Factory Balls 2
A new Bart Bonte game has just been released, this one a sequel to an entry from our "ball physics" competition a year ago. Factory Balls 2 is a unique and original puzzle game in which you must match a target ball by adding elements from those given, one at a time. Order is important, and so you must plan your moves carefully.
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A walkthrough
level 1
blue paint, green tape, black tape
level 2
grass seed, water, water
level 3
orange paint, horizontal belt on, blue paint, horizontal belt off
level 4
glasses on, red paint, glasses off, black spray paint 2 times
level 5
yellow paint, hardhat on, green paint, hardhat off, black spraypaint 4 times
level 6
horizontal belt on, blue paint, vertical belt on, purple paint, vertical belt off, horizontal belt off
level 7
sunglasses on, grass seed, water, water, sunglasses off, black spray paint 2 times
level 8
yellow paint, hardhat on, orange paint, hardhat off, thingamajig on, blue paint, thingamajig off
level 9
grass seed, water, hardhat on, water, water, hardhat off
level 10
red paint, torch, lightbulb
level 11
blue paint, white spray paint 8 times, black spray paint 4 times
level 12
flower seed, water, grass seed, water
level 13
horizontal belt on, puple paint, horizontal belt off, vertical belt on, purple paint, horizontal belt on, blue paint, horizontal belt off, vertical belt off
level 14
sunglasses on, grass seed, water, water, water, sunglasses off, left facing vertical plunger 2 times, right facing vertical plunger 2 times, black spray paint 2 times
level 15
torch, lightbulb, hardhat on, blue paint, hardhat off
level 16
grass seed, water, blue flowers, water, white flowers, water
level 17
red paint, black spray paint 6 times, white spray paint 4 times, black spray paint 2 times
level 18
green paint, hardhat on, red paint, hardhat off, headphones on, yellow paint, headphones off, hardhat on, headphones on, blue paint, headphones off, hardhat off
level 19
white flowers, water, hardhat on, water, hardhat off, grass seed, water
level 20
black paint, hardhat on, yellow paint, hardhat off, rotate 3 times, hardhat on, yellow paint, hardhat off, rotate 1 time
level 21
black paint, sunglasses on, vertical right facing plunger, vertical left facing plunger, red paint, horizontal plunger 2 times, sunglasses off
level 22
blue paint, horizontal belt on, yellow paint, horizontal belt off, vertical belt on, yellow paint, horizontal belt on, orange paint, vertical belt off, horizontal belt off
level 23
thingamajig on, black paint, thingamajig off, hardhat on, black paint, hardhat off, thingamajig on, white paint, thingamajig off
level 24
grass seed, hardhat on, blue flower seed, hardhat off, water, white flower seed, water
level 25
yellow paint, hardhat on, green paint, hardhat off, rotate 7 times, hardhat on, orange paint, hardhat off, rotate 6 times, hardhat on, orange paint, hardhat off rotate 1 time
level 26
torch, water, water, red paint, fish, green paint, blue paint
level 27
purple paint, vertical left facing plunger, vertical right facing plunger 2 times, white spray paint 7 times, black spray paint 3 times
level 28
horizontal belt on, vertical belt on, grass seed, water, vertical belt off, grass seed, horizontal belt off, vertical belt on, grass seed, vertical belt off, water, water
level 29
hardhat on, black paint, hardhat off, turn 6 times, hardhat on, blue paint, hardhat off, turn 1 time, hardhat on, red paint, hardhat off, turn 2 times
level 30
torch, water, red color, fish, water, blue color, fish, green color
and you are done, congrads
blue paint, green tape, black tape
grass seeds, water X2
orange paint, H. belt, blue paint, H. belt
glasses, red paint, glasses, black spray X2
yellow paint, hat, green paint, hat, black spray X4
H. belt, cyan paint, V. belt, magenta paint, V. belt, H. belt
glasses, grass seeds, water X2, glasses, black spray X2
yellow paint, hat, orange paint, hat, polka dots, blue paint, polka dots
grass seeds, water, hat, water X2, hat
red paint, glass (?), light bulb
blue paint, white spray X8, black spray X4
Y. flower seeds, water, grass seeds, water
H. belt, magenta paint, H. belt, V. belt, magenta paint, H. belt, cyan paint, H. belt, V. belt
glasses, grass seeds, \ plunger X2, / plunger X2, water X3, black spray X2
glass, light bulb, hat, blue paint, hat
grass seeds, water, B. flower seeds, water, Y, flower seeds, water
red paint, black spray X6, white spray X4, black spray X2
green paint, hat, red paint, hat, head phones, yellow paint, head phones, hat, head phones, blue paint, head phones, hat
Y. flower seeds, water, hat, water X2, hat, grass seeds, water
yellow paint, hat, black paint, hat, rotate X7, hat, yellow paint, hat, rotate
black paint, glasses, \ plunger, / plunger, red paint, glasses, -- plunger X2
blue paint, H. belt, yellow paint, H. belt, V. belt, yellow paint, H. belt, orange paint, H. belt, V. belt
polka dot, black paint, polka dot, hat, black paint, hat, polka dot, white paint, polka dot
grass seeds, hat, B. flower seeds, hat, water, Y. flower seeds, water
yellow paint, hat, green paint, hat, rotate X5, hat, orange paint, hat, rotate X2, hat, orange paint, hat, rotate X7
glass, water X2, red drop, fish, blue drop
magenta paint, \ plunger, / plunger X2, White pray X7, black spray X3
H. belt, grass seeds, H. belt, V. belt, grass seeds, H. belt, water, H. belt, V. belt, water X2
hat, blue paint, hat, rotate X2, hat, black paint, hat, rotate X7, hat, red paint, hat, rotate X2
glass, water, red drop, fish, blue drop, water, fish, green drop
Congratulations! You beat the game! Watch the end credits to see more balls :)
I'm not at all surprised that this game is wonderful. The factory ball series is probably my favorite flash game ever. I want more!
And Mr. Bonte, do you think you would be interested in developing a game based on something increasing in size as it encountered objects smaller than itself, a la Katamari of those silly fish eating fish games? I would love to see what you come up with!
Thanks for giving me a steady stream of wonderful games... I don't feel as guilty about putting off my work when I can spend my time doing something so creative and engaging!
Bart actually manages to take a great game and make it a thousand times better. I concur on the free play mode though, I wanna make aquariums and adorable smiley balls! :-D
So if he were to implement free play, I hope all the tools from part 1 and 2 were all included. And it could perhaps even be worth considering being able to share balls with others, so that you can see each other's creations like in so many other games.
I loved the first one because of how simple the idea was, but thought it was too easy and there weren't enough options to keep it interesting.
Well, he fixed that problem, and now we have loads of options without getting too cluttered, and the puzzles are much trickier without being counter-intuitive. This is an awesome game, and Bart Bonte has proven himself an awesome designer.
I'd still like to see a free-form mode, where you are presented with all the options at once and can make the neatest balls you like. But maybe that can be a feature in the next one. ;-)
I have never posted before! Let me start by saying that I absolutely love JIG and this particular game!
Anyway, perhaps I have found a bug??
On level 23, if you
1. Select the spot contraption
2. Dip the ball in black paint
3. Remove the spot contraption
4. Select the helmet
5. Dip the ball in white paint
6. Remove the helmet
then the top half of the ball will turn completely black. This shouldn't happen because after step 3, you should have a black ball with white spots. In step 4, when you cover the top of the ball with the helmet, it should protect the top of the ball from any paint or other changes, leaving it black with white spots.
It doesn't happen all the time, but it happened to me twice.
Great game, enjoyed the puzzles.
The only major problem I had was with the color scheme. This game is not colorblind friendly. If using patterns in addition to colors would veer too much from the author's chosen style/artwork, then the next best thing is just to make sure that when colors are part of the puzzle, every color used is of a significantly different shade.
But this has been talked about before ad nauseam.
Also, I got thrown off by the differing shades of green used for the grass, too, though that's not about my colorblindness.
And, actually, the fact that
in the later levels your balls go back into the tumbler after you put them in the recycling bin
makes up for this.
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Walkthrough Guide
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A walkthrough
level 1
blue paint, green tape, black tape
level 2
grass seed, water, water
level 3
orange paint, horizontal belt on, blue paint, horizontal belt off
level 4
glasses on, red paint, glasses off, black spray paint 2 times
level 5
yellow paint, hardhat on, green paint, hardhat off, black spraypaint 4 times
level 6
horizontal belt on, blue paint, vertical belt on, purple paint, vertical belt off, horizontal belt off
level 7
sunglasses on, grass seed, water, water, sunglasses off, black spray paint 2 times
level 8
yellow paint, hardhat on, orange paint, hardhat off, thingamajig on, blue paint, thingamajig off
level 9
grass seed, water, hardhat on, water, water, hardhat off
level 10
red paint, torch, lightbulb
level 11
blue paint, white spray paint 8 times, black spray paint 4 times
level 12
flower seed, water, grass seed, water
level 13
horizontal belt on, puple paint, horizontal belt off, vertical belt on, purple paint, horizontal belt on, blue paint, horizontal belt off, vertical belt off
level 14
sunglasses on, grass seed, water, water, water, sunglasses off, left facing vertical plunger 2 times, right facing vertical plunger 2 times, black spray paint 2 times
level 15
torch, lightbulb, hardhat on, blue paint, hardhat off
level 16
grass seed, water, blue flowers, water, white flowers, water
level 17
red paint, black spray paint 6 times, white spray paint 4 times, black spray paint 2 times
level 18
green paint, hardhat on, red paint, hardhat off, headphones on, yellow paint, headphones off, hardhat on, headphones on, blue paint, headphones off, hardhat off
level 19
white flowers, water, hardhat on, water, hardhat off, grass seed, water
level 20
black paint, hardhat on, yellow paint, hardhat off, rotate 3 times, hardhat on, yellow paint, hardhat off, rotate 1 time
level 21
black paint, sunglasses on, vertical right facing plunger, vertical left facing plunger, red paint, horizontal plunger 2 times, sunglasses off
level 22
blue paint, horizontal belt on, yellow paint, horizontal belt off, vertical belt on, yellow paint, horizontal belt on, orange paint, vertical belt off, horizontal belt off
level 23
thingamajig on, black paint, thingamajig off, hardhat on, black paint, hardhat off, thingamajig on, white paint, thingamajig off
level 24
grass seed, hardhat on, blue flower seed, hardhat off, water, white flower seed, water
level 25
yellow paint, hardhat on, green paint, hardhat off, rotate 7 times, hardhat on, orange paint, hardhat off, rotate 6 times, hardhat on, orange paint, hardhat off rotate 1 time
level 26
torch, water, water, red paint, fish, green paint, blue paint
level 27
purple paint, vertical left facing plunger, vertical right facing plunger 2 times, white spray paint 7 times, black spray paint 3 times
level 28
horizontal belt on, vertical belt on, grass seed, water, vertical belt off, grass seed, horizontal belt off, vertical belt on, grass seed, vertical belt off, water, water
level 29
hardhat on, black paint, hardhat off, turn 6 times, hardhat on, blue paint, hardhat off, turn 1 time, hardhat on, red paint, hardhat off, turn 2 times
level 30
torch, water, red color, fish, water, blue color, fish, green color
and you are done, congrads
Posted by: rushafx
October 30, 2008 5:46 PM
blue paint, green tape, black tape
grass seeds, water X2
orange paint, H. belt, blue paint, H. belt
glasses, red paint, glasses, black spray X2
yellow paint, hat, green paint, hat, black spray X4
H. belt, cyan paint, V. belt, magenta paint, V. belt, H. belt
glasses, grass seeds, water X2, glasses, black spray X2
yellow paint, hat, orange paint, hat, polka dots, blue paint, polka dots
grass seeds, water, hat, water X2, hat
red paint, glass (?), light bulb
blue paint, white spray X8, black spray X4
Y. flower seeds, water, grass seeds, water
H. belt, magenta paint, H. belt, V. belt, magenta paint, H. belt, cyan paint, H. belt, V. belt
glasses, grass seeds, \ plunger X2, / plunger X2, water X3, black spray X2
glass, light bulb, hat, blue paint, hat
grass seeds, water, B. flower seeds, water, Y, flower seeds, water
red paint, black spray X6, white spray X4, black spray X2
green paint, hat, red paint, hat, head phones, yellow paint, head phones, hat, head phones, blue paint, head phones, hat
Y. flower seeds, water, hat, water X2, hat, grass seeds, water
yellow paint, hat, black paint, hat, rotate X7, hat, yellow paint, hat, rotate
black paint, glasses, \ plunger, / plunger, red paint, glasses, -- plunger X2
blue paint, H. belt, yellow paint, H. belt, V. belt, yellow paint, H. belt, orange paint, H. belt, V. belt
polka dot, black paint, polka dot, hat, black paint, hat, polka dot, white paint, polka dot
grass seeds, hat, B. flower seeds, hat, water, Y. flower seeds, water
yellow paint, hat, green paint, hat, rotate X5, hat, orange paint, hat, rotate X2, hat, orange paint, hat, rotate X7
glass, water X2, red drop, fish, blue drop
magenta paint, \ plunger, / plunger X2, White pray X7, black spray X3
H. belt, grass seeds, H. belt, V. belt, grass seeds, H. belt, water, H. belt, V. belt, water X2
hat, blue paint, hat, rotate X2, hat, black paint, hat, rotate X7, hat, red paint, hat, rotate X2
glass, water, red drop, fish, blue drop, water, fish, green drop
Congratulations! You beat the game! Watch the end credits to see more balls :)
Posted by: Billy_Kane | October 30, 2008 5:48 PM