Improving its UI and crafting system while adding new worlds and creatures to contend with, this sequel to 2012's hit Motherload-esque mining simulation takes you to all new alien planets as you control a lost robot scrounging for supplies to repair and upgrade himself in a wide variety of ways.
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Oh man, I didn't think this would actually happen. But it's happening!
Playing tiny 320x240 sized games in a tin square on a 1920x1080 display gives me a headache. Is there some reason why they can't allow zooming and/or a full screen mode instead of a postage stamp?
I was interested in this, but had to quit because the game window was just too small.
@Cave Johnson:
I have the same problem.
But i solved that b zooming in the browser.
Maybe this will help you,
So the Play button isn't showing up. Doesn't work on FreeWorldGroup's site either. Help?
Like the game, but feel that it's very slow when you're gathering certain trophy items:
But one thing puzzles me, the factions mentioned in certain tooltips and help menus don't seem to be a part of the game. Are they unlocked as part of an endgame, perhaps?
"While the original Glean was fun"
This must be some definition of fun I was previously unaware of meaning stupid annoying game that kills you at every opportunity and is incredibly grindy and generally unplayable.
This might sound like a terrible pun but I really dig this game.
@Jaebn, that's exactly the case. At a certain point you are forced (as best I could tell) to select a faction to join and a username/password.
I love the
reference that the intro video is.
Question, maybe for the developer, if s/he's reading:
How do you reach the online save files?
I made a login, which works fine, but then I played on another machine while at school using that login. Then I came home to play some more, but the browser used the local save file, not the online one. I didn't see how to log out, so I used another browser, which accessed the save file just fine. If I clear the game data on the first browser, it goes back to the first stage of the game, not the online save file.
How can I reach the online save file? I don't have infinite browsers. I tried clearing cookies for the page, but that didn't work, plus it's awkward to do every time.
I'll give this one more try, but on first impression, and very similar to the first game, the pacing is just a touch too slow for a game that has so much grinding.
Speed up the drill time by just half a tick, same with the jumping and moving. The whole experience just seems incredibly slow, and when you combine that with the fact that this is a grinder (not a very exciting one, at that) and you end up with a, well... boring experience.
Like I said, I'll give it one more go. Maybe after I get an upgrade or two (if I last that long) the pacing will pick up.
Where do you find wood?
Power of posting: Wood is
But how about viscera?
I'm wondering if anyone has figured out those little egg things. You know, they will show up on optics like other creatures will, and they look like a little grey cocoon stuck in the middle of a block of space. Since they're marked like all the other creatures, I figure they probably provide some kind of resource, but, I haven't been able to find any method to do so. They just blow up when I drill into them. I've tried timing my drilling with their movements, I've tried minimizing vibrations, I've tried creating vibrations and even isolating the block, I've tried blocking it up with dynamite and setting off dynamite diagonally adjacent to the block, but nothing has yielded anything. Are these merely visible and clearly avoidable bombs?
TheAdmiral, RE: those grey, egg things.
I think I have reached an 'end' to the game before I maxed out everything. When I try to play now it just goes to a sign-up screen. Since I don't want to sign up for anything I guess I cannot proceed any further.
Can someone who has maxed everything tell me whether they did it without having to sign up for something ?
It was a great game so far, with an interesting mix of persistence, memory and luck. I'm annoyed that I cannot discover the last technologies and perfect my mining machine.
The only thing it asks you to do is create a username and password - no other information, not even an email address. If you want to get all the upgrades without signing up for anything, you need to stop getting capsules before you get the last video log.
Thank you oniyaajila.
Once I sign up for a faction, how do I play the missions? I click on the shuttle on the galaxy map, but it only plays the last video.
How do I get ozone?
I feel like I'm totally stuck, but there must be a simple fix to my predicament.
What am I missing?
Found Ozone on aerial at around 230. I was drilling into amaranthine and came into a slight yellowish large cloud on just the other side of the gas block. I took on ozone just by sitting there.
I think I've hit a ceiling a lot earlier than any of you. I've gotten the metals up to Platinum, the gems up to Topaz, all the trophies, gasses up to Plasma, fuels up to Log, and then one random solar cell. I can't make anymore basic or advanced recipes. What am I missing?
Supermusic, that's where I was on Feb 11. Right after posting (power of posting!), I
It's still quite a grind, though!
A couple tips on collecting the PITA ozone:
Here's a basic walkthrough.
Mythril/Diamond Slivers/Methane:
Orichalcum/Coral Shards/Oxygen/Oil:
Amber Droplets: