An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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4.4/5 (250 votes)

Kathryn is a woman who has issues... or at least, she must if her friends are pressuring her to see a psychologist. But while she's unwilling to confront her own problems and habits, she discovers that you can't (or maybe shouldn't) always avoid the things about yourself and others that bother you. A devious puzzle-platformer with a sleek style that serves as a prequel to 2009's The Company of Myself.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Fixation Walkthrough
General notes

This walkthrough will skip straightforward Levels that do not require any serious puzzling or platforming. Pay attention to the Level numbering; the first number is the row number on the select screen, and the second number is the column number. For example, Level 2-4 is the second Level from the top in the fourth column from the left.


Level 1-4

Zigzag up the right side and down the left. When you get to the last jump, just drop off without jumping and hold left, and a double-jump should get you there.

Level 1-5

When ascending the staircase, use single jumps and you won't hit the laser. At the last laser, blow smoke at it (hold the mouse button in the appropriate direction) to block it.

Level 1-7

When you activate the smoke switch in the little box in the lower left, it'll only stay on for a short time. Blow smoke at it while moving and don't wait for it to trigger before starting your run to the upper

Level 2-1

Your first smoke ring exercise. Hold the mouse button for about half a second before releasing to blow a ring. Use the meter on the right side of the screen to gauge your blows; try to land it in the yellow region. Smoke rings travel far and bounce off walls. For the second switch, stand on the metal thing to the left when blowing the ring, and make a run for the exit right after you do.

Level 2-2

For the switch, toss out the ring from a distance and then immediately start blowing a cloud to block the laser as you inch towards the hole.

Level 2-3

Both the switches in this area work both ways, and you'll need to use each one more than once. Remember that Jack can't double-jump, so lead him to the gate right before the exit while it's closed, then go back to toggle the upper switch again.

Level 2-4

Keep a constant stream on the smoke switch until Thomas can trip the button.

Level 2-5

In the first area with the vertical wall, trip the left switch, then be in the air in the middle of the wall when it turns back on. Then jump to the ledge below the horizontal gate, then trip the left switch followed by the right. Up above, trip the switch closest to where you came in, then quickly stand in the blocks it opens. Then quickly toss rings at the other two switches on the right and slip through.

Level 2-6

You can't single-jump, but you CAN double-jump if you walk off a ledge! Get to the left side, bounce a ring off the ceiling to hit the ring switch, get to the lower right ledge, trip the smoke switch, vamoose to the left.

Level 2-7

Some tricky timing with successive ring switches, but otherwise not much to see here.

Level 2-8

Remember: you can't smoke in red areas, but you CAN blow your smoke into them! Bounce smoke rings off walls to hit the switches. And yes, there IS enough room between that low ceiling and that red zone in the middle for you to build up a smoke ring.

Level 3-1

To solve the EHUP, blow a ring directly at the switch and then run after it; you'll bump it and give it the extra speed necessary to reach the switch.

Level 3-2

Hit the ring switch, then cover the laser with smoke until Henry can press the button.

Level 3-3

Just hit the ring switches and quickly jump to the platforms they unlock. The second one's easier than it looks; the ring's trajectory will straighten as it passes through the narrow area.

Level 3-4

Hit the ring switch in the upper right. Hit the lower smoke switch, then quickly run to the ring switch it unlocks and trip it. You should have just enough time. Once you've done it, trip the upper-right ring switch again, then the smoke switch in the upper left. For best results, don't activate the latter while standing below it; stand on the metal blocks to the right.

Level 3-5

This is your first exercise with turning laser turrets. Remember that the laser will turn to face wherever you were when you blew the ring that hit it, but will stop if it hits a smoke switch on the way. First, spit a ring down the passage below you, then move down and send another ring from below. The last part is tricky. Stand on the table on the far right and blow a ring, then blow another ring from the left. Because it's aiming up slightly when you blow the second ring, its shortest path to you will be upwards, and it'll hit the switch.

Level 3-6

Send a ring at the laser turret, then take cover. Repeat as needed.

Level 3-8

Hit the switch, then run through the toggling blocks. They won't hurt you.

Level 4-1

Rain can toggle smoke switches, too. Hit the three ring switches in quick succession from top to bottom, then focus on the smoke switch below you until the exit is clear, then run.

Level 4-2

Hit both switches on the top level in quick succession and they should stay open. Ditto the middle, ditto the bottom.

Level 4-4

On the left, don't worry about any of the switches on your way up; you'll need to hit them in quick succession on the way down the shaft on the right. On the right, hit all three switches at roughly the same time; aim for the far ones first.

Level 4-5

Trick the two highest turrets into aiming at the smoke switch. That should give you enough clearance to make it across the bridge.

Level 4-6

The top laser should fire on the top switch, the bottom one the bottom switch. Remember that you can use smoke clouds to block lasers.

Level 4-7

Block lasers with a constant cloud of smoke as you approach them. Reorient the laser on the right before you head towards the lower left corner, and reorient the laser on the lower left to hit the smoke switch on the left before you pass the latter. (Hint for the latter: stand on the highest ledge on the left and bounce the ring off the right wall.)

Level 5-1

Keep both the laser blocked and the smoke switch on until Jack hits the switch. Hint: focus a bit more smoke on the switch.

Level 5-2

Work your way through the top while Jack takes the bottom. You can jump into the alcove where the upper-left-most switch is, and be prepared for a tricky double-jump to reach the last one.

Level 5-3

Trip the ring switch in the middle left, then trip it again while standing in the way of the appearing blocks; they'll stay gone. Use a similar trick up top, but make sure to block the blocks up high so the laser can reach the switch.

Level 5-4

Don't touch the ring switch until Jack is as far right as possible. Lead him there.

Level 5-6

Practice your smoke-ring billiards; some fancy deflections are your ticket through the first two barriers. Then get the turret aimed at the smoke-switch ON THE RIGHT (deflecting off the blocks) while you blow on the other one. Keep it up until you're both in the upper right corner.

Unlock codes

1-1: F39024
1-2: 15947E
1-3: 4AD7F4
1-4: 9837FB
1-5: 0295D0
1-6: 8ED674
1-7: 41E2A9
1-8: 20A6F1
2-1: 301388
2-2: 751C66
2-3: F4B937
2-4: B3E55A
2-5: B79FE0
2-6: 04EB89
2-7: A0CEBF
2-8: 905394
3-1: D887C1
3-2: 7E7CA3
3-3: 874737
3-4: F80018
3-5: D5C37D
3-6: 25B137
3-8: 309CD5
4-1: F5EC42
4-2: 42090C
4-3: 1A24DC
4-4: 8374E6
4-5: 8331E2
4-6: 1E9812
4-7: 5AE738
4-8: 3D6298
5-1: CB50F6
5-2: 09FC8F
5-3: FEB31D
5-4: AEC5CE
5-5: 1F894A
5-6: 5655A8
5-7: 588673
5-8: 2B7AA1

What a lovely writeup, thank you so much! I was kind of bummed out with the initial reaction from Armor's audience, so this is more reassuring for me than I can explain...

knarticho, sorry to hear you lost your progress. You can see the unlock code for the current level by pressing Tilde (~) while playing (Any level code will also unlock all of the levels before it). You can enter in the cheat codes on the Credits page of the main menu.

Code to unlock everything up to Level 4-1:


And because you guys are awesome, here are some more miscellaneous cheats. The first two haven't been given out anywhere else yet!

Red/Black smoke: "Something...Darker"
Purple smoke: "BigPimpin"
Return to default smoke: "BackToTheBasics"


Patreon Crew SonicLover March 20, 2012 5:17 PM

Fixation Walkthrough
General notes

This walkthrough will skip straightforward Levels that do not require any serious puzzling or platforming. Pay attention to the Level numbering; the first number is the row number on the select screen, and the second number is the column number. For example, Level 2-4 is the second Level from the top in the fourth column from the left.


Level 1-4

Zigzag up the right side and down the left. When you get to the last jump, just drop off without jumping and hold left, and a double-jump should get you there.

Level 1-5

When ascending the staircase, use single jumps and you won't hit the laser. At the last laser, blow smoke at it (hold the mouse button in the appropriate direction) to block it.

Level 1-7

When you activate the smoke switch in the little box in the lower left, it'll only stay on for a short time. Blow smoke at it while moving and don't wait for it to trigger before starting your run to the upper

Level 2-1

Your first smoke ring exercise. Hold the mouse button for about half a second before releasing to blow a ring. Use the meter on the right side of the screen to gauge your blows; try to land it in the yellow region. Smoke rings travel far and bounce off walls. For the second switch, stand on the metal thing to the left when blowing the ring, and make a run for the exit right after you do.

Level 2-2

For the switch, toss out the ring from a distance and then immediately start blowing a cloud to block the laser as you inch towards the hole.

Level 2-3

Both the switches in this area work both ways, and you'll need to use each one more than once. Remember that Jack can't double-jump, so lead him to the gate right before the exit while it's closed, then go back to toggle the upper switch again.

Level 2-4

Keep a constant stream on the smoke switch until Thomas can trip the button.

Level 2-5

In the first area with the vertical wall, trip the left switch, then be in the air in the middle of the wall when it turns back on. Then jump to the ledge below the horizontal gate, then trip the left switch followed by the right. Up above, trip the switch closest to where you came in, then quickly stand in the blocks it opens. Then quickly toss rings at the other two switches on the right and slip through.

Level 2-6

You can't single-jump, but you CAN double-jump if you walk off a ledge! Get to the left side, bounce a ring off the ceiling to hit the ring switch, get to the lower right ledge, trip the smoke switch, vamoose to the left.

Level 2-7

Some tricky timing with successive ring switches, but otherwise not much to see here.

Level 2-8

Remember: you can't smoke in red areas, but you CAN blow your smoke into them! Bounce smoke rings off walls to hit the switches. And yes, there IS enough room between that low ceiling and that red zone in the middle for you to build up a smoke ring.

Level 3-1

To solve the EHUP, blow a ring directly at the switch and then run after it; you'll bump it and give it the extra speed necessary to reach the switch.

Level 3-2

Hit the ring switch, then cover the laser with smoke until Henry can press the button.

Level 3-3

Just hit the ring switches and quickly jump to the platforms they unlock. The second one's easier than it looks; the ring's trajectory will straighten as it passes through the narrow area.

Level 3-4

Hit the ring switch in the upper right. Hit the lower smoke switch, then quickly run to the ring switch it unlocks and trip it. You should have just enough time. Once you've done it, trip the upper-right ring switch again, then the smoke switch in the upper left. For best results, don't activate the latter while standing below it; stand on the metal blocks to the right.

Level 3-5

This is your first exercise with turning laser turrets. Remember that the laser will turn to face wherever you were when you blew the ring that hit it, but will stop if it hits a smoke switch on the way. First, spit a ring down the passage below you, then move down and send another ring from below. The last part is tricky. Stand on the table on the far right and blow a ring, then blow another ring from the left. Because it's aiming up slightly when you blow the second ring, its shortest path to you will be upwards, and it'll hit the switch.

Level 3-6

Send a ring at the laser turret, then take cover. Repeat as needed.

Level 3-8

Hit the switch, then run through the toggling blocks. They won't hurt you.

Level 4-1

Rain can toggle smoke switches, too. Hit the three ring switches in quick succession from top to bottom, then focus on the smoke switch below you until the exit is clear, then run.

Level 4-2

Hit both switches on the top level in quick succession and they should stay open. Ditto the middle, ditto the bottom.

Level 4-4

On the left, don't worry about any of the switches on your way up; you'll need to hit them in quick succession on the way down the shaft on the right. On the right, hit all three switches at roughly the same time; aim for the far ones first.

Level 4-5

Trick the two highest turrets into aiming at the smoke switch. That should give you enough clearance to make it across the bridge.

Level 4-6

The top laser should fire on the top switch, the bottom one the bottom switch. Remember that you can use smoke clouds to block lasers.

Level 4-7

Block lasers with a constant cloud of smoke as you approach them. Reorient the laser on the right before you head towards the lower left corner, and reorient the laser on the lower left to hit the smoke switch on the left before you pass the latter. (Hint for the latter: stand on the highest ledge on the left and bounce the ring off the right wall.)

Level 5-1

Keep both the laser blocked and the smoke switch on until Jack hits the switch. Hint: focus a bit more smoke on the switch.

Level 5-2

Work your way through the top while Jack takes the bottom. You can jump into the alcove where the upper-left-most switch is, and be prepared for a tricky double-jump to reach the last one.

Level 5-3

Trip the ring switch in the middle left, then trip it again while standing in the way of the appearing blocks; they'll stay gone. Use a similar trick up top, but make sure to block the blocks up high so the laser can reach the switch.

Level 5-4

Don't touch the ring switch until Jack is as far right as possible. Lead him there.

Level 5-6

Practice your smoke-ring billiards; some fancy deflections are your ticket through the first two barriers. Then get the turret aimed at the smoke-switch ON THE RIGHT (deflecting off the blocks) while you blow on the other one. Keep it up until you're both in the upper right corner.

Unlock codes

1-1: F39024
1-2: 15947E
1-3: 4AD7F4
1-4: 9837FB
1-5: 0295D0
1-6: 8ED674
1-7: 41E2A9
1-8: 20A6F1
2-1: 301388
2-2: 751C66
2-3: F4B937
2-4: B3E55A
2-5: B79FE0
2-6: 04EB89
2-7: A0CEBF
2-8: 905394
3-1: D887C1
3-2: 7E7CA3
3-3: 874737
3-4: F80018
3-5: D5C37D
3-6: 25B137
3-8: 309CD5
4-1: F5EC42
4-2: 42090C
4-3: 1A24DC
4-4: 8374E6
4-5: 8331E2
4-6: 1E9812
4-7: 5AE738
4-8: 3D6298
5-1: CB50F6
5-2: 09FC8F
5-3: FEB31D
5-4: AEC5CE
5-5: 1F894A
5-6: 5655A8
5-7: 588673
5-8: 2B7AA1


Man, Kathryn belches smoke like an oil refinery! Also, does anyone know some of the cheats mentioned on the Credits page? & as for the ending,

even knowing what was coming from playing "The Company of Myself", I found it both sad & a little creepy. I found it sad because I'd grown a little attached to Kathryn & hated to see her go, & I found it creepy because of how little Jack reacted to what happened.


I really hope there's a sequel/midquel to this. I'd like to find out why he

killed her


Level 4-4 requires being faster than I know how to be, with my old processor and my notebook mouse. I hope I get to see the rest of the game somehow.

jimmmyman10 March 20, 2012 7:36 PM

Could someone do me a favor, and post the code for the final level where

he kills her


I refreshed my browser, and lost my progress.

Also, is there a level after this, and how do you get it?

Patreon Crew SonicLover March 20, 2012 7:41 PM

@jimmmyman10: If you wish, but anyone who skips right there is missing a lot.

The code for Level 5-8 is is 2B7AA1. The "level" after that is just a cutscene.

jimmmyman10 March 20, 2012 7:42 PM

No, I already beat the game, but according to the walkthrough,

there is a level 5-6

jimmmyman10 March 20, 2012 7:44 PM

Oh, I guess I did beat the full game.

My bad.

That was... obvious, but still no less horrible.

Patreon Crew SonicLover March 20, 2012 7:46 PM

@jimmmyman10: I don't know how to put this without sounding condescending, but I think you might want to count the levels again.

Daibhid C March 20, 2012 7:51 PM

That was amazing.

The ending is interesting. I'm unsure

whether he kills her or just forgets about her.

I mean, I know he kills her at some point, because we saw it in flashback in The Company Of Myself, and it was very similar to this, with him pulling a lever and dropping her down a pit. But since they both drop in this one, and the path to the next level is sometimes a pit, I'm not sure if they didn't just go their seperate ways, to be reunited later.

As to why he kills her, there's a reference early on to the not-medication he's on causing people to become highly irrational if they don't get the dosage right. And it's apparent he doesn't get the dosage right, regardless of what he thinks. Could be as simple as that.

jimmmyman10 March 20, 2012 7:55 PM

Nah, you were right. I miscounted.


As far as the game goes... great game, but you don't come to 2darray looking for a good pick me upper.

Patreon Crew SonicLover March 20, 2012 8:05 PM

By the way, here's a little something I noticed about the game that might be of significance:

In Chapters 1 and 2, wherein Kathryn's life is still a wreck, the level exit is always to the left of the screen, in direct contrast with the platformer standard.

In Chapter 3, wherein she begins to turn her life around, the exit is always downwards.

And in Chapters 4 and 5, wherein Kathryn begins to find happiness, the exit is always to the right, restoring the status quo.


That was a 5 even though

I hate sad endings. Although we do not really know what happened to Kathryn, she did exit stage right, whilst he went left after all

knarticho March 21, 2012 12:49 PM

hi guys,
i cleaned my cookies between two plays, so i lost my progress. I was on the beginning of chapter 4.
is there someone who can give the unlock code of this screen ?
and tell me how to use it ?

[Just to avoid any confusion by anyone who may read this, Flash does not store game progress in browser cookies. -Jay]


What a lovely writeup, thank you so much! I was kind of bummed out with the initial reaction from Armor's audience, so this is more reassuring for me than I can explain...

knarticho, sorry to hear you lost your progress. You can see the unlock code for the current level by pressing Tilde (~) while playing (Any level code will also unlock all of the levels before it). You can enter in the cheat codes on the Credits page of the main menu.

Code to unlock everything up to Level 4-1:


And because you guys are awesome, here are some more miscellaneous cheats. The first two haven't been given out anywhere else yet!

Red/Black smoke: "Something...Darker"
Purple smoke: "BigPimpin"
Return to default smoke: "BackToTheBasics"

Unowninator March 21, 2012 2:54 PM

I hit refresh and now I can't even start the game! All I see is a close up of a cigarette with the word "Super" on it. The cigarette rotates as I move the mouse up and down, and I don't remember how I did it the 1st time. What am I supposed to do?!

mr.jonschmidt March 21, 2012 3:08 PM

I am having trouble with 2-6, thanks.

mr.jonschmidt March 21, 2012 3:23 PM

Nevermind, found the walkthrough hints

Reply March 21, 2012 4:29 PM

Could I have the code to level 5-7? I'm on 5-6 and just can't time the very last smoke switch to join the man in the upper right.



You after the bastage has gone right and home you need to aim the laser south east towards the boulders so it bounces back up to the release on the left, and then use your smoke to stop the laser so you can get to the platform and smoke ring through



Was a great game, I had been looking forward to it since the weekend link here and was not disappointed. Challenging for me timing wise in a couple of places, but the story line kept me hanging on in there.

Must finish the sequel one day soon, not sure I feel the same about him now though:)



Unowninator March 21, 2012 5:40 PM

I STILL need help guys. I can't even play level 1 of this game unless someone helps me! How do I get of the screen w/ the cigarette close up?


@Unowinator: I'm having the same problem. I think it's just the loading screen, because I wasn't even moving the mouse or anything the first time. I've refreshed maybe ten times now. Either I get a black box, or I get the cigarette close-up that won't shrink at all. I was on level 3-something.

By the way, great game. Not for little kids, but amazing for mentally mature teens.

[See my reply to Unowinator below. -Jay]

Unowninator March 21, 2012 5:47 PM

Strange, when I switch to Chrome, it works. (I use Internet Explorer usually)

[I was able to reproduce the failure to load issue using 32-bit IE (v 9.0) with the latest 32-bit Flash Player (v I was able to get the game to load when using 64-bit IE (v 9.0) with the 64-bit Flash Player (v So, it looks like this game may require Flash Player 11. -Jay]

Reply March 21, 2012 5:53 PM

@ yaddab - Did you read what I posted? I am not asking about moving the laser. That part is insanely easy. But the laser only takes part of the LEFT half of the block. I must blow smoke to unlock the RIGHT half and then SPEED my way up through the block before it solidifies.
Which I cannot do. SO. THAT is why I asked for the level code. I did not ask for a walkthrough, since one was already provided.

[I'm sure she was just trying to help. Please, let's not jump down anyone's throat for trying to help when said help wasn't exactly what you asked for, ok? I'd like to foster a community of helpful folks here eager to post help and unafraid of what others might say. You're free to ignore it if it's not what you wanted. Thanks for understanding. :) -Jay]

Patreon Crew SonicLover March 21, 2012 5:56 PM

I have added a list of all the level unlock codes to the walkthrough. Each code unlocks the corresponding level and all the levels preceding it.

Reply March 21, 2012 6:06 PM

Daibhid C -

At that point he kills her. If you play "Company of Myself"

you see that exact scene duplicated. Later you find out he killed her. At at the very end of "Company of Myself" you realize that he has insane memory troubles - telling the psychologist the same exact story each time, prompting the evaluator to wonder if the guy even remembers killing Kathryn.

This was a very sad game, I caught myself almost crying at the end. The game draws you in, makes you believe that the people are real...

Like when Henry (the psychiatrist Kathryn went to go see) died, I just couldn't...argh. I wanted to kill that "TheSphinx" jerk. So much. Moron.

thedavidcarney March 21, 2012 6:44 PM

Thanks for the awesome review!
Big thanks for the support! :)

davidemsa March 21, 2012 8:25 PM

You don't need to be fast on 5-6. You need to use the laser to hit the switch on the BOTTOM by bouncing it on the stones. Then you use smoke on the top switch and have plenty of time to pass.


The storyline with Penelope, Thomas/TheSphinx and Henry was brilliantly written, and designed to match. I actually prefer this over The Company of Myself, except that the controls are a bit more fiddly in this one.

That said,

I was a bit disappointed as to the lack of answers with Jack's storyline... I mean, I was waiting for it to tell us something we didn't already know about Jack from the first game, but unless I missed something in the level-architecture, all we got is some extra flavor text.

Will there be a midquel? I certainly hope so...


Beautiful game. The only level I got really frustrated on was 4-4. It probably took me at least 30 tries to get the timing right on the first half of the level. You're doing it wrong.

zbeeblebrox March 22, 2012 2:00 AM


So what with everything in the game being a metaphor, I presume that means Jack's admission that he "killed" his girlfriend in Company Of Myself is also metaphorical. Which makes sense, since he never seemed like the killing type. Of course, it's pretty sad when you realize her comment about "cleaning up the backyard" is actually about taking care of his addiction. So after all he's done to help her, he rejects her attempt to help him, and runs her out of his life.

zbeeblebrox March 22, 2012 2:01 AM

...Also, it was a really nice touch having the Start screen look like a pack of cigarettes :D


Not sure if I missed it, but at what point did they

start to live together?

Was it

At the beginning of the last world? Because judging by their dialogue, they hadn't seen each other in a bit. Must have been at some point in that last world, but where?

...Or maybe I'm just completely misinterpreting the dialogue?



That's an interesting interpretation, but honestly, I'm pretty sure the first part you said isn't right. And I really didn't reach the same conclusion as you at all on the second part. I thnk both were literal statements and to be taken at face value.

But then, I could be wrong too.

knarticho March 22, 2012 8:58 AM

@2Darray Thanks You !
i didn't imagine i will get unlock code from the creator of this spiritual and smart game.
Your game make think. You prove Games don't need 3D to be creative and moving.
it made ??me want to try your other games.
I better think about why I smoke too.

A french guy who like your job,

antics85 March 22, 2012 2:34 PM

Argh! I must be missing something here. Drastically stuck on level 4-7. Even after reading the walkthrough above! I don't understand how to get the bottom left laser out of the way? No idea how you even get close to it without getting frazzled. I've tried blowing smoke as I approach it, but no luck. Any help?


For some odd reason I can't jump high enough to complete the second level...



Have you tried using a double jump? You can perform a double jump by pressing the Up or W key a second time in midair.


I also had the same question as DAM, come to think of it...

In addition...

While Jack and Kathryn had great chemistry, we didn't see them together nearly enough to establish Jack's massive guilt complex in the first game.

In this one, it looks like she got offed almost before their relationship had begun.

Jack's final speech was also confusing, as it implied he had completely forgotten her already, which doesn't mesh with the first game's version of the tale.

If I'm missing something in the symbolism, I hope someone can explain it.

Until then, still hoping for a midquel.



You're probably dying because you are trying to move through the actual 'body' of the laser, the rotating bit. Instead, stop just to the right of it (while constantly blowing smoke, of course) and jump up to the ledge. Don't try and move all the way to the end. If you could do the laser at the top, you can do that one at the bottom too.


@ inheritance sorry I should have said bounces back up to release right not left


I was trying to point out that you were not trying to laser the top and smoke out the bottom one, you laser the bottom and smoke through the top

@ antics

For me it was smoke your way to the lower left and keep smoking all over it while you jump up on to the first ledge then when I got to the top I blew a ring so it came up to the switch, on my way back down I smoked it through the laser. Much smoke and jumping - not pretty but it worked

antics85 March 22, 2012 5:56 PM

@ Setia & Yaddab crikey! thanks both of you, that was actually pretty obvious! haha. had a complete mind blank with that one, cheers!



Wow I can't believe I didn't think of that

kdausman March 22, 2012 6:38 PM

Spectacular game! Loved the original, was looking forward to the prequel ever since it was announced, and was not disappointed.

My one complaint: some of the dialog occurs at the end of the level with nothing between the main character and the exit. That meant that at least once (and possibly more than once), I left the screen just as a line of dialog started up, and I'm confident that not only did I miss the line, but missed subsequent lines! Argh!


i have problem in 4-6 level please help me or send me the video of it!


and where should i write the code of the game~


Ashal Amir,

Go to the Main Menu screen, then click the Credits button at the top to view the credits page. Enter your code in the bar labeled "Cheats" and click Go to activate it.


@ashal for 4-6, well what I did anyway

Drop down, then smoke the switch above you, and move into the space where the blocks drop. Stop smoking and try and jump so you stop the top two blocks reforming and you are standing on the bottom one. That way you are slightly above the laser in the bottom left hand corner. Smoke ring it and it will rise and hit the top switch.

You can then simply move off and out to the right.

I did not use the upper laser at all.


Man... really nice game.

I loved "The Company of Myself" and im gonna tell you: it's hard for me to fav a game and these 2 are surely faved.

nice work!


An insult to the original, Fixation fails to capture key elements such as narrative timing, characterization, and subtlety.


I like this game a lot! I wasn't a fan of The Company of Myself, but this one has way better puzzles (also, a better gimmick with the smoke and smoke rings) and the dialogue is fun to read, not as cheesy as the monologue in a Company of Myself. Great job!


Can someone help me?
Where and how do I enter the codes?


Go to the Main Menu screen. Click the Credits button at the top to view the credits page. Enter your code (which can be found in the walkthrough above the comments) in the bar labeled "Cheats", then click Go to activate it.


Being the perceptive person I am, I totally missed the fact that this was the prequel to The Company of Myself, so when I got to the end and saw the start screen once more, everything just made sense. Great game.

Carny Asada April 9, 2012 10:19 PM

Best loading bar EVER.


I enjoyed that a lot. I'm not a great platformer, but I managed to complete it with a bit of help from the walkthrough. I actually liked it better than The Company of Myself. The soundtrack is really nice as well!

sg.gupta.95 April 10, 2012 6:50 AM

what a gorgeous game! as expected by the prequel of "the company of myself". It's a little less haunting, and has more story. The puzzles are amazing as always. I haven't completed it yet, so i don't know the connection to the original.


I love the atmosphere, I love the creative puzzles, but boy did I not care about the story. I think I prefer the "less is more" approach - I was kinda sorta interested in this girl's psyche until the weird bunny story, and then I realized this is just not for me. I'm not saying it's meaningless or pretentious or whatever.. just that I'm quite probably the wrong person for these (pseudo)intellectual musings about life, death, relationships and whatever else the story is trying to be about.

But I digress - aside from the story, everything else is just great. 5/5!

iamcactuscat April 27, 2012 7:52 PM

Heh, ancient Akkadian poetry reference? Nice. Incredible game - and yeah, I can imagine that the Armor Games crowd would be a little confused by this.


To the people who wanted to know when

they start living together

, it was my impression that this was

the game's way of calling them 'in a relationship'. At the start, Kathryn lives with the person she is closest to, so saying this again at the end (plus the whole shared life idea) puts her with Jack, and makes the idea of his drug abuse being referred to as the 'backyard' possible.

A very fun game, more so to play than Company of Myself, but I'm not sure if I enjoyed the story more, as it'd lost its simplicity. Mind, simplicity's become dull again by now. 5/5 from me.


I haven't completed the game yet (taking my sweet time), but I just wanted to let the author know, if he's still reading these message boards, how gorgeous this game is. The animations are great, the between-chapter artwork is great, and the mechanics are strong and interesting. The dialogue is also well-written, although I'm still to early to tell if the story actually goes anywhere.

Any idea why it doesn't save my progress after I close the window? I can put in the unlock all levels code to get back to where I was, but it's a bit of a hassle.


Hi Byron, I just tested the game in the latest Chrome on OS X and the game saved for me without fail. I even tried closing the browser and reopening, and all my saved progress was still there.

Flash stores game saves in small files on your local computer and you need to allocate ample disk storage to Flash so that it can save these files. Just right-click on the game once it's loaded and choose "Settings". That will bring up a small dialog in which you can set and even increase the allowed storage allocated to Flash for game saves when playing on Jayisgames.

Our Support FAQ page addresses this as well as other commonly asked questions.


Wow, just wow. I'm just finding this game now, as I just recently played "The Company of Myself," and I'm utterly blown away by the graphics, the music, the storyline, everything. Definitely a 5/5, amazing and fun game to play!

millyloveschiken July 9, 2012 2:57 PM

Wow, another great game! It was nice seeing Kathryn's backstory. And as the game progressed, seeing Jack and Kathryn's old tag team play made me remember TCofM.

As soon as I saw the last level, I immediately recognized it.

And seeing Kathryn die again? HNNNNNG


More cheats:

iwantitall - all levels unlocked

supersmokethecigsturbo - super smoke

pixellatedgirlscantjump - super jump

(to cancel the super smoke/jump codes, just re-enter them)

whoadude - rainbow smoke

something...darker - red/black smoke

holierthanthou - white smoke

bigpimpin - purple smoke

backtothebasics - smoke colors to default

shutyourmouththomas - dialogue muted

whywouldtheyincludethischeat - dialogue
replaced with bible verses

gimmedatstoryline - dialogue to default

nowitsart - black/white filter

keepingupwiththeindustry - next-gen filter

theoryofcolor - disable color correction

p.s. I love this game. I've played it about four or five times in a row. I think I have a problem.

Also, I don't think it's as hard as some of the whiners on armorgames make it out to be. I am horrendously bad at platform games, yet I made it through this with sheer determination to make it to the end (I kind of figured the last level would be what it is)

FrostHound March 1, 2013 8:53 PM

I'm pretty sure the reason why

he acted so calm and neutral about her death is because Jack didn't even notice she fell to her death.

alautar June 6, 2014 10:09 AM

I'm having trouble with Level 4-7. I always die when I touch the bottom laser turret,

no matter how much smoke I blow at it.

Any suggestions?

kingskybomber14 March 5, 2015 11:38 AM

After i solved 3-5, i checked to see how you were supposed to do the level, and it turns out that i found another way. If you stand next to the no-smoking zone on the bottom and exhale smoke, if you are just on the edge of the no-smoke zone, you can trip the alarm without needing to rotate the laser after the initial rotation.


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