Factory Balls Christmas Edition
Factory Balls Christmas Edition has all of the fun and challenge of the regular series combined with a heartwarming and less stressful touch of the holiday season. In it you'll find Santa hats, belts, suspenders, earmuffs, and bobble hats (along with several colors of paint) to recreate various decorations on a Christmas tree. And for those who are not celebrating this particular holiday, it's still a fantastic, challenging, and amusing game to play
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Factory Balls Christmas Edition Walkthrough
General Information
The object is to perfectly recreate the patterns given to you.
The easiest way to do this is to work from the top down.
The tools (as named by me in this walkthrough) are, clockwise from the colors: top Santa hat, bottom Santa hat, wide belt, suspender, right earmuff, left earmuff, small bobble hat, large bobble hat.
If you mess up, drag the ball to the trash, this will turn it white and you can start over.
Remember when using multiple tools: belt and suspender go on before hats, and hats go on before earmuffs.
Happy Holidays!
Level 1
The game will walk you through the level.
Pick a ball and drag it to the red paint can.
Drag the red ball to the wide belt.
Once the belt is on drag the ball to the yellow paint can.
Remove the red belt.
Level 2
Drag a white ball to the orange paint can.
Drag the ball to the small bobble hat.
Drag the ball to the blue paint can.
Remove the small bobble hat and put on the large bobble hat.
Drag the ball to the orange paint can and then remove the bobble hat.
Level 3
Drag a white ball to the blue paint.
Add the small bobble hat.
Drag the can to the red paint.
Remove the small bobble hat and put on the top Santa hat.
Drag to the orange paint.
Remove the top Santa hat and put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the yellow paint then remove the large bobble hat.
Level 4
Drag a white ball to the yellow paint.
Add both the right and left earmuffs.
Drag to the orange paint.
Remove the earmuffs and put on the wide belt.
Drag to the red paint and then remove the belt.
Level 5
Drag a white ball to the red paint.
Add the left earmuff, then drag to the yellow paint.
Add the right earmuff (don't remove the left) and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the earmuffs, put on the top Santa hat, then add both earmuffs back on.
Drag to the blue paint then remove all of the tools (earmuffs and hat).
Level 6
Drag a white ball to the blue paint.
Add both earmuffs (right and left) and drag to the red paint.
Remove the earmuffs and put on the top Santa hat.
Drag to the red paint.
With the Santa hat still on put on both earmuffs.
Drag to the blue paint and then remove all of the tools.
Level 7
Drag a white ball to the bottom Santa hat and the small bobble hat.
Dip into the red paint.
Remove the bottom Santa hat and small bobble hat.
Put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the orange paint, then remove the large bobble hat.
Level 8
Drag a white ball to the blue paint.
Put on the wide belt and drag the ball to the red paint.
Put on the small bobble hat (don't remove the belt) and drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the small bobble hat and the belt, then put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the red paint and then remove the large bobble hat.
Level 9
Drag a white ball to the blue paint.
Put on the small bobble hat and drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the small bobble hat, put on the suspender and drag to the blue paint.
Remove the suspender, put on the large bobble hat, and drag to the blue paint.
Remove the large bobble hat.
Level 10
Drag a white ball to the yellow paint.
Put on both earmuffs and drag to the blue paint.
Remove the earmuffs, put on the wide belt, and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the belt, put on the top Santa hat and the earmuffs.
Drag to the orange paint.
Remove the top Santa hat and earmuffs, and put on the wide belt and the top Santa hat (again).
Drag to the blue paint, then remove the hat and belt.
Level 11
Drag a white ball to the red paint.
Put on the wide belt and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the wide belt, and add the suspender and the bottom Santa hat.
Drag to the orange paint again.
Remove the bottom Santa hat and add the wide belt (leave the suspender on).
Drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the belt and suspender, put on the top Santa hat and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the top Santa hat, put on the wide belt and the top Santa hat, and drag to red.
Remove the top Santa hat and wide belt.
Put on the suspender and the top Santa hat, then drag to the red paint.
Remove the top Santa hat (leave the suspender on).
Put on the wide belt, then the top Santa hat.
Drag to the blue paint them remove all tools.
Level 12
Drag a white ball to the earmuffs (both sets) and then drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the earmuffs, then put on the wide belt and drag to the red paint.
Put on the small bobble hat (don't remove the belt) and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the small bobble hat (keep the wide belt on) and then put on the suspender.
Drag to the blue paint.
Remove the suspender (keep the wide belt on) and put on the top Santa hat.
Drag to the orange paint.
Remove the wide belt and the Santa hat. Put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the red paint.
Remove the large bobble hat. Put on the wide belt, suspender, and top Santa hat.
Drag to the blue paint then remove all tools.
Level 13
Drag a white ball to the orange paint.
Put on the suspender and the earmuffs, then drag to the blue paint.
Remove the suspender and earmuffs. Put on the wide belt and drag to the yellow paint.
Put on the small bobble hat (leave the belt on) and drag to the blue paint.
Remove the small bobble hat and the belt. Put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the red paint then remove the large bobble hat.
Level 14
Drag a white ball to the blue paint.
Put on the small bobble hat and the bottom Santa hat.
Drag to the yellow paint.
Remove both hats. Put on the suspender and put the small bobble hat back on as well.
Drag to the red paint.
Remove the small bobble hat, keep the suspender on, and put on the top Santa hat.
Drag to the orange paint.
Remove the top Santa hat and the suspender. Put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the yellow paint and remove the hat.
Level 15
Put the suspender on a white ball and drag to the orange paint.
Keeping the suspender on, put on the top Santa hat and drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the top Santa hat (keep the suspender on) and put on both earmuffs.
Drag to the red paint.
Remove the earmuffs and the suspender.
put on the wide belt, then drag to the red paint again.
Keeping the wide belt on, put on the small bobble hat and drag to the blue paint.
Remove the small bobble hat and the wide belt. Put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the red paint then remove the hat.
Level 16
Drag a white ball to the blue paint.
Put on the right earmuff, then drag to the red paint.
Remove the earmuff, put on the top Santa hat, then drag to the blue paint.
Keep the top Santa hat on, put on the left earmuff, then drag to the red paint.
Remove the top Santa hat and the earmuff. Put on the wide belt and the small bobble hat and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the wide belt and the small bobble hat.
Put on the suspender and both earmuffs.
Drag to the blue paint.
Remove the earmuffs and keep the suspender on. Put on the small bobble hat, then put both earmuffs back on.
Drag to the orange paint.
Remove the small bobble hat, earmuffs, and suspender.
Put on the top Santa hat and both earmuffs.
Drag to the blue paint.
Remove the earmuffs and the top Santa hat.
Put on the wide belt and the top Santa hat. Drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the wide belt and the top Santa hat. Put on the large bobble hat and drag to the blue paint.
Remove the large bobble hat.
Put on the suspender, the top Santa hat, and both earmuffs.
Drag to the yellow paint.
Take off the earmuffs and the top Santa hat. Leave the suspender on.
Put on the large bobble hat and drag to the red paint.
Remove the large bobble hat and the suspender and enjoy the lovely music!
I needed the walkthrough for all of 16, most of 15, and the first step or two of the 3 before that.
I like that for MOST of them (excluding the ones with white parts), it was possible to fix if you screwed up.
5/5 for fun, difficulty (JUST challenging enough), and cuteness.
I like the option of the "mute music" button, but wish there had been a "mute sound" as well.
Factory Balls is fun and I'm glad they were able to put a holiday spin on it.
I'm a bit confused by your instructions for level 11. You say:
Remove the bottom Santa hat and add the wide belt (leave the suspender on).
Drag to the yellow paint.
Put on the top Santa hat and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the top Santa hat, put on the wide belt and the top Santa hat, and drag to red.
I don't think you meant to say
put on Y, put on X, take off X, put on Y that's already there, and put X on again
but I can't quite figure out what you did mean to say.
Actually level 16 is easier than it looks.
Figure out the middle vertical stripe. Make sure you pay attention to the triangle cut out hats, and what colors will be covered when you put them on. Once you figure it out, keep the vertical belt on it at all times. After that the rest is easy to figure out. : D
Good luck!
One thing I wish Bonte would do is add hovertext for the colors. I like the strategy and order puzzles, but I can't really tell the difference between the yellow and orange without seeing them next to each other. The first time I did the last ball, I did the bottom as orange instead of yellow. I had no clue what I did wrong until I opened grinnyp's walkthrough and saw it was supposed to be yellow, not orange, on the bottom.
Thank you Parse, I was failing to figure out why I wasn't getting some sort of dancing win screen.
And . . . Yay! FactoryBalls!
At some point, I started thinking it felt like dressing in layers and more layers to go out in the snow, then discovering you need to undress, then dressing up again, then going outside and deciding in ten minutes that it's too cold out with any amount of clothing on, then coming in and undressing, and having some cocoa, and thinking maybe with that cocoa you can take the cold, then dressing, and discovering the logical result of the cocoa, then . . .
I had problems telling the yellow from the orange too.
It also got annoying removing things in order and placing them back on and having to tweak things around since certain tools had to go over and not under items. I'd have liked a remove all button.
That said it was a fun Xmas diversion. I do love Factory Balls games. It's lovely to have a puzzle game I don't need a walkthrough for. I always find myself at the end wanting more levels which is the sign of a good game. I did love how it was made Xmas themed too.
Ray9na -
You are absolutely correct. The walkthrough read:
Remove the bottom Santa hat and add the wide belt (leave the suspender on).
Drag to the yellow paint.
Put on the top Santa hat and drag to the orange paint.
When it should read:
Remove the bottom Santa hat and add the wide belt (leave the suspender on).
Drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the belts (both of them), put on the top Santa hat and drag to the orange paint.
I've changed the walkthrough accordingly.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Factory Balls Christmas Edition Walkthrough
General Information
The object is to perfectly recreate the patterns given to you.
The easiest way to do this is to work from the top down.
The tools (as named by me in this walkthrough) are, clockwise from the colors: top Santa hat, bottom Santa hat, wide belt, suspender, right earmuff, left earmuff, small bobble hat, large bobble hat.
If you mess up, drag the ball to the trash, this will turn it white and you can start over.
Remember when using multiple tools: belt and suspender go on before hats, and hats go on before earmuffs.
Happy Holidays!
Level 1
The game will walk you through the level.
Pick a ball and drag it to the red paint can.
Drag the red ball to the wide belt.
Once the belt is on drag the ball to the yellow paint can.
Remove the red belt.
Level 2
Drag a white ball to the orange paint can.
Drag the ball to the small bobble hat.
Drag the ball to the blue paint can.
Remove the small bobble hat and put on the large bobble hat.
Drag the ball to the orange paint can and then remove the bobble hat.
Level 3
Drag a white ball to the blue paint.
Add the small bobble hat.
Drag the can to the red paint.
Remove the small bobble hat and put on the top Santa hat.
Drag to the orange paint.
Remove the top Santa hat and put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the yellow paint then remove the large bobble hat.
Level 4
Drag a white ball to the yellow paint.
Add both the right and left earmuffs.
Drag to the orange paint.
Remove the earmuffs and put on the wide belt.
Drag to the red paint and then remove the belt.
Level 5
Drag a white ball to the red paint.
Add the left earmuff, then drag to the yellow paint.
Add the right earmuff (don't remove the left) and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the earmuffs, put on the top Santa hat, then add both earmuffs back on.
Drag to the blue paint then remove all of the tools (earmuffs and hat).
Level 6
Drag a white ball to the blue paint.
Add both earmuffs (right and left) and drag to the red paint.
Remove the earmuffs and put on the top Santa hat.
Drag to the red paint.
With the Santa hat still on put on both earmuffs.
Drag to the blue paint and then remove all of the tools.
Level 7
Drag a white ball to the bottom Santa hat and the small bobble hat.
Dip into the red paint.
Remove the bottom Santa hat and small bobble hat.
Put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the orange paint, then remove the large bobble hat.
Level 8
Drag a white ball to the blue paint.
Put on the wide belt and drag the ball to the red paint.
Put on the small bobble hat (don't remove the belt) and drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the small bobble hat and the belt, then put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the red paint and then remove the large bobble hat.
Level 9
Drag a white ball to the blue paint.
Put on the small bobble hat and drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the small bobble hat, put on the suspender and drag to the blue paint.
Remove the suspender, put on the large bobble hat, and drag to the blue paint.
Remove the large bobble hat.
Level 10
Drag a white ball to the yellow paint.
Put on both earmuffs and drag to the blue paint.
Remove the earmuffs, put on the wide belt, and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the belt, put on the top Santa hat and the earmuffs.
Drag to the orange paint.
Remove the top Santa hat and earmuffs, and put on the wide belt and the top Santa hat (again).
Drag to the blue paint, then remove the hat and belt.
Level 11
Drag a white ball to the red paint.
Put on the wide belt and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the wide belt, and add the suspender and the bottom Santa hat.
Drag to the orange paint again.
Remove the bottom Santa hat and add the wide belt (leave the suspender on).
Drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the belt and suspender, put on the top Santa hat and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the top Santa hat, put on the wide belt and the top Santa hat, and drag to red.
Remove the top Santa hat and wide belt.
Put on the suspender and the top Santa hat, then drag to the red paint.
Remove the top Santa hat (leave the suspender on).
Put on the wide belt, then the top Santa hat.
Drag to the blue paint them remove all tools.
Level 12
Drag a white ball to the earmuffs (both sets) and then drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the earmuffs, then put on the wide belt and drag to the red paint.
Put on the small bobble hat (don't remove the belt) and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the small bobble hat (keep the wide belt on) and then put on the suspender.
Drag to the blue paint.
Remove the suspender (keep the wide belt on) and put on the top Santa hat.
Drag to the orange paint.
Remove the wide belt and the Santa hat. Put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the red paint.
Remove the large bobble hat. Put on the wide belt, suspender, and top Santa hat.
Drag to the blue paint then remove all tools.
Level 13
Drag a white ball to the orange paint.
Put on the suspender and the earmuffs, then drag to the blue paint.
Remove the suspender and earmuffs. Put on the wide belt and drag to the yellow paint.
Put on the small bobble hat (leave the belt on) and drag to the blue paint.
Remove the small bobble hat and the belt. Put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the red paint then remove the large bobble hat.
Level 14
Drag a white ball to the blue paint.
Put on the small bobble hat and the bottom Santa hat.
Drag to the yellow paint.
Remove both hats. Put on the suspender and put the small bobble hat back on as well.
Drag to the red paint.
Remove the small bobble hat, keep the suspender on, and put on the top Santa hat.
Drag to the orange paint.
Remove the top Santa hat and the suspender. Put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the yellow paint and remove the hat.
Level 15
Put the suspender on a white ball and drag to the orange paint.
Keeping the suspender on, put on the top Santa hat and drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the top Santa hat (keep the suspender on) and put on both earmuffs.
Drag to the red paint.
Remove the earmuffs and the suspender.
put on the wide belt, then drag to the red paint again.
Keeping the wide belt on, put on the small bobble hat and drag to the blue paint.
Remove the small bobble hat and the wide belt. Put on the large bobble hat.
Drag to the red paint then remove the hat.
Level 16
Drag a white ball to the blue paint.
Put on the right earmuff, then drag to the red paint.
Remove the earmuff, put on the top Santa hat, then drag to the blue paint.
Keep the top Santa hat on, put on the left earmuff, then drag to the red paint.
Remove the top Santa hat and the earmuff. Put on the wide belt and the small bobble hat and drag to the orange paint.
Remove the wide belt and the small bobble hat.
Put on the suspender and both earmuffs.
Drag to the blue paint.
Remove the earmuffs and keep the suspender on. Put on the small bobble hat, then put both earmuffs back on.
Drag to the orange paint.
Remove the small bobble hat, earmuffs, and suspender.
Put on the top Santa hat and both earmuffs.
Drag to the blue paint.
Remove the earmuffs and the top Santa hat.
Put on the wide belt and the top Santa hat. Drag to the yellow paint.
Remove the wide belt and the top Santa hat. Put on the large bobble hat and drag to the blue paint.
Remove the large bobble hat.
Put on the suspender, the top Santa hat, and both earmuffs.
Drag to the yellow paint.
Take off the earmuffs and the top Santa hat. Leave the suspender on.
Put on the large bobble hat and drag to the red paint.
Remove the large bobble hat and the suspender and enjoy the lovely music!
Posted by: grinnyp
December 13, 2010 4:53 PM