Give Up Robot 2 is a solid platformer with enough neat tricks and visual appeal to set itself apart from the crowd (and its predecessor). You'll guide Robot through 60 stages spread throughout three worlds, each of which is filled with a variety of deadly traps. Your only saving grace is Robot's built-in grappling hook, and you'll need to master its use quickly. It's worth a look for anyone who won't throw their computer through the nearest window after hammering away at a tough level.
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Stuck at 20. am i missing something?
hey its me:
I am having problems with level 5... Whenever I try to grab that big block to pull it down, the game stops!
platformers are my favorite, but I literally can't get past the opening screen. can you spontaneously develop epilepsy?
I... I love Give Up Robot. There's something about the "WHEEEEEEEEE!" vibe of silliness that infuses everything and makes it impossible to get angry at it for long.
Not again!! -works persistantly to beat it-
You see the first picture in this article? I stopped at that level too and can understand why you probably went no further. <3
@Dom: I actually did beat that level. That's about an hour of my life that I'm never, ever getting back. Satan himself designed that one.
Stuck on level 60 (I'm hoping it's the last). I just can't get him to be in the right place very well without hitting the various obstacles :/
Finally beat 60! On to hard mode O.O
It took me about 20 minutes to beat hard 2
Keep trying, because level 3 is really fun. :3
Eventually I got sick of falling to my death during Hard 2 and plugged in a gamepad. The additional precision helps a TON in games like this, so I was able to make it through.
A game pad would be awesome. My ring finger (grapple hook one) was killing me... up until level 4. I'm stuck there now :(
Oh it showed my feelings so well when robot
After playing Give Up Robot 1, I was GLAD to see Robot get back at that annoying computer.
"You're so mean! I'm leaving." (or something like that) made me lol
And the objects you gain in the second section
are cool!
Okay... taking a break at Hard 9 :P
So far, I've got 100 minutes, and at least 1000 deaths racked up. Anyone beat it? How'd ya do?
have the same prob as Koizito! even on chrome!
Great game, except for the fact that it seems to keep hanging every couple of levels. Had to keep hitting the refresh and waiting for it to reload. The killer was that I got up to level 45, got the hang, hit the refresh, but it lost the data! Had to start over at the beginning! If it wasn't for the fact that it's an awesome game (love all of Matt's games), I'd give up on it, robot.
I must be cursed I somehow managed to finish this game with 666 deaths:
Does anyone know who makes the music for this series? I really like it.
Cripes, I don't think they could they make the voice/voices(?) any harder to understand if they tried. Is there a subtitle option somewhere?
it makes it worse that the death count is in red xD
Anyone beat Hard 6? I can deal with the first set of rockets, but I'm having trouble getting through the second part.
There's something about that voice cooing "Yu R m1 fav0rit roBOT" that makes the constant dying more tolerable. The clouds in world 2 saying stuff like "That's the spot", "Harder", and "Use Me!" when you grappled on to them was an.....interesting touch.
If you mean you're able to break the first block (which goes on to break the second), then you need to . . .
Hope you can make it. 7 is pretty awesome.
Thanks! That worked!
Glad I could help. 8 is kind of a b, and 9 is kinda bad, but I remember 7 being fun. Idk though, I just spend 2 straight hours playing through (and finally beating!!!!) level 11. I was like "YAY!!! ITS OVER!!" cuz the last one had 11 hard levels, but then its like "hard 12" and im like D:
11 took me about an hour and 10 minutes total play time, but most of it was stupid mistakes and me wasting a jetpack at one spot where i could grapple :P
Whenever I grapple the red block on level 5 the game freezes up, if anyone has any idea how I could fix this it would be greatly appreciated.
Finally beat hard mode!
2093 Deaths
217 coins
308:51.78 time
Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to check the leaderboards, and apparently I'm the second person ever to beat it (and submit my score at least). Honestly, 11 is the most dificult, where level 12 is significantly easier, but it could be because you just end up getting so good after 11 :P
Good luck to all my fellow hard-mode-players and I'm here for help if it is needed.
Finally! gawds.. 507 deaths, 803 coins, and 74 minutes, 24 seconds.. jeeze.
Ok, I'll take you up on the offer. Hard 9.
Just as I'm thinking "I HATE you, annoying compu - hey, he's dead! yaaaaaaa - what?sdgnjsldkfLAZAR!"
Do you realize there is a fourth spinner to the right that flips you counterclockwise? Its in the zapblock/laser square. If you're trying to grab the fall blocks above you and pull yourself up, you're not gonna make it. Look again.
@waggles - could you help me figure out how to beat Hard Level 12?
Level 33! Aaargh, help please?
Hi guys, I got 2 deaths on hard mode.
I'm skunkchop (#1 on leaderboards). There is a secret you unlock by getting 0 deaths in Hard Mode, and I'm extremely close to it.
I got 948 deaths my first try at it, now I'm down to 2. Crazy.
Anyway, this game is really great. Probably my #1 favorite Flash game ever. Anyone willing to die a *erm* few times should definitely play it. Level designs this good come rarely.
Blargh, I'm stuck on level 39. My keyboard won't let me press the 'z' key anymore, i pressed it too hard last game >:I
I am so sad; the game will not load. Oh well; guess I'll go play the first one again.
I cant press new game when I try it just freezes and when I remove my mouse it starts again :( help please !
[Try updating your Flash Player and disabling any browser extensions you have installed. I just tried the game myself, and it seems to be working fine for me. -Jay]
on level with big block and frezes you have to click on and of the screen
Why didn't I give this a try sooner? So much fun!
And hey, two hundred less deaths than in the first one! I kinda miss the trippy rainbow background though... I swear it was the impression it made that I was tripping on something that made it remotely possible to beat the first one.
Stuck on Hard 4 right now. What are all these zappy blocks even DOING in space? Did a couple astronauts happen to be passing by and go, "Hey, let's set up some blocks here on the off-chance that some robot on a jet pack will try to get through these"?