Find the Escape Men 25:
In Mr. EM's Room
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and, in this spoof of one of the most popular escape-the-room designers to ever grace JIG's pages, No. 1 Game is very good at copying the trademark features that we love so much—photo-realistic graphics, fun-to-solve logical puzzles and even a happy coin ending! Of course, they throw in their own trademark: ten green escape men which you must find before exiting. It's not only a lot of fun to be part of the parody, you'll be left with an increased appreciation for the original's artistry and a temptation to replay the classics which inspired the clone.
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Box bug?:
My guess is that it suffers from the bug that if you press the buttons early, then go away from the screen, the colors (graphics) reset, but the actual on/off status of the buttons do not. So when you come back it'll look like they're all reset, but in fact some of them are not. I encountered the problem of not being able to open the box even though the code was right. Then I reloaded the game and it worked fine.
@ore, It is very likely Tesshi-e contributed the graphics (all seem are taken from earlier Tesshi titles, such as the fridge, the window, the wine, the picture...).
Yet besides finding no acknowledgment from both No 1 Games and Tesshi-e, there are several aspects of gameplay that are distinctly not done by Tesshi-e. I know that this series has used and imitated other designers but the mechanics remain No 1 Games' work.
It isn't unusual for artists and actors to participate in their own parodies (Ted Allen and Daniel Radcliff come to mind most recently) so you could be very right that Tesshi-e made it all while still ringing of a spoof. ;)
Find the Escape-Men 25: in Mr. EM's Room
General Information
When loading the game, the screen will display 'SWF loaded!' but will remain that way for a little while. The game will eventually start.
Click on the Language button at the bottom of the screen to select English unless you prefer playing the game with a Japanese narrative.
If you've already started the game in Japanese, click on the Function button and select language to change to the English version.
There's no changing cursor, so click everywhere and anywhere.
Navigation is via the gray bars that show when you hover your mouse at the edges of the screen.
The aim of the game is to find 10 green Escape Men.
Good Luck!
Main Walkthrough
Kitchen View
Click in the general direction of the kitchen bench and then click on the spice rack to collect the Salt.
Click back out and click on the two small drawers at left.
Click on the top drawer and collect Escape Man #1. Click back out and click on the bottom drawer to note the missing handle.
Click on the larger drawers at right and click on the top drawer to collect the Ice Pick. While in the close up view of the ice pick, click on it to find a Spade Key. Click back out and then click on the bottom drawer to collect the Spray Bottle.
Click back out and then click on the sink to note that the tap can be turned on and off. What happens if we leave it running for a while?
Let the tap run for a while and Escape Man #2 will appear.
Click on the red fridge. Can't open the fridge or the freezer doors for now.
Click back out of the fridge view and let's look somewhere else.
Table View
Click on the left window and note that it's sealed shut by a wooden plank that has been screwed into place.
Click on the table and then click on the fruit to collect Escape Man #3.
Nothing else to do here for now, so let's keep exploring.
Picture and Cabinet View
Click on the cabinet and note the colours and the positions of the escape men in the corner compartments of the cabinet.
There's a box with a pushable button in the center of the cabinet. May as well push that button...
Note the combination of coloured escape men images that flash on the screen. Hm, could be a clue.
Click back out and then click on the picture, noting that it moves when you click on the corners.
In the main view, click on the large potted plant at right to collect Escape Man #4.
Now for the last view...
Green Cabinet View
Click on the left glass cabinet. Hm, needs a key.
Ooh! We have a key. Use the key to open the cabinet and take the Whiskey from the right and the Wine from the wine rack at left.
Click on the whiskey bottle for a close up and note the 3 digit number.
Click on the red microwave for a close-up and then click again to open the door and collect the Recipe
Click on the Recipe where the down arrow indicates to turn it around and note the Green Square Clue.
Inspect the wooden box to the right of the microwave and note that it has pushable buttons that turn green.
In the main view click on the right glass cabinet twice for a close-up and note that it needs a 3 digit combination.
Ooh! We have a code. Use the code from the whiskey bottke to open the cabinet and collect the Drawer Handle and the Wine Glass.
Click on the Rose Tea for a close-up view. Needs something to open it.
Try using the flat blade of the screwdriver on the Rose Tea and collect the Club Key.
Nothing more to do for now so let's start solving some puzzles.
Solving Puzzles
The Wall Picture Puzzle
The picture moves when you click on its corners.
Need a clue... Something with four corners.
There's a cabinet in the same view as the Wall Picture.
The cabinet has four different coloured Escape Men (none of them green sadly).
There's also a box in the centre with a pushable button.
Push the button and watch the display of alternating coloured Escape Men.
Apply the colour combination to the Wall Picture.
Bottom right
Bottom left
Top right
Top left
Bottom left
Top left
Top right
Take the Screwdriver and note the 'One More Push' clue inscribed above the enclave.
While in the close up view of the screwdriver, click on it to find out it has a switchable blade. Might come in handy later.
While in this view click on the coloured escape men cabinet and click on the center compartment with the box. Remember the 'One More Push' clue?
Push the button one more time to collect Escape Man #5.
Pink, Yellow, Blue, Red, Yellow, Red, Blue
The Sealed Window
Of course, this where the ubiquitous screwdriver comes in handy.
Apply the screwdriver to the wooden plank and click to open the window.
Collect Escape Man #6 from the hood of the car.
Hm, there's a figure in the pedestrian light.
Watch the pedestrian and light for a while.
When it changes to green, quickly click on the green man before it starts to flash, and you'll have Escape Man #7.
The Fridge & Freezer
Use the Club Key.
Take the block of ice and use the Ice Pick on it to collect Escape Man #8
Click on the button at left in the freezer to pull it up.
Click to open the fridge and take the Cheese and the Green Mold Powder.
The Box with Green Buttons
Use the clue from the back of the recipe to work out the combination for the box.
Click the buttons in the following order;
Take the Blue Plate
The Small Kitchen Drawer
Use the handle from the right glass cabinet on the drawer and then use the screwdriver with its star blade on the screws.
Open the drawer and take the Corkscrew.
Making the Cheese
Let's look at the recipe for making Green Cheese.
The recipe only works if you do a rotation of the room after each step, making sure to close the microwave door and push the button each time.
First step is to place the cheese in the microwave.
We need some saltwater spray.
Bring up the spray bottle from the inventory and click on the salt to add a dose to the bottle.
In the kitchen, turn on the tap, highlight the spray bottle with salt and click on the stream of water. Voila!
In the microwave view, use the saltwater on the cheese.
Close the door, push the button and do a full rotation of the room.
Next step in the recipe calls for Whiskey (also indicated on the microwave control panel).
No need to open the bottle. Just click on the whiskey in the inventory and then click on the cheese.
Close the door, push the button and do another spin around the room.
Open the door and use the Green Mold Powder on the cheese.
Close the door, push the button and spin around once more.
Back at the microwave, take the cheese and in close up view collect Escape Man #9.
Time to set the table.
Preparing a Cheesy Feast
Bring up the blue plate from the inventory and click on the green cheese to place it on the plate.
Put the plate of cheese on the white dish.
Bring up the wine from the inventory and use the corkscrew on it to open it.
Bring up the wine glass and use the opened wine bottle on it to fill it.
Place the glass of wine on the coaster near the plate.
Bring up the cork from the wine to view it, click on it and collect Escape Man #10.
Once you have all 10 Escape Men, they'll transform into one large Escape Man.
Click on the Escape Men in your inventory and place the big green Escape Man in the chair at the dining table.
Congratulations! But wait, it's not over yet.
Wait for the music and narration to end and a small green escape man will appear near the fruit bowl.
Click on 'im to experience the Happy Coin Ending.
Locations of the Escape Men
In the big potted plant in the Wall Picture view.
On an apple in the fruit bowl on the dining table.
In the top left drawer under the kitchen sink bench.
From the box in the centre of the cabinet. Clue from picture 'One More Push'.
From the hood of the car outside the window.
From the pedestrian light outside. It will change from red to green, and click quickly before it starts flashing.
Turn on the tap and let the water run until an Escape Man appears.
In block of ice from freezer. Use the ice-pick.
Bottom of cork from the bottle of wine.
Take the last Escape Man that appears in the Green Cheese when you've finished making it.
The walkthrough as posted has a serious problem.
The location of the
is not given anywhere in the walkthrough. The first mention of it, in fact, is the casual mention of the fact that it
has multiple settings,
pointed out when it has to be used in an altered state in order to
open something
and thereby obtain
a key.
What makes this even worse is that
pretty much everything else listed in the walkthrough is explained as soon as it's encountered.
In this case, however, the place where the item is hidden is described immediately after the clue allowing the item to be obtained, leaving the reader with the impression that the two are unrelated.
But worst of all? I was doing fine until I got to the point where I couldn't figure out what to do, due to having missed the (admittedly, in retrospect, almost obvious) relationship between the location and the clue. I checked the walkthrough, reading through stuff I'd already figured out, when suddenly that one thing I hadn't seen was mentioned. I went back and re-read, thinking I'd skimmed past a previous mention since nothing else up to that point had been new to me.
But, because that vital information was entirely absent, I wound up reading through the whole walkthrough -- spoiling pretty much every puzzle I hadn't yet solved -- and even after that, still had to read most of the comments in order to find the missing info. By that point, between my growing frustration and how thoroughly the puzzle solutions had been spoiled for me, I'd lost all interest in actually finishing the game.
So please, whoever has access to the editing function? Correct the walkthrough as soon as possible. It's too late for me... but hopefully not for the next person who gets stuck in the same spot and comes looking for a nudge in the right direction.
I actually had trouble with the screwdriver too and couldn't figure it out based on the walkthrough.
I didn't see a difference in the screwdriver when it was put back together, so I kept trying to open the tea while the pieces were separated.
The box puzzle still does not work correctly either. I almost gave up when I finally got it open. I had to enter the code at least a dozen times before I finally got in.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Find the Escape-Men 25: in Mr. EM's Room
General Information
When loading the game, the screen will display 'SWF loaded!' but will remain that way for a little while. The game will eventually start.
Click on the Language button at the bottom of the screen to select English unless you prefer playing the game with a Japanese narrative.
If you've already started the game in Japanese, click on the Function button and select language to change to the English version.
There's no changing cursor, so click everywhere and anywhere.
Navigation is via the gray bars that show when you hover your mouse at the edges of the screen.
The aim of the game is to find 10 green Escape Men.
Good Luck!
Main Walkthrough
Kitchen View
Click in the general direction of the kitchen bench and then click on the spice rack to collect the Salt.
Click back out and click on the two small drawers at left.
Click on the top drawer and collect Escape Man #1. Click back out and click on the bottom drawer to note the missing handle.
Click on the larger drawers at right and click on the top drawer to collect the Ice Pick. While in the close up view of the ice pick, click on it to find a Spade Key. Click back out and then click on the bottom drawer to collect the Spray Bottle.
Click back out and then click on the sink to note that the tap can be turned on and off. What happens if we leave it running for a while?
Let the tap run for a while and Escape Man #2 will appear.
Click on the red fridge. Can't open the fridge or the freezer doors for now.
Click back out of the fridge view and let's look somewhere else.
Table View
Click on the left window and note that it's sealed shut by a wooden plank that has been screwed into place.
Click on the table and then click on the fruit to collect Escape Man #3.
Nothing else to do here for now, so let's keep exploring.
Picture and Cabinet View
Click on the cabinet and note the colours and the positions of the escape men in the corner compartments of the cabinet.
There's a box with a pushable button in the center of the cabinet. May as well push that button...
Note the combination of coloured escape men images that flash on the screen. Hm, could be a clue.
Click back out and then click on the picture, noting that it moves when you click on the corners.
In the main view, click on the large potted plant at right to collect Escape Man #4.
Now for the last view...
Green Cabinet View
Click on the left glass cabinet. Hm, needs a key.
Ooh! We have a key. Use the key to open the cabinet and take the Whiskey from the right and the Wine from the wine rack at left.
Click on the whiskey bottle for a close up and note the 3 digit number.
Click on the red microwave for a close-up and then click again to open the door and collect the Recipe
Click on the Recipe where the down arrow indicates to turn it around and note the Green Square Clue.
Inspect the wooden box to the right of the microwave and note that it has pushable buttons that turn green.
In the main view click on the right glass cabinet twice for a close-up and note that it needs a 3 digit combination.
Ooh! We have a code. Use the code from the whiskey bottke to open the cabinet and collect the Drawer Handle and the Wine Glass.
Click on the Rose Tea for a close-up view. Needs something to open it.
Try using the flat blade of the screwdriver on the Rose Tea and collect the Club Key.
Nothing more to do for now so let's start solving some puzzles.
Solving Puzzles
The Wall Picture Puzzle
The picture moves when you click on its corners.
Need a clue... Something with four corners.
There's a cabinet in the same view as the Wall Picture.
The cabinet has four different coloured Escape Men (none of them green sadly).
There's also a box in the centre with a pushable button.
Push the button and watch the display of alternating coloured Escape Men.
Pink, Yellow, Blue, Red, Yellow, Red, Blue
Apply the colour combination to the Wall Picture.
Bottom right
Bottom left
Top right
Top left
Bottom left
Top left
Top right
Take the Screwdriver and note the 'One More Push' clue inscribed above the enclave.
While in the close up view of the screwdriver, click on it to find out it has a switchable blade. Might come in handy later.
While in this view click on the coloured escape men cabinet and click on the center compartment with the box. Remember the 'One More Push' clue?
Push the button one more time to collect Escape Man #5.
The Sealed Window
Of course, this where the ubiquitous screwdriver comes in handy.
Apply the screwdriver to the wooden plank and click to open the window.
Collect Escape Man #6 from the hood of the car.
Hm, there's a figure in the pedestrian light.
Watch the pedestrian and light for a while.
When it changes to green, quickly click on the green man before it starts to flash, and you'll have Escape Man #7.
The Fridge & Freezer
Use the Club Key.
Take the block of ice and use the Ice Pick on it to collect Escape Man #8
Click on the button at left in the freezer to pull it up.
Click to open the fridge and take the Cheese and the Green Mold Powder.
The Box with Green Buttons
Use the clue from the back of the recipe to work out the combination for the box.
Click the buttons in the following order;
Take the Blue Plate
The Small Kitchen Drawer
Use the handle from the right glass cabinet on the drawer and then use the screwdriver with its star blade on the screws.
Open the drawer and take the Corkscrew.
Making the Cheese
Let's look at the recipe for making Green Cheese.
The recipe only works if you do a rotation of the room after each step, making sure to close the microwave door and push the button each time.
First step is to place the cheese in the microwave.
We need some saltwater spray.
Bring up the spray bottle from the inventory and click on the salt to add a dose to the bottle.
In the kitchen, turn on the tap, highlight the spray bottle with salt and click on the stream of water. Voila!
In the microwave view, use the saltwater on the cheese.
Close the door, push the button and do a full rotation of the room.
Next step in the recipe calls for Whiskey (also indicated on the microwave control panel).
No need to open the bottle. Just click on the whiskey in the inventory and then click on the cheese.
Close the door, push the button and do another spin around the room.
Open the door and use the Green Mold Powder on the cheese.
Close the door, push the button and spin around once more.
Back at the microwave, take the cheese and in close up view collect Escape Man #9.
Time to set the table.
Preparing a Cheesy Feast
Bring up the blue plate from the inventory and click on the green cheese to place it on the plate.
Put the plate of cheese on the white dish.
Bring up the wine from the inventory and use the corkscrew on it to open it.
Bring up the wine glass and use the opened wine bottle on it to fill it.
Place the glass of wine on the coaster near the plate.
Bring up the cork from the wine to view it, click on it and collect Escape Man #10.
Once you have all 10 Escape Men, they'll transform into one large Escape Man.
Click on the Escape Men in your inventory and place the big green Escape Man in the chair at the dining table.
Congratulations! But wait, it's not over yet.
Wait for the music and narration to end and a small green escape man will appear near the fruit bowl.
Click on 'im to experience the Happy Coin Ending.
Locations of the Escape Men
In the big potted plant in the Wall Picture view.
On an apple in the fruit bowl on the dining table.
In the top left drawer under the kitchen sink bench.
From the box in the centre of the cabinet. Clue from picture 'One More Push'.
From the hood of the car outside the window.
From the pedestrian light outside. It will change from red to green, and click quickly before it starts flashing.
Turn on the tap and let the water run until an Escape Man appears.
In block of ice from freezer. Use the ice-pick.
Bottom of cork from the bottle of wine.
Take the last Escape Man that appears in the Green Cheese when you've finished making it.
Posted by: Chiktionary
January 27, 2012 3:58 AM