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Gold Miner

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4.3/5 (149 votes)

Gold Miner is a cute and addictive little Flash game that has you mining for gold using just a claw and reel to unearth valuable treasures in a race against the clock. Each level provides a dollar value goal that must be met within the time limit to move on to the next. It's a well produced game with cute, appealing graphics and sound effects.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Took nearly all day because I kept leaving it for hours and coming back...

Gold Miner Tips:

  • Buy strength at any price

  • Don't buy TNT if you already have 5 (the limit)

  • Buy Luck and TNT at $100 or less.

  • You can grab pigs w/ diamonds off-screen.

  • When you use TNT, it clears diamond and gold in the area of the blast.

  • Usually go after grab bags first to get strength if you couldn't buy it.

  • Don't stop grabbing things even if the gold, bags and diamonds are already gone.

  • When time is going to run out, grab anything you can.

  • It takes 12 seconds to slow haul a $500 nugget from the bottom, if you don't have that much time left, don't try the grab it.

My score:
Level: 147
Money: $384,838


I can't get past level 11. Literally, there isn't enough gold on the screen to reach the goal. That's kind of frustrating. Otherwise, great game. Mad addictive.


Its was fun and very addictive but then i got real pissed off too at lvl 11. great reccommendation. Ur website is gonna make me lose my job


I got up to level 14. I cant get past that.


Many levels come up without much gold there. The trick is to "save up" so much $ from previous round to coast through the lean times. My hi-score is 40,000


yeah..theres not enoughgold on stage 11...its so frusterating..i love the game but there should atleast be enough gold!!!


I'm absolutely addicted to this game and it won't load!!!!!! I going through withdrawls!!! However that is spelled.


yeah i got to lvl 14 as well, its pretty hard u have to do very well in alot of levels, try to rack up your money on the diamond levels like level 8, then save it dude


I get past level 14 i think ive gotten to level 16, on the first few levels really save up and dont use anything but streangth... good luck yall


I always get stuck at level 8 - I always blow up everything


I love Gold Miner and for all you guys who can't get past level 11, it can be done. I play this as much as I can, it is very addicting!!!!


GRRR! soo addicting!!! Once my friend showed me this i never forgot about it! go to my URL! I'm a neopets freak!


I made it to level 25!!!!!! hahahahaaha.

Jason Rizos May 3, 2005 9:29 PM

The good people who came up with this have some spin-offs that are even better. Goldminer deluxe, if you are good, can go on forever. But "Easter Egger," which has a final level (an end) looks like the quintessential for this platform, the perfect challenge and much more complex game play. "Valentiner," on the other hand, is a challenge that is way too hard on later levels.

Alikxanderhia May 18, 2005 8:52 PM

Are you all serious!?! I got up to like level 28 before I finally got tired of the game! But now I'm getting back into it again!

Dora the Explorer May 27, 2005 2:26 PM

I got up to level 47. Beat that!

hendrick June 1, 2005 9:36 PM

haha..i got past level 14.but the levels are getting harder and gotta store not only $ but also dynamites.i passed level 19.


$43470.00 and level 21, wow! Wish I could do screen shots.......


62000$ just sain


I like this game!


I do not like pig in level 7.


63000$ and level 29 missed the next level by 400$


i made it to level 39 but then didn't make it to the next level . . . does anyone know how many levels there are?


All you need is... GOLD :p Level: 72, 184445$:)


level eleven there is not enough gold

caroline July 17, 2005 6:29 PM

level 29 and still at it! this game is the BEST!!


This game is awesome to pass time at school!!!


This Game is awesome lvl 98 and 154100$!!!!!!! man i think theres 100 lvls..... i hope i can beat it next time!!!!!


Wow, new colors Jay? Fancy lol I love this game, so simple and entertaining :)


ohhhh... poo poo it wont load for me. I have played this game before and i got hooked AND NOW IT WONT LOAD!!! :(


A few days ago I played a game almost identical to Gold Miner. I went to play it today and I can't find it on any site!
It's the same idea as gold miner (almost identical) only your fishing.
Has anyone played this game or know where I could find it?


yeah, i played this game today and i officially suck at it dude banana man i dont know how you got so far lol i'll keep trying love the game!:-)


I always get stuck at level 10 - I always blow up everything too!


Arrggg so hard level 8 cant get past


level 12 there is not enough gold


Excellent game! I highly recommend it.

ryan wooton October 27, 2005 9:36 PM

OMG this game is so addicting...i made it to like level 15 and i bombed it all..its unpredictable of when there is going to be diamonds or those little rats...and it sux..but the game still rocks


I got to level 30, but then my boss came in so I had to switch it off!!


love this game :D


this game is sooo awesome! i can play this game for hours on end.. the furthest i've gotten was to level 17.. just try to get as many diamonds as possible and the polisher helps a LOT!


Does anybody know who created the original web version of this game?



DARN made it to 21 with 300 points shy of 22 fricken gopher pig things. 44K though woot woot love this game


lvl 38 and 90K woot woot


i got in level 135, beat me


I made it to level 20 haha first time and I have been playing this for a while. wow that took a while. the trick is to not spend a whole lot of money and buy the gem polish. oh and patients lol.

JLSeagull May 28, 2006 12:05 AM

Took nearly all day because I kept leaving it for hours and coming back...

Gold Miner Tips:

  • Buy strength at any price

  • Don't buy TNT if you already have 5 (the limit)

  • Buy Luck and TNT at $100 or less.

  • You can grab pigs w/ diamonds off-screen.

  • When you use TNT, it clears diamond and gold in the area of the blast.

  • Usually go after grab bags first to get strength if you couldn't buy it.

  • Don't stop grabbing things even if the gold, bags and diamonds are already gone.

  • When time is going to run out, grab anything you can.

  • It takes 12 seconds to slow haul a $500 nugget from the bottom, if you don't have that much time left, don't try the grab it.

My score:
Level: 147
Money: $384,838


? marked bags that are heavey are either dinamite or 800 pounds or 250 pounds

margart chan July 9, 2006 3:27 PM

good luck to all u addicts at there playing this game :-P

Rachael July 13, 2006 3:08 PM

You all are so good gettin to stuff like level 100 and 21 and all that I can only get to level 14. Is there any codes or anything like that coz I just can't see how you all can get so far without a code or somthing like that.


Oh my...I am completely addicted!!! I love this game!

Jay...I just want to add that you have an amazing site here...I check in here every day.
Thank you!


You're very welcome, Lynda!

I'm glad you like it. It's nice folks like you that keep me motivated to continue with it! =D



Wow i'm so addicted. I've been playing for almost 3 days straight. I can't eat I can't sleep. Its taking over my life muahahahah!!!!! I'm losing it. I think that I got to about level 25. Margaret chan said she beat it at 100, but jlseagull said he got to level 147. So which is it? I really wish there was an end because if not i might just keep playing forever and ever and ever and that would not be good.

Somebody let me know a'ight!!!!!!!!!


Found your site a few days ago and have been playing tons of games ever since (I love the point and click mysteries, although they can be frustrating). I love Gold Miner. I can't get very far, mind you, but it's fun and easy. Thanks for the site Jay! Keep up the great work at finding all these little gems for us! You Rock! (pun intended)


level 96 with $250000


Good game wont load for me tho


Gold miner is the most alsome game I have ever played in my life. I got to the 90th level yesterday. I played it for 10 hours yesterday. I got in so much trouble for it to but I got the 2nd highest score to. I was on cloud 9 almost cloud 10 but not quite. I am about to get in trouble buy................!!!!!!!!!!!!!! buy

Ziver Olmez December 17, 2006 8:39 PM

Guys.....I am at $ 498718....I am the legend....


this game is so addicting. but it is sooo fun


One sometimes key command is not in the instructions. If you accidentally fire off the crane before you intend to, hit the right arrow twice immediately after. If you do it soon enough, the crane will come back instead of shooting off screen, or worse into a barrel of tnt.


You all can't get passed level 11?

I'm on level 53 as of now, and it gets a little time consuming.

When does this game end? I just want to beat it.
Heres a screen shot.


i beat the game with $6201005050


I got to level 14 lol i accidentally blew up half of the gold and the ? bag


i got to level 160 and lost didn't have enough money to go to next level i wonder how many level this game has?


i got past level 11...:]


I found a cheat for the game, it helped me to get to the higher levels

right click on the screen and choose "play"
It will change to a different layout, so you can cherry pick your favorites!


It is fun, for being so repetitive and simple-ish. I've played several similar games like this, only they were about fishing instead, so I was eager to try this. Too bad klobster's cheat no longer works, though. I suppose this game is kind of luck based and doesn't end, just gets harder and harder to impossibility.

Anonymous April 2, 2008 4:20 PM

I lost on level 137...yes level 137 at around 350,000 dollars, I played it enough to where I knew where the diamond level were and bought the diamond polish before hand which makes the diamonds worth $900, and I had a consistent 10,000 dollar lead on the mandatory amount every level and I just started sucking and it caught up to me, if you play it enough its not that hard...dont buy anything except dynamite and diamond polish.


O.k. do not mean to brag but I have reached level 205 and still going with a 50,000 lead. My question is, how many levels are in this game?! I just wanna win and be done.


omg this game is great. if i could i would play all day. how many levels? dont think i will ever get over 14.


My tips for playing:
- only buy TNT if its under $50
- only buy strength if its under $200.
- for level one and seven, get the big, $500 chunks FIRST, and then the smaller ones.
- make sure you have over $10,035 before level 8, otherwise, you probably won't pass level 11. Get the diamonds first.

I can consistantly get over $100,000 every time I play, and I only quit because its boring after a while. I've gotten $200,000+ a couple times, but it does get boring.

It helps if you're $3,000 over your mandatory goal by the end of the round, so you are already ahead for the next round.


Level 11 is easy to pass. My record is level 29..
my strategy is to have at least 1000 more than i need at the end of each level.
Try that and i bet youll get further,
Diamond polish is a handy one to use too! =]


Have Been Playing Gold miner for some time,
I can't tell you in cash wize how much I make because I never really look at that.

But I do Know for sure I have been up to Level 24,
Of course, I do wonder how many levels there are to this game. But it is fun and time consuming to play.
Very adicting. For a person like me who is not into playing games, it is addicting . LOL


If by mistake you have dropped the claw in the wrong direction, immediately press the left or right arrow key, the claw will be pulled automatically


I got up to level 50 with a score of $140,000 last night. I was very happy. :o)


I'm at level 124 with $383,643 and the goal for that level is $323,645.
That's a difference of 59,998

I have saved a screenshot, but I don't know how to put it on here. Does this game end?


I got to lv 33 and i can safely say that this game is mostly luck -- the big tip is NEVER buy anything from the shop -- trust me :) but it takes lots of attempts and some lucky rund of diamond levels to get that far.. - a great addictive game -


Yeaaaaaah! I have reached level 250! Good luck everyone, its took me 6 months. OMG what a relief.

ZUANAH ROBERTS June 13, 2010 8:50 AM

I think I'm the best so far because I played for 2 days and I'm going towards lvl 189 hahahahha, come all and be my student

BoredGuy July 30, 2010 8:30 AM

Well, I got to level 2. Then I went out and got a life.

But good job to all those that felt special for a couple minutes because they made it to level 100. Now go get your four hours back.

lovethisgame September 22, 2010 9:21 AM

ive got to level many levels are there?


level 321 took 8 hours $100245163789452.00
whats the levels up to my head hurts


i reached level 499 on 29th feb this year....

this is rubbish that all are claiming that they have reached level 250,321...screenshot is a must.................


i made it to level 225 the money amount was $22,984,623... i heard somewhere that there is 250 levels... maybe next time


I have found a trick just press


and you will have the next level screen... Enjoy!

Jenifer June 22, 2011 7:51 AM

the game is good and addictive too..a very good time pass as well.. i tried reaching 20 and i think there is a long way to go for it i am not sure how many levels this game has but it keeps going.. we get very annoyed because we were not able to reach all the levels...


I got to level 201 - 531930$ but I lost. So the game has a lot of levels.


people are playing the hacked version.


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