An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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3.8/5 (209 votes)

Follow an ancient myth inside this pyramid, solve the puzzles and get free of this sand tomb!. Euridissey is an entry into our 10th Casual Gameplay Design Competition, with the theme of "Escape".

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Walkthrough Guide

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Euridissey Arrow Puzzle Walkthrough:


Look at your papers, specifically page 1 and page 2:
Page 1 is right-side up: the black circle is the non-turnable arrow.
Page 2 is actually rotated 180 degrees.
Answer: (U=Up, L=Left, R=Right, D=Down)



Euridissey Walkthrough:

  1. Collect the scroll. Go Down.

  2. Collect the scroll. Go Right.

  3. Collect the gear. Go Up.

  4. Press the button on the top right. Go Left then Up.

  5. Collect the paper (inside the ring) and the ladder. Go Left, Down, Down.

  6. Collect the axe, and press the button below the ladder. Go Left.

  7. Drag the ladder over the gap. Go Left.

  8. Collect the gear, and press the button on the top left. Go Up.

  9. Collect the gold piece. Go Down, Left.

  10. Collect the paper. Go Right, Right, Right, Up, Up.

  11. Drag the axe over the boards, and drag the gold piece over the indent on the wall. Go Left.

  12. Collect the paper under the flame, click the cobweb on the top left, click the button. Go Down.

  13. Collect the gold piece. Go Up, Right.

  14. Drag the gold piece over the indent on the wall. Go Down.

  15. Drag both gears into the gap in the wall to the left. Collect the gold piece. Go Up.

  16. Drag the gold piece into the indent on the wall. Go Right, Down, Right.

  17. The dreaded arrow puzzle. Look at your papers, specifically page 1 and page 2:
    Page 1 is right-side up: the black circle is the non-turnable arrow.
    Page 2 is actually rotated 180 degrees.
    Answer: (U=Up, L=Left, R=Right, D=Down)


    D R L U
    D U D L
    L R D R
    U L U R

  18. Collect the gold piece. Go Left, Up, Left.

  19. Drag the gold piece into the wall. Go Up.

  20. Collect the chisel behind the foot of the right cat guard.

  21. Optional:


    Go Down, Right, Down, Down, Right. Drag the chisel to the wall. Go Right. Collect the cat and the paper. Go Left, Left, Up, Up, Left, Up.

  22. Go Up. Click Yes.

Euridissey Walkthrough


Note: room orders are based on how I moved through them, not on how they would appear on a diagram.

  1. Starting room—hole in floor and ceiling with a rope going through it; a doorway to the right:

  2. Spoiler
    • Pick up SCROLL (1/6) from floor.

  3. Climb up the rope.

  4. You've reached a room with—a hole in the floor; a rope hooked to ceiling; a doorway on the left:

  5. Spoiler
    • Take the SCROLL (2/6) from loop on ceiling.

    • Get the LADDER off the right wall.

  6. Move left.

  7. Spoiler
    • Make note of the empty circular emblem on the wall and a boarded up doorway. There is nothing you can do here right now.

  8. Climb down the rope.

  9. Spoiler
    • Here is a panel with for quarters, a gem in each. No action here yet, though.

  10. Go down.

  11. You're now in a room with—a torch on the wall, a ladder going up, sand pile to the right, and a doorway to the left:

  12. Spoiler
    • Pick up the SLEDGE HAMMER from the sand.

    • Push the RED BUTTON behind the base of the ladder.

  13. Go left.

  14. Now you're in a room with an eye of Horus on the wall and a gap in the floor:

  15. Spoiler
    • Put the LADDER across the gap in the floor.

  16. Move left to a room that has block steps leading up the wall and doorways on both sides:

  17. Spoiler
    • Pick up the GEAR (1/2).

    • Push the RED BUTTON in the top left corner.

  18. Go up the block steps to see a hole in the ceiling and an Ankh on the wall:

  19. Spoiler
    • Pick up the EMBLEM PIECE (1/4) from the ledge.

  20. Go back down.

  21. Then, move left to a room with the only other doorway, the one on the left, blocked by sand and a torch on the wall:

  22. Spoiler
    • Pick up the SCROLL (3/6).

  23. Move right three times, back to the room with the ladder leading up.

  24. Go up the ladder.

  25. Spoiler
    • Note that, having pushed two buttons, two quarters of the panel are now open.

  26. Continue up the rope to return to the room with the circular emblem and the boarded up doorway:

  27. Spoiler
    • Use the SLEDGEHAMMER on the boards to open up the doorway.

  28. Move left through the new doorway. There is a torch on the wall and a webby button in the corner:

  29. Spoiler
    • Take the SCROLL (4/6) from off the torch handle.

    • Push the RED BUTTON.

  30. Go down the stairs to a dead end at the base of the stairs:

  31. Spoiler
    • Grab the next EMBLEM PIECE (2/4) from a hole under the stairs.

  32. Now go back... Up the stairs. Right twice. Down the rope.

  33. From here, the starting room, go down the rope once more to where the rope ends. There's also an open doorway to the right and a pile of sand to the left:

  34. Spoiler
    • Take the SCROLL (5/6) from the sand pile.

  35. Head through the doorway on the right. There are narrow steps up to a hole in the ceiling, torch on wall and a small bit of sand on the floor:

  36. Spoiler
    • Take the GEAR (2/2) from the sand on floor.

  37. Go up through the hole to a triangle grid puzzle:

  38. Spoiler
    • First, push the RED BUTTON in the upper right corner (lest you forget with all the excitement of the triangles puzzle!)

    • Now, on to solving the TRIANGLE PUZZLE:

    • At this point in your travels, you should have picked up at least 5 scrolls which, nicely, turn into six pages of story and two pages of clues.

    • It is the two clue pages that you need to figure out this triangle puzzle.

    • If you don't have both clues, follow the walkthrough back through all the rooms. One scroll is more trickily hidden...

    • Objective:

      • Click on the triangles to turn them.

      • Turn the triangles until each is in the correct direction.

      • Use the two clue pages to figure out which direction each triangle should face.



      The flower or shooting star design is shaped like an arrow, the heavier end like the arrow's point.


      Note that one triangle on the grid doesn't move.


      Try copying the info onto two pieces of papers, and turning them around until both seem to "fit" together.


      Only one arrow matches on both papers.



      Turn the arrows until they're arranged on the grid like this:


      D=down; U=up; L=left; R=right.

      • When you've completed the puzzle, the grid will open to reveal:

        • an EMBLEM PIECE (3/4), the center of the emblem. Take it.

  39. At this point you have....

  40. Spoiler

    ...both gears and have pushed four buttons but still need one more emblem piece...

  41. Return to the room with the four-part panel. To get there from the triangle grid room...

    • Go left. Up. Left. Down.

  42. Now you're at the end of a rope and facing the panel with gears in it:

  43. Spoiler
    • Add your two GEARS to the ones in the wall.

    • The niche on the right opens up so you can take...

      • The last EMBLEM PIECE (4/4).

  44. Go up to see the circular emblem room:

  45. Spoiler
    • Insert each of the four EMBLEM PIECES onto their plaque on the wall.

    • The ceiling opens up and a metal ladder appears.

  46. Climbing up, you discover two Duamutefs (jackel-head men). Now you have a choice...

  47. Spoiler
  48. You're at the exit. Do you want to just end it now? Or do you think you can do better?

  49. If you want to do better...

  50. Spoiler
    • Pick up the stone SPIKE behind the foot of the figure on the right.

    • Read the scrolls to learn this place is a pyramid.

      • If you've been keeping track of where you've gone, you might realize where there should be one more doorway, to one more unexplored room. A secret room.

  51. To the "secret room":

  52. Spoiler
    • Start from the exit room (the room guarded by the two Duamatef figures)....

    • Climb down, go right, down twice, then go right again.

    • You'll be back in the room with the narrow steps going up into the ceiling, a torch to the left of those, and a small pile of sand on the floor.

    • Use the HAMMER and SPIKE on the right side of the room to break open the wall.

    • Go through the hole to the new room.

    • Now you can grab two more things:

      • The last SCROLL (6/6).

      • A Bastet CAT statuette.

    • With your latest discovery, head back to the exit room...

      • Left twice. Up twice. Left. Up.

  53. ...then click on the top of the ladder and choose "Yes" when you're ready to end the game.


A bit too Submachine-esque. This game could use a unique style, even if the contest is sponsored by Pastel Games.


For the life of me, I can not figure out


the triangle grid thing. Not even with the papers, I've tried various combinations, and no luck.

Anybody have a tip?


I'm stuck where akaiLV is, and I also can't figure out


the secret passage in the southeast corner, that the latest page of paper told me to look for. There's a click zone there, but I don't have any items left for it.

My guess is it's opened by the triangle grid thing.

elerihamilton September 5, 2012 12:13 AM

Thank goodness for the "play muted" button, I actually started over so I could use it. Stuck the same place as the guys above.


I'm with akaiLV and Ezra, stuck on the


triangle grid

The clues don't seem to add up...

fumblemouse September 5, 2012 5:27 AM

Hmm - a ladder we picked up earlier wasn't showing up on the inventory until we moused over it. That's a bug, I think. Using it opens up the game a little. Still stuck on the triangles though


Submachine goes to Egypt. A bit buggy, but good-if-familiar gameplay.


I'm stuck in the same spot as the rest at the


Triangle puzzle

It almost seems like the story you pick up are directions telling you how to get somewhere. I assumed it was something to do with the


secret entrance, but it doesn't seem to open


For those stuck on the triangle puzzle


Start with the thorn bushes parchment(if that is what they are) and point the tip of the triangles to match on the squares shown


Then turn the triangle parchment upside down, and turn the remainder to match

It turned to fast to get a screen shot.

Now where is that secret room ?

renatapiovani September 5, 2012 12:06 PM

I don't know how I solved the triangles puzzle, but


I found a cat statue!


To solve the triangle grid:


Turn the clue with the triangles on upside down and merge it with the clue with the other weird symbols on (the right way up).


To get to the secret room:


In the room before the finish of the game pick up the item behind one of the statues. Go to the room below the one with the triangle puzzle and use the new item on the wall to the right.


For the triangle puzzle:


You'll need two pages: one with comets in circles, and one with triangles.


The comet page has one circle darkened. This corresponds to the one triangle that can't be moved. The other comets give the direction of some of the triangles.


Use the other page to set the rest of the triangles.


The second page has a different orientation to the first. Only one triangle appears on both pages.

hyperkinetic September 5, 2012 1:26 PM

Too much like Sub-Machine without any of the mood or mystery. The puzzles manage to be both unoriginal and confusing at the same time, especially with the bugginess complicating matters. It was very odd to have the mute be the very first thing you encounter in the game, even before you hear any sound, and having to restart if you change your mind to use it is awkward. The writing of the back-story in the note was not well written and seemed pretty forced. Not a bad game, but not adding anything or especially fun to play. Don't be afraid to explore your own style.


All things considered, it could have been worse. I can't say this is an example of the things in the escape genre that I don't like, but I can't say I like it. The puzzles were straightforward, and I would prefer that to obfuscated, yet it was still a bit annoying to breeze through it unhindered. The secret room was pretty much the only puzzle that wasn't obvious, but with some thinking, it wasn't frustrating, so props on that.

Can't say it was great, compounded by the story being forced and the item system being a pain (for me), yet it wasn't the worst way I could waste a few minutes. You definitely achieved the whole submachine clone thing, whether that's good or not I don't know. Try branching out a bit with both setting and puzzles, and I'm sure you could make things like this better ;)

nerdypants September 5, 2012 2:41 PM

Maybe I'm just jonesing for a new Submachine, but I really enjoyed this one. The puzzles could've been a little more complex, and it was a little too stylistically similar to Submachine, but otherwise it's a great game. Definitely one of my favorites of the competition!


Game was okay to me, but I also had problems with the ladder (as in it didn't even show up in one of my playthroughs), and the triangle puzzle did bug me.

I too find this a little too similar to Submachine, which, I suppose, was your goal, but I found that this may have made a limited potential - basically, there were no wheels reinvented, and you forced the 'story' a tad too much.



To be a bit more blunt, I found that you just put in the Orpheus and Eurydice story just to provide some sort of premise, but nothing more than that. I mean, consider Don't Look Back, which also used the same story, but actually incorporated the story into the gameplay. As it stands, I feel that you did not necessarily have to use the Orpheus and Eurydice story.


Euridissey Arrow Puzzle Walkthrough:


Look at your papers, specifically page 1 and page 2:
Page 1 is right-side up: the black circle is the non-turnable arrow.
Page 2 is actually rotated 180 degrees.
Answer: (U=Up, L=Left, R=Right, D=Down)



Euridissey Walkthrough:

  1. Collect the scroll. Go Down.

  2. Collect the scroll. Go Right.

  3. Collect the gear. Go Up.

  4. Press the button on the top right. Go Left then Up.

  5. Collect the paper (inside the ring) and the ladder. Go Left, Down, Down.

  6. Collect the axe, and press the button below the ladder. Go Left.

  7. Drag the ladder over the gap. Go Left.

  8. Collect the gear, and press the button on the top left. Go Up.

  9. Collect the gold piece. Go Down, Left.

  10. Collect the paper. Go Right, Right, Right, Up, Up.

  11. Drag the axe over the boards, and drag the gold piece over the indent on the wall. Go Left.

  12. Collect the paper under the flame, click the cobweb on the top left, click the button. Go Down.

  13. Collect the gold piece. Go Up, Right.

  14. Drag the gold piece over the indent on the wall. Go Down.

  15. Drag both gears into the gap in the wall to the left. Collect the gold piece. Go Up.

  16. Drag the gold piece into the indent on the wall. Go Right, Down, Right.

  17. The dreaded arrow puzzle. Look at your papers, specifically page 1 and page 2:
    Page 1 is right-side up: the black circle is the non-turnable arrow.
    Page 2 is actually rotated 180 degrees.
    Answer: (U=Up, L=Left, R=Right, D=Down)


    D R L U
    D U D L
    L R D R
    U L U R

  18. Collect the gold piece. Go Left, Up, Left.

  19. Drag the gold piece into the wall. Go Up.

  20. Collect the chisel behind the foot of the right cat guard.

  21. Optional:


    Go Down, Right, Down, Down, Right. Drag the chisel to the wall. Go Right. Collect the cat and the paper. Go Left, Left, Up, Up, Left, Up.

  22. Go Up. Click Yes.


Euridissey Walkthrough


Note: room orders are based on how I moved through them, not on how they would appear on a diagram.

  1. Starting room—hole in floor and ceiling with a rope going through it; a doorway to the right:

  2. Spoiler
    • Pick up SCROLL (1/6) from floor.

  3. Climb up the rope.

  4. You've reached a room with—a hole in the floor; a rope hooked to ceiling; a doorway on the left:

  5. Spoiler
    • Take the SCROLL (2/6) from loop on ceiling.

    • Get the LADDER off the right wall.

  6. Move left.

  7. Spoiler
    • Make note of the empty circular emblem on the wall and a boarded up doorway. There is nothing you can do here right now.

  8. Climb down the rope.

  9. Spoiler
    • Here is a panel with for quarters, a gem in each. No action here yet, though.

  10. Go down.

  11. You're now in a room with—a torch on the wall, a ladder going up, sand pile to the right, and a doorway to the left:

  12. Spoiler
    • Pick up the SLEDGE HAMMER from the sand.

    • Push the RED BUTTON behind the base of the ladder.

  13. Go left.

  14. Now you're in a room with an eye of Horus on the wall and a gap in the floor:

  15. Spoiler
    • Put the LADDER across the gap in the floor.

  16. Move left to a room that has block steps leading up the wall and doorways on both sides:

  17. Spoiler
    • Pick up the GEAR (1/2).

    • Push the RED BUTTON in the top left corner.

  18. Go up the block steps to see a hole in the ceiling and an Ankh on the wall:

  19. Spoiler
    • Pick up the EMBLEM PIECE (1/4) from the ledge.

  20. Go back down.

  21. Then, move left to a room with the only other doorway, the one on the left, blocked by sand and a torch on the wall:

  22. Spoiler
    • Pick up the SCROLL (3/6).

  23. Move right three times, back to the room with the ladder leading up.

  24. Go up the ladder.

  25. Spoiler
    • Note that, having pushed two buttons, two quarters of the panel are now open.

  26. Continue up the rope to return to the room with the circular emblem and the boarded up doorway:

  27. Spoiler
    • Use the SLEDGEHAMMER on the boards to open up the doorway.

  28. Move left through the new doorway. There is a torch on the wall and a webby button in the corner:

  29. Spoiler
    • Take the SCROLL (4/6) from off the torch handle.

    • Push the RED BUTTON.

  30. Go down the stairs to a dead end at the base of the stairs:

  31. Spoiler
    • Grab the next EMBLEM PIECE (2/4) from a hole under the stairs.

  32. Now go back... Up the stairs. Right twice. Down the rope.

  33. From here, the starting room, go down the rope once more to where the rope ends. There's also an open doorway to the right and a pile of sand to the left:

  34. Spoiler
    • Take the SCROLL (5/6) from the sand pile.

  35. Head through the doorway on the right. There are narrow steps up to a hole in the ceiling, torch on wall and a small bit of sand on the floor:

  36. Spoiler
    • Take the GEAR (2/2) from the sand on floor.

  37. Go up through the hole to a triangle grid puzzle:

  38. Spoiler
    • First, push the RED BUTTON in the upper right corner (lest you forget with all the excitement of the triangles puzzle!)

    • Now, on to solving the TRIANGLE PUZZLE:

    • At this point in your travels, you should have picked up at least 5 scrolls which, nicely, turn into six pages of story and two pages of clues.

    • It is the two clue pages that you need to figure out this triangle puzzle.

    • If you don't have both clues, follow the walkthrough back through all the rooms. One scroll is more trickily hidden...

    • Objective:

      • Click on the triangles to turn them.

      • Turn the triangles until each is in the correct direction.

      • Use the two clue pages to figure out which direction each triangle should face.



      The flower or shooting star design is shaped like an arrow, the heavier end like the arrow's point.


      Note that one triangle on the grid doesn't move.


      Try copying the info onto two pieces of papers, and turning them around until both seem to "fit" together.


      Only one arrow matches on both papers.



      Turn the arrows until they're arranged on the grid like this:


      D=down; U=up; L=left; R=right.

      • When you've completed the puzzle, the grid will open to reveal:

        • an EMBLEM PIECE (3/4), the center of the emblem. Take it.

  39. At this point you have....

  40. Spoiler

    ...both gears and have pushed four buttons but still need one more emblem piece...

  41. Return to the room with the four-part panel. To get there from the triangle grid room...

    • Go left. Up. Left. Down.

  42. Now you're at the end of a rope and facing the panel with gears in it:

  43. Spoiler
    • Add your two GEARS to the ones in the wall.

    • The niche on the right opens up so you can take...

      • The last EMBLEM PIECE (4/4).

  44. Go up to see the circular emblem room:

  45. Spoiler
    • Insert each of the four EMBLEM PIECES onto their plaque on the wall.

    • The ceiling opens up and a metal ladder appears.

  46. Climbing up, you discover two Duamutefs (jackel-head men). Now you have a choice...

  47. Spoiler
  48. You're at the exit. Do you want to just end it now? Or do you think you can do better?

  49. If you want to do better...

  50. Spoiler
    • Pick up the stone SPIKE behind the foot of the figure on the right.

    • Read the scrolls to learn this place is a pyramid.

      • If you've been keeping track of where you've gone, you might realize where there should be one more doorway, to one more unexplored room. A secret room.

  51. To the "secret room":

  52. Spoiler
    • Start from the exit room (the room guarded by the two Duamatef figures)....

    • Climb down, go right, down twice, then go right again.

    • You'll be back in the room with the narrow steps going up into the ceiling, a torch to the left of those, and a small pile of sand on the floor.

    • Use the HAMMER and SPIKE on the right side of the room to break open the wall.

    • Go through the hole to the new room.

    • Now you can grab two more things:

      • The last SCROLL (6/6).

      • A Bastet CAT statuette.

    • With your latest discovery, head back to the exit room...

      • Left twice. Up twice. Left. Up.

  53. ...then click on the top of the ladder and choose "Yes" when you're ready to end the game.


The play without sound button is a god sent and I think it should be included in every game! Great addition. The game play was good but i had no idea that there was a secret till i had finished and i really did not feel like replaying.


Minus points for confusing your Greek and Egyptian mythology, but other than that not a bad effort.


I'm going to just spoiler this whole thing for safety:


I liked the atmosphere, and unlike some of the other comments I didn't think the Orpheus and Euridice story was inappropriate (but then, I was a classics major as an undergrad and eat that stuff for breakfast). I did think that the overall tone of the writing was a little bipolar -- solemn one moment and almost jokey the next. That threw me a little bit. The art was fine, if a little nondescript, and I really loved the scene with the little bit of stars showing in the upper left corner.

I played through three times, and the second time the ladder was not present (which is why I had to start over a third time).

All three times, I "solved" the arrow puzzle completely by accident. I'm pretty sure this is a bug and not just me being extraordinarily gifted at accidental puzzle solving -- I only clicked on one or two of the arrow buttons. I did click on them several times, because I like to make sure puzzles behave the way I expect them to before I even begin solving them, but even so, only a few of the buttons were rotated and suddenly I had the item I would have gotten as a result of the puzzle. That's a pretty major flaw and left me very confused because I thought I had just found the item behind one of the buttons, or something, and I thought I still had to solve the arrow puzzle, but when I did nothing happened.

Overall, enjoyable, but not particularly memorable.


@BrittaBot: That was the first thing I was going to mention!!

Other than that, it was a bit too easy for my liking. Didn't realise people were having issues with the arrow puzzle until after I'd finished and came here. Maybe I've been playing these games too long.


The secret room was easy, but only because I'd drawn a map of my layout, and the missing part at the base of the pyramid was obvious.

The only niggle (apart from the Greek mythology), was that it should be "click to select, click to use", not drag drop, it's a pain.

Other than that, another good effort, if not a little easy.

I'm looking forward to #2.


I liked the basic idea here, but wish you'd done a little more with it.

Review, spoilered for length:


Using Eurydice as your subject matter was great. Mythological characters who were important, but who the reader never really got to know as a person, are one of my favorite things to see people take on in their own creations. We know who Eurydice is, but we don't really know her, so it's a compelling setup.

Unfortunately, the way you used her felt kind of inconsistent. The way she wrote went back and forth between narrator-like and very casual, and it was just hard to get a sense for her character. I would have appreciated some more consistency. I was also very surprised to see that she was still trying to meet up with Orpheus at the end- the way she talked about him in her notes, especially the way she talked about the myth about him (spoiler: Orpheus dies in a really horrible way at the end) felt much too distant to be about a "my sweet love".

It's also not intuitive what she's doing with the notes. Why is she leaving them behind? Who is she leaving them for? Why is the player character here, and why is the wall fixed/door boarded up even after Eurydice's already been there? Am I playing as Eurydice and writing the messages as I go on paper I find, like a journal of my escape? It seems like you were influenced by Submachine, but Submachine found a way to make the notes make sense. Here, I... just don't really know what's going on.

If the player character is Eurydice, I think that would have been clearer with some visual indication that this is who we're playing as. Show a picture of her at the start of the game, or something. If the player character isn't Eurydice, I think it needs to be clearer that she's leaving the notes behind for some reason, and maybe give us a clue as to why she's doing that. If the notes are for somebody besides herself, then maybe she would address you as a separate person, and explain why she's writing to you.

The fusion of different mythologies is interesting, but it's hard to tell what you're doing with it. I'm guessing we'll see how she got to the Egyptian underworld from the Greek one (and what the Norse symbols mean at the end) in the sequel, and it'll make sense then. But right now, I don't have that information, and there's really not much closure to be had, and it's a little hard to judge the game's merits in a competition because... I'm not really feeling satisfied, but that's the point, isn't it? Personally, I believe that the first game in a series should work as a stand-alone game as well- a series requires the player to trust the dev, somewhat, because it's a bigger time investment in terms of playing and waiting. Leaving the player at least somewhat satisfied by the first installment can help build that trust.

I liked the ambient background noise. It fit well with the creepy tomb vibe. Some sound effects for the player's actions would have been nice, too.

Looking at your maps in the end screen, I really like the pyramid. And it's huge, too! There are quite a few more rooms than I thought there would be. But I didn't really get a sense for the pyramid's hugeness while playing the game. Most of the rooms look really similar, and it was difficult for me to remember what connected to what. The sand did a good job making me feel trapped, and the art is okay (the cracked background around the inventory and game window was lovely, and did a great job!). But I think you could have stood to make the rooms a little more distinct. It didn't feel like I was in a bunch of creepily similar rooms, it felt like I was in the same room, over and over again. I don't know if that was what you were going for, but I didn't really get the feel of exploring this big environment as much as I think I should have. Also, you have so many rooms, but you don't do much with most of them. This is maybe just a personal preference again, but I think the rooms would have felt less copypaste if there were more things around to do. Puzzles are good, that's why we're playing escape games!

Speaking of the puzzle, I thought it was pretty well done! Not too hard, not too easy. However, it was difficult to tell that the drawn-in things on the second page were arrows. Judging by your design, I think that was supposed to be more clear? I also liked the idea of the optional hammer puzzle, but I think it would have been much more intuitive if, again, the rooms were less identical and the player could more easily form a mental map of the pyramid.

I've also noticed that the ladder doesn't show up clearly. It can be hard to see that there's something in that inventory slot, and I went around for a while without seeing that it was there. It might help to outline it more. Also, when I directly started the game again after completing it, my inventory items wouldn't show up for some reason. Refreshing fixed the problem, though.

All in all, I mostly enjoyed this and I'd happily play the sequel. I do hope, however, that there's going to be a little more meat to the next game.


@Brittabot: I got the feeling the mythology mashup was intentional.


Given the bonus room had "Euridissey 2" written in runes, I think the second game is going to be Nordic.

The way I see it, Euridice is wandering through other cultures' afterlives, looking for an alternative route back to the land of the living.


@Daibhid C: That's exactly the meaning of the mashup. In her way out of the Underworld, Eurydice will have to cross through several different zones, heavily based in the ancient cultures. As you pointed out, the runes mean "Euridissey 2", and the second part of the game will be Nordic (with a secret room featuring the theme for the third part). It's currently being designed, and I'm open to ideas for it :)
I didn't answer Brittabot & MattOG cuz I was expecting someone to notice the subtle hint :P
Also, congratz on taking the time to translate the runes :)

@Everyone: Thanks for playing the game and pointing out the good and bad things about it, I'm taking notes ;)



I liked this game quite a lot, but I think it could have benefited from a sense of urgency. Whether that was someone lurking behind one of those sand-blocked doorways with a way to break through and block your escape, or a sand-clock running out, it would have added something to the story.

I also have to say, I'm not a big fan of an ancient mythological being using slang such as "gonna". Throws you right out of the story into the real world--and I game to "escape" real for a while.


Everybody said Submachine, but to me it felt alot more like MOTAS. Not a bad game, well thought out, but very short, and like any other weekday escape. Looking for a little bit more for this competition.

Patreon Supporter SDRanger July 23, 2014 5:21 AM

The only good thing I can say about this game is that the author didn't make a part two!
Awful game
Impossible "triangle puzzle" considering it is such a preschool game, otherwise.
WTH is up with THAT?? All the audio did was turn my stomach throughout gameplay...and made me constantly think "why?.....WHY???"


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