orange dragon from a red and yellow dragon; a purple dragon from a blue and red dragon; and a green dragon from a blue and yellow dragon. For the color blind, hover over any dragon paper in the inventory to see what color it is.
Zoom out and turn to the door screen.
Remember the lamps with an orange, a purple, and a green dragon?
Place the orange dragon in the top window, the green dragon in the middle window, and the purple dragon in the bottom window.
Locations of Collectable Items
Locations of Tiles
Under right couch cushion
On the corner table left of the couch
On the lattice on the roof above couch
Next to the book on the shelves/drawers furniture
On top of the drawers furniture
Under seat cushion
In the center drawer under the dragon
In the top drawer in the set of shelves
In the right drawer under the dragon
Locations of Dragon Papers
On the corner table left of the couch
In the third drawer of the set of shelves
On top of the set of shelves
In the left drawer under the dragon
In the vase
In the box on the table by the door
Posted by: MmeTurbulence
December 7, 2010 12:30 PM
Sofa screen:
The light can be turned on and off. It's a pretty lampshade.
The windows
There's a plate to collect here.
The middle window frame looks a little strange.
There's a number written sideways.
The sofa
Three cushions to click, a plate to collect and a strange diagram which I can't pick up.
Chest to the left
Another plate, and a square. I wonder what I put here? Maybe later.
There's also a scroll to the right of the chest. It's a yellow dragon.
Table to the right
The vase rattles - does it have anything in it? I can't get it out now.
There's a picture of two animals facing each other. I'll remember it for now.
Turn right to the tall cabinet screen. There's another pretty light that can be turned on and off.
The cabinet
There are 4 drawers, two of which I can open now, but they're empty.
There's another plate hidden here.
It's on a shelf on the right, next to a red book.
The blue patterned plate moves from side-to-side. The red plate above can be brought to the front. Now I can look at it properly.
It's the Chinese zodiac. This looks like it has many clues!
Top of the cabinet - I can see something up there, but I can't reach it.
There's a plate under the cushion.
I can move the shoes from side to side.
I can move the footstool from side to side.
I bet I can reach the top of the cabinet now.
I found a plate, a yellow dragon, and a strange note that said "oo ee bb"
Turn right again to the dragon cabinet screen. Another light.
Top of the cabinet:
The dragon doesn't do anything yet.
The bells chime if I ring them.
The chairs are pretty, but I can't use them.
Left drawer
Three pictures of animals. I presume they have something to do with the zodiac plate.
I'll look at the names of the animals, to see if anything looks familiar.
"oo ee bb" - a clue for here.
rOOster shEEp raBBit
A blue dragon.
Middle drawer
A plate. Not really a surprise by now.
Right drawer
A four digit number.
Maybe if I try the code from the window?
Oh, it didn't work. Maybe it's a year from the zodiac plate? But which one?
There was a strange diagram on the sofa. Is that the clue?
It indicates the 5th row of the Tiger - which is 1986.
Another plate. 8 out of 9.
Right again, to the door screen. I can see the first pretty light here.
If the light is on, a panel in the door lights up.
There are pictures on the wall.
They have coloured bands at the top.
There's a table. It has some chopsticks on it, which I can pick up.
There's a box.
Another four digit code.
Maybe the window code will work here?
A red dragon.
There are two drawers I haven't opened yet, on the tall cabinet screen.
Top drawer
Four dragons, which can be different colours.
I've seen four colours before, on those hanging pictures.
Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
The final plate.
Bottom locked drawer
Four letters.
The only clue left is that picture of two animals.
The animals are facing in different directions.
It looks like an Ox.
The code is ‘OXXO'.
Another red dragon.
That vase is bugging me - I'm sure it has something in it.
I can use the chopsticks to find another blue dragon.
I have 9 plates, 2 yellow dragons, 2 blue dragons and 2 red ones.
The plates go on top of the chest to form a puzzle.
Rotate the plates to create a picture of a flower.
I found a gem! I wonder where it goes?
It goes in the dragon's eye-socket, on the dragon cabinet screen. Now I can move its arm, and it shines a light briefly.
I'll try putting one of my dragon pictures there, and using the light.
Nothing. Maybe add another dragon?
I can mix two coloured dragons together, to get three new dragons: purple, orange and green.
The final puzzle
I have 3 dragons: purple, orange and green. What else has these dragons on?
The three lightshades have those colours of dragons.
I can put the dragons on the door, using the lights to guide me.
Top to bottom: Orange, Green, Purple.
Posted by: Gemlad
December 7, 2010 12:34 PM
This game takes some guesswork to figure out. everything you see that seems like a clue, is. It's just a matter of figuring out which clue goes to which lock.
I'll give hints as to which clues solve which puzzles
Right Drawer Under Golden Dragon:
Solve with the diagram behind the centre couch cushion.
Use this with the round chart behind the top plate in the cabinet.
Notice the red line.
Left Drawer Under Golden Dragon:
Solve with the letters posted above the tall cabinet.
Move the stool over to reach the top of the cabinet.
Use this clue with the round chart behind the top plate in the cabinet.
Which animals have double letters in their names.
Rooster - Sheep - Rabbit
Top Drawer in Cabinet:
Use the wall hangings beside the table.
Notice the colour bands on the top.
Top to bottom = Left to right.
Red - Yellow - Blue - Green
Lower Drawer in Cabinet:
Use picture bottom right of couch.
Use with chart behind top plate in cabinet.
What animal is this?
Notice the directions they face.
Box on Table:
Use with windows above couch.
Tilt your head to the right.
See the number made of the cross bars.
Red squares and where to use them:
Right drawer under golden dragon
Top drawer in tall cabinet
On top of tall cabinet
Behind right couch cushion
On bench left of couch
In centre window above couch
Beside books, bottom right shelf in cabinet
Under cushion of stool
Centre drawer under golden dragon
Place on bench beside couch.
Unscramble the picture
Click to rotate the individual squares
Take the ruby
Dragon Pictures:
Blue Dragons:
Left drawer under golden dragon.
In vase beside couch.
Use chopsticks to get it out
Red Dragons:
Second from bottom drawer in cabinet.
Box on table
Yellow Dragons:
On floor to the right of bench.
Under hat on top of tall cabinet.
Use with golden dragon.
Place ruby in dragons eye.
Note colours of lamps in the room.
Orange, Green, and Purple
Use the dragon to merge 2 colours into 1.
Place 2 dragon pictures in front of dragon, then pull his arm down.
Create colours matching the lamps.
Combine red+blue, red+yellow and blue+yellow.
Opening the door and escaping:
Place the dragon paintings on the panels of the door.
Use the lights to figure out which colours go where.
coloured lamp lights up matching panel on the door
Top: Orange
Middle: Green
Bottom: Purple
Posted by: GQWeasle
December 7, 2010 12:34 PM
Golden Dragon Mystery Walkthrough
General Information
To escape there are 9 patterened tiles to collect to solve a puzzle, and six coloured dragon scrolls to collect; 2 yellow, 2 red and 2 blue. These will also be used to solve a puzzle.
Navigate around the room by clicking to the left and right of the screen.
When in close-up, click the bottom of the screen to go back.
Click on furnishings to interact with drawers and other objects.
Click on items to add them to your inventory. Click on items in the inventory to use them.
The inventory is at the top of the screen and can be scrolled through by clicking the left or right arrows.
The music can be muted by clicking on the sound off symbol at the top right of the screen next to the Walkthrough button.
Room with the lounge
Click on the lounge for a close up.
Click on the middle cushion to reveal a wheel diagram. Note the red line and its position on the wheel.
Click on the right cushion for Tile #1.
Click on the floor chest to the left.
Take Tile #2 from the left.
Take the Yellow Dragon scroll #1 to the right and click back out.
Click on the vase to the right. It will lift and shake from side-to-side, but nothing more to do here.
While in the vase view note the clue taped to the wall to the right, a picture of Oxen. Click back out.
In the broader view, note the lantern with the orange dragon to the left. Click on the cord to light it.
Note the windows above the lounge. Click on the centre window for a close-up. Take Tile #3 and note that the window frame looks like a number.
Click back out and go the right.
Shelves with plates
Note the lantern with the purple dragon. Click on the cord to light it up.
Note the stool to the right of the shelves. Also note the pyramid-looking shape at the very top of the shelves. We'll come back to that later.
Click on the shelves for a close-up. Let's try the drawers first.
The second and bottom drawers yield nothing.
Clicking on the top drawer shows four dragons that need a colour code.
Clicking on the 3rd drawer shows that a four-letter word is required. The clue for this has already been discovered.
It relates to the picture of the two Ox.
The two Ox are mirror images of each other; one facing forwards, one facing backwards.
Enter the code and click on the drawer to open it. Take Red Dragon scroll #1.
Click on the bottom shelf with the three plates. Not much happens, other than the middle plate moving to the side. But if you look to the right where the 2 red-covered books are, Tile #4 is wedged in there, so take it.
Click on the shelf above with three plates. The middle plate will turn around. Click on it again and note the Chinese horoscope animals and years. Does this layout look familiar?
It looks a little bit like the wheel diagram on the lounge.
Remember where the red line was on the wheel diagram? Perhaps it will match up with a certain animal's year?
Year of the Tiger.
Click back out from the plates to go back to the broader view.
There's a small stool to the right of the shelves with some pretty Chinese shoes underneath it.
Click on the shoes, and they'll move to the left. That's about all.
Click on the stool cushion. It will raise to reveal Tile #5, so take that.
Click on the base of the stool and it will move left. Click back out.
Click on the top of the shelves where the pyramid-type object is. Now that the stool has been moved into position you can access the top of the shelves.
The pyramid object turns out to be a Chinese straw hat. Click on it to reveal Yellow Dragon scroll #2, and add the scroll to the inventory.
Click on Tile #6 which is on the right.
Note the clue screwed to the wooden beam at the top.
oo ee bb
Click back out to the main room, and then click to go right.
Golden Dragon Cupboard
Note the lantern with green dragon on the left. Click on the cord to switch it on,
Click on the cupboards for a close-up.
Note the three bells. Click on them, simply to hear them ring. That's about it though.
Click on the left drawer and note that a code is needed involving animal silhouettes. The code for this has already been found.
At the very top of the shelves with the plates there was a small plaque with the letters: oo ee bb
These letters relate to animals on the Chinese horoscope.
Which animals have names that have double letters in them?
Click on the animal images until you have displayed from left to right, a rooster, a sheep and a rabbit.
Open the drawer to take Blue Dragon scroll #1.
Click on the middle drawer for Tile #7.
Click on the right-hand drawer and note that a four-digit code is needed. There have been a couple of four-digit numbers already, but which one?
Remember the Chinese horoscope plate and the wheel clue on the lounge?
Year of the Tiger
Enter the code and take Tile #8. Click back out and go right.
Door and Wall-hangings
Note the colours at the top of the wall-hangings with the dragons on them.
From top to bottom: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
Hm, colours for a dragon. Where can we use this clue?
The top drawer of the shelves with plates.
Go back to the top drawer and click on each of the four dragons so that their colours are the same as the code. When the drawer opens take Tile #9.
Click on the table and take the blue chopsticks.
Click on the box to the right,
A four digit code is needed. Remember the window frame number?
Enter the code, click on the box and take Red Dragon scroll #2. Click back out and go to the right.
Room with the Lounge
Click on the vase and use the chopsticks in the inventory on it to retrieve Blue Dragon scroll #2. Click to back out.
Now we have all 6 dragon scrolls and all 9 tiles. Click on the chest to the left of the lounge, click on the tiles in the inventory and click on the black square in the middle of the chest to place them. Click on the tiles to rotate them and solve the jigsaw.
Once solved, a small drawer will open revealing a red gem. Add the gem to your inventory and return to the Golden Dragon cupboards.
Golden Dragon cupboards
Click on the Golden Dragon and place the red gem in its eye-socket.
Now click on any one of the coloured Dragon Scrolls and place it underneath and to the front of the golden dragon.
Then click on one of the other colours and place it on top.
The aim here is to create three new scrolls, by placing primary colours on top of each other to create secondary colours.
Once you've placed two coloured scrolls, click on the Dragon's right front leg. It will swing down, and so will the Dragon's head, causing the gem in the eye to glow on the scrolls underneath.
Orange: Place a Yellow scroll and a Red scroll under the Dragon's head and click. Add to the inventory.
Purple: Place a Red scroll and a Blue scroll under the Dragon's head and click. Add to the inventory.
Green: Place a Blue Scroll and a Yellow scroll under the Dragon's head and click. Add to the inventory.
Click back out and go right.
Final Escape
Now for the door, for which there is no key. But there are 3 panels and there are 3 scrolls in the inventory.
Use the three new scrolls on the panels of the doors. The order seems to vary so this might take some guessing.
When you have the right order, the door will open and you can embrace your freedom.
Posted by: Chiktionary
December 7, 2010 5:12 PM