An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Escape: The Room

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Escape: The Room puts you in the point-and-click familiar position of trying to figure out how to escape from the room you're in. Just click on the various objects in the room to find the keys and solve the mystery.

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Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Escape The Room Walkthrough

WARNING: Spoils the game.

From the Start...

  1. Click left until you're facing the bed.

  2. Click on the pillow and take the items.

  3. Click between the bed and the drawer and take number.

  4. Click left of the very bottem left inventory box in the game screen. You should switch the other side of the bed. Take the number.

  5. Click back until you're facing the drawer.

  6. Open the bottem drawer and take number and knife.

  7. Click until you're facing the trash can.

  8. Look down into the trash can and take numbers.

  9. Click the "Click Here" box above your inventory until it says "Use Item".

  10. Drag the knife and use it in the bottem of the trash can.

  11. Take the number and key. Don't worry about the symbols.

  12. Click until you're facing the curtain.

  13. Click curtain and take the radio and number.

  14. Go back to the drawer.

  15. Make sure the box says "Use Item".

  16. Use the key you just found on the drawer.

  17. Take all the items inside.

  18. Click at the bottem of the drawer until you look underneath.

  19. Grab the remaining numbers.

  20. Go to the chest now.

  21. Change the box to "About Items".

  22. Click on the radio.

  23. Click the small grey button at the very bottem left of the radio. (Left of the 3 large ones).

  24. The music should be off now and you can use the numbers.

  25. Change the box to "Use Items".

  26. Drag each following numbers to the empty boxes starting from the left: 3 9 0 5 1 .

  27. Drag the key you got from the drawer onto the key hole.

  28. Take the fake key.

  29. Use the knife the same way you used it on the trash can on the bottem of the chest.

  30. Take the axe.

  31. Go to the door.

  32. Use the axe on the door.

  33. Watch the cheesy ending.

You've beat the game! Have a nice day.


Man! If you stretch the browser window you can see all items, even those you did not find...
Of course, there's no point in using them. It would throw all the fun down the drain.

By the way: I'm stuck! :)
Found numbers: under the bed, under the chest of drawers, inside trash can, behind courtain, under the pilow.
Found radio.
Found Knife inside chest of drawers.

Now what?



Have you used the knife for anything?


Ah, yes. I got it. Thanks Jay! ;)


I've used the knife on everything...can I get a little hint please


That was a little hint. =p

Are you asking for a spoiler? Then use the knife on the bottom of the trash can.


i have numbers but how do i know what order to place them in


Is there supposed to be a 9? I found everything except the last two spots and the number 9.


this is a hard one....i have two empty spaces for items (which i believe are in the chest) but i have no idea which order to place the numbers in! says computer people will know this....but i dont lol! i think it has sumfin 2 do with the squiggly mess in the bin.....


Jayne - you are correct, it does. Do you have the note that asks if you have Wingdings? Well, Wingdings is a font. Try looking at the numbers 0-9 with that font.

Christine March 29, 2005 2:27 PM

Oh man, I have tried those wingdings backwards and forwards. I think I am missing number 9. Any hints? ideas?


Nope. You'll have to figure the code out for yourself, because it's EASY. =)

Christine March 29, 2005 2:50 PM

OK, that was pretty silly. What a quirky ending.
Thanks Jay!


I figured how to open the box (code), but I can't find number 9 (wich is necessary to the five digits code)...


I believe the 9 is under the bed. Did you check there? Are you sure? =)


Aye! You're right.
Thanks Jay.


How easy could it be?

What order do they need to be in, forwards, backwards?

Are they the corresonding windings, or the numbers not used?

When put in order they almost work out as some algebraic reality, +1,+2,+3, etc. but it's not perfect.

What could I be missing?


Help! I've managed to do everything, open the chest, get the key inside... but I can't use the key on the door! What am I missing?



Thanks soon as you mentioned font it it sussed boy....thnx x


Jay i have one question whats that odd shaped key thingy for....(the 1st thing u take out of the chest?)


Michael--go back to the place where you found the key for the chest and find your answer, you will.

Laura--how did you find the key for the chest? Use the same technique on something else.

Jayne--I don't think it has a purpose...


Hey, what was the music that played during the credits? Anyone know? He didn't specify.

raptorbaby10 March 29, 2005 9:02 PM

Help!! Im missing number 8. And whats that key for which you first get?


Number 9: go under the bed and click on the top right corner. It is under the bed on the right.
The knife to used on the bottom of the trash can (when you look inside).
I think the confusion might occure when you are trying to use the item in "About item" mode instead of "Use Item".

Deathbaron March 29, 2005 11:47 PM

my god, false lids agrivate me!!!
good game, could have been longer though.
i really like the part about the door falling over, not being chopped to bits.
personally, i would have gone through the wall, just to be different.
keep them comming jay!


How do you get out of the first room? Where is the bed? I'm quite stuck.


help i cant figure the webdings out
my webdings aren't the same
i don't know what the first and fourth are plz help!!!!!!


hey i just stretched the browser window and found the items that i didnt find.
didnt mean to cheat.
great game jay!


Not too tough...hardest part was trying to read the wingdings. Very dark on my screen.


This seems to be a pretty big ripoff of the game "Crimson Room". Even a parody.


where tha knife at


can't crack this code for the life of me, someone help me plz, i figured the wingdings thing out but im puttin the numbers in then tryin the key from the chest of drawers an it ent workin


Where is that nine? I need a spoiler

Charles April 1, 2005 7:59 PM

dave: you need complete silence


Where is the key for the chest?


ok have all numbers knife ripped papers wingdings no code have 2 keys CANT OPPEN CHEST!!


Took me a while to figure out how to open the chest. I have the speakers turned off, so I didn't know i had the radio turned on!

Kristyn April 5, 2005 4:11 PM

Can anyone tell me where the number 8 is? I feel like I've tried everywhere... But I guess I'm just stupid.


i got all the numbers.
only one missing item.
i open the chest.
the key in the chest is useless.
i cant get out!
I'M STUCK! help!!!


I cant figure out the code, can someone help me? I dont have speakers so I dont know if the radio is on. Figured out the windings thing, but some of the symbols are too obscure and similar


I'm stuck on the same thing as phoebe, i've got everything except one item. I've got: all ripped papers, 3 keys, knife, wingdings stuff, all numbers, found out the code, but don't have a clue what to do now!


GUH! I'm stuck at wingdings, if i go by mine, it's 39051, but there is no 0 >


how do you get the key for the chest....?


I just beet it.. Its really quite simple! Use the Ax.


k, I dont' have the 0 either.. what ax are you talking about and what difference does it make whether or not the music's on?


I can't find the eight! my code is 39051. am I supposed to write it backwards? I'm stuck!


Can somebody tell me the code? I can fiqure it out from there its just that my comp dosnt have wingdings!


what ax are you talking about? I've got all the items, but I can't find the last one!


I am trying to use the knife in the trash can and it doesn't work...can anyone tell me why not???

Darkangel April 12, 2005 3:45 PM

@ md: hold the knife in the middle of the trash can

@nonya: the code has been told twice already

@ oh2d: that key is in the drawer of the nightstand

I opened the chest, but there's only one fake key in it. What now?


i dont have speakers...waht does the radio do, and where is the number nine...i dont like cheating but ive been on for almost 2 hours tryin to figure it out


where is the second key... i have all the numbers but i cant open the chest


OK, I have searched the web for hints on what to do after I open the chest... WHAT DO I DO!??? Daaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh slooooooooowly going teh INSANE!



If you got stuck with finding the last item, (axe) think of the same principal as the bin (fake lids) Also with the code, try using different versions of windings or whateva its called, i had windings windings1 windings2 and windings3......................great game buddy, by the way has anybody seen the new Crimson room? Its call Viridian Room, its so bloody hard, anyway if you want a walkthru go to my website, it will soon b on there
Bye for now


Nice job. Loved the ending.


I can't find the 9!! can someone help?!?


I put the code into the chest (39051), but then what do you do, it doesn't open, the radio is off


plz help me i did 39051 but i still can't get the chest to open


ive got the code (39051) and 2 keys but cant open chest plz help!!!

VAMPYBITESV^^^^V April 18, 2005 12:05 AM

*Turn off the "radio" to open chest.Use the 1st. key


I got no sound, how do i turn the radio off? cant tell if its on or off?


I am stuck!!! I am trying to use the knife in the trash can and it doesn't work...can anyone tell me why not??? I am holding the knife in the middle of the trash can. The radio is OFF. I am using both the options, i.e., Use Items and About items. Please help as I need 3 to open the chest. I have got all other numbers.


Solved! Didn't realise that I have to drag and drop knife in the middle of the dustbin.


I can't turn off the radio! Can anyone help?


Ok Were the heck is number 9?!?!?


Um I have the code from you guys, I dunno how it was figured out though. But it doesn't open the chest. Clue Please?


I feel totally stupid... I've got all the numbers, the code, the knife... I've tried scratching everything (besides the bin) with the knife--the bed, the pillow, the door, the curtains, both drawers...--, but found nothing else. I place the numbers on the chest (with the radio off), and nothing happens; try to use the yellow key (the same that opened the drawer) on it, but no luck either. I'm totally stuck.



I've scratched everything including my head! Theres no axe! I think theres some kind of conspiracy going on!! Its cracking my shell man....what do i have to scratch with my knife? Whisper it to me if you want!!

Fake lids indeed....who'd have thought it!

solovski April 22, 2005 6:12 PM

what's the code for the axe,i got only windings,windings2 ans 3,and the only code i can get,is with windings2 = 490699 so impossible to use it :s


i got the key from the box with the code dont no what to do next help?!?!?!?!

LisaHarman April 23, 2005 10:14 AM

I did it and it was a trick especially the chest at the end.. everyone has been saying the right code up there just have to use the right key...


Ok, the code is 39051. You need to use the plain gold key to open the top drawer and the 8 is in there with another key and the other half of the ripped letter. Drag the numbers (39051, in that order, left to right)onto the blank places on the front of the chest, then use the gold key with black handle to open the chest. You use items by a) making sure it says 'use items' above your items, not 'about items', then clicking on the item you want and dragging it to where you want it.
The chest will then open, inside it is another key. Use the knife (click and drag to centre of chest floor) and there is an axe underneath the false bottom. For some reason if the radio is turned on, the chest won't open.
To get your radio in front of you, it needs to say 'about item' up top, not 'use item'. If you don't have speakers, the button to turn the radio off is on the bottom left hand corner of the radio (small silver button). Click it then try to open the chest, if it doesn't open, click that little button on the radio again and then try again. It either has to be on or off one of those two times!
Then use the axe (click and drag) to open the door!
Another great mind bender! Love your stuff Jay!


i, have all beside the the keys..but the door..still lock


This Game Is Good, A BIG Rip Off Of The Crimson Room But It Was OK Anyways, (The Crimson Room Is Better!)


where is the gold key with the black handle??? please help


whoo just completed been searchin web to find out what to do with axe now i've done it. great ending love it off to play more games now.


This was fun....thought i have played all the "roomgames" but then i found this! Yeeeeeee!!! I have played thisone, blue chamber, viridianroom, crimson room, motas time and space, 11sommerset.....If you have some ideas of som more games of this sort i would be very happy!

Hug, Monica


whers the gold key with the black handle at?????


HELP!!!i am very lost. i am very new to this!!! how do i get the one drawer besides the bed to open? wheres the key to get it open? and im missing the number 3 and 8!! can someone please tell me where they are? please, im really stuck!!!

paul worthy May 1, 2005 9:34 AM

step by step
first turn right to the window open the curtains behind them there is the number 6 and a radio click on them to pick them up turn right x2 click on the bottom draw there is the number 1 and a dagger turn right again clickk the bottom left of the bed there is a number 4 click the very bottom right of the wall there is a number nine go back click the pillow there is a number 2 and a pice of paper saying inportant donot rip this note ...... turn right un till you see the bin click on it there is the number s 7,5 your list make shore you have use item at the top if not click on it till it says drag the dagger onto the middle of the bin there will be a key and a number 3 turn right drag the key on to the key hole (make shure it says use item ) there will be a number eight a letter saying to open the chest..... and a key then go to the draws and click under them and you will find the number 0 and a note saying do you have wingding and a mirror then go to the chest click on it
(put the thing @ the top off you items to about items ) click the radio there is a little white button click it one time (click the thing at the top if your items to use item) drag the numbers and put them in the following order 39051 and youse the key you found in the draw there will be a key in side use the dagger agin like the bin and cut the bottom of the chest there will be an axe ues the axe to knock down the door the end


hey i dont know u guys some of you have spent 2 hours on it max. it only took me 22.9 miniutes
ha beat that
if u need any help post me


please tell me the five digit code for the chest

kristen May 4, 2005 11:33 AM

ok.i have a gold key, but it doesn't have black handles. and if it did, it's not helping all that much. HELP ME!!! I'M LOSING MY SANITY!!!! (like i ever had it...)

kristen May 4, 2005 11:44 AM

oooo....i'm an idiot! thanx for all the hints! great game, love the ending!!!


where is the number 0?!?!?!?!

Edorie May 6, 2005 6:05 AM

Help. I can't open the chest. I'm putting the numbers in the right order and the radio is off. But it doesn't work with the golden key. MWah.

arachne May 6, 2005 9:13 AM

Haha... Solved it! The ending made me fall off my chair. Nice... 'key' ;)


i thought something scary was gonna happen when we opened the door. i would like to thank all of u cause ur comments made me win

Queen of the Pixies May 9, 2005 3:49 PM

YAY! i finished it thanks for the help!!


I can't find the second ring!
I am so frustrated!


Somebody please answer me on this-
I typed in the numbers in Word in Wingdings font, and I get a bunch of symbols. BUT HOW DOES THAT GIVE YOU A CODE???? I am NOT a computer expert, so I had no clue what it meant. Just saw a keyboard, paper, webcam, etc... no hidden meanings to me. Somebody respond, this is killing me!


how do you get through it?

SoloShinigami May 17, 2005 8:54 PM

uh if the code has a 0, where is the 0 card 0-o.... i can't fine it for the life of me, please help


hey, Jayson, look in the trash can at the black stuff, that should help you with the winddings thing


this was waaaay too easy!

good way to waste time though, i had fun


god.. it took me like forever... but nice game though, even though i needed the hints! :P


Nice game, shame it's only five minutes long.

Thanks, Jay!


OMG help where is the second key with the black handle i have looked all over the chest of drawers like u said and stabbed it with a knife plz help quick!!!!


nice game, but way too many false lids

Kamehameha_cuty June 3, 2005 2:34 PM

Very cool game! The ending was ok,but I would've
taken the ax with me!!!LoL. I also loved the music(esp. song # 1).

P.S. if anyone still needs help with this game ask me and I'll give you some.



every one has been asking about the key with the black handle.
it is in the top drwer of the dresser in the corner.
look good it is hard to see


yo i cant find number 8 where is it?

Madeesone January 20, 2007 3:32 PM

If you don't want a spoiler, please don't read this. This is an extreme spoiler.

There are numbers in the trash can, under the pillow, under the bed, behind the curtains and in the bottom drawer of the dresser. You only need the numbers 0,1,3,5,and 9 so the other's aren't important.
Use the knife in the bottom of the trash can to get the key to the top drawer. The symbols on the bottom are wingding numbers. If you use the font in microsoft word it will give you the numbers 39051. This is the code to the chest.
Use the code from the wingdings font on the chest. Use the key from the top drawer to open. IMPORTANT: You must turn off the radio or this will not work. The power button is the little grey one in the bottom left corner.
When you take the key from the chest you will find out it is fake. If you want to escape the room keep reading.
Use the knife the same way you did in the trash can on the bottom of the chest. You should find an ax. That's you're last tool. Use it on the door.


Big Spioler

False lids are annyoing in the chest and garbage

Have fun :):


Hey, that was a great game! I had trouble finding the nine so that's why I had to check here. But overall, I did it myself!

When I came to the trash bin code, I took a screen shot of it and brightened it up on my photo editing program, it helped a lot. :)

Twas fun,


wheres the number 0?


omg, that was so insane!
I dont know what the problem with finding the nine was,
I found that one almost first.
and also,
I really found it kind of lame how the game just ended.
nothing specail,
just credits.
longer game next time?


OK! This is such a funny game! I was REALLY freaked out when I opened the door! I thought something scary was going 2 happen!!! Well, I am off to see the movie The Messenger! Hope I dont get to freaked out! Bye!


I beat it. This was really fun. Thanks for the tips. :)

Barbaros Y. Günay February 4, 2007 1:35 AM

----[]Walkthrough []------

WARNING: Spoils the game.

From the Start

1. Click left until you're facing the bed.

2. Click on the pillow and take the items.

3. Click between the bed and the drawer and take number.

4. Click left of the very bottem left inventory box in the game screen. You should switch the other side of the bed. Take the number.

5. Click back until you're facing the drawer.

6. Open the bottem drawer and take number and knife.

7. Click until you're facing the trash can.

8. Look down into the trash can and take numbers.

9. Click the "Click Here" box above your inventory until it says "Use Item".

10. Drag the knife and use it in the bottem of the trash can.

11. Take the number and key. Don't worry about the symbols.

12. Click until you're facing the curtain.

13. Click curtain and take the radio and number.

14. Go back to the drawer.

15. Make sure the box says "Use Item".

16. Use the key you just found on the drawer.

17. Take all the items inside.

18.Click at the bottem of the drawer until you look underneath.

19. Grab the remaining numbers.

20. Go to the chest now.

21. Change the box to "About Items".

22. Click on the radio.

23. Click the small grey button at the very bottem left of the radio. (Left of the 3 large ones).

24. The music should be off now and you can use the numbers.

25.Change the box to "Use Items".

26. Drag each following numbers to the empty boxes starting from the left: 3 9 0 5 1 .

27. Drag the key you got from the drawer onto the key hole.

28. Take the fake key.

29. Use the knife the same way you used it on the trash can on the bottem of the chest.

30. Take the axe.

31. Go to the door.

32. Use the axe on the door.

33. Watch the cheesy ending.

You've beat the game! Have a nice day.


ok so i have a walkthrough for those who want it :]

-click under the pillow and retreive #2 and half sheet of paper
-click tan dot near back of bed and retreive #4
-click the post near the right to go further, #9 is there, click on it
-open bottom drawer and get knife and #1
-look inside of trashcan to get # 5 and 7
-then use the knife and drag and drop it into the trashcan
-get the key and the #3
-click the curtains to get the radio and #6
-use the key to open the top drawer
-retrieve #8, the half sheet of paper and a key
-read the paper and click on the radio
-to get silence you need to click on the smallest button on the left
-click under the chest drawers to get #0 and the last sheet of paper
-read the paper and then go to the trash can
-to crack the code you have to type in on another software the numbers 1-9 in wingdings font
-look at the symbols in the can and translate them
-then insert the numbers you got into the chest backwards
-the code is, 39051
then use the key you got from the drawer to open it
-grab the key laying on top
-there is a trap door so you have to use the knife to break it
-grab the axe and knock down the door
-hurray ! you are free


im soo confused, whats the fake key, i cant find it


I don't understand, how did u guys know the code of the chest ?


the code 4 the chest is 30951, n there are fake lids on the bin and the chest. use knife 2 open them.


people who dont know what the key in the chest is for.... when you crack the door down at the end and you click on the axe the key is attatched to it .... I THINK :S lol


Where's the zero ?


WOW. and I thought i was stupid for not knowing what to do before i read the cheats! but you ppl... the 9 is under the bed. yes, and you can't see it because... You HAVE TO CLICK TO THE RIGHT ONCE You ARE UNDER THE BED!!! I MUST BE THE HUNDREDTH PERSON TO TELL You THIS, BUT THERE!!!!!

HirockaMoon March 25, 2007 11:20 PM

Hey stupid game cruddy graphics no point whatsoever but i beat it


Where is this number 'zero' you guys are talking about? Is it an actual number or do i just leave the middle space on the chest blank?


umm were is the number 0?

gargargar April 7, 2007 12:30 PM

how did you find out that the code was 39051?


man crinson room is much harder than this


it wont let me cut the chest at the bottom!!


how on earth did anyone figure out the code i had to use the spoiler... could some one let me know??


hey i really need help how do i open the chest?

Emma-Keira-Lee June 16, 2007 1:27 AM

HAHAHA i did it.....crimson room, white chamber and viridian room are bettr..the only hting im gunna help with is the only thing i had trouble with....the get the #4 from under bed then turn right and get #9...thankyou to whomever pointed that out!

I beat it:P June 27, 2007 5:38 AM

Wow that was easier than it seems lol it took me forever to figure out the chest combination! Thanks for everyones help!


i finished in 4.9 minutes Im proud :D so for all the kidz out there here's the walkthrough


do it by yourself people if i can do it you can to bye yourself >:D

courtney June 30, 2007 10:18 PM

i need help! when i try to open the chest the last number changes each time i press one. How can i type the code so it goes on each of the white things?

christy July 3, 2007 10:34 PM

where's the key to the chest?? I've looked every where help!


Where is the number 9??

river john July 11, 2007 5:42 AM

where is 9???


OK so what's with the ending? "no animals were harmed in the making" "well almost anyway" what is that supposed to mean


the number of the chest is different evry time you play it


i won i want to go on room 2

nonegiven August 21, 2007 10:39 PM

here is an easy way to finish it

when you first begin click the axe (bottom right and sort of looks like a twig and you have to look really hard) and use it on the door.

Anonymous August 24, 2007 9:55 AM

good game...little good game:P

stuck in the room August 24, 2007 7:25 PM

what curtains are you talking about...? i dont see any. please help.


right on did it with no help in 18 mins this one was easy not like the other ones i've played


wow..i like tried this and...i dont know what the heck these number things are...i cant get past the second step of the walkthrough...WHAT ARE THESE NUMBER THINGS!?


wait I don't see the fake key!!


I cant get 2 # 3 OR 4...


odd.. it just says FIN at the end.. well anyway.. thanks for the help everyone...


Since no one else will explain, I will. The code 39051 is "wingdings" font in Microsoft Word. The symbols in the bottom of the trashcan are the numbers 1, 5, 0, 9, & 3 in wingdings. Then because of the mirror reference, you reverse them.


i can't get under the pillow to find the other item but i did find the key on the pillow. please please help me!!!

Anonymous August 31, 2007 9:21 PM

i cant get the key to fit into the drawer..!!!


Where in the world do you find the second key?! I looked everywhere!!!


I cant figure out how to put the key in the chest and i cant put the numbers on the white things on the chest!!! Please Help!!!


look under the draw and the pillow and the bed and the code is 39051 what a brilliant game thank you.

bloody blade October 6, 2007 1:19 PM

ok ive beat the game but how did you guys get the 39051 was it just lucky guessing or do you have to find it?


On the walkthrough it says click untill you face the bed but all I see is a couch with a remote control on it and I clicked all over it including the pillows and could not pick up any items HELP


LOL I figured out the wingding thingy coz use ms word, at first I got confused with what to use, wingding 2 or 3 or the 1.. but in the end everything went fine


Uhm.. Why don't people read what other people have written? I see the same questions over and over and over again... Silly persons!


this game is cheesy!!!!!!


To see the ending you can also... instead of going through the whole crappy game .... just right click on the game window and click on "play" that way you'll see the door get chopped down and you win :D.


How did you all get the code 3 9 0 5 1? i got all the rest of the stuff on my own, couldn't figure out the code, came on here and was just flat out old what it was. I just wanted to know how to find the code. Please tell me.


how do you find number 9 ???

daisy1994 December 1, 2007 3:08 PM

This was really helpful tnxs


what are the two things under the pillow


I can't get to the other side of the bed, I NEED NUMBER 9!


to complete the game like i did in 4 seconds then click on my spoiler link

right click then press play to complete the game

Bajsepolade May 19, 2008 2:38 AM

what does it mean?? between bed and drawer to get number?? what number??


I know what the code is. But how do you figure it out? The only things they say are wingdings and mirrors. I don't understand what that means. I have 3 wingdings font. What do you do with the font to figure the code?


where is the number nine?


I love escape-the-room games, and this one was a fairly clever little one, but I had to use a walkthrough to...

know to use the knife on the bottom of the bin? And then, ultimately, on the bottom of the chest.

That was totally counter-intuitive, and kind of took something away from the game for me. But still, it was short and sweet :)

bethie boo May 3, 2009 12:55 PM

how do you cut the bottom of chest help someone pretty please

pyromancer August 18, 2009 3:50 PM

How can the door be locked? It's a dummy knob...for closets...with no locks. How was I supposed to know? But I guess it makes perfect!!


hi i was wondering where the number 9 is at i cant find it
thx nakayla


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