An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

DROD: King Dugan's Dungeon Lite - Episode 1

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4.7/5 (131 votes)

A classic turn-based strategy dungeon crawler, Deadly Rooms of Death finally comes to to the browser in King Dugan's Dungeon, from Caravel Games. Join Beethro Budkin, exterminator extraordinaire as he seeks to slay all the underground creatures in King Dugan's Dungeon. With its emphasis on exploration and puzzle-solving, Flash DROD is a perfect gateway for those intimidated by turn-based strategy, while still fun to hardcore genre fans looking for the challenge of finding optimal solutions. It's a bit slow to start, but stick around and you'll fall in love with the game's cunning design and impish sense of humor.

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Walkthrough Guide

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DROD Ep. 1 Walkthrough

Movement sequences use numpad and Q/W. The spaces are just to make it easier to read.


What you're doing is killing monsters by running past them without swinging your sword.

Visual guide: (B)eethro, (S)word, (R)oach, (_)floor



Level 1 Secrets and Achievements

True Smitemaster (1:6N,2W)

To clear last section without using the alcove: point sword NW to hit orb, then move:
111 QWQW 6 QWQWQWQW QWQWQW 6 QWQWQWQWQ 4444 4444 4444 4

Steady Hand (1:4N,2W; 1:4N,1W; 1:5N,1W; 1:5N,2W; 1:6N,1W)

You can't kill the top roach the first time you enter the room.

To clear the room without turning your sword, you have to come in from the East with your sword pointing West.

Enter with your sword pointing East.

Enter with your sword pointing West and backswipe each roach.

Enter with sword pointing East.

Enter with sword pointing South. Clear the roachs roughly left to right: lower left, upper, middle, middle down, middle right, then go to lower left to get the last ones into middle lower.

Secret 1:1

Entrance is from 1:6N,2W

Don't turn your sword! Hit the orb, then move:
7777 8 7 4444 111 2 9

Secret: 1:2

Entrance is from 1:6N,1W

Enter with sword pointing NW, move straight East to first arrow, wait twice, and turn.

Secret: 1:3

Entrance is from 1:2N (through 1:3N)

I found it easiest to spiral in clockwise. Just be careful not to destroy too many walls too soon.

Level 2 Secrets and Achievements

Calm Arm (2:3N)

Enter with sword pointing West. After opening each of the first two top gates, move all the way left then back right, then alternate up and down to kill the roaches. After opening the last gate, move below the right queen and wait for roaches to follow. Once you've killed that group, go kill the queens.

Queenburger (2:2E)

After hitting the orb, wait on the savepoint until she lays eggs. The new roaches will keep her blocked in.

One-way Ticket (2:1S)

I did it with my sword pointing West and lots and lots of backswiping.

Be Quick! (2:2S,2E)

Enter from 2S,3E lined up with closet queen and sword facing W. Kill closet queen, move diagonally down once to kill next queen against pink thing.

Be Fast! (2:2S,3E)

Enter from the secret room with your sword pointing East. Do not touch the savepoint.

I Woke Up and Just Hated Everything (2:1N,1E)

Destroy all fragile walls in this room.

Secret 2:1

Entrance is from 2:2N (through 2:1N)

Enter from the upper square.
Step 1:
456 4444 4 6666 5555 55 6 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4 (upper X)
Step 2:
2222 2222 2222 2222 2222 2 (don't touch the X!) 3 66 5555 5555 4 666 4444 4 (now touch it)
Step 3:
8888 8888 8888 8888 8888 9 666 56 4444 1 2222 2222 2222 2 8888 8888 8888 (it should be out now)

Secret 2:2

Entrance is from 2:2S,3E

Queens don't lay eggs on red tiles, so make sure she's in one of the bottom corners when the spawn timer runs out.

Secret 2:3

Entrance is from 2:2S

Move around the arrows when she's surrounded by eggs.

Walkthrough part 3

Level 3 Secrets and Achievements

Get the Scroll (3:2N)

Hit the orb with sword SE, then move:
8 99 77 8
Kill the roaches that can reach you. There are now 2 left of you and one right. Point sword NE and move:
2 3 9 QQQ 2 44

Visibility (3:1N,1W)

Not too hard, just start with the roaches below you.

Invisibless (3:1N,2W)

Enter with sword pointing west, move diagonally up and kill all queens on top half. Then slowly work your way clockwise.

Speeding (3:1N,1E)

Use secret passage from entrance room, and move diagonally to secret wall.

The Eight Gates of Bill (3:1S)

Number the orbs 1-9 starting at the top, and touch them in this order:
4, 3, 6, 2, 7.

Fine Roach Control (3:2N,1E)

Enter from the bottom entrance. Get the top two roaches to bottom middle, then move them to the S shaped dead end upper left while bottom roach moves to dead end above where it started. Then lead all to the exit (make sure the third gets all the way down).

The Mystery (3:3N)

Use the secret passage from the entrance to enter room from the east.

I've Got an Eye on You

I did this in the upper corner of 3:3N,1E.

Secret 3:1

Entrance from 3:1N,2W

See Invisibless.

Secret 3:2

Enter by going south from 3:2S,2W

Point sword W, move all right to chase queens to bottom, then move to bottom to chase them up, move diagonally to get potion, place mimic on open square and kill queens.

Secret 3:3

Enter by going west from 3:2S,2W

This took so long I forget exactly how I stated. I believe I had my sword pointing NE, used the bottom alcove to flush out the bottom row of queens, killed the right row and some of the top row. Do not go into the alcoves any more! Then somehow I finished off the top row until only the left row remained. Then I repeatedly charged across the board (sometimes diagonally) with sword pointing west, got the roaches all above or below me, then turned my sword diagonal so I could backswipe while retreating. Once I mastered this, I was able to get close enough to kill a queen or two on each trip.

Level 4 Secrets and Achievements

Don't Look Back (4:1N)

Sword pointing SE, move up and down to spread the right roaches into a single line, use mimic potion to put clone SE of orb, then from the top right of corridor move:
9 W 6 222222
Be careful not to go back into the corridor when clearing the rest of the roaches.

Alone with the Roaches (4:1S,1E)

Kill the upper groups of roaches while standing above the potion. Then move around to arrange the west roaches into a rectangle 2 wide and 3 tall. Then turn sword NW and backswipe your way down to the lower left obstacle.

Pits are Pretty (4:1S,2E)

Mimics need to kill roaches first (note destructable walls). For the third area trapdoors, do lower right, lower left, and for last group come from the bottom and move N, W, N, E.

Emptiness of Nothingness (4:2S,1E)

Place mimic below roach, kill roach, move diagonally to get mimic past arrow, then clear trapdoors starting on the left.

Good Style (4:2E)

I kept trying to make this much harder than it was: you get the achievement when nine mimics are trapped by the arrows. I first did it with a line of them starting NE of Beethro and extending up, with one outside the inner room, but making a line left of the orb may work too (I assumed that was the easy way to beat the room, so I didn't try it until after I got the achievement).

Secret 4:1

Entrance from 4:1N

Don't kill the queens yet! Kill the center eyes, then move right and wait for eggs. Use eggs and roaches to kill rest of eyes on right. Turn sword N without killing queen, wait for egg, kill queen, let roach push you to right queen, killing two middle queens. Now kill pushing roach and wait under queen for egg with sword SW. Moment egg appears move all left, kill new roach, queen, and eyes.

Secret 4:2

Entrance from 4:1N,2E

Kill the right lower eye, use the other to block mimic before killing, then use wall to block mimic once, then use sideways arrows to kill last eye.

Secret 4:3

Entrance from 4:1N,1E

This is the entrance to the Mastery level.


Complete all 12 secret rooms.

Conclusion of the Walkthrough

Resetting and Restoring Rooms

If you clear a room but fail the achievement, you can rewind to a previous savepoint and try again (clear flag is saved when you leave the room). You can also restore to a previously cleared room from the title screen or ESC menu, but then you'll have to repeat all the rooms you cleared after it, so I always leave rooms uncleared if I can't figure out the achievement.

Mimic Potions

When you touch a mimic potion it creates a mimic that you can place on any empty floor tile (same rules as for queens laying eggs). Move it with movement keys and place with wait key, or use mouse to click where you want it. If you can't place it on the current tile, its background will be red.



Go counter-clockwise around the center.


Get bottom queen to meet upper right queen, then move back and forth on top side to get both near exit. Then push third queen down next to west facing arrow, get bottom two queens out, kill outside queens.


Enter from East, lower part of entrance. Wait for roaches to reach the wraitwing, then move:
1 88 7 444 66
The rest is easy.


Use alcoves to get roaches onto arrows and all the way left they can go. Then move to bottom savepoint and point sword NW and move:
99999 QQ 88 77 QQ 44444 Q 66


Enter on right side of entrance with sword East, move:
2222 222 333 4 111 4 777 444
Put mimic with lower left queen, then move:
3333 333 64
Clear rest of traps, make sure you're at top next spawn. Use top potion with top queen, then last potion with last queen.


Lock room, put mimic under orb, kill eyes and hit top orb, then point sword SW and move:
3 3 4 6 4 7 6 2 6 4 7 8 33 4 6 4 8 44
Then just walk around to the queen. (This probably isn't the intended solution, but it's the only one I could get to work.)


bluegriffin18 June 19, 2012 6:08 PM

Interesting game so far. I really like the

2 hidden rooms on the first level. (there may be more that I have not found)


Meh. I knew when I read the

"Observe how the southern roach behaves when it tries to move onto a corner diagonally." It was just the programmer explaining his poorly implemented enemy path-finding rather than attempting to create any form of AI. At that point I knew it would become a hmm?-where-do-I-need-to-stand-to-fight-these-enemies rather than a typical hack 'n' slash. When I got to the "Sense North, Twice West" level, I was proven correct. This game is less a "puzzle" game and more of an over-elaborate game of "memorize-the-proper-sequence-to-win." Sorry if I sound harsh, but I just did not have any fun with this; it was more of an exercise of frustration.

RoboBob3000 June 19, 2012 10:24 PM

I'm a long-time lover of this series and I'm thrilled to see it in a flash format. I admit that it's an acquired taste, but once you develop an understanding of the mechanics and patterns, DROD transforms into some of the purest puzzle gameplay out there.

It's important to note - this game is entirely deterministic! There is no AI. The enemies will always follow rules that you can always predict exactly. The case of the roach moving onto a corner diagonally isn't poor pathfinding. It's functionally a movement tiebreaker, one that the player can always expect to be resolved in the same way every time. Granted, it's a very specific nuance of monster movement that isn't as important as the scroll seems to suggest.

If you have the time to delve deep into this game and discover more about it (new monsters, mechanics, etc), it will reward you. Granted, it's a tough sell as a more casual flash game, and if it's not for you, it's not for you. But I hope at least a few new fans discover it and come join our rich DROD level design community!

bluegriffin18 June 20, 2012 1:49 AM

Mind helping me out on Second Level: Twice South? I can't get the Queens to move into the area where they are. Is there a secret I am missing?


Just a word from your friendly neighborhood Flash DROD developer. The game is still in development, on the caravelgames site (you can access it via the bottom-left corner button on the title screen) there is version 1.02 with some minor changes. In a week or two we will be rolling out a big overhaul with more tutorial-like content too!

@Cornelius Baxter: Not all games are for everyone, sorry. Perhaps, after reading RoboBob's comment you will find some will to try the game again with a different mindset and you might actually get to like it!

[Latest version uploaded here at JIG. Thanks for the note! -Jay]

RoboBob3000 June 20, 2012 2:18 AM

The Caravel Forum is a great resource for game help.

Regarding Second Level: Twice South

The tile you enter the room on is quite important!

John259 June 20, 2012 6:47 AM

The movements of roaches and roach queens are deliberately simple as these are the first types of monsters you come across (although a bunch of roaches close to you can be very tricky to defeat).

There are many other types of monsters on later levels, and these present different challenges. For example, goblins have a more sophisticated (but still 100% deterministic) movement pattern in which they try to get behind you and stab you in the back.

DROD is rather like chess. You can take as long as you wish to decide each move and in difficult situations you need to visualise how the monsters will move. I enjoy it greatly but I realise that many people prefer other types of games.

CrankYanker June 20, 2012 8:48 AM

I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this game, but I've spent a couple of hours on it so far, and I'm still going.

It's one of those games that's easy to learn the rules for, but challenging to put those rules to the test.

If someone could give me a hint for one of the secret rooms on the second level...

3 south, 3 east, I'd appreciate it. I can get it down to one roach, but that last little bugger won't go back up in the trap.

Also, I have a little frustrating thing... when you start the game up after quitting for a while, if you want to go back to a specific room, it appears to clear all of your progress since that room. It only took me a couple of times to quit doing that!


You should check out full versions too! The free version comes with limited main story, but you can download great holds for free :)

I'd start with DROD: Gunthro and the Epic Blunder. Great gameplay!

John259 June 20, 2012 9:11 AM

Hint for L2 3S 3E:

There's a way to completely avoid the roach mother spawning while she's inside the inner area.

Post back if you need more specific advice.

John259 June 20, 2012 9:14 AM

You can restore again, back to as far as you've reached, and that will restore your progress.


As RoboBob says, it's not for everybody. That being said, it's definitely for me. At its heart, DROD is a puzzle game with a thin veneer of hack'n'slash over top of it. The deterministic nature of the enemies is an essential part of this - even the fearsome Slayer (played by Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Dungeon), which has the most complex (non-scripted) AI in the game, has strict rules it follows. Without this, it would be a poor hack and slash; with it, it's a bloody good puzzler.

Even if you're a DROD veteran, it's still worth it to play this for the achievements - not the 'Kill X roaches' or 'Kill Y eggs' achievements, but the extra challenges, like dropping all of the trapdoors while clearing a room (which is harder than it sounds) or completing a specific secret room without taking the invisibility potion (Yeah, that one).


LuckyDee June 20, 2012 3:47 PM

Can anyone explain the mystery that is the 'backswipe' technique? I'm left completely clueless, and the Caravel forum isn't much help either... thanks!

RoboBob3000 June 20, 2012 4:27 PM

Backswiping is an important technique. Once you learn it, it will get out of a lot of hairy situations.

An example: You are standing on a tile with your sword facing west, and there is a roach directly to your south. You can't rotate your sword to kill it, so you're toast, right?

Not so! Step southeast! Your sword moves with you and lands directly on the tile where the roach is, effectively smiting it!


John259: would you mind giving a more specific hint for the secret room on the second level please? How on earth do you

stop the queen from spawning??

Thanks!! Love this game.

RoboBob3000 June 20, 2012 5:57 PM

Roach queens only spawn every thirty turns, and they will not spawn on trapdoors or open yellow gates. Useful knowledge to keep in your pocket. :)

John259 June 21, 2012 2:24 AM

Sessie, I think RoboBob's done my job for me (thanks RoboBob), but keep posting if that room is still giving you trouble.

barnabas June 21, 2012 2:39 AM

Is it just me, or is there a bug with mimic potions? Once I touch one, everything turns black and white except the character (or is it the mimic?), leaving everything else on screen frozen, rotation stops working, and "clipping" is turned off (ghost mode?), so effectively you can't do anything except restart.

John259 June 21, 2012 5:27 AM


Mimics work ok for me. A couple of things to try (if you haven't already):
- Update to the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.
- Try it in a different browser.

ThemePark June 21, 2012 5:57 AM

I could use some help for 2L2S3E. I don't know if that's the one you're talking about that you call 3S instead.

When I've completed the room, I'm told that I could do it in a cleaner way. I suppose that I can kill all queens without them spawning any beetles. And there's a nice 3x3 corner north west of where they're trapped, but I can only get 6 of them in, the other 2 move out of there. Any hints?

ThemePark June 21, 2012 6:02 AM

Oh, and I also could use some help for 2L2S.

Because the buttons don't operate the gates next to them but the other one, it's not possible for me to get into the middle. So I need to chase the three queens out. But I can't get to the right of them because of the wall there, so how am I supposed to finish that room?

ThemePark June 21, 2012 6:36 AM

Nevermind 2L2S, I found the one place where I can make the queens move to the left.

John259 June 21, 2012 7:25 AM


Level 2, 2 South, 3 East:
This room has a hollow square yellow door in the middle, containing roach queens.
As the scroll says, you can make your task much easier by choosing the best time to open the door. This should be:

immediately after a spawn, when the counter reads 30, so you have the longest time to kill some of the queens before they spawn again.

Then it's just (!) a matter of efficiently killing the queens and their offspring.

Level 2, 3 South, 3 East:
This is a different room. It's hidden (meaning that access to it is not immediately obvious). It has a large central section containing one roach queen. The central section also has four alcoves with red trapdoor tiles. You get to this room by this means:

Use Beethro's sword to break the crumbly wall on the south side of 2S3E.

RoboBob3000 June 21, 2012 1:15 PM

Barnabas, re: Mimic Potions

What you're seeing is expected. The marker you're moving around the screen is an indicator of where you'd like to place the mimic. Press the "wait" key (the "i" key in the default configuration) to place the mimic.


John/Robo: THANK YOU!! I completely did not realize that

the pink squares were trap doors.

I think I've got it now. Thanks again :D

RoboBob3000 June 21, 2012 1:26 PM

ThemePark, Re: "Cleaner" Level 2 2s3e

The trick to doing this room "cleanly" lies in the entrance you choose. I'd tell you more, but the answer is a secret.


*blink blink*

And this is what happens when I turn my back. Absolutely phenomenal work!


I'm a big fan of DROD and think the flash version's a great achievement. (disclaimer- I was involved in some of the level design).

There's a lot of help in-game, on the drod website and on the forums (where there's a whole section of the site dedicated to helping those who are stuck - I don't know if I'm allowed to post links though), but here are some general pointers if you're stuck.

DROD is entirely deterministic - all the monsters follow strict rules and only move once you have. Using your knowledge of their movement patterns allows you to manipulate them and get them where you want them.

Roaches always try move towards you in a straight line, roach queens always want to move away from you. Later in the game you'll meet monsters with different movement patterns.

Roach queens lay roach eggs every 30 turns but cannot do so on trapdoors (pinkish tiles), open yellow doors, arrows or the tile they've just moved from. The eggs will hatch into normal roaches.

If a roach/roach queen is trying to move diagonally but is blocked it will pick vertical move over a horizontal move.

Stepping on a mimic potion causes everything to go black and white, you can then choose where you want to place the mimic. The mimic will then copy all your subsequent moves.


Is it possible to continue from a different computer? What file(s) would I need to dig up and transfer?

ThemePark June 21, 2012 3:57 PM

Thanks RoboBob, I get your hint. But I just can't seem to do it.

Two of the queens still run off to the upper right corner, and even though I move diagonally every chance I got, because I have to waste turns moving the sword, I always have one queen left that spawns.


Check out our Support page for information on where Flash stores saved games.


Oh wow, thanks Jay! I didn't realize that all the games JiG hosts saved into one folder...thought it would be game-specific. That's such great news, makes my life a lot easer. lol, thanks for the answer!


Sessie, for the queens room.

You should only turn your sword once

Start with it East, and you'll need to turn it to NE at one point


Any ideas on L2 1N 1W?

ThemePark June 21, 2012 5:15 PM

Thanks Jacob. Even with your help I couldn't do it until I realized there was one small change I could do, and that did it.

I had been going down and to the right of the corner where the queens are captured. I realized that and then tried moving left and up instead and that did the trick.

Talonic June 22, 2012 4:56 AM

I'm actually on...

L2, Twice South, Thrice West,

and I'm COMPLETELY STUMPED on where to even start.

John259 June 22, 2012 6:11 AM

xxerox asked: Any ideas on L2 1N 1W?

Are you sure that's the correct room number? I just tried looking for it and can't find it, not even hidden.

John259 June 22, 2012 6:15 AM

Talonic asked about: L2, Twice South, Thrice West, and I'm COMPLETELY STUMPED on where to even start.
Maybe I need to get some new glasses but sorry, I can't find that room either.

midiphile June 22, 2012 6:56 AM

@Talonic I think you may mean Level 3 Twice South, Thrice West as that is a hidden room and is the hardest one I have come across so far.

Start by waiting or turning once so that the bugs on the right hand side of the room start to move. Then go down into the recess on the bottom right so that the bugs on the bottom start to move. This pushes most of the bugs up to the top left and you can follow them to kill as many as possible before they spawn. After that it's trial and error and lots of restarts :)



The room is called Second Level: Once North, Once West.


DROD Ep. 1 Walkthrough

Movement sequences use numpad and Q/W. The spaces are just to make it easier to read.


What you're doing is killing monsters by running past them without swinging your sword.

Visual guide: (B)eethro, (S)word, (R)oach, (_)floor



Level 1 Secrets and Achievements

True Smitemaster (1:6N,2W)

To clear last section without using the alcove: point sword NW to hit orb, then move:
111 QWQW 6 QWQWQWQW QWQWQW 6 QWQWQWQWQ 4444 4444 4444 4

Steady Hand (1:4N,2W; 1:4N,1W; 1:5N,1W; 1:5N,2W; 1:6N,1W)

You can't kill the top roach the first time you enter the room.

To clear the room without turning your sword, you have to come in from the East with your sword pointing West.

Enter with your sword pointing East.

Enter with your sword pointing West and backswipe each roach.

Enter with sword pointing East.

Enter with sword pointing South. Clear the roachs roughly left to right: lower left, upper, middle, middle down, middle right, then go to lower left to get the last ones into middle lower.

Secret 1:1

Entrance is from 1:6N,2W

Don't turn your sword! Hit the orb, then move:
7777 8 7 4444 111 2 9

Secret: 1:2

Entrance is from 1:6N,1W

Enter with sword pointing NW, move straight East to first arrow, wait twice, and turn.

Secret: 1:3

Entrance is from 1:2N (through 1:3N)

I found it easiest to spiral in clockwise. Just be careful not to destroy too many walls too soon.


Level 2 Secrets and Achievements

Calm Arm (2:3N)

Enter with sword pointing West. After opening each of the first two top gates, move all the way left then back right, then alternate up and down to kill the roaches. After opening the last gate, move below the right queen and wait for roaches to follow. Once you've killed that group, go kill the queens.

Queenburger (2:2E)

After hitting the orb, wait on the savepoint until she lays eggs. The new roaches will keep her blocked in.

One-way Ticket (2:1S)

I did it with my sword pointing West and lots and lots of backswiping.

Be Quick! (2:2S,2E)

Enter from 2S,3E lined up with closet queen and sword facing W. Kill closet queen, move diagonally down once to kill next queen against pink thing.

Be Fast! (2:2S,3E)

Enter from the secret room with your sword pointing East. Do not touch the savepoint.

I Woke Up and Just Hated Everything (2:1N,1E)

Destroy all fragile walls in this room.

Secret 2:1

Entrance is from 2:2N (through 2:1N)

Enter from the upper square.
Step 1:
456 4444 4 6666 5555 55 6 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4 (upper X)
Step 2:
2222 2222 2222 2222 2222 2 (don't touch the X!) 3 66 5555 5555 4 666 4444 4 (now touch it)
Step 3:
8888 8888 8888 8888 8888 9 666 56 4444 1 2222 2222 2222 2 8888 8888 8888 (it should be out now)

Secret 2:2

Entrance is from 2:2S,3E

Queens don't lay eggs on red tiles, so make sure she's in one of the bottom corners when the spawn timer runs out.

Secret 2:3

Entrance is from 2:2S

Move around the arrows when she's surrounded by eggs.

Talonic June 22, 2012 9:19 PM

I did mean level 3, and your hint did in fact help!

Sending them all to the northwest and then down to the southwest eventually makes it so you can duck into an alcove every spawn and only have roaches coming from the west and south; easy as pie. Only took 12 resets or so.

Schmorgluck June 23, 2012 8:09 AM

I have the same problem as barnabas: the mimic doesn't work. And since I already have the latest version of Flash for Linux (, this game is forever unplayable on my system.

Ah well, it was bound to happen eventually...


The mimic can only be placed on a normal floor tile. That almost stumped me in level 3 3S 2W.


Schmorgluck said:
I have the same problem as barnabas: the mimic doesn't work.
Here's what should happen:
Move Beethro over a mimic token.
Screen changes colour.
Move the mimic to where you want it to be created (must be a normal unoccupied floor square).
Press the "miss a move" key (default is 5 on a numpad).
The mimic is created, the screen goes back to normal colours, you can continue playing.
(Alternatively you can place the mimic by left-clicking in the appropriate place.)

If it doesn't do that, it might help if you could describe what goes wrong.


Walkthrough part 3

Level 3 Secrets and Achievements

Get the Scroll (3:2N)

Hit the orb with sword SE, then move:
8 99 77 8
Kill the roaches that can reach you. There are now 2 left of you and one right. Point sword NE and move:
2 3 9 QQQ 2 44

Visibility (3:1N,1W)

Not too hard, just start with the roaches below you.

Invisibless (3:1N,2W)

Enter with sword pointing west, move diagonally up and kill all queens on top half. Then slowly work your way clockwise.

Speeding (3:1N,1E)

Use secret passage from entrance room, and move diagonally to secret wall.

The Eight Gates of Bill (3:1S)

Number the orbs 1-9 starting at the top, and touch them in this order:
4, 3, 6, 2, 7.

Fine Roach Control (3:2N,1E)

Enter from the bottom entrance. Get the top two roaches to bottom middle, then move them to the S shaped dead end upper left while bottom roach moves to dead end above where it started. Then lead all to the exit (make sure the third gets all the way down).

The Mystery (3:3N)

Use the secret passage from the entrance to enter room from the east.

I've Got an Eye on You

I did this in the upper corner of 3:3N,1E.

Secret 3:1

Entrance from 3:1N,2W

See Invisibless.

Secret 3:2

Enter by going south from 3:2S,2W

Point sword W, move all right to chase queens to bottom, then move to bottom to chase them up, move diagonally to get potion, place mimic on open square and kill queens.

Secret 3:3

Enter by going west from 3:2S,2W

This took so long I forget exactly how I stated. I believe I had my sword pointing NE, used the bottom alcove to flush out the bottom row of queens, killed the right row and some of the top row. Do not go into the alcoves any more! Then somehow I finished off the top row until only the left row remained. Then I repeatedly charged across the board (sometimes diagonally) with sword pointing west, got the roaches all above or below me, then turned my sword diagonal so I could backswipe while retreating. Once I mastered this, I was able to get close enough to kill a queen or two on each trip.

Cosm007 June 24, 2012 5:26 PM

I need some help with L2 S2 i cannot seem to move the queens

jiffypop June 24, 2012 6:19 PM

Mastery level 1N 2W

Stuck! Stuck! Stuck!

I can get both queens on the right out, but not the one on the upper left. Help?

jiffypop June 24, 2012 6:21 PM


Is there any square you can stand on to make the queens move?


Level 4 Secrets and Achievements

Don't Look Back (4:1N)

Sword pointing SE, move up and down to spread the right roaches into a single line, use mimic potion to put clone SE of orb, then from the top right of corridor move:
9 W 6 222222
Be careful not to go back into the corridor when clearing the rest of the roaches.

Alone with the Roaches (4:1S,1E)

Kill the upper groups of roaches while standing above the potion. Then move around to arrange the west roaches into a rectangle 2 wide and 3 tall. Then turn sword NW and backswipe your way down to the lower left obstacle.

Pits are Pretty (4:1S,2E)

Mimics need to kill roaches first (note destructable walls). For the third area trapdoors, do lower right, lower left, and for last group come from the bottom and move N, W, N, E.

Emptiness of Nothingness (4:2S,1E)

Place mimic below roach, kill roach, move diagonally to get mimic past arrow, then clear trapdoors starting on the left.

Good Style (4:2E)

I kept trying to make this much harder than it was: you get the achievement when nine mimics are trapped by the arrows. I first did it with a line of them starting NE of Beethro and extending up, with one outside the inner room, but making a line left of the orb may work too (I assumed that was the easy way to beat the room, so I didn't try it until after I got the achievement).

Secret 4:1

Entrance from 4:1N

Don't kill the queens yet! Kill the center eyes, then move right and wait for eggs. Use eggs and roaches to kill rest of eyes on right. Turn sword N without killing queen, wait for egg, kill queen, let roach push you to right queen, killing two middle queens. Now kill pushing roach and wait under queen for egg with sword SW. Moment egg appears move all left, kill new roach, queen, and eyes.

Secret 4:2

Entrance from 4:1N,2E

Kill the right lower eye, use the other to block mimic before killing, then use wall to block mimic once, then use sideways arrows to kill last eye.

Secret 4:3

Entrance from 4:1N,1E

This is the entrance to the Mastery level.


Complete all 12 secret rooms.

Schmorgluck June 24, 2012 10:41 PM

Thanks,I really didn't get how it was supposed to work.


Conclusion of the Walkthrough

Resetting and Restoring Rooms

If you clear a room but fail the achievement, you can rewind to a previous savepoint and try again (clear flag is saved when you leave the room). You can also restore to a previously cleared room from the title screen or ESC menu, but then you'll have to repeat all the rooms you cleared after it, so I always leave rooms uncleared if I can't figure out the achievement.

Mimic Potions

When you touch a mimic potion it creates a mimic that you can place on any empty floor tile (same rules as for queens laying eggs). Move it with movement keys and place with wait key, or use mouse to click where you want it. If you can't place it on the current tile, its background will be red.



Go counter-clockwise around the center.


Get bottom queen to meet upper right queen, then move back and forth on top side to get both near exit. Then push third queen down next to west facing arrow, get bottom two queens out, kill outside queens.


Enter from East, lower part of entrance. Wait for roaches to reach the wraitwing, then move:
1 88 7 444 66
The rest is easy.


Use alcoves to get roaches onto arrows and all the way left they can go. Then move to bottom savepoint and point sword NW and move:
99999 QQ 88 77 QQ 44444 Q 66


Enter on right side of entrance with sword East, move:
2222 222 333 4 111 4 777 444
Put mimic with lower left queen, then move:
3333 333 64
Clear rest of traps, make sure you're at top next spawn. Use top potion with top queen, then last potion with last queen.


Lock room, put mimic under orb, kill eyes and hit top orb, then point sword SW and move:
3 3 4 6 4 7 6 2 6 4 7 8 33 4 6 4 8 44
Then just walk around to the queen. (This probably isn't the intended solution, but it's the only one I could get to work.)


Does anyone know how the Red Trapdoors work? Not the brick tiles that you can only walk on once - the ones that looks like green or yellow trapdoors, except that they are red and there doesn't seem to be any way to open them... If the game has told me, I've forgotten.

I know there is a walkthrough but it lists exact movements and I want to try to solve it myself.

(If you are curious, I am in:

Mastery Level, 1S1E




...I figured it out. (Or found it - but in my own defense, I *thought* I had tried this, but clearly missed something).

Reference: Last paragraph of

In case that page disappears many years from now and someone is trying to solve this then, the Red Gates go down when

all of the trapdoors (red bricky tiles) in the room are down



I hate being a fanboy, but it's really painful when you see people not only totally missing the point of the game, but also totally missing the fact they missed the point, so they start writing stuff like "lazy programmer didn't bother with the AI so he comes up with some poor explanations" and "the game is a memorize-the-sequence exercise". Argh. Like someone dismissing Chess as a game where you randomly push wooden figures around until someone gets blocked and loses.

DROD is a great game, a completely unique puzzle experience unlike anything you can find in computer games today. It's somewhat of an acquired taste, but insanely rewarding to everyone who wants to invest some time and effort into it. And it's not nearly as "impossible" as plenty of reviews would like you to believe, although it's definitely not something you might call "casual". I definitely support the decision to publish a Flash version, and I truly hope Caravel gets even more fans out of this - DROD really deserves to stop being an obscure title and to become a well-known name.


I've cleared all the rooms in the third level, but the exit won't open for me. What am I missing?

ThemePark August 3, 2012 9:43 AM

I hope there's still someone checking this, I need help with The Mystery achievement.

The walkthrough mentions going into the room through the east. To do that though, you need to go up through the long tunnel in 1N1E. You can't go into the tunnel from the south because of the one way arrow, and you can't go in it from the north without clearing the room which that achievement is for.

So how on Earth am I supposed to get this achievement?

ThemePark August 3, 2012 11:48 AM

Of course I realize how shortly after making the post.

In the room where the aforementioned tunnel is, there's a bunch of mimic potions. By using a mimic it's possible to open the tunnel while being in between the two yellow doors.


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